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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by RandomDL

  1. im waiting on one specific map before i even log back on that map is Ulu city which has Duku's which are large tree's that are very high leveled weak to ice and there is a central sniping area making it a great i/l archmage map until then its not worth even logging on to be subject to nexon's latest screw up. this map will probably not be added for another 6+ months maybe even longer because maple story gets its updates directly from other version after a while even then they might make a bad mistake and autoban so many people like when BigFoot first came out.
  2. as ive hinted at ive stopped playing a while ago, and lvl 80+ doesnt really work for a lvl 120 unless its much closer like say a lvl 110+ area, also being an i/l archmage limits good areas even further because magic type classes are better for wider spread out areas with multiple platforms and sniping areas, and if possible monsters that are weak to your chosen type of magic(s). smaller maps with no sniping areas arent any good for archmages no matter what monsters are there. one other thing is that if the map supports too many classes it would be difficult for 1 to get a free map.
  3. the events that im talking about are the Halloween events when they first opened the haunted house and other such material and you had to wait to go there if you didnt have a costume which cost nx which = cash. also the treasure chest event where you could get the chest's for free but to open each chest was 1.5k nx which for those that never played maple story of any other nx games is $1.50. i dont know how long you have been playing for but judging by the level of your warrior you havent been playing for long. also about the events that arent restricted on a cash vs free basis being restricted to lower levels its just how most event are because often they only release equips and sometimes more maps which while any1 can go there, there is nothing for higher levels. and 1 more bad event was the lunchbox event where you had to log on each day for a while and if you did you got a lunchbox which was a sword it had nothing for other classes and little for lower level warriors ( which is a surprise most event revolve around lower levels ). if you havent played higher levels or havent played maple story for long then you shall get excluded from events later unless they start doing events every1 can do which wont happen as nexon is more stubborn than the animal ( donkey i think ) on family guy that wouldnt admit to whoever the guy said was in footloose. dungeon runners seems like aqworlds but at least they have a way better price, the type of system that i like is the original AQ system where they charge you $20 to make your account a permanent member account giving you full access to everything. maybe they will eventually make it the same in AQworlds as in the original AQ because they are run by the same people, which i would really like as AQ was good but AQworlds is much better.
  4. i find that when it comes to addictions they can go far beyond you involving every1 around you. if you are truly addicted to something than it wont matter whether you think its a problem or not so long as something gets in the way of things i think you can call it an addiction. my oldest brother is messed up in the head from doing cocaine ( which i know from him getting drug tested )among what else i dont know. i would call it an addiction even though he never thought of it as a problem not even once in his 10+ years of doing drugs because him doing drugs effected every1 in my family. he stole everything and sold it for drug money so we couldnt keep anything and had to keep a close eye on it otherwise it would disappear very soon. we always knew it was him and because my parents didn't do anything anything about it most of the time like getting him arrested he just kept doing it, me and one of my older brother always wanted to beat him up for it and perhaps if my parents let us he wouldn't be where he is right now. but its tough to say if anything would straighten him out because my parents did once get him put in boot camp and also left him homeless once when we moved to a different state but my mom got him a ticket to where we are now which was a bad decision. this lead to having to deal with him again which no1 wanted to. anyways to bring this story to an end he continued doing what he was doing and is currently somewhere else ( some rehab program i think ), while i think we should just let him be homeless at the very least i wont have to deal with him til at least December.
  5. maybe there are some that are using this as a way to see how others react but the majority must just be people that wanna goof off using this as a joke for laughs. personally i would never even plan of doing something like this and i would think that this to most AB/DL's wouldnt be a joke as this is serious to some, or at least to me. i would never joke about this, except of course if i got found out then i might joke about this it would depend on who found out but i plan on keeping this a secret from as many people as possible for now. a small piece of advice for the future though if you are going out with some1 long before you plan on marrying them you should let them know about this side of you so that it wouldnt become a problem later, as you could always dump some1 that wouldnt want you to be you.
  6. beggining unrelated rant. i find that when it comes to online games there is no perfect one, the main reasons without involving graphics and gameplay are that its either a free game or its a game that you have to pay for. the issue with free games are that you are limited in what you can get and can do so while you can continue playing for free if you want the full experience you have to pay $. the issue with pay to play games are that before you can even get a taste of all that involved in the game you have to pay for it, not to mention how much one would spend by the end of the year, for example WoW is $15 a month or $180 a year which is a lot to pay for a game, if you play for 5 years its $900 which honestly i dont think any game is that good. ive tried maple story before and found that its a good free to play game BUT its just not worth it anymore. nexon has made too many mistakes and has screwed me over too many times. the worse mistakes theyve made are that when they make a mistake they refuse to fix it for example theyve mistakingly banned a lot of people before and instead of perhaps working on individual cases and unbanning some they just send the same message to every1 thinking that every1 did something to get banned or they are just lazy id go with the latter. if it werent for nexon making too many mistakes its that the events are pretty much either always for low levels or just for 1 class or to really get into the event you need to pay $. they could be much better by simply listening to those that play it even if they dont pay anything for it and also by admitting to their mistakes and fixing them for once. if nexon releases more material that i can actually get something from and stops making such bad mistakes all the time i might come back to it until then im not playing just to be screwed over. not that any1 would actually care but my character is a lvl 120 archmage in bera. end of rant.
