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Lilith the Witch - Chapter 14: Bath Time (5/24/2024)

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An Anonymous commission. Enjoy.

“Happy Anniversary!” Mikey said from the dining table, seeing his girlfriend of one year walk out of the bedroom.

“Happy Anniversary!” Lilith said with a smile, not hesitating to help herself to a cup of coffee that Mikey had brewed earlier. “Got any big plans for us today?”

“Uh, hadn’t really thought that far. But I do have something that I have been trying to build the courage to tell you…” Mikey said, looking down at his coffee in an attempt to avoid eye contact.

“Oh, cool,” Lilith said, grabbing her coffee and joining him at the table. “What's up?”

“Umm, I’ve got something that I’ve been meaning to tell you…I just…” Mikey started.

“It’s okay. You can tell me anything. Besides, there's something that I should probably tell you too,” Lilith said, taking a sip of her coffee as she gazed into Mikey’s hazel eyes.

“Really?” Mikey asked, shooting up with excitement.

“Yea, but you first,” Lilith said, grabbing her boyfriend's hand.

Mikey sat up a little, as if preparing to give some kind of public speech.

“Ok- uh…” He started. “I uh- have a kink that I am really into and…” Mikey paused. He could feel his stomach churning with nerves as he tried to muster the courage to say it.

“It’s okay, sweety. You can tell me anything,” Lilith said, smiling at him from across the table with her deep, mossy green eyes.

Mikey couldn’t help but let out a smile as he felt butterflies in his stomach. “I’m an…ABDL…” He said, letting out a quick sigh.

“What's that?” Lilith said, playing dumb. She had known for quite awhile now, having scrolled through the contents of his phone while he was asleep, but had decided that it wasn’t fair to call him out on it. It was something that he needed to feel comfortable admitting.

Admittedly, it was also something that she was really into. Being unable to conceive children herself, she had always fantasized about finding a man to fill that hole for her.

Mikey blushed, feeling beyond embarrassed. “Like…baby stuff…” He started.

Lilith smiled. “Oh! Is that it?” She said practically gleaming. “What all does that entail?”

“Um-” He gulped, feeling his leg frantically bounce under the table. “I like to be babied…use diapers…play with toys…”

“Oh my gosh! That's so cute!” Lilith said, quickly getting up from the table to run over and give Mikey a big hug. She pulled him in close, tightly squeezing him as she started to imagine the possibilities.

“Phew…that's a huge weight off my back,” Mikey said, looking emotionally drained from the anticipation. “So what's your secret?”

“Well…” Lilith started. “Remember how I said I work remotely?”

“Yea?” Mikey said.

“That's not entirely true…” She started. “You see, the thing is…I’m actually a Witch,” She said, pausing to gauge his reaction.

Mikey scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “Oh I see, haha!” He said in a raised voice, quickly getting up from his chair. “You think this is a big joke, don’t you?”

Lilith was taken aback, unsure how to process what her boyfriend was saying. “No, I’m serious…” She started. “I’m a witch. I don’t work remotely because I am able to use my magic to make sure that we live a comfortable life,”

Mikey threw his hands into the air. “What a fucking joke!” He shouted. “I just told you my biggest fucking secret. Something I am extremely embarrassed about, and you come back saying that you're some kind of made up fantasy character?”

“I’m not making this up, Mikey,” She said, still standing next to the chair he had been seated in.

“God, you’re such a bitch, Lilith!” Mikey shouted.

Lilith said nothing. Mikey stared at her waiting for a response, but it didn’t come. Instead, she slowly turned herself around, and made her way towards the kitchen, opening one of the back cabinets and reaching into the back to pull out what looked like some old twig.

“Oh great! At least we’ll get to role play your little witch fantasy, even though I just nearly had a panic attack telling you about my deepest desires!” Mikey yelled.

Lilith ignored him, and gave the wand a quick flip and a swoosh as she muttered something under her breath. Mikey froze for a second, starting to feel a little tingly. Unsure of what had just happened.

The tinglin stopped for a moment, and he prepared himself to call Lilith out on her BS again, when he suddenly felt a breeze on his legs. He looked down, quickly realizing his pants and socks were gone. His stomach sank as the tingly feeling returned, quickly growing and spreading its way through his body in every direction. He glanced up at Lilith for help, only to see her smiling back at him as he looked down in horror only to see his leg hair begin to vanish from the top down.

Soon the tingly feeling spread to his arms, his chest, his face, all while he watched the hairs on his body disappear only to finally feel his beard fade into nothing as well.

“Lilith!” He tried to call out, only to hear the word “Mommy,” instead. He tried to take a step forward, only to trip over thin air and end up on the floor, where he now felt the familiar comfortable feeling of a soft, Peekabu diaper wrapped around his waist. He looked down to confirm his suspicions, only to see the included black onesie that now covered his body, snuggly holding the diaper to his groin.

“Mommy!” He heard himself say again as he tried to call out to his girlfriend.

He felt the tears quickly build up in his eyes and couldn’t fight them for long before they began to overflow. He began to loudly weep as he struggled with what was happening to the reality around him. Tears streamed down his face as his nose started to clog with snot as his weeps gradually grew louder and louder. He felt himself start to pee. Flooding the soft, dry diaper that had magically found its way around him as the warm liquid spread around his boy parts.

Lilith watched for a few minutes as the magic took its effect. She was beyond ecstatic and could barely hold herself together as she watched her once manly boyfriend break down into tears as he lost what little control he had over his life. It wasn’t until he let out a third call for his Mommy that she finally decided to step in.

She stuffed the wand down into her sock as she made her way over to Mikey. “Shhhh,” She started. “It’s okay, baby. Mommy is here,” She cooed as she ran her hand through his hair.

Mikey sniffled as he continued to cry, slowly looking up at her. “Was happen’n Mommy?” He said as tears rolled down his face.

“Mommy didn’t like your attitude, so she decided you needed an attitude adjustment,” She said, helping him sit up as she wiped the tears from his eyes. “You’re gonna be Mommy’s little boy for a bit, okay? Just like you always wanted!”

Mikey reached out for a hug, which Lilith gladly accepted, using the opportunity to lift him off the ground and carry him on her waist.

“Maybe if you are a good little boy for Mommy for a week or so, we can give you some control back, okay?”

Mikey nodded his head as he sucked some of the snot back in his nose.

She carried him into his office, which was really just his man cave. His massive tower PC sat on his desk, back lit by way too many RGB LEDs.

“Oh dear, this is all too much for a little baby like you,” Lilith said.

Holding Mikey up with one arm, she bent over just enough to grab her wand out of her sock and gave it another quick swoosh through the air. A trail of sparkles lit up the wall as they made their way around the room, instantly transforming everything they touched. The walls turned white, with shiplap paneling on the bottom. Baby blue planes and clouds covered the top half. The desk turned into a fully stocked changing station covered in little cartoon animals. A massive adult sized crib appeared, alongside shelves and chests overflowing with stuffed animals and toys. Everything Lilith would need to take care of her little Mikey.

Mikey’s eyes lit up with excitement as he watched the transformation. The little sparkles of light danced around the room effortlessly, completing the magical transformation before returning to the tip of Lilith’s wand, disappearing as quick as they had come.

Lilith smiled as she watched Mikey’s face, knowing that this was exactly what he wanted.

“Why don’t we have a little more fun while we're at it?” She said with a smirk, giving her already massive breasts a quick tap with her wand before returning it to her sock.

Mikey’s mouth opened wide as Lilith’s breasts began to inflate. Quickly outgrowing their usual size and fulfilling his wildest dreams. His eyes stayed locked on her breasts as Lilith smiled down at him. “Milky! Milky!” He shouted.

“What's that dear?” Lilith teased.

“I want Mommy Milky!” He shouted, now trying to use his hands to pull her shirt down.

“Okay, calm down, baby,” She said, gently carrying him over to the newly found rocking chair, and taking a seat.

She laid him out across her chest as she pulled her shirt off, letting her two massive breasts plop out. Mikey instantly used his hands to grab a hold of one, guiding it to his mouth as he latched on, almost instantly starting to suckle.

He felt the warm, sweet milk hit the tip of his tongue as his mind instantly melted away. Forgetting everything that had happened leading up to this moment. He continued to suckle, pulling in a mouth full of warm milk as he could feel his stomach rumble.

“That's it. Drink up, my little prince,” She cooed, running her hands through his hair.

Without warning, he felt his bowels open as he pushed a big mound of poo into the back of his diaper, feeling it spread across his soft cheeks as he continued to suckle on his Mommy’s boobs. He could feel the mess spread as more continued to come out, only making him happier with each passing second.

It was all more than he could ever have hoped for. His cock now throbbed, pushing against his soiled diaper as he shifted to leverage it against his Mommy. He began to hump. Pushing his hips up against his Mommy as he felt his wet, mushy diaper rub against his sensitive parts.

Lilith got up, holding Mikey against her breast as he continued to suck. She carried him over to his changing station and laid him out before pulling her breast away.

“Look at you. You’re so cute,” Lilith said, using her thumb to wipe away the excess milk on the sides of his mouth. “Why don’t we get this icky little diappy off of you? Hmmm?” She cooed, moving to unbutton the snaps of his onesie as she exposed his soiled diaper.

Mikey let out a soft moan as Lilith untaped his diaper, exposing his rock hard shaft to the brisk air.

“My my,” Lilith said. “I think someone is a little excited about all of these new things”. She said, proceeding to wipe him down, cleaning up the icky mess as Mikey’s cock throbbed with each delicate wipe.

She slid a fresh diaper under him, before she proceeded to coat his member in baby powder, dumping a rather generous amount on before slowly working her hand towards his shaft.

“Does someone want to make cummies?” Lilith teased, running her fingers up his shaft.

Mikey violently shook his head as he felt her delicate touch. “Yes!”

“Mmmm, I don’t know…” Lilith teased, still slowly running her finger up and down his throbbing cock.

“Pwease, Mommy!” Mikey shouted, throwing his hands down softly in a pouting motion.

Lilith did hesitate. She quickly wrapped her hands around his little cock as she started to stroke it. Gentle at first, but she gradually gained speed as she watched her new little boy whimper on the table before her.

“You're such a cute little baby boy,” She cooed, looking down at him with a smile. “Such a good little boy too”.

Mikey whimpered as he felt himself already approaching a climax. Lilith could tell, but it's what she wanted.

“That's it baby, make cummies for Mommy,” She said. “Cum for Mommy, sweetie”.

Mikey’s cock twitched violently as he shot out several spurts of cum as Lilith continued to stroke. “Good boy!” She cooed, watching his cum pile up on his tummy. “You make Mommy so proud, do you know that?”

Mikey was too out of it to respond. Trapped in a world of ecstasy for a moment as his deepest wishes had all come true at once.

“On second thought, we should get you a nice warm bath to wash off in,” She said, giving his tummy a quick wipe before lifting his powered butt off the table and setting him on the rug in the center of the room. She opened one of the chests, pulling out a bin of hot wheels and set it in front of him. “You play with these for a bit while Mommy goes and gets a bath started for you,” Lilith said.

Mikey instantly dove his hands into the box, dumping the cars everywhere with little care for much else in the world. This was exactly what he wanted.


Did you enjoy the story? Want to read the next couple of chapters early without waiting? Check out my Patreon!

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Did I enjoy it I loved it.

Is he the size of a baby must be because she picked him up and

put him on her hip.

This is what my stories are about and my dreams.

I hope he gets to return the favor.

Great story hope you continue it. 🙂

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Lilith stood in the doorway to what was now Mikey’s nursery with a smile. It was exactly as she had envisioned it in her head over the past couple of weeks. A much better use of space too, over his old gamer setup. She watched as Mikey played with his cars, driving them around as though they were real in a state of complete bliss. Her heart felt full for the first time in a while, and she was beyond excited to play the role of Mommy for the days to come.

Mikey sat on the floor, driving his different cars as he pretended to race them, drifting them around corners as they avoided the other parked cars. “Vrrooommm… Vrroommmm… Errr! Bsshhh!” He yelled as one of the cars collider with another. He took a handful of his cars and threw them into the air only spreading the mess of cars that were now scattered across his room.

Lilith let out a laugh that alerted Mikey to her presence who eagerly looked up at her with a smile. “Come on, sweetie. Bath time!” She said, holding out her hand towards Mikey who stopped his cars almost immediately to jump up and run across the room to her.

The smile across his face was as big as Lilith’s as he quickly wrapped his arms around here, gleaming with excitement. “Bath time! Bath time!” He giggled.

She grabbed his hand and gave it a good squeeze as she smiled at Mikey before leading him down the hallway while he bounced with each step.

“Alright,” Lilith said with a little laugh. “Calm down sweetie. We got to get you into the tub,”

Mikey's eyes opened wide as he saw the tub full of bubbles, with a few little plastic boats floating on the water. “Eeek!” He let out as he tried to run forward, but was quickly stopped as Lilith held on to his hand tightly.

“Slow down, baby. I don’t want you to trip and fall,” She said, pulling him back towards her as she lifted him into the air, placing him into the bathtub which he quickly plopped down into, sending clouds of bubbles soaring into the air. The water was warm, which Mikey absolutely loved as he tossed about in the bubbles.

“Does all of this make my little boy happy?” Lilith smiled as she watched Mikey drive one of his boats through the water while making motor board noises with his lips.

Mikey nodded profusely as he splashed about. “I wuv it all!”

“That's wonderful, sweetie. Mommy can make all of your little dreams come true as long as you behave like a sweet baby boy. Can you do that for me?”

Mkey continued to nod. “I would do anything!”

“Well then…Mommy is gonna make sure to treat you just like the little baby you are!” Lilith said with a big smile. “That means you’ll get to wear nice thick diapers all day to catch all of the little accidents you’ll be having, just like the ones earlier today. And Mommy will regularly check on you to make sure you aren’t sitting in any of that nasty yuk for too long. You’ll get plenty of warm bubble baths, just like this one and all of my love in the world!”

Mikey let out a big smile. “You mean it?”

“Of course, silly!” Lilith said, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

“And?” Mikey said, reaching out his hands to make a squeezing motion.

Lilith giggled. “And Mommy will keep you well fed through all sorts of different methods. You’ll get to suckle on my breasts, and bottles that Mommy prepares for you. Mommy will get to experiment with making yummy baby food and spoon feeding you. And Mommy will always make sure you have plenty of toys to play with. We’ve got to keep you stimulated after all, don’t we?” She said with a wink.

Mikey blushed a little as he daydreamed about it all. “What…what about work?” Mikey asked, slowly spinning his hands around in the water to move the bubbles.

“Shhh, baby. You let Mommy worry about all of that. For at least the next week, you won’t be going anywhere without your Mommy,” She said teasingly.

Mikey smiled, continuing to stir the bubbles in the bath. Lilith’s spell could do a lot, but it couldn’t keep his mind from drifting to his own nature insecurities. Everything had been going great so far, but there were just so many questions that he had racing through his mind.

“Mommy?” Mikey said quietly as she slowly washed his back with a warm washcloth, soothing him as he felt the warm water trickle down his back.

“Yes, baby?” Lilith said with a smile, pausing to look him in the eyes.

“What does it mean to be a witch?” Mikey asked.

Lilith paused for a minute, unsure of how to answer. “Well…” She started. “It means a lot of things… For instance, I get to know all about the magical world! I get to know about all sorts of cool potions and spells that can make just about anything happen!”

“Wow!” Mikey said with a giggle. “Like when you made your boobies big!”

Lilith chuckled. “Yes, sweetie. That's one example. Or when I transformed your room. I can use magic to bring my visions to life and to bring inanimate objects to life as well. Or I can brew up potions to cure illness or soothe your throat. But it also comes with some drawbacks… which regrettably causes most of us to hide away and keep to ourselves. You can only have so many ‘home remedies’ up your sleeve before people draw suspicion,” Lilith said in a saddened tone.

“Why's that?” Mikey asked, looking up at her.

“People don’t really like witches. They think were bad people,”

“I think you're good!” Mikey shouted with excitement.

Lilith giggled a little. “Well that's a relief,” She said, squeezing out the wash cloth on his head as he giggled.

“It also means I can’t have kids…” She said with a pause. “Part of the curse I guess you could say,”

“Oh…” Mikey said. They hadn’t really gotten to the point in their relationship where they had talked about whether they wanted kids or not in the future.

