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    • Grace kept feeding Kayla the baby cereal despite her fussing.  "There's our baby girl! Open wide for auntie Grace!" By the time Grace had finished feeding Kayla, Kayla had baby food all over her face and bib. Grace got a wet rag and rubbed Kayla's face and hands with it to clean her off.. James came in the dining room with Kayla's diaper bag. "Are you ready to get going?" James asked. James came over and got Kayla out of the high chair. He checked her diaper then started out of the house. He stopped at the car and turned Kayla so she could see Grace standing in the door. "Wave bye-bye to auntie Grace, Baby Girl." James cooed. James took Kayla's hand and waved it then put her in her rear facing car seat and fastened her in. James handed Kayla a rattle and slipped a pacifier in her mouth. He got in the car and started it. "Sweetie, she sure is. Baby Kayla will be spending a lot of time in her new nursery won't she? Mommy will be needing your help taking care of the baby." Wendy said.
    • After Mandy had let James sleep for a couple hours she came back in the nursery to wake him up. "Wake up Sissy baby! I have a nice warm bottle for you, then it's time for some fun!" Mandy cooed, tickling James under his chin.
    • I’m kind of embarrassed that I didn’t recognize the bride -> bribe thing myself. While I was reading the story, my mind was on a different track and I was trying to think of a clothing outfit or something and the misspelling just didn’t occur to me.   This is definitely the kind of story that appeals to me and I am looking to forward to future stories from you. 
    • (sorry, having wifi problems. Still not fully resolved so will answer when I can) Annie came over early in the morning before Mia and Chloe left. While they finished getting ready Annie went in to wake Kayla up. She entered the nursery and came over to the crib. "Time to wake up Baby. Miss Annie is here. Let's get you changed then you can say goodbye to your mommys." Annie cooed, stroking Kayla's cheek.
    • I wouldn't say no to more of this story 😂    I'm definitely excited about reading this one, but I also think it would definitely be better to wait till the other stories are finished. It's kind of like a build up to the grand finale. It'll be worth the wait, I'm sure.
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