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I tried to write a new story, and I hope you like it. I would appreciate it if you came with comments and aides. I hope you enjoy it. The story has non-sexual thins involved. 

the short story is about an 8-year-old boy who has started to struggle with bedwetting. It doesn't get any better when his sister finds out and wants revenge for something he did to her.


Tobias summer vacation


The sunlight streamed through Tobias' windows, directly on his face. With summer vacation in full swing, he enjoyed lounging and stretching without school restrictions. His eyes widened, and he became more awake as he noticed something was wrong.


His eyes suddenly stopped moving and widened as a terrifying thought gripped him. His hand slowly began to reach out, feeling under the cover of darkness. Tobias froze when his terrifying thoughts became a reality: he had wet the bed again. He got scared and called his mother without thinking. “Mom!”


The sound of steps came through him, and the door to his room opened.


“Good morning, sleepy head; everything

alright? “ said his mom.


His eyes started to get wet; tears began to roll down his skin.


“What’s wrong, honey?” said his mom.


Tobias lay in bed, sobbing, trying to explain what had happened. Unable to speak, he removed the blanket to reveal his wet bed to his mother. As she looked at it, her eyes filled with compassion and understanding.


“Oh, have you had an accident again? Poor thing. That can happen to the best; shower, and I'll take care of your bed.” said his mom.


Tobias felt embarrassed, but his mother gave him a warm smile.


“Go take a warm shower, and then meet me for breakfast,” his mom said.


Tobias walked in his wet pajamas to the bathroom for a refreshing shower, enjoying warm water running down his body. He exited the shower to find that his mother had left a towel with Lego Ninjago characters.


Tobias dried himself and returned to his room. His mother had already laid out underpants, shorts, and a T-shirt on his freshly made bed.


He descended the stairs and found his two older sisters already sitting, eating breakfast. His sisters Maria and Andrea played with their phones while eating and didn't notice Tobias coming. Maria was an 18-year-old girl who spent much time at work and with her friends and wasn't home much. Andrea was a 15-year-old girl who always got what she wanted, regardless of the consequences for others. She was tired of all the attention the little brat always got and was looking forward to spending the summer with her friends.


The girls loved their parents, and although they didn't despise their little brother, they loved him but found his constant attention and spoiled nature particularly annoying. The girls always enjoyed teasing Tobias because he was much shorter than the other children his age. Sometimes, the girls would take Tobias out to play and often met strangers who mistook him for a younger child. Once, Tobias was mistakenly taken to the kindergarten when a teacher mistook him for a little child.


Tobias prepared a breakfast mix and placed the bowl on the table before setting up his highchair. Tobias always found it so embarrassing that he had to use a high chair instead of sitting on an adult chair. However, he knew using a highchair was better than sitting on his knees. Their mother sat down with her children and relaxed with a cup of coffee before she broke the silence.


“So kids, what's your plans today?” said his mom.


Maria put the phone down and looked over to her mother. “I have work and then some plans with my friends.  We will drive to the beach; a friend will pick me up soon.”


Andrea glanced at Maria and rolled her eyes before speaking, "I'm going to hang out with some friends."


His mother smiled at her daughters, took another sip of her coffee, and leaned closer to chat more quietly with Tobias.


“Did you go to the washroom with the wet pajamas?” his mom asked.


The girl's eyes filled with curiosity as they listened to their mother's whispering voice.

Andrea burst into laughter before responding.


“Has the baby wet the bed again? Maybe you should consider using diapers on him again, like babies need, Mom!” Andrea said.


Tobias turned red with embarrassment as he heard the mocking laughter and hurtful words.

He wasn't a baby, an 8-year-old kid who wanted to yell back at them, but he knew his mother would get angry from arguing. Tobias took control of his frustration and quietly ate his food while looking down. Maria giggled and laughed with her sister until their mother looked at them sternly.


"Now that's enough, girls. You can leave the table," their mom said.


His mother looked at him with an expression of love but also concern.


“Don't listen to those girls. Now I'll clean up; the kitchen looked like a mess.” said his mom.


Thinking raced through her head while she got up and walked to the kitchen to clean up. She wondered why he had started wetting the bed at night. She planned to talk to her husband and schedule a doctor's appointment when he came home.


Tobias finished his food and gave his mother his plate before returning to his room. He sat down on his rug and opened his drawers full of Legos. Time flew by as he built with all the Lego bricks he had. Without him noticing, someone began brushing his hair. Tobias turned and was happy to see his father bending down behind him. "Daddy, you're home!"


“Hi, champ! Had a good day?” his dad said.


Tobias smiled as he saw his father sit down on the bottom to play with the Legos with him. "Do you want to join me for a little play, Daddy?"


As they chatted about the day, his father built a little with his son. “When do you have a vacation, Dad?”


“I don't have any holiday yet, but we'll manage. So, Mom told me about what happened last night. Is there anything that has happened that you want to talk about? It's been a while since you used to wet the bed at night.” said his dad.


Tobias sat quietly and said nothing as he poked at the Lego. "I don't know, Dad. It just happened. I'm sorry."


"It'll be fine, champ. It'll probably just be a bad night." his dad said.


His father got up and left the room to talk to his wife. A little worried, he looked back at his son before he disappeared and went downstairs.


He sat beside his wife, tired from a long day at work. She had put some dinner in the oven, which would soon be ready.


"I asked Junior why he had wet the bed several times. He didn't know." his father said.


She looked over at him with a worried look.


"It has happened too often to be just an accident, and I soon won't have any bedwear left. No, we need to take him to a doctor. I will call them tomorrow." the mother said.


She got up and started setting the table. Tobias came down the stairs simultaneously with his mother, who had just put lasagna on the table.


“Tobias, can you tell your sisters it is time for dinner?” his mom said.


Tobias nodded and ran up the stairs to his sisters. He knocked on the door and waited until Maria said he could come in. "It's dinner," he said, running to Andreas' room.


He knocked on the door but got no answer. He tried again, but there was still no response from her. Tobias opened the door and entered the room. He studied all the drawings and figures she had created. Suddenly, he heard her voice behind him.


"What are you doing in my room? Who said you could walk into my room, your little bed wetter?

If it was up to me, would I put you back in diapers? It was so funny at school when you were mistaken for a kindergarten kid, and the funniest thing is that you don't look any older than one,” Andrea said mockingly.


Tobias looked at her with an angry look. He wasn't a kindergarten kid; he was a big kid. “I'm not a baby! I'm a big kid!”


Andrea burst out laughing as she could see his face became red.


“Are you a big kid? You could be mistaken for a toddler in the right clothes, considering you are still wet in the bed. Real big kids don't wet their beds. You would have looked adorable in diapers and some childish clothes,” said Andrea as she laughed.


Tobias became angry and red as he ran out of her room and into his room. He buried his face down into his bed pillow with anger. He wanted to tell his mother how much Andrea had teased him; this wasn't fear. But the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became that his mother would think it would be a good idea to put him back in diapers. Tobias cooled down and walked to join the others for dinner.


“Hay, champ, you disappeared a little. Is everything okay?” his father asked with a slightly concerned tone.


Tobias tried to keep his smile up but said nothing as he sat in his chair. He and his sisters giggled as they whispered to each other before Andrea spoke.


"He must have been late to the table for another accident," said Andrea as the girls giggled.


Their parents were visibly displeased by Andrea's choice of words and directed stern looks at her. Both girls immediately fell silent, focusing solely on their meals. Tobias felt embarrassed and ashamed at how the girls treated him. As they ate, the conversation turned to discussing their respective days, but Tobias remained silent, his mind unable to shake off the hurtful words his sister had used. Despite not being as tall or physically developed as others his age, Tobias resented being treated like a little child. He ate his food and looked over at his mom. “May I be excused from the table?”


“Of course you can.” said his mother.


He cleaned his table and returned to his room, still irritated by what the girls had said of him. Time passed as he looked at the TV in his room, and his mother came in.


“It's time for bed, young man. Brush your teeth and come back; we need to talk,” his mother said in a warm tone.


He walked to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, and went to the toilet before he came back. His mother was still sitting on his bed, waiting for him, holding his pajamas in her hand as he walked inside his room. He came to his mother, removed his clothes, and took on the pajamas before lying on the bed.


“So, young man, I have spoken to your father. You have an appointment at the doctor's tomorrow. There have been too many bedwetting accidents,” his mom said calmly but in a loving tone.


Tobias' face became scared, and he didn't want to go to any doctors. “Why, I promise to stop with the wetting.”


“I'll make you a deal: If you behave well tomorrow, I will take you to your favorite ice cream shop. Is that okay?” his mom said.


He smiled as his mother ruffled his hair and left the room. His dad walked by, gave him a wink.


"Good night, champ; see you tomorrow." his dad said.


The door closed as Tobias lay down and thought of the morning. His eyes became heavy, and he fell asleep.

As the sun came through his window, Tobias's eyes opened; he soon felt something was wrong; he had done it again—his bed was wet. He walked out of his bed and took a shower before he took some clothes. His sister wasn't up yet, but his mother sat with a coffee.


“Good morning, young man. Are you first up today? How did the night go?” said his mom.


He looked at the ground, and his mother understood the answer. She came and hugged him.


“It's okay. I'll fix your wet bed, and you can wake your sisters.” said his mom.


He smiled and strolled over to Andrea's room. As he approached, he noticed that her door was slightly ajar. Peeking inside, he saw Andrea putting some beer into her backpack. Tobias made a misstep; his sister shouted his name as he sprinted to his mother. Upon her mother's coming, she promptly unzipped the bag, and Andrea looked at Tobias with intense hatred.


“What is this? Beer! Maria, where have you got a beer from?” their mother shouted sternly.


Andrea cast a sympathetic glance her mother's way while their mother fell silent as her eyes fixed on her watch.


“I forgot we have a doctor's appointment, Tobias. Come. And you, young lady, I'll deal with you later,” said their mother sharply.


As their mother walked away, Tobias began to turn when Andrea grasped his arm firmly.


“Now listen, little pee boy. You will regret this," while Andrea's expression could terrify anyone.


Andrea releases him, and he runs to his mother, who is waiting in the car with her phone. Tobias tries to tell his mother what Andrea did, but she talks with Dad about the beer. Tobias sits back and looks out the windows as they drive away. After a drive, they park the car in a parking garage and walk into a building. It feels like an eternity for Tobias to walk fast, but they make it just in time.


His mother placed him on a chair as she stood in line to announce their arrival. Tobias walked over to some cool toys and started to play. A young nurse came by Tobias.


“Hello there, little man. I think these toys are for big boys, but you can play with this once over here.” the nurse said with a smile.


He looked over at the young nurse who had found some toys for daycare children.


“There you go, have fun.” the lady said as she walked away.


He became red in his face and irritated. He was not a daycare baby; he was a big kid. He returned to his mother, who had sat in the waiting room. His mother took his hand and sat beside him as they waited for their turn.


The nurse came and said Tobias' name; his mother looked at him and took his hands. They walked into the man who sat in the doctor's office. He smiled and raised his hand to greet them.


“Good day. I am Doctor Brown. What can I do for you?”


As his mother started talking to the doctor, Tobias sat a little scared. As he looked at a picture of a girl the same age as Andrea, Tobias began to think nervously about what Andrea said before he ran to the car. Was it wrong to tell Mom about the beer? Is it okay to drink? He hired the doctor, said his name, and Tobias looked at him.


“Don't be worried, Tobias. We will check everything to see if something is wrong with you, young man.” the doctor said.


He rose and showed how they would take some tests. It felt like an eternity with all the testing and things the doctors wanted to do, but Tobias always returned to the incident with his sister. The look on her face was so angry and mean, and it did not look good; he felt afraid.


Tobias had come back from his thoughts. He realized he now sat and waited outside in the waiting room to return to the doctor's office. At the same time, his name was up. They sat down with the doctor. He started with the easy words that they could not find anything wrong with him; he had to be immature in his body. He was small for his age, and Tobias looked wans again at the picture of the girl, which reminded him of what Andrea had said. It wasn't funny that the nurse had mistaken him for a little child.


His mother raised her hand and thanked the doctor as they walked out. She looked a little worried when they walked away from the doctor. She looked at him and said she needed to stop by the store for supplies. Tobias followed along as his mother picked out the food and supplies required. His mother took a long time to look at something. He looked up and got red in the face. She was looking at diapers! “Mom! What are you doing? I don't need diapers; that is for small babies.”


She lifted something into the trolley as she looked over at him.


“Don't worry; it's just a safety measure. It will be our little secret. Didn't you hear the doctor say we should use protection at night? Also, it's difficult for me to change your bed every day. I had enough this morning with Andrea and the doctor. Please stop acting like a baby. It's not diapers; it's pull-ups, but if you act more like a baby, maybe I should take diapers instead!” his mother said, irritated.


They had walked back to the car and were on their way home. Tobias mined raced, being mistaken for a little child; now he had to use pull-ups! They parked the car, and his mother opened the car door for him. They walked inside with all the groceries and the pull-ups. He walked in silently and into his room. He started to play some TV games as time began to fly. He heard his mother and her talking down stars, not in a great tone, and suddenly, she called out everyone's names and told them to come down.


When Tobias came downstairs, Andrea sat on the sofa with an angry look and her arms crossed. His mother smiled at him with a loving tone.


“Now, Andrea, Dad is going on a business trip. I don't want to sit at home, so Tobias and you will drive with me to my sister.” said their mom.


Andrea became red in anger.


“What about my friends? I need to be home!” said Andrea, irritated as her mother looked sternly back at her.


“Now you listen, young lady. I told you that Maria needed to work so she would be home, but you would be with me and your brother. We are leaving tomorrow for my sister, and you will not be angry about it. This is entirely your fault. Now behave,” said their mom in a stern tone at her.


Andrea was so upset about going on this stupid trip with her mother and little pee brother and not seeing her friends. She blamed Tobias for the whole situation!


"Is my cousin Sofia there, at least?" Andrea asked.


Here, Mother smiled back at her.


“Yes, and so is Sam.” said his mom.


Andrea just rolled her eyes and spoke silently.

“Sam? He’s four, isn't he? He's just another baby but a good play buddy for Tobias.”


Her eyes lit up like fire as she repeated it. “Yes, a good play buddy for Tobias,” she said as her smile grew. Tobias got worried about what Andreas's eyes shoved. Whatever she was thinking, this can't be good.


“So, we are leaving tomorrow morning. Your father has to leave on a business trip tonight. Andrea and Tobias, go and pack your bags; we are leaving early tomorrow." said their mom.


