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Sunny Days - Subscriber Exclusive Preview


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The following is a PREVIEW of a brand new story that you can find on my subscriber pages. I have 35 stories available for subscribers that are available nowhere else and you can read all of them RIGHT NOW if you subscribe at the $10 tier or higher.

Writing is my only form of income and all the money I make from it goes towards helping with bills, groceries and other expenses. It means the world to me to have people who enjoy and support what I do, without their support I simply would not be able to spend my time writing. I want to tank everyone who subscribes to me and everyone who checks out my latest story! Thank you ❤️ 




A truck roared past Tina, shaking the car she was sitting in gently as the wind buffeted her. She blinked a couple of times and looked around with confusion. She was parked at a small service station on the short part of the highway that connected Sunny Days Retirement Centre with her home.

“How did I…” Tina trailed off as she looked around. She felt groggy and strange.

The last thing Tina remembered was sitting at the Retirement Centre. It felt like she had blinked and when her eyes opened, she was in her car miles away from where she had been before. She checked her phone and saw that several hours had passed. She’d zoned out before whilst working but she’d never experienced lost time quite like that. For the life of her, she couldn’t remember anything that had happened for quite some time.

Tina shifted uncomfortably in her seat. It felt like something was missing and that its absence was making her uneasy. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, as she tried to think hard about how she had ended up there or why it felt like she should have something around her butt she subconsciously brought her thumb up to her mouth. It had already passed her lips before she realised what she was doing. She quickly pulled it out, staring at her hand as if it was operating on its own accord, when she noticed that she had a deep yearning to put it back in her mouth.

“I’m just tired…” Tina said to herself, “It’s been a long day pretending to be nice to those old people, I need to go home and rest.”

But no matter how much Tina tried to ignore how she was feeling or explain away the weird cravings she couldn’t pretend like she didn’t want something to fill her mouth. She couldn’t pretend that she didn’t feel like she should be sitting on something like a pillow. It made no sense to her and yet it fully occupied in mind. She tried to start driving but it was like her mind wouldn’t let her concentrate on anything until at least one of these conditions were met.

Tina put her thumb back in her mouth. As soon as she did so it became that much easier to concentrate on what she had to do to get home. Thankfully the car was an automatic so driving one-handed wasn’t an impossibility. She turned the key to turn the engine on and then pulled out to continue on the journey home.

The lack of material around Tina’s waist was still distracting her and she kept shifting in her seat as if it would help. She sucked on her thumb in concentration as the car rolled down the highway. Normally she would drive as quickly as she felt she could get away with, it’s how she had ended up with so many speeding tickets, but now she was travelling well under the speed limit as she tried her best to just get home. She would blush every time she was passed and saw a bewildered driver looking into her car to see the thumb-sucking woman.

“Just get home… Just get home…” Tina mumbled around her thumb as drool dripped down her chin.

People stared as they passed. Tina tried to keep her eyes straight ahead but it was difficult to ignore the way she was stared at. She was nearly off the highway when she saw blue lights illuminate her car. She looked up into the rearview mirror to see a police car right behind her.

“Oh crap.” Tina mumbled. She pulled over and took her thumb out of her mouth. Almost immediately her brain was telling her she needed to put it back in.

Looking in the wing mirror, Tina could see the police officer walking up to her car. She was gripping the steering wheel extra hard just to prevent her brain from sticking one of her thumbs in her mouth. It was like she was addicted.

“License and registration please.” The officer said as he approached the window.

Tina leaned over to the glove compartment. As she did so she became acutely aware of how something was missing. That pillow she felt like she should have between her legs became something she craved. Retrieving her documents she handed them to the officer who looked through them.

“Is… Is there a problem?” Tina asked.

“You were driving a little slowly back there.” The officer replied, “I wanted to make sure everything was alright.”

“Oh, I’m fine.” Tina lied with a smile, “Never better.”

“Alright, well, let me just go and check a few things on the computer, OK? Sit tight.” The officer said as he went back to his squad car.