  7. RandomDL


    im not trying to say that being ultra-religious is funny but saying that pokemon is evil and forbidding kids shows reminds me of the movie water boy where the main person's ( played by Adam sandler) mom tried to say that this is the devil and that is the devil as a way of controlling him to keep him stupid so that he will never go anywhere in life and always live at home with her . it also reminds me of a decent ( decent used very loosely ) book that my class read in school before called one flew over the cuckoos nest in which 1 character was never allowed to grow up. but enough about my ranting.
  8. ive never tried world of warcraft but ive heard that its really good n e ways maybe they are advertising on there because they figure that with the amount of players on there and the majority being teens there must be some bedwetting teens that havent at least tried goodnites yet? idk.
  9. ive tried goodnites before and in terms of stretching capacity im sure they will fit some1 thats 2x the weight of the given weight range, im a blubbery out of shape ~200 lb person and they fit me excellent and seem to soak up a decent amount. at least compared to everything ive used so far which has only been baby diapers and goodnites. recently i have been using pampers size 7 which can almost fit me and i get them to fit with 1 extra tab per side. i mostly use only 1 per day for a morning soaking and sometimes mess, they are on average a bit less then goodnites prices. it seems that size 7 prices are rising because they are the same price they have been at but have decreased in amount going from 18 down to 16 for $10.50, they also seem to wanna keep switching the design slightly, nothing important tho size seems the same as do the tabs stretchiness.
  10. how is bambinos waist ratings vs the waist sizes they actually fit im a waist size 34 would i fit in a medium good? im think of giving these a try and given the overall excellent ratings i think ill just get a case when i have enough to.
  11. lol ok w/e anyways since bambinos are around the same price maybe ill try them sometime.
  12. i always use two also never used three though, i cant imagine how some1 can comfortably sleep without a pillow and not be extremely stiff when they wake up. i also find that i usually sleep better with my arm underneath my pillows and i sleep on my side kinda weird. ive done lots of other weird things before like banging my arm against lockers at school a lot of people though i was so weird and some even tried to stop me but no single person has ever succeeded and i even pushed 3 or 4 people while banging my arm against the lockers before.
  13. any1 tried them from drugstore.com recently? if so are they the newer ones? any complaints other than the tapes? also what about sizing? im a little bit below what the middle of the waist sizing for the mediums is rated at which is 28-44" making the middle 36" and my waist size is 34". it seems that they are about 30 cents cheaper per 1 vs xpmedical not counting shipping of course because i dont know what drugstore.com charges for shipping and how much they charge for shipping is important.
  14. i for some reason seem to have weird really vague dreams that lack so much detail they are hard to describe, like this 1 dream where i thought i saw a woman and a baby although to be honest due to the lack of details i dont know what i saw in my dreams, i wonder if this means anything probably not. not trying to steal this but has any1 had a dream of anything diaper related that has come to be reality in some way shape or form.
  15. RandomDL


    i consider myself a christian though not a dedicated one that is super involved with church. i do believe in god and also Jesus because honestly if god is all powerful or at least you believe that god is all powerful i wouldn't say that its a stretch that god can have a son born of a virgin. i would say that when it comes to different forms of Christianity they cant all be right and i believe that to say that one person is gods best friend and god tells them this and that is purely 100% unadulterated BS. as for why different forms exist its a matter of 2 things, 1st: different translations spawn different ideas and you cant have every1 believing everything all the time. 2nd: when some people find faults in religions such as when Martin Luther ( not Martin Luther King/jr ) they wont want to follow that religion but nonetheless they may feel that they need religion and as such will form a different version of the religion and by publicly displaying the faults such as him hanging the 95 theses they soon find out that others are willing to follow and that religion survives. as for other religions i wont say that any other religion is 100% right but i will say that i find that some ideas of other religions are good ideas such as the Hindu idea of karma ( what goes around comes around ) and Muslim's idea of those that can afford to do so giving to charity. with all that is wrong these day's the common person that cares for the world and its problems cant do much and those that can don't really care and only spend on themselves which when this involves other markets and not local markets ( Europe for exotic/luxury car's such as Ferrari's and Lamborghini's the list goes on and on ) local markets suffer. i haven't taken any courses on economics im just saying this because while people spending in local markets wont and cant solve everything ( not directly or immediately anyways ) its a good start ( its common sense that when there is a lot of money floating around and people get their hands on this money them feeling that they can spend money helps the economy ). i am in no way saying that people should not save money and should spend it in local markets. im just saying that the economy can easily be fixed but those with money to spend would have to start spending it in local markets or we truly cant go in a positive direction. i dont feel that this will happen anytime soon because these days many people are either just to cheap to spend anything or they are greedy and only spend money on themselves usually in foreign markets. the top part stays on topic while the bottom part is completely off topic anyways if its too long you dont have to read it but feel free to do so if and when you are bored, please dont complain about anything though.
