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    • Blaire looks up at Lucy wondering what she must look like to her as she lays on this bed completely naked except for this thick pink diaper and wondering what other sort of stuff she is planning since figuring if she is doing this she is more than likely planning a lot more stuff for me now immediately making me worried as to what other sort of stuff that will be listens to Lucy as she mentions more rules for me now that im in the diaper turning red as I listen to them and she mentions others changing my diapers & making me cum which also makes me certain she must be planning to take me out like this, deciding to stay quiet for now to avoid causing any trouble.
    • I was about to mention that autism is usually identified in K-3 because students with HFA (high functioning autistic) will have some social issues that require assessment (speech or behavior).  However, that's not necessary true.  I've had students identified with autism in 5th-8th grade.  I had one who was identified with SLI (Speech and Language) at the end of 10th grade. Both the speech pathologist and I (we weren't part of the initial assessment) asked "How did they miss that he is autistic?"  The five main eligibility codes that we use on IEPs is: SLD, OHI, AUT, ED, and SLI.  I can translate those codes if necessary.  All five are interconnected in someway.   There is correlation between communication problems and learning disabilities.  ADHD (OHI) also has direct correlation with learning problems.  Autism, especially high functioning autism, can easily be misidentified with any of those three.  Learning problems has a direct correlation with anxiety, which is identified an Emotionally Disturbance (worst name ever!) Maddy is now 13 years old.   She started school when she was five, and chances are she has never been very good at it.  Even if she had good grades, she likely struggled with nuanced stuff that school requires (paying attention to boring stuff and learning how to deal with other people).  She is emotional behind her peers, so school sucks for her.  It's occupied a majority of her waking hours for 60% of her, and almost the entire part that she can remember.   It's too bad.  I like the discussion element on this board, but prefer to read it on Wattpad.  Let us know where else you will post it.
    • Lucy gently sat the girl down on the bed and began to speak in a caring tone, "Alright, sweetie, let's go over some important rules, which are in addition to those in the agreement you signed. okay?" She stood up and looked down at her, making sure she had her full attention. "I'll write them down for you, so you can always remember them."   You have to use your diddy for its purpose Only mommy and the people she trusts can change your diaper, and they'll do it when and where they think is best. Only mommy and the people she trusts can make you cum cum, and they'll do it when and where they think is appropriate. Let's remember not to use any bad words, okay? Always listen to mommy or the people she trusts, they know what's best for you. Mommy or the people she trusts may add more rules in the future." Lucy explained to the girl, who was sitting on her bed. " Mommy will give you a list of these rules, so you can always refer to them. did you understand?" she asked when she said finishing.
    • A very enjoyable chapter.  I’m kind of curious about your use of the word “bride.”  I’ve never heard it used in that context before and am trying to figure out the meaning.
    • Hi DaddaLuvsU, I have only come across your message (I do hope it was sent to me), has it found its way to my spam folder. I must say that being at the age of 66 (but I don't feel that old, at all) and Male (but loves to be Femme). I did like what you put about you wanting to fully baby me, right from the start of our meeting. I would definitely want you to be totally Dominant with me. Strip me of the clothing which I arrived in (you can be as rough as you think is right), right down to my bare skin. I wonder if you would like to shave my pubic area (as I do love it when others do that to me). This then could give you a very good excuse to give me a proper spanking, for coming to you in this state. I would be completely in your hands and have to eat and drink what ever you put in front of me or even feed me your self, via Big Spoons and Larger than Normal Bottles. You could even give me secret extras (in the food and bottles) to make sure that I used my nappies for their proper use. But I am ever so sure you will know the right way to treat me, in this manner  Well I will leave it there for now, I just hope to be hearing from you soon. Baby Vivianne 
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