Tina drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. She wanted nothing more to put her thumb back in her mouth. She didn’t understand it. She’d never had such a strange oral fixation before and yet now she couldn’t stop thinking about sucking on something. Her leg was shaking as she looked in the mirror. The officer was in his squad car talking into his radio.

Tina tried to resist the cravings. She tried to think of other things but as soon as she convinced her brain to think about something else it simply settled on the other craving, the need to be sat on something, to feel it wrapped around her waist. She couldn’t even begin to work out what it was she wanted or where the need had come from. She glanced in the mirror again. Still, the officer was sitting in his car.

The desire to stick her thumb in her mouth was only growing. Tina thought that maybe she should do it right then, whilst she was alone. If she could satisfy the craving it would be easier to think and she could get home as soon as possible. She was starting to think she might need to call a doctor, something very strange seemed to be happening to her.

Unable to resist Tina stuck a thumb out and pushed it into her mouth. She very quickly felt some of the agitation leaving her and she slumped slightly in the seat. It was like a drug. When she didn’t have it, she could think of nothing else but as soon as the craving was satisfied, she was able to relax. She closed her eyes and a small smile curled the corners of her lips.

“Ma’am?” The officer appeared back at the window.

Tina was startled as she opened her eyes and looked up the policeman standing at her door. He was looking down at her and frowning. She belatedly pulled her thumb out of her mouth as her cheeks blushed red.

“Everything seems to be in order.” The officer said somewhat slowly, “Are you sure everything is OK?”

“Y-Yes, sir.” Tina replied, “It’s just been a bit of a long day.”

“Right…” The officer took a second to get his professionalism back, “OK, well, you may not realise this but driving as slowly as you were can be as dangerous as speeding, alright? It’s difficult for cars behind you to judge your speed.”

“Yes, officer.” Tina said.

“Alright, you go ahead and have a good evening.” The officer finally finished as he handed Tina her documents back.

Tina couldn’t wait to get away from there. As soon as the officer went back to his car, she rolled up her window and started driving again. The policeman followed her for a little bit and Tina made sure to keep up with traffic. Thankfully the squad car soon pulled out from behind her and overtook the car as it carried on down the road. The whole time she had resisted sucking her thumb, not wanting the cop to think she needed to be talked to again.

With a sigh of relief, Tina stuck her thumb back in her mouth. Like a smoker getting some nicotine it seemed like just what she needed. Tina turned off the highway at the next exit and carried on back to her house in the leafy suburbs. Pulling into her driveway, Tina was forced to take her digit out from between her lips as she carried her bag inside. She went straight to the living room and dropped on to the couch.

As Tina tried to sort out her thoughts, the bag, which she had placed on the edge of the table tipped over and fell to the floor. She closed her eyes as she sucked on her thumb and tried to remember what had happened in the hours that had gone missing. She had been sitting at her table, bored out of her mind, when three women had approached her… after that it was blank. The next thing she remembered was sitting in her car halfway home. Hours had gone missing and she had no idea what had happened, only that she now had this weird obsession with filling her mouth and a need to wrap something around her waist.

An idea hit Tina and she quickly stood up. She nearly tripped over the strap of her bag that was hanging over the edge of the table as she went quickly towards the door. She went out into the laundry room where she found a basket of clothes she hadn’t yet put in the washing machine. She dug through it until she felt a towel and pulled it out, scattering some of her clothes on the floor.

After some fumbling Tina had managed to wrap the large towel around her waist and tucked the middle up between her legs. She felt the craving for bulk between her thighs drop slightly, though it was still there. It would do for now until she could work out what was happening.

Tina went back to the living room with the intention of picking up her phone to call the doctor when she spotted something odd. On the floor was a VHS tape. She hadn’t seen one since she was a child and had certainly never owned one. It must’ve fallen out of her bag when it tipped over. She bent down and picked it up. The white label on top simply said “Watch Me.”

