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Now for something entirely different. This is another babyfur story of mine (one that actually got inspired by @Panther Cub's stories, actually; if you are a fan of babyfur stories, check them out), but it's got very heavy themes. I promise to warn you when they come up.

EDIT: About critique, feel absolutely free to tell me what I'm doing wrong; in fact, I encourage it with all my heart! I want to publish this under my pseudo penname in books for AR/AB stuff, and in order to publish without mistakes and errors, I absolutely need to know what I've done wrong. If you can't find anything wrong, then tell me what you liked, please! These things make me a better writer. I'm not soft when it comes to critique, and I'll always listen to it.

Now, on with the show:

Chapter One: Guilt and Shame


Constantin Tremblay woke up with a large yawn, the American ermine stretching his limbs, his tail and whiskers twitching with anticipation for the first week of August, the first week of his sophomore year of high school.


Then he smelled something funny. He took off his blanket and gasped.


No. No, it can’t be!


He had unmistakably wet - no, soaked was more like it - the bed. His thoughts were frantic.


It’s just got to be a bug. A summer bug. Can’t be FIID. It can’t be that, no, summer bug, it’s just a damn bug.


Fallout Incontinent/Infancy Disease, the hidden scourge of the weapon known as Project A, the  weapon that turned the world’s then-humans into humanoid animals way, waaay back in the time of, like, the dinosaurs (technically in 1963, during the Kennedy administration, but still) affected about a tenth of all middle and high schoolers. It was a horrible disease, turning those kids into what basically amounted to teen toddlers.


No, he was not going to have that. He was already hiding being trans from his parents; he couldn’t have that as well.


Already cost me friendships. Can’t have it cost my family too.


With those thoughts, Constantin gathered his night clothes and sheets, quickly putting them in the washing machine with a lot of bleach, before turning the bleach toward his bed.


Then the shower. The thing he hated the most, his dysphoria clearly showing there. His breasts, unmistakably showing his outward sex, hiding the powerful man he knew he was. He hated them, hated them.


The ermine made sure to take a longer time in the shower than normal, washing every single part of his awful body to get the smell off of him. He put on his clothes: baggy black jeans, a loosely-fitting black T-shirt, and combat boots. Thank whatever gods existed - not that Constantin believed in a god; if there were any, they wouldn’t have made him like this - that there wasn’t a school uniform for anything other than basketball; it would’ve sucked if he was forced to wear a skirt or dress.


Then he did the gel in his short hairfur, spiking it up. Then his glasses. He hated that he needed glasses; it made him look nerdy. Yeah, he got decent grades, but it was his basketball career that he cared about. His parents were fine with it because they were former jocks (Dad played soccer; Mom was a former cheerleader.), but…


He shook his head furiously. He was going to have a good day at school, damn what the morning wanted him to think.


Constantin let out another yawn, making a small breakfast for himself (his parents were off on their high-paying five-to-five jobs, so he was fairly self-sufficient.): just regular cereal and orange juice (breakfast of champions!) before he got his stuff packed and ready for school. He noted the silver coin on the countertop with Mom’s signature (payment for lunch and a thinly-veiled demand for “Marie-Claire” to join cheerleading) telling him to take the coin (which he did), and let out a sigh, exiting into the morning light.


The ermine was early for the school trolleybus (it was rare for animals to have a car, since the gas-guzzlers had stopped being produced after the Fallout, and electric cars were only used by the rich...like his dad and mom), getting on with a nod at the driver, an elderly gorilla who nodded back at him before the trolleybus sped off.


Constantin sat at the back, relaxing and almost nodding off with rock-n-roll music, before a familiar voice woke him up.


“Hey, you’re taking my spot.”


He opened his black eyes to see an ocelot, her amber eyes appraising him cautiously. He knew her. Allyson. Allyson Blood, his former bestie before…stuff happened. Mainly because Constantin never came out as trans to her (to anyone, really), and felt uncomfortable around girls nowadays (he was definitely attracted to girls, which made things…complicated.)…but partially because Allyson had gotten FIID, along with…his other two former friends.


She was wearing a pink onesie with cartoon cats that did nothing to hide the fact that she was wearing a very thick diaper, and had a pink pacifier clipped to the neck area of her onesie. Her spotted tail flicked nervously, as she clutched a stuffed saber-toothed tiger in her paws.


“Then take it from me if you can,” Constantin said in a bored tone.


“It’s my spot. I’ve had it all of last year, Marie.” He looked at her, her eyes watering with tears, and a guilty feeling gnawed at his heart.


“I…fine, take it,” the ermine muttered, shifting over so Allyson could get her body into the seat.


