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Old life to New life (private with grandmaster324)


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Hi this is a role i had in mind its almost like the movie coraline if anyone has seen it where coraline goes through this door and ends up in a world with the other mother and other father etc. Here would be my idea and bare with me as i try my best.

Valeria is 16 and small for her age but that never stopped her from being a typical teenager, as she lives with her parents and even though she loves them they are just always too busy for her and often times forgets that she exists and has wondered if they ever would miss her if she were to just leave and never come back which she doubts they would as they rarely are ever home with how busy there work schedules were. One afternoon valeria was exploring the home that her parents and her have moved in to and upon exploring it she found a random key and decided to see what door it could unlock. As she gone through the home she happen to come across this door in her closet that was locked so she placed the key in and went to unlock it, and to her surprise it revealed a tunnel and so she decided to crawl through it but little did she know what would be on the other side that would change her life for good.

Valeria gets to the end of the tunnel as there was a door at the end and once she passed through it and ended up in some house and when she had second thoughts about this the door she came from suddenly is gone.

  • valeria changed the title to Old life to New life (private with grandmaster324)
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I try not to panic that the door was now gone and that i was stuck in some house as i stood up i felt oddly different as i felt smaller then my normal size or that everything here seems larger in size. I go to leave the room as i peak out in to the hall seeing its clear as i had to get out of here before i get caught.


John was walking up the hall having just left the master bedroom that he and his wife Beth shared. His gaze caught what looked to be a head slightly poking from doorway. "Another one?" He thought. John and Beth had a similar thing happen a few hours earlier. A little boy had had ended up in their house in an identical fashion. John and Beth had always wanted kids of their own, but Beth was unable to carry. They agreed to adopt, and fate seemed like it was making that a reality.

"Excuse me," John said as he kneeled down. "Can you tell me how you got into my house?"



I jump as i look seeing a man infront of me as i panic scared and i try to take off running to get away and hide somewhere.


John reaches out and easily grabs the little girl. "Hey cutie!" He said. "Can you tell me your name? I'm a nice guy named John."

John carries the girl over to the living room and sits on the couch with her on his lap.


"Hey let me go i...i don't know where i am i want to get home" i panic falling in to an anxiety attack as i kick and try to get off your lap.


"Hey, breathe honey okay?" John said. He got an idea and grabbed a pacifier, putting in the girl's mouth. "Suck that to calm down."

John and Beth did have quite a bit of baby supplies. They figured it was best to get them now rather than being underprepared when the adoption went through.

"You're in me and my wife's house." John explained. "You are in no danger. And I can tell by your eyes, something's wrong."


I spit the pacifier out of my mouth as i go to say "im not some baby let go of me i...i just want to go home but i don't know how to go back from where i came from you have to believe me" i ramble a bit having a hard time getting my breathing under control as tears escape down my cheeks not sure if this all sounded like a made up story being told*


John smiles. "I believe you." He said. "Truly, this is not the first time something like this has happened. Really, we had a little boy end up here a few hours earlier."

John let Valeria go and looked her in the eyes. "Be honest with me, how is it at home?" He asked. John felt like there was more to her emotional outburst aside from her being scared.


"i...i want to go home i don't belong here what ever this place is" i struggle to settle as the emotions get the better of me as i was scared and didn't know if i would ever go home to my parents ever again let alone i didn't care if some boy ended up here like i did as i only cared about what i wanted for myself. I backed away needing to get out of here or at least run back up to that room i ended up in to see if that door reappears or now as i didn't know if my parents know i was gone or not or if they noticed anything at all as they are so busy with there work to know i exist at all.


John nodded seeing that his words had struck a chord and produced emotions. "Do your parents know you are here?" He asked. "Better yet, do your parents focus on you at all? If you leave and go back to your home, will they have eve noticed?" 

He ran his hand through his hair before speaking again. Maybe he could find some common ground with her? "My parents were none too involved with me as I got older." John began. "It seemed like once I hit my teen years, I was on my own. Sure my parents and I lived under the same roof, but it felt more like roommates. They were always too busy with work or going out with clients or friends. I spent many birthdays alone. Hell, sometimes I remember them forgetting to get my from school. I always felt like they loved me, but really, I was just telling myself they did."

John sighed as he looked at Valeria. "You can't fool me." He stated matter of factly. "You have that same look I had all those years ago. Somebody trying to hold it together, but all you want is someone to reach out and talk to you."


