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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Posts posted by LightFolf

  1. I just double-checked what I'm doing BEFORE I say I'm good for a time :) and Saturday evening will be just fine for me. If we get snowed out, then I can plan on next Saturday. I'm pretty sure I have the same thing for work again that morning, but I'll double-check when I go in tomorrow.

  2. Shoot, I just remembered I have work Saturday morning as well (I usually don't, so combined with my recent disorganization, I forgot about it). That would put me back in this area around 1pm. I'm clear for Saturday after that, or Sunday.

  3. I'd assumed that Patel's was just a grocery store type place, but having never been in there, I thought maybe they have a little sandwich cafe or something. I've been to one of the Thai places down the road before, Aroma, and that was pretty good. My favorite place of all is gone, though--Sejal's. They had these great little pizzas and strange and wonderful flavors of magic ice cream--magic because it was healthier than normal ice cream. But, they closed down. I still miss that place.

    11am on Saturday works for me, and the more the merrier. It'll be nice to start meeting the local community.

  4. I would agree with a lot of what has been said so far--it depends on the person. But, for me, it's something I want to "get out of the way" early. While on the one hand, if you're in a good relationship, and committed to one another, and so on, then your partner might be more willing to accept it because of the feelings they have for you, I'm not a fan of that method. It still might not work out, and if it ends the relationship...well, that's quite a loss.

    I've had two relationships where I've told the person, within the first week, and they were both rather open to it. While those relationships did not last in the end, it wasn't about the diapers.

  5. Wow, we're practically neighbors. I live in Whitehall Gardens. They're better about plowing our lots here--usually the parking lot here is better than Cortelyous Ln (which I take to work every day, but I got the day off for the snow). Anyway, they plowed a little too early, so we're not quite clear, but I've seen worse. Oh, wait, I think I hear them coming through again!

    Anyway... I haven't been to Stewarts or IHOP in a while, although I've also never been to Patel's...I think my whim at the moment is toward IHOP, but I'm flexible. Saturday, Sunday, whenever :) I could even take a jaunt in the snow today! I don't know if I'd get far, though. :)

    I just added myself to the map last night, but by zipcode only. So, it sounds like there's somebody else nearby, too.

    Oh, and it's a little bit farther away, but there is the 5 Guys in the shopping center where rt 1 and rt 130 meet. I think I'm more inclined toward IHOP still, though :)

  6. If I really had to, I could. I've had some stretches of time where I felt like I couldn't safely indulge, and so I didn't. I still thought about it, and if I had to for some reason give up diapers, I'd still think about it. I'm used to not having things or not being able to do things, so one more on the list wouldn't make much difference.

    On the other hand, I have no desire to get rid of my interest in diapers. While in some ways it might make a couple parts of my life a little less complicated, I also get a special kind of enjoyment out of the diapers, so losing the interest wouldn't really make any quantifiable improvement in my life--why "fix" it if it isn't broken?

  7. I think I'm somewhere in-between. I'm accepting of my enjoyment of diapers, confident that it's fine and healthy and all that, but I don't know if I could say that I'm proud of it. To me, pride has something to do with proclaiming or celebrating something, or at least wanting to. I have gay pride, for example, but I'm not in-your-face about it, and I don't usually announce that during my first meeting with someone, unless it seems relevant. I choose to keep quiet about it sometimes because being open can cause problems in certain situations. But, it's something that people need to know about me if we're to be any more than acquaintances.

    I say all that to compare it to how I am about diapers. It's enough for me that a couple of non ABDL people in my life know, and that I know other ABDLs, even if only online. People don't need to know it about me for the most part. It's something fun in and of itself, but it's not something I feel the need to celebrate.

  8. I saw that I just missed the party! That's happened to me a couple of times with quite unrelated local events--I find out a few days or a week after it happens. But at least I'm "in the loop" now!

    I joined here during college when I was in the earlier stages of exploring my diaper interest, but stopped signing on for whatever reason. Then I got an email notice about something the other day, and figured I'd see what was going on here :)

    I can walk to the Stewarts from where I live :P I've done so many times, in fact :) But I can go anywhere at all, I do have a car. I'd love to meet up with people sometime!

  9. I am a - folf (fox-wolf) diaper-lover of variable age.

    I am - 26 years old, most of the time.