“Thank you, Marie,” the ocelot said gratefully, popping in her pacifier and sucking nervously.


“Whatever, I didn’t know it was your spot,” he muttered, hating his high-pitched tilting female voice.


“Sho…I shee you’re doin’ bashketbaw?” The pacifier muffled her words, almost cutely.


Not cutely. She’s just a damned overgrown baby now. Your friendship with her is over, let alone anything more.


And yet…


“Yeah, I figure that since I’m on the girl’s team…yeah.”


“I’vf sheen your gamesh. You’re reawy good.”


“Eh, I’m decent.” A lie. He had already gotten scholarship offers - women’s, of course, but one or two men’s teams as well - from high-profile colleges all across the United States, despite starting this year as a sophomore.


“Don’t wie. I’m onwy FIID, not shtupith.” He looked at Allyson, seeing her glaring at him. Still intimidating, even though she was dressed as a baby (especially since she was bigger than he was).


“I said I was decent. What’s there to lie about?”




The ride continued in stony silence, as more and more students - and teachers - got on the trolleybus. Constantin noted with dread that the ride had picked up his two other former close friends: Haylee Kilgallen the black-backed jackal and Krysten Peppers the long-eared owl, both of them sitting on the opposite side of him, both clad in similar attire to Allyson (only with a stuffed unicorn for Haylee and a stuffed roc for Krysten).


“Hi, Marie!” Krysten said excitedly. “It’s been a while…”


“Krys, she made her choice,” Haylee said coldly, her paw on Krysten’s wing feathers, as Constantin felt another gut punch of guilt.


It’s not like they’d be your friends anyway. You’re not a girl, never were one. There’s too many issues, too many problems, and they’d stop being your friends if they knew the truth.


So why did he feel so guilty and ashamed?


“Hey, MC!” a voice cut through.


The ermine looked up (way up; the speaker was a giraffe) to see his fellow basketball teammate (and fellow superstar), Xenia Chaconas. Xenia had a smirk on her face, as she said in mock sympathy, “I didn’t know you were FIID, MC. You wearing a diaper, too?”


“I’m not,” Constantin huffed. “I’m just sitting with them, that’s all.”


“You don’t have to sit with them, you know,” the giraffe continued. “You could sit with the big girls and talk with us.”


“Yeah, but I just wanted to listen to my music, not talk,” Constantin growled.


“Then sit somewhere else!” Haylee snapped at him. “We don’t want you here.”


The words cut straight to the ermine’s heart. Haylee was someone who would fight off the legions of hell for someone if they were her friend. To hear that from her…


“C’mon, Lee, you don’t mean that…” Krysten twittered nervously.


“I do, Krys. She’s not welcome to sit with us anymore.”


“Aw…you hear that? It’s almost like they’re talking!” Xenia cooed mockingly, as Constantin reluctantly got up and walked with the giraffe, who sneered, “I’ll come by the nursery to see you three later.”


“Hey, MC!”


“Yo, MC, what up?”


“Howzit goin’, MC?”


The words of Constantin’s fellow basketball teammates felt hollow to him; using the initials of his deadname as a nickname was almost too much to bear, and yet…he knew they meant no malice with it; it was all they really knew.


They don’t know you. Your old friends did. And they don’t ever want to see you again.


The guilt and shame grew in his heart, so much so that he almost wanted to cry. But he couldn’t. Not in front of his teammates.


He felt a large arm snake around his shoulders, the hoof grabbing on to him, as he turned to see…Dragan. Dragan Lazarov. The superstar of the soccer team…and his wannabe boyfriend. The impala planted a kiss on the ermine’s cheek, to his inner disgust.


“Hey, MC,” the soccer player rumbled. “You doing okay? Xenia’s not giving you too much grief, is she?”


“She’s fine,” Constantin said, wanting Dragan to get the hell away from him, he wasn’t interested in boys, he was never interested in boys.


“You know, I was thinking about a date, you know?”




“A date it is, then! How about we see that R-rated movie, huh?”


Constantin squirmed under Dragan’s gaze. “I’m a little busy…”


“Too busy for me? Blasphemy.” A smirk. The ermine hated that smirk. “C’mon, your dad, my dad, we know each other. It only makes sense.”


He looked at the impala. Just because their dads played soccer on the same professional team didn’t mean he was interested in Dragan. Not. One. Bit.


“I’ve got a lot of other things to do,” Constantin said, a hint of finality in his tone.


“It’s a date then! You know where I’ll be.”