“The hell?” Tina said as she picked the tape up, “Who even has a VHS player these days?”

Tina thought she was out of luck but there was a lot of junk in the garage. Boxes of stuff from when her parents had passed away that she hadn’t sorted through yet. Waddling awkwardly, with one thumb in her mouth and the other holding up the towel she went out the backdoor towards the garage.

“Morning, Tina.” Jeff, Tina’s next-door neighbour shouted over the fence.

Tina froze. When she looked to the side, she saw Jeff had been watering his flowers. Now he was looking over the boundary between their two backyards with a confused expression. Tina couldn’t blame him. She hurriedly pulled the thumb out of her mouth and let the towel go as if that in any way might obfuscate what had already been seen.

“H-Hello, Jeff.” Tina called out as casually as she could manage, “L-Lovely weather we’re having.”

Jeff didn’t reply. Tina quickly carried on to the garage whilst doing her best to suppress the need to start sucking her thumb again. Once in the privacy of her garage she looked around at the boxes which were piled high against the walls. She sighed and started looking through them. In the end, she was very lucky. In just the fourth box she checked she found an old VHS player with the leads still attached.

Tina picked it up and hurried back to her house. She didn’t slow down to see if she was still being watched by curious neighbours, she imagined Jeff would be back indoors telling his wife about her strange behaviour. Once back in her living room, Tina hooked up the VHS player to her television and then picked up the tape. She slowly pushed it into the slot and then pressed the play button. For a second nothing happened, but then the screen switched from the cooking show that had been on to a very different scene altogether.

“What the fu-…” Tina started to exclaim. She covered her mouth in shock and then slowly lowered it as she took in everything on the screen in front of her.

“Hello, Miss. Hinchcliffe. Do you remember me? My name is Wendy.” Tina needed the reminder. She didn’t remember the name of anyone she had met that day, “I’m sure, if you’re watching this, you’ve been having an interesting little time. Don’t worry, dear, all will become clear.”

Tina was sat on the floor staring at the TV without being able to comprehend what was happening. Someone must’ve been holding the camera as it now panned from the old lady’s face to the floor behind her. Tina covered her mouth as she let out a little scream. She was sitting on one of the couches in the very room her stall had been set up in earlier that day, stripped of all but her underwear as a group of old people joked and watched on.

“Th-This can’t be real!” Tina gasped to no one in particular.

The video kept moving forwards with the occasional artifacts seen on old VHS tapes. Tina saw herself sitting on the couch in front of all these old men and women with a distant look in her eyes and a vacant smile on her lips. One of the older women whom she recognised was sat next to her with a strange spiral disk, even watching it on the tape made Tina start to feel somewhat drowsy.

“Do you remember, Marge?” Wendy asked as she pointed the camera at the person holding the spiral disk, “Did you know she used to be a stage hypnotist?”

Tina’s eyes were wide open. Was this what had happened to her in those missing hours?

“We’ll need to give her a sponge bath, of course.” Another older woman said. Wendy turned the camera to another elderly woman. Another of the people who had been sat in front of her table earlier that day, “Don’t worry, Tina, I’m a retired nurse. I don’t imagine you’ll remember but my name’s Harriett, young people like you never bother to remember our names, right?”

“Look how young she is!” An older man’s voice called out from somewhere in the crowd, “She’s just a baby!”

“Funny you should say that…” Wendy’s voice was coming from behind the camcorder now. It seemed she was the one filming, “Get a pad down underneath her.”

Tina watched the screen as her past self stood up compliantly and what looked like several puppy pads was put all over the couch. Tina gasped as Hariett hooked her fingers under Tina’s panties. They came down to wolf-whistles and catcalls from the surrounding crowd. Present Tina’s eyes were filling with tears at the humiliation.

It was far from over though. Tina’s bra came off next leaving her small perky breasts to drop slightly. Soon she was completely naked. As she watched the scene unfolding on the TV her thumb found its way back into her mouth, she sucked on it subconsciously, desperate to feel some soothing feelings. She pulled the towel tighter against herself.