“But that's why I think it's just wonderful that you like to be babied. I get to channel all of my Mommy urges into you,”

Mikey paused for a minute, still lost in thought. “Does that mean you knew?”

“Admittedly, yes. It was a couple of months ago, and I could tell you were hiding something from me but I thought it was something more serious. So… I ended up going through your phone, expecting to find some texts from another woman or something, but instead found all of the ABDL porn you left open which definitely sent me down a rabbit hole,” She started. “I mean…talk about luck of the draw,”

Mikey couldn’t help but smirk as he felt himself lighten up a little as he remembered everything going on around him. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?” He said, daydreaming about what it would have been like if he had told her months ago. He hoped there would be many more experiences like the ones he had already gone through today.

“I didn’t think it was fair. I figured I had to let you announce it on your own time,” She said, trailing off as she locked eyes with Mikey. “But I think it was worth the wait,”

Mikey let out a big smile. “I think so too!” He said happily as he started to push the bubbles around again before a final sinking thought entered his mind.

“Come on, sweetie. Let's get you out of this tub and into something warm and cozy,” She said, grabbing a towel off the rack as she gestured for Mikey to stand up. “I can already envision a soft, comfy onesie with your name on it,”

Smiling, Mikey grabbed her hand and climbed out of the tub, clumps of bubbles sticking all over as he mustered up the courage to ask his final question.

“Mommy?” Mikey said quietly, as Lilith wrapped him in a towel, patting him dry as she went.

“Yes, sweetie?” She asked.

“Can magic be used to make someone love someone else?” He asked hesitantly.

Lilith knelt down on the ground in front of him, pulling the towel tight around him as she smiled. “No, sweetie. It's one of the few things magic can’t do. We fell in love the only way there is. Naturally. And it has been one of the greatest accomplishments of my life…” She said, forming a tear in her eye as she felt herself get a little emotional.

Mikey opened his arms, dropping the towel, and wrapped his arms around Lilith who graciously returned the gesture.

“I wuv you, Mommy!” He said, squeezing as tight as he could.

“I love you too, my sweet little boy,”

Did you enjoy the story? Want to read the next couple of chapters early without waiting? Check out my Patreon!

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter 2: Ground Rules (10/19/2023)
  • 2 weeks later...

“Alright, sweetie. Let's get you in a nice, thick diaper,” Lilith said, leading him back to his nursery with a towel still wrapped around his waist.

In one Effortless motion, Lilith swooped Mikey up and placed him on the changing table, pulling the towel off him beforehand and exposing his pale, naked body to the world.

“I think this one should do just fine!” She said, pulling out a pre fluffed diaper with cute little bears on it that looked ever so perfect to Mikey.

She lifted his legs, pulling the diaper underneath him before reaching for a bottle of powder. Mikey could already feel its thick, soft padding and was over the moon about it. He smiled as Lilith applied a liberal coat of the powder, making sure to apply extra near his groin as she knew it would need the extra attention before finally taping him up.

“How does that feel, baby?” She asked, giving the front of his padding a light little pat.

“Amazing!” Mikey said excitedly, still not really feeling the full thickness of it while laid out on his back.

“Yea? How about we get you in a nice little onesie as well, and then we can put you down for a nap?”

“A nap!?” Mikey protested, quickly sitting up on the changing station.

“Yes, sweetie,” Lilith said, lifting him off of the table and onto his feet. “But first, let's pick out something cute for you to wear,” She said, making her way over to the closet and opening the doors.

Mikey almost forgot about the nap for a second as his eyes opened wide. The closet was stacked full of different diaper prints, and just about every color of clothing. Some long, some short. Short sleeved and long sleeved, footie pajamas and cozy looking sweatpants. His options would be almost endless.

“Do you want to pick something out, or do you want Mommy to decide?” Lilith said, smiling over at her little boy.

Mikey stood speechless as he waddled over to the closet to get a closer look, the thick diaper between his legs making it difficult for him not to waddle.

“On second thought, I think Mommy wants to dress her sweet little prince,” She said, reaching into the closet to pull out a onesie with a cute little bear character printed on the front to match his diaper. “Arms up, sweetie,” She said, taking it off its hanger.

Mikey did as he was told and lifted his arms, which allowed for Lilith to quickly slide the onesie over his head. He let his arms fall back to his side as he watched Lilith quickly button his underside, securely holding his thick diaper in place.

“Perfect!” Lilith shouted. “Now who's ready for their nap?”

Mikey made a pouty face as he was reminded of the nap. “I don’t want to!” He protested.

“Now now,” She said, lifting him up and carrying him over to his crib. “Little boys need their rest,” She said before placing him down in his crib for the first time.

“But Mommy!” He pouted.

Lilith gently pushed him back, forcing him to lay down on the soft bedding as she pulled a blanket up over him before leaning in to whisper in his ear.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” She whispered, almost instantly giving Mikey goose bumps. “Shhh, it's okay. Mommy knows how excited you are, and how draining all of these news things can be,” She whispered, starting to run her hand through his hair as he laid back and looked up at her. He wasn’t going to admit it, but he was cherishing every moment of this.

“Baby boys need their sleep, especially after a big day like the one you’ve already had. Don’t you want to be able to have even more fun?” Lilith whispered, continuing to stroke his head.

Mikey nodded with a smile as he felt butterflies twinkle in his stomach.

“Can you be a good little boy for Mommy? Take a short little nap, and I promise to have a special little surprise for you,” She whispered.

As much as Mikey didn’t like the sound of these naps becoming a regular thing, he did like the idea of a surprise.

“Hush little baby, don’t say a word,” Lilith started to sing in a soft voice as she started to sway. “Mommy’s gonna buy you a mockingbird…”

It wasn’t long until Mikey found himself asleep, almost as if by magic.


Mikey stirred awake in the soft comfort of his crib as bright natural light poured in through the window, illuminating the entire room. He felt happy and full of warmth and could sense the magic in the air. Carefully, he pulled himself up on the crib mattress and leaned up against the white bars that kept him confined to the safety of his crib which brought a smile to his face.

“Mommy!” He cried out, staring out towards the door that was currently shut. “Mommy!”

A brief moment passed before she entered the room, sunlight instantly highlighting her beauty as she smiled at Mikey and made her way over to his crib.

“Good afternoon, sweetheart! Someones been sleeping for so long!”

Mikey smiled as he blushed a little as she dropped the crib gate, allowing him to climb out. The smell of cinnamon drifted through the air with a mixture of other scents as he could hear some slight commotion outside of his room.

He turned to look at Mommy to ask what all was happening, but he was quickly met by a pacifier that she plopped into his mouth, before being hoisted up in the air and onto her hip. She carried him out of his room and into the living room, where Mikey’s eyes quickly lit up with excitement as he realized what all of the commotion was. Trails of light danced around the room, illuminating the inside as the trails of light bounced off the walls, leaving glimmering streams that quickly faded to nothing. A duster fluttered its way around the room, eagerly dusting each and every surface as a broom did the same in the kitchen.

The smell of cinnamon and apples filled the air as a wooden spoon casually spun itself around in a pot on the stove while a knife did its work on a cutting board chopping a variety of fruits and vegetables. The whole room was filled with enchanted objects.

“Wow!” Mikey let out, letting his mouth practically hang open in awe.

“It's nice, isn’t it, sweetie?” Lilith said with a smile, looking around at the magic she had created.

“It's `mazing!” Mikey muttered through his pacifier before letting it fall out of his mouth and onto the floor below.

“Well that just won’t do,” Lilith said, using her hands to levitate it back up to her, before magically attaching a string of beads to it and clipping the other end to Mikey’s onesie.

“That should help,” She said, plopping the pacifier back into his mouth which caused Mikey to blush.

Lilith smiled as she bopped him on the nose. “All of this will allow Mommy to spend more time with her little boy!” She said, only causing Mikey to smile bigger. “I’ve even enchanted the windows too, so we don’t have to worry about any passers-by. If someone is looking through the window, it will be like none of this is happening!”

Mikey stared in disbelief as he looked around at the enchanted world before him. He was in complete awe.

Gently, Lilith placed Mikey on the living room floor. She watched him for a minute, sucking away on his pacifier completely enthralled by the sights before him. Lilith smiled as she slowly waved her hands, making a bright assortment of colorfully wrapped gifts appear just behind him before waiting another minute to grab his attention.

“Mikey, sweetie,” She said softly.

Mikey looked back at her, letting the pacifier fall out of his mouth again, only to be caught by the string of beads this time. “Yes, Mom-” He started, before seeing the pile of gifts now behind him as he let out a gasp. “ARE THESE FOR ME!?” He shouted ecstatically as he quickly spun himself around, grabbing one of the gifts off the pile.

Lilith giggled as she watched his face light up with excitement. “Yes, sweetie. These are all for you!”

Mikey didn’t hesitate before tearing into the gifts, revealing an assortment of toys, coloring books and cute onesies, before finally tearing into the final one. Before he had even fully torn away the colorful wrapping paper, he reached his hand into the box and pulled out its soft contents.

He held it in front of him, almost in a trance like state as he slowly processed what it was before him. As if suddenly living in a dream world, here appeared his favorite, long lost Teddy Bear Bjorg in a new, pastel colored state. Tears started to form in his eyes as he looked from the bear up towards Lilith.

“Oh, sweetie,” Lilith said, realizing the emotional moment he was having as she swept in to give him a hug. Mikey quickly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in tight as a few tears gently rolled down his face and into her blouse. He gave a quick sob before he released his grasp on Lilith, returning his gaze to his bear as he gave it a quick squeeze.

“You're the best Mommy ever!” He said cheerfully, wiping the few tears from his eyes.

“Awww, how sweet,” She said, giving him a big smile. “I haven’t even shown you all of your surprises yet!” She said, getting up off the ground and walking towards Mikey, gesturing for him to stand up.

He quickly hopped to his feet, only to be quickly picked up and carried backwards before being promptly set in what Mikey quickly realized was a massive baby bouncer, hung from the ceiling as he felt himself sway.

His face turned bright red as he tried to hold back the amount of glee he was feeling, but it was of no use. He let out a tiny little screech of joy as he started to bounce. If he wasn’t living in a dream world before. He definitely was now.

Lilith smiled as she placed the pacifier back into his mouth as he continued to bounce, all while clutching his new bear in his hands.

“You stay right there, and Mommy will go check on that home made apple sauce, hmmm?”

Mikey violently nodded his head as he pushed off the floor with his feet, enjoying every bit of the new world that was forming around him.

Did you enjoy the story? Want to read the next couple of chapters early without waiting? Check out my Patreon!

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter Chapter 3: Spoiled (11/2/2023)
  • 2 weeks later...

“Who's ready for something to eat?” Lilith cooed from the kitchen as she made her way back into the living room where Mikey was happily bouncing, carrying a big bowl of the baby food he had smelled earlier.

“Me! Me! Me!” He shouted happily, kicking his feet off of the floor as he eagerly awaited what would happen next.

Lilith pulled a stool over and set it in front of Mikey in his bouncer before taking a seat, revealing the big bowl of freshly made applesauce just for him.

Mikey’s face lit up with excitement as Lilith happily smiled back. “Alright, sweetie. Open wide!” She said, scooping up a spoonful to guide into his mouth.

Mikey’s face turned red as he opened wide, letting Lilith guide the spoon in before wrapping his lips around the spoon, pulling the sauce off the spoon.

“Good job!” Lilith cooed, already scooping up another spoonful of apple sauce and carefully brought it to Mikey's mouth. He opened his lips happily taking each spoonful with a smile as he lightly bounced around.

Lilith raised her hand, guiding another spoonful in as it slipped, splattering the spoonful onto his lower lip, which ultimately dribbled its way down his chin. "Whoops!" Lilith giggled, trying to wipe the mess with a napkin. But the apple sauce had already started to drip down Mikey's neck, making a trail of sticky spots on his shirt. Mikey giggled too, knowing full well that it wasn’t a mistake at all. He was just glad that Lilith was enjoying all of this as much as he was. Spoon by spoon, she carefully scooped up the apple sauce and offered it to Mikey, who eagerly accepted it with a smile as he ate it all up. “Alright, Mommy’s going to leave you right here for a bit while she does some stuff in another room, okay sweetie?” Lilith said, using a wet wipe to wipe Mikey's mouth clean. “Do you want me to turn on some cartoons or something?” “Yea, yea, yea!” He shouted, eagerly kicking himself into the air with excitement. “Alright, sweetie,” She cooed, picking up the bowl she had brought with her and grabbing a remote to switch the TV over to some cartoons.

Mikey happily bounced about as Lilith disappeared into the back hallway, leaving him alone in the living room with a couple of the magically enchanted items still dancing around as they performed their tasks. Dusters flapped about from one surface to the next while a broom slowly swept itself along in the kitchen, picking up the scraps that the knives and spoons had made from their previous engagement.

Mikey smiled as he felt a warm, calming sense come over him and he realized just how perfect everything was. He quickly picked up the pacifier that was still clipped to him, and plopped it in as he turned to face the TV again. Everything just felt so magical.


It had only been a couple of episodes before Mikey was brought back to reality as he could feel his stomach start to rumble. He smiled as he thought about it. In the past he’d always refrained from making big messes, mostly because cleaning them himself was a real mood dampener, but now he didn’t have to worry about any of that. He held it back for a few minutes, slowly bouncing up and down before giving a big push.

The familiar warm, mud like substance shot out and into his diaper, quickly filling in the void space between the diaper and his bum. He smiled as he felt its warm embrace, spreading in every direction before another wave hit him as he gave a second big push as he giggled a little while starting to bounce. Though, he quickly realized that might have been a mistake.

After a light push off the ground, he quickly was brought back down by gravity, only to push the muck even more, forcing it to go in the only direction it could. He felt the warm muck spread up his butt before shooting out the back of his diaper and up under his onesie.

He held himself still, afraid to move anymore as he felt a little disgusted. It was certainly fun when the mess was contained, but he didn’t like the feeling of this. He spit out his pacifier, letting out a loud cry for the only person that could make all of this better.

“Mommy!” Mikey cried as he watched the dusters begin to hop away. “Mommy!” He said as tears started to form in his eyes, quickly overflowing and making their way down his cheeks.

Lilith quickly stepped out from around the corner, gently walking towards him. “What is it, sweetie? Is everything okay” She asked.

Mikey gave a slight sob, not wanting to say what had happened.

“Oh dear,” She said, quickly picking up on the scent as she got closer. “Did somebody have an accident?” She cooed, not having realized the full extent of what had happened.

Mikey forced a nod as he looked up at her, tears still flowing out of his eyes.

"Oh…” Lilith said, finally seeing the full extent of the situation. “Somebody had a REALLY big accident!”

Mikey sniffled as he held his hands out for Lilith, who instead started to remove the harness from the elastic straps that attached it to the ceiling. “Sorry, Mommy,” Mieky said, feeling a little embarrassed.

“Don’t be sorry, sweetie! Sometimes little munchkins like you make big messes!” Lilith said with a smile, now pulling the harness off of Mikey who stood awkwardly as his mess began to stiffen in his diaper. “Mommy’s gonna make it all better though, don’t you worry,”

Mikey stood still as Lilith finished removing the harness before carrying it over to the kitchen sink.

“Alright, what do you say we get you cleaned up?” She said, gesturing for Mikey as she started back towards the hallway.

Mikey nodded before quickly scuttling his feet along as he followed after Lilith, being forced to waddle by the extremely soiled diaper between his legs. Lilith stopped just before the nursery to turn around. “On second thought, we should probably get your rinsed off,” She said, opening the bathroom door.

Mikey furled his eyebrows. “No!” He shouted, not wanting to get wet. “I already took a bath!” He protested.

Lilith grabbed one of his hands, pulling him into the bathroom. “That was before you made a big mess, sweetie. It will be quick!” She giggled.

“No!” He shouted again, “I want Mommy to clean me up!” Mikey protested.

“Shhh, sweetheart. Mommy is going to clean you up, we’re just gonna rinse you off real quick so that it's easier on Mommy” She said, sensing that Mikey wasn’t going to like that answer.

“I don’t want to shower!” Mikey pouted, throwing his hands to his side as Lilith tried to carefully unbutton his soiled onesie.

