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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


BB 2020
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Everything posted by Sarah_Hillcrest

  1. Wow, super useful! Thank you so much. That answered pretty much every question I had.
  2. For years I've kept stocked with cheap diapers from thrift stores, but those days are over for me. I rarely ever come across anything but absorbent undergarments anymore. Now I'm looking for cheap daily wear diapers that are discreet and will at least last about 4 hours. I've just about gone through a case of Molicare Super Plus. 90 diapers for about 70 dollars. They aren't overly absorbent, but super quiet and thin, good tapes. Worked really well for me, but I'd like to try something different. I think case of Abena L4 from amazon is a great deal 36 diapers for 50 dollars, they are plastic backed, and I've found they work really well with a size 6 booster for 12+ hours.
  3. Sorry but I can't heft the sins of an entire community on my shoulders and carry them around. I can't worry about what every edgy subculture thinks about my edgy subculture. Humanity in general has alot of bad actors in the community and perhaps someone should give them a good talking too.
  4. Thanks so much. I'm going to start looking into it, of course I have to have something to publish first.
  5. thanks, I used to get a free book once a month with prime and I think that benefit is going away, so Kindle Unlimited is getting more attractive. Let me ask another way, is it difficult, lots of hoop or costs involved?
  6. I've been purchasing stories on amazon. I'm really happy to pay a few bucks to get a story I can read on my Kindle, plus I like to support the authors. I'm usualy really happy but a few of the stories have been crap. I started working on a new ABDL story and I'm thinking of publishing it as a complete book on Amazon, and then posting it here a chapter at a time. Anyone have experience with this? Is it worth even bothering. My goal isn't to make money, though I feel like publishing in a more official way would drive me to do a better job writing and editing, plus actually finishing my story. Thanks!
  7. Well it's a little over a month since my last update. Probably one of the coolest things that happened was finding a pack of Rearz Princess Diapers at a Bargain store. I'm assuming they were an amazon return. It was an incredible experience and since I was over an hour from home and not likely to be recognized I just made the most of it. I carried the pack around the store and a case of Diaper Boosters. When I went to check out the cashier who was a young woman didn't seem to concerned with them, but after checking them out she asked if I wanted a bag, I said, no. "Are you sure you don't want a bag for these?" she said again. I laughed and said, nope, its cool. For about a week in early October I took a break from overnight wearing and for the first time I experienced the opposite effect of what I'm used too. Instead of being uncomfortable and anxious about being in a diaper I was worried about not being in a diaper. The feeling wore off in a couple nights. Eventually I wanted to go back to sleeping in diapers and again it was a struggle to get used to it, though not as bad. I have completely switched to sleeping on a cot at the foot of our bed. My wife prefers me sleeping down there so she can spread out and I feel so little down there. My wife has grown more accustomed to my diapers. She likes to check and make sure they aren't showing before I leave the house with her. When I wear plastic diapers she calls me crinkles, or crinklebut and it makes me melt. I got a stern mommy style talking to the other day when I left my paci on my cot after going to work, but it was incredible. "I know you like to go to bed with your pacifier, I see you clipping it on before you go to bed and I've woke up and saw where it fell out of your mouth, but you can't leave it there. You have to be good and put it up every morning." I also just totally stopped hiding the fact that I've been going to sleep with my Teddy Bear, in fact last night I said, "Good night, I love you, and Mr. Bear says good night and he loves you too." I was just feeling so little it kind of blurted out. She said, "I love you and Mr. Bear too." I feel so lucky! Bye!
  8. I ride about 5000 miles a year, and while I've tried a few short rides with a diaper on I'm pretty sure I'd end up with some severe chaffing and saddle sores if I tried more. I've never really tried riding that far in a diaper. I wear bib shorts which would keep it up and in place.
  9. @bbykimmy Just started listening to The Usual Bet and you're my favorite character so far. As soon as Chloe mentioned your story was on Daily DIapers I had to come find it. I'd love to read this on my kindle!