  16. either some people have good memory or i have bad memory because i cant remember anything since before 3rd grade and i dont remember much from 3rd-6th grade other then i guess you can say being bad in school as i got in trouble a few times. i even got in trouble in school after that and i spent most of 8th grade in trouble mostly ISS(in school suspension) that being in Florida though you didn't have to do anything bad to get in trouble. my mom knew why i got in trouble and i spent a large portion of the year staying at home because my mom figured why go to school just to get in trouble for stupid things, when i came back near the end of that school year every1 thought that i was expelled lol. anyways enough of my unrelated rant. i can only say that maybe i wet the bed when i was younger because a few times in the past few years i did pee my pants when sleeping and if i did wet the bed when i was younger i just don't remember it, or anything involving diapers at a young age.
  17. the thing with shortening words is usually not that its "cool" or that people think its cool its just that if you can cut down on the amount of letters in a text message and people know what you are saying then its not a problem and you can text quicker and easier. as for run on sentences people do that because they dont care to go through and look at what they wrote or typed, they just do it as fast as possible. also im 1 probably 1 of the laziest people u will probably ever meet, because when it comes to something i dont wanna do i just wont do it.
  18. RandomDL


    i wouldn't call any1 that wasn't abused lucky id just call the abused ones unlucky. i myself have never been abused in any way by any1 although at times i feel that things that happened might as well be abuse. such as when my dad starts talking about something and just wont stop, or when i was annoyed by girls at school that seem to think highly of themselves. im not sexist im just saying that these days it seems that a lot of girls think of themselves too highly and think they can talk however to whoever which is kinda like putting people down and i cant stand people that are like this. it seems to me that the reason why lot of girls annoyed me is because i didnt want to hear their opinions and told them to shut up even going as far as to call them names when they called me names. it would suck if he only person you ever felt loved you was a grandparent of yours whom is old and you dont know how long they have left to live. personally its opposite of how i am i get along with every1 in my family and the person i tend to not like the most is my grandma, i also never liked my oldest brother though because hes always been messed up in the head due to drugs which caused problems way too many times for as long as i can remember. the problem with him has always been that he has chosen drugs over family and would steal our stuff if we werent careful of where we left it. we could never keep anything with him around, he might have stopped a while ago but my parents have never done much that would have possibly helped him, maybe he would have learned his lesson if my parents would let us beat him up which i feel shouldn't be necessary but its probably the only thing that would have straighten him up. the number 1 thing is that to straighten up those that have a drug problem that have to realize that its a problem and actually need to want to get rid of it for the sake of straightening up their lives for the better.
  19. it seems like your in one of the worse kinds of neighborhoods possible. i think of my own neighborhood as bad at times because my direct neighbors are good but across the street from my house there are some pretty messed up people that have had the cops over there a few times for being loud and violent. the neighbors 2 houses across seem to be pretty bad at times from screaming to kids fighting (this is as much as i can tell from hearing what they are doing). also there was one occasion where the neighbors 2 houses over were so bad that i swear they were screaming worse then the mentally retarded, so i got mad and yelled at them calling them retards which i shouldn't have done for 2 reasons. 1. retards act better then them so it's like a compliment instead of an insult. 2. i think one of them egged my mom's car then. there was also 1 instance where they ran through my yard which is bad because things being different where i live from other states all it would take for some1 to get sued would be some1 falling down and getting hurt. im not saying that they could sue but its always better to be safe in situations, i also dont really know how too many things go here as ive live most of my life in another state and different states have different codes and laws.
  20. id say what i use probably is a 5 not that i care whether my diapers are babyish or not but at the tight budget i have im kinda limited to what i can get. its always easier to get baby diapers/goodnites rather then adult diapers because if you look older then you are, or dont look old enough to need adult diapers then getting baby diapers/goodnites raises less suspicion though honestly cashiers shouldnt care what your buying they should just do their job.
  21. old plastic backed diapers always go for so much on ebay, way too much if you ask me but w/e.
  22. ah i can see why you would be worried now because drugheads can be horrible i know from first hand experience because my oldest brother has always been one. im sure that if you know he's like this then others probably know also and might not be so quick to believe what he says or might not even care what he says.
  23. they said the neighbor has been around the neighborhood for 30 years and knows every1 this doesn't mean that they would be nice for all we know the neighbor could be a senile old person as the poster hasn't included many details on him/her, and details on the neighbor would probably help in deciding what to do in this situation.
  24. they did say that they plan to get married next year so that would imply that they are still dating which means that neither of them has an obligation to the other. i would say it would be best to talk with her and see if she will at least let you privately wear and use diapers. if she wont at least let you wear and use privately while not having the diapers being your main focus then id say find some1 else. but if you can get them to just let you wear and use privately then you should consider yourself lucky and stay with them because if they let you privately wear who knows it could turn into them getting involved. the main thing is that even being a DL is not something that you can suppress, you can think you got rid of it but it will just come back stronger. they should at least let you privately indulge, if they don't, leave them and find some1 else. you trying to get rid of it or even just trying to suppress it is no good and could only get in the way of things later such as your happiness and sanity.
  25. im kinda wondering the same thing, i mean it must feel a lot different.
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