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Chapter 1


Rush week. The very beginning of her university experience, and the best opportunity she’d have to meet friends she might have for the rest of her life. Riley had chosen this university specifically because of the party scene here. She was smart and had good grades, and she’d been captain of the cheer squad in high school. She could’ve gone anywhere she wanted, but this seemed like a place she could spend her 4 years partying, drinking, and getting as much dick as she could handle.

“The girls at alpha beta tau seemed nice” she thought to herself as she walked to the party she was heading to, “maybe a little to focused on the academic side of things”. The party she was going to was hosted by beta pi. Normally the fraternities would throw parties and just invite the sorority girls, but this was technically a “meet and greet” for all the girls trying to rush the place. And all the hot guys they’d invited. Fuck, she was getting horny just thinking about it. She fully intended to fuck at least 2 guys at the party, maybe even at the same time. She’d always been a kinky girl, but now that she was in college and surrounded by people that also just wanted to fuck, she could finally let herself loose.

The party was fun. She got drunk off white claws and vodka cranberry almost immediately. The other girls there were sooooooo fun too. If she could be in any fraternity, she really wanted to be in this one.

Some guy was walking up to her. He was cute enough, but not really her type.

“Hey! You got a nice pooper. I’d love to shove my face in there hehehe” were his first words to her. Not a great opener. She already hadn’t liked him, but now he seemed downright creepy. Then an idea popped into Riley’s head. That’d be hilarious.

“Oh, you mean this”, she said coyly, turning and bending over a little to show her ass off to him, “go ahead, why don’t you give it a little kiss” as she lifted up her dress a bit.

“Right here?” he asked a little incredulously, gesturing to all the people around them.

“Aw, what’s wrong, too embarrassed to do it in front of all your friends?” She countered in a condescending tone. From the way his face was looking as she said this, she knew she had him.

“Ok” he responded with his dumb, excited looking face. She turned so her ass was completely facing him and lifted her dress up all the way as he knelt down to kiss it. He was clearly still a little embarrassed about this and just went for a soft peck on her left buttcheek.

“Come on, you can do better than that”, she chided him. She reached around to grab his head in one of her hands while holding her dress up with the other, and shoved his face directly into her ass crack. She waited for a moment. She wanted to make sure he was really enjoying himself before she put her plan into motion. He wasn’t struggling, in fact she was pretty sure she’d just heard a sniff. And was that his tongue? Oh my god, he was actually licking her ass crack. Yeah, it was definitely time now, she could see a few of the sorority sisters watching.

Riley clenched her ass cheeks. The moment she did, she could feel the guy try to pull away, but her hand kept his head firmly in place. And then-


She let out a loud, intense fart on his face. Now he was really trying to get away, she had to use both hands and grab onto his hair to keep him in place as she let out a few more

hOOOO! fssshht! prrrrrrrrrt.

She sent three more farts directly into this guy’s face before he managed to stagger away from her. Both the sorority girls and his friends who’d been watching were laughing their asses off as he tried to get up, tripped over himself, and then half-ran away while trying not to throw up. Riley was laughing too. It was funny. Imagine being someone that pathetic. Wait, one of the girls was coming over to talk to her. She was still laughing about it. This was her chance to get in with the beta pi girls.

“That was HILARIOUS!” The slightly older girl said to her. She was pretty, with brown hair, dark skin, and her makeup looked fantastic. She was probably about 2 years older than Riley, a junior.

“I know, right? guys like that usually don’t take just like, being rejected, but now I’m sure you won’t be seeing him again”

“Thank you. I don’t even know who invited that guy, he’s not even that hot, maybe he just snuck in with some of his friends.”

“Do guys do that?”

“All the time girl. You think they don’t wanna get in here to have a shot with girls that look like us? It’s not too big of a problem, but sometimes you get creeps like that guy” She snickered “what was it he said again”

“He said ‘hey, you got a nice pooper’”

the older girl lost it when Riley said that “POOPER?! Who calls a girl’s ass her ‘pooper’” she said in between her uproarious cackling. Riley couldn’t help but join in the laughter. It was such a bad opener, how could he possibly think that would work on girls?

“hey, what was your name again” asked the older girl once she finally calmed down enough to talk.

“I’m Riley”

“I’m Katie. Are you a freshman here?”


“You trying to rush beta pi?”

“I heard you always get invited to the best parties, and Scarlet’s in my history class, she told me to stop by”

“Oh, Scarlet invited you? She’d lose her shit if I told her about what you did to that guy, I’ll have to remember. Riley? You’re awesome, you should come by the house on Tuesday. We’re having another event, but this one’s gonna be more of a private thing, we’re only inviting girls who we’re thinking about letting into the sorority.”

