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Raising Kayla (private)


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Jennifer was so frustrated for 6 months she struggled to bond with her stepdaughter. She had expected there would be some bumps Kayla being an only child and spoiled by her father.  Jennifer knew the age difference would also be a hurdle at 26 Kayla surely saw her more a big sister than a mother.  She read the parenting books, spoke with her therapist, and it all came back to this; Kayla did not respect Jennifer as her mother and an authoritative figure in her life. 

Jennifer knew she had to take control, her husband had gotten a major promotion and would be out the country for 4 months.  This would be a good chance for Jennifer to take the reigns within the household. Jennifer saw how Kayla constantly got out of trouble with her father who excused her misbehavior again and again.

This last 2 weeks Jennifer had been washing Kayla bedding almost daily with very obvious pee stains. At 17 Kayla was well past bedtime accidents. Just to be sure Jennifer had taken Kayla to the doctor to be sure and they found nothing wrong. It could only lead Jennifer to concluded the bedwetting was intentional. Jennifer tried to talk with Kayla but she just yelled and ignored her. Today though she got a call from Kayla school. She had an accident at school and it wasn't the first one this week. 

Jennifer had enough if Kayla wanted to wet herself like a baby she'd see she was treated accordingly. Jennifer asked the nurse to keep Kayla at school she would get her when she was done with her errands. Jennifer cleared Kayla's room when she was done nothing was left except her bed. When she was done she went to several stores and did some online shopping.

The nurse had called her twice reminding her Kayla was still at school in wet clothes. Jennifer pulled up to the school shortly after lunch. She did not speak to Kayla except to tell her to get in the car. Kayla would notice her own car was not in the parking lot where she left it this morning.

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Kayla didn’t know what was going on why she was having accidents! It kept happening and she even went to a doctor and was checked out and nothing… The doctor even mentioned protection no way was she going to do that! 

She was thinking it all started when her dad died Jennifer and her dad had only been married for two years and she hated how Jennifer treated her like a kid… The worse part is Jennifer had control of her inheritance…

Now she stood there after having another accident she just hoped none of her friends or any other students saw her in wet clothes..

She would’ve got in her car and went home but it was Kelly’s week to drive.. School wasn’t over so she needed a ride… 

when Jennifer got there and took her hand taking her out to the car she even made her ride in the back seat.. 

Kayla wasn’t going to argue much she didn’t fell like she was in a position to argue so she got in the back seat…

Once they pulled up 

“Hey what the hell where’s my car?! 

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Jennifer for her part remained quote during the car ride. She didn't want to have to repeat herself and would wait until they got home to discuss Kayla unacceptable behavior. When Kayla yelled about her car Jennifer didn't answer her question. "I suggest you watch your tone young lady. Now before we discuss your behavior help me bring my bags in the house.  You can set them all in the living room." 

Jennifer popped the trunk and didn't look back to see if Kayla would comply. Kayla was a child and children are too do as Theriot parents tell them.  Jennifer went inside and sat down on the armless chair she had in the middle of the living room. Beside her was a small table with a hair brush and a paddle on it. Kayla would not be able to see the contents of the large black shopping bags but soon enough she'd find out just what her stepmother had in store for her as she walked back and forth from the car in her wet panties and skirt.

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“I’m seventeen!” She yelled as she was angry and embarrassed..

”Where’s my car!” She said getting more mad and annoyed as her step mom was ignoring her..

Kayla Jair wanted to take a shower and get into some dry clothes… So she brought in the bags just wanting to get this over with..: She had no idea what was in the bags…

”Ok that’s the last one I’m going to take a shower now.” She said sitting the bag down and she turned to leave.. 

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"Young lady I did not dismiss you to go anywhere. Now front and center." Jennifer pointed to the floor in front of her. Jennifer looked at Kayla looking like an overgrown toddler in her wet panties and skirt. " Your seventeen? What does that matter when your peeing your panties like a baby girl who doesn't know what the potty is? Honestly Kayla having this fit at home wetting your bed night after night is one thing.  Now your school tells me you've taken to peeing yourself at school as well?! Cars are for mature adults not little girls who can't go to the potty. From this moment forward you no longer have a car until I see improvement in your behavior."