  10. Thanks, I stopped taking Phentermine awhile back and I have't noticed the leakage in a few weeks, but I've also started ejaculating more frequently. I may have experienced some of hte urine retention you were talking about, I've definitely noticed more frequent urination in the last couple weeks that I stopped taking it. Ultimately it seemed like for a few weeks my body couldn't sore much semen.
  11. Even before Covid I started experimenting with wearing around my wife after nearly 20 years of NEVER wearing around my wife. She didn't notice for weeks. When she finally caught me she got upset, but instead of reacting as I had in the past I showed no shame. Essentially I called her bluff, I said, "You realize I've been wearing for weeks and this is the first time you've noticed, how can it be that big of a deal." Still she was mad, and I just told her I was sorry that she was mad. When covid started I spent months at home and just decided to wear full time. She was watching for it more carefully and noticed, but often ignored it. One day when she told me it was aggravating her I said, "Let me tell you what it's like to grow up a freak, let me tell what it's like to grow up thinking you are insane. Let me tell you what it's like to be 7 years old and completely obsessed with diapers and having no understanding of why or where it came from. Let me tall you what it's like to want something so bad, that is so harmless, and yet knowing that the people I love will think I'm a freak." And I told her, for 30 minutes I spoke plainly and openly about wanting diapers. I told her about purging, trying so hard to quit, about years without diapers. I told her about dreams that I can't control, and by the end I was crying. I've only cried once in front of her. Essentially I had to make her understand that being ABDL is part of me, it's not like smoking, or a hobby I can quit. IT lead to a change in our relationship, she didn't suddenly become a supportive partner in my ABDL identity, but she understood that it was a part of who I was and that if she loved me then she had to at least tolerate me wearing diapers sometime. At the same time I have to understand her issues, I have to make sure it's hidden, and that she can't accept or treat me as a baby. She also prefers not to see in me in diapers, but has accidentally seen it several times now. As long as I'm not purposely trying to expose it she doesn't mind. She even decided to try babysitting me a few times just to try that out. Long story short, be honest, be vulnerable, be assertive, be yourself.
  12. I used a very terrible catheter sound toy thing about 6 months ago and caused myself horrible pain while peeing that lasted for several days. Swore I'd never do it again. Eventually I decided to try a foley and was super careful to be sterile. I've done that several times now sterilizing and reusing it. I use an intermittent cath last weekend, and I have to admit while I washed my hands I wasn't as thorough in cleaning everything. Tuesday I was having some sensitivity while peeing, but nothing big. By Tuesday night I realized I felt like I needed to pee alot. By midnight I was on the couching crying. The sensitivity became pain, but the real problem was the URGE. The urge to pee was overwhelming but nothing would come out. I double diapered and drank water like crazy thinking maybe peeing would relieve the insane level of urge. It didn't help. I read a few hundred pages of a novel. I think I fell asleep at 5AM and woke up at 6 to go to work, then went to work, but was unable to focus on my job, and made a trip to the bathroom every 15 minutes. Eventually I told my boss, who is a very understanding woman, what was happening and she urged me to go to the doctor. They gave me a shot and a prescription. This morning I felt way better. I think my catheter days are over. I tried the holes in a plugged Foley last weekend and that was really interesting but I think I'm done with this.
  13. I found a 38B and 42C on ebay, both cheep bras, About 8 bucks each and both are pushup style. The 42C fits comfortably with or without my forms, but with forms it pulls them a little to close together to look real. The 38B came with a size extender, as if they knew it would be popular for CDs. I actually fill the B cup nicely and the pushup style enhances them and also gives me some cleavage.
  14. Been working on a few things recently and I'm finding that it's all like a weird balance that I can't get right. I started wearing diapers most of the time and I slept in diapers for 2 months straight. I had trouble falling asleep but I eventually figured out that if I masturbated before bed I could sleep much more soundly. After a few weeks of this I started rejecting diapers for awhile and took a week off. After that week I started having strong desires to regress but without sexual overtones. It's a very strong feeling and masturbating feels very wrong when I feel like this. I also had a strong desire to keep my little toy locked away. Now the problem is at bedtime I'm not sleeping well. I can feel my heart pounding when I lay down and I feel like I'm drifting in and out of sleep all night long. Sleep aids help but I wake up feeling even more groggy and tired. I'm really aroused and excited about going to sleep in diapers, even though I've been wearing all day? I think my mind and hormones had gotten used to sexual release right before bed and now I'm stuck there. My true ultimate goal is to completely separate sexual arousal from diapers, but I think I'm going to have to either stop wearing to bed or go back to masturbation.
