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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by daphnemarie

  1. Lauren sat in the classroom,she was busy doing her work when one of the kids came in with a weapon.The girl looked at him scared,she was not sure what was happening.It had been peaceful school,she was not sure why the violence.She just cover herself as she sat there.The girl was nervous as the kid told teacher to get out or he was kill somebody.She look desperately for somebody to take charge,she waited as she hid under her desk.
  2. Lindsey looked at Darlene and said: "Snap on shorts,shortfalls?Then she though for bit and said "Me is no baby,me is toddler.Me wanna pull ups and potty chair."The girl said as she crossed her arms.
  3. Lindsey smiled at Darlene and said: "Me want walk." The girl grabbed her aunt hand and placed another one on shopping cart.She quietly waited to get in the store.
  4. "Yes me is ready to go shopping."She said as she looked her aunt and cousin. The girl held her aunt hand and just smiled as she sucked her thumb. "But me like potty training,peawse?"The girl as she looked at her cousin. "Pacifier?But me is no baby."She said as she sucked her thumb. Lindsey held her aunt hand as she continued to suck her thumb.
  5. Lindsey looked at onesie and shortall. The girl pointed to the shortall, as she sat in the changing mat. She did not know why she was having accidents, but Lindsey was happy to have her aunt help. The girl needed a diapers now, she sat quietly on her changing mat as she sucked her thumb. She looked at her cousin and aunt, the girl wonder how she was going be treated now. "Am I going be treated like toddler or a baby now at home and when we out?Am I done potty training?The girl sat quietly as she sucked her thumb and looked around.
  6. Lindsey sat there indian style while waiting for her sister,she had admit that being toddler again felt good.She was looking forward to the alone time with her sister in the cabins,she wonder how this was going be.After all their relationship was going change because her older sister was not going be her sister anymore but rather she was going be like a second mother. The girl grabbed her cheeseburger and gummy bears, she started eating her cheese burger. Lindsey smiled at her sister as she ate slowly. She giggle as she ate and then smile as she continue to eat her cheeseburger. Lindsey loved her cheeseburger,it tasted so good. She continue to eat as she waited,once she finish her burger, she started on her gummy bears. She smiled at Susan as she waited. Lindsey wonder what was waiting for them,she was excited to be toddler and have an adult in charge of her.
  7. Lindsey look at her diaper as she was being changed. The girl wonder if her aunt was going dress her before going into store or she was going go in just diaper. Lindsey did not care because if she went in diaper,nobody could tell difference between her and potty train toddler. She felt so embarrassed to have accidents but the girl could not really control them,the girl did not do them because she wanted to. The girl was so embarrased as she looked down at her diaper with Disney Princess designs on it,Lindsey just put her thumb in her mouth as she sat down as she look at her cousin and her aunt. She layed still in the changing mat,the girl did not want anger her aunt. Lindsey just continue look at the movie as she laid there quietly.
  8. Lindsey grabbed the phone and said:"Hey mom."The girl just rolled her eyes as her mom spoke,then the girl hanged up the phone. She did not know what to think at the moment but rather,she was excited for this new adventure to start. She smiled at Susan,she was ready for her first poopy accident in public,Lindsey hope it was at store and her sister would treat her like toddler in public.She had fantasizes of being asked if she had an accident,being check before being taken to get cleaned up.The girl looked down as she held Susan hand. It felt so good to be the baby,the girl was excited to going to mountain resort and being treated little all summer.She did not want summer to end,the girl did not even want be a big girl.She did not care if she did not learn the potty ever again,Lindsey was fine being toddler or baby rest of her life.All the adults be in charge,they would clean and change her then take her potty or bath her. She was excited about this,Lindsey wanted to already begin. "That's fine,I can crawl.I like sucking my thumb,even toddlers suck their thumb."LIndsey said as she waited for her sister to go resort.