Jennifer sighed. "Part of the blame lies with me. I should have corrected this when the doctor said there was nothing medically wrong with you. Instead I made the mistake of letting you try being a big girl and keeping you in those panties. That's okay I will also take responsibility your a child and I am the parent. It's a parent's job to properly raise a child and so I will. Next week is fall break. You will be at home, no parties, no outings of any sort, no friends over. Starting today things will change. Now I will give you one chance to show me you can be a big girl. I want your cellphone on this table beside me. Then I want you over my lap. Your behavior needs correcting. Naughty girls who wet their panties needing spanking. This is your only chance to show me you can be a big girl. I will not repeat myself young lady." Jennifer waited to see if Kayla would comply her response would decide just how far her punishment would go.

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“Dismiss me!” She said annoyingly..

Kayla bristled at being compared to a baby girl…

”I’m not a baby!” She yelled only sounding more like she really was a baby! 

“Shut up I didn’t have an accident last night or over the weekend!” Like that was something a seventeen year old should be proud of! 

“No the teacher wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom how’s that my fault!” 

Kayla about had a heart attack when she herd those words about not having her car anymore..

”That’s Bull shit where’s my car!” She was fuming now..

”What you have to be kidding me it’s break I’m going with Kendra to the concert and I’m spending the night at Amy’s this weekend!” 

Kayla now knew she lost it she knew she had to run to her room with the threat of a spanking coming and her stupid step mom was taking her photo too!! 

Kayla knew it was fight or flight 

“You’re not my mom!” She yelled and ran up stairs to her room..

She went to lock the door but the locks were gone…

Damn her this sucks! She thought as she waited for her young step mom to come and get her Kayla knew she had no other way out! 



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Jennifer waited exactly one minute. At first she was just going to punish Kayla for the break.  After Kayla obstinate outright disrespect it seemed she would have to be on punishment for much longer.  Jennifer did not run after Kayla but calmly walked up to her room being more and more furious with each step.

Walking into Kayla's room Jennifer grabbed her by her arm.  "Young lady I've had it with your antics. Your disrespect for me and the rules I set all that changes. Your going to learn some respect and that starts tonight." She held tight oght pulling Kayla even as she screamed and tried to pull free. 

Jennifer brought Kayla right back to the living room and yelled her over her lap as she sat down in the armless chair. "I expect after a good spanking you'll be ready to learn the new rules." Jennifer flipped her skirt up and yanked her soaked panties down. Placing on legs over Kayla's legs she kept her in place as she delivered firm swift spanks ro her bare bottom from her hand. "You *spank* are *spank* a child *spank**spank*. When I *spank* tell you to do something *spank**spank**spank* you will do as your told !"*spank*

Jennifer then picked up the round paddle and continued Kayla spanking. "Since you want to wet yourself like a baby it's only appropriate you be treated as such for the foreseeable future. From now on you'll wear diapers and you can wet and mess them to your hearts content. For all intents and purposes you are a baby in this household."

Jennifer then switched to the brush and gave Kayla 10 more spanks on each cheeks. When she was done she put the brush down and stood the crying girl up. "Mommy didn't want to spank you but if you misbehave I have no choice.  Now go to the corner nose to the wall hands at your side.  You can stand in timeout and think about your behavior while mommy runs you a bath. "

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Kayla cried and begged as she didn’t have any choice but to go or fall down the stairs as she was dragged down her step mommy had a firm Vice like grip and once down the stairs she was quickly pulled over her lap…

”No please please I’ll be good!” She cried as she tried kicking and putting her hand behind her back to protect her wet ass.. She began crying as her panties were pulled down and she felt the cool air.. That lasted about a second then the heat from the paddle stung like she sit on a hot stove! 

“Pl- please I- I’ll b- b good!” She cried in between sobs as she was crying in no time..

Kayla was hearing about her new life..

She wanted to fight and argue but the spanking took all the fight out of her..

”Please I’m seventeen I won’t have anymore accidents!” She cried..

Kayla went over to the corner..