  15. My first accident It's been six months in frequent diapers and 7 weeks now in diapers at all times except work and some exercise. I'm now able to sleep easily in diapers, the night before last I woke up with my pacifier still in my mouth for the first time. Waking up to wet seems more fluid now, and falling back asleep faster. I think I usually do it 2 or 3 times a night. As an occasional experiment I'll go a night without a diaper and it's nearly the same experience except when I wake up to wet I know I can't so either have to hold it or go pee. I think if I really wanted to become a bedwetter then I'd have to start wetting the bed without a diaper. I have worn a thin pull up to work many times but not really used it, but most of the time I don't and it's no problem. I have started wearing a thin pad though because I have been dribbling alot after voiding. I'm peeing about 5 times a day, low volume. The drive home is the worst though. It's an hour drive and I often really have to concentrate to hold it. My coworker brought me a fountain soda near the end of the day yesterday I drank a bit before I left and a bit more on the ride home. About 30 minutes in I was hit with an overwhelming need to pee. My drive home is on a deserted country highway I was thinking about pulling off the highway to pee but didn't really want to stop, eventually though I started thinking I should just quit fighting it. These thoughts just kept getting stronger and I decided to just let a little out in the pad to try to make it home. Well you know how that goes. I barely got it stopped and had damp pants, and an even stronger need to go. I dumped out the remaining soda and pee'd in the cup, eventually I slipped and shot pee up like a fountain all over my self, steering wheel and dash. Yes I should have just stopped and pee'd.
  16. I avoided smoking weed my entire life. Once in college somebody asked me, "Hey do you like to party?" "No, I do not like to Party," I answered. My wife on the other hand enjoyed smoking, but didn't after we got married, mainly because of my attitude about it. A year ago my wife decided to start trying weed for her back pain instead of the pills from her doctor, it definitely helped. She tried to get me to smoke with her, I said no, but I eventually tried it. I've probably smoked 5 times now, and twice I've I've found that sometimes it almost completely buries my adult, but sometimes it doesn't do anything. Last night after smoking my wife turned on some movie and I laid on the couch. In a few minutes I suddenly begin to feel like the side of the couch was the side of a crib. I curled into a fetal position and burried my face in the side of the couch. I had an overwhelming need to suckle. Since I didn't have a pacy I started sucking my thumb. I realized how neat my toes and feet felt and started rubbing my feet together. My wife asked me something and I didn't really understand it and I just kind babbled out something. I could hear the movie playing but only bits and pieces of it. I woke up to a silent dark room with my thumb still in my mouth. It was sore and I had drool running down my chin. Does cannabis have that effect on you?
  17. Just a little update. Been wearing overnight now for about 6 weeks. and almost constantly except at work. I just bought some babykins covers, terry pants, and a diaper. I've gone from leaks almost every night, to zero leaks. Wearing mostly cloth at night. Typical routine is generic diaper with stuffer after work and about 5 hours later change into cloth diaper over overnight. Overnight is way better than it used to be. I typically don't have a problem falling asleep at 10:30. I usually have a very cloudy wake up around midnight and pee, and fall right back asleep. Then maybe another one around 2AM that is kind of cloudy, and takes longer to fall back sleep, and a more solid wake up around 3:30AM and then I struggle to fall back asleep. Peeing in bed is different than the rest of the day. I start to pee and then clinch down hard, I have to focus really hard to not clinch. I guess it's an unconscious reaction to night wetting. Yesterday after work I wasn't feeling overly eager to get diapered, so I decided not to. After supper I was laying in the floor watching TV with my wife and I had to go pee again. I'd already been to the bathroom 2 or 3 times and I got a very strong urge to just wet my pants. It was a very strange sensation, if I had to describe it was like "my little" saying, "You think you don't need diapers, think again big girl!" I really had to talk myself out of wetting my pants, and head straight for the bathroom. I didn't wear to bed either and had to get up to pee 3 times in the night. This last thing may be TMI, but I've developed one new problem, which I posted about elsewhere. Nearly every day around 9 or 10 AM right after I pee, pull up pants, as I'm washing my hands I'll feel a slight muscle spasm and leak semen. It doesn't seem to matter if I have had sex or masturbated the day before, or even that morning. No pain, no difficulty with urnination, and no other changes. I have been taking phentermine for about 2 months now. It was giving me hard and sore nipples almost exactly at 10AM everyday, the doctor said it can mess around with hormones, but she'd never heard of anyone having sore nipples.