“Sweetie, you made a big mess. Mommy needs to get you all clean and pretty again,” She said.

“No, no, no!” He pouted. “I want Mommy to clean me up!”

“I will, sweetie. Just calm down and lift your arms up,” Lilith said, trying to sound calm.

Mikey did as he was asked, raising his arms so that she could pull the onesie off.

“Mommy!” He cried, starting to tear up again as he felt the onesie pull the ick further up his back on its way off.

“Shh, it's okay baby,” Lilith said, trying not to seem flustered as she carefully balled the soiled onesie up and placed it in the sink. “We’re gonna get you in the shower right now,” She said, gesturing for him to climb.

“I don’t want to shower!” He cried, tears now fully running down his face again as he turned around to wrap his arms around Lilith.

“Sweetie-” She said, trying to avoid his messy lower half. “I need you to get in the shower so Mommy can get you all cleaned up,”

Mikey continued to cry as Lilith pulled his arms out from around her, guiding him to the tub. “Sweetie, I’m going to need you to get in the tub, or Mommy isn’t going to be too happy,”

“No…Mommy, please!” Mikey cried. “Can’t we just use some wipes?”

“In,” Lilith said, stepping around him as she started to untape his diaper, carefully catching it to prevent the mess from further spreading. She balled it up and placed it on the counter for now before turning back around to grab the shower head as she turned the water on, not turning the knob much farther than it needed to go to be on, meaning only cold water would be coming out.

Mikey sniffled before hesitantly stepping into the tub, not having realized that she hadn’t turned the water temperature up. He let out a yelp as Lilith suddenly turned the shower head to him, spraying him with the cold water.

“Mommy!” He shouted.

Lilith didn’t stop the water. She continued to wave the shower head back and forth, slowly working off the layer of muck that coated most of his underside.

“Spin around for me,” She said in a not so joyful tone.

Mikey stood in the shower, shivering and miserable, as Lilith sprayed him down with the freezing water from the shower head. The cold water hit his skin like daggers, making him gasp and wince. He tried to move to avoid the water but Lilith quickly shut that down.

“Don’t you move an inch,” She said, waving the shower head around to further soak his body.

Mikey shivered as the water hit him, clenching his arms around him in a crisscross pattern to try to keep some warmth. He tried to protest, but Lilith didn’t seem to be in the mood to listen. She sprayed him down, making sure to cover every inch of his body. Mikey could do nothing but endure the punishment. He could feel the cold water washing away all the mud and grime from his skin.

After what felt like an eternity for Mikey, Lilith finally leaned in, turning the shower off and hanging the shower head back up before grabbing a towel for Mikey. Lilith said nothing as she patted him dry in a few spots before wrapping the towel around him and helping him out of the tub. He was definitely cold to the touch, and was quite thankful for the towel.

“Do we need to have a talk about what that was?” Lilith asked, slowly pushing him forward and out of the bathroom, leading him down the hall to his nursery.

Mikey shook his head, still feeling rather cold.

“Big messes can be uncomfortable, but Mommy needs her little boy to do as he is told, understood?”

Mikey nodded, feeling the soft plush carpet as they finally entered the nursery.

“Okay then. Let's get my little boy all suited up for play time then. Sound like a plan?”

Mikey nodded again, this time with a little smile. Lilith quickly picked him up, setting him up on the changing station where Mikey quickly laid back, already feeling refreshed from the cold shower.

Mikey let his mind wander as Lilith quickly got his diaper situated, making sure to nicely powder everything before taping him up and lifting him up into the air and setting him down on his play mat and heading over to the closet.

“Alright, sweetie. Arms up,” She said, returning with a white and blue onesie that had a little hood attached with some ears. Lilith quickly slid it over his head and let it rest for a second before making a second trip to the closet.

“Keep those arms up for a second,” Lilith said, returning with a pair of mittens that caused Mikey to blush when he realized what they were.

“Mommy…” He said, struggling to hide his excitement. “Do I have to?”

“Oh yes you do. If my baby wants to act like a little baby, he’ll get treated like one too,” She said with a smile, sliding one of the mittens over his hands before securely tightening it on. She finished tightening the second one and buttoned him up before pulling the hood up over his head and clipping his pacifier back to the shirt.

“Perfect!” She said, bopping him on the nose with her finger.

Lilith played along with Mikey and his stuffed animals, happily engaging in the story that Mikey was making as she waited for her queue to chime in with a specific animal. She giggled as she watched him try to pick things up with his stubby hands, struggling at first but quickly getting the hang of it after a few tries.


Finally, she caught Mikey’s first yawn. Signaling an end to the eventful day. “Alright, sweetie. I think it's time for somebody to get to bed,” She said, getting up off the floor.

“What? No! It's so early!” Mikey protested, looking up at Lilith in disbelief.

“It's been a big day for you!” She said, slowly picking up a few of the animals and returning them to their spot on one of the shelves. “Come on,” She said.

“Just a little longer?” Mikey pleaded.

“Not tonight, sweetheart. Mommy’s gonna go prepare a nice warm bottle for you. Can you pick up your toys?” Lilith said, heading for the door already.

“But…” Mikey started.

“Uh-” Lilith said interrupting just before leaving the room. “No buts, Mr. Unless you want an even earlier bedtime in the future?”

Mikey shook his head.

“Alright. I’ll be right back, sweetie,” Lilith said, finally exiting the room.

Mikey slowly got up, feeling the bulk of his already wet diaper droop beneath him as he let out a smile. One by one he slowly picked up each stuffed animal before carrying it back to its place in the room, making sure to grab his Bjorg Bear and carrying it with him as he crawled his way into the adult sized crib just as Lilith returned.

“Oh sweetie!” She cooed. “Mommy could have helped you into your crib,”

Mikey pulled one of the blankets up over him, actually ready for the idea of sleep, though he wasn’t going to admit that to Lilith.

“Here you go, sweetie,” Lilith said, handing Mikey the warm bottle of milk before taking a seat in the rocker next to his crib.

Mikey began to eagerly suck at the contents of the bottle, enjoying the warm liquid as it entered his mouth. He let his eyelids close as he felt the soft embrace of his crib.

“Rock-a-bye baby, in a treetop. When the wind blows, the cradle with rock,” Lilith began to sing softly.

Mikey continued to suckle as he slowly drifted off. The soft bedding, the warm milk, and the soothing sound of Lilith’s voice were just all too much to fight off.

“When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall…” Lilith continued.

It wasn’t long until Mikey was fully out. His suckling stopped as the bottle fell to his side, having not even finished more than half of it. Lilith knew he had been exhausted. Afterall, what little wouldn’t be after the day that he had just had?

“Good night, pumpkin,” She said, leaning in to give him a kiss before sliding up the crib wall to lock him in. She knew this was only the first day of many to come, and she was excited to see where the two of them could take this together.


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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter Chapter 4: The End to a Perfect Day (11/15/2023)
  • 4 weeks later...

Mikey tossed about in his dreams, happily indulging in playtime with Lilith in his newly constructed nursery. His stuffed animals came to life as they chased each other around the room. Lilith kept him full with all the milk he could manage to gulp down as he happily let the warmth spread between his legs as he soaked diaper after diaper. His dream world was perfect.

He stirred awake as Lilith gently scooped him up, carrying him to the changing table as Mikey struggled to differentiate what was his dream state and what was reality. He groggily looked around, finding most of the surroundings only semi familiar but couldn’t piece together whether or not that was because he had just seen it all in his dream.

Lilith smiled down at him as she laid him out on the changing table, carefully unbuttoning his onesie before untapping his diaper as she hummed a gentle tune. She folded it back as Mikey’s stiff morning wood shot up into the air, eliciting a quiet laugh from Lilith as she turned to grab a wipe.

Mikey’s mind wondered, still unsure if he was in a dream state or not. Could his fantasies for infantile treatment have turned into a wet dream? Surely it had happened before, it had just never seemed so vivid. His mind wasn’t quite sure until the jolting sensation of the cold wet wipe, rubbing up against his erect morning wood cleared his head, ultimately reminding him that this was in fact reality.

Tears started to form in his eyes as he gazed up at Lilith, ultimately unaware of the rollercoaster of emotions he had already been on as he had tried to decide what was reality.

“Oh, sweetie,” Lilith cooed, gently stroking his cock with the wipe as his member pulsed in her hand. “Everything’s okay,” She said gently as the tears began to overflow, gently rolling down his cheeks as he smiled up at her.

Mikey sniffled as he struggled to find the right words for the moment, ultimately wanting to tell Lilith that they weren’t tears of sadness. He wanted to express just how grateful he was for all of this, but the words were just never able to form themself.

“Shhhh, baby. Mommy’s just got to get this icky diaper off of her little boy,” She said, now moving the wipe to clean up the rest of his groin, before quickly pulling the soiled diaper out from under him, replacing it with a new one.

“Come here, sweetie,” She said, quickly taping up the new diaper before lifting him back up off the changing table and carrying him to the rocking chair, gently sitting down as she repositioned him to be in a better position.

Mikey looked up at her, smiling as he let the final tear roll down his cheek which Lilith quickly wiped away with her finger.

“Milky?” Mikey asked, staring up at Lilith’s beautiful complexion in complete awe, still unsure of the right combination of words that could genuinely express how he was feeling. Though, he wasn’t entirely sure they were needed either, as deep down he could sense that Lilith already knew.

“Of course, sweetie,” She said, gently pulling her robe apart as she let her massive swollen breasts fall out, gently coaxing her swollen teat towards Mikey who eagerly grabbed ahold, wrapping his lips around her nipple as he eagerly began to suck.

“Good job,” She whispered, hiding her quivering sensation as he began to apply pressure, pulling out generous streams of her ever flowing tits as she began to gently rock the chair. The warm milk flooded his mouth as he settled into a rhythm, letting his eyes close as his body relaxed. It was only a moment before a warm stream of pee began to fill his freshly changed diaper, quickly flooding its soft, dry padding.

Lilith could hear his stream as he let loose, eliciting a smile from her as she knew he was definitely happy and relaxed.

“Mommy’s got the whole day planned out for her little baby,” She cooed, smiling down at Mikey who opened his eyes with excitement to look up at her again, not skipping a beat as he continued to suckle on her tit.

Lilith giggled a little as she felt a sense of happiness come over her. The moment was already perfect, and it was only the first one of the day.

“You can relax, baby,” She said, running a hand through his hair as he closed his eyes again, turning his head to a more comfortable position as he happily fed on her milk.

“Mommy’s going to turn the backyard into a perfect little play place for you. They’ll be a play structure…” She started, continuing to run her hand through his hair as he tried to open his eyes with excitement again, only to be coaxed back into his peaceful state.

“There'll be a swing, and a little fort underneath and a big old sandbox for you to crawl around in. Mommy knows how much you like to dig at the beach…”

She stopped, feeling Mikey practically squirming with excitement in her arms as he stared up at her, nearly pushing her teat out of his mouth.

“Now, now, sweetie,” She cooed, making sure to hold him in place. “Baby boys need to fill up before play time,” She cooed, coaxing her teat back into his mouth. “Drink up, sweetie,”

Lilith watched as he latched on again, this time eagerly looking up at her as he suckled on her milk. Anxiously awaiting permission to run outside into the newly described play ground being put into his mind.

“Where was I…” She said, leaning back into the rocking chair. “Ah, right. There’s a big slide for you to play on, and plenty of little ladders and different levels for you to crawl around on and explore,”

Lilith trailed off, gazing down into her beautiful boy’s eyes who eagerly looked back at her. Excitement, love, pleasure. Emotions that they hadn’t really experienced together in these quantities. A welcome addition to this new little life that they were creating.

“Okay,” She said, unable to resist his cute, smiling face. “I guess we can go play,” Lilith said, gently pulling her tit out of his mouth as he practically jumped out of her lap, running to the door in nothing but his diaper, eagerly pearing outside only to see nothing.

He looked back at Lilith with a blank expression. “Mommy?”

Lilith smiled as she pulled out her wand, giving it a quick wave before making her way to Mikey’s side, grabbing a hold of his hand as they watched outside, watching the small balls of light dance their way through the window before making their way outside.

Mikey’s eyes widened as he stood in the doorway, watching the backyard practically transform in front of his eyes. The hedges that lined the fence slowly grew in size, rising into the sky to tower over them and the play structure that was suddenly forming.

Bits of wood began to emerge from the ground, splitting and diverging to form the base structure as they towered into the sky. A large slide began to swindle around, looping its way to the ground as a set of chains dropped from one of the overhead bars, quickly forming into an enlarged baby swing, complete with a harness-like structure to hold the rider in. Ladders and rock walls formed, creating passages up and down the structure, as a little window and door formed underneath to create an enclosed fort.

Mikey’s jaw dropped as he quickly let go of Lilith's hand, running out into the yard as the soft, cool grass padded the surface below his feet. He quickly climbed up the ladder, feeling the warm wood on his feet as he ran across the boards towards the slide.

“Mommy! Mommy!” He called out. “Watch me go down the slide!” He yelled, turning to see Lilith watching him as she made her way out into the yard, slowly tucking her wand away.

“I’m watching, sweetie!” She called out, signaling for Mikey to go down the slide, which he did without hesitation.

Lilith watched as his diapered butt came flying out of the slide, nearly coming off the end itself and into the warm sand below.

“Did you see me Mommy!?” He called out, already getting up to climb up the ladder and go again.

“I did! That was so brave!” Lilith cooed, now standing at the bottom of the slide, waiting for him to come down again.

Mikey came barreling down the slide, flying out in front of her. “Good job!”.

“That was so fun!” Mikey yelled, hopping up in his crinkly diaper.

“Do you want Mommy to push you on the swing?” Lilith said, practically picking him up from behind and holding him in her arms.

Mikey giggled as Lilith helped him slide into the swing harness, guiding his feet through the appropriate holes.

“Alright, now hold on tight,” Lilith said, guiding his hands to the chains on the side before circling around behind him to give him a light push.

“I want to go high, Mommy!” Mikey shouted.

Lilith obliged, giving him a hefty shove with each swing, pushing him higher and higher into the air.

“Higher, Mommy! Higher!” He shouted.

Lilith smiled as she watched little Mikey happily swinging in his diaper. His feet smoothly kicking about as he swung back and forth.

The two of them played for hours as they swapped between different activities, always returning to the swing in between, with an occasional tickle fight in the grass. They chased each other around the play structure, playing games of tag, and lava monster, making the most of the warm blue skies that had been offered that day.

Mikey sat in the sand, wiggling about as he dug up the warm sand with his sand toys, creating what was in his mind a massive city. In reality it was more of a few scattered piles of loosely packed sand, but none of that mattered to him. The leg holes of his diaper slowly picking up the small grains of sand as he shifted about, but it was a smile price to pay for the bliss he was experiencing.

“Alright, baby. Let’s head inside for a quick lunch,” Lilith said, getting up off of her towel in the grass where she had been sunbathing, watching Mikey from a small distance.

“Wha- But!” Mikey cried out.

“Don’t worry, we can come right back out here,” Lilith explained, waiting for Mikey to get up and come inside with her.

“No, Mommy! I want to stay out here!” Mikey pouted, throwing some sand into the air which quickly landed back in his lap, some of which found its way through the front flap of his diaper, creating an uncomfortable feeling.

“It will just be a few minutes, dear. Aren’t you hungry?” She asked, having not noticed the sand.

“Noooooo,” He let out, only furthering his tantrum. “I want to stay outside!” He shouted, starting to feel uncomfortable from all of the sand in his diaper.

“Sweetie…” Lilith started.

“No, Mommy! No!” He pouted, putting on a sour face as he tried not to think about the sand in his diaper. Knowing that by pointing it out, Lilith would surely make him go back inside.

“Honey, final warning,” Lilith said in a soft, but firm voice. “Either come inside and get some lunch, or Mommy’s going to have to put you down for a nap,”

Mikey flung another big pile of sand into the air out of frustration, covering himself in the sand which crept into his eyes and diaper before he burst into tears. “Mommy!” He cried. “Mommy!”

Lilith couldn’t help but hold back a chuckle as she watched Mikey’s failed attempt at protesting unfold in front of her, only further proving Mikey’s need for a Mommy.

