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Posts posted by baby_G_diaperlover

  1. yea the last time i went in to buy, i ended up with the cloth like diapers as well, i think what they do is take from the highest bidder like company's do with cd-r's and just re brand them as their own. but these are not so bad the tapes are good and they are quiet, the only problem i have is that they leak, but that happens with the plastic ones as well

    Thanks for reading

  2. Ok so basically now scientists have found a way to turn bone stem cells into fully functioning sperm cells, so basically now infertel men can now have kids and women can now make sperm of their own. i think this is really a good thing because now if you are a post op transsexual you can still "father" a child this is also good for lesbian couples because no they can have a biological child of there own.

    Thank you

  3. Yea, i was gonna say, there is a Savethecatgirls.org but its not my site. Anyway you know this place really has not slowed down it just that if there are not topics that people want to comment on, no one will people as a whole tend to be lazy so if theres no new topics you wont get any new replys. i dont know maby i'll think of one and post being that i did a good job the last time and it ended up being the most replyed to in this catigory

    Thank you

    ps: i know i suck at spelling

  4. Thank you all for joining in on this topic i stared a few months ago.

    i wish the best of luck to anyone trying to find them selves and anyone who is thinking of or has already changed there gender. i realise now that you are who you are. its not a frame of mind, thats the way we are born there is really no explaining it.

    Thank you everyone

    Chalsie Roberts

  5. Well why would they need to know you love diapers, what do you really have to gain from telling them?

    why do they need to know? we dont really tell anyone besides the significant other becouse its kinda information people dont need to know, so i would strongly sugest not doing it. iot would be like if your friend suddenly told you he likes hardcore bondage and getting his balls broken. its something you really dont want to know about him and its kinda creapy so dont put someone who loves you though it. unless you are gay or trans becouse it will affect them even more so with Trans folk like my self becouse of the transition that goses with it.

    also why dont you ever want to see your family again? did something happen? becouse no one likes there family but you need to put up with them, becouse they love you even if you dont love them.

    so to sum it all up

    1. Dont tell them about your fetish

    2. Tell them if your gay or thinking about changing you gender

    3. love them even if they dont love you.

    Thank you

    Chalsie Roberts

  6. Im realy am supprised that no TG person has posted back thus far, but anyway Max, if you are happy as a man then live life as one but if you have even a shred of dobut in your mind that you want to be a girl then please go for it, as long as you are happy and not hurting anyone esle it is ok, but as for as you being the fem in the bedroom, some men are just like that hun,

    i hope this a helped even a little

    thank you, chalsie Roberts

  7. hun, if you think you are a girl you just might be right. however doing things that a alittle but far from what normal men like to do for fun dosent make you one, ok?

    Zoidberg, "Fry just becouse you thing your a robot dosent make you a robot, After all just becouse i think im a doctor dosent make me a doctor, these fancy cloths do."

  8. Well i think that we as humans are not suppost to drink milk anyway but since we do the human body has built up an emunity to it. some people may have a harder time then others to build up this emunuity and thus some people are lactos intallerant. as for babies i dont think that anyone is born loactose intallerant i think that it comes from not building up that emmunity from cow milk that people are. if you are lactose you could try finding alternative dairy products for people that are lactose intallerant or you can try goats milk (its suppost to be helther anyway) thats all i can think of for now on this topic i hope that my sugesstions may help one of you.

    Thank you for your time


  9. I want to thank everyone who responded to my question and gave some insite to who i am. i would like to tell everyone that i finaly came out to my family. it fells so much better now that i can act ike i feel inside but denied becouse i had to live up yo being someone im not. you know untill now i have live a life of pure lonlyness becouse i pushed eveyone away becouse i was scared of invisable/emotional bonds that people form. now that i know im a TG i things make much more since. like that pice of the puzzle that was missing to revele the big picture. the only hard part now is that since i have never realy used my emotions before it has been realy hard for me not to start cry becouse of something someone said or did. but i think it is all for the better. i want to thank everyone for your support and to please feel free to im me @ baby_g_diaperlover on yahoo.

    Thank you everyone, Chalsie


  10. Thnak you for you replay i realise it has benn a wile since you posted but i wanted to say thank you for you'r support and care. please fell fre to IM Me on yahoo (baby_g_diaperlover) i will try to answer you questions or just be you friend dont be afraid.

    Thank you, Chalsie

  11. Wow I'm glad i can bring all the diapered Anime fans to together. i was talking to chibiusa255 that the post's i creat usaly dont go anywere but i guess i was worng. if anyone wants to talk about anime or anything in general please fell free to im me on yahoo @ baby_g_diaperlover

    Thank you all for you'r time


  12. Why is it we celebrate the 4 of July with fireworks at all? it's kinda like easter at this point isn't it pretending that a bunny laid thouse eggs and then Hideing the elabrate colored eggs to celebrate that jesus came back from the dead.

    Thank you Chalsie

  13. What is it to be Transgender? Is it a frame of mind or something more? I recently chaged from a sissy to a transexual becouse i feel i identify with women more then men. i think this is so beocuse i as a man hates everything and everyone including myself for dirving people away (i beleve that is becouse my father died when i was seven and never really got over it shuting out all forms of emotion) , but me as a woman (chalsie) dosent she is friendly and happy to help, is this normal for a trangender person to fell this way? any help would be apreciated,

    Thank you, Chalsie

  14. Yes That is right becouse We are all human, and that is what it is to be human to relate and form bonds. That is what make us Diffrent from machines. I'm sorry To here about you Brain Tumer, Sadness Is Also a human Emotion.

    Thank you Chalsie

  15. Yes there is no closet that you can come out of with this or basicly any other fetish. Becouse what you do on you own time is basicly your own bussiness if you have a significant other then that is someone you can comeout to that is basicly the only door to any fetish is to shre it with the one they love.

    Thanks for reading my Post, Chalsie

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