I get more upset hearing all that as even though nearly all of it sounded true i never wanted to admit it at all as i ran off not knowing where i was going as i felt so small in this house as i was so over whelmed with emotions and heartache thinking of my parents that hardly pay attention to me even though i didn't have the easiest upbringing but i thought they loved me but was often forgotten about as it only took one accident i did to get them to notice me but it didn't last long.

I ran up the steps to that room i came from hoping to get away but once in that room there was no door at all as i sat on the floor crying and full of panic that i didn't know what else to do as i struggle to breathe nearly making myself sick.


John watched the girl run off and then took off after her. He knew where she was going: the room he had found her in earlier. As he neared the room, he heard crying. He walked in and his heart broke. There before his eyes was a broken little girl. 

He sat down across from her, making sure to give her a little distance. "Do you want to talk to me?" He asked. "Even if you don't right now, I'll sit with you until you do." John knew that this girl needed someone. And from her demeanor and waist size, she could fit into actual toddler diapers. Maybe he and his wife could adopt her as well. They were already on track to that with the boy who had already shown up.


I shook my head no refusing to talk as the tears ran down my cheeks as i didn't know what else to do. I sat there on the floor just nonstop crying as i was struggling badly to come to terms that even if my parents noticed at all about my existance i doubted it would be any different as i had to grow up fast to take care of myself and even then i still struggled to do things on my own as parts of me did not feel ready to grow up and it was worse with going to school as i was barely passing my classes.


John did not know why, but he wrapped his arms around the girl. "Let it all out. He whispered. "Afterwards, we need to talk. I promise I can help you get home." He rubbed her back as her body was raked with sobs.


The cries turned to hiccups as i had trouble breathing a bit as i became overwhelmed with everything that has happend as part of me doubted my parents miss me as im mostly invisible to them as work and their social life was more important then raising me.


"It's okay." John said as he picked her up and sat her in his lap. "Let's try this again. My name's John and I live here with my with Beth. Another boy also stays with us. His name is Ben. What's your name?" 


I try to calm down as i cough a bit from all the crying as i try to say "m..my names v..valeria" i glance up at you alittle as my eyes were red and a bit puffy as tears still slip down my cheeks as i was still on your lap.


"Valeria, I know it's hard. Remember, I was was where you are at." John said. "I know as much as you want to go home, you like that I am actually paying attention to you. That you were held until you calmed down. We may not know how you got here, but I can make your time here very comfortable. I have a proposition for you if you are down to hear it?"

John's hand went and wiped a stray tear that cascaded down the girl's face.


I wasn't either about how i ended up here as all i remember was going through a tunnel that lead to a door and now here i am with no way of going back as i just stay quiet listening to you speak as i haven't tried to get out of your lap at all as i flinch a bit feeling his hand wipe my cheek as i tense up thinking i was gonna get hit as it sometimes happend when my parents do notice me it usually wasn't good.


"My wife and I always wanted to have kids of our own. My wife sadly cannot carry a child, so we wanted to adopt. We even have a nursery fully set up for when that time comes. That was the dark room that you arrived in." John paused. "I think fate has a way of making things a reality. My proposition is that you become our babygirl. We would treat you like any 2 year old toddler, even down to diapers. In return, you will get two loving parents who will do anything to make sure you never feel alone again and a brother.

He looked at Valeria as she took in every word. "What do you say?"


I listen to all of that as i felt very unsure about this as i was quiet and letting everything sink in as part of me was not sure about being a toddler again even though she barely remembers much of the childhood she had let alone to also have possible an older brother too as i was an only child to my parents. After awhile i finally speak up as i say "b..but how would that work im 16 not 2 and a toddler would be smaller then me wouldn't they?" i looked up to you with a confused look and partly curious about this.


"Well honey, you wouldn't physically be a toddler, but we would treat you as one. Plus, your waist is small enough to fit in Pampers Size 6." John smiled. "You would also have zero stress." He picked up Valeria and took her back to the room, turning on the light. "This could be your nursery hon. Go take a look around."

John put Valeria on the ground and watched her examine her surroundings.


I looked around as everything looked bigger in the room as i felt small iin size to everything even though granted i was small for my age for a number of reasons. I wasn't sure what to feel about all this as i stood there feeling a bit dizzy all of a sudden which i knew it was lack of taking care of myself as i collapse right down to the floor.


John runs to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of water before making the decision to pour it in a baby bottle. He came back to the nursery and started fanning Valeria. He knew she had looked dehydrated and this proved it. She was still breathing though which further proved his point.

"Wake up honey." He said while fanning her. "I've got something for you."

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