“Hariett, you know what to do.” Wendy said. Her voice became distorted for a moment.

Tina saw the old nurse walk off screen leaving her staring at Marge and what she now realised was happening to her. She’d been hypnotised. It felt impossible, she had never believed in all that mumbo-jumbo and yet she couldn’t deny what she was seeing. Part of her wanted to turn the video off right away but she couldn’t, she had to know what these elderly people had done to her.

Hariett returned to the screen with a blue bucket. Tina stared uncomprehendingly at how she just sat and smiled whilst completely naked. She willed the version on herself to get up and run away but she just looked around with glassy eyes as if she was happy to be there.

“Everyone, feel free to join in!” Hariett called out, “I brought enough for everyone!”

Tina didn’t immediately know what the old woman meant. That was until she saw people taking wet sponges out of the bucket. She whined and felt her humiliation growing as she was sponged down by these old men and women. She could hear the comments they made about her body, as if she was just some toy or doll to be played with. She shivered, shivers ran up and down her body as if she could feel what she was seeing on the screen.

“You’re so young…” Wendy said as she zoomed the camera in on Tina’s face, “And yet you think you can come and tell us what to do?”

The Tina with her thumb in her mouth whined in embarrassment. She watched as sponges were rubbed on her arms, her legs, her breasts and everything else. It felt impossible that she wouldn’t remember anything. She wondered if it was somehow manipulated footage but that seemed almost more unlikely than the hypnotism she was watching.

“You should always listen to your elders.” Marge said. Her voice was soft and dreamlike. She was still letting that pendulum swing back and forth, “You should never talk back to them.”

Even as Tina watched the tape, she realised she was nodding in agreement and quickly stopped herself. She felt a shiver go down her spine, she was starting to realise just how vulnerable she had been. It wasn’t just the fact that she was naked, it was also the fact that she had been manipulated. Anything could’ve been done to her mind and she could only watch the tape to find out.

“She’s very cute though.” Hariett commented, “Like a newborn baby.”

The pad that had been placed beneath the Tina on the screen was getting wetter and wetter as the water from the sponges dripped down over her body. The whole time it was happening, the several excruciating minutes, was filled with these elderly people making jokes and comments about how she was just a silly a little girl.

When it finally ended, the sponges were dropped into the bucket again. Tina saw herself still sitting on the sofa with the same vacant smile. Every time someone had moved her arm or leg she had held it out until someone moved it back to its resting position. To have her dignity and free-will so easily stolen terrified her. The worst part was that she knew this wasn’t the end of it. The need to have something wrapped around her waist and her thumb sucking still hadn’t been explained.

Tina pressed pause on the VCR. She didn’t feel like she could watch any more. The more she saw the worse it was. She didn’t want to know what those evil women had done and yet she felt compelled to see more. There was no way she could carry on with this desperate need to fill her mouth, just imagining trying to work with these new compulsions made her want to hide away forever. She had to imagine there was an answer to her problems in the video.

“Alright, I think she’s as clean as she’s going to get.” Wendy called out from behind the camera.

Tina, the one watching the television, saw the camera turn around to point at Wendy’s sneering face. It looked like she was greatly enjoying humbling the younger woman. Tina felt a shiver go down her spine.

“Keep watching.” Wendy said, “You’ll love this next part.”

Tina swallowed nervously as the camera turned back around to face her strangely absent form on the couch. The towels that had been drying her were pulled away and there was activity from off to the side of the screen. Tina could see the crowd of elderly people moving to let someone through. She was terrified of what was coming.

“We have to keep the little girl safe and sound.” Wendy called out to general laughter, “Luckily, she came here. There’s plenty of experience in raising children in this room!”

Tina didn’t understand. She clearly wasn’t a child; she was almost thirty! Sure, that may have been less than half the age of most of the baying mob surrounding her but she wasn’t some kid that had got lost and wandered into the retirement centre!

