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Posts posted by herb330

  1. 15 hours ago, ThomasInWVa said:

    TLDR; Any else notice or are aware of an overall increase in AB/DL or infantilism in adults? 

    I haven't publicized it on this group but I'm very active with a couple non-profits that deal directly with families in need due to events such as disasters, job issues, and other reasons. I end up doing a lot of in person consultations and discussions. Often helping with arranging temporary or new living arrangements, getting clothes, financial and other social help. 

    Encountering adults who have diaper needs is not new. Since I'm also incontinent, I'm acutely aware of the challenges. While my employer and co-workers do not know of my incontinence and diaper use, those who I work with in my volunteer activities DO know I'm urinary incontinent and wear diapers. And I've been asked to assist in the area of adult diapers and incontinences issues as needed.

    Over the last couple of years, with a sharp incline over the last year to 18 months, I and others have noticed a sharp up tick in the numbers of adults as young as the mid 30s and up, to wear diapers and exhibit traits that could be called infantilism or regression. It is very strange with adults wearing diapers, or pull-ups, having "security blankets" or stuff animals and even pacifiers, bottles and drinking baby formula. No overt or "tv style" ABs but what seems to be adults who need these crutches as a coping mechanism. They seem to be across all economic demographics including college educated though most do seem to live with parents or other family. 

    In addition, we have all noticed that youth bedwetting and has seemed to "last longer" with many more children aged 8-13 still wetting the bed and/or wearing nighttime pullups. In the past, it was very rare to find a child over 8 that wet the bed. But these days, it seems that most children we come across either still wet the bed or wear pull ups at 11. With a significant amount even until 13 and older. This seems to be a known fact as pull-ups are now available in larger sizes for older bedwetters. 

    We have also had reports of young school-age children, up to Grade 2, still getting a bottle of baby formula at times. Especially in this area, I've notice the behavior of younger children to be "brattier" that I've noticed in the past. In families with babies, many older children up to pre-teens were still showing babyish tendencies of bed-wetting, pull-up or diaper use, having "accidents" and immature behavior. 

    One more thing, an associate also pointed out that in the past, she notice how girls seemed to be "developing" as young as 10 and 11, she's now noticing the opposite where many girls at 16 and 17 that are barely starting to develop. And boys too see to be entering puberty later at 15 or 16. Word from grade school teachers is that pull up use is very common and the requirement that children being "potty trained" having been phased out. Though school staff will not change a diaper for non-disabled students. Of course the number of "disabled" (and mediated) students has also greatly risen. (I didn't even consider the possible link to pych meds.)  [A 4th grade teacher said that all but a handful wear pullups and she has to put up with a classroom that reeks of urine at times.]

    This is completely un-scientific but I wasn't the first without our volunteer community to notice this. But once I started to look, it was easy to see just how common this is.

    Of course everyone seems to have a theory. I have no idea what the deal is. I have also notice the children overall have terrible diets of mostly sugar, carbohydrates and chemicals.  The adults in these cases also have a similar diet and low activity level. 

    Oh, childhood diabetes seems to be on the rise. They are certainly fattier and chubbier.

    Just tossing this out. I don't know what this means if anything. 

    I agree with the pandemic lasting for as long as it has many people have changed to be less stressed.  That seems to b done by abdl and other comforts.  I'd say as long as no one is getting hurt their should not be a problem

  2. On 8/10/2021 at 7:18 AM, DiaperDean said:

    Would eating soft baby food (for 7+ months) for a full week have any affect on me, such as softer poop? Personally I do not think it will, but I am curious if any one else have eaten baby mushy food for extended periods of time.

    I have tried to eat gerber bananas and also some smoothies .  They have had little impact on me.  But seem to enjoy the change in diet

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  3. On 7/13/2021 at 2:46 AM, square_duck said:

    I was just going to ask that, how would they know what kids diapers feel like and / or if they are "comfortable".  Some of the brands I really like are very comfortable....and get better with usage ???  if ya know what I mean ?

    Anyways, I don't think it's a matter of being "comfortable", but more an issue of being "convenient", its just easier to pee here than wait for that silly potty-thing...

