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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Status Updates posted by Angelkat

  1. Do you like them? Anything other than the design change o'?

  2. Feeling like an RP lately...

  3. Getting Aquanted with the place..

    1. Lil Sissy Kimi

      Lil Sissy Kimi

      first comment WOOT. also wecome to the site

    2. diggir


      Hi Angelkat. Always good to see someone join the site. Lots to see and do here.

  4. God, I want to RP So bad...

    1. Shy-Diapers


      What kind of RP? I like RP.

  5. Hm, Easter Easter, I feel so full~ Perhaps a nappy poo.

  6. Hm, Easter Easter, I feel so full~ Perhaps a nappy poo.

  7. Hmm... Getting the feeling I'm going to need a spanking soon.

  8. I miss my Birdy 3

  9. I really Ought to start an RP one of these days.. Nyoro~n

  10. Kiiiiillll meeeee!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ThatWeirdElfGirl


      awesome now to watch some more Hannibal and be inspired by food and murder combining

    3. Angelkat


      Oh, dear, I've bitten off more than I can chew.

    4. ThatWeirdElfGirl
  11. Last Visit: Jan 19 2014 03:05 AM; Wow, I hadn't been on in a while....

  12. My Favorite Little Sissy just joined~ Excellent.

  13. Ogod. First package of Bellisimio's arrived today! (TWO WHOLE DAYS EARLY)

  14. Rawr, Time to get into some RPs again

  15. Thanks to a special friend of mine... I now do RP's with Male domme characters for my Female characters... so, more options!

  16. Thinking about making a blogspot for my stories, captions, and reviews of various diaper things (Comics, Doujins, Diapers themselves, Various stories) Not sure if I should though...

    1. minachan16


      I would love to see a site like that :)

    2. ForbiddenFruit


      If it helps you organise all your content, go for it.

    3. VanDiaperGirl


      link us though so we can read all your wonderful stuff

  17. This place is so confusing sometimes, I mean, Really!

  18. Want to build a desktop... but.. god this is going to suck

  19. Well, that is a bummer

  20. Woopsy, gotta get used to this layout/things!

  21. Yeah... >_> Do want to see next weeks episode. >_> Tardis

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