Tina’s cell phone suddenly rang making her jump. She fumbled with the remote until she pressed the pause button, the screen freezing on an image of her vacant eyes looking at something just off camera.

“Hewwo?” Tina suddenly realised she still had her thumb in her mouth and quickly pulled it out, “Ahem, hello?”

“Tina? Is everything OK?” Mr. Harrison asked.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Why wouldn’t it be?” Tina said quickly. She wondered if a copy of this tape had found its way to her boss or something.

“You were supposed to call when you were leaving Sunny Days.” Mr. Harrison reminded her.

“Oh, damn, sorry…” Tina shook her head, “Sorry, I’ve been, erm, distracted.”

As Tina spoke, she lowered the volume on the TV until it was almost muted and then pressed play. She stared at the screen hoping an answer to what was going on would appear before her. Already she was feeling desperate to put her thumb back in her mouth.

“There were no problems then?” Mr. Harrison asked.

“No, none at all…” Tina replied. On the screen she watched as Hariett bent her arm and forced her thumb into her mouth to the delight of the crowd. Tina came to the sudden realisation that as she watched herself do it on the screen, she had slipped her digit back between lips as well. She pulled it out quickly leaving some drool to drip on to her chin.

“Did you get any signups?” Mr. Harrison asked.

“I, erm…” Tina wasn’t really listened. The crowds were looking at something excitedly and a box was being brought forwards.

Tina frowned as a pink mat was taken out of the box and laid on the floor. Her past self, naked on the couch, watched on with an indifferent smile. Tina wished she would get up and get out of there but she wouldn’t budge an inch. All she knew was that as she looked at the screen and saw the box, she felt the need to have something thick wrapped her waist grow uncontrollably.

A small tub was taken out of the box and placed on the ground next to it. Then a packet of something that looked like tissues and a plastic bag. Tina continued watching almost as hypnotised by what she was seeing as the naked version of herself on the screen. Hariett reached into the box one final time…

“Tina? Hello?” Mr. Harrison said.

“I’m here, I just…” Tina muttered slowly. Her eyes were transfixed on the screen as she saw the old nurse lift her arm. Tina gasped loudly.

“What’s going on? Is everything alright?” Mr. Harrison asked.

“I’ll… I’ll call you back.” Tina said vaguely.

With Mr. Harrison still trying to speak to her, Tina hung up the phone and let it drop beside her. The colour drained from her face as she saw a diaper get lifted out of the box. She shook her head but it was starting to make sense. The feeling she had of needing something thick around her waist…

On the screen, at the apparent instruction of Marge, Tina stood up and then laid down on the changing mat without any hesitation. Tina turned the volume back up. The diaper that Hariett held was allowed to fall open to the cheers of the crowd who seemed to be loving this change from their usual schedule. Tina’s naked hips compliantly lifted when she was tapped a couple of times on her thigh and the disposable being slipped underneath her.

Tina fumbled for the remote and turned the volume up again. She was hearing the voices of the people in the crowd now. They were treating the whole thing like some sort of show or performance and the old women at the centre of it were playing right into it.

“Do we think this is thick enough?” Wendy called out from behind the camera.


“Double them up!”

“Make it so she has to crawl!”

The suggestions were shouted out to laughter from everyone else. Tina watched the screen wondering if there was a single person there with compassion. She wondered where the nurses and staff were. How could all of this have gone unnoticed!?

“You heard them.” Wendy said with a laugh.

“When we’re finished...” Marge said in that strangely soft voice, “You’ll ALWAYS want thick padding between your legs.”

The Tina watching the screen gulped as she felt the need for more padding grow. The towel wasn’t enough. She realised that even as she was watching the hypnosis was being reinforced. She wondered if it would’ve been better to turn the tape off but she had to know what happened to her, she had to know if there was a cure for whatever was going on somewhere in there.

On the screen, a second and then a third diaper were taken out of the box. Tina couldn’t believe what she was seeing as, yet again, her crotch raised compliantly in the air allowing the unfolded diapers to be stacked on top of each other.