By now, I'm sure many have heard of the recent ban wave of ABDL content on Patreon. Because of this, I am moving all of my work over to Ream! If you enjoy my work, or want to help support me in creating more, please consider checking it out. Every little bit helps!

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter Chapter 5: Not Just a Dream (12/13/2023)
  • 1 month later...

“Mommy!” Mikey continued to cry as Lilith practically dragged him inside, swinging around his loose arm as he stomped about behind her. “I want to go back outside!” He cried, a set of tears rolling down his face as they made their way into the kitchen.

“I’m sorry sweetie, but I think you’ve lost outside privilege for the day,” She said, swiftly picking him up and guiding his kicking legs into his adult sized high chair.

“But! But!” He said, tears now fully running down his face as he tried to protest, kicking his feet about as he pounded his hands on the plastic tray that was now before him. “Why is Mommy so mean!” He shouted, causing Lilith to give him a stern look that should have been enough to tell Mikey how she was feeling.

Lilith tried to tune him out as she tried to prepare some lunch in the kitchen, though his loud obnoxious slams on the tray paired with his whiny cries made that almost impossible. Hopeful that if something could keep him orally fixated he might calm down, she poured out some milk into one of his sippy cups and placed it down in front of him before returning to the kitchen prep.

Mikey’s silence was short lived as he lifted the cup, taking a brief sip of its contents before sending it hurling towards the floor with a loud smack. One of the magically enchanted knives stopped its work for a moment, looking over at the scene that was unfolding before slowly getting back to its work. “I want Mommy’s milky!” Mikey pouted, having thrown his cup to the floor.

Lilith stared at him wide eyed, not believing what had just happened. She said nothing as she carried a small bowl of fruit over to his high chair, placing it down before bending down to get his cup.

“That was unacceptable,” Lilith said sternly, setting his sippy cup on the tray next to the bowl of fruit she had just brought.  “It is absolutely not okay for little boys to throw anything. Do you understand?” Lilith asked as she scolded him.

Mikey reached out his hands, grasping at her shirt as he pouted. “But I want Mommy milky!”

Lilith pulled his hands back. “Mommy’s milky is only for good boys,” She said, turning around to finish prepping the lunch before hearing another, more wet sounding splatter. She quickly turned around to see the contents of his fruit bowl scattered across the ground, with the sippy cup in his other hand as he got ready to reunite it with the fruit.

Lilith raised a finger, “You better not…” She started, before Mikey did just that, tossing his sippy cup to the floor for a second time.

Lilith let out a sigh before wiping her hands off on one of the kitchen towels before setting it on the counter. “Alright, you’ve just lost lunch privileges too,” She said, making her way to Mikey before lifting him out of his high chair.

“What!?” Mikey protested, trying to kick his feet but Lilith held him firmly as she carried him to his nursery. “Noooo! Mommy!” He cried, feeling completely helpless as he wasn’t able to overcome Lilith.

She carried him into his nursery, setting him on the ground. “Don’t you dare move,” She said, making her way towards the closet to grab a few things.

Mikey sniffled as he wasn’t sure what was happening, only to tense up as he watched her return, carrying back a large wood paddle, one of his binkies and one of his stuffies as he felt his gut drop.

“No, no, no,” He said in a suddenly panicked state. “Mommy!” He cried.

Lilith ignored him, taking a seat on the end of the rocking chair. “Over here, now,” She said firmly.

“Mommy!” He cried out again.

“I’m going to count to 3. Either you are over here, or you are going to be in even bigger trouble,” She said before giving a brief pause.

“1…” Lilith said, watching Mikey sit where he was on the floor, anxiously pondering what little choice he had.

“2…” Lilith said slowly, which immediately got Mikey on his feet as he troddled over to her side, tears still rolling down his face.

“Good, now lay over Mommy’s knees,” She said, patting her knees that were stretched out in front of her.

Mikey shook his head, only to be pulled down by Lilith as she settled him over her knee. He tried to squirm free, but Lilith held him firmly.

“Now, you are going to get your butt spanked, and spanked, and spanked because you’ve been a very bad little boy,” Lilith said firmly as he finally stopped squirming.

“Please! I’ll be better!” He tried to fight, having realized what he had gotten himself into.

“Oh, I’m sure you will, sweetie. But this is because Mommy loves you,”

“I’m-” Mikey started, before feeling a soft firm pat on his butt as Lilith gave it a light slap.

“Do you want your stuffie or binky to bite down on?” Lilith said, grabbing a firm hold of the paddle.

“No! Mommy, please!” He let out before feeling a much firmer, harder wap of the paddle on his butt. He could barely contain himself from letting out a yelp but it was of no use, as the next lick came down even harder, forcing out his previously contained gasp as an audible thud against his padded butt echoed through the room.

“Mommy! It hurts!” He cried, gaining no sympathy from Lilith as she continued on, only just gearing up for the full experience that Mikey was about to endure.

After a brief moment of 10 or so spankings, Lilith set the paddle down, leaning it against her leg which gave Mikey a glimmer of hope as the tears continued to pour out of his eyes.

“I’m…” He started in between sobs.

“Shhh,” Lilith said, reaching around under him to untape his diaper, pulling it off and exposing his slightly reddened bum before setting the diaper down on the floor. Lilith then grabbed his binky, pushing it into his mouth.

“Bite down, sweetie,” She said, handing him the stuffie as well to hold onto.

Mikey let out a whimpering noise, unable to speak as he desperately held the pacifier in his mouth as Lilith picked the paddle back up.


The sound echoed through the room as the wooden paddle made firm contact with his now barren bottom, instantly turning his skin a brighter color of red as Mikey whimpered.


Tears began to form in his eyes again, quickly overflowing as he cowered to each blow, desperately squeezing his stuffed bear as Lilith continued.


In only a few hard swings, Mikey was bawling his eyes out. A sobby, obedient mess that Lilith was more than happy to help shape into the ideal little.

A short swish of her wand gave the paddle a mind of its own, happy to do what it did best. It continued to paddle his bare bum as she leaned back, fully taking in the scene. It would be several minutes of non stop paddling, a lesson Lilith was sure he would remember. His sobs had continued on as his face became a wet snotty mess before Lilith finally returned to paddle to its inanimate state, resting it against the chair.

Slowly, she rubbed a hand against his back in an attempt to caress him, but he lay still as he got his final sobs out, letting his pacifier fall to the ground.

“Alright, sweetie,” She started, still gently caressing his back. “Mommy’s gonna get you into a nice comfy diaper and then we’ll put you down for a nap,” She said in a soft voice, helping him up off of her knee as he tried to control his sobs.

He dove into her chest, wrapping his arms around her as he desperately wanted her affection.

“Shhh, it's okay baby,” She whispered, wrapping her arms around him as she let him finish crying. “Come on, let's get you diapered up,” She said, holding him in her arms as she got up. Carrying him over to the changing table.

“Do you want your binky?” Lilith cooed, grabbing a fresh diaper as she began to unfold it.

Mikey nodded, using his hands to try and wipe away the tears as she lay on the table, completely exposed and vulnerable.

Lilith smiled as she returned with his pacifier, placing it in his mouth and handing him his bear to snuggle. Carefully, she used a wet wipe to help wipe the tears away, allowing him to blow his nose into the wipe as well before giving his groin a quick wipe and finally sliding the fresh diaper under his sore bum.

“Somewhere, over the rainbow,” Lilith began to sing in a soft, calming tone. “Way up high…”

She quickly gave a fresh glaze of powder before pulling the tabs tight and taping him up.

“There's a land that I heard of…”

She helped Mikey sit up, sliding a cute onesie with little blue sharks over his head, before helping him up off the table and carrying him to his adult sized crib, helping him get all tucked in. It was a cute sight. His tear ridden eyes as he sucked on his pacifier. He looked up at her as she paused her singing.

“So have we learned some boundaries today? Mommy's little boy needs to listen to Mommy,” Lilith said, running her hand through his hair.

Mikey nodded, squeezing his little bear tightly as he tried not to think about his sore bum.

“And you know Mommy loves you, right?” Lilith asked softly.

Mikey nodded again, this time with a big smile. “I wuv too, Mummy” He said, before letting his eyelids close as he quickly fell asleep for an obviously well needed nap.


Thanks for reading! Sorry for any long break in my content. Took a break over the holidays, but am back at it! If you enjoy my work and want to help support me in what I do, consider supporting me over on Ream!

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter 6: Learning Boundaries (1/29/2024)

Mikey found himself suddenly transported to the real world as his picture perfect dream suddenly became a reality as the warm mud-like substance filled the back of his diaper, quickly spreading between his legs, filling the void space as he laid on his back.

His eyes shot open with panic as he tried to clench his bowls only to feel no ability to do so. He tried to clench harder, to do anything to stop it but the harder he tried to clench, the faster it seemed to come out. Its warm contents quickling sticking to his skin as his diaper wicked out what little moisture was there to start with, leaving behind the thick, warm mush that hadn’t quite gotten used to.

He tried to sit up, pushing his hands into the soft padding of his crib as he struggled to lift himself, suddenly feeling weaker then he had before before eventually rolling onto his stomach to push himself up on to his butt, pushing the contents of his diaper further around as he tried to catch his breath. Why was he so exhausted?

“Uhh…” He let out, trying to form the words in his head, only finding it increasingly difficult to do so. Mommy. All his mind could think was Mommy. “Mommy!” He cried out.

The house was filled with silence as his cry filtered its way through each room, eventually reaching Lilith in the bath where she had been enjoying a relaxing, warm bath with enough candles lit to burn the place down. She let out a soft exhale as the reality she was crafting set back in, disturbing a picture perfect day dream of her own.

“Mommy!” Mikey’s voice rang out again, only faintly heard by Lilith as she slowly made her way out of the bath, drying off briefly and loosely wrapping herself in a robe before giving a quick wave of her hand, extinguishing the candles with an untraceable force of wind.

Mikey’s voice continued to cry out, each call becoming more and more desperate as Lilith slowly strolled through the house, humming a soft tune as she approached the door to his nursery.

“Ma- ma- ma?” Mikey let out in a confused stammer as he tried to greet Lilith as she entered his room but couldn’t stop himself from slurring.

“Yea? Are you excited to see Mommy?” Lilith asked, making her way to his crib, lowering the gate as she picked him up, shifting her leg up under him to help gain leverage before holding him closely on her hip. The warm muck spread further this his diaper as Lilith felt the squish with her knee, an obvious sign that he newest addition of spells was likely working.

“Are you ready to be Mommy’s little boy now?” She asked in a less cute tone, carrying him to the changing station as she softly laid him down.

“Ya! I p- p- pwomiss!” Mikey let out, still stumbling over his inability to speak properly.

“Good. Mommy made sure that all of your big boy abilities are reserved for when you are able to act like a big boy. Till then, you get to be Mommy’s perfect little baby,” She said.

Mikey froze as Lilith effortlessly lifted his legs into the air, pulling his rear upwards as she used his soil diaper to scrap the majority of his mess off. She held his bum steadily in the air as she used a few wipes to finish cleaning him up before sliding a fresh diaper underneath him, lowering his legs back down as she lined up the new diaper.

Mike’s mind raced. The weakness, the inability to speak properly. Was it all her? The thought that her magic could physically control him pressed on his mind, casting a shadow of fear and doubt as he felt himself become slightly afraid.

Lilith hoisted his freshly diapered butt into the air, letting his feet down onto the floor as he tried to stand, Lilith still holding on rather tightly.

“Um- Mommy,” He giggled, trying to ignore his previous thoughts as he felt his legs standing weakly below him.

“It's okay, sweetie. Just plop down on your butt,” She said, helping guide him to the floor before letting go of his arms.

Mikey tried to stand up, pushing his arms up under him to help lift but couldn’t quite muster his usual routine. “Mom-”

“What did Mommy just say, sweetheart? Walking is reserved for big boys,” She cooed, giving him a stern look before turning to leave the nursery. “Follow Mommy,” She said, slowly making her way out of the nursery and down the hall.

Mikey struggled to lift himself into a crawling position, slowly beginning to crawl after her as he found it rather difficult to move at any kind of great speed. He wobbled back and forth, feeling the uncomfortable transition as he made his way off the soft, plush carpet and onto the hardwood floors in the hallway. The loud crinkles of his diaper echoed throughout the hall, giving Lilith an idea of how far he was as she prepped his high chair, eager to start correcting his habits.

After what felt like an eternity, Mikey finally crawled his way into the kitchen only for Lilith to quickly scoop him up, placing him in his high chair before grabbing his bib off the counter.

“Who’s hungry?” She asked, clipping the bib around his neck as he tried to process everything.

Lilith stood in front of Mikey, setting down a small jar of green goo before scooping up a large portion of it with a large plastic spoon, guiding it up towards his mouth.

“Open wide for Mommy!” She cooed.

Mikey did as he was asked, opening wide in hopes that it might taste good, only to be met with the fowl, wet taste of blended peas. A vegetable he had never enjoyed.

“Eww!” He said, spitting it back out as the goo fell out onto his bib.

“Bad baby!” Lilith said, already scooping up another portion.

“Mommy!” Mikey whined. “It’s gross!”

“Gross? Maybe for a little baby like yourself, but big boys eat their vegetables. Don’t you want to be a big boy?”

Mikey frowned as he realized what she was doing. A part of him hated it, but the other part of him loved it. Afterall, this arrangement only worked if they were both having fun, didn’t it?

“Well?” Lilith asked. “Do you want to show Mommy how big you are? Or do you want Mommy to get something a little more tasty?”

Mikey opened his mouth again, mentally preparing for the foul taste as she flew the spoon into his mouth.

“Good boy!” She cooed, watching him struggle to swallow it. “Here comes another!” She said with a daring grin, only hoping that he wouldn’t make it through the whole portion. And yet, to Lilith’s surprise, Mikey choked down the remainder of the peas opening wide for each spoonful without hesitation. A clear sign that only meant he could eat more of it next time.

“Waawaa?” Mikey asked as Lilith took the empty jar to the sink.

“Sure, sweety. Mommy will get you a bottle,” Lilith said, grabbing one of his many bottles from the cabinet and starting a pot of water.

Lilith lifted Mikey back out of his high chair, feeling the weight of his newly wet diaper as she carried him into the living room, setting him down on the carpet where some coloring books and crayons had been laid out. Mikey squealed as she flipped on some cartoons, leaving him to his own devices before returning with his warm bottle of milk.

“Here, sweety,” She said softly, handing him the bottle as he struggled to sit up again feeling his wet diaper squish beneath him.

Mikey was surprised. He’d asked for water and was really hoping for some, but was even more confused by the warm milk. “-D -dank you, Mommy,” He said, grabbing the bottle as he lifted it towards his mouth. His eyes opened wide as the warm, familiar liquid hit his tongue bringing a warm, relaxed wash of relief to his body as he practically fell back, only for Lilith to catch him, lowering herself and resting his head in her lap.

Mikey stared up at her, sucking down her warm breast milk as she smiled down at him. “That good, huh?” She laughed, only for Mikey to continue suckling it down.

The hours flew by as Lilith guided Mikey through a day of activities. The early dinner was followed up by an afternoon of coloring in the living room, cartoons on blast as Mikey experienced the fully incapacitated experience for the first time, soaking through his diaper without even a thought.

Lilith drew an early bath, ensuring there were plenty of bubbles and toy boats for Mikey to play with as she softly washed his back, actively encouraging him to be himself. Eventually, the night came to an end as Lilith led Mikey back to his nursery with the promise of a bedtime story.

Lilith lifted Mikey up into the crib before grabbing one of the books off of a nearby shelf and crawling in with him, propping herself up as Mikey snuggled up against her. Her warm, floral scent mixed with that of her breast milk created an intoxicating scent that pulled Mikey in closer, happily snuggling up against her as he sucked on his pacifier.

Lilith opened the book, revealing its lightly colored pages with what would have once been filled with writing, but Mikey suddenly felt the sense of fear sink in again when he realized the words had shifted to scribbles. At least, scribbles that he couldn’t make sense of what was written in their place.

“Twinkle, twinkle, little star…” Lilith read outloud, slowly dragging her finger under the words before giving Mikey a moment to look at the pictures, slowly turning to the next page. “How I wonder where you are…”

“I- I no read it,” Mikey said, slowly trying to pull himself closer as if the words were just out of focus.

