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My First Paci


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So, I went out tonight and picked up my very first pacifier...

I came home, eagerly unwrapped it and started sucking on it. I was not happy for a few reasons. It took up my entire mouth and it would barely stay in. It was hard. And it was definitely not going to stay with me while moving around.

Then...I discovered...I had left the plastic cover over the nipple on. LOL. I am such a moron. I took it off and now am sucking away.

Anyway, I'm sitting here all diapered up, wet, sucking on my soft paci and am SOOO happy.

Just thought I'd share because I thought people might get a kick out of my paci ignorance.

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Discovering your first paci (again) must have been an awesome experience. I kind of remember my first paci, what an experience it was. just be careful as after a while of having it in, your teeth start to hurt a bit and depending on how you suck on it, the corner of your lips will start to hurt. It is awesome in moderation though, and by moderation I mean all the time. lol.

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I dont have problems with it hurting. Although, I got one through pacifersrus.com and I really didnt like it. It was a nuk 5 soft shield... Too big of a nipple for my mouth. I had a plain nuk 4 and it was ok... but now I just got a new regular +6 months one, and I really like it. So I dunno.

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  • 1 month later...

I dont have problems with it hurting. Although, I got one through pacifersrus.com and I really didnt like it. It was a nuk 5 soft shield... Too big of a nipple for my mouth. I had a plain nuk 4 and it was ok... but now I just got a new regular +6 months one, and I really like it. So I dunno.

WOW! see i started off with the nuk 4 and never had probs tabby!!! you shoulda asked me...since we are oh so similar ;)

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