The school - Frederick Frost High, the biggest public school in Chicago’s suburbs - came into view, and Constantin could not wait to get off, which he did…but out of the corner of his eye, he saw his three former friends get off as well, along with a fair few other obvious FIIDers, saw the two feline caregivers, what were their names, oh, right, Colleen and Carolina Cross, give assistance, and something drew him over to them, as he hid behind the school tree (a blooming oak tree, one of the few trees left after the Fallout), watching Allyson start to cry as her diaper was checked.


“Aww, it’s okay, Ally, you’ll get potty training down eventually,” Colleen the caracal cooed, wiping the ocelot’s tear-and-snot-covered face with a wet-wipe in her paw.


“Uh oh, looks like we have a couple of other stinkypants on our paws!” Carolina the serval announced as she checked Krysten and Haylee, who both looked embarrassed and on the verge of tears.


I…they were my closest friends. What have I done? What the hell have I done? Was this really worth it?


Don’t be a pansy. Of course it was! You and them…it wouldn’t have mixed. You’re on the girl’s basketball team. You’re a top basketball recruit in the nation. They’re going back into their second toddlerhood. And you didn’t have a choice.


No, you ALWAYS had a choice! YOU chose to leave them when they needed you the most! YOU chose to hide everything about yourself! YOU chose to live a damned lie every day instead of being honest! You deserve EVERY bad thing that comes your way! You don’t deserve true friends!


The feelings of guilt and shame tore him up, and he slumped down the tree, starting to silently cry.



Well, here's hoping for the best for Constantin~ Feel free to review, tell me what I did right, what I can improve on, or even something you liked; that helps me, as an aspiring authoress, more than just blind praise.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, it's been a while since this was updated...so update, I shall~



Chapter Two: Double-Dribble.



“Hey, you okay?” a familiar voice asked.


Constantin looked up to see a younger corsac fox, who looked at him curiously. Barclay Kilgallen. Haylee’s younger (by only a year; he was a freshman) brother.


“I’m fine,” the ermine said stiffly, his eyes no longer shedding tears.


“I mean, I know that you still want Lee to be your friend,” the young fox said shyly. “And she-”


“She’s made it clear she doesn’t want to know me - and you don’t know me either,” Constantin interrupted calmly, hefting his backpack and walking the long way around, away from Barclay…who was still following him.


“I mean, I could talk to her, Lee would’ve ran through a fire for you,” Barclay continued to talk, as he followed him over to the basketball court, the door wide open. “She’s just hurt, you know? It’s not worth throwing away-”


“I’ve already made my choice,” the ermine said coldly. “And she has every right to make hers.”


Constantin slammed the door on the corsac fox, immediately regretting it, but not feeling up to seeing if he had hurt Barclay or not. He needed time alone to shoot baskets. Class and everything about it could wait. It was the only thing that really calmed him down - and holy hell, did he need to calm down.


He put away his backpack and got out his basketball - an autographed ball by the Chicago Bulls and Chicago Sky players from when he was a child; his most prized possession - and dribbled a bit, the fancy dribbling moves that eluded the vast majority of the population coming naturally to him. Crossovers, hesitations, behind the tail, between the legs, in-and-outs, spins, backups, anything that could help him on the court, he did.


Then he practiced shooting from beyond the three-point line, a perfect arc every time from deep. Stepbacks, fadeaways, eurosteps, jump shots, floaters, finger-rolls, everything needed to score as a smaller point guard.


Soon enough, Constantin had worked up a deep sweat…and desperately felt like he needed to pee.


Freaking orange juice must’ve gotten to me…


He put his basketball back in his backpack and went into the locker room, bumping into his basketball coach almost by accident.


“Hey, kid.” Coach Aderinokun, a giant male elephant - bigger even than Xenia; he had played as a center for a few seasons in the NBA before retiring from knee problems - gazed down at the ermine. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”


“Sorry, Coach, just have to go to the restroom,” Constantin said, the urge to pee growing.


“Ah, that’s fair, but after that, you’ll go to class, right?”


“Yes, of course!” the ermine squeaked, quickly rushing and finding a stall, barely managing to get his pants down before the dam broke.


Oh, no, I didn’t do it again, did I?!


Other than a tiny wet spot on his panties (which, like all of the feminine clothing he owned, he despised) which was barely noticeable, it had gone into the toilet.


Thank goodness. Stupid bug…almost making me…


He shuddered, thinking of how close he had come to something embarrassing.


Okay, no more orange juice until I’m done with this bug.


Constantin put his pants back on, grabbed his backpack, and followed his coach’s advice, heading to history (he was too late for math, not that he cared; he was terrible at math, anyway): his second class, and one of the few things aside from basketball that he was somewhat decent at.