“Well that's okay, sweetie. Mommy will read it to you,” Lilith said, giving him a soft kiss on the head before trying to continue.

“No no, Mommy. I no read the woods,” Mikey stammered, a tear forming in his eye.

“That's ‘cause babies can’t read, sweetie,” She said, setting the book down before turning her attention towards Mikey.

Mikey looked up at her as another tear formed in his eye, gliding down his cheek as Lilith repositioned him across her lap, pulling out her breasts as she pushed them towards his lips. “Now now, sweetie. Everything is going to be okay,” She whispered, using a hand to wipe his tears away as he opened his mouth, latching onto her tit as if by natural reflex. “Good boy,” She whispered, giving his hair a soft stroke before picking up the book again to continue reading.

“I get that all of this can be scary, but this is how little boys learn. Once you prove to Mommy that you’re ready to be a big boy again, everything will come back to you,” She explained, continuing to softly stroke his hair as he suckled on her engorged tit. “Everything is going to be okay. Mommy’s just going to take charge for a little while,” Lilith said softly, slightly readjusting him as she propped the book back up for her to read. “Now, where were we,” She said, turning a page in the book.

“Up above the world so high,” She read, making sure to position the book for Mikey to see the pictures as he slowly suckled, feeling his eyes get heavier and heavier. He knew that these changes worried him, even scared him at times. But he trusted Lilith. He trusted her more than anyone else in the world, and he was happy to let her take charge. Afterall, if this was the worst that it would get? He could stand a few days without the ability to read. Lilith’s voice carried on as she read the pages aloud. The soft, soothing sound of her voice combined with the sweet, milky aroma of the warm liquid pushed him over the edge as he suddenly felt himself entering the dream world once again.


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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter 7: Learning is only the half of it (2/4/2024)

Your writing is just to good. You must be a writer in real life.

I'm a little suspicious about the feeling Mikey is feeling.

Why is she slipping him further into babyhood?

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  • 3 weeks later...

“Wakey wakey,” Lilith cooed, opening the blinds in Mikey’s nursery.

A golden beam of sunlight poured into the room, illuminating the lightly colored walls as it danced its way across the white furniture, filling up every corner of the room with its warm, radiant glow. A small wave of Lilith’s wand enchanted Mikey’s nearby teddy, guiding its soft, plush arms across his face with a gentle touch as Mikey stirred awake.

He smiled from behind his pacifier’s shield as he rolled over to see his teddy, embracing its soft touch before it collapsed back into his arms.

“Good morning, baby boy,” Lilith cooed, slowly lowered the crib gate as she reached in to scoop Mikey up.

Mikey giggled as he quickly scooped up his teddy to bring with him, happily sucking on his pacifier as Lilith carried him over to the changing table.

“Look at this icky little mess you made,” Lilith said, unfolding his diaper to reveal its slightly soiled contents as she softly ran a wipe around his boy parts. “It’s a good thing such a widdle baby like you has a Mommy to keep him nice and clean,” She cooed as he happily stared up at the spinning mobile hanging over his head.

She smiled as she went about her routine, carefully cleaning him up as she changed out his diaper for a dry, fluffy diaper covered in a variety of little barn yard animals before picking out a simple, baby blue t-shirt from the closet to slide over his head.

Still in a half dazed state, Lilith scooped Mikey up again, gently carrying him over to the rocking chair as she positioned him comfortably in his lap. Mikey let the pacifier fall out of his mouth as he eagerly awaited Mommy’s permission to grab a hold of her massive, succulent tits as she carefully undid her bra and let them fall out.

She gave a little giggle as she saw Mikey’s eager face patiently waiting. “Alright sweetie, open wide,” She said, gently guiding one of his hands towards her breast, holding it firmly as she helped him guide it into his mouth.

Lilith watched as Mikey stared back up at her. His mouth spread wide into an O shape as he latched on to her breast, happily pulling out warm streams of her milk as he suckled. His eyes sparkled up at her as he stared up at her, cherishing the moment as Lilith ran her hands through his hair.

“Hi, sweetie,” Lilith said softly in a loving tone. The sun's warmth against her skin sent shivers through her body as she felt the moment take over. She carefully rocked back and forth, holding Mikey steady in her arms while he dined on his early morning breakfast, equally soaking his freshly changed diaper as he drank.

“You are just the cutest little thing,” She cooed, feeling her suckles become less and less frequent. An easy sign that let her know he was near done.

“Mommy’s got a perfect day planned out for her little baby,” She cooed. “Do you want to go play with your cars while Mommy makes some breakfast?”

Mikey nodded, giving a last suckle of her tit before she carefully pulled it out, using her finger to wipe up the stray milk off his lips.

“Alright! Up we go!” She said, leaning forward in the rocking chair as she picked him up, throwing him up towards her shoulder as she carried him out into the living room.

She set him down on to the softly colored, foam tiles she had laid on early in the morning, a colorful little play area that made Mikey’s eyes light up.

‘Wow!” He let out, his mouth completely in awe as he looked around at the scattered stuffed animals and toys she had already laid out.

“Isn’t it perfect?” Lilith asked, kneeling down to place his pacifier back in his mouth.

Mikey nodded his head before reaching out to grab one of the toy trucks.

Lilith waited for his response, surprising him that she was still kneeling down as he drove his truck across the tiles.

“Ya!” He let out, crashing his truck into her foot.

Lilith chuckled. “Alright, sweetie. You have fun why Mommy goes and makes some breakfast,”

“I wuv `ou!” Mikey let out from behind his pacifier.

Lilith smiled, turning back to head towards the kitchen.


Suddenly there was a knock at the door, putting a puzzled look on Lilith’s face. “Now who do we think that could be?” She asked Mikey, getting up to go and check.

Mikey ignored it, carrying on in his own little world. Completely oblivious to the fact that someone had even knocked.

Lilith opened the door to find a short, stubby lady standing there looking rather frustrated. “Hello?”

“Yea, I’m looking for Mikey. He here?” The lady said back, trying to peek around Lilith to see inside.

“I’m sorry, who are you?”

The woman rolled her eyes, as she tried to continue to look behind Lilith. “Maggie, Mikey’s boss. That little shit hasn’t been to work in days!”

“Yea he's here, but he quit. He works remotely now,” Lilith shot back.

“Nah, that fucker didn’t quit. I haven’t heard from him in days which means ain’t no way he quit,” Maggie said, sizing Lilith up as she stood outside. “Bastard’s a weak coward is what he is, least he can do is say it to my face,”

“Well I don’t know what to tell you. He quit, and he isn’t coming back so you can-” Lilith started, abruptly being cut off as Maggie shoved her aside storming her way into the house.

“Mikey you coward! Where the fuck are you!” Maggie yelled, hustling her way through the house, turning the corner to find Mikey, full baby mode on the living room floor as he made loud crashing noises, running his toy cars into one another.

“What the-” Maggie started, suddenly confused by what she was seeing. “I always knew you were a weird little bitch!”

Mikey suddenly looked up, completely baffled by Maggie’s sudden presence and mortified of his current state. He could feel the squish of his wet diaper as he shifted his body in a meager attempt to hide himself.

“Ha!” Maggie belted loudly, “you’re literally a diaper bitch, why didn’t I see it!” She said, chuckling immensely as she started to reach into her pocket to grab her phone. “Oh, the guys are going to love this!”

Tears quickly overflowed Mikey’s eyes, slowly rolling down his bright red cheeks as he tried to make himself disappear. To be anywhere else other than here. He just wanted the mean lady to go away.

“M-M-Mommy!” Mikey cried out, burying his face in his hands as he tried to disappear.

Lilith was furious. The audacity of this woman to walk into their home with such anger was simply unacceptable. Mikey’s cries of humiliation and discomfort rang in her ear as she battled with her internal self, ultimately losing the battle to her not so happy side. In one quick motion, she removed her wand and gave it a quick swoosh, quietly mummering something under her breath as a small pink spark left the end of her wand. A spark that Mikey was all too familiar with, instantly putting a stop to his wailing.

Lilith and Mikey watched as Maggie stopped what she was doing, ultimately confused by what had just happened.

“What the fu-” She started, her face suddenly switching to a more worried look as she felt a tingling begin to spread across her body. “What did you-,” Her stomach sank as she felt herself become light headed, stumbling back as she tried to maintain her balance.

“You…you…you- bit-,” She started again, slurring her words before they all but became gibberish. “Mama!” She heard herself say, just as Mikey’s mouth dropped at the sight of her clothes fading to dust, revealing a bright pink diaper wrapped around her waist and her small but perky tits.

She stumbled back again, this time falling flat on her ass, slightly cushioned by the diaper she had yet to realize was there as she felt the soft, plush carpet under her bearen, exposed skin.

“Mama!” She heard herself say again as he tried to call out for help.

Mikey couldn’t believe what had just happened. An all too familiar experience, played out live in front of him giving an alternative point of view to the same magic he had been exposed to being used as a means to degrade his former boss.

Lilith watched, taking in the wonderful sight as she felt a sense of calm wash over her. Why she wouldn’t describe her mood as ecstatic like she had been watching the same magic take over Mikey, her mind was certainly racing through a hundred and one ideas about how she could put this woman in her place, raising her back up the right way. She chuckled as she caught a glimpse of Mikey, having taken her eyes off of Maggie for the first time only to see him mesmerized by the sight in front of him. But she couldn’t blame him. Little boys are curious little creatures. It was only in their nature to be fascinated by the womanly sights he was seeing before him.

“Looks like someone is going to have a new baby sister,” Lilith cooed, watching Maggie roll around on the floor, completely unsure of what all had just happened. “At least until she can learn to be a good little baby for Mommy,”


Did you enjoy the story? Want to read the next couple of chapters early without waiting? Consider checking supporting my work! I am currently migrating all of my stories over to SubscribeStar which will become the best place to get all of my latest stories. I am working to dump my backlog of stories here first, but I'm limited to 10 posts a day. I'm also available on Ream!

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter Chapter 8: Confrontation (2/22/2024)

Wow that was a surprise. I didn't read anything about her in the story so far.

I guess she bullied Mikey at work or something like that for her to call him a bitch. 

Being bullied myself I'm happy to see this happen to her. 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

“Now…” Lilith said, kneeling down in front of Maggie, purposefully not cutting off Mikey’s line of sight. “You’re obviously a very vulgar person, and that's not okay,” Lilith said, watching Maggie’s wide eyes stare back at her. “So, we’re going to do a little bit of behavior training, and once you’ve learned how to be a decent, respectful member of society, Mommy will let you go,” Lilith said with a smirk.

Maggie opened her mouth to speak, only to be met with a silencing finger from Lilith. “Nuh uh, not yet,” She said in a low, serious tone. “So you’re going to do as I say, when I say. You’re going to play nice, and you’re going to be respectful to both me and your new little brother. Do you understand?”

Maggie nodded hesitantly, unsure of how any of this was possible.

“We use our words in this household,” Lilith insisted, waiting for Maggie’s response.

“Yes…” Maggie said quietly through her breath.

“Now try again with proper manners,” Lilith insisted.

“Yes…ma’am?” She said, unsure of what she meant.

“Hmmm, better, but I think I prefer Mommy,” Lilith said with a smirk. “So let's try again,”

“Yes, M- Mommy,” Maggie stuttered, feeling completely unsure of herself.

“Good job!” Lilith cooed, turning to head towards the kitchen. “Keep it up and you’re on your way to earning a gold star!”

Maggie sat still as Mikey let his second brain take over, slowly leaning forward into a crawling position as he shuffled across the floor towards Maggie, reaching out in an attempt to squeeze her breast as Maggie scooted back, forcing herself to stand up as she used her hands for leverage.

The unease in her body combined with the sudden movement caused her stomach to rumble as she stood still, slowly wobbling as she gained her balance. She looked at Mikey in his desperate state as she stuck her tongue out at him in an attempt to ignore her stomach. She went to say something in a teasing manner, to remind him he should be embarrassed about his current state when her stomach rumbled harder as she practically buckled over.

Fear came over Maggie’s face as she stood in panic, feeling herself start to lose the battle as she desperately scanned the living room, Mikey dumbly staring back at her. “Ma- Mommy?” She said, hating the words as he heard herself say them.

“Yes, dear?” Lilith responded, actively preparing lunch in the kitchen.

“Uh- toilet?” Maggie said, starting her waddle towards the hallway where she could only assume the restroom was.

“Don’t be silly, dear. You’re wearing yours!” She said with a smirk.

“N- no…no…” Maggie started, finding it difficult to think through the brain fog. “Number…two…”

“Mhmm,” Lilith cooed. “Number ones, twos…threes,” She said with a wink towards Mikey as he turned himself around. “They all go in your nice fluffy diaper,” She said.

Panic set in as Maggie continued to waddle towards the hall, desperate to find a toilet as the pressure built, nearing a point of no return. She approached one of the doors, but with a quick swoosh from Lilith, the handle wouldn’t budge.

Maggie pulled on the handle with all of her force. “Pwease!” She called out, desperately trying to get the handle to budge. “Pw-” She started, suddenly feeling the release of pressure as the warm stream of mud flooded the back of her diaper, quickly spreading across her cheeks as she stood in horror.

Mikey’s mouth hung open as he watched Maggie’s diaper expand in every direction as it slowly started to sag more and more as the once white padding turned a darker shade of brown.

“Oh- oh-” Maggie stumbled, feeling disgusted as the warm filth pressed against her skin and the weight pulled her downwards. “Oh my-” She started, unable to find the words she was looking for.

“Why…how…” She stumbled. “I- I-” She started as tears rolled down her cheeks, quickly breaking into sobs. “This is so unfair!” She cried out.

“Aww, did someone have an accident?” Lilith cooed from the kitchen, smiling with a devilish grin as she looked back to see Maggie in a vulnerable state.

“No! I…you f- f-,” She stumbled. “Why are words so hard!” She cried out, standing with her legs spread as she remained unsure of what to do. “You made me!” She screamed, sniffling as she tried to wipe her tears away.

Mikey’s eyes glazed over as he fantasized about playing with his messy sister as she broke down in tears in front of him, throwing a fit he was sure would get a harsh punishment from Lilith. His cock hardened, pushing the confines of his squishy prison as he tried to rock forward in a discrete motion.

“Now, now, sweety,” Lilith called out. “Mommy will get you changed just after lunch!”

“Wha- no!” Maggie cried. “Fu- fire- change me!”

“Sweety,” Lilith called out from the kitchen. “Mommy doesn’t like bratty littles,”

Maggie tried to walk, feeling the heavy weight beneath her legs as it threw her off balance, sending her tumbling backwards onto her overfilled diaper as it squirted out the leg holes and onto the carpet. She let out a scream as tears rolled down her face, the impossible situation only turning worse as the smell of her accident filled the room as her sobs echoed through the house.

Lilith had finally had enough, setting down what she was doing before firmly stomping her way over to Maggie, picking her up and carrying her down the hallway, unphased by the accident. Desperate to see what would happen next, Mikey assumed his position as he crawled after them on all fours, eager for a conclusion to the fit.

Maggie kicked about in a lousy attempt to escape Lilith’s clutch, who seemed unphased by her attempts as she carried her to Mikey’s changing table, where a quick flick of her wrist had added some bondage restraints to tie Maggie down with.

Sparkles of light danced past Mikey as he watched them flicker off the wall in a swift, elegant motion heading down the hall towards his nursery where they effortlessly stacked together, creating a bright, twinkling glow as they transformed half of the room.

Vibrant shades of pink seeped through the walls as a whole new crib appeared out of thin air, dotting together an assortment of colorful wall art to match, with a plethora of stuffies and toys as they quickly transformed what was once a simple toy shelf in to everything that Lilith would need to take care of her newest addition.

Mikey crawled with desperation, eager to see the new room from all angles as he finally approached the doorway, grateful for the soft, plush carpet that nicely padded his knees as he stared at the pink half of the room in wonderment, almost completely oblivious to the straps that had magically appeared at his changing station that Maggie was being fastened into as she tried to kick her way free from Lilith’s grip.

“Wow…” Mikey let out, mesmerized by the sudden changes that Lilith could make with ease, almost without a second thought. “Mommy?” He let out, turning to ask her a question as if he had suddenly forgotten Maggie’s predicament as he stared up at what was clearly Maggie’s messy bottom as Lilith worked to wipe it clean.