    My Favorite toy is - either Sega Genesis or PS3

    My Favorite TV show is ...erm...youtube? (I don't really watch TV)

    What is the perfect seting for you ? the perfect babyFur home? -

    Ideally, with a loving boyfriend who likes to take care of me, and likes a diaper himself from time to time. There's not much I'd need...it's more about having someone to enjoy it with.

  10. I've worn out in public twice now, both times within the past week. I have some rather thin pull-ups, which are much more fabricy than plasticy, so they don't make much sound, and they're pretty thin. I put on some rather baggy pants, and while I could sortof see a difference at the front, it was barely noticeable. Someone would have to either know me really well, or know what a diaper bulge looks like, or perhaps both, to be able tell that something unusual was going on in my pants.

    It felt nice, tho, once I got over my initial worry (despite having told myself repeatedly that I had nothing to worry about). It's not something I'd do every day, but nice once in a while.

  11. I'm probably gonna try to see My Chemical Romance next week, since it's only $20 and I can walk to where it is. I'm figuring I'll wear a think pullup when I go. Nobody can tell I've got one of those on unless I've got on tight clothes. It'll be handy if I have to go a bit while I'm there...if I have the nerve to wet, anyway.

  12. I'm not really an adult baby, mostly just into the diaper thing, although sometimes I do feel inclined to suck my thumb... but anyway...

    There are many times when I feel like I'm a walking contradiction. I'm gay, but I sometimes listen to metal, and have no interest in Britney Spears, boybands, etc. I don't care much for "fashion" and while I don't dress like a slob, I rarely dress in a way that would suggest anything gay about me (well, aside from my shirt that says "GOTHIC" in rainbow letters).

    Despite that shirt, I'm not exactly a goth. I wear fishnet stockings sometimes, and I like to paint my nails and wear eyeliner, but I don't think I'm really exactly "goth." While some of those things are feminine adornments, I don't look at them as feminine, so much as comfy, something I think looks good on me, or sometimes just something that has shock value.

    And then, I'm kindof a nerd. I spend a few hours a day on the computer. I like video games. I like RPGS, especially Dungeons & Dragons and Werewolf. But I also have social skills.

    I have really long hair...which seems unusual with many of those things...some people assume I'm a stoner because of my hair, but I'm not.

    Really, I don't make much sense, when you try and peg me into one type or another. I'm unique, and I often stand out, yet, I'm not really the "black sheep" in most situations. I'm different, but still manage to fit in somehow, and people accept me. Granted they don't know about the diapers, but most, if not all of the rest I'm very open about.

    So viva la difference...a lot.

  13. It sounds like things are moving along for you. Sometimes, often perhaps, getting through stuff can be a two steps forward, one step back thing...just when you think something is ok, something happens that brings it crashing down again...but it won't be as bad.

    I hope you can feel good about telling off that guy who has caused you so much trouble. The other day I told off a guy who's been on my case for a while, trying to get me to do stuff. When I accused him of manipulating me and he admitted to it, claiming that it was in my best interest, that was enough for me to hit block...should've done it months ago, but I didn't. I have no idea why.

    Standing up to people is hard, especially when you're feeling depressed. That's my experience, anyway. A lot of things take more effort, especially asserting yourself when sometimes you're not so sure of yourself. It happens to me pretty often.

    Try to listen carefully to yourself. Sometimes it can feel like everyone is against you (although that's not the impression I've gotten), and it's just something to talk out. I frequently have doubts about people liking me, but I try to talk with people about it, especially my shrink, and when I'm not keeping things down (like I am now) I can start to get somewhere with it. I think having more of your privacy back will help you to feel more independent and sure of yourself, tho.

    Anyway, I'm rambling at this point, and can't keep track of what I've said or what I'm going to because I'm really tired...anyway, you'll make it through this. Just take your time and do what feels right for you.

    And don't let anybody tell you what to do ;)

  14. One thing I've learned over time is that you should always trust what your "gut" is telling you. If you're feeling uneasy then somewhere in that complex brain of yours you're picking up a danger signal. If you ignore that feeling because you think you're just being silly, you usually end up kicking yourself later. Don't hang out with anyone who makes you uncomfortable.

    And congratulations on telling your psychologist!


    Thanks! In many ways it's reward enough between the relief of having finally told my shrink, and knowing that it's something I can discuss with her now, as it seems to have become a slightly larger part of me, especially recently. It's always nice to hear encouraging stuff, tho (especially right now with a lot of other, unrelated crap going on with me).

