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Posts posted by Skywolf

  1. I don't see a huge issue with telling parents/family about diapers, if it is a lifestyle choice (not just a sexual fetish). I would never go as far as to say I like to defecate in them.

    And as far as I'm concerned, not telling your fiance is the stupidest thing you could do, imo. If you can't trust them enough to tell them everything about you, you have no reason to be with them.

    And for everyone else...lighten up a bit, my god. I do my fair share of swearing and such, but I don't really see a need for it on here. *shakes head* There are other ways of getting your message across besides swearing and ranting on here.


  2. http://calorielab.com/news/2008/07/17/mast...anse-in-detail/

    Ever heard of the "Master Cleanse" diet?

    "Among the celebrities who have been reported to have used the diet are Beyonce Knowles, who lost 20 pounds in two weeks for her role in the movie Dreamgirls, and Howard Stern sidekick Robin Quivers, who was quoted in People magazine that she heard about it from magician David Blaine and used it on three occasions while reducing her weight to 145 pounds from 218 pounds. Actor Jared Leto used the Master Cleanse to lose the 60 or so pounds that he had gained for his role as John Lennon’s killer Mark David Chapman. Singers Ashanti and Trina have also been connected with the diet. Moses and Jesus both reportedly underwent a pre-Burroughs 40-day version of the diet, not involving lemonade or laxatives."

    This "diet" basically gives you the runs bad lmfao.

    "...also, consider purchasing a supply of adult diapers."

    Let your imagination fly with these celebrities and the quote I just gave ya ;)


  3. Call me a racist if you want. I really don't care. I didn't vote for him because I think he is the personification of everything that I oppose politically. I'm not going to play the "oh hes the President now, lets all join together in solidarity" bullcrap.

    On the off chance I'm included in that statement, I just want to say: I'm not going to support what he wants to do, but I'm not going to call for his head unless he really screws up, like Bush. I despise Bush, I want him impeached, but he will still be my president until he is out of office.

    And about Obama's Gun Control stance...The only gun control I support is gun locks in houses that have children, and not allowing convicted murderers to possess guns. Other than that, I think I should be able to walk down the street with a full auto if I want. Obama has to learn that guns don't create fear, the lack of guns create fear. If everyone walked around with a gun, hardly anyone would try and rob/rape/kill another person because they would be more likely to die trying


  4. I don't like Obama, I don't have to like him..that being said, he is going to be our president, and I will support him and wish him the best of luck.

    My biggest fear is that he won't live to see out his term in office. I, as well as many others I know, were waiting for him to be shot during his acceptance speech :( Thankfully it didn't happen, and I hope it doesn't happen.


  5. Bob Barr has "no chance of winning" as you say, because people still blindly vote for the "lesser of two evils."

    When is everyone going to wake up and realize that voting the lesser of two evils is the WRONG way to vote? The only way that will happen is if people start spreading the word. The Democrats and Republicans have a stranglehold on the voting system, and aren't letting go.

    I would have voted for Ron Paul if he decided to run as an independent without a hesitation, as well as many others. The media screwed him over, and got people to vote for another moron instead of someone who knows what the hell he is talking about.


  6. 1. There are a multitude of issues I am concerned with, all equally important, and NEITHER candidate fills the gap for any of them. Neither of them care about the constitution as a whole. They pick a couple parts of it, and throw the rest to the side. I find it sad that these are the two main choices, considering what Bush has done the past 8 years.

    Never, NEVER listen to campaign promises, as they are empty ones. Look at the candidates record on how they do things. Where is the stuff Bush promised in his campaigns? Where is all the multitude of things the Democrats promised when they ran for office 2 years ago? This has been a consistent thing for politicians for a long, long time.

    My main ones are gun rights (which isn't mentioned in the options, and is the most important constitutional amendment, hands down), the IRS, Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, government programs, government spending, states rights, and economics.