Tobias runs upstairs to pack his bag of toys. His mother comes upstairs with a bag and starts to pack his clothes. She has almost finished packing when she turns to him and looks him in the eyes.


“I need to go downstairs, Tobias. Can you pack some underwire in your bag?”


He proudly smiled at his mother as she walked out of his room and downstairs. He had put all his underwear in the bag and walked out of his room to get some things from the living room. As he came back upstairs into his bedroom, Andrea walked out with a backpack over her shoulder. “What are you doing in my room?” said Tobias.


Andrea smiled at him. "Sorry, I'm just looking for you. Are you looking forward to traveling and visiting our aunt? It will surely be fun for you to play with Sam. He is probably four now, I think," Andrea said.


Tobias became irritated by her foolish comments. "Why would I play with a baby? That is four. I'm a big kid,” said Tobias.


“Yeah, he's four, but you are no taller than he is and don't look much older. With the right clothes, you can easily be mistaken for a 4-year-old little bedwetter you are. Mom should have bought diapers for you.” said Andrea.


Tobias felt his face turn red as she threw humiliating words at him. Despite his attempts to protest and set her straight, she continued with her hurtful remarks as he walked by and slammed his door.


Dinner was a bit sad. Andrea had been a lousy sister that day, and Dad was leaving for a work trip. The dinner felt slow, and time seemed to drag on. After going to the bathroom to brush his teeth and quickly visit the toilet, he returned to his room feeling a little unsettled. His mother was sitting on the bed, waiting for him.


“Remember our discussion about protection?” said his mom.


His eyes bulged, and his face turned red as he confidently approached his mother.

“Mom, please, I don't want to wear it. Babies like Sam use diapers, not big kids,” he told his mom.


His mother becomes irritated and drags him to the bed, but she offers him a warm smile before speaking.


“Listen, first of all, it's not a diaper; it's a pull-up. Second, I don't have any more bed covers as they're not dry after all the wetting. Third, waking up in a wet pull-up is better than waking up in a wet bed. So, please take off your clothes and let me help you. If you're good, I'll let you watch some more TV in your bed.” said his mom.


Tobias started to take off his shirt and pants, but he got a little slower when it came to his underwear; his lust was not in him. His mother gently helped him take it off. She found a white pull-up with some Paw Patrol drawings at the front. She opened it so Tobias could put his feet into it. She dragged the pull-up until it was in its place and checked that everything was in its place.


He looked down and saw the soft but thick pull-up between his legs, which made keeping his feet together more challenging due to his spread-apart legs. Looking at the pull-up, he saw the paw patrol in the front. He thought it was better than diapers. His mother walked to his drawer to get a pajama top and pants. Suddenly, Tobias heard a familiar laugh behind him. He closed his eyes in shame and turned to see Andrea entering.


“Now, have you seen? Mom followed my advice and put the little toddler back in a diaper.”


As Andrea patted his back, Tobias blushed with embarrassment. His mom handed Tobias his pajamas and gave Andrea a stern look.


“Now listen, Andrea. Tobias' doctor suggested using some protection. It's not a diaper; it's a pull-up. So let your brother be," said their mom.


Andrea smiled with pride as she walked out. She started to talk silently: “The little brat is already back in his diaper. This will make my plan a lot easier. He ruined my summer, but my revenge will be satisfying. I need to talk to my cousin Sofia. I'm not finished with Tobias yet. she said as she walked to her room.


Tobias' mother kissed him and walked out of his room. Tobias took his clothes on. Feeling something between his legs was strange, and he made a little bowel in the front. He watched some TV and, after a while, fell asleep.

Tobias wakes to his mother's hands touching him. His eyes open to see his mother's warm smile.


"Good, you're up, and you're not wet. I'm so proud of you." his mom said.


He was about to leave bed, but his mother stopped him. Before she spoke, her face looked a little concerned.


"Hey there, since it's still early, you'll probably doze off in the car because we have a long drive ahead. Please keep your pull-up diaper on while we're driving, just in case you have an accident. It would be very tiring for me if there were any accidents in the car while we're on the road." said his mom.


Tobias's face became red with sadness. "Keep my pull-ups on? But I don't wet myself at day?" he said in frustration. His mom looked a little concerned before she looked down. He started to feel guilty. "Okay, Mom. I will wear the pull-up diaper for you." Her face smiled back at him with pride.


"You are amazing for being so considerate of others. Your selflessness is admirable, and I hope your sister can learn from your example. From you. Now take your bag to the garage." said his mother.


Tobias's mother excused herself from the room as he put on his pants over the pull-up diaper. Putting on his pants proved challenging, resulting in a slight bulge in the front and a curve in the back. To conceal the diaper, he put on a hoodie and picked up his bag before heading towards the car in the garage. As he stooped to set down his bag, a familiar and unexpected voice broke the silence—Andrea's voice.


"Stop right there," she said as her steps came closer.   


As she crept up behind him, he could feel the warmth of her breath on the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine. Every step she took seemed to echo in the silence as he anxiously wondered what she was after. Her hand moved slowly, almost hesitantly, as it reached out to touch him. She paused before him, gently raising his chin with her index finger while fixing him with a stern gaze.


"I think it's wise for the baby to have his diaper on."


His heart races as she stares into his eyes sternly. He becomes so afraid that he tenses up and wets his pull-up. His eyes widen with fear as the pull-up starts to swell. It was the most terrifying feeling he had ever felt. Andrea laughs at him and looks down at him with contempt.


"Looks like someone needs a diaper change. It seems like you've wet your diaper. Let's go find Mom and get you changed."


As they left the garage, her infectious laughter filled the air, intertwining with their footsteps. Tobias felt his heart racing with fear as they approached their mother. Andrea hid her smile and looked concerned as she glanced at her mother.


"Excuse me, Mom, but Tobias had an accident, and I believe he needs a diaper change," Andrea said with a concerned expression as she looked at her mother.


Their mother's face looked concerned at Tobias before she bent down to her knees, her hand stroking over his hair.


"Common little one, let's change that diaper."


Tobias's expression soured as a wave of embarrassment washed over him. His mother mentioned the word "diapers" instead of "pull-ups" as she gently took his hand and guided him back to his room. Once there, she swiftly removed his pants and pull-up diaper, leaving Tobias feeling utterly mortified and unable to speak a single word. She quickly swapped out the used pull-up for a fresh one and efficiently helped him back into his clothes. Before leaving, she kissed his cheek tenderly, gazing at him with love.


"It's alright, little one; there's no need to feel embarrassed. Now, let's get on our way." his mother said.


As she gracefully exited the room, he was left standing there, feeling the weight of humiliation from the recent events. He reached out to switch off the light before going downstairs for a quick breakfast. The morning meal was hurried, and they soon stood inside the garage. As Tobias was about to settle into the car, his sister Andrea looked at their mother.


"Mom, maybe we should consider using Tobias's old car seat for the upcoming long drive. You know there have been a lot of police checks lately, especially after that terrible accident involving the child who wasn't properly secured in their seat. Even though Tobias is eight years old, he's still on the shorter side. I want to make sure he's safe, and of course, I'm also concerned about your license, Mom," Andrea said with a worried expression as she looked at her mother.


Tobias' eyes got more extensive, and his face became red. "No, Mom, you can't be serious!"


His mother gazed at him with quiet intensity. Afterward, she shifted her gaze back to Andrea, and her hand gently caressed Andrea's skin.


"You're completely right, Andrea. I hadn't considered that. You take such good care of your brother. I'm worried about your father traveling. I'm grateful to have you, Andrea, to care for things."


Their mother left the car and found Tobias's old car seat. She opened his door and looked at Tobias. As his mother hooked up the seat, he shamed out of the car. His sister smiled evilly at Tobias as their mother walked out. Without asking, she lifted Tobias, put him in his child's seat, fastened him with a belt, and fiddled with the car door before she closed it. She sighed a little and leaned into the driver's door.


"I'm sorry. I need to visit the bathroom. Just stay; I won't be long."


As she quickly vanished from sight, Andrea looked at Tobias with pride. She left the car and opened the trunk to find something, Tobias thought. She came back and sat down as he looked sternly at her.


"Now, don't give me that look, Tobias. You know it's important to ensure that babies are securely strapped into their car seats," his sister teased him.


As Tobias was on the verge of responding, his mother arrived. Opting for silence, he gazed out the window as they departed from the garage. The morning sun shone warmly on the windowpanes as the car pulled away.


As they continued their journey, a significant distance had been covered when Tobias's eyes slowly opened. He had nodded off and fallen asleep during the drive. Beside him lay a bottle of water and something to eat. His mom smiled back at him from the mirror.


"Good morning! Did you have a restful sleep? I quickly stopped to pick up some refreshing drinks and something to eat for you. We'll be reaching our destination in no time now." said his mother.


As he started to wake up, he noted something wasn't right; he had wet himself again. The pull-up had swelled up in the front, and it didn't get any better. He needed to pee. He tried to be calm, but it got more difficult. The feeling of having to go to the bathroom began to push more and more. "Mom, I need to go to the bathroom."


His mom glanced at him in the mirror and replied.


"I apologize, but I can't pull over right now. We're expected to reach our destination in fifteen minutes. You're more than capable of managing that," his mother reassured him.


Tobias sat uneasily in his seat, attempting to calm his nerves. Despite his efforts, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Through his struggle, he noticed Andrea casting glances in his direction, adding to his discomfort. Her smile appeared mocking before she spoke.


"You say you're a big boy, Tobias, so it shouldn't be a problem to hold on?" said Andrea with a big smile.


As he sat there restlessly, time felt like an eternity. When his mother finally drove up a familiar driveway and stopped the car, the pressure was so great that he began to get desperate. His mother opened the car door and saw her sister waiting for them at the entrance.


They met and hugged each other while Tobias sat desperately waiting for the car door to open. He repeatedly tried to open it, but the child lock was on. Frustration built up within him as he observed his mother chatting and laughing with her sister while he sat suffering.


His face turned red, and his body froze when he realized the battle was lost. He desperately tried to hold it in, but it was useless. The sluices opened, and the pee filled his diaper, which swelled as much as possible, but it just continued to flow. When his nightmare was finally over, another one began. It started leaking down his side and into his pants as his aunt opened the door to greet him.


When his aunt saw Tobias, her eyes widened, and his face turned red with embarrassment. There he sat, strapped in a child seat, and had just wet himself so much that his pants were now soaked. His aunt changed her gaze to slightly mocking before her voice came.


"Hi, Tobias. You haven't changed a bit. I thought you had become a big boy now," she said and looked at her sister curiously.


"Tobias seems to have not grown at all. I believe putting him back in a child's seat was wise. He looks like he could be as old as my Sam. I was surprised to learn that he had started wearing diapers again, which I already see has leaked through his diaper. You know, sis, when you have to put them back in diapers, you must choose a thick and long-lasting option." said his aunt to her sister.


Tobias's aunt's words stung his pride, and he felt embarrassed. His aunt helped him leave the car seat while his mother approached and leaned down. She saw tears starting to come down from his eyes. Her finger wiped them away before she hugged Tobias and looked him warmly in the eyes.


"Now, let's go inside, remove this wet diaper, and find clean clothes." his mother said.

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1 hour ago, Pierry Louys said:

Great beginning! I think Tobias is gonna be for a long time being babied by his aunt and cousin 


Thanks, I will keep working on it 👍

  • Like 1

His mother took Tobias inside the house and up to the bathroom. She began to take his clothes off one by one as Tobias just stood there with his head down, no comment, no resistance, only despair.


“Now go take a shower. I'll return after I get your clothes,” his mother said.


She gazed at him with his despondent expression, then affectionately kissed his cheek before exiting the bathroom. She closed the door, and he lifted his head to look around. It was a large, beautiful bathroom with elegant tiles and a spacious sink. There was a shower and a bathtub. He stepped into the shower and felt the warm water run down his back. The wait was getting long. His mother should return soon but hadn't come yet. He stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel from a drawer, and dried himself. Suddenly, his mother entered the bathroom, and he could tell from her expression that something was wrong.


“Tobias, did you remember to place your bag in the car? I thought I did, but when I checked, I found only your bag of toys and pull-up diapers, not your actual bag. That means you have no clothes,” his mother said with a note of despair.


Tobias's eyes widened, and his face stiffened with terror. No more downs, he began to think. “But mom! I'm sure I saw it in the car in the garage. It can't just disappear, can it? What should I wear then? I can't walk around without clothes and underwear!”


His mother became a little annoyed by his behavior. She was tired from the long drive and the hectic morning, and this little wet incident in the car when they arrived didn't make it any better. No, now she just had to make the best of the situation, whether he wanted to or not.


“Now, we have traveled a long way. I am tired after the long drive and this incident with your clothes. Now, I'll get you a pull-up, and then we'll use it as panties. Auntie had a point that you're not notably bigger than Sam when I saw him while you were showering. I am asking my sister if you can lend me some clothes from Sam. And please don't protest now. This is enough; otherwise, you can walk around in just your pull-up; it's up to you,” his mother said, irritated.


She disappeared out of the bathroom with a slightly annoyed look. His dread at how she talked to him cut his nerves, but he didn't want to make it any worse for his mother. Was it his fault that the clothes didn't come and that she was tired? This made him ignore his pride a little. His mother returned with some clothes in her hand and sat down on the toilet to help him.


She handed him a fresh pull-up and helped him put it on. He looked a bit worried when she didn't provide any underwear to wear underneath. "Where are my panties?" as she looked at him, a little irritated.


“You don't need it, and I don't want to spend the rest of the day in here. Now, lift your arms, please.” said his mom.


He lifted them over. She pulled down a blue long-sleeved shirt, but his eyes widened in horror as she pulled it along and buttoned it between his crotch! It was a baby bodysuit with buttons in the crotch! He saw some animated figures on the front with the number 4 years. He was about to protest when he saw his mother's look; he dared not say anything. She poles up some childish-looking blue pants that match the bodysuit and some socks. She looked at him with a warm smile.


“It fit, but I see it is a bit tight, but well, it worked,” said his mother with pride.


He turned and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes widened as his face was horrified by the sight that met him. He wore a bodysuit with animated animal prints and the number "4" marked on it. The outfit fit tightly between his legs, pushing the diaper. His pants made it impossible not to notice the diaper bulging both front and back. If someone had seen him, they would have thought he was a slightly overgrown four-year-old. “No, mam, please, I can't walk out there in this?” as he looked up at his mother. She gave him an annoyed look.


“Now you listen. I'm tired, and you have no clothes. Now stop and act like a baby.” she said, more irritated.


