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Posts posted by miss_diaper_lover

  1. It sounds like this is a relatively new relationship, in which case I wouldn't rush to incorporate diapers into it. You said you wished she would open up a little - if it's only early days, this will take time. Relationships take a lot of getting used to as it is, even before you introduce something like wetting diapers. If you keep mentioning it, it will start to grate on here.

    Just spend time getting to know each other, keep the diaper discussion at a level she finds comfortable, and just be prepared to be patient.

  2. The best non smelly poopy like experience is regular oatmeal.

    You can make all you want cheaply, put it in thin plastic bags with a little air, tie them shut then explode the bags while you have them in your diaper.

    Non smelly, good for your skin and washes down the drain in the shower, way better than a banana.

    how do you manage to insert them? I tried to do this - made up a batch of oatmeal, tied it in little thin bags, and then just couldn't get them in. It was much too soft to actually insert into such a tight space =(

    I'm pleased to say I'm sitting in a lovely warm batch of oatmeal (with some very real wetness >.>) but I had to put it straight in the diaper without the pleasure of pooping it out =(

  3. I do have a small issue with Earth Hour, although it differs somewhat from the problems mentioned already.

    Earth Hour is just one hour of twenty-four, on one day of three-sixty-five. That amounts to such a small amount of time that Earth Hour exists as nothing more than a token gesture. The actual difference it makes to the environment is insignificant. Unless it's used as a symbol for more sweeping changes to the way we use electricity, it seems a little meaningless.

    While I don't wish to suggest that it's a bad thing, I would say it's certainly insufficient.

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