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Reddy last won the day on October 12 2024

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  1. Wow, nice! I originally figured I would do it 6 months out or so, but moved it earlier and could hardly wait the 3 weeks lol. It becomes really exciting and hard to wait for.
  2. Yes, I usually pee when I'm jerking off, not always a lot, sometimes more especially if I'm spending longer with it. But 90% of the time I keep my diaper fully on and taped when I jerk off so it doesn't matter at all. Yeah, due to the procedure at the bladder neck it all shoots back into my bladder (retrograde ejaculation) and that will never go back to normal.
  3. Bad orgasms immediately after surgery, i.e., you get to climax, and instead of the pleasurable pumping feeling it all dissipates right away. Totally ruined orgasm, not good at all. Diminished sensation on the penis. Difficulty getting hard, and orgasm while still basically soft. Slow improvement over months and months. Orgasms get better. Viagra lets me get totally hard. Eventually get totally hard without viagra. Vibrators help take advantage of remaining penis sensation. This also improves. PT says it takes 2 years for nerves to regrow. At this point orgasms good, enjoyable, full series of pleasurable pumping sensations during orgasm. Just wish libido was stronger. And wish erections and orgasms were full force. Will never ejaculate again, and initially worried that was making my orgasms not as good, but I'm over that now. I don’t care that I don't ejaculate, as I don't mind being seen as damaged, and it's actually nice not having to clean up that gunk. It feels just the same now as if I was ejaculating. Now pretty much optimistic that everything will come back to normal. And it's close enough that I'm happy with this as it is. Would still get the surgery, 10/10 recommend. Hope that answers everything. It's my full summary of the sexual side effects, with about 1 year passed since first surgery (Feb 2024) and 7-ish months since 2nd surgery (June 2024).
  4. I haven't connected with BrownBobby for a bit, but I will. I am not sure if I have to cath but I'm not going to.
  5. Thanks! 🙂 Ha! Nothing so intriguing as that, in my case. Just life. I actually feel so distracted with other things, and feeling so busy, that I'm hardly even present enough to enjoy my diapers. I look forward to a future where I really pay attention to it.
  6. Thanks! Unrelated to my incontinence... I've been better. But it will be totally okay eventually. Just dealing with stuff nothing life ending or permanent. Diapers are... kind of exciting. It's just a part of every moment of my life now, so just being in a diaper is just baseline for me. But when I think about diapers, it's exciting. I still love them and they're still the center of my world, so to speak. I definitely haven't come to hate them, or even like them any less. But they are normal now. I guess it's still exciting if I notice that I smell like pee or hear myself crinkling or feel the softness of a big diaper around me. It's amazing, but normal. It doesn't feel like a chore. I like the processes of dealing with diapers still. My stricture feels totally steady. Not better, not worse. And mine doesn't come with any pain or discomfort. I just have a weak stream, whenever I actually notice that. I stopped physical therapy at the end of the year for financial reasons. But it wasn't doing anything for me. It's nice not having to go to it anymore and worry about work and scheduling, although it was very nice when I was there. No more bowel accidents. Maybe when I had three in about a month it was just a fluke. I guess that's good. But confusing. No real overnight wetting, but I don’t really know because I go to bed and wake up wet. But I don't think I wet at night.
  7. Yeah, as far as I know it's just the three of us. I'm not ghosting, but I kind of ended up not logging on because first of all, it got really intense with some interactions and I needed time away from that situation. And, I had some really hard things come up for me financially that I am dealing with. But I'm still around and living the life. I have gotten a lot more used to everything. Having my parents know and my boss know that I'm incontinent reduced so much stress. So now, like I said above there aren't really any downsides to being stuck in diapers. And I just don't think about or worry about my stricture coming back. My stream is weak, but who cares, I hardly ever pee deliberately. The sexual side effects are a downside. I have found through physical therapy through a combination of hating and being unable to make myself do the exercises, and still doing a lot of the exercises, that they have no effect and I will never realistically succeed at doing them. All in all, I had no change to my incontinence and no hint of sensing any possibility of change. However, for the lessened sensation and less intense libido and weaker orgasms, he said it takes two years for nerves to regrow to get sensation and functionality back. I still have good, enjoyable orgasms, but I'm not the same as I was. But, it's still early. Knowing everything, if I had to go back I would get the surgery again, no question.
  8. He came back a few months ago and posted a bit. Initially he got a lot of negative feedback (naysayers, etc.) and I think he didn't find it worthwhile to keep dealing with that, so he deleted stuff and left. But he's doing good.
  9. I've been dependent on diapers and stuck in them for almost a year. It is a lot to get used to, and some hard things at first. But once you tell everybody important in your life that you have to wear diapers, you don't have that fear of having people notice your diaper or find out about it. So all that's left then is that you have to wear diapers and you don't have a choice. There aren't any real downsides or cons to it. Thanks! 1. The best path was surgery. No, I wouldn't extend my stay because after that many days I just wanted to get home. And my stricture took months to form. My surgery was in January and I went in to a U.S. urologist in March who found zero evidence of stricture. Then my stream got narrow and by the time Dr. Ivan saw me again in June he said my stricture was very bad. I couldn't have waited around 4 or 5 months to realize I needed surgery. It takes too long to find out how your body reacts. 2. Normally I don't have any problems. I use baby powder sometimes, but very rarely. Mostly I just put on a dry diaper after taking off the old one. One time I used desitin on my skin which really helped but I only had the problem because I used Nair and left it on too long. I don't use Nair anymore. No un-foreseen issues for me. At this point I am used to being around my family again. No change to how I'll handle it other than some new things I learned. I traveled and I was able to bring a very large duffel bag of diapers (two big packs) and stuffers (two packs) for free because it's medical luggage. And I learned wearing the thickest/most absorbent diapers with at least two boosters is wayyy better than other diapers because I didn't leak at ALL on my trip. That was important because I wasn't able to be near my backpack of supplies for long stretches of time, so I needed to know my diaper could handle that. No changes to my incontinence at all. I am still leaking all of the time. Sometimes my bladder gets full if I'm sitting down for long periods. I still don't wet the bed except for occasional leaks when I move or get up in the night. I've talked to him recently and he seems to be doing really good.