They exited the bathroom and encountered his aunt. Her eyes locked with his, and she wore a proud smile as she glanced at his mom.


“I said it would fit. Sofia and Andrea did a great job finding something for him to wear. But he doesn't look 8; he looks more like a 4-year-old boy now, so cute.” his aunt said with a big smile.


While Tobias stood with his aunt, his mother entered the kitchen to get something to drink. He couldn't tell if her smile was mocking our love.


“If you get wet or have accidents, tell Aunt, and I'll change you personally, little Tobias.” said his aunt, smiling proudly.


Tobias's face turned red with embarrassment at his aunt's words. His mother came in from the kitchen and stood next to her sister. His aunt just stood and gave him a sweet smile as she admired him. She looked at his mother and put her arm across her back.


“Now, sister, you deserve a glass of cold white wine. Go and sit in the garden chair. Tobias, you can go to the living room; the other kids are there.” his aunt said.


His mom nodded and disappeared into the garden as Tobias tried to walk easily. It was now more challenging to walk with the pull-up more fit. It felt much thicker. Sam sat on the floor playing with toys that looked more like baby toys. He looked over and saw his sister sitting on the sofa, talking and chatting with Sofia, his cousin. As their eyes saw him come into the room, they both started laughing to death. Andrea couldn't give up as she looked at her brother, who looked like a four-year-old. Tobias felt how red and embarrassed he became, the horrible feeling returning to his body like a blow.


“Didn't Sofia and I find nice clothes for you? The little boy looks so cute,” said Andrea with pride in her look.


His face was so angry. When Sofia looked at him, he turned away from her and was about to sit on the sofa.


“No, Tobias, you can sit and play on the floor with my pathetic brother Sam. Small four-year-old kids can play on the floor. Now, do as we say! Are els!” said Sofia with a sharp look.


His whole body almost trembled in terror at how she put her words to rest. His body wanted to run out to his mother and tell her how they were behaving, but he just stood still, thinking of his mother's irritated expression; he didn't want her to be more irritated or make his mother angry. He just sat down on the floor and started playing with Sam. Sitting was uncomfortable because it tightened a little here and there, so he chose to lie on his stomach. The noticeable diaper bulge over his bottom was so apparent with the tight pants, but he didn't think much more of it as he tried to play with Sam. Time must have passed quickly without him thinking much about it because the sun had begun to set. He felt pressure start while his body was restless; he had to go to the bathroom. When he was about to get up, Andrea pushed him down on his stomach and ran to the bathroom. He tried to get up quickly, but it was slower with the diaper between his legs. He made it to the toilet and felt the door; it was locked. He tried again, but desperation came; he had to pee now! When his aunt arrived, he pulled on the door several times in desperation.


“Now stop that; the door handle will be damaged when you hold it like that. When it is locked, someone is before you, and you must learn to respect that.” said his aunt.


Her determined look and words put him off. The pressure was on—he had to go to the bathroom now! His aunt looked at him as his eyes widened, his face red with embarrassment. His aunt walked up to him, bent down, and took her hand between his legs, confirming the suspicion. She looked up at him as she shook her head.


“You're supposed to be a big boy? It's good that the diaper was there. If not, more clothes would have been wet. Now come, Aunty will change your diaper and let your mother rest.”


She took his hand and led him into the next room. Did this room belong to Sam? It was equipped with a changing table, numerous childlike toys, and resembled a nursery.


His eyes looked in all directions before he saw his aunt's smile.


“It's cute. I'll take on some babysitting jobs on the side,” said his aunt.


She began to pull down his pants and unbuttoned the bodysuit. She felt the diaper and looked up at him with wide eyes.


"You peed the diaper out. It was probably good that your mum put a pull-up on you; otherwise, your clothes would have been wet again. But it's going well, little friend. I've diapered boys like you several times. Wait a minute; I'll be back.” she said with a slight eagerness.


He stood there, nervous, in a wet, warm pull-up diaper, as his aunt searched through some drawers. It didn't take long for her to return. She pointed up at the changing table. The horror in his body just made him automatically get up and lie down on the changing table. She stroked his head with a warm smile and her mouth as she tore the pull-up off. She found some wet napkins and washed him clean. He froze when a terrifying sound could be heard in Tobias' ears. He lifted his head a little and realized it was a diaper! An actual baby diaper! She just pushed him down with a determined expression. Her hands grabbed his legs and lifted his bottom as she slid a diaper under him. She found something else, and to his horror, he smelled diaper powder. She bent up the front and taped it in place. It was so much thicker he couldn't hold his feet together. She dressed him again, and the diaper became more noticeable due to its increased thickness. She looked at Tobias, who was sitting with a nervous look.


“Now it's just a thicker diaper. You wet the pull-up, and it won't hold. This thicker diaper holds more. It's for the disabled boy I babysitting, but you, Tobias, have wetting problems. I will talk with your mother; it must be better with a thick diaper than wet your pull-ups out all the time. It would be helpful if you had more of this thick diaper instead. You're welcome, little one. Now, play with Sam again. I have seen you two love to play together,” his aunt said with a smile.


As he left the room and entered the living room, his face was red with shame. His pants were tight, causing him to wide steps like a tiny baby. He sat down and saw Sofia and Andrea laughing at him, adding to his embarrassment and nervousness. All he wanted was for this day to end so he could shop for new clothes tomorrow. He figured it was almost dinner time and looked forward to the next day while playing with Sam.


His mother came in and saw him on the floor, so thick between his legs. She started to smile a little. How cute he looked as his sister came.


“O, sorry, sis. Tobias wet himself earlier when you slept outside. So I took him and changed his wet diaper. His pull-up was so wet that I thought it would fit better with a proper tape diaper, not that pull-up nonsense. So I thought it was useless to take a new one. I have a handicapped boy who needs a diaper here when I babysit for people who don't have daycare or something like that. It's a nice job on the side and good money. The boy’s diapers fit Tobias and will provide more protection.” her sister said to Tobias' mom.


His mother looked back at Tobia with a concerned look.


“He does not wet himself during the day; it is just at night.” his mother said with a slight concern in her look.


Her sister looked at Tobias's mother with a stern, irritated expression.


“Well, he wets his pants when you come, he wets his pants in the hallway, and he wets his pants at night? I think I did a wise thing, don't you?” she said, slightly irritated.


His mother looked a little concerned before smiling at her sister.


“Yes, sis, it doesn't sound like a bad idea, and he does seem happy playing with Sam,” said Tobias' mom.


They both looked at Tobias as he was playing with Sam. They walked and started with dinner as Sofia and Andrea bent down to Tobias.


“You are so cute with your thick diaper on right now, baby. I'm so grateful Sofia's mother made the right decision. Baby, it's going to be a lovely summer.” Andrea said with pride in her words.


The girls left the living room as Sam tried to get Tobias to play more.

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Tobias lay on his stomach, propping himself on his elbows and kicking his legs. Sam watched intently as he played with his toys, his curious gaze lingering on Tobias as he noticed Tobias' lack of activity.


“Mum said you would be here for a while. Will you also be with me at the nursery I usually attend while Mum works? You're the same age as me and wear diapers so that you would be put in the same playroom as me," Sam asked Tobias.


Tobias's face turned red at the words Sam said. He was not four years old! Why should he go to a daycare or nursery? He looked annoyed at Sam. “ I'm eight years old!"


Sam gazed at him, puzzled as he sat, trying to understand. At that exact moment, Sofia and Andrea showed up. Sam glanced at his sister. Sofia looked down at Sam's questioning look.


"What is it, Sam? You look confused. Is something wrong? Why don't you and Tobias play together?“ Sofia said.


Sam had a questioning look on his face before looking back at Sofia.


“Tobias says he's eight, but he can't be. He's small and not a big boy, and he wears nappies like me,” Sam said to his sister Sofia.


Sofia smiled slightly at Andrea, and then they both looked sternly at Tobias while Andrea maintained a stern expression.


“Tobias, are you lying about your age? You're just a little four-year-old boy in diapers. Of course, you're not an eight-year-old boy. Shame on you for sitting and lying, poor Sam. He can get scared, and you know how angry Mom gets when you lie!" said Andrea with a stern face and an angry look.


Tobias was utterly taken aback; a heavy feeling shot down his body as his eyes began to fill with tears. The horror of her gaze startled him so much that he suddenly found himself wetting his diaper in fear. Andrea's mischievous smile only widened as the girls turned and sat on the couch to watch TV. He got up to find his mom as he wiped the tears from his eyes. Unable to locate her, he encountered his aunt, who gazed at him affectionately.


"What's the matter, little friend?" childishly asked his aunt.


Tobias wiped his tears and looked up at her.


“Andrea told Sam that I was a little four-year-old diaper boy. I'm not; I'm a big eight-year-old boy!”


His aunt giggled slightly as she glanced at him before her expression turned more serious.


"Poor little one, but it's a little true, Tobias. You're the same size as Sam, wet the bed, wear diapers, and fit into clothes for four-year-old children. Leave this alone, go and be a big boy, and tell all the children that dinner is ready.”


He looked down at the ground, thought about what his aunt had said, and went to the other children. He announced the food was ready, and everyone went to the dinner table. He was slightly shocked when he noticed two children's chairs there. One thing was what he was used to sitting on at home, but this was an actual baby-like chair. His aunt smiled lovingly at him and pointed to where he should sit. When he got up, only the expression became even more distant. Everyone had proper plates, but he and Sam sat with plastic baby plates. His sister and Sofia sat with beaming smiles, and his aunt looked at him. She was slightly taken away from the look of the little ones sitting there; she glanced at Andrea and Sofia, who wore two innocent expressions.


"Oh, sorry, mum. I forgot he was supposed to have a regular plate,” Sofia said worriedly as her mother smiled back at her.


“It's fine, Sofia; maybe it was a smart idea you did here anyway,” said her mother. Andrea's and Tobias's mothers came at the same time.


"This smells good," said Tobias' mother as she sat down.


She felt bothered when she noticed Tobias's baby plate but didn't mention it. Everyone enjoyed the meal while Tobias remained quieter.


Dinner seemed to drag on, but Tobias finally sat down to relax on the floor when his aunt came to put Sam to bed. They left, but after 10 minutes, Tobias's aunt returned and chatted with his mother. They both looked at Tobias, and then his mother approached him.


"Your cousin, Sam, is a bit of a rebel and doesn't want to sleep until you've gone to bed with him. It's been a long journey. You, too, can go to bed. You'll share a room with Sam. I forgot to tell you that,” said Tobias' mom in a somewhat tired tone.


Tobias was disappointed but so tired after the trip that he couldn't bear to protest. She took him to the changing room and undressed him. She stopped a little and was shocked

when she saw the diaper that he was wearing, which was also wet. She looked at him questioningly.


“Have you wet yourself again? And why have you not said anything? Why do you have a thick diaper?” his mom asked.


He was about to answer when his aunt entered the nursery.


"Oh, I forgot to tell you I changed Tobias while you fell asleep outside. His pull-up got so wet, so I thought a proper diaper would be better. I tend to look after some kids, so I have several diapers here. I will get him a new one; I don't think he should sleep with pull-ups on; they leak so quickly." said his aunt and found a new thick crinkle diaper.


His mother lifted him onto the changing table. She untied the diaper, and despite Tobias's frustration with humiliation, she oversaw it. She washed him with baby wipes and put the diaper under his bum. His aunt gave her baby powder, and the tape was in place before long. Tobias looked at her in frustration as the crinkle diaper sound was so loud. “but mom, what should I wear? I don't want to lie naked in just my diaper.”


His aunt looked at him with a thoughtful look in her eye.


“Please wait here for a moment," his aunt said reassuringly. "I'll check with Sam to see if he has anything for us. If not, I'm not sure what else we can do.


After a short while, she returned with some colored clothes in her hand. She held out a pair of plush pants and a sweater, but since the diaper was so thick, they wouldn't fit. She held out another slightly larger pink plush with ponies. Tobias was utterly terrified. “Not that one."


His mother became annoyed and took it on him. He stood there, wearing Sofia's old pajamas; although more visible, the diaper bulged in the front and back. His mother guided him to the bathroom, where he brushed his teeth. Then, she led him into the bedroom next door.


Sam's room was decorated with childish toys and blue wallpaper with cars and fire trucks. Sam lay calmly in his bed, and Tobias stiffened in horror when he saw that his bed was a pink child's bed. On the side were sticky marks of ponies and the name Sofia—clearly, it was her old bed. His aunt looked at Tobias.


“Yes, it's Sofia's old bed. I still have it since I sometimes babysit during the day. It's now in bed with you,” said his aunt.


Tobias hesitated before lying down in the pink girly bed. After his mother kissed him goodnight and left the room, he found it difficult to fall asleep. So much had happened in a short time. He realized he had forgotten to go to the bathroom before bed. Due to the creaking sound, Sam woke up slightly when Tobias tried to get out of bed. Tobias decided to stay still, hoping things would be better tomorrow. It didn't take long before Tobias fell asleep.










  • Like 7

I think tobias mom little by little is really liking to have her baby back ! And Tobias isn’t like one bit ! I hope at least Tobias can gain some happiness and being dressed like a baby boy 

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Andrea and Sofia were lying on Sofia's bed, chatting about everything that had happened at school and how many "stupid" nerds were in their classes. Andrea hated them and loved to humiliate them to the max. They laughed as they sat and chatted about how similar they were. Sofia looked a little sad as she glanced at Andrea.


"It's so stupid that your little brother told your mother about the alcohol in your bag. If it had been my brother, I would have killed him, or maybe not so far, but he would have got it. I didn't believe he was so small when we talked last night. But when I saw him, I started to laugh; he looked like a four-year-old, but you said eight. He uses diapers, too, so at least he got a proper diaper when my mom changed him into a thick baby diaper, " Sofia said with pride.


Andrea lay on her back and gazed at the ceiling as silence fell between her and Sofia.


“Okay, he finally has a thick baby diaper. I took his bag out of the car, so he had to borrow clothes from your brother Sam. I'm still upset with him; he deserves so much more, but I'm not sure what. Mom will probably take him to the mall tomorrow to buy new clothes,“ Andrea said, irritated.


Sofia fell silent and contemplative; Andrea noticed her deep in thought as her eyes lit up and her smile got bigger.


"Tell me what's on your mind,” said Andrea, hopeful.


“Mom often looks after children during working hours. I know of a boy named Math who is the same age as Sam but is the same build as Tobias. Sam isn't that much smaller, but whatever. That kid was a diaper kid, and he wore clothes that were probably even more baby-like than what Sam wears today. His mother was a little strange. I know they moved quickly, and Mom hasn't gotten around to throwing his clothes away yet. they are in a cardboard box in the basement.” Sofia said with glowing eyes as Andrea looked at her a little skeptically.


