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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by fluff

  1. Love hornswaggle, not a clue what he is but he looks ace
  2. As long as theres no animals in it, I like. biking
  3. Its alright, they play wrc highlights which is nice Dave
  4. lol he's ace, great name as well.
  5. Those have to be really, really shakey charges that the few have been arrested upon. And I bet at least one of the searching officers was a little bit gutted at the thought that only now he/she'd found this place.
  6. Hate computers Trying to kickstart and find new "hobbys"
  7. If it makes you feel any better I found it funny.
  8. I'd have thought the same, the reason y'd want to be changed is because of the whole heartfelt connection thing. Not because yer lazy or its tricky to do on your own. Don't like the idea of a changing machine. Unless its some really nice person who can do it really well and is given that as a knickname but thats likely to be the worst knickname ever.
  9. I think the first would depend on the changer
  10. No opinion but I've destroyed a few playstation controllers in my time. Feeling like your the only one who actually puts some effort in (i just liked the photo)
  11. Dislike football, have no opinion on Wayne Rooney and his team I quite like Barclays bank and have some Nike stuff knocking about that I like. Red is an alright colour. I like yawning but dislike screaming. other famous wayne
  12. Never tried. illness when you could be doing much better things
  13. was never a huge fan but like one minute silence
  14. I'd get n with it but I havn't the desire, unless it goes hand in hand with me being little.
  15. Love, actually thought about that today roast potatos
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