“Stop it!” Tina yelled to herself in frustration, “Get out of there!”

With each diaper added to the stack underneath her naked butt on the screen, Tina, watching the screen, felt a need to have more thickness between her legs too. She pulled the towel closer and, when that wasn’t enough, she grabbed a couple of cushions from the couch and sat on them, squeezing their softness between her legs. Anything to recreate the feeling. Her brain constantly demanding more.

“Don’t forget the powder and cream!” Someone yelled out.

“Ooh, yes, we wouldn’t want the baby to get a rash, would we?” Wendy said. She’d moved forwards and was giving an almost bird’s eye view of the action.

Tina watched the television as cream was rubbed all over her intimate parts. She brought her hands up to her head in humiliation at what had been done to her. Then the powder was sprinkled liberally all over her crotch and the open diapers. They must’ve used half the container before they were satisfied.

The first diaper was lifted up and taped into place. Then the second one followed. The third was a bit of a stretch but they managed to get it on the pliant woman shortly afterwards. With each new layer the Tina watching the screen squeezed the cushions more tightly between her legs.

“Oh, we mustn’t forget… this.” Wendy said as the camera pointed down to show her going through her pocket.

Tina saw a pacifier get pulled out. She felt her pulse quicken and, in response to just seeing the object she felt her mouth salivating. Drool leaked out of the corners of her mouth and down her chin as she stuck her thumb in her mouth, barely aware of her own actions. On the screen the freshly diapered Tina had the pacifier pressed between her lips to the delight of the onlookers.

Tina squeezed the cushions between her legs tighter and sucked on her thumb. She hadn’t thought there would be any explanation for how she had woken up but now she had actually seen what had happened she was left stunned. She had never believed in hypnotising or anything like that but the evidence was right there in front of her, on the screen and still clearly effecting her strongly.

“This is just the start of our fun.” Wendy said with a big smile as the camera turned to her face and focused slightly, “We’ve got quite some plans for you this afternoon.”


If you enjoyed this and want to see the full 15,000+ word story RIGHT NOW you can do so at the following links. The full story contains more humiliation, more diapers and more lack of control!

Thank you so much for supporting me and allowing me to do what I love ❤️ 




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I'm feeling nice. Here's a second preview of my new subscriber exclusive story!

Tina is an arrogant young lawyer whose attitude offends some older ladies that she is sent to help. They decide to bring the big shot lawyer down to her size. The story contains plenty of diapers and humiliation... All the things we all love!

The full story is 15,000 words long and if you are interested I will have links to the full thing at the bottom :)

Writing is my only form of income and all the money I make from it goes towards helping with bills, groceries and other expenses. It means the world to me to have people who enjoy and support what I do, without their support I simply would not be able to spend my time writing. I want to tank everyone who subscribes to me and everyone who checks out my latest story! Thank you ❤️ 




In the bathroom, Tina shed a few tears. Partly due to panic, partly due to anger and partly due to embarrassment. She had always prided herself on being unflappable and independent. To watch these traits get stripped from her with such ease made her question everything she thought she knew about herself.

After waiting as long as she could Tina left the bathroom, her clothes piled on the floor to be dealt with later and put on her dressing gown. She went back downstairs and turned to the living room hoping it had all been a bad dream but it was still there. The pile of soaked material with a puddle of urine around it and the screen which promised only further embarrassments and indignities.

“Just get through it.” Tina said to herself, “M-Maybe they say how to fix everything.”

Tina was already feeling the need to put something in her mouth. She tapped her foot on the floor as she wondered what to do. Eventually she decided she just had to keep ploughing through. She pulled the other cushion off the couch and sat just behind the pile she had soaked before. She put her thumb in her mouth and, with more than a hint of trepidation, she pressed play.

The next few minutes showed Tina having her diaper changed. It wasn’t too different from when she had been put in the diaper to start with, except she seemed to be acting more like a baby. The old women cooed at her and she responded by giggling, her arms and feet waving in the air. It was eery to watch and part of Tina wanted to skip straight through this section but she couldn’t. What if she missed the answer to all this?