“How will I get my mother to dress Tobias in that?" Andrea said in a depressed tone.


Sofia carefully checked that the door was closed correctly and began speaking quietly. She whispered her plan into Andreas' ears. The more Sofia said, the more meaningful Andreas' smile became. When Sofia finished, she looked at Andrea and anxiously awaited an answer. Andrea gazed thoughtfully at Sofia.


“You know what? This can work. You have a great imagination,” Andrea said with a big smile.


“And do you know what the best part is? His diapers are still in the box, and I remember seeing him using a type that was extra thick and extremely baby-like." Andrea said as they both started to giggle.


They left the room and went down to the basement. They started looking through several boxes. They were about to give up when Andrea found a large box labeled "Math." Andrea waved to Sofia with excitement as they both trembled. There were two large boxes that they had been looking for. They each took their box and quickly entered Sofia's room. They put the boxes on the floor, opened one box, and began to take out the folded clothes.


They laid out clothes one after another, and his diapers were in the other box. Sofia took one out and could hardly hold back a big, shocked smile. She handed the thick diaper to Andrea, who studied its childish motifs. She noticed that the plastic rustled more as their eyes seemed to widen and their mouths formed a smile. The girls looked at each other, packed everything away, and smiled. They then left the room and went to the bathroom to prepare for the night. As they lay in bed, Andrea looked over at her.


“Even if Mom doesn't put these clothes on Tobias, he will have them on at least for an evening,” Andrea said with a smile.


Tobias's eyes opened slowly the following day. The room was quiet, and Sam wasn't in his bed anymore. He felt the bed was dry, but his diaper had become so swollen that he could not keep his legs together. Had he peed so much last night, he thought?


When he walked outside the bed, he felt it was hard to walk properly. His shuffling made it look like he was a toddler. As he walked down the hall, he became so humiliated. He needed to take this wet, full diaper off. It was a good feeling that his mother would take him to the store today. Having this baby outfit from Sam, and the worst was the clothes he had now—Sofia's clothes! They made him red in the face, and he felt ashamed.


As they heard him approaching, everyone turned to look. His sister and Sofia covered their mouths, trying to stifle their smiles, while his aunt shook her head with a hint of relief from her diaper choice before she met him.


“Good morning, sleepyhead. You haven't slept that long in a while, I think. It looks like you're sleeping like a baby,” his aunt smiled as she looked down at him.


He looked at his aunt, and the humiliation came over him. “I'm not a baby!”


“Well, that's questionable. You look reasonably full in your diaper and waddled over like a little toddler. If you were dressed right, you could quickly be mistaken for one. You are so cute. I'm so lucky to have an adorable little brother. Don't worry; I will always take care of you,” his sister said, smiling.


His aunt's expression softened, and a tender emotion filled her eyes as she gazed at Andrea’s sweet words. With a gentle touch, she reached out and caressed Tobia’s cheek.


“So touching, Andrea. You are such a good sister,” said his aunt.


While his aunt's gaze was on Tobias, he noticed Andrea's mocking look of enjoyment. He flushed red and became angry. How could they believe her? She just stood there and pretended. "Why do you believe her? She mocks me with those words. She's a mean, mean, yes, a mean person!" His aunt had big eyes and almost looked angry at him.


“Tobias, how can you stand there and say such a thing about your sister? She is kind, helps you, and says touching warm words. Now, you need to apologize right away, or there will be consequences!” said his aunt sternly in her face.


His frustration grew as Andreas's evil face lit up even more in the background. He was about to leave when his aunt took his arm to drag him to his sister. Tobias became more frustrated and disobeyed his aunt, who pulled him over and placed him in front of Andrea.


“Now, apologize to your sister!” said his aunt with hard eyes.


Tobias said nothing as he stood there. His aunt quickly went over to the kitchen counter to stop the coffee. Andrea bent down to him and looked at him mockingly.


"The diaper fits you well, baby brother. You always fit in baby diapers; you're just missing the last little piece, little diaper boy." whispered his sister.


Tobias became more angry. He pushed his sister, but she threw herself backward in the act, causing things to fall to the floor and spill out. His aunt quickly turned around, and her eyes widened as her face tightened.


“What have you done? Now that's it! We're going to the nursery right now!" his aunt said, angry.


Tobias started to cry, desperately asking, "Where is Mommy?" His aunt firmly pulled him into the nursery, tears streaming down his face.


"Your mommy won't be able to save you this time," his aunt growled.


She was about to take off his clothes as his mother walked in.


"What's going on? I heard there was an argument between Tobias and Andrea," his mother said with a surprised look.


“Your big boy got loving words from his sister, but he just gets mad at her and attacks her, calling her things and acting like a baby!” said his aunt sternly.


Tobias was in tears; he hadn't done anything wrong. He then reached his mother, who looked at him with great care.


"Don't be silly; he probably hasn't been like that, right? Did you attack Andrea?” his mother said.


His gaze fell to the floor, and he remained silent. Observing his reaction, his mother grew firmer, realizing he was responsible.


His aunt paused momentarily, and as silence fell, Sofia and Andrea suddenly appeared in the doorway.


"What's going on, trouble?" said Sofia.


"We need some suitable clothes for Tobias; he doesn't deserve new ones when he behaves like this. But Sam's clothes are a bit small. Try and think if it's something else, " His aunt said.


Sofia played thoughtfully before pretending to come up with an idea.


"Mom, do you remember the boy, Math? You used to care for him. The one who had to leave suddenly. Are his clothes here with the rest of his things?“


Sofia's mother looked pleased.


“Yes, that's right! It's appropriate clothing for someone who behaves like this. They're in the basement. Would you mind picking them up? Take them here, and we'll find something suitable,” Sofia’s mother said.


Tobias' mom started to undress him. The plush clothes quickly disappeared, and he stood in the stuffed diaper. She lifted him onto the table and took off the wet diaper. She washed him clean while his aunt found a new nappy, and his mother quickly got everything in place. Tobias sat there, sobbing in tears as he thought. Had he misbehaved? Maybe he was a baby just then, but Andrea wasn't innocent, was she? Not long after, Sofia came with some clothes in her hand. She handed them to her mother with a friendly smile.


"I picked some quick clothes here. I hope they're okay," Sofia said.


“Thanks for looking for some clothes. We will see if this fits then,” said her mom, smiling in gratitude.


Tobias's mother lifted him to the floor while his aunt pulled a bodysuit over his head and buttoned it outside the diaper. She put on some socks and some baby outfits. He noticed it was a pair of denim shorts with straps fastened in the front. It went down to his knees, but his diaper pushed a little in his crotch. It had drawings of teddy bears engraved on the front.


“Hey, sis, why don't I go and make a proper breakfast for this baby?” said his aunt to Tobias' mother. His mother smiled and nodded at her, then disappeared from the room.


“So, if you continue to behave like a baby, I will respond to you like this. This is the consequence of your behavior today, and I won't be purchasing any clothing for you before you start acting like a big kid,” his mom said with some irritation.


His mother held him by the arm as he shuffled in his childish clothes, tightly wrapped around his nappy. He did not understand why the only available breakfast was a baby porridge and a bottle of baby milk. He looked up at his mother with fearful eyes. She looked down at him and lifted him into the highchair as his aunt fastened a bib around his neck.


“Now, time for some breakfast, my baby boy.” said his mom.



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Sitting in the highchair, Tobias felt a sense of unsettling confusion washing over him. The feeling of being served a baby's breakfast made him question whether he had done something wrong. The surrealist experience left him wondering if he was trapped in a nightmare, as he couldn't fully comprehend the situation and why he was being treated like a toddler.


He was back on the floor, surrounded by various colorful and playful toys. Looking over at the sofa, he saw his mother and aunt engaged in a lively conversation, enjoying sips of coffee and reminiscing about precious moments from the past.


He glanced across the room and spotted Andrea and Sofia in a separate seating area. They were engaged in a quiet conversation, occasionally looking over at him. As he watched, the two girls walked past him, smiling smugly, on their way to meet their parents.


“Mom, Sofia, and I thought we could take the boys to the park for playtime. So, why don't you take this opportunity to get some much-needed rest?" Andrea suggested, her face showing a warm, compassionate smile.


His mother began to feel increasingly uneasy. While she was okay with reprimanding Tobias by having him wear childish clothing and diapers instead of pull-ups at home, the thought of displaying him in public in such clothes was different. Before she could address this concern, her sister made a sudden sound.


"Wow, what an incredible idea, girls! You truly excel at getting involved. Perhaps this will finally allow us to find time to relax. Andrea, you are remarkably clever and caring. It's clear that you are a wonderful sister to your brother; you truly care," Andrea's aunt remarked with a warm smile as she glanced over at Tobias.


“But then he has to change. He can't go out there in these clothes,” his mother said.


Tobias's aunt looked at Tobias and then returned to her sister before she spoke.


“I think he looks cute, but since nobody knows him, he might be mistaken for a child playing in the park. Let's take advantage of the opportunity Andrea has given us,” Tobias's aunt said, slightly annoyed.


Tobias's mother's expression suggested unease, contrasting sharply with Andrea's eyes, filled with love and joy. It was clear that she couldn't deny her daughter's request. Slowly, she rose to her feet and then bent down to meet Tobias, sitting on the floor. Gently lifting him, she guided him to the hallway. Once there, she knelt and, with a tender gaze fixed on him, she located his shoes and carefully slipped them onto his feet.


"Andrea and Sofia will accompany you and Sam to the park. I am tired, and my sister and I deserve this break. When you return, I don't want any nonsense or negative comments from Andrea. Do you understand?” his mother said firmly.


Tobias appeared frightened. He couldn't go out in these clothes. He looked like a little boy or worse, a toddler, with the bulky diaper visible both front and back — everyone would notice! "But mom, I can't go out like this. Please."


The expression on his mother's face caused him to stay silent. He recalled spotting a park with various fun slides while they were driving, so maybe it wouldn't be all that bad. The girls led the boys by the hand, and they all walked out the door, waving and smiling with pride.

Tobias found it challenging to move. The diaper made it impossible to keep his legs together, making his walk resemble that of a little toddler. The park wasn't far away, but the challenging way of walking made it feel yet so far.


When they arrived, the girls sat down at a bench with a table and took out their phones. They started looking at their phones while the boys just waited. "Is it okay if I walk to a slide?" Tobias asked Andrea.


She chuckled and gave a confirming nod. He briskly made his way to an impressive slide that appeared long and speedy. As he was cleaning himself near the steps, a woman approached him and crouched down to his level.


"I apologize, little one, but this particular slide may be too risky for someone your size. Why don't you come with me? I can guide you to the slides meant for little children. Isn't this a fun place? I have some of my best daycare kids here," the unfamiliar woman said kindly.


She took his hand and led him to a children's playground with small slides and sandboxes, where many children were playing. Tobias didn't know what to say. He didn't consider himself a baby; he was a big kid. "I don't play here with babies," said Tobias with a slight attitude. The lady looked at Tobias with a slight smile, but her expression turned more serious.


“So you are a little kid with some attitude, huh! I know what I would do to boys who are too good for themself. You are around four or five years old because of your chubby diaper bottom. You know it's not nice to lie. Maybe I should take you to your mom; you probably need a diaper change soon," the lady said sternly.


Andrea approached Tobias with a mischievous grin, making him somewhat uneasy.


“Andrea fixed her gaze on the lady before her and asked, "Is that where you are, Tobias? I see You have met a nice lady." She then warmly greeted the lady.


"Hello, I'm Andrea, and this is my brother Tobias. We wanted to visit this nice park. Did you get to play with someone then, Tobias?" said Andrea politely.


The lady smiled nicely at Andrea and looked back at Tobias.


“The little boy seemed to have mistaken which area was meant for him. He wandered over to the slide where the older kids were playing. I led him back to the section designated for more minor children, as it can be risky for young ones like him to use the giant slides. The lady accompanying him smiled. “He has a vivid imagination as he insisted he was a big boy.” I bet we both know he's not.


Andrea looked at him mockingly, her eyes shimmering with delight at the sudden realization of how much she enjoyed the moment while Tobias's face flushed with embarrassment.


"Hey, Tobias, lying to this lady is not nice. We both know you're just a little boy. Is your diaper still dry? Do you need to be changed? Just let me know if you need a diaper change," said Andrea. The lady looked at Tobias with a big smile.


As the lady walked away, she turned back and said, "You're fortunate to have such a caring sister. Have a great day, little friend."


Tobias glared at his sister with frustration. "Why did you say I was small? I'm not a baby; I'm a big boy," Tobias said, his voice tinged with anger. Despite his protest, his sister's gaze grew more mocking, and her smile widened.


"Little brother, you're the one toddling around in your tiny baby clothes and wearing a thick nappy, so in my eyes, you're just a baby boy," said Andrea.


They walked past Sam, who was engrossed in playing with his toys in the sandbox. As they neared the table where Andrea and Sofia had been seated earlier, they noticed two girls settling the seats. Tobias felt a surge of fear, wanting to avoid meeting these girls, but Andrea urged him towards the table. One of the girls at the table greeted Andrea with a warm smile.


"Hey, ladies, meet my cousin Andrea and her younger brother Tobias. They're coming to visit this summer.” Sofia said to the two girls.


“Hi, I'm Carry, and this is Amanda.” said one of the two girls.


Andrea warmly greeted them, establishing a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. As they all settled in, they talked while the two unfamiliar girls discreetly looked in Tobias's direction.


As the girls chatted, one remarked, "You must keep an eye on your little brother. Can you still have fun, then? How old is he, three?" Andrea and Sofia exchanged mischievous smiles and burst into laughter, leaving the other girls puzzled about what they found amusing.


“He may look like a three-year-old, but he's an eight-year-old. It's rather amusing to witness an eight-year-old behaving like an infant, complete with a diaper and baby clothes," Sofia remarked, wearing a big mocking smile.


As Tobias stood before all the girls, his face turned red in response to her humiliating remarks.


"Is the little boy eight years old? He looks more like he's three or four! It's hard to believe. Is he still in diapers and wet himself? I have a summer job with my mom at her daycare; so much little shitty babies!" Carry said.


Andrea looked over at the girls with a questioning look.


“Who is your mom?” said Andrea.


Carry gestured towards her mother, and Andrea responded with a warm smile upon recognizing her as the kind lady Tobias had previously spoken to.