  9. Lindsey sat in the back of the car,the girl was just staring around.The girl seemed lost in a trance,she was not even caring that the car was leaving the house. Lindsey smile and giggle as she saw the spongebob DVD came on,the girl clap and smiled.For some reason,the DVD of Spongebob made her happy and she did not know why.The girl loved it,she though it was awesome. Lindsey giggle as she watched Spongebob,Patrick and Mr.Krab the girl was loving it.The girl was drooling and just smiling as she sucked her thumb and sat there in the back seat. The girl did not know that her stomach was going have explode,she felt her stomach rumble and then let out huge mush poop into her panties.She felt another rumble and more big accident into her panties,the girl just moved big and she could feel her mess spread in her panties.Lindsey then relax,she could feel her panties get wet from her pee pee accident. She smiled as she continued to watch Spongebob.
  10. Lindsey just looked down as she smiled at her sister.She was getting all she asked for even if she was losing her teen privileges. But the girl did not care,she was happier this way.It was going be more fun than before,she wonder for how long could she be younger.A week with no toilet seemed too short, she wanted to be longer. Lindsey smiled at her sister as she held her hand,this was going be so much. The girl was going go in her pants and not care,she poop or pee because an adult would clean her up.She was so excited and she wanted to start already. The girl just held Susan hand as she walked and smile.Lindsey was so happy as she continue walk with her sister.She felt so little as she walk with her,she was so happy right now as she looked at her. Lindsey giggle as she held her sister hand and sucked her thumb. She was ready to start her new adventure as toddler. Lindsey pulled on Susan and shirt and smiled,"Sis if me go cacca is me go pants?"The girl said.
  11. The girl just on potty as she looked at Angela,she did not feel need to go.Lindsey looked at Angela,"Me no potty."The girl giggle as she looked at her sister,she sucked her thumb as she looked at her.Lindsey wanted get up from potty,she did not want or did not feel like needing to go.She giggle as she looked at Angela,she was drooling again.Lindsey felt so little as she had regress. "Me no potty."She said in little voice.Lindsey smile as she sucked her thumb.
  12. Lindsey though for a minute,"Okay I agree with what you saying.You got treat me like potty training toddler if we stay here in the mountains. I want wear training panties and pull ups.I dont want my friends or dad find out,school would be hell if my friends find out.If dad finds out,I probably end up at boarding school. I really do not want that to happen. As long as you dont expect me to act as teen,I will stay here with you.Also can we get clothes for my new age?"Lindsey asked as she looked at her sister. She was setting her conditions as she looked at her sister. Lindsey hugged Susan as she was dressed. "You got deal,I trust you."
  13. Lindsey just shrugged as she was asked if she needed to go potty.The girl was not sure if she had to go or not,Lindsey could not really tell.She relied on the adults to tell her and take her potty. She was just happy sucking her thumb as she looked at Angela and Darlene.The girl did not want say if she wanted go potty,she was not sure.Lindsey just looked at the adults and smiled, "Me don't know."The girl said with lisp,she had regress. Lindsey smiled as she sucked her thumb,she got up as she waddle bit as toddler.The girl had reduce,hopefully adult would take her potty she loved her pink princess plastic potty.
  14. Lindsey giggle as she was tickle the girl smile at her aunt,the girl for reason was happy.She did not care that she was regressing,the girl loved that the adults were in charge of her.And that she did not have to do anything but have fun and play. The girl was just going enjoy this more than she did being an adult, Lindsey just smiled. She grabbed her sippy cup and finished her juice,she announce to room,"All gone."The girl giggle as she looked at her aunt and cousin.Lindsey put her thumb in her mouth and giggle. Lindsey was having fun so far. She just sat there,she seemed lost as her aunt spoke her,her mind seemed foggy.Lindsey just nodded at her aunt said,"Otay."
  15. Lindsey just looked down as she sat in the potty.She was embarrassed about what happen but she could not explain why. The girl did not understand why she struggle to lower panties or why she had problem wiping or pooping in her panties. Lindsey was shy and embarrassed that the big accident happened in front of her sister,her sister probably did not think that she was 15,her sister probably though that she was toddler. She wished that she could help her problem but she did not know how.The only thing she could do was apologize and hope it did not happen again.But she knew that was just wish,Lindsey knew they could happen again,she had been having them for a while. "I try wipe my bottom but sometimes I have too much cacca after accident or I have an accident, I just try to hide panties. I do not want anybody find out about my accidents but I guess somebody found out. I'm sorry,I decided to wear thick training panties because they held my accidents better." The girl just looked down as she heard what her sister was going to do.Lindsey just bite her lip as she hung her head in shame. She kept her eyes down as she notice as she notice Susan wiping her,she was blushing. Lindsey spoke as she put her thumb in her mouth, "I'm sowy. I really try to go potty but accidents happen.Sowy big sis."
