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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

The dragon hatchling and his mommy

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Anya smiled and nodded. She carefully took his pants off and unzipped the onesie, revealing the diaper which was soggy and brown. "What a good baby... Telling me about the presents you make for me!" She cooed and took it off, beginning to wipe him off. When he was all clean, she rubbed some scale moisturiser around the area, then Powdered him and got him a new diaper. It was the biggest size that they had in the house, which she made him wear when they went out so that he wouldn't have a blowout in public. She put the clothes all back on him, then carried him to the car outside. She helped him into his booster seat and buckled him up tight, then she drove into the city to the candy store. 

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Ry smiled in his comfy paw patrol diaper it was so soft and snuggly and perfect for him especially with how big his butt was, ry looked out his window seeing all the cars and snow falling on the ground.

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Anya parked the car and went to scoop up her boy. She picked him up out of his seat and squeezed him against her warm body, carrying him up and into the store. There were plenty of other little dragons around Ry's age... All wearing big kid clothes with no visible diaper lines under their pants or skirts. She hoped he wouldn't get upset by this... But she figured he went to school with other kids, so this couldn't be any different!

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Ry looked around as he was placed in a cart and buckled in looking around immediately he spotted whopper's one of his favorites," mommy can I please get whoppers red vines and some sixlets and Skittles please", ry asked knowing that Anya would be the one who told him how much candy he was allowed to have and he didn't mind at all.

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Anya carefully began to pick out some of the candies he asked for. She picked out the smallest container of all of the candies he requested, so he could have a good sampling of all of them rather than just one big serving of one kind. "There we are... Is there anything else you'd like, my little lizard?" She cooed and nuzzled his nose with her own. 

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"not that I can think of mommy but I think I saw your favorite candy over there" ry said pointing ahead he also saw another boy Dragon about his age also being pushed in cart as well only he had bright red scales and his pants seemed poofy to say the least.

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Anya spotted her favourite candy, but unlike her little boy, she wasn't too excited. What did excite her was seeing another boy looking like her son... Also clearly in some kind of padding! She slowly approached the woman and her son. She was the only non-dragon in the shop so it was noticeable... But she couldn't help herself! She stared down at the little boy in the cart. "Hi there sweetie, what's your name?" She asked softly, rocking her own baby back and forth to keep him calm. 

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"hi there my names ry what's yours" ry asked him smiling " hello there ry my name is Jackson I'm here with my Mommy theirs supposedly a yummy sail going on so I asked her to take me to it" Jackson said also smiling at ry the two boys felt like they were best friends for some reason.

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Anya smiled seeing her son being so sociable! He rarely spoke to others his age! "Are you also still in padding, little one?" She asked softly. "My son is a bit weak down there, so he has to be taken extra good care of. How about you?" She cooed. She hoped she wouldn't frighten the boy with her odd, non scaly appearance, just wanting to prove to her son that he wasn't alone. 

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"yes I am have been my whole life it's something that I deal with anyway I think we have to get going it was great meeting you we should do a playdate" Jackson said smiling at ry, "yeah we totally should by Jackson see you later" ry said waving bye to Jackson as he and his mommy left.

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She glanced down at her son and smiled. "See? There are other special little boys just like you!" She cooed and carried him to the counter to buy his treats. The dragon at the counter just stared at the boy. "He won't leave a big mess on our floor, will he?" She asked as she rang up the candy. Anya quickly shook her head. "No, no he's a good boy! He uses his diapers and keeps clean!" She promised, loud enough for the whole store to hear. 

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Ry just stared at his mommy not even caring that everyone heard he needed diapers for ry he had really thick skin compared to others his age, so if people knew about his diapers he wouldn't care at all it just didn't effect him at all.

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She smiled and kissed his forehead, finishing the transaction and carrying the sweet thing out to the car. As a reward for being so good, she gave him one of his candies- one that couldn't be choked on while she drove him home. "You were so good... my handsome little angel..."

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"well I have the best mommy so of course I'm gonna be a good little hatchling naughty hatchlings get spanked and no tv", ry said as he ate his whopper sucking on it as it dissolved and went down his throat as he was put back in his booster seat, with ry then promptly falling asleep snoring softly as he wet his diaper the young boy being all tired from the trip.

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Anya took him home and carried him back inside, taking off his snow clothes and leaving him just in his onesie. She knew he had gone- he couldn't ever make it through a car ride dry- but his diaper could take plenty of his accidents before needing to be changed, so she just laid him down on the couch and sat by him, stroking his head as he napped. 

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Ry kept asleep smiling as his onsie was unbuttoned and removed exposing his soaked and really wet diaper to her, the young Dragon sucked his thumb more as he nuzzled his head on her leg.

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Ry felt himself being lifted up not knowing his mommy was running a bath for him as he just now woke up" hey mommy do I stink" ry asked as his diaper was removed and thrown in the trash exposing his big butt and little wee wee.

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Anya smiled and placed him in the water. "Just a little, my handsome little lizard..." she cooed. She then started to wash him up, getting every single scale shiny clean. She was very careful and particular about her boy, so she spent far more time than she perhaps needed to, but it was worth it to her. Besides, he seemed to enjoy the massage. 

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"ah ok mommy so what's up next for the day" ry asked as all of his scales were cleaned up, especially his bubble butt and wee wee ry knew his mommy made sure he was mega clean every single time.

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Anya carefully diapered him up and carried him to his playroom. "I thought maybe you could show mommy how to play one of your little games, hm?" She asked and tilted his head. "It's been a while since you got to play in here, you've been so busy..." 

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Anya nodded in agreement. She had no idea what that actually meant, but she would indulge him and play with him and definitely let him win. She took the cards and looked them over, then she grinned widely as she held out one with a blue eyed dragon on it. "This one looks like you!" She cooed. 

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"thanks that's the blue eyes white dragon a mega powerful monster but you need to tribute two monsters to summon him now let's begin" ry said explaining the rules with duel beginning by turn 5 ry was at 2300 life points with firewall dragon darkfluid neo tempest terahertze at 5,000 attack and 2 cards face down, Anya on the other hand was at 900 life points with neo blue eyes ultimate dragon on her field and one face down and it was now her turn.

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Anya, still not quite sure how to play this complicated game that her son seemed to be an expert at, just flipped over one of the cards at random. She hoped it wouldn't upset him- she wanted him to win so he could feel proud and accomplished!

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