To his dismay, the ermine saw Xenia (who snickered at him), Dragan (who blew him a kiss), and Colleen and Carolina in the class - and worse still, the only available table spot was with the felines on either side.


The history teacher, a large middle-aged Indian cobra named Mrs. Sirajuddin, gazed at him with a calm, yet scrutinizing look.


“Ms. Tremblay, do take your seat,” she said, her eyes brooking no argument, as he took his seat next to the two caregivers, his head down, as they both looked at him curiously. “Now, my students, as has been custom in this class, we shall be talking about Project A, the politics behind it and the ultimate aftermath. So, Ms. Tremblay, since you came in late, what was Project A’s ultimate goal?”


“Project A - then called Operation Last Dawn of Wolves - was a Soviet project in 1963 that was supposed to deactivate the nuclear warheads of the United States and their allies during the Cuban Missile Crisis, before launching a massive offensive,” Constantin said confidently. “It was an airborne pathogen, supposed to cause nuclear meltdowns by adhering to the missiles. What they didn’t realize was that, while it did deactivate the missiles of every country, the airborne pathogen absorbed the nuclear energy, irradiating a lot of the world and affected humans and animals in a manner they didn’t predict, bonding their DNA and RNA into each other, mutating every human into the animals we are today.”


“Full marks,” Mrs. Sirajuddin said with a thin smile. “Yes, that indeed was the case sixty-five years ago, during what is known today as The Fallout. Of course, there was another complication, one that none of the then-humans had foreseen. I’m talking, of course, about Fallout Incontinent/Infancy Disease, known today as FIID.”


Constantin felt himself freeze. Were they really going to get into that? Was this a cruel joke?


“A fair number of students in this school have FIID,” Mrs. Sirajuddin continued. “It may be an uncomfortable topic to some of you here, but realize that ninety-nine percent of animals with FIID are just like you and I, just in need of more…care. They are equally-capable - possibly more so - as any other animal in terms of intelligence, just with more childish behavior. They are capable of playing sports, capable of holding down long-term jobs, capable of meaningful relationships. They may struggle, which is why some of us may have to be reminded that they are fellow animals like us, and deserve the same respect we do.” The cobra looked meaningfully at Xenia, who looked like she had swallowed a basket of limes.

“What’re the one percent who aren’t like us?” Dragan asked.


The cobra sighed, her eyelids flickering with sadness. “Now the one percent who aren’t…completely fall into their headspace. Psychologically and emotionally, there is nothing separating them from an average infant. They cannot function in society and need help with literally everything. Their minds are still there, but cannot process anything outside of their headspace. Sadly, a lot of the countries left after The Fallout have historically institutionalized them, and even with the top scientists studying, there has not been a cure found yet. I hope they find one soon, for their sake. We are fortunate not to have that one percent in our school as of yet, but it’s only a matter of time, with ten percent of the youth population having this...”


Constantin looked down, not able to look his teacher - anyone, really - in the eye. He felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world, shunning his friends - and for what? Because of petty high school stuff? Because he was scared of “catching FIID” (even though he knew it wasn’t contagious)? Because the jocks would make fun of him if he did? But he couldn’t come out to his former friends, couldn’t come out to anyone, in case they outed him to his parents. That’s why he had his journal (his parents called it a diary, and to their credit, they didn’t pry into it): to write down all of the fears he had.


“Hey, MC, is it?” He looked at Carolina, the serval giving him a sympathetic look. “I understand it can’t be easy, knowing that three of your close friends have FIID.”


He couldn’t bear to correct her on the “friends” part.


“MC, if you want to visit them, feel free.” Colleen had spoken, the caracal’s eyes showing happiness. “We know you weren’t there for math, probably doing your own thing; we’re in all of your classes. If you ever want to drop by, say ‘hi’, maybe help out a bit, feel free. FIIDers could always use the help.”


“Thanks, I’ll…consider it,” Constantin said, just wanting to shoot more baskets, maybe even sink into the ground and disappear at this point.


Great. The only written class I’m even good at has been ruined. How can I look at ANYONE? How can I look at myself in the freaking mirror?!


You’ll deal with it. Three more years, and then you’ll never see them again in your life. Just suck it up for three freaking years. Make good enough grades to pass, then go to college, then go to the NBA. One-and-done. Make more money than you’ll ever spend. Easy.


He wished it was that easy. Something would go wrong, something had to go wrong.


And then it happened: he had a sudden urge to pee again.


“Mrs. Sirajuddin, can I use the restroom?” he asked.


The cobra teacher sighed. “Sure, but make sure-”


Constantin didn’t hear the next few words as he tore off towards the bathrooms with his backpack, the urge making him almost want to do the childish “potty dance”; he was that desperate to keep from soaking himself.