  18. Wow, I had forgot about this story. Maybe one day I'll have time to work on it some more.
  19. The next morning I went on a bike ride. I think I pee'd my shorts a few times. pressure from the saddle was just causing me to squirt. The area was very sensitive as well. A few hours later I was completely fine.
  20. SO just a recap, I installed the catheter around 5:30PM and put on a dry diaper with stuffer. It went in super easy, no pain at all, but the feeling of pressure in my bladder was very uncomfortable, especially when sitting or laying down. Standing wasn't so bad. Experienced several spasms trying to sit and lay. Around 7 I drove to a park and took a walk for about 30 minutes. Mostly comfortable walking but had a spasm when getting back into the car. During the walk I realized that I was very wet, which was really strange considering that I had never wet. That was kind of mind bending. I realized that with a catheter in I should always have a change with me. I had to go by Wal-Mart and I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but I really needed to get a couple items. I drank some more water after my walk and then spent 30 minutes in walmart, I had one spasm that froze me in the middle of an isle. I knew I should be in a hurry but I was just curious. Near the end I could tell the diaper was sagging heavily in my shorts. I got home and realized I had some very slight leaks. I changed and spent some time around the house. I also looked at some arousing images to see what would happen. Getting erect with the catheter in was an intense feeling. When I got up from my computer I was hit with a massive spasm that took my breath away. I doubled over and nearly fell down. At that point I deflated the balloon to just 10cc and spent some time, but had another spasm and decided it needed to go. It was uncomfortable coming out, but not really painful. Peeing was difficult and burned the first time, but the second wasn't bad. So the sensation of being truly diaper dependent was a trip, but the discomfort and spasms ruined it. Might try again one day.
  21. Awesome! That's the best looking diaper I've ever seen, only way to make it better is make in pink and trade the planes in for unicorns LOL
  22. Inserted my first foley catheter in this evening. 14g with 30cc ballon. I was very careful and clean, had a nice flow or urine then a spasm with some bypass. I got the ballon inflated and I can't imagine having to live with this in, it's like I have to go so bad all the time, but can't. Does that feeling eventually go away or do you just get used to it?
  23. I am actually taking phentermine, and have been for about 5 weeks. I'll consider the PSA test.
  24. Wonder if this is something other males have experienced. I've been wearing frequently since March, but about 3 weeks ago I've gone nearly 24/7 including overnight which is something I haven't done much before. I returned to work last week and started wearing thin disposable underwear because I was experiencing alot of dribble after using the urinal, but I've been going in just underwear recently. I've noticed something really weird. The first time I pee in the morning at work, usually around 8 I'll wait several extra seconds for dribbles. When nothing comes out I'll pull up my pants and step away from the urinal then feel an involuntary muscle contraction that's like a tiny little orgasm. For the next hour I'll slowly feel myself leak, I thought it was pee and then realized my underwear were soaked with sticky semen. This has now happened 3 times. I'm not putting anything in my urethra, I'm not wearing chastity of anykind. I have completely stopped masturbating. Haven't done it in weeks, but I've also had sex about 5 or 6 times in the last 3 weeks. For most of my life I've masturbated first thing in the morning. Any ideas?
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