She listened as her step mom left the room she couldn’t believe she was in timeout! 

She’ll have to get over this I can’t be a baby again… 


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Jennifer took one of the bags with her to the bathroom. It seemed Kayla would be dipping into her inheritance early. It was only right that she spend her own money for the new necessities she would require as a baby. Turning on the water she began filling the bath and added bubbles. From the bag Jennifer took out baby wash, baby lotion, a straight edge razor, laying them on the sink counter. Jennifer then went amd looked through the bags and grabbed a pink onsie, baby powder and a pack of diapers.


After about 10 minutes the bath was filled and Jennifer had everything she needed to get Kayla bathed and ready for an afternoon nap. Jennifer let Kayla stand in timeout for 5 more minutes. "Okay little miss let mommy get you ready for your bath." Jennifer took Kayla hand taking her to the bathroom. After removing Kayla shirt and bra leaving her naked she pointed to the floor. "Be a good girl and lay on the floor mommy needs to shave all those icky big girl hairs away."

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This really can’t be happening! She thinks to herself as she kept  standing there.. Diapers is she serious! Guess I’m standing in the corner after being spanked!  Glad none of my Friends can see this…

Kayla was quickly brought back to reality as not only did her step mom baby talk her but also grabbed her hand..

”You can talk to me like normal please can’t we talk about this!” She whined as she was taken by the hand like she really couldn’t do it herself…

Once in the bathroom she couldn’t believe what she heard…

”No I’m not this has gone too far!” She yelled 

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Jennifer had enough of the back and forth with Kayla. It seemed Kayla wanted to keep a red bottom. Jennifer delivered 10 swift spanks to Kayla bare bottom. "Little girl I will not argue with you about every little thing so new rule. Each time you disobey me I donate 10 percent of your inheritance. Now you understood what I said lay down. I better not hear anything more than a yes mommy."

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“Owe- ow-ow!” Kayla cried as the smacks hurt.. She began crying as she was made embarrassed and humiliated and did the only thing she could lay down..

She closed her eyes as this was a horrible nightmare and she saw no way out..

No she can’t do this she kept screaming in her head… She’s really serious about this baby crap!! 

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Jennifer smiled glad Kayla was finally learning. She spread the shaving cream over Kayla private area and began shaving her with steady precise movements.  Within 5 minutes Kayla was completely hairless in her diaper areas.  So Jennifer wasn't done.  After all babies don't have hair except on their cute little heads. 


Jennifer got the hair removal cream and began applying it all over Kaylas body. Another 5 minutes and she wiped away all Kayla's body hair. Satisfied she helped Kayla up and got her into the tub. She sang nursery rhymes as she thoroughly washed Kayla's entire body with baby wash. "Much better see when baby is good mommy doesn't have to be a meanie mommy."

When Kayla was washed and rinsed Jennifer got her put the tub and had her lay on a clean towel on the floor. Using a warm pink towel she dried Kayla off before rubbing her down with baby lotion. "Who's mommies nice and clean wittle baby?" She cooed to Kayla. 


Now was the moment all this lead up to. Jennifer unfolded the thick white disposable diaper. "Let's get baby Kay in her diapey." Jennifer raised Kayla's legs and slid the diaper under her bum. Sprinkling ample powder on her bottom before lowering her legs. She pulled the diaper up between Kayla's legs and taped it securely in place. "There we go baby Kayla is finally dressed appropriately. No more silly big girl panties for baby to make pee pee in. Now baby can make all her potties in her pretty diapeys." Jennifer proceeded to dress Kayla in the footed pajamas standing her up so she could zip the closed in the back.

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Kayla was blushing embarrassed what was happening to her and embarrassed how Jennifer kept baby talking her… She used to babysit and knows how all this works… In her wildest dreams she never thought she would ever be a baby again! 

The bratty immature girl had no idea why she was having accidents but Jennifer knew thanks to the medicine she had been putting in her food…

Once the nightmare was over as she had no hair except on her head…

She wanted to yell and scream beg plead anything to get back to normal but her bottom was still stinging..

Her step mom treated her just like a baby even raising her legs and sliding the diaper under her… Kayla looked at the diaper and it had baby blocks and little bears on it..