He finally saw a bathroom - an open bathroom, thank whatever deity others believed in - and went in…before he saw about two guys there staring at him.


Dammit, act cool, act cool.


Screw “cool”; you’re gonna piss yourself if you waste any more time!


The second voice won out, and he barely made it into a stall, pulling down his pants before the levee broke.


Please tell me I didn’t piss my pants?


He looked and sighed in relief; his panties weren’t wet.


I’m going to have to go to the doctor if the bug keeps persisting.


What if it’s-




Constantin breathed in and out to calm himself. It was just a bug, nothing more. Stomach virus, bladder infection, maybe. And he wasn’t in any mood to see the family doctor; he didn’t trust him as far as he could throw him…which wasn’t far at all, considering the family doctor was a wildebeest.


Maybe I could see the school nurse? Maybe get an independent study, just in case? She’s always been good about keeping things from parents if necessary.


The only problem? Nurse Springleaf was always in the nursery with the FIID-affected teens.


Just perfect…




Hope y'all enjoyed~ I'll see you next time~

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Okay, now for the third chapter of Turning 3-And-D:


Chapter Three: Just Another Lie


Constantin had gotten out of the boy’s bathroom (the guys had given him so much grief for going there), and was headed down the school hall aimlessly. He had no idea of where the daycare place was in the school, let alone the nurse.


Then the bell rang, and he came up with an idea.


I have to find the Cross sisters for that, though.


The ermine surprisingly didn’t have to go far; he had a locker close to the sisters, who looked at him in curiosity.


“We missed you in class, MC,” Carolina said.


“Do you know where the…FIIDers stay here?” Constantin asked. “I was…hoping to…” He paused to think of a good lie. “Just wanted to see my friends.”


“Of course, MC, of course,” Colleen said, her eyes brightening with excitement. “So you’re possibly going to go help take care of them? I’m sure they’d love it! We’ll show you where it is!”


The two walked just ahead of Constantin, as he trailed behind, listening to the Crosses excitedly begin talking about how good of a deed he was doing.


I can afford a little lie. I’ve been living a lie for all of my life; what’s a small one now?


They walked down the hallway, which slowly showed directions in big, bright neon-pink letters. Two locked doors barred the rest of the hallway.


“We had to make sure that middle and high schoolers didn’t try to torment the FIIDers,” Carolina explained, as the ermine’s tail twitched uncomfortably, “and some of the FIIDers can be confused at times, and we have to keep a close eye on them; emotionally and psychologically, they are toddler-like, and almost every one of them aren’t potty-trained. By keeping them here, we can have them bounce back in a safe environment, ready for college or the real world.”


“Of…of course.” Constantin knew he had never had tapeworms eating his intestines, but if he did, this must’ve been what it felt like; the gut punch was enough to kill.


“Don’t worry, MC, your friends are going to love you taking care of them!” Colleen exclaimed, her tail twitching with excitement.


“I’d also like to talk to the nurse,” Constantin blurted out, blushing after he said those words. “Just want to discuss a few things in private. I mean, Nurse Springleaf is still trained as a counselor, right?”


“Of course, MC,” Colleen said, nodding her head. “But first, you really should check on your friends; I know they miss you.”


“I know…” the ermine said, his voice cracking, as the two felines unlocked the door.


The bright pastel colors, blue and pink all over, were almost blinding to Constantin, a true culture shock from the drab grays and dull golds of the school. The cacophony of sounds deafened him, his eyes wide as he heard the sounds of crying FIIDers and cooing caretakers. There were changing tables everywhere he looked, happy animal caricatures, all things that made him feel…odd.


Why is this odd? They’re basically toddlers emotionally; that’s what FIID does.


So why did it make him feel odd? Was it because, deep down, he realized he could just as easily be on those changing tables if-


Don’t. You don’t have it. It was a one-time thing, nothing more.


Constantin saw Nurse Jade Springleaf, a large bison, giving a familiar face in Krysten a bottle, the long-eared owl gently suckling on it. The nurse looked up to see him.


“Oh, hello, MC,” she said warmly as Krysten’s eyes widened, turning to look at the newcomers, the Cross sisters giving a respectful nod . “Are you here to see your friends?”


“That…and talk to you, if that’s all right?” the ermine chittered nervously.


“Of course, of course,” the bison rumbled. “Are you planning on helping out?”


“Possibly, I mean, Ally, Krys, Lee, they’re…my friends.” Constantin felt like the biggest piece of shit for the lie, but it wasn’t like he had a choice…right?


