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It was early in the morning before the dew had a chance to melt when Baby Alex woke up to the sound of his Mommy making breakfast. Just a few more minutes, he thought to himself as he closed his eyes and fell back asleep. If you could see him now, you would see a little in a diaper with a onesie on, his mitten covering his hands, and a bottle next to his head. 

In the kitchen, his Mommy was in a state of pure chaos making pancakes. Unable to cook like a normal person might, she had a pan of eggs, bacon, and of course the pancakes going at once. If some of the pancakes came out a bit burned, she would just set them aside for her own plate. When she finished cooking everything, she made sure to turn off all of the burners, and then she went upstairs to wake baby Alex up for the second time. 

"Come on, silly boy, time for breakfast!" She says while rubbing his arms and taking his mittens off. 

Baby Alex only babbles in response. Then, reaching his hands up, he gets picked up by his mommy and taken to the dining room. He is set in his high chair and buckled in before Mommy goes and grabs his food. Setting it down in front of him, Baby Alex squeals with delight. Mommy grabs her own food and sits down at the table next to him. 

"Dig in, baby boy; you're taking a bath after this, so don't worry about making a mess," she says as she gets a bite of food on her fork.

They eat all of their food together, with both Mommy and Baby Alex doing a happy dance over how delicious it is. When they finish, Mommy stands up and puts both of their plates into the sink. 

"Are you ready for your bath now?" Mommy says, and Baby Alex nods and lifts his arms. "Not so fast; you're a mess; you can crawl to the bath. Just let me wipe off your hands first."

They make their way into the bathroom together, where Mommy fills the tub with warm water. She takes the time to take Baby Alex out of his clothing before setting him into the bath. She follows suit with herself and gets into the tub behind him. The tub has all of Baby Alex's toys, which he plays with for a while before Mommy gets his soap out and washes his hair. She turns him to face her before washing his body off. While she does, Baby Alex reaches his hand out and begins to play with Mommy's nipples.

"Is someone hungry already?" She asks him. Baby Alex nods his head and lowers his eyes. "Nothing to be ashamed of; come and get a drink."

Baby Alex comes to Mommy and lays in her arms. He pulls her nipple into his mouth, and her milk lets down and begins to fill his mouth. He contently sucks and plays with her other nipple. Slowly his eyes begin to grow heavy, and he forgets to keep sucking. So Mommy rises from the bath with him in her arms and wakes him for long enough to have him stand and let her wrap a towel around them both. Then she picks him back up and takes him to the changing table.

She grabs a fresh diaper, diaper rash cream, and baby powder. Setting them next to him, she begins by raising his little bum into the air and sneaking the diaper underneath. She rubs the cream all over his bottom and then dusts him with the baby powder. After she does the diaper up, she gets out a dinosaur onesie and puts it on him. Then she grabs his booties and places them on his feet. 

"All done," she says to herself.

She picks him up and takes him to her room, placing him on the bed next to her. She gets out her laptop and begins to write another adventure story for them to read together later in the day. He sleeps hard, used to the pitter-patter of the keyboard. Just as she finishes the story, he wakes up from his dream. She notices that he is grinding against the bed.

"Did Baby Alex have another wet dream?" She asks, "Does that mean that you are big enough to talk now?"

"Yes, Mommy," he replies. "Please help me?"

"Of course, baby, you know that you just need to ask," she says, reaching for him.

Turning him onto his back, she unbuttons his onesie. Grazing her fingers over his thighs, she makes him shiver in anticipation. Placing her lips on his diaper, she presses a kiss. Then she rubs the hard cock through the diaper. He quickly turns into a writhing mess. But before he can cum, she removes her hand and raises herself on the bed until she is face to face with him. 

"What are you waiting for?" Aren't you going to kiss Mommy?" She asks him.

He presses his lips against her own and slips his tongue into her mouth. They spend a few minutes like this, fighting to be the dominant one. But in the end, Mommy wins and bites his lip gently. That's when he sits up and presses her against the bed and straddles her. Pressing his cock against her. She ignores his advances though, and turns so that she can get something out of her dresser. Pulling out a bottle of lube and wipes, she turns back to him with a smile on her face. 

"Does that mean what I think it does?" He asks.

"That I want you inside me? Yes. Yes, it does," she answers him.

Flipping the two of them over so that she is on top, she sits back on her heels and undoes his diaper. Wiping the cream and pee from his skin pulls the diaper out from under him. Tossing it into the trash next to her bed, she smiles to herself. 

"You're all mine now." She smirks and begins to stroke his hard cock. 

It doesn't take long for him to be as hard as a rock. And when he is, she moves up his body and lets his dick slide into her wet heat. They are in cowgirl position, Mommy's favorite because she loves taking control and being able to orgasm on her own terms. Grabbing her vibrator from under her pillow, she hands it to him and makes him hold it against her clit.

It doesn't take long before she is coming from all the stimulation. Grinding her vulva against him; he can feel as she squirts a little on his cock. After her orgasm fades away, she reaches behind her and plays with his balls. She can feel his cock pulses inside her, all filled with blood and ready to cum at any moment. However, he knows better than to cum without permission, so with all of his willpower, he holds his orgasm back.

Leaning down, she whispers in his ear, "Cum for me."

Immediately he explodes, and his cum fills her vagina. Once again, she grinds against him until he is finished. She raises her body and lets his dick fall out of her. She can feel the cum trickle out as well. 

"How do you feel?" Mommy asks him, stroking his hair.

"Like I am on cloud nine," Baby Alex says in response. His eyes were still dazed. 

"That's my good boy," Mommy says.

The two of them snuggle together and forget about the world around them for some time. Only focused on the other person.

"I love you," Baby Alex whispers.

"I love you too," Mommy answers.

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