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Unexpectedly Marketable Skills! (Private with Anonimoose)

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Katherine froze up as Anya pinned her to the wall and stripped her of her pants and underwear. It was only after her privates were exposed though that she let out a scream of terror! Covering them with her hands, she quivered in fear as she moved to the corner of the room, not even paying attention to what Anya was trying to show her.

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Anya glared when she saw the girl refuse to take the gift! So, she opened it with the girl watching, and revealed a huge, crinkly, embarrassing diaper! "You lay down on my desk right now Kitten, or I'll spank you until you decide to behave." She stated coldly. She had no pity in her eyes! The girl was trapped between being naked, and being diapered!

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“P-please…” Katherine begged, trying to weasel her way into getting a third option. “Just give them back…” she insisted, making it clear she needs to learn her new place here in the company. 

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Katherine screamed, wailed, begged, pleaded, and everything under the sun! But alas, they were all done on deaf ears as she was completely ignored. By the time Anya was done spanking her, the poor intern was a stupid, blubbering mess. One that is easy to what she wanted with. At least, just until she calms down. 

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Anya laid her on the desk, and diapered her up. She then fully took the girl's pants and underwear off, leaving her just in her blouse and a diaper! "Now you get back out there and do your work. And if you have to use the bathroom... Just remember, you're wearing one." She whispered. "There's no point in me paying for your bathroom breaks, little kitten." 

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“B-but I can’t…! Not like t-this…!” She stuttered as she looked down at the padded prison she found herself in. “Gimme my pants back, p-please! I-I’ll wear them over this, I promise! Just, please! Give them back…!” The intern begged. 

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Anya gave her a sly grin. "Once I trust that you won't run and take it off, maybe I'll let you cover it up. But for now... How am I supposed to know whether you've got it on or not unless you've got nothing over it? Now run along, kitten. You can even have a cup of coffee if you need." She whispered and patted her butt. "Be sure to tell all of your coworkers that you might need a change every now and then."

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“Surely you’re joking, r-right?” Katherine said as she slowly fell into despair. “Tell me that’s not what you expect me to do! Please! I c-can’t do it, no way, no how!” She insisted. 

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"Joking? Why would I joke about something like this?" She asked and grabbed her hand. "Go on now... Before I have to lead you to your desk like a bad little girl." She stated coldly. "And remember... I've got eyes everywhere. If you step out of line, I'll know."

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//Is she wearing a skirt or anything or is it just the diaper below her waist?

“I… I can’t go out there…! Not like this…!” She insisted, creeping away from the door. She welled up all the courage inside her to tell her boss what for. “Y-you can’t do this…! You don’t have the right!” The intern argued, not fully realizing the severity of the situation she was in. 

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//Just the diaper. 

Anya frowned and unlocked the office door, taking her out into the main room where all of the cubicles were. She led her to hers, making sure to keep hold of her wrist tight so she couldn't run. Not like the little girl could run anyway, being paralysed with fear as everyone saw what was happening! 

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Katherine panicked, pulling her coat as far down as she could to cover up as little of the diaper as she could. But it did her no good! She could feel the eyes of those in the room, all pointed at her, piercing her like daggers. This was the worst!

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Finally they got to the girl's cubicle. "Now you sit down and do your work." She hissed. "And if I ever see that you're not at your desk, I'm going to make sure that everyone knows just why you're wearing that diaper." She snapped. She then went to the break room, got the girl a coffee, and returned, giving it to her. "Now drink this to stay nice and hydrated, Kitten." She whispered with a smirk. 

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“Y-yes Ma’am…” Katherine mumbled as Anya walked off to get her a coffee. As expected, the diapered intern was hard at work when Anya returned. After reminding her kitten of her place once more, the executive left. Katherine, meanwhile, decided against having coffee today. Chalk it up to not being in the mood. She worked for hours, not leaving her desk for a moment. There was a slight twinge in her bladder later down the line, but it was nothing she couldn’t manage. She just had to hold out! Hold out until her first mandatory break!

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Everyone in the office by this point was mumbling about her and how she had gotten the boss to behave this way! Anya was very hard to anger, but she was strict even still. The girl must've done something, though nobody yet knew exactly what. Regardless, they walked by, taking extra breaks just to get to gawk at her! Anya came to check on her when it was nearly the girl's break time... and she gave her a diaper check with no subtlety!

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Katherine bit her lip as she dived even deeper into her work. She was facing the other way, but even still, she could feel the stares that were being sent her way. Was her diaper showing? Did the chair not cover it?! Clearly not because a hand pulled the back of her diaper to inspect the contents. Or… lack thereof. “Stop it! Go away!” Katherine fussed as she shooed her bosses hands away from her dry diaper. 

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Anya frowned. "Excuse me, Kitten, but you don't get to talk to me like that." She stated. "If you want me to change your soggy butt the next time you have an accident, then you had better show me some respect." She snapped. "You will spend your break in my office so I can keep an eye on you. Is that understood?"

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“B-but you can’t do that…! It’s my break! Y-you have no p-power over me when I am not working…” the intern reasoned. Unfortunately for her, that kind of logic only works when both people in the room are adults. Little did Katherine know that one of them was not as adult as they first seemed!

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"Kitten, you're practically a child. You think you can be left on your own like that?" She asked and crossed her arms. "I've got all the power in the world so long as you're stuck in pampers and I'm the one who's going to be changing you." Everyone in the office was just staring in shock at this conversation!

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“I don’t need diapers!” Katherine argued, unaware of how much attention they were garnering. “It was one time! And that doesn’t give you the right to do this to me! To treat me this way!” The intern said, raising her voice at her boss for a change. 

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"Oh really?" She asked and smirked as the woman stood up. "If you don't think this is an ongoing problem... Then perhaps you'd like to explain to everyone where that hissing sound is coming from?" She asked with a devious smirk, noticing that the girl's anger had pushed her over the edge. 

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“Huh?” Katherine responded, her anger immediately subsiding as she noticed a warm feeling growing in her diaper. She stated down in horror to see it swelling like a balloon! Not only did Katherine get to see it swell and expand but so did anyone who happened to be watching this all go down!

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Everyone began to snicker and laugh. Anya just stared with a satisfied smirk. "Now please, tell me again about how you being a little piss baby doesn't give me the right to check on you whenever I want?" She asked and placed a hand right on the front of it, where the wetness indicator was smudged. "See this? This means that you can't be left alone. Perhaps never again." 

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“N-no…!” Kathrine said, unable to stop the onslaught going on in her diaper. By the time she was done, the diaper was fit to burst! And along with that, Katherine was crying for everyone to see. Just like the little baby Anya believed her to be. 

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