“Nice lady, your mother. She took Tobias as a toddler and took him to the baby play area. Why don't you spend some time with Sam? The grown-ups need to have a conversation," Andrea gently suggested to Tobias.


Tobias walked away from the girls, humiliated and ashamed by Andrea's treatment. He sat next to Sam, poking at the sand while the girls laughed in the background.


"So, Andrea, did you arrange this with your little brother? I would have been mad if one of my siblings had gossiped about me. Maybe we could come later tonight and show your brother that he's just a baby? I can message you later tonight, Sofia.” Carry said.


“It would have been adorable if Tobias could have gone to daycare, allowing me to spend quality time with my mom and aunt without carrying the baby everywhere," Andrea shouted.


Sofia's face broke into a broad smile, her eyes sparkling enthusiastically. "You know what, Andrea? What a brilliant idea! What are your thoughts, Carry? Do you think he'll pass as a little stinky diaper boy?"


Carrie fell silent as she gazed at Tobias sitting in his sandbox.


"Perhaps, didn’t you mention that he had already shown attitude to my mother; she would do everything in her power to crush him; she can't stand little boys with attitude," said Carry.


“I need to check if we can sort through and take care of it. He requires some childish clothing, so let's consider the situation and see what we can arrange. If I approach this carefully, I might be able to persuade Mom. Perhaps we can make it happen if you lend a hand and convince Mom with some nice words about the daycare Carry?

I need to make Mom see him for the little diaper shit he is.” said Andrea with a big smile.


“I love your idea, Andrea, but Mum needs me now, so I must go. Talk later, girls,” said Carry.


As time passed, Amanda walked home, and Andrea decided to bring Tobias and Sam back home. Upon fetching them, Andrea observed that Tobias seemed unsettled. He appeared unable to remain still and focused. She quickly recognized the issue: Tobias needed to use the bathroom. With a smile, she crouched down and gently pressed on his stomach to alleviate his discomfort.


Her fingers lightly pricked at his body, making him unable to sit still. He laughed at the tingling sensation all over his body and yelled for her to stop as a bit of pee started to come into the diaper, but she continued.


He stood still in shock as he felt the warmth of pee spreading through his diaper, while his sister couldn't help but burst into laughter at the sight.


He was unexpectedly silent when the unmistakable sound of a fart reverberated in his sister’s ear. A flush of crimson crept up his face as he symbolized fear, her eyes glittering with amusement. Again, Tobias felt a sudden pressure in his stomach, causing him to lose control, and the diaper filled with a warm, sticky mess for the first time since he was a baby. His sister's eyes became big.


"It's not possible, you just shit yourself! You're standing now and shitting yourself! Whatever you say to Mom will dig you further down, your little diaper boy! You are doomed now," said Andrea with a stern expression.


Tobias felt the tears welling up as complete defeat washed over him. Andrea's words echoed in his mind, confirming the dire situation he found himself in. It was clear that nothing he could say would make a difference. His suffering deepened when he noticed the woman who had escorted him to the group of young children approaching. She stopped and exchanged a questioning look with Andrea.


"What's wrong with the big boy then?" she said mockingly.


Andrea looked at the lady with a resigned expression as she lovingly caressed Tobias's back.


"Poor baby, the little boy has filled his diaper,” Andrea said, trying to hold back laughter as the lady shook her head dejectedly.


“I remember the conversation with you, young man. Weren't you the one who claimed to be a big boy? Now, you can either go home to change your dirty diaper or do it right here, like I do with my babies from daycare," the lady said.


Andrea's face lit up with joy as she listened to the lady's melodic tones. It was precisely what she had been hoping for, and her smile widened even further at the thought of another victory over her brother, but she also felt a little sorry for him.


“It looks like it's about time to go back home. I think it's time for a nappy change,” said Andrea.


Tobias was overwhelmed by the warmth in her gaze and the kindness in her tone. He couldn't help but wonder about the reason behind this sudden change.


“Come on, little friend, let's get you some change in diapers,” said Andrea.


She took his hand as they began walking calmly home in complete silence. It wasn't a good feeling to walk with a complete diaper swelling and moving with every step he took, but it was better to come home and get changed. It was a small comfort that Andrea showed him compassion.




  • Like 9
27 minutes ago, Pierry Louys said:

Tobias is sinking very quickly 

Well, we will see if he will come to like his little problem… I would love it if people come up with ideas, are I just continue as it goes with Tobias.  


I think after this accident Tobias gonna be treated like a toddler by his mommy and probably gonna frequent daycare so he can be potty trained again !! 

  • Like 1

It felt like an eternity as we walked back to Mom and Aunt. Still haunted by the embarrassing memory of soiling his diaper, Tobias took careful steps, trying to hide the smudges that had started appearing on his clothes. With each step, his confidence sank lower. He couldn't help but wonder why this had to happen to him.


Looking up, he noticed Andrea and Sofia strolling together with bright smiles and joyous laughter. They led the way as their young brothers, each holding their sister’s hand. Tobias felt compelled to clarify that the mishap was not his fault but someone else's careless actions. If only he hadn't agreed to wear the ridiculous outfit the girls had picked, including the embarrassing diaper, everything would have turned out fine because he was a big kid.


As they strolled up the driveway towards the house, Tobias saw his mother and aunt. They were seated on the porch, each in a chair, and took in the warm sunlight in front of the house.


“Hello, kids. Have was the park,” Andrea and Tobias's mother said.


Tobias stood with his head bowed, still holding Andrea's hand, ass a little toddler coming home from the daycare with his sister. Andrea faced their mother, and she looked at them with a hint of uncertainty while Tobias remained motionless, his head lowered in shame. Andrea glanced down at him, offering their mother a troubled yet loving look.


"Hey, Mom, our day at the park was lovely, but it took a scary turn for Tobias. A lady seemed concerned that Tobias was too young for the bigger slides, so she redirected him to the area designated for smaller kids. Ultimately, she might have been right because Tobias had a big accident in his diaper.” Andrea said with a caring tone.


As their mother's eyes widened in shock, Tobias barely dared to look at his mother. Their mother stood with her mouth slightly agape, clearly taken by surprise.


"You mean he..." their mother couldn't finish the sentence.


Sofia's mother looked at her sister and back at Tobias, her gaze becoming tight and direct.


“For god’s sake, Tobias, did you shit yourself?” said their aunt irritated.


Tobias couldn't say anything. The sense of humiliation overwhelmed him as he felt Andrea standing beside him, her hands on his backside, slapping outside his full diaper; Tobias could sense the overwhelming sensation of every mess getting pushed out more. Tiny droplets of tears gradually welled up in his eyes. His mother remained frozen in shock as his aunt rose from her seat, approached him, and stopped in front of him sternly before she turned to her sister, who still sat on her chair.


"You got my point; Tobias is not a big boy. He needs diapers and clothes like a baby. No big boy has a big accident, and no, you're something else, aren’t you, baby? Said his aunt with a determined look.


His mother wore a resigned expression, shaking her head as if she were a child eagerly anticipating something only to be told she couldn't have it. She turned back to continue her conversation with Andrea.


She took Tobias into the nursery and quickly unbuttoned his clothes. The smell came quickly, and there were evident signs of leakage on his bodysuit. The garments vanished, leaving him alone with just the diaper, its pristine white coloring now a distant memory with its brown color all over.


Tobias hung his head in despair, his mind consumed by thoughts of what he had done in his diaper. He couldn't help but blame Andrea for the situation, he thought. Meanwhile, his aunt bustled around the nursery, setting things out on the counter as Tobias waited silently, lost in his thoughts.


"Now I'm going to lift you; you must lie down and relax, little friend. Be good to Auntie, and Auntie will be good to little Tobias. Now lie still and be a good boy so Auntie can change baby Tobias's dirty diaper," said Tobias's aunt in a gentle, caring tone as she prepared to lift him and ensured he was comfortable while changing his dirty diaper.


Tobias didn't dwell on the events; he only wanted to escape the confines of the soiled diaper that had been stuck to him for an eternity. As she peeled back the tape, the distinct sound filled the air, and the sensation of freedom came as the front of the diaper unfolded, allowing a rush of fresh air to greet him. His aunt cast a tender, nurturing gaze in his direction, her expression mirroring that of a loving caregiver tending to an infant.


"Little Tobias, you did a real stinky, but Auntie will fix you, don’t worry. Be a good boy for Auntie and open your mouth so Auntie can change your diaper,” she said in a tone that sounded embarrassing in baby talk.


Tobias just looked at her and opened his mouth. At the same time, she gently pushed a pacifier into his mouth and healed her hand on top of it so he could not spit it out. After some attempts, he stopped and began to suck on it in sted automatically. She took her hand away and smiled as she continued her work. Tobias looked the other way while she was at it. He felt her dry and clean him while the sound of the pacifier moved in his mouth, and time felt eternal. It was a strange feeling of peace that fell over Tobias. Again, he felt her lift his bottom, and the soft padding inside of the diaper was placed beneath him.


She smiled when she saw Tobias coming with a slight expression of joy as she continued to hold on. The smell of baby powder emerged, and the sound of the crinkling diaper became more apparent than ever. But something was different; he felt this diaper was thicker even before it was taped in place and how much it filled the front. Quickly, she put the tapes in place and lifted him to the floor.


Tobias noticed some of the shares. This diaper was thicker and higher in the waist. When he looked down, there were large drawings of baby toys. He began to feel it with his hand; it was so thick. His aunt looked down at him as she stroked his bottom.


"Yes, this was a former boy named Math who used to be here. He peed a lot, just like you, so he needed extra-thick diapers. Aren't you lucky to have his diapers? Aren't they cute?” said his aunt with a big smile.


Her smile grew even more significant, and her expression showed even more love when he stood there in just his diaper, sucking on his pacifier. She dressed him in a fresh light blue bodysuit, securely fastening the buttons in his crotch. Then, she selected a pair of new socks and some light blue trousers with an elastic waistband. As he caught his reflection in the mirror, he appeared more childish than ever in the light blue bodysuit decorated with cars and trucks and snug pants that made the diaper more visible. His movements seemed unsteady, resembling those of toddlers taking their first steps. As he struggled to maintain stability, his aunt crouched sternly and fixed him as his pacifier moved back and forth in his mouth.


"Now, you need to pay attention. I don't want to hear any complaints from you. Don't you dare whine to your mother! You must sit on the floor and behave. You act like a toddler, so why not treat you like one? As adults, your mother and I will have a lovely night out this evening. I asked Sofia to call one of my sitters for you and Sam; the girls will take care of themself. I want you to behave well and follow their instructions. Now, let's go prepare some dinner,” his aunt said, finally smiling.


Tobias felt anxious as his mother was going out for the evening. He paced back and forth, feeling like a toddler as he walked with the high sound of the crinkling diaper. A stranger was babysitting and supposed to care for him and Sam while his mother and aunt were enjoying themselves.


Andrea and Sofia eagerly joined forces to prepare dinner in the warm, inviting kitchen. However, the fun was quickly dampened when Tobias noticed the children's plates had been carefully set on the table again. A satisfied Andrea smiled when she saw her little brother looking like a toddler and the pacifier moving back and forth. She could not hold her smile back; this was precisely what she wanted to happen.


Tobias's sinking feeling was so low that he could only be quiet. He sat on the floor and started playing with Sam, and he didn't understand why his brain was at peace with this. When dinner was ready, they all sat and enjoyed the food and laughter throughout their conversations. Tobias, however, felt alone, surrounded by happiness and laughter.


He absentmindedly nudged at his food, clearly disinterested and disconnected. After some time that felt like an eternity, he was put back on the floor and got his pacifier back, but he could not understand why he had not protested. Meanwhile, his mother and aunt, fully engrossed in their activities, were getting prepared for the evening ahead. Finally, his aunt joined Tobias in the living room, struggling to attach her earrings as she approached Sofia, seated nearby.


Sofia's mom asked eagerly, "So, Sofia, which one of the babysitters could make it?


Sofia gazed at her mother calmly, her face betraying a hint of satisfaction in her tone.

Sofia apologized to her mom, explaining that she had tried calling everyone on the list, but they were all busy. With a slight hint of a smile, she reassured her mom that she had managed to find someone on such short notice.


Sofia's mother carefully adjusted the final details in front of the mirror before turning to Sofia and asking about the person who was coming.


“Ah, yes, it was Betty," Sofia exclaimed broadly, recalling how she had assisted her mother before.


Sofia's mother came to a sudden stop, her thoughtful expression evident as she paused and turned back toward Sofia.


Sofia's mother thought Betty was great with older children but could be a bit strict occasionally. She stopped thinking about it, and time began to fly from them. She must arrive soon, we must leave immediately, Sofia's mother thought.


Tobias's mother and aunt stood anxiously in the living room, the sound of the ticking clock adding to the tension in the air. As they waited, Tobias's mother knelt down and tenderly ran her fingers through Tobias's hair, offering him a warm, reassuring smile.


“Now you have to promise me to be a good boy for Mommy. A lot has happened, Tobias, but I'm sure it will improve. Mommy loves you so much, my little Tobias.” His mother smiled, wrapping her arms around Tobias in a warm, comforting hug.


At that exact moment, there was a sharp knock at the door. Sofia swiftly approached the entrance and opened the door to reveal a young woman towards the end of her teenage years. She had a slim figure with striking, cascading blonde hair neatly tied into a ponytail with some round glasses. She was elegantly dressed in a delicate black blazer paired with a blouse, leaving a couple of buttons undone. With a warm smile, she greeted Sofia and then directed her gaze towards Sofia's mother.


"Good evening. I apologize for my lateness. I encountered a situation involving a kid with an attitude problem, and I had to handle it before arriving. I trust you all will have an enjoyable evening, ladies,” Betty told Tobias's aunt.


"Sorry, Betty, but we need to leave. You've done an amazing job babysitting kids before. We appreciate all your help. Goodbye, Betty," Tobias's aunt said, expressing her gratitude as they hurried out the door.


Betty shut the door softly, the click echoing in the hallway as she turned to face the children. With measured steps, she went to the living room, where Sam and Tobias sat on the floor. Her gaze lingered on Tobias as she stood before him.


"So, who are you, little friend?" Betty said.


Then Sofia and Andrea came up to her, and they both smiled.


"Oh, it's my little brother, Tobias," said Andrea.


"Ah, so that's your little brother. How old is the little one now? I might have to check your diaper soon," Betty said with a warm smile.


“He's been having a tough time transitioning out of diapers, and we've been dealing with a lot of accidents recently," Andrea shared with concern.