    And people have to remember, potty training is an alien concept to a kid who has spent thier entire life in diapers, relieving themselves when ever they needed to, mostly automatically. Trying to "change" that way of life is an undertaking, but needs to be done with understanding, that you as the parent us trying to change a behavior which has no other point if reference. With out that, there is little reason to change the "life long" behavior....

    And yes dammit....diapers ARE comfortable!!!!!! And I like them like that!!!! its one of the reason I wear them!! ??????

    I agree the child does not know anything but being in a diaper so comfort is what is known.  Anything else is odd feeling.

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  4. 21 hours ago, dumbbaby said:

    An online daddy I had once made me shred my panties and send video proof, because I was to be in diapers from then on and would need no such grown up things. And I had to tape down the potty lid too! With thick black duct tape. ? The relationship didn't last, but it was a lot of fun to have a partner actively involved in my 24/7 journey. I miss it.

    Does your wife still keep you in diapers 24/7 to this day?

    Yes I'm in 24/7 diapers.  I have gotten used to it.  she changes me and diaper checks me.



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  5. It has been a while since 24/7.  But going back to the time that  started it I can remeber a few things.


    My wife told me that I would be in diapers 24/7.  The first part of it was a bath .  She cleaned me up and washed my hair and body.  After that I was walked over to a changing table.. On the table  were powder. lotion, wipes and a diaper. I was then powdered and cleaned up.  I was tod that I would now need to use it and my wife would do regular diaper checks.  The toilet would be off limits.  In fact the bathroom would be locked.


    How did others have their partner start 24/7 

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  6. 4 hours ago, Whatsthatsmell said:

    My wife has offered many times but I will only let her change me if I am only wet.  I can’t bring myself to let her change my nasty poopy ones 

    I happy to hear about your wife taking part of the diaper change.  My wife only changes my diaper and I really no longer seem to mind it.  Especially when it comes to wiping nd powdering

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  7. 10 hours ago, oznl said:

    To be honest, it only took a few weeks to get used to changing myself routinely.  After the first couple of months, it all seemed pretty normal and I no longer noticed my diapers that much.  Fairly quickly I became relatively oblivious to being wet.  I'd also developed a management routine that minimised leaks and rashes (these were big things in the early days).  There are always surprises that come along later: events or tasks that life throws at you and the fact that you are diapered becomes a complicating factor but mostly you work your way through these.


    Glad to hear that but most often this is not the same for everyone.


    How to do manage accidents while outside

  8. On 10/28/2020 at 2:44 PM, ordinaryab said:

    Good morning all.

    I signed up today just to share with you today what I think about punishments because it is a subject that I know very well and on which I have meditated for years. I don't want to develop friendships with anyone or get into debates, I don't have time for that. But be free to speak up and say what you think. My thinking is constantly changing and evolving. My only goal in writing this to give people ideas about punishment in Cg/AB roleplaying, nothing more.

    This is a topic that may seem simple and straightforward, but it is actually quite the opposite, because a punishment can miss the point. Yes it is possible to make mistakes by giving a punishment.

    To begin, you have to differentiate between punishments and funishments.

    Funishments are punishments that are so light that they become pleasant, funny and exciting to receive. They are most often given, and desired, for an erotic purpose. But funishments are not punishments. The purpose of punishment is not to be pleasant, but to deter a person from having a certain behavior or engaging in certain situations so that they do not happen again. This is the first question to ask yourself: by punishing, do I encourage or discourage good or bad behavior?

    The sole purpose of punishment is to discourage bad behavior. If you want to encourage good behavior then we talk about rewards and the rewards should in no way look like punishments because you will mix things up in your AB's head. Today I will only talk about punishments.

    Now, how do you make punishments effective? What makes a punishment accomplish its purpose of deterring bad behavior? Well, a punishment has to be appropriate for the fault committed, without exaggeration, and it has to be given  for the right reason, at the right time and in the right way. We will explore all these points now.