She watched in horror as the diaper was pulled up tight between her legs and taped on each side..

For the first time since she was three she was back in diapers! 

Kayla stood there as her she was zipped up in her baby pajamas…

She looked at them and it said baby on it in pastel blocks..

Great she’s really making sure I know I’m a baby.. 

The new baby wondered now what did her evil step mom have planned for her! 


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Jennifer took Kayla hand and lead her back to ger bedroom. Kayla would now notice her room was empty except for her bed and dresser all the pictures,  trinkets,  clothes it was all gone from her room. "Mommy knows baby is sleepy. After a nap I'm sure you'll feel much better." 

Jennifer pulled back the blankets and got Kayla into bed tucking her in. She then picked up the pacifier from the top of the dresser. She had put it their while running the babies bath. Clipping the pacifier to her jammies Jennifer put the pacifier in Kayla mouth. "Here we go baby snug in bed with your paci. Mommy will come get you after your nap.  No getting out of this bed." Jennifer turned off the bedroom light and closed the door. 

 Now that Kayla was down for her nap it was time to get everything her new baby would need. Using the account that held Kayla's inheritance, Jennifer began ordering everything her new baby would need. A crib, changing table, toy box, a plethora of infantile toys, adorable baby clothes sized up to Kayla measurements, a playpen, a cute princess bookshelf and a variety of toddler and infant books. Jennifer even found a highchair, carseat and bouncer that would be perfect for her overgrown baby. Jennifer paid for express overnight shipping so she could get the nursery together tomorrow. Now all that was left was letting baby Kayla pick the decor for her nursery so she couldn't fuss and say she didn't like it since she is the one choosing.

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“I can walk.” She whined as her mommy held her hand.  She hated how with each step the diaper would crinkle it sounded like a shotgun going off she was relieved no one was there to hear it..

She was shocked when they entered her room.  It was empty looked like they had just moved in. 

“Hey where’s my stuff!” She cried 

She didn’t resist when her mommy literally helped her into bed tucker her in..

”I’m not tired.” Before she could say much more a pacifier was inserted in her mouth. 

Once her mom was gone Kayla thought about her new predicament. 

This sucks! 

She yawned the spanking took a lot out of her and she was exhausted and stressed out so after ten minutes she feel asleep still sucking the pacifier 


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Sorry holiday weekend was hectic)

Jennifer was having a ball buying everything her precious baby would need. Tomorrow after paying very expensive next day delivery and setup baby Kayla's room would be together. Done shopping Jennifer set about tidying the house. She set the bags of all Kayla things on the street to be picked up for donation. After cleaning the bathroom and kitchen she saw it had been 2 hours since she put the baby down for her nap.  Jennifer knew she'd have to wake her baby or she'd never get to sleep tonight. 

Quietly Jennifer went into Kayla's room and turned on the light. Gently pulling the covers back she rubbed her sleeping babies tummy only after getting a picture of her sucking her pacifier in her sleep.  "Time to wake up princess.  Did mommies baby get a good nap? " she cooed to Kayla as she reached between Kayla legs checking to see if she needed a change. 

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(Totally understand hope you had a good one) 

Kayla was sleeping good and she was grumpy when she woke up to a rattle being shaken in her face..

”Ugh!” She said and she was shocked when out of no where her stupid step mom checked her diaper..

She stretched and of course she blushed as her diaper was wet..

Great she’s never going to let me grow up again if I keep having accidents..

”Please I- I don’t know what’s going on please I don’t wanna be a baby!” She cried..

”Can I do anything to get another chance!” She begged as the stupid mobile kept playing.. 

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Jennifer smiled as Kayla cried. "Aww it's okay all babies wet their diapeys that's what they're for."

Unsnapping the bottom half of her footie Jennifer freed Kayla's bottom half. Laying a fresh diaper and wipes beside her on the bed Jennifer cooed to Kayla as she opened the wet diaper and gently wiped Kayla clean. Jennifer raised Kayla legs and slid a fresh diaper under her bottom sprinkling her little tush with baby powder before lowering her bottom onto the diaper amd pulling it up between her legs. The diaper fastened Jennifer got Kayla back into her jammies before helping her out of bed. 