    Citizens should legally be allowed to own any guns they want

    Paying taxes in its current form is unconstitutional and should therefor be abolished, taking the IRS with it

    Do away with Homeland Security, as it does nothing but infringe on our rights and waste money

    Abolish one of the most unconstitutional acts ever (Patriot Act)

    Get rid of any government programs that aren't absolutely necessary

    Make massive cuts to government spending by cutting wasteful programs, stop pork barrel spending, stop aid to countries that don't like us, and so on

    Stop blackmailing individual states, by demanding something or you will cut off funding (example: Federal Government forced Montana to implement a speed limit or it would cut off highway funding)

    And finally, Economics: Politicians have little knowledge when it comes to economics, period. Most have law degrees, not economic degrees. Politicians should stay out of the economy, because anything they ever try and do only screws it up worse. One of the most massive screw-ups ever was when Woodrow Wilson helped get the Federal Reserve started. Get rid of it, which can be done by the congress. When their Charter comes up for re-approval, deny it. Bring the power of money back to the people. Do you know how much of our taxes go to pay off the Federal Reserve? Get rid of it, and debt will shoot way down. The Federal Reserve meddles with the economy for its own gain. They support large spending bills "to help the economy" but in the end, its because the Federal Government will owe them even MORE money.

    The Federal Government is also behind the current economic crisis as well. The Community Redevelopment Act, originally enacted to help low income families to own their own home, was butchered in the '90s by the government, by making it mandatory for financial institutions to supply sub-prime loans. This forced banks to make these loans to people, even if the people couldn't afford it, to meet their quota. If they didn't do this, they would be fined by the government. There are countless other acts enacted by the government which interfere as well. They limit imports on certain foods, while also limiting the production of the same food (sugar is one example. Why do you thing they use "high fructose corn syrup" in many things to sweeten it?). They make it cheaper for a company to outsource their work overseas, which causes more unemployment.

    The monetary system is a failed one, but its what we have right now. The best alternative, while not perfect, is a much better alternative to the current system, and that is the Venus Project. http://www.thevenusproject.com/

    I can keep going on and on and on, but I'll spare you guys the book-length post (as if it isn't long enough already)

    2. I support the constitution, and as a result, will not vote for either candidate, but I WILL be voting. I am voting for Bob Barr (Libertarian Party) this year.

    3. As far as an exposed fetish is concerned, it would have to depend on the fetish. I am assuming that seeing as you used the word "exposed" you mean another candidate or lobbying group found out and plastered it everywhere. I am open to most fetishes, and am into many of them myself. What a person does in their private life has no place in a campaign. Honestly, I would probably shun the other person for actually bringing it out into the open.


  7. yea but they realized that after the fact i think but have NOT said anything about it yet

    Ignorance isn't an excuse. People need to actually look at the name on the box.

    But yeah...where is "here" that you are referring to, that people would do that?

    It is nice when companies will go out of their way for their customers


  8. I do not see the need for owning fulling automatic weapon, a machine gun really serves no out side the military any purpose. And for those american here the 2nd admendment is not to protect us from a foreign invasion but from our governement itself. Take a look at our American Revoluton, and what our first 2 battles were about.

    I do somewhat agree on not needing fully-automatic weapons. Semi-auto will work much better in the next revolution. However, fully automatic guns and machine guns will work quite well if there are large groups coming at you.

    Mark my words, another revolution is not far off.

    Cops can and do carry guns on schools here. Gun free is only for the "little people" and such.

    Yup, but cops aren't always at the schools. All the major shootings have happened at "gun free zones"..ever notice that? These people never shoot up places where people can carry guns. I would fully support at minimum teachers being able to be armed.

    I agree, people shouldn't enter your home, but I just think shooting them to death is going too far. I think we see eye to eye on this. ;)


    The judicial system is shot. Police are not required to help you if you call them (Supreme Court Ruling). The only true protection you have is yourself, and as far as I'm concerned, if someone breaks into my house, I WILL kill them. Not only will they not harm my family or myself, they will never harm anyone else, ever.