  10. I would NEVER believe that a year ago. One year ago December 5, I didn't know about the concept of this surgery in Mexico until a month later on Jan 4 when I saw the comment on this site mentioning the website, and I emailed them to ask about it. One month after first emailing them, I was in the operating room on Feb 12... it took FOREVER to wait. Now that sounds kinda fast from first hearing about on line... to operating table. No, I don't think I could get any control back. I have been doing the physical therapy, and I haven't made any progress. It seems hopeless. For someone who had this happen to them by accident, it would be very depressing and devastating. Basically no hope, and trapped in diapers forever. Well, that is my actual reality. I don't wish to undo it. It's becoming a basic part of me now because my subconscious knows I need diapers too now. I feel deeply incontinent, which I am now. Thank you for the appreciation 🙏 Sometimes I miss Guadalajara. It's a special place. And that hotel room. What a time.
  11. Not sure it was the 2nd surgery or not... I had all these problems from the very first surgery though. It was very bad and got a lot better, but still problems. 2nd surgery was way way less invasive because it was just for the stricture. But I do think ED was worse after the 2nd surgery, hard to know if that's true or in my head. Part of it was probably temporary from the 2nd surgery and recovery, but not necessarily any "new" issues just a set back. As least that's how I think it should have been. There are apparently nerves that run over the front of the hips like on the waist on the front of you, there was some just pointing that out and tracing it and then releasing tissue around those to wake up the nerve. And some tissue releasing in the back of the legs, like hamstrings but starting from where it comes connects to the hips bones. Aside from that of course there is full pelvic exam to investigate muscle strength inside and out for a starting point and make sure things work correctly and are just weak.
  12. There are stretches, kegel, and other things to strengthen mucles. For example you can strengthen tour hip side muscles (abductors) because even though they are on the outside of your legs they wrap around and fasten to the inside of your pelvis so it increases muscle bulking inside there. So, I am learning a lot. Yes, both strengthening and relaxation and he said the release of muscles and ability to relax them is 100% as important in the exercise as the strengthen motion. No I didn't say that I don't want to fix my incontinence for a few reasons. 1. I do want to see what it takes to fix my incontinence. What if I decide it's finally too much and I want to stop being incontinent? So I want to learn everything and strengthen the muscles so I can always stop being incontinent if I want to. However, I am finding out it does not fix my incontinence at all. So I think the complete damage and removals of sphincters is much more extensive for someone like me than for most anybody else, so it will not really work at all. 2. I want to fix my sexual functions, better orgasm, and fix ED, and libido. And, this is actually all of the same exact therapy targeted for this as it is for incontinence, so I am doing it the same therapy 100% anyways. 3. I don't want to tell him that because it is uncomfortable. And for above reasons, since I really want to actually do all of the work, put in the time and effort and fully understand it, there is no reason to tell him that and possibly confuse and derail the therapy. I wear comfortable sweatpants and t shirt (and obviously diaper since I would be soaking wet otherwise lol). But I have to take my diaper off when I am getting manual therapy, so about half of the appointments. There is plenty of towels and sheets put down so it is fine. And then I put a new diaper on.
  13. Things are fine, life is busy and hard but that's okay, health wise totally fine, I dont have any pain and LUTS like I used to since puberty which is actually one of the most awesome parts about this. Diaper dependence is fine, I have gotten more used to it, it is still stressful and embarrassing but I have gotten a lot more used to it. No retention and no strictures so I just feel good. Although I should say no new stricture problems, I still have my stricture, but I don’t really thing about it because I don't pee consciously most of the time... my diaper just becomes wet... so I don't care or notice at all that my stream is really weak, if that makes sense. I am still not sure if I wet at night. I know I do a little bit, but it might just be from moving around or getting up in the night etc. Yeap it's a huge huge relief, now totally everybody knows I am incontinent, and I also know for sure it's not ever going away and I will always need diapers, so it all feels really stable now. There's nothing else left that could be a problem or have to stress about that isn't already addressed now. It's still stressful but never having to worry that it would become a really problem if I am crinkling too much or my diaper is too big and bulky, is a huge relief. It's still embarrassing, but there's no crisis or problem that can come of it anymore. Yeap I go to physical therapy, I did 4 appointments so I have 8 left, I go every week or two weeks. I am focusing on sexual functions and it is all the same exercises for regaining sexual function and regaining continence, so it doesn't really matter what you are there for, it just kind of helps everything a little bit if that makes sense. The appointments are really nice, he explains how stuff works and I learned a lot already, and he gives me exercises I have to do.
  14. Now my parents know Im completely incontinent and have to wear diapers and this is the biggest relief I ever had in my entire life. I told them how I am incontinent from a surgery and how I had to get a second surgery from the stricture but overall it fixed my LUTS symptoms and pain and irritation and bladder retention which it did. And they agreed the artificial sphincter and mesh are a bad idea since my doctor himself didn't recommend it for my retention and that they just sounded risky and bad (but obviously I was never going to do that anyway) But they said keep going to physical therapy even though it didnt do anything yet since its still healthy anyway and it can't hurt. I agree with that and Im gonna keep going. It is all so much less stressful and everything is one million times easier to visit them now.
  15. I dont want to get in politics but the election really bothers me this time everybody using incontinence and diapers as the worst insult they can make. It's really frustrating people think that way and say it too.
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