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Pete & Pete (90s, US)

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For those who don't know, back in the 1990s there was a Nickelodeon series called "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" about a pair of teenage brothers (both named Pete) and their lives growing up in the suburbs.

It was a bit of a cornball show, but it had a fun episode about summers at the pool called "splashdown".  No diaper reference, but, the climax of the episode involves bladder control issues and humiliation.

Big Pete is working as a junior lifeguard at the pool.  The senior lifeguard, Matt, is a huge clown that bullies and belittles Pete.  He also enjoys keeping little Pete and his friends out during adult swim time, as they rebel.  He's an older teen that wants to be treated "like a grown up."

One of the humiliating tasks Matt gives big Pete is trying to catch someone who's been peeing in the pool.   Pete's friend Monica enlists herself to help. Matt puts one of those chemicals in the pool that turns the water green when mixed with pee, but it bears no fruit despite constant warm spots throughout the episodes.

Eventually, big Pete teams up with his brother and goes against Matt.  Matt enters the water to tell him off but it starts turning colors around him.  He feigns shock, but then Monica appears and reveals the truth.

Matt had been the one peeing in the pool the whole time.  His desire to be seen as a man caused him to carelessly drink coffee all day.   She implies that his bladder is weak and couldn't handle it.  Since he couldn't leave the pool for hours at a time, this meant he was constantly desperate (but too proud or oblivious to give up coffee), so he needed to tinkle in the pool or he likely would've wet his pants.   She also reveals that he switched the chemicals out so he wouldn't get caught and that she put the real stuff in.  He ends up humiliated and everyone else celebrates.

It's was one of my first exposures to my DL interests as it was one of the first times I saw this theme, even if the nuance of it didn't hit me at the time.  In this circumstance, a young male can't make it to the bathroom, so he uses alternative means.  In a lot of ways, the pool is serving the same purpose as a diaper would for him.   Now, almost everyone has peed in a pool, but his motivation for doing it and the shameful way he gets caught put it in a whole different light.

the episode referenced ^^


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