  9. Hate is a powerfull word. I hope nobody hates me.

    I am pissed off at the government:

    These assholes could care less about national security. There needs to be a wall between the US and Mexico.

    These assholes want us to foot the bill for criminal activity on Wall Street. These CEOs made millions while screwing the public.

    These assholes won't let us recover our own oil.

    These assholes want to tell me where I can set my thermostat.

    These assholes want me to drive a Yugo while they fly around in private jets! Kiss my ass Algore!

    These assholes believe that inflating tires and tuning up engines would put a big dent in our energy problem.

    These assholes want to increase my taxes.

    These assholes want the economy to be bad to get a black Muslim Communist in the Oval office. They did the same thing to get FDR elected. The Democrats prolonged the depression!

    These assholes believe that government is the answer to everyones problem.

    Asshole Obama wants to lower capital gains taxes on small business. Asshole Obama didn't realize that small business pay no capital gains tax.

    Asshole Biden believes that FDR went on TV in 1929! There was no TV in 1929. The president was Hoover.

    These assholes twisted the bank's arms to make sub-prime loans to people that should be renting! Nobody ever talks about preditory borrowers. These assholes got home loans with no intention of paying the note! It takes a year to forclose. How about free housing for a year while leaviing the bank holding the bag?

    What sort if ignorant asshole signs off on a variable rate loan? That is giving the bank the authority to charge whatever interest rate they want! These ARMs should have been illegal!

    I survived the Jimmy Carter era. I don't see interest rates at 18 percent now! Obama is a repeat of Jimmy Carter. I remember the double digit inflation and the double diget un-employment all too well.

    I actually agree with you on something for once lol. Most of this is true...the only difference is is that you angle it towards Democrats only. As of late, both sides are basically the same now. Look at what Bush has done, and McCain is not much better than Bush or Democrats.


  10. Oh, man, I never saw this thread! Unfortunately, I don't really have the money OR space for a set right now, but I used to.

    I have a set that is an American Themed one that my dad got off of QVC. it is on an HO scale track, but the train and cars are much larger than that.

    I also have my dad's old Lionel set, which I have to see if it still works (needs the wiring for the tracks). Its still at his place somewhere though


  11. all one has to do is look at the events around us.

    our dollar has been tanking

    the housing market burst

    another part of the problem is the credit crunch. basically banks don't lend money to people anymore, so you can't get into debt. the problem is that business works by getting into debt - borrow money to make an investment and then hope that it returns a profit. so businesses aint gonna be able to make investments anymore so business will dry up - because they cant borrow the money to make the damn investment in the first place.

    its all part of a plan. once our money is completely worthless they will formally introduce the amero.

    it is predicted that the dollar will be gone soon


  12. It took FDR to get us out of the depression and I believe that Barak Obama has the ability to follow in his footsteps. I don't believe in electing some as****e that want to continue right down the same road that got us here in the first place. I don't care which news channel you watch, liberal or conservative it's all bad news. Bush put us here, Republicans put us here, very wealthy people put us here, greed put us here. Wake up and smell the coffee. If all you can do is bitch bitch bitch then you need to vote differently.



    I'm sorry, but...where we are now...was all started by FDR. FDR was the one who initiated deficit spending. His administration started all kinds of programs which has continuously kept us in debt. Obama will follow in his footsteps alright.

    Now, I'm not saying its only democrats to blame for our deficit, as proven by these past 8 years. What I have to ask you though is: What have the democrats done for us these past 2 years? Where are all the promises they made 2 years ago? Bush could have been out of office 1 1/2 years ago, but the democrats beloved Pelosi states "Impeachment is off the table." Bush is a war criminal, and very few in the House will do anything about it.

    Also, before I get flamed about the FDR thing...I do not lay total blame on him. A decent portion goes to lawmakers since then. Most programs were supposed to be killed off after the depression (and then after the war) but, as with politicians today, they didn't want to lose votes because they killed off the programs.