    First, a punishment that is appropriate is a punishment that is as severe as the fault is serious. So a small fault equals a small punishment, and a serious mistake equals a severe punishment. If your punishment is not severe enough then the bad behavior is likely to continue, and if the punishment is too severe your little one may view it as unfairness and it may affect their trust in the care taker. One thing you should absolutely avoid is punishing with anger. To punish is not to take revenge. To punish is to educate. If you do it with anger the only thing it will do is undermine the relationship between you and your little one. We all have our own unique code of honor that makes certain things more important to us than others. Many of you have probably even decided to write rules for your little one. While this is a very good thing, neither should all the rules be written down. It is normal to have unwritten rules because the caretaker has to improvise and adjust to the situation. At least make sure that the rules that are written down are the rules that are of utmost importance. Accordingly, if a written rule is broken it is normal for the punishment to be more severe than if it is an unwritten rule.

    Second, now you might find it weird, but just because your little one did something wrong doesn't mean he has to be punished. How is it possible? Well you have to look at the context of things. Maybe your little one didn't quite understand the rules. If you haven't been clear enough with him, it's your mistake. If you've given him a ton of rules, normal that he can't learn them all at once, you have to be more patient and work with him to get him to learn them. Your little one may not be feeling very well, he may be sick. Maybe the situation meant that your little one had no choice but to break the rules. Is it a mistake with mitigating circumstances, a mistake made without bad intention, a mistake made by negligence, or a mistake made on purpose? If your little one is cranky or cheeky because he's tired, he doesn't need to be punished, he needs to take a nap. If it’s a real bad behavior then you will punish him.

    Third, punishment at the right is a punishment that is given as soon as the bad behavior is noticed. Not a minute later, or after the TV show, after dinner, or after whatever. No the punishment must be given immediately. You stop what you are doing, stop your little one from doing what they are doing and start the process of punishment. On the other hand, if you are in public you must immediately inform him of his bad behavior and that he will be punished when he returns home.

    There isn't a whole lot of ways to punish effectively. First, the offense must be noted. You stop what you were doing. You stop your little one in what he is doing. You point out to him what he did wrong, or even better you ask him to tell you what he did wrong, further proof that he knew the rule. Then you have to tell him what his punishment will be and you have to stick to what you tell him. Then you do what you said, nothing more, nothing less. After the punishment, you need to go back to what he did wrong and discuss it with him to see if he understood. Finally you comfort him.

    Regarding the type of punishment, it should not always be corporal punishment. Spanking shouldn't be your first solution. You can try, if it matches the age of your little one, to put him in the corners, to make him write and repeat sentences, to make him take a disciplinary nap. If that doesn't work, you will move on to corporal punishment next time. You can even add corporal punishment to a punishment I just mentioned if the offense is more severe or repeated.

    Among the effective corporal punishments I see only two, passing a bar of soap in the mouth of the little one when it concerns inappropriate language, or spanking.

    Regarding the spanking, it must be given directly on the buttocks and not elsewhere. Never hit the face or any other fragile part as this can really hurt and bruise the flesh.

    Finally, if even physical punishments don't work enough, go to the next step, which is to take away privileges from your little one: no more TV, no more video games, earlier bedtime, all of his food mashed, spoon fed. You take away is privileges away until you feel he is willing to play by the rules.

    I'm tired so that's all for today.

    Many a times a punishment would be for eating baby food for several days.  In addition another punishment's is to have a paci in my mouth for hours at a time to keep me quiet.  In addition while the paci is out drink from a baby bottle with sometimes stuff to make me have a accident.

  9. I'm not allowed to check or change my diaper.  My wife dos this.  I do not seem to mind it unless I"m in the middle of something and my wife tells me it is time for a check or change.


    If it is time for a change.  I know that I'm to march to the changing table.  After on the table.  The first thing is that my diaper is undone and tossed way.  Then comes the leg's up and my bottom is wiped  and powdered.  If it needs it my bottom is then diaper rash paste.  A new diaper is then slide under my bottom.  Then comes the powder.  It smells so nice and fresh and occasionally my chest is lotioned if it is not smelling fresh and clean.


    My diaper is then closed up and back to my activities.

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  10. At the earliest notion of going 24/7 to being a dl it is a overwhelming task.  Some have easier time than others.    It is much easier to throw the udnerwear away immediately so that their is no temptation of reverting back .  It is also quicker to now bye baby wipes and powder to keep hygiene clean.


    another thought is to keep diapers out in sight that that it is a thought that you are always to be diapered.


    others have ideas.

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