Yes! She was in! She was sure it wouldn’t be a problem to get the girls to like her at the private meeting. She hadn’t had any trouble being popular in high school, and she already had a great story to tell everyone there.

“Absolutely! I’ll be there” Riley said, beaming with a smile on her face

“Oh yeah, there is one thing I should probably mention” Katie interjected

“What is it?”

“Well, since it is a competitive environment to get in, you know, we got a lot of girls trying to rush us this year, we do do some hazing for our rushes. It’s usually not anything too serious, just trying to embarrass you mostly.”

“Like how?”

“Well, for one thing, we give all of you a ‘house name’ that you have to use instead of your real name whenever you’re with us”

“What like you just give us a different name?”

“Well, for you, I think I have something already in mind”

“You do?” asked Riley, a little worried

“Whenever you’re here, from now on, we’re gonna call you Pooper”

Chapter 2


For an “exclusive event”, the house looked pretty busy, Riley thought. There were probably at least 40 or 50 girls here, most of them looking like they were about her age. That was a little worrying, given what Katie had told her about it being competitive to get in, but if anyone could handle it she was sure it would be her. Still, it was a fun little get together. The bachelor was playing on the tv, and while this was officially a sober event, she’d already smoked some weed with Scarlet beforehand and she was probably going to head back out with these two girls she was talking to to have some more in a minute

Oh, did you hear that apparently we have to go through ‘hazing’ to get in here” said one of the two, a short indian girl dressed in leggings that showed off her extremely muscular thighs

I heard about that, I’m a little worried but Katie told me it’s not anything too bad. Just like, having to show your tits to a bunch of guys or something” said the other girl

I was gonna do that anyway this weekend” said Riley, eliciting a giggle from the shorter girl. “Oh, by the way, I didn’t quite catch your two names”

She’s Manny” Katie interjected, having just walked up and gesturing at the indian girl, “and her name is Wetthroat” she said regarding the other girl. “Don’t forget, you have to use your house names while you’re trying to rush, Pooper” Katie continued with a smirk.

Fuck. She’d forgotten all about that. I mean, if all of the rushes were doing it, it wouldn’t be that bad she supposed. At least she had a funny story to go along with her name. Now that she thought about it, maybe the other girls did too. Riley made a mental note to ask them about that once she had the opportunity.

By the way, I’m just letting everybody know that in a minute we’re gonna share the first event for rushes, so head outside” said Katie

Oh, what’s the event?” asked Riley, “Is there another party for us to go to?”

You’ll see in a minute. I gotta go tell the other girls, just head outside ok?”

Katie turned away to go tell the other girls. Across the room Riley heard her “heeeyyyyy. We’re heading outside now to talk about the next rush event” as she was walking out through the sliding glass doors with feminist quotes and memes taped up onto them.

Outside the other girls were starting to gather around a makeshift stage they’d set up next to some speakers. It was a little cold out; Riley hadn’t felt like she needed to dress too slutty since it was only going to be girls here, but even the strapless dress she’d chosen still wasn’t exactly the warmest thing she could’ve picked.

Hey, do you vape?” Manny interjected, offering Riley a hit off of her carti.

What flavor is it?” Riley asked as she took it, immediately bringing it to her lips without even waiting for an answer. She’d brought her own vape of course, but it was in her bag inside and she didn’t want to go back in to get it, and it was close to dead anyway.

This one’s watermelon, I mean if you couldn’t already tell” Manny responded, giggling a bit.

Alright everyone, we’re so happy to see you all here!” Katie yelled from atop the makeshift stage. It looked like she’d finally gotten everyone outside and was ready to give this big announcement. The girls in the crowd responded with a resounding “wooooooo!”

Anyway, I think I already told most of you, but beta pi had a lot of applicants this year, and, unfortunately, that means we might not be able to let you all in”

Awwwwww!” moaned the crowd in an exaggerated way

I know, I love all of you and I wish we could let all of you in, but we’re only allowed to let a certain number of girls in each year. I’ve tried asking the university about that but for now that’s the rule. Anyways, obviously we want to make sure that we find whoever’s the best fit for us, so we’re gonna be doing a round of interviews with each of you. We’ll go around and give everyone a number that we’ll call, and until then, you can just hang out, I know we said this was a sober event but…”

As she trailed off, two other older girls came carrying baskets of alcohol. Riley couldn’t see it clearly, but it looked like it was mostly wine and champagne. Some of the girls in the front cheered one more time, and then the crowd started to disperse. Some of the girls went back inside, some went to go collect the alcohol, but Riley thought this was her chance. Now that the speech was over, she approached where Katie had just gotten down from the podium.