Tobias was sitting on the floor, unable to avoid overhearing their conversation. He felt the heat of embarrassment wash over him as he heard his name mentioned. He spat out the pacifier and looked up. "Why are you lying, Andrea? I'm not a baby, I'm 8!"


Betty gazed at Tobias with a puzzled expression as a silence fell over them. Suddenly, she burst into laughter and leaned over toward Tobias.


"You're eight years old? I can't believe that. Are you sitting there in baby clothes and a thick, probably wet diaper and lying?  I wouldn't say I like it when boys lie. Listen here, little diaper boy, never lie to me; I've scared children so much that they've shit themself," Betty said with a determined look.


She took the pacifier and put it back in Tobias's mouth before rose to her feet and beamed at Sofia and Andrea. "So, ladies, do you have any ideas for some fun activities?" Betty asked before they went into the living room to sit down.



  • Like 7
  • 4 weeks later...

Tobias sat alone with Sam on the soft, plush living room carpet, feeling humiliated as the girls fussed over him like he was a little child. Despite the embarrassment, he found solace in the act of sucking on his pacifier, a small but reassuring action that eased his discomfort. However, his frustration peaked when the babysitter casually asked if he had wet himself. Determined to assert his maturity, he addressed the situation and demonstrated that he could care for himself.


Tobias had been lying on his stomach for what felt like an eternity, wholly absorbed in his game to ward off the boredom of waiting. She bent down towards him, a warm smile spreading across her face.


"Hey, little ones, it's time to gather in the kitchen and enjoy a tasty supper together. Your sister prepares a perfect meal for you now." the babysitter smiled.


As she took his hand, Tobias shuffled across the living room to the kitchen, and his face showed concern. Just as he was about to walk, he sensed something was wrong and discovered she was checking him for wet diapers! After giving him a gentle tap, they proceeded to the kitchen.


"Such a well-behaved little one, with still a dry diaper," the babysitter cooed in a gentle, nurturing voice.


She gently lifted Tobias and carefully placed him in the baby chair as if it were a baby. There, on the baby plate, came Tobias' fear. A steaming, perfectly cooked baby porridge! Tobias's eyes grew wide with surprise and dismay. "No, not baby food!"


Andrea's eyes mockingly looked over at Tobias, and she had a big smile before she looked lovingly at the babysitter, Betty.


The Babysitter, Betty, gazed at Tobias and asked, "What's the matter? Your sister mentioned that you have been eating baby porridge every evening, and by the look of your cute baby face, this is perfect for a little one like you."


As Andrea gazed at Tobias, her eyes held a tender, affectionate expression like a loving sister. At the same time, Tobias met her gaze with a severe and persistent look in his eyes.


"Little brother, you know you have that smug look that says you're lying. Now, eat your food and behave like a good baby for Betty. You know, big kids don't argue. Are you claiming to be a big kid?" Andrea said with a derisive expression.


Tobias's initial anger gradually transformed into a profound sense of despair. He fell silent, no longer articulating his grievances, and a forlorn expression overtook him. Tears welled in his eyes, on the verge of spilling over at any moment. Despite his inner turmoil, he couldn't help but lock eyes with the spoon as Betty began to feed him. She engaged in playful airplane movements with the food-laden spoon before gently guiding it into his awaiting mouth repeatedly. Tobias ate everything and noticed how full his stomach had become. Betty smiled and began wiping him off. Tobias's eyes widened when Andrea brought him a bottle of warm baby milk.


"Your sister mentioned your habit of drinking a bottle after your meal to help you sleep better. It's so kind of your sister to share that. Now, go ahead and finish your bottle," Betty said.


Tobias became frustrated, "I don't drink from a bottle! She's lying!" Losing his balance, he tumbled off the chair. Fortunately, he wasn't injured, but Betty's expression filled him with dread. Her eyes seemed to turn a deep, almost black, shade as she approached him. Gathering him in her arms, she settled into a nearby armchair and cradled Tobias on her lap, gently guiding a bottle to his lips. Her intense gaze bore into him, conveying a sense of stern determination as her hand held the bottle

In place.


"Now you're going to listen, you baby. You must drink this bottle up; if you don't, I will spank you until you cry yourself to sleep! If you say you're as big as you think you are, you'll be fine and drink this bottle out of trouble, and you'll be able to show me that you're a big boy. now drink!" Betty said with a sharp, angry look.


Tobias lay there, hesitating before deciding to take another action. Finally, he took a sip, the liquid burning down his throat. He continued to drink, taking more and more from the bottle until it slowly began to empty.


She began gently stroking him as he suckled on the bottle, creating a sense of calm and relaxation. After lifting him and giving a few reassuring pats, he unexpectedly let out a loud belch. Betty smiled and put him back on the floor to continue playing before quietly leaving the room. As soon as Betty left, his sister entered, wearing a big mocking smile as she looked down at him.


"Wasn't that lovely little brother? You're so cute when your lips are on the bottle. I will get Mum to do it from now on. " His sister grinned at him at the same time.


As he stood there, a sudden, stabbing pain seized his stomach, and he couldn't help but grimace. He glanced at his sister, whose smile grew wider every moment. An overwhelming pressure bore down on him, making it almost impossible to move as the agony in his stomach continued to escalate.


He looked up at his sister, and her smile grew wider. Trying to keep his footing, he tried to stand upright when all hell broke loose.

Out of nowhere, a loud and forceful eruption came from his stomach, representing everything he had consumed. The unmistakable sound of his diaper being filled reverberated throughout the room, and his eyes instantly turned a deep shade of red, revealing his intense embarrassment. At that exact moment, Betty walked into the living room and witnessed the incident. Her eyes narrowed in focused scrutiny as she observed Tobias, who struggled to maintain his balance due to the weight of the whole nappy, which was now full and as he turned his face, Betty stood and watched the entire incident with a stern face.


"Despite being called a "big boy," you're filling up your diaper and giving your sister a hard stare. It's not her fault that you can't control yourself. Come with me right now!" With a stern look, Betty marched Tobias to the nursery.


While his sister stood with her arms crossed and a wide smile. 


"You are doomed like a baby." whispered his sister.

  • Like 9
  • 1 month later...

Betty's firm grip and the sag of Tobias's diaper only deepened his sense of helplessness as he shuffled toward the nursery. The pastel-colored walls, lined with baby supplies—diapers, wipes, powder—made the room feel like a prison of humiliation. His mind raced with thoughts of escape, but the reality of his situation kept him firmly planted in his place. Betty didn't waste time, her movements brisk as she pointed to the changing mat.


"Lie down, little one," she commanded, her tone authoritative, leaving no room for defiance. Tobias, knowing there was no point in resisting, laid back, the crinkle of plastic beneath him signaling the start of yet another mortifying experience.


The smell hit him first—the sickly scent of his own mess, a reminder of the accident he had no control over. Betty untaped the diaper with a flick of her wrist, her face showing mild disdain. Tobias stared up at the ceiling, trying to block out the sound of wipes moving against his skin, the cool sensation of baby powder being applied.


"You really made quite the mess this time," Betty remarked with a hint of condescension, wiping him clean as though it was the most natural thing in the world to handle an eight-year-old this way. She pulled out a much thicker diaper than before, its bulk almost comical. It was so thick that Tobias knew moving around would make him waddle even more than before.


The tapes were fastened tightly, securing him into this new level of infantile humiliation. Betty then reached for a pair of brightly colored shorts, covered in cartoon characters, and with a smirk, she held them up for him to see.


"These will be perfect," she said, slipping them on him. The shorts did nothing to hide the thickness of the diaper—they made it more obvious, the bulk forcing his legs apart awkwardly. Once she was done, she gave the front of his diaper a condescending pat, as if to check it was snug.


"There you go, all set. Now be a good boy and sit down with your toys." Betty handed him a stuffed animal, her gesture one of complete infantilization, as if she no longer saw him as anything more than a toddler. Tobias shuffled over to the soft carpet, each step accentuated by the crinkle of his thick diaper. He sat with a heavy thud, the padding forcing him into a position that made it hard to sit comfortably.


He tried to distract himself by fiddling with the stuffed toy, but the shame gnawed at him, especially when Andrea walked in. Her eyes lit up with delight as soon as she saw him, and she wasted no time in mocking him.


"Well, well, look at the baby now," Andrea cooed, her voice dripping with mockery. "That diaper is so thick! You're waddling like a little toddler!" Tobias glared at her, but his anger only fueled her teasing. She held up a pacifier, dangling it in front of his face with a grin.


"Here, little brother. This will help you calm down," she teased, trying to push it into his mouth. Tobias swatted it away at first, but Andrea was relentless. Eventually, in frustration and defeat, he allowed her to push the pacifier between his lips. He sucked on it without thinking, hoping it would at least make her stop teasing.


Andrea's grin widened as soon as he accepted it. "See? Just like a baby. You should just get used to it, Tobias. This is who you are now. This is how everyone sees you." Her words stung, and Tobias felt a deep pit of despair settle in his chest.


Sitting on the floor, his thick diaper crinkling with every small movement, his mouth filled with the pacifier, Tobias realized just how far he had fallen. Andrea left the room, her mocking laughter echoing behind her, but the degradation lingered.


He didn't even try to get up. He just sat there, sucking on the pacifier, cradling the stuffed animal, wishing the day would end but knowing that this was just the beginning of his new reality. He was no longer fighting against it. He was starting to accept that this was how things were, and the worst part was, a small part of him was beginning to find comfort in it.


Betty, having finished dressing Tobias in the thick diaper and childish shorts, looked down at him with a mixture of pity and affection, entirely convinced that he was far younger than he actually was. Andrea had done a remarkable job of convincing her that Tobias was just a toddler who needed special care, even if he looked a little older.


"There we go, sweetheart," Betty cooed, her voice soft and patronizing. "Now, let's play nice with your toys while I get a snack ready, okay?"


Tobias shifted uncomfortably, the bulk of the diaper forcing his legs apart, making even sitting awkward. The brightly colored shorts didn't help; they made him feel even more infantile, especially with the way Betty treated him. She clearly believed every word Andrea had told her, and Tobias, despite the humiliation, found himself unable to protest. There was a strange comfort in it all, a part of him that didn't entirely hate the attention.


As Betty left the room, Andrea wasted no time swooping in. She sauntered over with a smirk, her eyes glinting with mischief. "You look adorable," she mocked, her voice dripping with condescension. "Betty really thinks you're nothing but a helpless little baby."


Tobias's face flushed with shame. He sucked nervously on the pacifier Andrea had forced into his mouth earlier, feeling the soft rubber press against his tongue. Andrea leaned closer, her voice lowering to a teasing whisper. "I told her you were only three. I mean, look at you," she snickered. "Betty thinks you still need diapers, and honestly, who could blame her?"


Tobias glared at her, his anger bubbling beneath the surface, but he didn't dare lash out. Andrea knew how to push all the right buttons, and fighting back would only make things worse. She always had a way of twisting the situation so that no one believed him, and with Betty fully convinced of his supposed toddlerhood, Tobias felt trapped.


"Betty's bringing you a snack," Andrea continued, grabbing a small blanket from the couch and tossing it over his lap. "Something nice and soft for the little baby." She laughed, clearly enjoying his discomfort. "Maybe after that, I'll tell her you need a nap. Wouldn't that be cute?"


Tobias shifted again, the crinkle of his thick diaper loud in the quiet room. He hated how easily Andrea controlled the situation, but there was something about her teasing that stirred a confusing warmth inside him. He hated it, and yet, at the same time, a part of him felt... safe. The overwhelming sensation of being cared for—even if it was through humiliation—made him feel strangely calm, as if this was his place now.


Betty returned with a tray, her cheerful expression brightening the room. "Here we go!" she said with enthusiasm. On the tray were small, bite-sized sandwiches and a sippy cup filled with juice. She set it down in front of Tobias and gently helped him sit up straighter, adjusting his position as if he were much smaller.


"Time to eat, little one," Betty said sweetly, handing him the sippy cup. Tobias stared at it, his stomach twisting with embarrassment. He wanted to protest, to tell her that he didn't need a sippy cup, that he was far too old for all of this. But the words stuck in his throat. Andrea watched closely, a smirk playing on her lips.


"Come on, drink up," Betty encouraged, mistaking his hesitation for childish reluctance. "We don't want any spills, do we?"


Reluctantly, Tobias took the sippy cup and began drinking, each sip feeling like another blow to his pride. Andrea laughed quietly to herself, enjoying every moment of her brother's humiliation. Betty, meanwhile, looked on with genuine fondness, completely oblivious to the truth.


"There's my good boy," Betty cooed, patting Tobias on the head. "See? It's not so bad being taken care of, is it?"


Tobias didn't respond, his mind spinning with conflicting emotions. The humiliation gnawed at him, but beneath that was something else—something softer. A part of him didn't entirely hate the way Betty treated him, even if it was based on a lie. It was easier to go along with it, to let them believe he was nothing more than a helpless toddler. It meant he didn't have to fight, didn't have to deal with the outside world. Here, in this strange, humiliating bubble, everything was decided for him.


Andrea, seeing her opportunity, leaned down and whispered in his ear. "You're going to get used to this, Tobias. This is who you are now—a little baby in diapers, sucking on a pacifier, being fed like the toddler you are. And guess what? Everyone else is going to see it too."


Her words stung, but Tobias knew she was right. He could feel himself giving in more and more, and the worst part was, a small part of him was beginning to accept it. As he sat there, sipping from the childish cup and feeling the heavy bulk of his diaper beneath him, Tobias realized he was starting to feel at home in this new reality. And despite the humiliation, that thought both terrified and comforted him.

Tobias and Sam sit on the floor, surrounded by toys. The cartoon on the TV hums in the background, but Tobias barely pays attention, feeling too old for this. Sam, however, is happily babbling, drinking his bottle as he watches the show.


Betty claps her hands to signal bedtime.


"Alright, kids, time to get ready for bed. Andrea, can you make two bottles of warm milk? One for Sam and one for Tobias?"


"I'm not drinking from a bottle! I'm not a baby like Sam," Tobias scowls.


Betty, already irritated, responds, "Tobias, just drink the milk. It'll help you sleep. You're going to bed now, so enough arguing."


In the kitchen, Andrea smirks as she prepares the milk. She carefully adds a little something extra to Tobias's bottle, knowing it'll catch up with him later. She hands the bottles to Betty with a mockingly sweet smile.


"Here you go, one bottle for each of them. Hopefully, Tobias behaves like a good boy this time."


Tobias glares at her but reluctantly accepts the bottle. He takes a sip and immediately notices something tastes off.


"Why does it taste funny?"