Mikey felt his own inner balls of light begin to dance around as the question he was going to ask quickly faded from his mind. His mouth formed a wide-o of wonderment as he watched Lilith work her motions, plopping backwards into a criss cross position as he felt a mass of his own reform in the front of his diaper.

His hand autonomously migrated towards the mass, slowly kneading the wet padding against his growing mound as he watched Maggie’s diaper change, a sensational experience he hadn’t had in some time.

“Now if I take these restraints off, are you going to keep kicking?” Lilith asked, having finished taping up Maggie’s fresh diaper.

Maggie shook her head as the tears dried up.

“Big girls use their words,” Lilith said, starting to undo one of the leg straps. “You want to be a big girl again, don’t you?”

“Yes…Mommy,” Maggie said, feeling mortified about what had just happened.

“Good,” Lilith said, as she finished removing the straps, helping Maggie off the table and onto the floor where she quickly discovered Mikey’s presence.

Mikey quickly slid his hand away from his bulge, eyes now locked on Maggie's bare breasts again as he felt the need for release.

“Oh, hi sweetie,” Lilith cooed, scruffing his hair up as she turned around to see him.. “Why don’t you show little Miss Maggie here around your room? Mommy will be right back,” She said as she casually exited the room.

Mikey sat still, staring up at Maggie as she stood awkwardly while Lilith left the room. Mikey’s bulge continued to push into the soft, mushy confines of his diaper as he stared up at Maggie practically ready to drool.

“What?” Maggie scoffed, crossing her arms to cover her breasts, cutting off Mikey’s direct gaze as he fidgeted about in an attempt to hide his throbbing mound.

“You’re pretty…” Mikey said quietly as he blushed, slowly migrating his hand back to the front of his diaper, unable to prevent himself any longer.

Maggie rolled her eyes before Lilith returned with a small pale of water and a brush, setting it on the floor. “Oh, is your little brother keeping his eyes on you?” Liltih smirked, noticing Maggie’s crossed arms and Mikey’s discreetly placed hand.

Maggie wasn’t sure what to say, or what the appropriate response was as she stood awkwardly, scanning the room in an attempt to avoid eye contact.

“Here,” Lilith said, making her way to the closet as she opened it up, pulling out a bright pink onesie covered in unicorns. “Let's get you dressed, then you have a mess to clean up,”

Maggie scoffed, unimpressed by the wardrobe choice or the thought of cleaning up her own mess, purposefully looking away as Lilith made her way over to her. “Arms up!” Lilith said, practically grabbing Maggie’s arms herself.

Maggie didn’t bother to fight it, helping lift her arms as Lilith slid the onesie over her, kneeling down to help button up the crotch strap between her legs. “Perfect! Now let's get you setup to clean your mess,”

“But-” Maggie started.

Lilith stopped, looking back at Maggie as she waited for what she had to say. “Well?”

“Nothing…” Maggie said, giving up as she realized it wasn’t worth it.

“That's what I thought,” Lilith said, before making her way back to the door as she picked up the pale. “And don’t worry, Mommy will be right back to deal with you, little rascal,” Lilith said towards Mikey with a wink as he smiled up at her from the floor.



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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter Chapter 9: Newest Addition (3/4/2024)

Mikey heard Lilith make her way down the hall, spitting out some swift instructions about how Maggie was supposed to scrub the carpet but didn’t care for any of it. He didn’t waste anytime as he let his instinctual urges take over as he assumed his position on all fours, eagerly crawling across the room towards his teddy bear, grabbing it as he positioned himself over top of it as he tightly straddled it with his legs, squeezing it as his boy parts stiffened.

His cock twitched as he worked it against the soft, mushy confines of his diaper sending sensational pleasures through his body as the plush teddy bear provided a firm, yet soft surface to grind against. The padding squished as it made room for his girthy member and within seconds he felt himself drifting off into a mystical fantasy as his body's rhythmic endeavor took over. He slowly rocked back and forth, forcing his cock against the bear over and over as he suckled on his binky.

A brief moment passed before Lilith could be heard making her way back down the hall as she headed back towards the nursery. “Now, where's my little rascal?” Lilith called out. But Mikey didn’t stop. He didn’t care. Every part of him told him to keep going as he let his mind slip.

Lilith let out a soft gasp as she entered the room, finding Mikey mounted over top of his teddy as he rhythmically moved his hips. It would be a lie to say she was surprised, but she certainly had just been expecting to catch him with his hands down his diaper or something similar. “Well… what do we have here?” She said softly, running her hand down his back as she couldn’t help but hold back a smile.

Mikey’s body tingled with a sensational wave of goosebumps as her cool, crisp hand slowly traced down his bad sending out jolts of pleasure as he let out a soft moan from behind his pacifier.

“Is somebody trying to make cummies?” Lilith cooed, taking a seat on the carpet just beside him as she continued to run her hand over his back. “Does having a big sister excite you?” She teased quietly.

Mikey stayed silent aside from the faint moans he made as he let Lilith’s words fill his head with desires. He kept his pace, feeling the warm, wet padding envelop his cock as the frictional sensations built at the tip of his cock.

“We can keep that a secret if you’d like,” She said with a smirk. “Though I’m not sure you’re doing to well on your end,”

Lilith’s fingers danced across his back in a slow, swirling motion as Mikey continued to thrust against his teddy. His soft whimpers and moans were broken up by exhales of hot, steamy air as he chased his desperate need for release.

“Such a good boy,” She cooed. “Mommy’s perfect little diaper boy,” She continued before being suddenly interrupted by Maggie’s return.

“Ew, gross!” Maggie called out from the doorway, having finished cleaning up her mess in the living room and stumbling back to the nursery to find the two of them.

Lilith gave her a scornful look as she turned to get up. “Don’t you stop till you make cummies,” Lilith whispered into Mikey’s ear before pulling out her wand and giving it a quick swish in Maggie’s direction.

Maggie suddenly felt a firm bulb fill her mouth as a pacifier materialized out of thin air before feeling a set of leather straps tightly wrap around her head, locking the pacifier in its place.

“You think so?” Lilith said with a smirk, strutting over to grab Maggie’s arm, pulling her into the room and towards the rocking chair. “I’m sure we can work it out so that you’re in that same position if you really want,”

Mikey tried to make out what was happening as he kept his rhythm up, feeling close to a release as he huffed hot breaths of ecstasy, not thinking about the moisture that had been slowly building up on his pacifier shield. It wasn’t till he saw Maggie forced over Lilith’s knee that he thought to reposition himself.

“Usually I’d make you count them out, but seeing as your mouth is otherwise predisposed…” Lilith said, raising her hand up high before bringing it back down with a loud smack against Maggie’s diaper butt. “Maybe I’ll help count backward…25,” She said, raising her hand again as she brought it crashing back down with another loud smack.

Mikey’s eyes locked onto her pink diaper as Lilith continued on. He used each thrust to slightly reposition himself until he was staring straight on. The smacks faded into the background as Mikey’s hot breaths turned into frequent moans before his sweet moment of relief finally took over.

He thrust forward, having felt the eruption brewing before finally setting it over the edge as electric waves of pleasure soared through his tense body. His mouth opened wide as he shoved his face into his Teddy as a loud stream of moaning began. His cock twitched violently as hot streams of goo shot into the wet padding wrapped around his waist. His hips didn’t stop, eager to squeeze out every last bit of pleasure as he frantically thrusted his diaper against his teddy as his body erupted into a loss of control.

Lilith couldn’t help but let out a smirk as she watched him lose control on the floor in front of her. A quick flick of her wand let the nearby paddle take over as she felt her own fingers slipping downwards in complete jealousy of what Mikey had just experienced.

“Good boy!” Lilith cooed, watching Mikey collapse on his side out of exhaustion, his teddy still tightly wrapped between his legs as his breathing switched to long heavy pants.

He spit his binky out, taking in long deep breaths as he tried to gather himself as loud, firm smacks echoed through the room before coming to a stop a few moments later.

Maggie collapsed of her own exhaustion, tumbling off of Lilith’s lap as tears swelled out of her eyes as she lay on the floor not far from Mikey.

Lilith couldn’t stop herself from smiling. Pulling her hands back up as she lifted herself out of the chair, knowing she had to care for the two helpless adults in front of her.  “Boy, oh boy,” Lilith called out, stopping to do a little stretch. “Looks like I’ve got two tuckered out kiddos in need of a naptime,”

Mikey gave no resistance, his eyes already drawing heavy as his breath mellowed out. He could feel himself drifting, barely realizing that Lilith had scooped him up as she carried him to the changing station where his binky had been wiped clean and returned to his mouth. His lips delicately wrapped around its bulb, securely keeping it in his mouth as his eyes faded in and out of blackness, catching brief glimpses of his change before being delicately tucked into his crib and locked in.

“Sweet dreams,” He heard Lilith whisper before finally letting his vision fade to black.

Lilith turned around to look at Maggie, still laid out on the floor, unsure of what she was expected to do next. “Are you feeling like a big girl, or does the little baby need a nap?” Lilith chuckled.

“Do…what…will I have to clean?” Maggie asked quietly, wiping tears from her eyes as she tried to sit on her sore bum.

“Of course, sweetie!” Lilith cooed. “I’ve got just the diaper pail in mind that needs a good scrubbing!”

Maggie looked disheartened, not wanting to have to do anything at the moment as she felt overwhelmed. “Can…can I take a nap?”

“Awww, poor baby,” Lilith said, scooping her up and onto her hip. “Of course you can take a nap. It just means you’ll be my baby for that much longer!” She said with a smirk, carrying Maggie to her newly constructed crib and setting her inside before closing the gate and locking it shut. “You be a good girl now,” Lilith smirked. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours to check on you both,” She said, turning to leave the room. She hit the light switch and gave a quick flick of her wand, forcing the curtains to close themselves as the room filled with darkness, aside from the small night light in the corner that helped to illuminate the bare minimum.

“Sweet dreams,” Lilith cooed mockingly with a final swoosh of her wand as the mobile above the two cribs began to rotate, playing a soft gentle lullaby as Lilith closed the door.

Maggie collapsed into the soft confines of her new bed, staring up at the small animals as they spun around above her head letting the soft gentle tunes help calm her as she tried to come to terms with everything that had happened thus far. Why did she have to come looking for Mikey?



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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter Chapter 10: Hush (3/12/2024)
  • 3 weeks later...

Mikey awoke to a room of darkness, nearly having forgotten about the actions that had brought him to this exact moment as a tiny night light in the corner of the room filled the room with a dimly lit, amber light that did little more than outline the different bits of furniture. He rubbed his eyes slowly, helping them adjust to the low light in the room as his memories quickly reminded him of his previous endeavors, bringing a slight smile to his face as he re-lived those moments for a second. His nap had completely restored his energy levels and as a surprise to him, his diaper had remained dry.

He sat up almost effortlessly, feeling a sense of control over his actions that had been lacking for the past several days. Curious, he reached out to grab hold of the crib bars, pulling himself up onto his feet without much effort, aside from the usual difficulty that came with walking on bedding. His smile grew bigger as he felt slightly in control, only for his emotions to switch on a dime with a single thought. Was the spell just wearing off, or was something else going on?

Maggie stirred around in her crib on the other side of the room, having not slept much herself as she turned over to stare out across the room at the sudden commotion Mikey had began to make. The dimly lit amber lighting did little to illuminate the room as Maggie struggled to make out much other than that Mikey was standing up, clearly awake as she prepared herself for the day to continue on. She knew it would only be a matter of time before he was calling out for Lilith to come save him from his own prison which was still beyond her understanding.

“Mommy?” Mikey called out almost on the spot in a lower, less whiny tone than had been his usual. “Mommy!”

“5 more minutes?” Maggie muttered as a joke, half expecting him not to hear her as she lay on her back in an attempt to emotionally gather herself.

“Oh, hi Maggie!” Mikey called out, suddenly peering through the darkness at the soft lump of blankets and stuffed animals that he could only assume she was concealed in.

“Hi…” She let out in an unamused voice.

“Did you have a good nap?” Mikey asked, suddenly realizing his ability to put together sentences again as he spoke them. The brain fog had mostly cleared, only further reassuring him that the spell had to have been wearing off.

“Mhmm,” Maggie muttered through her teeth, burying herself under the blankets again as she heard Lilith’s footsteps make their way down the hall in an attempt to hide herself from the inevitable.

The door slowly opened as Lilith peered inside, quickling spotting Mikey standing up in his crib as a smile came over her face. She pushed her way into the room, flipping the light switch and flooding the room with the bright, yellowish light as she strolled across the carpet towards Mikey.

“Look at you!” She cooed, grabbing one of Mikey’s cheeks as she gave it a soft squeeze. “Standing up like a big boy!”

Mikey nodded with a bright red smile, his stomach filling with butterflies as Lilith’s face lit up with happiness.

“Are you ready for an afternoon of fun?” Lilith asked, dropping the crib wall as she helped him out of the crib, giving his diaper a quick check. “Oh my goodness? Did my little guy make it through nappies without having a tinkle?”

Mikey nodded some more, obviously loving the attention as he stood in front of Lilith twisting about, soaking up all of the attention.

“I-” Mikey started, feeling a little ashamed to ask. “Mommy?”

“Yes, sweety?” Lilith asked, turning her attention to the closet as she ran through the options of what to dress him in.

“I think the spell might be wearing off,” Mikey said nerverackingly, still unsure if that was by design or not.

Lilith turned around with a smile. “How come?” She asked, obviously excited that he pointed it out.

“Well…I can tell that I need to poo…but it's not just coming out like it usually does,” Mikey explained.

Lilit’s smile turned to a grin as she reached back into the closet to pull out an adult sized child’s potty as she carried it into the center of the room. Its bright blue appearance made it clear what it was, spotted in hand painted clouds and planes circling about as Mikey’s eyes widened. “I don’t think the magic is wearing off, I think it's just changed a little bit,”

Mikey’s stomach filled with flutters as he instantly thought about the possibilities of where Lilith was taking this.

“You see,” Lilith started to explain, guiding her fingers around his waist as she slowly started to remove his t-shirt, forcing him to squirm about in her firm, yet gentle grasp. “Mommy thinks it's time to let you grow up a little,” She teased, slowly pulling the tapes of his diaper off one by one as he squirmed with excitement.

“Babies have to grow out of diapers eventually, and Mommy thinks you are more than ready,”

Lilith removed the fourth tape, gently pulling the diaper out from between his legs before folding it up and setting it on his crib, quickly returning to guide Mikey towards his new potty.

“Eventually, all cute, well behaved babies get to turn into big boys who get to experience all sorts of new things, and this is just the first step,” Lilith said, lowering him onto the potty that made him feel extremely small.

“Though, being a big boy comes with a lot more responsibilities over time, good boys are rewarded for their actions. Bad boys are well disciplined too,” Lilith explained, now crouched down in front of him on his oversized potty as his feet kicked about.

“Does my baby want to be a big boy?” Lilith asked in a gentle, reassuring voice that told Mikey it was truly his decision.

Mikey nodded his head, his stomach churning with excitement at the world of possibilities that had suddenly opened as he practically waited for her permission to go.

“Don’t think this changes anything about who's in charge. Mommy’s not afraid to change your dirty diapers forever, and she's certainly not afraid of giving your butt a good, hard spanking. Understand?”

Mikey nodded, his nerves tingling with excitement as he smiled at Lilith.

“Good,” She said with a simple nod. “Make your pushies,”

Mikey’s face was flush red. The butterflies in his stomach concealed any need to make use of his massive plastic potty while his emotions overwhelmed him as he tried to hold it under control. He could feel a tear of happiness forming in the back of his eye lid as he struggled to hold it back. Slowly, he gently closed his eyes as he let his bladder release. The stream of pee flooded the plastic container, echoing amongst itself before finding small cracks between his legs to escape, creating a sound similar to what you would hear in a portapotty.

He let out a sigh, keeping his eyes closed as he let his thoughts and happy sensations take over as his bowel’s followed suit, relaxing and widening to let out what would be his most normal poop in quite some time.

“Wow! Look at you go!” Lilith cooed, silently snapping pictures from all angles unbeknownst to Mikey who let the words go to his head. “Mommy is so proud!”