He-ey” said Riley

He-ey” Katie returned

Great speech”

Thanks” said Katie, looking a little more sheepish now than she had a moment ago “I was a little nervous, it’s my first time doing this in front of everyone”

You did amazing, I could never” responded Riley, who had never once struggled with public speaking

Thank youuuu!” Katie responded in the overly sweet voice of someone who was already a little drunk. She pulled Riley in for a hug as she was saying that. “Oh, did you get your number yet?”

Not yet, I mean, I don’t think anyone has yet” said Riley

Oh, psssh, right, I’m stupid. Here, you can be number 1.” said Katie, but then paused. “Wait. You can be number 2, Pooper

Haha real funny. Riley faked a laugh despite really being embarrassed by the reminder that that was what she was going to have to be called. She really wanted to rush here, so she was just going to have to deal with it, but she wished she could have at least gotten something like Manny that was a little less embarrassing.

I’m gonna go give these out to the rest of the girls, you should be called pretty soon though since you’re only number 2, I’ll see you after though” Katie said, walking away to do just that. Saying that she would see her after, not during the interview, worried Riley a little though. She’d kind of been assuming that Katie would be the one leading the interview. Not that it’d be a problem for a boss bitch like her though, obviously. She would do fine, there’s no way they could dislike her. She did want some of that champagne though.

Despite what Katie had said, it was about 20 minutes before they actually started calling anyone to start the interviews. This gave Riley plenty of time to drink, she had to admit, a little more than she probably should have. She’d been a party girl back in high school and gotten drunk plenty of times before, but she’d never had champagne before. It tasted really good actually, much better than what she was used to, and plus they kept offering it to her and the girls were so nice and she didn’t want to seem rude.

here, take another shot” some redheaded girl who looked about a year or two older than her said to Riley

Thanks, I think I’ve probably hit my limit for now. Don’t want to throw up in the middle of my interview” she responded

You’ll be fine, trust me, you look like someone who knows how to keep it down. Here just try one more” the redheaded girl insisted. Against her better judgement Riley took the shot.

That last shot hit her a lot harder than she expected, and she actually stumbled as she headed back over to the couch. They’d called number one a few minutes ago, and Riley knew her number was gonna get called any second now, but suddenly she was hit with a pang in her bladder. Fuck, that champagne had gone right through her. She really had to pee. As she got up to go look for the bathroom, though, suddenly she heard it.

number 2, does anybody know where number 2 is? We’re ready for you”

Fuck. She really had to piss, but it looked like she’d need to go deal with this first. She walked over the girl who was calling for her, hoping desperately that…

Hey, I’m number 2” said Riley, holding up the piece of paper Katie had given her. The girl she was talking to was shorter than Riley, and Riley couldn’t tell whether she was Filipina or Mexican. She was also had the kind of curves that Riley fantasized about having. Riley was proud of her ass, of course, but this girl had hips and tits like a cartoon mom. None of that mattered right now though. “Ummm, I’m so sorry, but could you actually wait just a minute while I run to the bathroom?”

Oh, don’t worry, this won’t take too long” the girl responded, making it clear that, unless she wanted to look pushy in front of the sorority she was trying to impress, she was just going to have to wait. “They never take more than a few minutes”. Once again against her better judgement, Riley began to walk towards the interview.

The Beta Pi house had a weird little structure out in the yard. She wasn’t sure whether it was like a shed, or some type of garage, it was made out of cement, but, well, that was where the interviews were being held. As Riley walked towards the structure, hoping that her awkward shuffle would be attributed to the heels she’d worn and not her desperate attempts to hold in her pee, she saw the previous girl, a tall, blonde, white girl with the kind of tits that would’ve made Riley jealous if she hadn’t been focusing on her own shit right now, walking back towards the house. She looked a little red-faced, and was adjusting her skirt down, but Riley didn’t pay much attention to her; she had her own issues to deal with.

The two girls who’d been handing out the alcohol were standing there in the doorway, admittedly looking pretty welcoming. One of them was the redhead who’d convinced Riley to take that last shot. Fuck. They probably wanted her to get drunk so they’d be able to see what she was like shitfaced. To be fair, Riley was usually pretty good at handling her booze, even she’d been surprised how hard this stuff had hit. It was probably the combination of that and the weed she’d smoked earlier with Scarlet. She was never getting crossed again, she mentally swore. And not like those other times that she’d sworn she’d never get crossed again, this time she was actually serious.