“Then I’ll have Ms. Eyenga sort things out, show you around where the FIIDers will head to. Justine?”


“Yes, Nurse Springleaf? Do we have a new guest?” He turned around and looked up to see a young female okapi with wire-rimmed glasses, smartly dressed in a black pantsuit and heels that fit on her hooves, her warm African dialect washing over him, making him feel odd, like a trustworthy figure…


Snap out of it!


“-graciously decided to donate her time to help her friends. Do show her around; Allyson and Haylee are probably playing with each other, but they and the others will need their morning bottles like Krysten. MC could help with one of them.”


“Of course, Nurse Springleaf,” Justine the okapi said politely, her warm black eyes kind. “Now, MC, is it? If you’ll follow me?”


Okapi and ermine walked together with the former looking a lot more simultaneously enthusiastic and calm than the latter. The pastel tones were almost mesmerizing, even though he tried to ignore them.


No, you’re not a damn FIIDer!


Oh, so who soaked the bed? Who nearly pissed his pants twice in the span of an hour?


I’m not!


“You were saying something?” Justine asked him suddenly.


Constantin mentally cursed himself for speaking aloud. “I’m…not used to taking care of others; I’m an only child,” he lied.


“Well, nothing quite like hands-on experience. And any help whatsoever is something we’re welcoming; Nurse Springleaf, myself, and the Crosses are only four women.”


“I’m glad to help,” he said quickly. Perhaps too quickly, as the two came across Allyson and Haylee playing with blocks, both of whom turned around in shock. Haylee looked furious, but Allyson…


“What’s she doing here?” the jackal growled.


“Now, now, Haylee, your friend’s offered to help take care of you,” the okapi said calmly. “I wouldn’t be mean to her when she’s done nothing to earn it.”


“But I’m not a baby, I don’t need her help!” Haylee growled. “Besides, she probably doesn’t even know how to take care of us, and she’s smaller than us!”


“Do you need to take a nap, Haylee?” the caregiver said, with Constantin looking into Allyson’s eyes. The ocelot showed anger, confusion, embarrassment, and…another emotion he didn’t recognize.


They stared at each other curiously before Justine tapped him on the shoulder.


“Ahem.” He whirled around to see the okapi caregiver carrying Haylee easily in one long limb; okapis were relatives of giraffes, after all. “If you could lead Allyson over to the lunchroom, MC?”


“O-of course, of course.” Constantin gently held out his paw to the FIIDer ocelot, whose tail lazily flicked from one side to the other, as she accepted her friend’s grasp.


“Why are you here, anyway?” Allyson whispered to him.


“Just wanted to help,” he muttered.


“Suuure.” Her voice told him that she was definitely not buying it. “You can be honest with me, Marie; we’re…we were friends.”


“Just…wanted to help,” he muttered listlessly.


“Why can’t you be honest?” Allyson snapped. “Why do you have to lie to your friends?”


Constantin bit his retort. No sense in ruining his already-desperate plan over a teenaged toddler. His thoughts, however, were warring with each other.


Why CAN’T you be honest, though? You used to trust her with everything, remember? She was your friend, remember?


I don’t have any friends. I don’t NEED any friends. The second I go to college, she’s gone from my life, along with everyone else.


You just started your sophomore year today! You’re just lying to yourself as well as Allyson.


“MC?” He turned to see Nurse Springleaf, who had set down Krysten. “I think you wanted to talk to me, is that correct?”


“Yes, I…I did.” He felt so unsure. What if he was being stupid? What if his fears were just that: fears? What if - God forbid - she had to report everything to his parents?


“Well, my office is here,” the bison said calmly, as she opened the door for the ermine with a single hoof, beckoning him in, as he walked as calmly as he could.


The second they were in, she slowly closed the door and fixed him with a look that didn’t judge, and yet…brooked absolutely no nonsense.


“The Cross sisters may be fooled by you lying, but I know you didn’t come to see your friends,” Nurse Springleaf said calmly. “I also know that you wouldn’t have come here to speak with me if you didn’t really need my help. I’m here if you need to talk, but I advise you not to lie to me. Be honest, MC; I’m not going to report anything to your parents unless you’re planning on hurting yourself or someone else.”


“I’m not ‘MC’,” the ermine blurted out, tears flowing down his face fur, fully expecting to-


“Shh…” The bison brushed his tears away with a gentle hoof. “You’re trans or nonbinary? I can understand why that would be scary to come out. You aren’t the first teen who has come to me with that, and it’s always scary. I apologize if it seemed like I forced anything-”


“No, no, you didn’t, I just…I’m a guy, name’s ‘Constantin’, and my parents, I don’t know, but…that’s not the issue.” He felt the words spill out. “I…it’s…I’m sorry, I…” he trailed off.