The camera cut as the new diaper was taped between Tina’s legs. When it burst into life again the Tina on the screen was sat on the floor in front of ten cards, each with a number between zero and nine. She was sucking on a pacifier and as the Tina in her living room noticed this, she felt saliva dripping out of her mouth and falling down the opening of her gown and on to her breasts.

“OK, Tina, what is… two plus two?” Marge asked, “Can you point to the card?”

Tina watched herself looked extremely confused. To her past self it seemed like she’d been asked to solve some dense algebraic problem. Eventually she reached forwards hesitantly and pointed at the card that showed the number three. As Tina, sitting in her living room and sucking her thumb winced, the old women started chuckling.

“All that education doing you a lot of good now…” Wendy said.

“I think she must’ve pissed it all into her diaper.” Hariett commented with a giggle.

“Imagine her in court like this!” Marge added.

Tina, sitting at home and hanging her head, felt her face burning with humiliation. Watching herself, she saw only confusion. It was clear she had no idea if she had guessed right or not, it didn’t even seem like past Tina knew what the older women were saying.

“Marge, I know I said to make her as stupid as possible…” Wendy chuckled, “But you’ve really out done yourself!”

The camera cut. The pacifier was gone and the old women seemed to be trying to teach Tina the alphabet.

“Come on, baby, how does it go?” Hariett asked, “A, B, C…”

The diapered Tina just stared at the women. She clearly didn’t have the faintest idea what to say. Having the old women staring at her expectantly when she didn’t know what to do seemed to make her upset. Tina watched in horror as, on the screen, she dropped on to her padded butt and started having a tantrum. Arms and legs hitting the floor as she loudly cried.

“Well, this seems normal.” Wendy commented sardonically, “You sounded much like this before we started.”

The camera cut again. This time, when it came back, it seemed to be sat on a dining room table Tina was sat in a chair with a bowl in front of her. Wendy sat one side and Marge the other. There was already mushy food smeared around Tina’s face.

“Open up for the choo-choo train…” Wendy said. She started making train noises as she lifted the spoon up.

Tina, watching the screen despite desperately wanting to look away, cringed in humiliation as not only did she eat the mushy food but then she clapped and laughed as if it was the best game she’d ever played.

The camera cut one final time. It showed Tina holding her tummy and looking worryingly at the camera. She was dancing from foot to foot again. The old women were laughing and encouraging her. The Tina watching the screen realised what was about to happen. She dived for the remote but it was too late. She gasped as she felt her bowels pushing. She’d had no idea that she needed to go but now the cushion underneath her was taking the full brunt of it. She turned towards the screen to see herself squatting and pushing simultaneously. The camera moved around to show the back bulging out as it was filled.

Tina was beyond disgusted as the smell of her poop started filling the living room. She gingerly stood up. Thankfully, most of her mess stayed on the cushion, she’d been leaning forwards as it happened so not much was stuck to her. Her eyes filled with tears and she looked up at the screen again. Wendy had turned the camera on to herself whilst, in the background, she saw a messy diaper being changed.

“I’m sure you’re wondering what happens next.” Wendy said, “Well, that is up to you, Miss. Fancy-Pants Lawyer. Marge feels pretty confident those hypnotic suggestions will hold. You know where to find us, baby.”

Just like that, the VHS ended. Tina was left kneeling on her living room floor with ruined cushions staring at a blank television screen. She pounded the ground with her fist a couple of times before she reached for the remote. She was just about to eject the tape when the picture returned, like a bonus track at the end of a music album there was one final surprise. A spinning disk filled the screen. White and black swirls that got her attention immediately. She knew she was being hypnotized again and desperately wanted to stop looking it before it was too late…

When Tina came to, she was at the store. An announcement over the PA system had seemed to wake her up and she looked around in confusion. How on Earth had she ended up there? The last thing she remembered was kneeling in front of the television. Since then, she had apparently cleaned herself up, got dressed and somehow arrived at the store.

