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Diaper Pail

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After all these years I finaly broke down and put a large (Trash Can/Diaper Pail ) in the garage. The way I did it before was just throw my dipaers in my laundry basket with all my other clothes. I would have to do a load of laundry like 3 times a week.

I bought me 2 dozen new cloth diapers and 3 dozen pair of plastic pants. I threw out some of my old stuff that had seen better days. Since I got all new stuff I thought I would try this diaper pail thing and see how it goes.

I wash, then hang all my stuff on the line out back. saves a ton on the electric bill not running the dryer. I just use the dryer for like 5 minutes to fluff my clothes/diapers up, and yes I dont use no dryer sheets or anything. What I do use is aromatic oils and my favorite is watermellon. I put some on a old piece of T-Shirt and throw it in with my laundry in the dryer. MMM MMM smells so good.

Right now I use a cup of vinigar in my laundry pail.

What I was wondering is there a commercial product out there that keeps your diapers fresh and smelling good while they are in the pail, maybe even kinda acts as a prewash thing.

Thanks ahead of time people for your input
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Since I've been incotinent and diapered 24/7, I found quickly that my skin was best with cloth and waterproof pants; this required a diaper pail. My wife noted that the pants actually held more odor than the diapers after washing (I do the diaper laundry, incidentally...)! She did some research, and found (probably on infant diapering sites) that soaking waterproof pants (mine are vinyl or nylon) in a solution of water, vinegar, baking soda, and some hydrogen peroxide will keep them from carrying the smell. I hand rinse them and dry about 20 minutes in the dryer (in with my diapers) to get the elastics at least pretty dry, then air dry the rest. I'm using a similar solution for the diapers themselves, and there isn't any odor to speak of in the bathroom where it's kept. I've tried putting a bit of detergent and/or borax in the solution, but it's not better than the other solution in outcome after washing.

BTW, I'm simply using the diaper pail available at adultclothdiaper.com, which holds 2-3 days of diapers. I fill it almost halfway with the water and other ingredients.

Hope this is helpful.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I use the same solution for my cloth diapers, I add a cup of cider vinager to the diaper pain then fill it half full with water. As for plastic pants I store them in a separate pail with the same solution as I ususally hand was plastic pants and line dry them in our basement. Also I have two diaper pails one for just wet diaper an another for messy ones, as I also have IBS, and they seem to happen quiet often. I tend to wash diapers every 2 days or so, after that sediment appears in the diaper pails. To sanitize the diaper pail once a month I wash then out with a soulution of lysol and hot water. That way there is not smell problems from the diapers of diaper pails, now the cat litter boxes are a different story.

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all these have been of a help for me also dealing with this ,, have done the basic baking soda thing along with the vinegar , but mostly it's a matter of if u rinse them enough before you toss them into the pail, still if they sit too long they will start to stink. ahhh the life in diapers B)

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Thanks all for the input. Vinegar seems to work well, as does not leting them pile up to much before you wash them.

Now I have a routine that seems to work. I use my diaper pail ( 30 gallon trash can with lid )with vinegar, wash every 3 days with Oxyclean and Tide ( unsented ) and hang them on the line to dry. Then I put them in the drier ( no drier sheets ) a few minutes, because they get kinda stiff from being on the clothes line.

By doing this my electric bill has went down too, by not using the drier to much. Florida has the highest electric rates besides New York and California.

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