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National Lampoon's Pledge This


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First let me say that this Movie SUCKED!, I can't believe National Lampoon movies have gotton so bad. Anyway......

In this Movie Paris Hilton (Uuuuggggh, she can't act!) is the Dom of a sorority, to which she humiliates her newbie pledges in various ways. At one point 6 or so of the pledges are diapered and walk through campus, to the cat calls of the other students. One of them is a older lady about 40ish, who murmers through the crowd that "this baby needs her diaper changed" to which the crowd around her exclaims "EWWWWWWWWW"

In a few other scenes this older lady has got the Mommy thing going pretty good with some pretty interesting comments that I think any AB would die to hear. Mostly by refering to herself as mommy and using the word baby alot in the string of her sexual comments towards her quest to get laid as much as she can on Campus.

But like I said this is a wait and maybe rent flick, as the movie itself isn't really that good as a whole.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know about the movie but at my college we had the initiation this year and it was wearing diapers in class. Fun stuff but of course i was too damn shy to attempt it T_T ...........

*Curses at shyness feelings*


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