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Posts posted by SweetCaroline

  1. It seems like so many people are into being babies. I like the idea of acting more like a toddler. You are theoretically old enough to sleep in your own bed, not a crib, maybe you get a sippy cut, but not a bottle, you still like toys, but dont have a paci or anything like that. You really should be old enough to know not to "go" in your pants, but you just have not gotten the hang of it yet. I basicly think of myself as an adult kid or toddler, I like to be babied, but not be a baby...

  2. Perhaps this post ought to be removed. It is hard to know if this is even his phone number. He could easily be playing a joke on someone he knows posting their number on random message boards. Not saying that is def. the case here. But you never know. :(

  3. I have definitly had those exsperiences. Driving in the car when you HAVE to go.... Thank god for diapers. (Though this has also happened to me when I was not wearing...all I can say is now, if I am going to be in the car for more than 3 hours. I get padded!

  4. hhahaha, Every did come out alright. hehe

    I acctually had a bit of close call, I had to go pretty bad. But I made it!!!!! haha. I prolly should of diapered up, just in case. Next time...

  5. So.....

    (Not exactly sure if this is the right place to post this...feel free to move it or whatever)

    I just ate a bunch of fiber one brownies, I did not really think about them being fiber. I basically ate 120% of my daily fiber needs in about an hour. Does anyone know if this might risk me having an accident. (I am not interested in having an accident, at least tonight) I did not realize I was eatting so many. HEHE nom nom!

    Any way, does fiber just give bulk to bowel movements or does it make you need to "go"? Help!


  6. I played house, sort of. I had one best friend growing up, named Kay. We were both female. So we would usually play mom and dad, but there was not one to play baby. It was right when we were 10 - 12, so we would have one of us be the mom and one the dad and we would pretend to go out to dinner and have "sex" which was usually the dad just laying on top of the mom. Kind of funny.

  7. I will admit that I can remember wetting my pants a few time because I was lazy when I was little. I can remember peeing my pants at a movie theatre when I was little because I did not want to miss part of the movie. I was not wearing a diaper or anything like that. My mom was pretty mad. I was pretty little though, but too old to be peeing myself because I felt like it.

    If I am wearing a diaper, I dont think it is being lazy to use it. I feel like wearing a diaper even takes more effort that just using the bathroom as I would normally.

  8. I actually enjoy waking up while wetting, or at least still wetting a little bit. I was a bed wetter into my teens, and still have occasional real accidents, so if I drink a lot before bed and tell myself before bed that I dont need to worry about it I usually either wake up wet or wake up needing to pee so bad that I start wetting myself right away. I always have a waterproof sheet on my bed, so even if I did not really want to wet my bed, it is Okay if it happens. Have never woke up messy, except one time when I was sick. and that was not very fun...

  9. Never leeked in public. But I have had accidents in public. Both just wetting my pants and going #2. I have never been in my hometown when this has happened though, so I just dealt with having an accident the best I could and knew that I did not know anyone who saw me, so even though it was emberessing it would be ok. The worst time was waiting in line for the bathroom at a rest stop while I was on a long car trip and I pooped my jeans infront of about 5 other women. Wet some too when I finally lost control, but not too much. I was not even wearing a diaper. Dummy....

  10. I do go out sometimes in a diaper, Do a quick grocery shopping or see a movie. I like to wear a really thick diaper, leggings and a dress so you really cant tell I am wearing a diaper at all, except maybe that I walk a little bit funny. I saw one of my friends the other day when I was all diapered up and she asked me if I had hurt my leg or something because I was walking weird, I told her I was sore. She had no idea...

    I like to read stories while diapered, Browse though this website, I am in a nice warm wet diaper right now! hehe :)

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