"It's just warm milk, Tobias. Stop being difficult. Drink up," Betty says, distracted, as she leads Sam to the bathroom.


Andrea watches with amusement as Tobias takes a few more sips, clearly uncomfortable but too embarrassed to keep complaining. After a while, he finishes the bottle, sitting silently as his sister's smirk grows.


"Just wait," she whispers to herself.


About ten minutes later, Tobias starts to feel the first wave of cramping in his stomach. He shifts uncomfortably, trying to hide it, but Andrea notices and gives him a knowing look. Tobias realizes something is wrong and starts to panic.


"Andrea, what did you do?"


"Oh, nothing, baby brother. Feeling okay?" Andrea replies mockingly.


Before Tobias can answer, Betty calls from the bathroom. "Andrea, I'm going to give Sam a quick shower and brush his teeth. Can you go to the bedroom and grab some clothes and a diaper for Tobias? He clearly still needs them after last night."


Andrea grins, knowing this is her chance to make things worse for Tobias. She heads upstairs, rummaging through the baby supplies until she finds the thickest, most childish nappy she can, along with a pair of pink plastic panties. Innocently, she adds the panties to the pile of clothes before heading back downstairs.


Meanwhile, Tobias is getting desperate. His stomach is cramping badly now, and he knows he won't be able to hold it much longer. He tries to call out to Betty.


"Betty! I really need to go to the bathroom!"


"Tobias, you'll have to wait! I'm almost done with Sam," Betty responds, frustrated, from the bathroom.


Tobias clenches his fists, but it's too late. The cramps hit hard, and just before he can stop it, he fills his nappy, feeling a wave of humiliation wash over him. Andrea watches in delight as he shifts uncomfortably, his face turning red.


"Uh-oh, looks like someone made a mess again," Andrea says with a grin.


When Betty finally comes back, she immediately notices the smell. With a sigh, she shakes her head.


"Tobias... really? I thought you were too old for this. You said you didn't need nappies like Sam."


"I don't," Tobias mumbles, avoiding eye contact.


Betty doesn't respond right away but gestures for Andrea to hand over the clothes and the nappy.


"Well, since you clearly can't manage without them, let's get you cleaned up. Andrea, what did you find for him?"


Andrea hands over the nappy and clothes, casually suggesting the pink plastic panties.


"I found this too. Maybe it's a good idea since he filled his nappy so much again. They'll keep everything from leaking."


Betty inspects the pink plastic panties and nods. "That's actually a smart idea, Andrea. We don't want any more leaks tonight."


"No way! I'm not wearing those—they're pink!" Tobias protests.


"Colors don't matter, Tobias. You're wearing them. Now let's get this over with," Betty says, firm but caring.


Tobias starts to protest, but he knows it's useless. Betty takes him by the hand, leading him to the changing area where she quickly cleans him up and tapes on the thick nappy. When she pulls out the pink plastic panties, Tobias flinches, but Betty calmly slips them over the nappy, giving him no chance to complain.


"Now, no more fussing. You're all set."


"He looks even more like a baby now," Andrea whispers to her cousin.


Tobias, humiliated beyond words, sucks on the pacifier Betty gave him earlier, knowing there's no way out of this. He sits quietly, hoping the night will end soon.


As Betty begins to change Sam, Tobias is left standing there in his childish outfit, his pink plastic panties crinkling with every small movement. He feels Andrea's gaze on him, hot and mocking, and he knows she's not done yet. He wants to say something, to tell her off, but the words get stuck in his throat. It'll just make it worse, he reminds himself.


Andrea steps closer, looking him up and down with a smirk. "You know, Tobias, I think you look better like this. Maybe you should just stay in nappies. I mean, clearly, you can't handle being a big boy," she teases, her voice dripping with sarcasm.


Tobias clenches his fists, his nails digging into his palms. He can feel the flush rising in his cheeks, a mix of anger and shame. "Shut up, Andrea. I don't want to hear it."


Andrea's cousin, sensing Tobias's embarrassment, chimes in. "Yeah, I mean, look at you. You fill your nappies like Sam, but at least he's actually a baby. What's your excuse?"


The heat in Tobias's face grows, his heart thudding painfully in his chest. Before he can respond, Andrea interrupts. "Maybe we should start calling you 'Baby Tobias.' What do you think?" She nudges her cousin, who snickers in agreement. "We could even get you a bottle every night, you know, to help you sleep like a good little baby."


A knot forms in Tobias's stomach, tightening painfully. He tries to ignore the jabs, but each one cuts deeper, tearing at his pride. "I'm not a baby," he mumbles, his voice barely audible.


Andrea leans in closer, lowering her voice but making sure he hears every word. "You say that, but let's be honest. You look the part, don't you? I mean, look at those pink panties. How adorable. They suit you."


Tobias squirms, glancing desperately at Betty, who is still occupied with Sam, oblivious to the torment happening behind her back. His chest tightens with helplessness. There's no one to save him from this.


"Maybe tomorrow we can find some even cuter clothes for you," Andrea continues. "You know, something more... babyish. How about a bonnet? I'm sure Mom won't mind if we dress you up properly." She laughs, her cousin joining in, as Tobias silently endures the torment.


Each word feels like a slap, pushing Tobias further into his humiliation. He wants to disappear, to melt away, but instead, he's stuck here, forced to listen, standing in pink plastic panties that crinkle loudly with every tiny movement. His fists stay clenched, knuckles white, as his sister and cousin tear him down piece by piece.


Betty finally finishes with Sam and turns back to Tobias, oblivious to what just happened. "Alright, Tobias, you're next for bed. Let's get you settled in, okay?"


Andrea winks at him as Betty takes his hand, whispering as he's led away, "Sweet dreams, Baby Tobias."


Tobias bites down on his pacifier, hoping sleep will bring an end to this nightmare. But deep down, he knows the worst part. Tomorrow might be even worse.

Andrea stretched out on her bed, grinning as she scrolled through her phone. Her cousin sat nearby, flipping through a magazine, though her attention was clearly on the successful evening. Tobias, humiliated in his pink plastic panties and thick nappy, had barely fought back, and that pacifier in his mouth had sealed his fate for the night.


"That was too easy," Andrea said, still smiling. "He didn't even try to argue."


Her cousin snickered. "He looked like he was about to cry when you pulled out the pink panties. Honestly, I thought he'd at least try to resist, but nope—just stood there like a baby."


Andrea laughed softly, her mind already turning toward tomorrow. "Tonight was only the beginning. I want to push things further, make sure tomorrow's even worse for him."


Her cousin raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Worse? What are you thinking?"


Andrea leaned in, her grin growing wider. "I'm thinking we need a day off—just us, Mom, and Auntie. Shopping, relaxing, no Tobias tagging along. But him? He's going to spend the day somewhere else, where he belongs."


Her cousin's eyes sparkled with interest. "Oh, and where's that?"


Andrea leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Remember the lady from the park? The one who took him to the baby section? Didn't she run a nursery with one of your friends? A proper nursery school."


Her cousin's face lit up, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "You're kidding—sending him there? With actual babies?"


Andrea nodded, her excitement building. "Exactly. He already acts like one, so why not make it official? He spends the day at the nursery, and we get the day off to do whatever we want."


Her cousin laughed. "That's perfect! But how are you going to get your mom to agree to that?"


Andrea leaned back, her mind already forming a plan. "I'll get Tobias to mess up tomorrow morning. Something small but annoying enough to get Mom frustrated. If I play it right, she'll think sending him to the nursery is the best idea. I'll make sure she sees it as 'for his good.'"


Her cousin's smile widened as she sat up, suddenly buzzing with excitement. "And you know what? We should take this even further. We need to find something even more ridiculous for him to wear tomorrow."


Andrea tilted her head, curious. "What do you mean?"


Her cousin's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Let's go back to the basement! I bet there's old stuff from when mom used to babysit. Clothes, nappies, all kinds of things. I mean, imagine what we could find down there to make him look even more like a toddler."


Andrea's eyes lit up. "You think there's still stuff down there? Maybe I can get her to see that Tobias looks good in children's clothes, as your mother does? It was so clever that I took out his luggage, he had no clothes.


Her cousin nodded eagerly, already standing up. "Absolutely. And it's going to be gold. Thick nappies, maybe more plastic panties, and if we're really lucky, some proper toddler clothes."


Andrea jumped up, her excitement matching her cousin's. "Let's go."


They headed to the basement, giddy with anticipation. The door creaked open, and the faint smell of old boxes and forgotten belongings hit them as they flicked on the light. The basement was cluttered, filled with years of things left behind from babysitting, old toys, and dusty clothes.


Her cousin was the first to start rummaging through one of the larger boxes, practically bouncing with excitement. "Look at this stuff! There's bound to be something here."


Andrea joined her, both of them rifling through the forgotten pile of babysitting supplies. Suddenly, her cousin froze, eyes wide with glee.


"Oh my God," she whispered, pulling something from the box. "Andrea, look at this!"


In her hands were thick packages of diapers, the kind that crinkled loudly with every movement. But it didn't stop there. Her cousin dug deeper and pulled out a pair of plastic panties—decorated with pastel-colored unicorns.


Andrea's jaw dropped. "No way! That's perfect."


Her cousin laughed, holding them up. "Can you imagine? Tobias in these? Unicorns! And there's more—look at these clothes." She pulled out a set of onesies, one of which had small unicorns embroidered on it. The fabric was soft, pastel purple, and paired with denim overalls in baby blue, ridiculously childish.


"This is exactly what we needed," Andrea said, practically shaking with excitement. "He'll look like a complete toddler. We'll dress him up first thing in the morning with the denim overalls. I'll keep Mom busy while you get Auntie to wake him up. Of course, he'll be wet, and she'll have to change him because she already sees him as a toddler. If we leave the nappies in the changing room, she'll definitely use them. We can say we were being thoughtful because he leaked so much last night—that's why he slept with the pink plastic panties. She'll buy it right away. We'll get Auntie to dress him up in a thick nappy and those clothes, so I can annoy him without Mom noticing."


Her cousin nodded eagerly, grinning. "Exactly. Then we'll make sure he embarrasses himself, and Mom will get annoyed. If we can plant the idea in Auntie's head about the nursery, it's practically a done deal for little Tobias. Once Mom sees him dressed like this, there's no way she'll let him come shopping with us. She'll send him straight to the nursery."


Her cousin grinned wider, holding up the nappy and plastic panties. "And these? These will make sure everyone at that nursery knows he's not just any kid—he's their toddler for the day."


Andrea laughed, her mind racing with possibilities. "This is going to be perfect. We'll humiliate him more than ever."

  • Like 5

This is a amazing story so far!!!!! Please keep this going. Would love for them to find a way to say that even though he is "three" he needs the care of a one year old or maybe even younger. Or maybe he gets in trouble and gets out with the newborns/infants

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Poco said:

This is a amazing story so far!!!!! Please keep this going. Would love for them to find a way to say that even though he is "three" he needs the care of a one year old or maybe even younger. Or maybe he gets in trouble and gets out with the newborns/infants

Don't worry, I have several chapters all already lined up, but I need to check them. I’m glad you like it. 

  • Thanks 2
Posted (edited)

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Tobias stirred in his sleep, unaware of the day that awaited him. Downstairs, Andrea and her cousin Sofia were already buzzing with excitement, their plan ready to unfold.


"Are you ready?" Andrea whispered, glancing toward her cousin Sofia as they quietly moved toward Tobias's room.


Her cousin Sofia nodded, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Let's do this."


The house was quiet, their mother still occupied in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. As planned, Andrea made sure to keep their mom busy with small talk and distractions while her cousin Sofia slipped upstairs to wake Tobias.


When she reached his bed, she knocked gently before entering. Tobias, still half-asleep, blinked at her groggily, unaware of the thick nappy and childish outfit that awaited him.


"Good morning, sleepyhead," she cooed, keeping her voice sweet but laced with hidden mockery. "Auntie's going to come in and help you get dressed."


She carefully laid out the thick nappies and unicorn-decorated plastic panties, ensuring they were in full view. With a final smirk, she slipped back out, leaving Tobias oblivious to what was about to happen.


Downstairs, cousin Sofia found her mother, who was more than happy to help out with Tobias. "Oh, he must be wet again after last night," Auntie said sympathetically. "Good thing you girls thought to leave these nappies out. He really does need them, doesn't he? Well, you know how boys can be."


Andrea smiled innocently. "Yes, it leaked a bit last night, so we thought it would be best."


Minutes later, Auntie was in Tobias's room, armed with a thick nappy and childish clothes, ready to dress him like the toddler they wanted him to be for the day.


As the morning progressed, Andrea and Sofia exchanged gleeful glances. They had packed a diaper bag filled with the most humiliating items they could find—a thick, crinkly diaper, a baby bottle for milk, and a pacifier. Their plan was in motion, and now all they needed was Auntie's approval, though she wouldn't be the one handling the bag.


Tobias came downstairs, already embarrassed by the outfit and the thick nappy beneath it. His mother had set out breakfast but paused when she saw him. Auntie smiled warmly, "Isn't he cute?" Tobias's mother hesitated, unsure of what to say, but reluctantly agreed, thinking he'd likely get some new clothes while they were out shopping today.


While his mother disappeared to get ready, Tobias sat in the high chair, eating breakfast. All the while, Andrea and Sofia whispered mocking words just loud enough for him to hear, but too quietly for Auntie to catch. Red-faced and irritated, Tobias finally snapped, flinging a spoonful of food and shouting, "I'm not a baby! I'm going to get my real clothes back today, you bitch!"


Andrea feigned innocence, but Auntie stormed in angrily. "Tobias! What did you just say? How dare you behave like this!" She marched straight to his mother and relayed everything that had happened.


Tobias's mother returned, her face full of frustration. "What kind of behavior is this, Tobias?" she scolded, her voice tight with anger.


Auntie frowned, crossing her arms. "First, I think you owe an apology. And second, with that kind of behavior, I don't think you deserve anything new today!"


Tobias's mother, looking defeated but pressed for time, sighed. They needed to leave soon, and this wasn't the morning for arguments.


Sofia seized the moment, her voice soft but purposeful. "Can't Tobias go to kindergarten with Sam today?"


Her mother's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "What a wonderful idea!" she said. The two sisters discussed it quickly, and the decision was made—Tobias would go with Sam to daycare. There would be no protests.


Sofia pretended to pack a bag for Tobias, slipping in the humiliating items they had already prepared. As Auntie and Tobias's mother exchanged determined looks, Tobias realized he had no choice but to comply, too frightened and defeated to argue further.


At the daycare.


