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Status Replies posted by IslandDaddy

  1. Good evening daddy!

    Just figured I'd let you know that Sarah told me to tell you that she went to bed at 9:00 o'clock last night. Hope you are doing OK, and that you are feeling a lot better! Spent most of today working, and then I got home at like 630, after going after some food when I got home from work. Thought of you peachy Rachel Sarah and others most of today. Been working on making sure I have all of my technological equipment so that I can function on my surface at any one point. Apparently I lost one of my mouse receivers, as well as the USB C to A adapter that I used for almost two months. Dropped it and ended up having it disappear, so I had to order a few backups just so I wouldn't have any more issues. Now I'm home for the weekend, had a pretty good day, we'll be talking to my case manager this week about possibly getting some time in the pool, hopefully that won't be too hard to do. With COVID-19 protocols still in effect in some places, swimming will be something that is hard to do, but I need to be able to strengthen my legs, because they feel weak, and I need my legs to be stronger in order to mount the stander, or my legs will give out and my knees will hurt for weeks.

    ****** sends you plenty of hugs and kisses, as well as Sarah, Rachel, peachy, orangutan Amy and others, including Big Brother GB! Hope everyone is doing well love you all************

    Brian, son of island daddy


    1. IslandDaddy


      Yes I'm in a much better mood today, thank you. And thanks for passing Sara's message, too. 

      Yesterday ended up a complete write off in the end. Saw someone that I don't get along with at all and have a vendetta. But that's not for here. I chose to not log on for fear of my mood and saying something I would regret. It's not a common thing. Only on the chance that person and his partner does this situation arise. Anyway. 

      I hope you had a good day. Mine has improved even tho I didn't get to talk to Peachi today. I miss her and all my other special littles. I truly am blessed to have the privilege to be you and your sisters in my life and care. I can honestly say my life has changed and been very bright and hopeful. 

      Thank you all my sweets. You all mean a lot to me. 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Papa @IslandDaddy made this potty princess into a mommy UwU''?


  3. Maling coffee while waiting for my little wife and gurls to wake up.

  4. Maling coffee while waiting for my little wife and gurls to wake up.

    1. IslandDaddy


      Don't be shy, little-wife. You're too cute to be shy. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Maling coffee while waiting for my little wife and gurls to wake up.

    1. IslandDaddy


      Holy snap. I didn't even realize that. Hah! DailyDi might have a point there. I should probably have some before I try saying something about it. heh

      Thanks for spotting my faux pas there!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. I spent my Labour Day the same as my birthday. Driving around for someone else. Was nice day weather wise. But I spent a lot of time in the car yesterday and not one KM of it for me.

    ❤️ Daddy

    1. IslandDaddy


      Enjoying the view of the ocean and trees!!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. I'm feeling so giddy today. Such a great mood now. 

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I don't think that can top how I feel today. 

    1. IslandDaddy


      Ah yes. Bills. Yay yippee woohoo *snore*. Too bad bills prevent fun!

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm feeling so giddy today. Such a great mood now. 

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I don't think that can top how I feel today. 

  9. I'm feeling so giddy today. Such a great mood now. 

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I don't think that can top how I feel today. 

  10. I'm feeling so giddy today. Such a great mood now. 

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I don't think that can top how I feel today. 

  11. Today, I'm 53. And up at 4.30 to drive someone in for an operation. What a great way to start. 

  12. I'm feeling so giddy today. Such a great mood now. 

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I don't think that can top how I feel today. 

    1. IslandDaddy


      Thanks, son. I shall endeavor to top the events of today. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'm feeling so giddy today. Such a great mood now. 

    Tomorrow is my birthday, and I don't think that can top how I feel today. 

  14. Evewy cutie needs a papa tuu make them feel safe an loved... tyy for being mine☺️☺️??


    1. IslandDaddy


      And there's my other special little. I'm a proud daddy. 2 wonderful little girls and boy.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Evewy cutie needs a papa tuu make them feel safe an loved... tyy for being mine☺️☺️??


    1. IslandDaddy


      Every papa needs a little to love and keep safe. I'm honoured to be yours, babygirl. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. 90578298_211675473514659_5396729632667992064_n.thumb.jpg.2cd9e64434e0ed43578b58c0555f5ba2.jpg

    1. IslandDaddy


      The healing power of cute sweetness is infinite and amazing!!

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  17. I think someone is telling me it's breakfast time....


    1. IslandDaddy


      His name is Diesel. He decided to move in with me back in December. Used to live next door. Seems Papa has better treats here. ;)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. 90578298_211675473514659_5396729632667992064_n.thumb.jpg.2cd9e64434e0ed43578b58c0555f5ba2.jpg

    1. IslandDaddy


      Well, Ive had too many wrecks, some poor choices, others out of the blue. Broken my wrists, nose, crushed parts of my spine and neck. I have very little faith on doctors as they really don't care about fixing it and would rather have me on pills. I dislike painkillers so much, I refused the percs they gave me for kidney stones. 

      If I can cope with this, a few littles shouldn't be a problem. ;)

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  19. 90578298_211675473514659_5396729632667992064_n.thumb.jpg.2cd9e64434e0ed43578b58c0555f5ba2.jpg

    1. IslandDaddy


      Having an old and broken body isn't fun. Results of a rather interesting past.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  20. 90578298_211675473514659_5396729632667992064_n.thumb.jpg.2cd9e64434e0ed43578b58c0555f5ba2.jpg

    1. IslandDaddy


      They'd need diapers and juice. Me an O2 tank and mask. hehe

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  21. 90578298_211675473514659_5396729632667992064_n.thumb.jpg.2cd9e64434e0ed43578b58c0555f5ba2.jpg

    1. IslandDaddy


      Psst! Brian! You get one, I'll get the other and we'll tickle them silly!

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

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