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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by PlastiBrain

  1. https://www.amazon.com/Abena-Abri-flex-Junior-Xs2-Count/dp/B081GCN9YS/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?crid=37WKFXC0JR73J&keywords=abri+form+teen&qid=1682750224&sprefix=abriform+teen%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-17 https://www.amazon.com/TREST-Elite-Briefs-Medium-30-38/dp/B09721SLKL/ref=m_pd_aw_sim_sccl_10/134-9472841-8045361?pd_rd_w=6zIz1&content-id=amzn1.sym.097cf0fe-c32f-434f-b3aa-afff39e4ce20&pf_rd_p=097cf0fe-c32f-434f-b3aa-afff39e4ce20&pf_rd_r=TMH89JCV6GR62R0S69BX&pd_rd_wg=VAFZL&pd_rd_r=76260957-b10f-44d9-bca4-9a4ad5ce1d2b&pd_rd_i=B09721SLKL&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Tranquility-All-through-Night-Fitted-Briefs/dp/B00EVVJGG8/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=2RDR16TGK4E2B&keywords=ATN+diapers&qid=1682750809&sprefix=atn+diapers%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-1
  2. I believe I had Pampers Baby-Dry around 1992 Roughly at age 12 I took one of my sister's Pull-ups similar to those above Then years later at 20 I bought some Pampers but didn't think about the size, so naturally it was the wrong size 😂 and was found out by my folks.. oops Then at 33 had first introduction to adult diapers by Rearz.ca, got the (Black) Seductionz But they were nowhere near what all I had tried since then from ABU, Tykables, Bambino, Trest etc.
  3. https://www.diaper-minister.com/en/plastic-diapers/661-34572-kiddo-junior-plus-blue.html#/2-size-m/159-type-pack https://www.diaper-minister.com/en/plastic-diapers/662-34574-kiddo-junior-plus-pink.html#/2-size-m/159-type-pack
  4. Just got a pack of Trest Elites last month, first time buy and only testing the first oneShall shed some light on some of the possible questions on mindsSo far, I can say is that :1. These are quite comfortable since mid day to now, was walking around in a forest nearby for much of the day2. Later on today had tested the capacity a bit also and got roughly 6 fills of water into it from a 710ml sized bottle, 3 front and 3 back, before it wouldn't take any more soaking in any further3. These are mighty tough built,Can sure stand up to some rolling around and also "tickle pressure" Could also perhaps be part of why they are so pricey currentlyThese really are fantastic and they remind a bit of when I first tried Bambino's Bianco Ultrastretch, but this is with great and strong tapes instead of hook and loop Another trial later on in the month of filling water into the Trest again was holding to super capacity level from previous, my goodness these things are tough and thick plastic, the tapes also hang on well
  5. This one? https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1149529672/johnsons-baby-lotion-original-formula-9 And for a back up lotion https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0059WT0UA/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1
  6. https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1149529672/johnsons-baby-lotion-original-formula-9 For a back up lotion https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0059WT0UA/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1
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