    Look I don't really like McCain. McCain if far to liberal for my liking. I am not voting to install McCain. I am voting to keep Obama out. Obama is an extreme liberal wacked out Communist. McCain is the lessor of two evils. I like Sarah Palin more than I like McCain. My idea of a good candidate would be Pat Buchannan, Ron Paul or David Duke.

    Vote for Bob Barr then? Bob Barr is the candidate for the Libertarian Party, and Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Or..you could vote for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party (whom Ron Paul is endorsing).

    Why not vote for Barr or Baldwin, and keep both McCain AND Obama out? Why must people insist on keeping their minds on Democrats and Republicans? Unless you and others stop being "sheeple" and start voting your conscience, it will always be voting for the "lesser of two evils" and this country will be run right into the ground (actually it already is run into the ground, but we have started digging...jackhammer or shovel anyone?)

    If you don't like either candidate, vote for someone else. Better yet, start opening up the eyes of people you know to this. If you don't, it will always be "more of the same". Neither Obama nor McCain will lead this country where we want it.


  13. Its an excuse to be a geek and dress up in outrageously out of date costume.

    Its only out of date if you think its out of date :P

    Personally I find that era of clothing much better looking than anything that comes out nowadays

    Even the clothing you'd see "wenches" in were much more elegant than what people wear nowadays.

    Ever look at the Mary-Kate And Ashley Olsen line of clothing for kids? They are basically raising kids to look like tramps on a corner :-/


  14. personally I don't care for either one, but I'd take Depends over Assurance any day. But no matter which ones, always double up anyway. Haven't leaked when I doubled up (make a lot of 1-2 inch slits down the center of the diaper so excess flows to the outer one)


  15. I know I posted it in another thread, but I have to post it again


    The simple answer is: don't vote for either, and definitely don't vote for some fictional character. Vote for someone like Bob Barr or Ralph Nader, someone who represents your views.

    Bob Barr is the presidential candidate for the libertarian party, which is one of the only parties that fully supports the constitution, and wants to do away with anything that doesn't stick to it.

    Don't listen to what candidates say they will do, look up their voting records on topics that are of importance to you. They will tell you a lot more than their mouths do. And people like McCain and Bush are a true identifier that just because someone has the label of a party, doesn't mean they stick to the fundamentals that the party was founded on.


  16. how did you pay? paypal? credit card? With the kind of time its taking, and no replies to email, I'd just file a complaint with whatever payment method you chose. If it was credit card, has the payment shown up on your statement yet?

    When you file a complaint (if its a credit card) find what name the company goes under (because I'm sure you don't want to tell the person that you want to complain about "diaperstation"). It should be listed somewhere on the site. Most adult companies (medical, fetish, porn, etc) will have an official company name that will show up on transactions to protect the privacy of their customers.


  17. what method did you use? where in Michigan are you from? I am originally from Manistee but now live in Vermont. Why would you have it done at such a young age?

    Personally, I stayed away from wetting diapers while it was healing. I did wear a few times, but it was spring time so it wasn't hot (no sweating).

    I am from Escanaba, which is about 1 hour from the Wisconsin border.

    As for why I did it at that age. Its a long story. My now ex-wife had preclampsya (essentially water keeps building up around the baby, and also can prevent cuts and incisions from sealing themselves). If they had done the emergency c-section an hour later, she could have bled out. 2 weeks later she had a bi-lateral pulmonary embolism, which doctors said that if she got pregnant again, she could die. The hospital here is a catholic hospital, and would not "fix" her until she was 21. We didn't want to chance waiting, so I got snipped. The doctors said she would have lots of issues health-wise for the rest of her life (which it turns out she completely recovered after a while), but my parents adopted our girls so I could concentrate on working and taking care of her essentially.

    I found that I wasn't a very good parent though, so it works out. I still get to see them, and don't regret what I've done. I'm just "Stephen" now, and my mom and dad are daddy and mommy, which I'm fine with. They have good people to take care of them, and I can see them when I want.


    P.S. Sorry for the length

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