  16. Lindsey was not sure how to respond to her sister but she was happy that she was helping her.It felt so good to have help as she went potty,the girl was struggling with accidents.But she kept them hidden even the poopy ones.She did not want anybody to find that she had problems going to potty,she was not sure what problems could that bring.But the girl did not care at moment,she was in front of her big sis and she felt comfortable.Lindsey was not sure how she was going cope at camp. The girl struggled to lower baby blue Cinderella panties,she was having trouble and she did not know why.The girl could feel her bladder about to burst as she struggle to lower her panties.Lindsey bldadder could no longer hold back,she lost fight as she just stood there and peed on herself.The girl looked down as she saw of her panties get soak then little puddle formed below her as she stood there with her legs cover in pee.Finally,Lindsey managed to lower panties,the girl blushed as she panties had evidence of her bad wiping as it has poop streaks on set of her panties. lindsey looked into Susan's eyes and said:"Me pee pee
  17. Lindsey took her sippy cup and drank it.She drank her sippy cup and put it down as she look at her aunt and her cousin,the girl was drooling. The girl could feel something was changing,she did not feel like adult college girl anymore.Slowly she felt more like potty training toddler,she was trying think of adult thoughts or word but none of them came to mind.The girl looked at her aunt and cousin spoke, "Me pick my pull ups at store,peawse?She did not know why she had spoken with lisp but she was speaking more like toddler and less like college age girl.The girl looked up as she put down her sippy cup as she was drooling,she put her thumb in her mouth and suck it for bit.Then she smiled at the adults, "Is me going be in diappes too?"
  18. Lindsey shook her head, "No I dont think so."The girl drank bit of her soda and ate her pizza.
  19. Lindsey and looked at her aunt then said: "Yes aunty."The girl started moving around her seat nervous as she looked at both of them.She did not know how she was going go potty,she could not even tell when she had to go potty.Lindsey eat some more pizza and started to squirm nervously.
  20. Lindsey sat at the table again to eat,she was not sure if she was going again in her pants.She was scared that she might have a blow out or bulge her panties again,she did not know what her aunt or cousin might do.The girl just look down as she ate,she was scared.Lindsey took another slice of pizza "I guess my potty training is failing. I'm not sure about it,I could not even tell you that I had gone until it was too late. I guess I need be treated more like toddler."She paused,she couldnt believe that she was asking this. "Having pants check,being taken even if I dont ask,I can't tell when I need go.I hate my accidents."She looked at her aunt and cousin as she ate.
  21. Lindsey just looked at Angela smiled, "Yes that is better."The girl felt so bad that she had an accident but she was not able to tell that she had gone in her pants.When she realized that she had gone,it was too late to tell her cousin and her aunt.She did not know why this was happening,she wished that she could helped it but she could not.Lindsey put thumb in her mouth as she looked at her training pants.The girl waited for Angela to dress her again.
  22. Lindsey got up and just walked over to her cousin.She put one hand in her behind to try hold her accident as she walked over. The girl could not believe that this was happening. She put her head down in shame as she got near her cousin. The girl bit her lip as she waited to be inspected.And to add to the shame,she had bit more of an accident as she waited to be inspected.This truly could not be happening.
  23. Lindsey sat down at the table,she felt so weird as she ate the pizza with napkin as bib. She was not toddler,she did not need all this. The girl just eat quietly as she looked at her cousin and her aunt. This was not the summer vacation,she was hoping for. It was so disappointing that this was happening but there was not much that she could do but take care of this. The girl cut her pizza and smile at her cousin and aunt. She did not realize it but as she ate,she was slowly pooping and peeing in her panties.As she finished her pizza,she grabbed another slice,Lindsey felt the accident in her panties. The girl just blushed as she moved around seat to try get comfortable,this was truly embarassing. Lindsey had poop herself while eating not even realize it.
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