Before they left, Andrea's cousin Sofia handed the diaper bag to her friend at the daycare, Carry, who smiled knowingly as she peeked inside.


"This is perfect," Carry whispered. The thick diapers, the bottle, and the pacifier were all neatly tucked inside, ensuring Tobias would be treated exactly as they intended.


Carry grinned. "Don't worry, we'll take good care of him today. Looks like you've thought of everything."


Meanwhile, their aunt, who was also getting ready for the shopping trip with the girls, briefly turned toward Tobias's mother. "It looks like Tobias will be well-prepared for the day. There's no need to worry."


Tobias's mother hesitated, glancing toward him. She had been planning to buy him some new clothes, but with the packed diaper bag and Andrea reassuring her, she relented. "Alright, Tobias, make sure you behave."


Tobias opened his mouth to protest, panic rising in his chest, but before he could say anything, Sofia cut him off.


"Don't worry, Tobias," she said, her voice filled with barely concealed glee. "You'll have a great time."


The subtle threat in her words made Tobias freeze. He looked up at his mother, hoping she might notice something was off, but she only smiled at him gently before leaving for the day. Tobias's heart sank. His fate was sealed.


At the daycare, Tobias's worst fears quickly came true. Sofia's friend Carry wasted no time in setting the stage, ensuring all the employees believed Tobias was just another toddler, like Sam. With his thick nappy crinkling beneath his overalls, it wasn't hard to convince them.


As soon as Tobias walked into the toddler section, the other children barely paid him any mind, but the daycare staff greeted him with patronizing smiles.


"Oh, isn't he adorable?" one of the employees cooed, ruffling his hair. "You're going to have such a fun day with us, aren't you, little one?"


Tobias's face flushed with embarrassment. He wanted to shout that he wasn't a toddler, that this was all a mistake, but every time he moved, the loud crinkling of his nappy seemed to mock him. He stood there frozen, mortified, as they continued to coo over him.


"Look at those cute overalls, and your special bag, too," another staff member said, taking the diaper bag from Carry. She peeked inside, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the thick nappies, the bottle, and the pacifier. "Looks like you're all set for the day."


Tobias's stomach twisted with dread. How had it come to this? How could he possibly escape from this humiliating situation?


As the day progressed, the daycare staff treated Tobias exactly as Carry and Sofia had planned. They spoke to him in sing-song voices, guided him through playtime like he was one of the toddlers, and never questioned why he was in the toddler section. To them, Tobias was just a little boy in need of extra care.


It only got worse during naptime. Tobias's heart sank when one of the daycare workers approached him with a baby bottle.


"Here you go, sweetheart," she said softly, handing him the bottle. "We don't want you to go thirsty, do we?"


Tobias hesitated, his face burning with humiliation. "I don't need that," he mumbled, trying to push the bottle away.


But the worker's smile only grew more condescending. "Now, now, we know you need this," she said gently but firmly. "Come on, be a good boy and drink up."


Tobias's hands trembled as he took the bottle, feeling the weight of his humiliation press down on him. There was no way out. As he sipped reluctantly, he could feel the eyes of the daycare workers on him, treating him like he was no different from the toddlers napping around him.


Tobias felt himself getting drowsy after drinking the whole bottle. The warmth of the milk settled in his stomach, and the weight of the day pressed down on him as his eyelids grew heavy. He slowly laid down on the nap mat, his head resting on the soft pillow. As his body relaxed, he felt a gentle hand stroking his hair. Looking up, he saw Carry sitting beside him, her face hovering over his.


"So, sleep now, little boy," she said softly, her tone sugary sweet but with an unmistakable mocking edge.


Tobias wanted to protest, to tell her he wasn't a little boy, but the words never left his lips. The comfort of her touch and the soothing sound of her voice lulled him deeper into sleep. Slowly, he faded out completely, the last thing he saw being the pacifier she pulled from her pocket, the one she had taken from the diaper bag earlier.


"So, now you can sleep well, my friend," she whispered with a smirk, pushing the pacifier gently into his mouth. Tobias, too tired to resist, began sucking on it automatically, just like the other toddlers around him. He felt the rubber bulb fill his mouth, a sensation that should have been foreign, but in his drowsy state, it felt natural. Soon, his breathing steadied, and he fell into a deep sleep, the pacifier bobbing gently between his lips.


After what felt like a good while, Tobias stirred. His eyelids fluttered open, and he blinked groggily. The room was still dim, and he could see the other children lying peacefully, still asleep on their mats. But something was wrong—he had to go to the bathroom. His bladder ached, and panic rose within him as he remembered where he was and the humiliating position he was in.


He spotted Carry at the far side of the room, fiddling with her mobile phone, her face lit by the screen. Tobias tried to sit up, but the thick nappy between his legs crinkled loudly, reminding him of his situation. He shifted awkwardly on the mat and waved toward Carry, trying to get her attention.


Carry glanced up briefly from her phone, but seeing the anxious look on his face, she simply smiled to herself and continued tapping away at the screen, pretending not to notice him.


Tobias could feel the pressure growing. He needed to go to the bathroom, and soon. "Carry," he whispered, his voice strained, but she didn't respond. His heart raced. He tried again, this time louder. "Carry, please..."


She finally looked over, her expression amused. "Oh, what's wrong, sweetheart?" she asked, her voice dripping with false concern as she walked over to him.


Tobias squirmed, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I... I need to go to the bathroom," he whispered, his voice barely audible.


Carry just smiled at him sweetly, her eyes twinkling with amusement. She patted his head as if he were a pet. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but I'm on an important call right now. You'll have to wait a little bit, okay?"


He stared at her, disbelief and frustration flooding him. His legs clenched together as he tried to hold it in, but the pressure was becoming unbearable. Carry continued to "check" her phone, seemingly busy, but Tobias could see her smile widening with every passing second, knowing exactly what she was doing to him.


Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. His legs relaxed, and he felt the warm sensation between them as he wet himself. The thick nappy quickly absorbed the liquid, but it didn't stop the heat spreading across his skin. Tobias's face flushed a deep red as the shame hit him full force.


"Oh, there it is," Carry muttered under her breath, her eyes watching him closely as the last of his dignity crumbled. After a long moment, she finally put down her phone and walked back over to him, crouching next to his mat. "Oh dear," she said in a mockingly sweet voice, "it looks like someone's had a little accident."


Tobias bit his lip, trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill. He couldn't look her in the eyes.


"Sorry about that," Carry continued, her smile never fading. "I was on an important call. Do you need a diaper change, little one?"


The humiliation was too much for Tobias to bear. He wanted to disappear, to somehow escape from this nightmare, but there was nowhere to hide. Carry's hands were already reaching down to check the soggy nappy, confirming what they both knew.


"Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" she cooed, the false kindness in her voice only making it worse. "I'll make sure you're all fresh and dry again."

Edited by Shadow_sub
  • Like 6

Amazing update!!!!!! Loving it!!! Can't wait for more

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Poco said:

Amazing update!!!!!! Loving it!!! Can't wait for more

Thanks, will see have it goes 😉

Posted (edited)

Andrea and her cousin Sofia walk through the children's section of a large department store, whispering excitedly as they browse through racks of brightly colored clothing. They pause in front of a row of baby rompers, their eyes catching on a particularly childish design—a pale blue onesie covered in cartoon dinosaurs with snap buttons at the crotch for easy diaper changes.


"This would be perfect for him," Andrea says with a grin, holding it up. "Can you imagine his face when we put this on him? He'll hate it."


Sofia giggles, nodding in agreement. "And look at these." She points to a display of thick training pants, designed for toddlers who are still learning to be potty-trained. "They're so bulky, he won't be able to walk without crinkling with every step."


They add a few pairs of the training pants to their cart, along with a package of oversized bibs, each embroidered with words like "Little Prince" and "Messy Eater." They then make their way to the accessories aisle, where Sofia spots a large pacifier with a glittery pink handle.


"We have to get this!" she says. "It's going to be hilarious watching him try to explain why he's using this."


Andrea nods, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "And when we get home, we'll tell Betty that these are his favorites, and he refuses to wear anything else."


As they leave the store, bags in hand, they can't stop laughing at the thought of what they'll do next, already planning how to convince their mom and aunt that Tobias should wear the new outfits at the daycare tomorrow.


As Andrea and Sofia make their way toward the checkout counter, they pass by another display that catches Sofia's eye: a set of footed pajamas covered in unicorns and rainbows, complete with a hood and small, plush ears. Sofia gasps, holding up the pajamas.


"Look at this!" she exclaims. "This is exactly what we need. It's so babyish, and it zips up the back—no way he can take it off himself."


Andrea's grin widens. "Perfect. He'll be stuck in it until someone lets him out." She takes the pajamas and adds them to their cart, thinking about how fun it will be to see Tobias squirm in such an embarrassing outfit.


The door creaked open as Andrea and Sofia returned home from their shopping trip, the weight of their secret purchases carefully tucked into their bags. The air was warm and still inside the house, and they could hear the faint sound of their mother talking on the phone, her voice filled with urgency. Andrea and Sofia exchanged a quick glance—this was their moment, though they didn't know exactly how it would play out just yet.


Their mother, with her phone still pressed to her ear, rushed into the hallway. "Girls, I have to leave," she said, her tone brisk. "An urgent meeting just came up, and I need to be on the next flight."


Andrea frowned. "How long will you be gone?"


"A couple of days, maybe longer," her mother replied. "I'll know more once I get there. I don't have time to say goodbye to Tobias. Your aunt will pick him up later when she gets Sam."


Andrea's eyes widened slightly, but she hid her smile. The opportunity had presented itself faster than they had expected. Sofia, standing quietly by her side, raised an eyebrow, already sensing where this could lead.


"Alright, we'll manage," Andrea said, playing it cool. "We'll help Auntie with Tobias."


Her mother gave a rushed nod, barely glancing at the bags Andrea and Sofia carried before grabbing her suitcase and keys. "I know you will. Tobias needs to be good while I'm gone. Your aunt has enough to handle with Sam, so no trouble, okay?"


"Of course," Andrea said, though her mind was already racing with ideas. She watched as her mother hurried out the door, leaving the house in silence.


As soon as the door clicked shut, Andrea turned to Sofia, a glint in her eye. "Did you hear that?"


Sofia grinned. "Perfect timing."


"We can finally start our plan," Andrea said, her excitement barely contained. "Mom's gone for at least a couple of days, maybe longer. That's more than enough time."


"And Auntie won't question us if we say Tobias is running low on diapers," Sofia added, already thinking ahead. "She's been saying how spoiled he is lately. This is our chance to make her see it too."


Andrea nodded. "Exactly. We'll make sure she thinks it's the only option to keep him in line. But first, we need to get her to go shopping for more supplies."


The girls moved toward Tobias's room, where Sofia peeked into the closet. "There's still a decent amount of diapers left," she said, counting the packages. "But that's not going to stop us."


They waited until their aunt arrived, Sam bouncing in her arms as she came through the door. "Where's Tobias?" she asked, setting Sam down. "I need to pick him up soon."


"He's still at daycare," Andrea said quickly. "But before you go, we noticed that he's almost out of diapers. Could you check? It looked like we might need to get more."


Her aunt frowned, looking over at Sofia. "Are you sure? I thought we had plenty."


Sofia hesitated just enough to make her response believable. "I might have mixed up the packages with Sam's. I thought there were more, but some of the old ones have bad tapes—they're practically falling apart."


The aunt sighed, rubbing her forehead. "Alright, alright. I'll pick up more while I'm out. I don't want any accidents while I'm gone. Sofia, come with me to help. Andrea, you stay here and keep an eye on things until we're back."


Andrea nodded obediently, but inside she was already plotting her next move. Sofia shot her a quick glance as they left, a silent agreement passing between them. By the end of the day, Tobias would be in for much more than he expected, and their aunt wouldn't even question it.


As the door closed behind them, Andrea smiled to herself. Everything was falling into place perfectly.


As Sofia and her mother made their way to the store, Sofia couldn't help but smile to herself. The plan was falling into place even better than she and Andrea had hoped. They walked through the busy aisles, her mother occasionally tossing items into the cart—some food for dinner, snacks for Sam—but Sofia's mind was already focused on what they needed for Tobias.


They reached the baby section, and her mother stopped. "Alright, we'll grab some diapers for Tobias, but I'm sure we have enough at home to last a day or two," her mother said, scanning the shelves.


Sofia, seizing her chance, took a step forward. "Actually, Mom, I think we should get the thick ones," she suggested. "You know, Tobias has been wetting himself a lot lately. And there was that time he...well...messed himself when the babysitter was at our house."


Her mother paused, turning to look at Sofia, eyebrows raised. "He messed himself? When was this?"


Sofia nodded solemnly, lowering her voice as if she were sharing a secret. "It happened a couple of times, actually. Andrea and I didn't want to say anything to embarrass him, but he's been having more accidents recently. The babysitter said she noticed too."


Her mother frowned, clearly concerned. "Well, I didn't know it had gotten that bad..."


Sofia saw her opportunity. "That's why I think we should get the thicker diapers. You know, just in case." She walked over to the shelf, her eyes scanning the options until she spotted the ones she had been looking for. They were unmistakable—pink princess diapers, with frilly designs and sparkly decorations, standing out among the more neutral-colored options.


She hesitated for only a moment, thinking of how Tobias would react when he saw them. Then, with a grin, she grabbed the package and placed it in the cart. "These should do the trick," she said, a touch of innocence in her voice.


Her mother looked at the package and hesitated. "Sofia, these are...they look a little...well, they're not exactly what Tobias usually wears."


Sofia quickly stepped in, her voice soft but convincing. "I know, but they're the only ones left in his size. And besides, he won't care. It's more important that they work, right? He's been having so many accidents, and we don't want to make things harder on him."


Her mother thought for a moment, her gaze flicking between Sofia and the pink diapers. Finally, she nodded. "Alright, if it's what we have to work with. I just hope he doesn't feel embarrassed."


Sofia smiled to herself. "Oh, don't worry, Mom. I'm sure he'll be fine."


As they continued shopping, Sofia's mind raced with ideas. She couldn't wait to see Tobias in those ridiculous princess diapers, and with her mother on board, there was no way he could get out of wearing them. Everything was falling perfectly into place.

Edited by Shadow_sub
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Amazing addition, can't wait for more!!! Keep up the amazing writing!

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23 minutes ago, Poco said:

Amazing addition, can't wait for more!!! Keep up the amazing writing!

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I do like it if you have ideas to come up with. I have worked with several more chapters, but I do not fell it finish with it yet. 

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