“Take your time, Costin, dear.” Nurse Springleaf was in full listening mode, as he felt just a tiny bit more comfortable with a nickname that he finally felt whole with, unlike his dead name's initials.


“I’m scared I have FIID.” Constantin immediately clapped his paws to his mouth as he started to cry very audibly, as the matronly bison held him in a gentle hug.


“Why do you believe that?” the nurse asked calmly.


“I just…pissed the bed today,” he whimpered. “Washed the sheets and clothes with bleach, nearly pissed my pants twice today…I don’t want my parents to find out, I don’t want them to disown me…”


“I understand. Your parents won’t hear a word about anything you’ve said here. I can do the preliminary test here, but mind you, it’ll take about a week to see the bloodwork results, and another three to see how prevalent it is. By that time, if you do have FIID, it may progress. Are you sure you can wait a week?”


“I hope so.”


“I can do the blood work here. Do you have a fear of needles or getting blood drawn?”


“No, not really.”


Nurse Springleaf nodded, putting on a pair of gloves. “This may take a while, the rest of the school day, at least. I’ll tell your teachers that you’re donating your time here, so as to be discreet. I promise to be as gentle as I can, but this is going to be exhausting and painful for you; we need samples to determine how far it is, and that includes a bone marrow biopsy, which will hurt.”


Constantin took a deep breath and blinked twice. “Let’s do this, then.”




Hope y'all enjoyed. Until next time~

  • 2 months later...

Well, it's been a while since I've posted a chapter here, but at last, I have the fourth chapter ready and waiting to go! Hope you enjoy~




Chapter Four: Eavesdropping Does Pay Off.




Allyson, Krysten, and Haylee had heard every word, clutching their stuffies in their paws (wings in Krysten’s case).


“I…didn’t realize…” the long-eared owl said in a guilty tone. “She, er, he’s a guy. And he’s been hiding-”


“FIID,” the jackal finished for her friend, looking just as guilty. “No wonder he’s been so…distant; it makes me wonder if he’s attracted to us.”


Allyson didn’t speak, the entirety of the conversation having rocked her world. She didn’t have to guess: she knew that Constantin was just as attracted to her as she was to…him? No, definitely not…right?


I could see it in his eyes. He still cares about all of us. He just can’t admit it or…


But what if he doesn’t? What if it’s all a ploy to gain sympathy? He’s had years to be honest, and he hasn’t been. What if it’s another lie?


Don’t be silly. He wouldn’t have even come here if he wasn’t at least scared.


What if he wants to hurt us further, though? What if he’s just as petty and cruel as his parents are?


That’s a hell of a story to lie about, though, and a hell of a lot he’s going through just for the sake of a lie.


Now more than ever, the ocelot understood why the ermine had kept quiet. His parents weren’t exactly outstanding allies to the LGBTQ community; it wasn’t even a secret, according to her parents. If they learned that Constantin was trans and had FIID…


“Oh, there you are!”


Allyson frowned as Colleen and Carolina came over with…bottles, obviously meant for Haylee and her…and she had to admit, she was hungry. The ocelot saw her jackal friend squirm just a bit, as Haylee came to that realization as well.


She sighed as Colleen picked her up, with Carolina picking up a grumbling Haylee, before they were fed. As far as the formula went, it actually tasted good. Not exactly milk (which was both a rare commodity as far as plant-based milk went and scarily common in the case of breast milk), but she was fine with it…even if it happened to be in a bottle.


Soon enough, she finished her bottle and was burped before Colleen set her down to play. She was more interested in the conversation between Nurse Springleaf and Constantin, so she waddled over to the door, making sure she was stealthy enough not to get caught.


Allyson looked at Krysten, the long-eared owl FIIDer playing with a bunch of blocks, giggling as she stacked them higher than even Hayley, who was right next to her, dared. She knew that Krysten always had an affinity for building things, and wanted to be an architect when she matured enough. Haylee wanted to be a security guard when she matured. As for Allyson…she didn’t know what she wanted to do just yet, but she had very high grades in the science classes that FIIDers did.


Then the mother of all screeches and subsequent bawling echoed from the door, and Allyson winced with sympathy; every single FIIDer had been through that to confirm their diagnosis, and she knew that Constantin was now feeling every bit of it, as she listened from the side of the doorway.


“Shh, shh, it’s okay, it’s all done,” she heard Nurse Springleaf coo from the doorway with her sensitive ears, like the matronly bison was talking to a toddler…or perhaps even younger. “You’ve been a good boy, Costin, a very good boy, and you get a chocolate bar.”