Mikey tried to imagine what it might be like to continue doing this in the future. Potentially watching cartoons or maybe even being fed.

“I can’t believe how easy that was!” Lilith muttered to herself, quickly glancing through her phone at the pictures she had acquired, quietly exploring her own feelings towards them. “Mommy can’t believe what a big boy you are already!”

Mikey slowly opened his eyes as his business came to an end, spotting Lilith with her phone as he instantly felt a little embarrassed knowing that she had likely taken photos.

“Mommy…” He said nervously, his face still blushing red with excitement about where the day could go from here

“Aww, are you all done sweetie?” Lilith cooed, putting her cellphone back in her pocket as she wiped the smile off of her face.

“Yes, Mommy,” He said, his face turning bright red again as he had long since finished but remained seated on his plastic throne.

“Think you're a big enough boy to wipe yourself, or do you need Mommy’s help?” Lilith cooed mockingly, already bringing over the baby wipes as she knew his answer.

He felt his cock thicken as Lilith approached, his mind twirling with fantasies as he meagerly tried to conceal it behind what little plastic guard there was, but it was of no use.

“My my,” She cooed, staring down at his hardened cock as she pulled a few wipes out of the bag. “Sure looks like a big boy, but I think Mommy knows better,” She teased, forcing him to lean forward in an awkward position as she ran the cool, wet wipes through his crack, dropping the dirty wipes into the potty.

Her fingers delicately traced his puckered hole which eagerly awaited for at least one of them to slip in, but Lilith didn’t oblique. Instead, she finished wiping him up, dropping the wipes into the potty before helping him up and guiding him back towards the closet where she opened a new drawer, pulling out one of many blue pullups.

“Big boys get upgrades too,” She said, unfolding it and holding it out in front of Mikey, gesturing for him to step in. “Though I think night time diapers will need to be a thing until you can prove to me that you aren’t still my little super soaker,” She giggled, watching him pull on the pull ups before giving a slow twirl.

“Such a cutie!” She shouted with excitement, eagerly picking out his equally colorful outfit for the day consisting of a bright orange shirt and some overalls. “Think you can get dressed on your own?”

“Yea!” Mikey shouted enthusiastically, grabbing the clothes from Lilith before dropping them on the ground.

“Alright,” She chuckled, watching his obscene method. “I’ve got to wake your sister up from her nap and get her settled. Why don’t you pick out some toys and stuffies to play with once you’re dressed,”

Lilith made her way over to Maggie’s crib, opening the curtains and door to the backyard on the way before greeting a very unpleasant Maggie at her crib.

Mikey fumbled about with his clothes, having started on both feet in an attempt to balance on one leg at a time to slide his pants on before ultimately giving up and accepting that Lilith still hadn’t returned a full sense of control. He sat down, only slightly defeated where he could pull on his pants slowly, catching them against both of his knees before finally pulling them up tightly around his waist.

He struggled through his shirt as Lilith carried Maggie across the room to the changing station where she lay silent, avoiding making eye contact with either of them, especially considering the state of her diaper much to her dismay. But for the moment Mikey remained uninterested. The start of potty training with Lilith combined with the sun that poured through the windows created a new sense of excitement for him and he just couldn’t wait for the journey to start.

Mikey slung the overall’s straps over his shoulder, giving little attention to pulling them tight before lifting himself off the ground. He raced to his crib to grab his stuffed bear before barreling towards the door, eager to play in the sun in his new found freedom.

“Uh uh,” Lilith called out, gesturing for Mikey to come back. “Just because you’ve outgrown diapers for now, doesn’t mean Mommy’s outgrown her binky boy,” She said, clipping his pacifier clip to his overalls before plopping it in his mouth. “Now you’re free,”

Mikey bolted towards the door, binky in mouth with his bear in tow as Lilith shifted her attention back to Maggie. “Is sissy ready to grow up a little too?”

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter 11: The Start of Something New (3/31/2024)
  • 3 weeks later...

Maggie looked up at Lilith, unsure how to answer her question. She’d remained silent all the way to the changing station where Lilith insisted on a verbal answer to the question. Was she ready to grow up? Her mind raced as she pondered the possibilities, ultimately feeling as though growing up in Lilith’s eyes meant more responsibilities, more chores, and Maggie was already tired of the few she’d been assigned. Was that really something she wanted to take on? Was work really something she wanted to get back to?

“No…” Maggie ultimately muttered sheepishly, her eyes darting to the side as she readied for Lilith’s bombardment of childish remarks.

“You’re going to have to speak up,” Lilith insisted, poorly concealing a grin as she found herself suddenly pondering a plethora of new ideas.

“No… Mommy,” Maggie said a little louder, still avoiding eye contact.

“No? I thought for sure you’d want a chance to prove what a big girl you are,” Lilith teased, already grabbing a fresh diaper.

Maggie was surprised at Lilith’s reaction, even to the point she had to look at Lilith to gauge her body language. Was this all some kind of test? Maggie’s face went red as she realized Lilith was more than happy with the idea as her gut twisted and churned, serving as a strong reminder of her uncomfortableness with the whole situation.

“I’ll give you one last chance,” Lilith said, holding up the pink princess diaper. “Mommy's little diaper baby, or big girl who gets some freedoms back,”

Maggie felt too anxious to speak, her heart practically beating out of her chest. She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her anxiety as she slowly lifted her finger to point at the diaper.

“Well well,” Lilith said with a smirk, unfolding it and sliding it under her bum. “One grows up a little, the other…not so much,” She teased, watching Maggie uncomfortably reposition herself.

While surprised, Lilith found herself more excited at Maggie’s sudden change in interests than anything else. She’d thought for sure that Maggie would play her game for the shortest period possible before running back to her former life, but now she wasn’t so sure. She found herself suddenly fantasizing about the idea of a more permanent relationship among the three of them.

Even amongst all of her excitement, Lilith knew she had to know Maggie’s true intentions. If they were genuine, then that opened up a whole new door. But if she was just trying to get out of the menial chores she had given her, then that had to be ruled out fast. Sparing no expense, she took every chance she could get to humiliate Maggie, dressing her up in a babyish pink onesie to match her diaper, topping it with a tightly fit tutu that almost matched the color of Maggie’s blush cheeks.

“Look at you!” Lilith scratched mockingly, grabbing her cheek for the added effect. “Just the cutest little princess ever!”

Maggie said nothing as she stood slightly mortified, though that was mostly because of Lilith's remarks. For the most part she did feel cute, and while the outfit was certainly over the top she really didn’t mind it.

”Now, off you go,” She said, clipping a pacifier to her collar before gesturing towards the door. “Go play with your big brother. Mommy will be out shortly,”

Maggie sheepishly stumbled outside, feeling the warm rays of sun for the first time in a few days as the cool, vibrant grass offered a soft, cozy nestling for her bare feet. She stared out into the yard, wiggling her toes in the grass as she scanned its boundaries, overshadowed by tall hedges that kept any eyes from outside viewers at bay while Mikey eagerly swung himself on the swing set, binky in mouth as he waved towards Maggie.

Sheepishly, she waved back trying not to feel embarrassed about her outfit, realizing that she was now definitely the baby between the two of them.

“Come join me!” Mikey called out, swinging high into the air, his legs rhythmically moving in sync to keep his momentum.

Maggie gave a final curl of her toes, feeling the grass as she slowly waddled across the yard staring up at the late afternoon sky, equally as cherishable as the cool, soft grass.

The two swang about for a bit, mumbling back and forth in what Maggie considered awkward small talk, but Mikey saw it as a bonding moment, his binky still very much in his mouth. Lilith eventually stumbled back out into the yard with a book and tall glass of wine, lounging back in the patio furniture as Mikey and Maggie eventually made their way over to the sandbox where Mikey insisted on showing her his various construction toys.

An hour or more went by before Maggie’s grumblings got the best of her. She knew what was coming, but wanted to experience it differently this time. Her eyes scanned the yard before finding her ideal location, lifting herself up in the sand as she drifted back towards the play structure in an attempt to hide from gazing eyes.

“Where are you going?” Mikey asked, shoveling sand into the back of his mini dump truck.

“I uh- wanted to play on the slide,” Maggie stuttered, saying the first thing that came to mind.

“Ohhh! I’ll be right over too!” Mikey insisted, driving his now full dump truck through the sand.

Maggie continued her way over to the ladder, stopping just short of the top to the point where her eyes were just peaking over the top of the play structure. She widened her stance, pushing her legs to the extent of the rung of the ladder as she checked to make sure Lilith’s eyes were still on her book.

Mikey continued to dig about in the sandbox as she started to give a firm push as the warm mush filled the back of her diaper. She let out a soft sigh, finding herself enjoying the feeling as the weight between her legs grew, quickly followed by a stream of warm liquid that flooded the walls of her otherwise dry diaper. She let herself relax as she stood on the ladder, legs spread as she stared out at the backyard that would likely become her new norm. The smallest sense of happiness washed over her as she thought about the idea.

“Maggie!” Mikey suddenly called out, getting up from the sandbox as Maggie quickly finished up her business before finishing her climb to the top of the play structure.

“It's stinky!” Mikey called out, coming up the ladder after Maggie who quickly slid down the slide in an effort to not let him get closer, smushing about the newest contents of her diaper. “Did you poo yourself!?” Mikey called out over the railing, catching Maggie as she slid out the bottom of the slide.

Maggie tried not to look, ignoring his comment as she got up and ran toward the ladder again, catching Lilith’s eye as she looked up from her book with a smirk.

“You totally pooed yourself!” Mikey said with a giggle as Maggie came up the ladder.

“So?” She sheepishly responded.

“Stinky baby butt! Stinky baby butt!” Mikey chanted mockingly.

“Shut up!” Maggie shouted, feeling more ashamed about it then she wanted to.

“I’m a big boy! Babies don’t get to tell me what to do!” Mikey called out proudly. “Mommy!”

“No-” Maggie said, not wanting to go in already. There was still more than an hour of daylight and she wanted to enjoy the rest of it.

“What is it dear?” Lilith called back, already well aware of the situation.

“Maggie-” Mikey started, before getting a light shove from Maggie as she called out, “You’re it!”

Maggie took off down the slide again, hopeful that Mikey would follow after and forget about the situation, which worked exactly as planned. Maggie barreled out of the bottom of the slide as Mikey took off from the top, chasing after her as he shouted about her stinky diaper.

They chased each other around the structure a couple of times, alternating who was ‘it’ before retreating to the sand box for a second time where they both found themselves panting from the short run.

“Whew…that was fun,” Mikey said, laying back in the warm sand as he tried to catch his breath.

Maggie nodded, feeling the now thickened muck in her diaper firmly press against her underside, surprised by the lack of disgust she felt.

“Alright kiddos,” Lilith called out, closing her book and taking the final gulp out of her wine glass as she watched the two finish catching their breaths in the sandbox. “Day lights fading, which means its inside time,”

“Noooo!” Mikey whined. “We want to stay outside, right Maggie!”

Maggie nodded, not wanting to upset Lilith.

“I know, but Mommy says it's time to go inside. Big boys listen to their Mommy’s, don’t they?”

Mikey made a pouty face, ultimately pushing himself up in the sand. “Come on, Maggie,” He pouted, slightly stomping his way towards Lilith.

“If you’re going to be pouty all night, you can just go to bed early little man,”

Mikey quickly shook his head. “No! I’m sorry Mommy,”

“Maggie, come on dear,”

“Oh!” Mikey said, suddenly grinning. “Maggie pooed herself!”

“Did she now?” Lilith asked with a smile. “Good thing she was wearing a diaper,”

“Yea, I wouldn’t poo myself because I’m a big kid!” Mikey proudly shouted, running towards the door.

“Yes you are,” Lilith responded with a laugh, scruffing up his hair as he made his way inside.

Maggie slowly followed behind, meagerly trying to wipe some of the sand off her clothes as she waddled about, legs forced apart by the mess between them. Lilith pulled the door closed behind her as Mikey unbuttoned his overalls and let them fall to his feet revealing his still dry pullup as he put his binky back in his mouth.

“Mikey, sweetie. Why don’t you take some stuffies and blankets into the living room while I change your little sister,” Lilith said, guiding Maggie back to the changing station.

“Okay!” Mikey said excitedly, running through the room to collect his favorites.

“Now be honest with me, missy,” Lilith said, pulling her tutu off. “Did you have fun out there?”

Maggie hesitated, but slowly nodded her head.

“Well alright,” Lilith said with a smile. “Maybe you’ll make a perfect baby girl afterall,”

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter 12: Ups and Downs (4/17/2024)
  • 3 weeks later...

Lilith held Maggie’s hand as she led them to the living room where Mikey had already started laying blankets out on the floor, tossing his armfuls of stuffies on top of them.

“Wow, this looks comfy,” Lilith said. “Maggie, sweetie. Did you want to get some of your stuffed animals?”

Maggie sheepishly nodded her head before Mikey ran towards her, grabbing her hand and yanking her back towards the room she had just left.

“Careful now!” Lilith shouted as Mikey practically pulled Maggie along.

Lilith meandered about as she pulled out the carefully prepared snacks that the enchanted knives had been working on while they were all outside, filling up Mikey’s sippy cup and preparing a bottle for Maggie as she let out a soft hum.

Her rhythmic hum carried across the house as the familiar orbs of light suddenly appeared in the living room, lifting pillows and blankets with ease as Lilith carried snacks over from the kitchen. Pillows stacked themselves as spare couch cushions aligned themselves like walls before blankets draped themselves overtop with perfect tension as Maggie ran around the corner, quickly followed by Mikey who had obviously challenged her to some kind of race.

Their scrambling feet came to a sudden halt as they rounded the corner to see the creation in progress.

“Woooah!” Mikey shouted, quickly tossing his new assortment of stuffed animals under the blanket before diving in. “This is incredible!”

Maggie stared at it, completely bewildered as Lilith approached from behind with her bottle.

“This should help get you in the headspace,” She whispered, handing it to Maggie who sheepishly grabbed it as her face turned red. “I think you’ll find its contents…magical,”

Maggie turned to face Lilith as if to ask a question, but Lilith’s graceful smile put Maggie’s woes at ease. “Take a sip, sweetie. Mommy will make sure you’re safe and sound,”

Hesitantly, she lifted the bottle to her lips, sucking some of its contents out through the nipple only to be surprised that it tasted just like milk. She wasn’t sure exactly what she was expecting, but this certainly wasn’t it.

“Okay, Mommy,” She tried to say, only to hear it echo in her head. “Mom-'' She started again only to realize her ability to speak had faded, but the combined effects of her special drink and her sudden change in heart towards this whole baby thing left her in a state of bliss. For once, she was just going to relax and enjoy the moment.

“Come on, Mag’s!” Mikey shouted from under the blanket fort where he had already taken a liking to the plates of cheeses and fruits Lilith had prepared for them. “We have to pick out a movie!”

Lilith returned to the kitchen to pick out her own snacks, giving a hefty pour of wine to her own glass before making her way back to the blanket fort. She stopped, peering in from behind as she watched Mikey scroll through different films, looking to Maggie who could only shake her head to respond, finally giving a nod as Mikey hit play.

“Got one all picked out?” She said, climbing in from the back side of the fort as she laid out on the couch.

“Mhmm!” Mikey murmured through his mouth full of cheese.

“Oh, Mikey, dear. Can you run back to your room and grab your sissy a binky? Mommy must have forgot,”

Mikey chuckled, looking at Maggie who was sucking down her bottle before racing off towards his room.

“You just get nice and comfy, and let Mommy know if you need anything,” Lilith said, giving a soft stroke of Maggie’s hair before leaning back into the couch.

Mikey soon returned, just as the Disney intro ended and the opening scene began.

“Got it!” Mikey said, crawling his way inside the fort all proud of himself.

“Thank you, sweetie. Can you clip it to your sissy’s collar?”

“Oh, yea!” He said, carefully leaning in as she continued to suck on her bottle, locking eyes with Mikey as he gave her a soft, loving smile before clipping it to her shirt.

“Good boy,” Lilith said, ruffling his hair as he shoved more cheese into his face, giving Lilith a fat smile before rearranging his stuffies to get comfortable. “Mommy’s little helper,”

“You kiddos all set?” Lilith asked, receiving a series of nods as they stared off towards the screen in front of them.