    I've gotten pretty good "creep-dar" by now. Thankfully I've only met one or two creeps in person, and only had one experience, not really a creep, that went somewhere it probably shouldn't have...but nothing bad happened, live and learn. Or maybe it's the other way around. Anyway... I figure that I've got it working pretty well when I can have a decent looking guy telling me he's into me and stuff, and I don't feel right, and I say so (even if it's awkwardly). I just need to get better at pushing the "block" button without feeling bad about it or being worried that they'll confront me via another name.

  15. I kindof think some people here have, meaning very well, jumped to conclusions and presented their appraisments of the situation as fact, and offered advice as a "you should do this" sort of thing. I'm personally very sensitive to that sort of thing, because some coworkers of my mom's did that to her when she shared a problem with them, and I'd rather not get into where that all went.

    BUT, people have mostly, if not entirely, been posting with good intentions, and that's all I have. All I say is just my own opinions and experiences...hopefully something useful can come of it.

    I personally believe strongly in the value of therapy. I've seen psychologists a few times over the past 10 years now, most of them just ok, unfortunately. It's hard to find a good one, but thankfull I have. I've been going regularly for about 3 years now, usually going once a week, and it does me a lot of good. (But it's not for everyone.)

    I told my shrink about my interest in diapers yesterday, and although it was really hard to do (I've been working up to it for almost a year now), I feel a lot better. Actually, your story made me figure I might as well go ahead--since I'm very comfortable with my psychologist, and you said your church therapist was ok with diapers, I figured mine would almost have to be.

    You probably did the right thing by just confronting the issue of whether or not the therapy was part of or a precursor to one of those camp-type programs. I think, as someone else said, open communication is important. It seems to me in most parts of life, most problems come simply from people not being open with each other.

    I would personally reccommend seeing a non-secular therapist, but that is also my own personal bias at work. From what you've said, you've also been pretty content with the church therapist, and what is most important is how you feel, and whether or not you're comfortable.

    Probably it's good to go along with what your parents say, as long as it isn't harmful to you. They are providing for you and all that, and I can understand. I'm basically on my own in terms of college, but I get some support from my aunt and uncle, and also my grandparents. My aunt and uncle know I'm gay, I told them while I was in high school, but I also already knew they'd be ok with it. My grandparents don't know yet, and I won't tell them until I'm out of college, because I need their support until I've gotten myself settled into a job and all that. Probably they'll be ok with it, but I don't want to take my chances. I understand financial dependency very well.

    I'd like to put forth my own feelings on control and being controled. Speaking just for myself, I tend to have a submissive personality, and I also often wish I had someone who could kindof make decisions for me...I guess I'd be set if I get a boyfriend who specializes in being a personal assistant... Anyway, I have a strong interest in being in situations where someone will exert a lot of control or power over me, but the key for me is that I will decide to let them do it, and only because they'll be someone I know and trust that they won't do something I don't like--and, if they try something I don't like, I'll say no, and they won't do it. I'm not naive about it, and thus my real life experiences are very limited.

    I encourage you not to feel guilty about your experience with that guy. I met up with a guy who seduced me (he discovered a sensitive spot on me that I hadn't known about before), and we got rather touchy-feely in a secluded corner of a park. He had already said he was polyamorous, which is not my thing, and afterwards I realized I probably shouldn't have let that happen. But, the fact was, it had happened and I couldn't change that, so I figured I might as well learn from it and move on. I don't feel that I was raped in my situation--I knew what was happening, and I let it happen, even though I probably should've known at least a little better. I was inexperienced, and a little naive, but now I know better. Yes, it was a mistake, but I don't feel bad about it, because I've learned from it. (I can't assume that a guy younger than me has no potential to be any sort of a threat, and I need to limit how much a guy is kissing my ears.) From the sound of things, your experience wasn't so simple, and was much more troubling, so it'd be unrealistic for me to say "just get over it," and that's not what I'm saying. But know that similar things happen to many of us, and it's ok. Really, we haven't done anything wrong. It's not your fault that things went too far with him.

    If you want to talk with someone, I'd be happy to do that...either send me a private message or email to elektrikhd@gmail.com I'm very non-judgmental, and I'm also looking for anything (see my post on the Rainbow board called "Not looking for action, just chat"). I just like to be supportive to others when I can.

    And as someone else said, take the advice here with a grain of salt, including mine.

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