“I don’t…” Tina looked up and down the aisle, and then, directly in front of her.

Tina felt her stomach sink. She was holding both a packet of adult diapers and three infant pacifiers. In her shock she almost dropped them but she managed to cling on. It must’ve been those old women, they had hypnotized her, plotted against her and… she needed them?

“No!” Tina said out loud to herself, startling an older woman a little further down the aisle.

Tina hurried away from the aisle with the diapers and pacifiers still in her hands. There was something happening in her brain. She kept thinking about Wendy, Marge and Hariett as if they were people that were important to her, almost as if they were family. She found herself battling with the thoughts that they would look after her. They were the ones who did all this!

Tina tried to calm herself down. She needed to concentrate on one thing at a time. Firstly, she needed to go home. She was minded to put the things she was holding back on the shelves but she didn’t. That need for something between her legs, the desire to have something in her mouth remained as strong as ever. As embarrassing as it was, maybe she should buy them after all. She wished Wendy was there, she would know what to do.

Deciding that she couldn’t risk any more accidents and needed to get back to normal she decided to buy the diapers and soothers. All these triggers would wear off soon, she was sure of it, but she had to be prepared until they did. With trepidation, she took the items to the checkouts at the front of the store.

Tina felt very embarrassed as she stood in line. She tried to hide the fact that she was holding diapers but, conversely, that just seemed to make them more obvious. They were certainly drawing attention from nearby people. She put them on the small conveyor belt and stood in front of the checkout.

“Will you ne-…” The bored store employee started.

“They aren’t for me!” Tina quickly said.

The woman operating the checkout looked at the items on the conveyor and then back at Tina. A small smirk appeared on her face. Tina normally didn’t stand idly by whilst she felt someone was laughing at her, but she desperately didn’t want to create more of a scene. She had her credit card out and just wanted to pay and get out of there as soon as possible.

“Do you need a bag for your diapers?” The woman asked. She put special emphasis on the final word.

For a second Tina thought she was about to collapse. Her knees went weak and she felt the desperate need to have something thick between her legs grow and swell. Her thumb played at the edge of her lips and she only just resisted sticking it into her mouth. She quickly nodded her head. Anything to get the diapers out of sight.

As soon as she had paid, Tina picked up her bag and practically ran from the store. She didn’t stop until she was back at home and slamming the door closed behind her. She was very out of breath as she bent over and tried to fill her lungs. The bag she had been holding tumbled from her hands. How had she fallen so far?

After a minute or two of intense thought Tina picked up the bag. It was already late and she should really have been in bed. Besides, she knew what a mess she had left in the living room and didn’t want to have to deal with that, she just couldn’t face it. She trudged up the stairs with her humiliating purchases and straight to her bedroom, collapsing face first on her bed and wishing everything that had happened had been just a bad dream.

Slowly but surely, Tina stripped off her clothes and kicked them off the side of the bed. She looked at the bag. The desires she had towards what was in there felt so weird. She knew they didn’t come from her and yet she also felt completely helpless to resist them. She pulled the diapers out of the bag and swallowed anxiously.

“No.” Tina said, “You can’t make me!”

Tina was alone but she was talking to those three old crones as if they were right in front of her. She threw the diapers across the room and climbed under her covers, childishly pulling them over her head as if hiding. If she ignored them long enough, she would surely forget about them. She didn’t know what stupid hypnotism had been used but it couldn’t have been too powerful, it had to fade eventually. She tried to ignore the fact that she had just ended up at the store without any knowledge of going there.

Tina closed her eyes. She was going to sleep and when she woke up everything would be better.


If you enjoyed this and want to see the full 15,000+ word story RIGHT NOW you can do so at the following links. The full story contains more humiliation, more diapers and more lack of control!

Thank you so much for supporting me and allowing me to do what I love ❤️ 



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