“Not a baby,” Allyson barely Constantin grumbling.


“Of course not, but you have been good, and I find that chocolate helps with healing. You were good to be honest to me; now be honest to your friends because they deserve honesty.”




“Good. Now run along; we’ll have a second test done later in the day.”




“Language, dearie. It’s necessary, just to make sure nothing is wrong with the first test.”




The ocelot felt the door open in front of her, saw the ermine staring into her eyes with his guilty blackish-brown pools, as he held the remnants of a chocolate bar wrapper in his paw, a touch of chocolate on his mouth that she found a bit cute.


“...So, you know,” he said bluntly, almost sounding…dead inside.


“Costin…” Allyson began, her tail twitching from side to side, as she clutched her sabertooth tiger stuffie, Fangs. “Me, Haylee, Krysten, we don’t care if you’re a guy, a girl, an enby, if you have FIID or not. You’re our friend. We just want you to be honest with us, okay?”


Constantin’s eyes teared up, and he sobbed unashamedly, huddling into himself as he curled up into a ball and cried like a baby. The ocelot felt genuinely sorry for him.


How long has it been since he was allowed to cry like this, to be vulnerable like this?


She hugged him gently, and felt his smaller white arms hug her back.


“To be honest?” he said…with humor. “You need to be changed.”


“I do not!” she snapped as she stamped her footpaw…before her nose wrinkled at the telltale smell, and tears filled her eyes. “Well…yeah, no…maybe I do. Maybe.”


“Come on; I promise to do my best job.”


She saw him smile at her, filling her with a secret giddy feeling, even though she gave a slight pout, as he led her to a changing table, as she hopped on and politely put her paws to the side, as he unsnapped her onesie, gently rolled her over, gently did…what was actually a pretty good job cleaning her poopy bottom up, considering that he didn’t have any siblings nor worked a babysitting job.


Soon enough, she was freshly diapered and ready to go back to playing. Costin was talking to Miss Justine, who was busy changing Ignacio Brazoban, a male rattlesnake (how the diaper manufacturers managed to make diapers that fit snakes, she would never know, but somehow, they did) who had become a close part of their friend group. Iggy was wriggling on the table excitedly talking to them, even though she couldn’t hear it; the rattlesnake was quite a chatterbox.


Meanwhile, Krysten and Haylee were waving her over, obviously wanting to build their own model of St. Louis’s Arch - long since looted for scrap steel after the Fallout’s meltdowns - with the many blocks scattered around.


“How did you find that many-” Allyson asked before Haylee whispered back, “Don’t question Krys’ ability to find materials. I stopped doing it a while ago.”


“It’s beautiful.” The voice of Kostin came behind them, Iggy following, shaking his tail with glee, the uncommon FIIDer who used a part of his body as a calming device instead of a stuffed animal friend.


“Of course it is, I mean, Krys built it, she’s an expert at building stuff, and wants to be an amazing architect, and Lee wants to be an awesome security bodyguard for her-”


“Iggy, please.” Allyson caught a slight blush from the jackal.


“-and Ally is awesome at chemistry and geology and all kinds of sciencey stuff, and apparently, Costin’s a really good basketball player, although I don’t know if he’s going to be on the men’s or women’s team, but either way, he’s a really, really talented player, and he might be joining us in building blocks and making paintings and-”


Constantin breathed sharply, and Allyson gently shushed Iggy. “Right now, Costin is here to help us, Iggy,” she said in a gentle tone.


“Okay, but if he wants to have a playdate, my dad’s always got time for us, even though he’s a police detective, just like I wanna be when I mature!”


The ermine’s tail twitched with trepidation. “A police detective? Isn’t that…dangerous?”


The rattlesnake looked into the ermine’s eyes. “Of course, but we’re just FIIDers, not actual toddlers, so we can have those types of jobs when we mature, and none of us are, like, well…” He lowered his eyes, suddenly uncharacteristically silent.


“What do you…mean?”


“I mean, well…the FIIDers who get it worse than us. I feel for them.”


“Yeah, there’s none here,” Krysten twittered. “And hopefully nobody will suffer that fate.”


Allyson’s keen ears then heard a hissing sound. The unmistakable scent of pee entered her nostrils, as she wrinkled her nose…but normally, she wouldn’t hear someone peeing, because it would go into a diaper, and the smell was different than a wet diaper.


Then she saw Constantin, tears in his eyes, standing in a slowly increasing yellow puddle, his jeans soaked, as she and everyone else realized…


Yeah, he absolutely has FIID.


And if it was progressing as fast as he claimed…that was not a good sign.




Hope y'all enjoyed~

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