Lilith found herself inexplicably wet, finding it hard to control her urges so as to not ruin the wonderful moment that was unfolding before her. Her hands gave a quick, occasional pass as she fantasized about pulling Mikey’s head between her thighs, putting his orally fixated mind to use on something other than his binky, but each time she was able to talk herself down.

The first movie flew by before Lilith found herself refilling snacks and bottles as Mikey sorted through the catalog to pickout a second movie, this time being one of his own choice.

“Mikey, baby. Do you need to use the potty before the next movie?” Lilith called out, loading the last of the pre sliced fruits onto plates.

“Oh uh- yea!” Mikey admitted, feeling kind of silly for no reason as he jumped up off the floor as he ran over towards Lilith who stopped him in his tracks.

Her hand delicately gave his groin a tight squeeze as Mikey blushed, beginning to feel a little aroused as he looked up at Lilith’s vibrantly green eyes. “Wow, you’re still dry? You really are a big boy!” She cooed, giving his hair a ruffle. “Why don’t you go use your training potty and call Mommy if you need anything,”

Mikey nodded, scrambling off to his room as Lilith returned to the kitchen, carrying the snacks and drinks back out to the living room.

“And how about you, sweetie? Are you having fun?” She asked, giving the front of Maggie’s diaper a light squeeze, feeling its dampness.

Maggie nodded as she let out a smile from behind the shield of her pacifier that she had taken a liking to for the last half of the movie.

“I’m glad to hear…” She said softly, giving Maggie a kiss on the forehead before repositioning herself on the couch as Mikey came diving back into the fort, snuggling up next to Maggie as he once again got comfortable.

“Woah! Did you just use the potty all by yourself?” Lilith asked excitedly.

“Mhmm!” Mikey responded, proud of himself as he helped himself to his refilled sippy cup.

“Ugh, you might just be growing up too fast!” Lilith teased, grabbing the remote to hit play.

The movie went on, quickly jumping into the background of the story's villain as Maggie found herself feeling smaller and smaller, suddenly fearful of the images racing by her eyes in a way she had never felt before. Her feeling of helplessness and smallness turned against her as a jump scare finally got the best of her as Maggie quickly pulled herself up onto the couch, nuzzling her way into Lilith’s side as tears slowly rolled down her face. Lilith lifted her arm, inviting her closer as Maggie quickly buried herself as deep as she could, unaware that Lilith had other plans.

Maggie enjoyed the brief moment of warmth as it enveloped her body before Lilith shifted herself on the couch, repositioning Maggie as she pulled out her swollen, engorged breast as she watched Maggie’s face lit up with excitement. Maggie eagerly reached out her hands as Lilith guided her breast towards Maggie’s mouth, letting the plump, swollen nipple enter as Maggie helplessly latched on and began to suckle.

Lilith’s hand shifted down towards Maggie’s waist, surprised to find the heavily saturated diaper as she gave it a firm squeeze as her own smile grew. Maggie let out a soft moan, though muffled by Lilith’s large breast as she began to greedily suckle at the warm, sweet contents as the sound of the movie faded to nothingness and her thoughts turned to mush. Instead, her attention shifted to herself. The soft, plush blankets that lay over her. Lilith’s soft, inviting rolls that gave cushion for her head as Lilith’s succulent breast filled her mouth. Each suckle produced a mouthful of warm goodness that she greedily sucked down, embellishing every moment of this new and magical moment.

For once, she was at peace. She felt no stress, no lingering worries, and no judgment from those around her. She felt the warm liquid flood her already heavy diaper as she let out another soft whimper that was quickly muffled by Lilith’s breast.

“He- hey!” Mikey suddenly said, spitting out his binky as he suddenly looked up at Lilith to see what had been going on. “I want some milky!” He said, already climbing his way up onto the couch.

“Aww, Mommy’s milky is only for babies, sweetie. Do you need a refill in your sippy cup?” Lilith teased.

“N-no!” He shouted, falling into Lilith’s lap after a failed hoist onto the couch as he frantically tried to reposition himself.

“Well, I suppose Mommy can get you a bottle just this once…” She started, only for Mikey to look up at her with his watery, hazel eyes as he put on his best puppy face.

“Pwease, Mommy?” He pleaded, looking as desperate as ever before Lilith threw her arm around him, pulling him in close.

“We’ll let it be a family secret,” She whispered, pulling out her other breast as she nudged it towards his anxiously awaiting lips.

He quickly latched on, lightly running his tongue over her swollen tit before wrapping his lips around her breast, soothing himself as he too pulled out warm streams of her milk. Mere seconds passed before his eyes were closed, completely forgetting about the movie he had picked out as he let his mind turn to mush as he relinquished all control to Lilith.

Lilith let out a much louder moan than she had expected, feeling her two eager babies tirelessly work at her nipples as the stimulation sent waves of pleasure through her body only to be interrupted by the feeling of Mikey’s involuntary bodily functions as his warm stream of urine slowly released into his pullup as he continued to suckle. Her hand, firmly placed against his butt held the pullup tight against his groin, hopeful that it wouldn’t leak and ruin the moment as she let herself relax, taking it all in as she realized her dreams were coming true.

The smile on her face grew wide as the Disney movie continued on as she chuckled to herself, realizing she was the only one watching it at this point. But it didn’t matter. This was exactly where she was meant to be, and nothing was going to change that.

Enjoying the story so far? Want to read the next couple of chapters early without waiting? Consider supporting my work over on SubscribeStar!


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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter 13: Movie Night (5/8/2024)
  • 3 weeks later...

Mikey and Maggies suckles had long since come to an end as their heads lay gently on Lilith’s chest. They continued to slowly drift off into their own world of bliss as Lilith let the movie play out, appreciating every last bit of the moment she had so delicately created. Every day seemed to bring a new adventure she never thought she’d get to experience, and for that she was grateful.

"Alright, babies,” She said softly, making light adjustments as Mikey and Maggie slowly stirred back to consciousness, lifting their heads so that she could get up. “I think it's time to get you two ready for bed," Lilith said. “Why don’t you both go ahead and lie down on the floor for Mommy,” She asked, carrying a few dishes towards the kitchen as they did as she instructed.

She set the dishes in the sink, giving a momentary gesture as the sponge and scrub brush came to life, quickling taking over the task as she strolled back towards the living room where they were both still awakening from their nap.

“Mikey, sweetie. Can you be a big boy and take your clothes off for Mommy?” Lilith asked, kneeling down just in front of Maggie. “Mommy’s got to change this little one out of her diaper,” She teased, reaching to unbutton her snaps.

Maggie blushed as she lay back on the ground, looking up at Liliths dominant demeanor as her privates were quickly exposed to the cool air after the sound of ripping tapes.

“My my,” Lilith teased. “This is one heavy diaper,” pulling it out from under Maggie as she crumbled it up.

“Can you sit up for me, baby?” Lilith asked, setting the diaper aside as she extended an arm to help pull her up.

Maggie sat uncomfortably as her lightly damp skin touched the floor as Lilith pulled the onesie off over her head.

“Good job, sweetie,” Lilith cooed. “Mommy will get you both into a nice hot bath real soon,”

Mikey perked up at the idea of taking a bath with his new sister, practically ready to pull his own pullup off for her as he quickling laid back.

“Alright, big boy’s turn,” She said, turning her attention to Mikey who was eagerly awaiting.

She pulled off his soaked pullup as she said nothing, not wanting him to feel ashamed for his accident.

"Alright, you both be good for Mommy and wait here. Mommy’s just going to get the bath started,” Lilith said, taking the diaper and pull up with her as Mikey and Maggie sat naked on the living room floor.

Mikey smiled sheepishly at Maggie who was clearly outside of her comfort zone as they both sat naked, completely exposed to one another as they sat surrounded by the scattered stuffed animals they had brought out earlier.

"Did you have fun?" Mikey asked excitedly, his eyes making swift glances at her body in hopes that she wouldn't notice.

"I did," she said quietly, pulling a stuffed bear close to cover her chest, having definitely caught his gaze.

"I had a lot of fun too," Mikey smiled, his hands covering his hardening member. "Do you like being little?"

Maggie stayed quiet for a moment, not wanting the answer to have been yes but found it hard to deny. She nodded, eliciting a big smile from Mikey who was obviously excited.

"Why- do you always look at me like that?" Maggie asked.

"Oh! Sorry, I just think you're beautiful," Mikey quickly responded.

"Really?" Maggie asked, letting the stuffed bear fall a little.

"Yea! You look super cute in a diaper too," He smiled.

"Alright," Lilith called out, suddenly appearing from the hallway with her sleeves rolled up. "Let's get you two bathed and in bed,"

Maggie gave Mikey a smile as he stood up, ready to follow after Lilith who helped Maggie off the floor before hoisting her up onto her waist.

"Too big for Mommy to carry you?" She asked, gazing over his naked body and semi erect cock.

He shook his head, reaching out his hands as Lilith carefully balanced Maggie to scoop him up into her arms as well.

"Pee yew, you both stink," She teased, starting her trek down the hall with each of them on either side.

“Woahhh!” Mikey let out verbally as Lilith carried them into the bathroom.

Their eyes widened as the previously small tub had been magically expanded, appearing rather massive in an otherwise tiny room.

Lilith smiled as she carried them towards the now massive tub. Its edges seemed to stretch into nothing, more than quadrupling its size in the otherwise normally sized bathroom.

“How?” Maggie asked out of shock, though very much knowing the answer as she had experienced herself multiple times by now.

“Magic,” Lilith said with a smirk, lowering them both to the ground before helping them step into the hot, bubbly water. “The answer is always Magic.”

Mikey quickly squatted into the tub before falling back on his butt as the bubbles surrounded him. The hot warm water instantly helped relax him as he paddled his arms back and forth through the sea of bubbles, splashing himself with the hot water as giggles poured out of his mouth.

"Come on!" Mikey giggled, lightly pulling on Maggie's arm as she stood over him, her radiant body glimmering above him.

Maggie hesitantly joined him, carefully lowering herself into the water as she graciously welcomed the hot water on her skin. She let out a sigh as her body worked to equalize its temperature with that of the water, a wave of relief washing over her.

Lilith laid out a towel on the ground before pulling a tub of bath toys out from under the sink. She carefully sat on the ground next to the tub, leaning her back against the wall as she dumped the tub of toys in eliciting a shriek from Mikey.

“Having a good time?” Lilith asked softly as Maggie watched Mikey drive a variety of boats through the tub.

“Oh- mhmm,” Maggie said quietly, feeling a little awkward.

“You don’t have to partake,” Lilith explained. “You can just bathe and enjoy the water,”

Maggie nodded, slowly paddling her arms about in the water as if trying to experience the childlike wonderment that Mikey clearly was.

“Unless you want to?” Lilith questioned, sensing hesitation from Maggie.

Maggie didn’t say anything as she continued to watch Mikey partake in his own imaginary world of boats.

“Maybe this will help?” Lilith asked, reaching into the tub as she grabbed one of the boats. She steered it towards Maggie before dunking it under the water. To Maggie’s surprise, it re-emerged as a tiny horse figurine which Lilith placed in her hand.

“That isn't a spell, is it?" Maggie asked, watching Mikey indulge.

Lilith gave a soft chuckle. "No, that's entirely him. My spells can't make you feel emotion like that,"

Maggie smiled, paddling her arms faster as if relieved by that answer. Everything she had been feeling was her own.

"Are- there more horses?" Maggie asked.

"Of course," Lilith said, reaching into the cabinet and producing a tub of horse sentric toys for Maggie. "Anything I can do to help put you at ease,"

The two splashed about, eventually intertwining their worlds as Mikey's boats helped carry Maggie's horses to try land which she had quickly decorated with some plastic trees and fences. An assortment of barnyard animals lined the tub as if to dignify a farm. Laughs erupted as their world expanded, all while Lilith watched from the side lines.

Time flew by as they tired themselves out only for Lilith to interrupt when she eventually caught onto Mikey’s actions, watching his arm move in small, linear motions as he stroked his own cock under the bubbles while he watched Maggie play with her toys.

“Mikey, sweetie,” She said with a smirk, watching his facial expression change as he realized she knew what he was doing. He let out a quirky smile in defense. “Why don’t you focus on bathing yourself,”

Mikey grinned, feeling his hard member beneath the surface of the water as Maggie turned around to see what he was doing.

“What if we bathed each other!?” Mikey suddenly burst out with excitement, his eyes now entirely focused on Maggie’s exposed breasts.

Lilith took a second to gauge Maggie's response. "Why don't you try washing her? Mommy will take care of your stinky pits," she joked, giving him a light splash with the water.

"Okay!" He shouted ecstatically, quickly grabbing the wash cloth as he dunked it in the water.

"Now be nice and gentle," Lilith insisted.

Mikey quickly brought the dripping wet washcloth out of the tub, pressing it against Maggie's soft skin as he worked his way up and down her arms, slowly dragging the wash cloth under his hand. He wasted little time on the arms, honing in his focus on her tender breasts that he had been eyeing since day one as he softly ran the wash cloth over them. He tenderly cared for every curve and nook as he spent his time, feeling her delicate breasts with his hand as he finally gave one a soft squeeze that even Maggie could barely feel as she let out a giggle.

Mikey's previous comments from the living room had put her at ease. She suddenly felt cared for, even loved to some degree. Her ex-employee cherished her, and Lilith was there to ensure that no harm would come to her, at least if she followed a rather basic set of rules.

"Alright, Mr," Lilith said, breaking the otherwise silence that had filled the room. "I think she has other parts that need washed too,"

Mikey gave her another quirky grin as he moved the rag below the water, gently washing her legs and feet before she turned around for her back. Though Mikey found that most of his focus was towards the bottom half.

Lilith shook her head, deciding to say nothing as she grabbed another washcloth, soaking it and ringing it out over Mikey's head as he was suddenly caught off guard.

"Hey!" He chuckled, his member remaining erect beneath the warm, bubbly suds.

"I think your baby sister is plenty clean there, Mr," she said, beginning to wash him. "You on the other hand,"

Lilith made quick work, lifting his arms to scrub them down before working her way down as Maggie watched. Her own eyes now trailing over Mikey’s body with wonderment.

"My my, I didn't know big boys could love bath time so much," Lilith teased, wrapping the wash cloth around his hardened member for a few tugs as Maggie watched through a clearing in the bubbles.

"But it's way past your bedtime," she said, stopping as she pulled the plug, letting the water begin to drain as she gave his ass crack a good final wipe. "Let's get you both dry,"

Lilith helped dry them off, wrapping a towel around both as she escorted them back to the nursery. Lilith was quick to strip them of their towels, helping Maggie up onto the changing station as she lifted her legs, gently sliding an extra thick, night time diaper under her before giving a generous coating of powder to her groin and pulling the tapes closed.

“Alright, you’re next,” Lilith said, helping Maggie down before reaching to pick up Mikey.

"I thought I was a big boy!" Mikey protested, trying to break free of Lilith's grasp.

"Big boy in training," Lilith corrected. "The diaper is just in case of any more accidents," She smirked.

Mikey blushed, remembering his previously soaked pullup from earlier.

“It's okay, sweetie,” Lilith cooed. “It's all part of potty training. You did a great job today!” She said, tightly taping the diaper shut. “Now come on, off to bed with both of you,”

“Can I have some Pj’s?” Mikey asked, already walking towards the closet.

“Nuh uh,” She said, her swift hand movement forcing the closet doors closed. “Bed,” She said sternly.

“Can we have a story? Oh! Or a song?” Mikey said, climbing into his crib as Lilith shut the wall behind him.

“That's not too babyish for a big boy such as yourself?” Lilith teased.

Mikey shook his head, already reaching for his pacifier and stuffed bear.

Lilith smiled, turning to see Maggie in her own crib, snuggling under the covers waiting to see what would come next.

“Down by the meadow, where the grass grows real high…” Lilith began to sing, her voice enchanting the room as the lights faded to darkness.

A quick flick of her wrist put the mobile’s above their heads in motion as they buried themselves under their covers, cozying up for the night as the song they knew would inevitably put them into a deep sleep filled the room.

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to Lilith the Witch - Chapter 14: Bath Time (5/24/2024)

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