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Everything posted by Frink

  1. Frink

    Tru Norcal Abdls

    Do you guys really say 'hella' up there?
  2. Just got accepted into CSU Humboldt! That's... vaguely in the area, right?
  3. You got banned? I figured you just lost interest and stopped posting or something. Welcome back!
  4. Apparently cattle breeders use electric shocks to force bulls to ejaculate. Just puttin' that out there.
  5. This is all gonna be a moot point at some time in the not too distant future. It's fully possible that within a generation you'll be able to have your genome copied and genitalia of your preferred type grown in a vat at the local Kinko's. The present certainly does suck for you folks, though. My heart goes out to ya.
  6. http://www.somethingawful.com/d/weekend-web/daily-diapers.php Your thoughts?
  7. Rumors of your death are apparently exaggerated.
  8. You've been doing a good job with your blog, so here's a bump.
  9. Find a woman that you like and then make her incontinent. Make sure you clean the fork first, though.
  10. edit: I'm not gonna get pissy, but it's too bad you let one person's opinion shut down your whole operation. I thought you were writing pretty well.
  11. Maybe Google Translate can help: Να μιλήσω αγγλικά, ένα πρόσωπο πρέπει να γράψετε με ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΑ κατά την έναρξη της πρώτης λέξης μετά από μια περίοδο / σημείο / dot (.) Και πουθενά αλλού εκτός από τα ονόματα των ανθρώπων. Διαφορετικά αγγλικά σας είναι αξιοπρεπής για έναν αρχάριο. Πρακτική Πρακτική Πρακτική! αυτή την ιστοσελίδα είναι χρήσιμο: http://simple.wikipedia.org
  12. I've noticed that there's a pretty wide range of folks on this site. Some, like myself, are pretty wide, and I'm fairly certain a good deal of them are folks. But what I'm wondering about now is how you, o DailyDiapers posters, can hold your water. I thought it might be interesting to compare are actual and desired states of continence. For my part, I can hold around a half-gallon for seven hours, if need be, though it hurts like a copper-plated bitch after four. It becomes significantly weaker if there's booze involved, though I've never yet pissed myself at a party, thank Zalgo. So how bout it, guys/gals? How long can you hold it?
  13. "you're parents" should be "your parents," but I didn't spot any other errors and as always it's well-written.
  14. Your writing's pretty good. A suggestion: if you drop a reference (IE "don't call me Shirley") you don't have to explain what you're referencing. The people that have seen Airplane will get it, and the people who haven't seen it won't, regardless of whether or not you tell them what it's from. Hell, if you're lucky they'll just think you're clever.
  15. Diapers don't make me look good. I make them look good.
  16. In my ending Mimi finds out Darth Vader is her father after rushing back to Cloud City to save her friends.
  17. My personal opinion is that most people know exactly what their sexuality is by the time they're in their late teens to early twenties. But it may be years later--or never--before they realize it. Hell, it took me around four years to figure out that I bat for both teams, and I come from a place where non-straights aren't hunted for sport. Edit: I just realized this post didn't address your question at all. My bad. Do you have any gay friends? If do, talk to some of them.
  18. Make sure to delete your history unless you want the whole workplace knowing what you do on the weekends, man. Aside from that, good on ya.
  19. Since the OP's abandoned the thread, you might as well post it here.
  20. Any chance you could describe your methodology? I'd love to take a gander even though I'm waaaay too chickenshit to actually give 24/7 to the point of incontinence a shot.
  21. And you keep stiffing delivery guys, misspelled name guy. Opie may be a self-righteous prick, but so are you. So am I, for that matter, but I make it look good.
  22. Frankly I'd love to see a story where a parent tries some crazy and probably outright creepy punishment and then gets locked up for child abuse.
  23. And let's not forget that without permission it's just rude.
  24. It's like George Carlin said. There's no such thing as a wrong hole.
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