Jennifer put the pacifier back in Kayla mouth as she held her hand and led her to the living room where a soft pink blanket was spread on the floor.  Getting Kayla settled down on the blanket Jennifer sat in front of her on the couch. "Now I think it's time mommy explain the new rules to the baby. 1. Kayla is a baby and babies go potty in there diapeys,  no need to ask about the big girl potty mommy will decide when your ready for potty training.  2. Kayla is a baby at all times not only at home with mommy but when we go out as well.  3. Kayla will do as mommy says any misbehavior will result in either a spanking corner time or the donation of a portion of your inheritance. 4. Kayla is a baby and will only do baby activities watching toddler shows playing with toddler toys etc. 5 Kayla is a baby and will drink from her baba and eat what mommy feed her. 6 baby Kayla must always refer to me as mommy anything else will get your mouth washed with soap and vinegar. 7 mommy makes the rules so mommy can change the rules.  8 Kayla will be a big girl when mommy says and not a moment before. "

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Kayla wanted to cry but instead of arguing with the baby her step mom unsnapped her pajamas all Kayla could do is lay there as she couldn’t move her hands or feet. 

“Please please I’m not a baby!” She cried as her diaper was ripped open..

Her step mommy continued with the diaper change. 

Kayla felt better once she was dressed. 

No no this can’t be happening she screamed in her head as she read all the rules. 

Once her mommy was done with the rules Kayla knew she was now the baby! 


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Jennifer smiled satisfied Kayla seemed to understand the nee rules. "Such a good baby boy having anymore tantrums. Now I'm not a mean mommy, baby gets to pick what design should we do for your nursery. Mommy wants you to be proud of your room after all." She knelt beside Kayla taking her tablet off the coffee table. She showed Kayla four nursery options. 1 was white walls with pink trim a princess theme the walls would have tiaras amd diapers on the walls. 2 was soft green walls with white trim the walls would have duckies . 3 white walls baby blue trim and diapered teddy bears on a play ground. 4 pastel purple walls with pink trim with a variety of baby items on the walls diapers, rattles, pacifiers,bottles."Tell mommy baby which room does baby want? Tomorrow you'll have a brand new nursery and everything a perfect baby like mommies could need." She cooed to Kayla waiting for Kayla to select which nursery she would have.


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“Nursery please mommy I’ll be good but I- I don’t need a nursery!” She wanted to cry but she didn’t wanna be a cry baby.  

She was so mad cause everytime she moved her diaper crinkled. 

“I need to call Kim and tell her I can’t make it this weekend I was supposed to be spending the night at her house.” Kayla and Kim’s mom were really good friends so she hoped she didn’t tell her about the “new baby”. 

“Then I need to let Heather know I can’t make the concert.” No way am I ever leaving the house like this! She thinks to herself. 

Kayla refused to look at the nursery decor site.  

“I’m not looking at that!” She pouted 


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Jennifer sighed as Kayla fussed pretending she was a big girl and could manage her affairs. "Phone calls are for big kids and grown ups not little babies. I think I'll invite Lisa and Kim for dinner.  Maybe you can get some big girl advice from Kim on which style we should do for your nursery wouldn't that be fun? Now mommy knows you missed lunch so you just be a good girl and watch your cartoons while mommy gets you some yummies." 

Turning Kayla to face the TV Jennifer put on care bears before going into the kitchen to prepare a late afternoon snack for the baby and call Lisa to invite them over for dinner. 

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“Wh- what no you can’t please I- I can’t let anyone see me like this!” She cried 

“No it wouldn’t!” She yelled 

Kayla was so nervous and scared she wet her diaper a little.: This can’t be happening Kim can’t help pick out my nursery I don’t want a nursery! She screamed in her head..

“I’ll be good!” She yelled..

Kayla had no idea that soon her life would be exposed to everyone..

Kayia and Kim are Friends but Kim resented Kayla a little for taking her boyfriend only for Kayla to dump him saying how immature he was… Kim would love telling everyone about the new baby! 

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