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Everything posted by Necare

  1. Wow,such astute observations!! Your posts are quite entertaining!!
  2. Morons who do such pathetic things like that, surely deserve the death-penalty! That being said; I think you are having too much faith in human beings, so when you decide to post pictures of yourself, even though it`s on a supposedly "safe" fetish-site, you shouldn`t really be too surprised that the world is littered with ignorant creatures. Even within the confines of this site. Please learn to practice the healthy art of cynicism and distrust a bit more!! That`s my advice. Cheers!
  3. Ha, ha, ha, hilarious! Thanks for posting!
  4. Well....being mercilessly smothered under the ass of a delicious woman definitely holds a certain allure. Perhaps a nice fitting plastic bag over my head? Death by gun. And a thoroughly misanthropic bye-bye is not to be despised either.
  5. i don't really care how i die but it would be nice to take a bunch of people with me.
  6. Yeah, I know it`s fully possible for me to sue her, and it would have been jolly nice with some sweet revenge. But at the same time, the damage is already done, and frankly going through a legal process would just be too much of a hazzle. I just want to try and forget the whole ordeal, and get on with my life, as impossible as that seems right now. But never say never, maybe I`ll have a change of heart later on, and sue the ass of that bitch. About black metal; oh yes, lots of sweet disharmonic soundscapes there, which is, yes, hard for everyman to swallow. But that is how it should be in my opinion. Check out the following links to these norwegian bands for a proper showmanship in disharmony: http://www.myspace.com/thornsband http://www.myspace.com/dodheimsgard
  7. Yes sirreee, plenty of things to be depressed about!!
  8. And 12 years later they are still making inane documentaries about this quite ordinary, run-of-the-mill human being, 12 years later people are still grieving( not that there was any reason to shed a single tear in the first place!). And sadly, history will repeat itself, and the wailing-choir will choose a brand new candidate, Mr. Jackson! How immensely pathetic!! Cannot wait for the first documentary of a hundred, with the title; "How Could This Happen?"
  9. Well, some people who dress up as babies at Halloween are maybe closet-infantilists, but in my my humble opinion, the majority are not. Most of them do it for a laugh, and nothing more. Impossible to generalise really.
  10. Considering black metal is the subgenre closest to my heart; the type of metal I listen to the most, and which comes closest to the music I`m making (riff-wise, lots of disharmonies etc), I guess I would consider myself more of a black metal guy than just a metal guy. But fuck labels anyway, doesn`t matter! By all means, like you, I like metal in many forms. Do you play in a band by the way?
  11. Yes, I wish every painful illness upon the slut!! I have quite the conflict going on inside of me yes, one part of me says; "Fuck everyone else and what they think!", and another says "I can`t take the staring, the smiles and the comments any longer, why the hell did I have to have this fetish?" It`s frankly the weirdest combination, being a black metal guy and at the same time wanting to play as a baby.
  12. Well, I took my name from one of my favourite records, "Dictius Te Necare" by a german dark metal band called Bethlehem. Necare means "to kill", and considering I`m an individual keenly drawn to the darker aspects of the psyche, and not wanting to have a generic adult baby-pseudonym, I chose this instead.
  13. Well, aussieabdl, this aspect of myself would certainly have been a lot easier to accept, if my bitch-ex wasn`t such a little sadist, and decided to out me. A camera apparently comes in quite handy sometimes. The result? Every f**king woman I meet knows about it before I get a chance to speak, and honestly I`m dead tired of it all. About metal bands; check out my thread on "The Rest Of Your Life", I believe you`ll find a proper list there.
  14. No doubt about it, the infantilist in me is at constant war with my adult side. A conflict I fear never will be resolved. Like you, I`m a metal-head, and I`m struggling 24/7 to try to come to terms with this aspect of my personality, but night and day don`t seem to like each other that much it seems. I know the best thing to do would be to fully accept this side of my personality, but considering how many women are repulsed by it, it`s not easy at all. To say the least. Good luck to you!
  15. Wow, that poop-ban you have in the states is totally absurd. Pee is quite ok, but poop? "Nooooway, visual display of someone pooping equals snuff!!!" Retarded, to say the least!
  16. "When one gets overly excited, all thoughts of punctuation disappears". An old proverb.
  17. Well, everything is relative. Quite a few people deemed to be well-functioning citizens appear to me to be mentally impaired in one way or another. So the question is; are they faking it?
  18. If I became Hitler? No need to be petty about it all, and invent myriad classifications of who shall prosper and who shall perish. The one and only slogan for forthcoming extinction shall be: "You are human, that is what is wrong with you."
  19. Thank you for clearing that up, obviously a more complex explanation behind the term than I had envisioned. Currently listening to Moonspell: "Hers Is The Twilight."
  20. Don`t really know if toys have become lamer, as I don`t really pay any attention to the current toy-trends. But I sorely regret selling my entire Star Wars collection when I was a kid ( a momentary lapse of reason there!), and if the toy shops would miraculously begin selling the original ones again, I would be there in a heartbeat, cash in hand! What has become lamer, slicker and soulless though, is cartoons; no f**king charm in them nowadays; give me the good old Donald Duck cartoons anyday!!
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