As she walked in, there was one other girl who Riley didn’t recognize standing next to a table. She was a skinny black girl in incredible shape; even Riley’s ass, the asset she was most proud of, couldn’t hope to compete with the rock hard dumptruck the girl who introduced herself as “Kristal” had going on.

Hiiiiii, it’s so great to finally meet you, Katie told us all about you” Kristal said as Riley walked in, offering Riley a hug. It was a nice gesture, but they couldn’t know how close the pressure pushed her to pissing herself. It did not get easier when the other two girls, “Elle” and “Mina” repeated the gesture. They had a folding table set up with three chairs. Riley’d been hoping that she’d be able to at least sit down, as it might make it a little easier on her bladder, but Kristal’s direction of “Just stand over there on the X and we can get started” shut down what little hope she’d had after already only seeing 3 chairs. The X was spray painted over a drain, which, Riley grimly considered, would at least make the cleanup easier if she wasn’t able to hold it throughout the interview.

So, tell us about yourself, for starters what’s your name?”

Hi, I’m Ri-Sorry I’m Pooper” Riley barely remembered to use the house name they’d given her at the last second, realizing as soon as she said it that they’d probably already known her name and just meant that as a test.

So, Pooper, how’d you get that name?”

She recounted the story of the party the previous weekend, her ego swelling with pride as the girls all both laughed and looked impressed when she got to the part where she farted on that creep’s face.

haHA, sounds like you’d fit in here like that guy’s face fit in your asscrack” Kristal blurted out while laughing. “Alright, you’re doing great, I just got one more question for ya”

Thank. Fuck. Her bladder had passed the point where it was just difficult for her to hold it in the middle of that story, she was now in actual pain.

Ok” Riley managed to muster, hoping it didn’t seem too stilted and awkward

What would you do to get in to this sorority?”

Fuck. This was one she’d actually have to think about. She needed to give a good answer, it shouldn’t be hard, but if she concentrated on that…

I mean, what would you want me to do?” Riley responded, hoping that that would at least buy her some time to think of a real answer. Maybe if she was lucky they would even tell her what she needed to do; Katie had mentioned hazing after all, maybe they were just talking about that.

Piss yourself.”

The room was silent for a moment.

Wh-what?” Riley asked in shock, while also trying not to let on that the moment she had registered the command she had, in fact, let out a tiny spurt of piss into her panties, barely managing to stop it from turning into something she wouldn’t be able to hide.

Bitch, I see how bad you have to go” Kristal continued

Elle chimed in, “and I saw how you were downing all those shots and champagne glasses”

How many did she have?” Kristal asked with giggly smile on her face

Like 7” Elle responded

Daaaamn gurl. No wonder you been doin that little potty dance this whole time” Kristal directed a comment that sounded almost impressed at Riley. “So, how bad you wanna be in this Sorority?”

Bad” was all Riley could muster.

Then why don’t you be a good girl, and piss yourself” Kristal said.

Right here?” Riley asked. In front of all of you?

Yeah right here! Go on and do it! Go peepee, come on, let’s see it”

As Kristal said that, the dam in Riley’s bladder finally broke. It was the alcohol, the pain, the girls telling her to do it, everything, she just couldn’t hold it anymore. The stream of her piss quickly soaked through her panties, and began dribbling down her leg. For once she was actually thankful that she’d worn heels, as her pee awkwardly streamed over her foot, which fortunately she wasn’t wearing socks on for it to soak into. Kristal and the other girls started cackling uproariously, and Riley’s face turned beet red from embarrassment. She was a grown-ass 18 year old woman, and she was still, currently, pissing herself in front of other people. These were the girls she was trying to impress.

Here, turn around, let’s see it from the back” Mina chortled, as piss was still streaming down Riley’s legs. She didn’t refuse.

Finally, after almost a full minute, her bladder started to feel empty. The girls did not stop laughing, and only laughed harder when Riley re clenched her bladder, shooting out a final extra spurt of pee. At least the drain she was standing above absorbed most of it. She stood there awkwardly, the most embarrassed she ever been, and rapidly becoming sober enough to realize what she’d done, for about 30 seconds, before leaving with a sheepish “thank you” to the girls that had been interviewing her. As she walked back to find a bathroom and get herself cleaned up, she was too focused on adjusting her dress to try to hide her still-dripping legs, to notice the next girl carefully, awkwardly walking towards the interview area, with her legs pressed together.

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