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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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My wife knew what my day had been like as I slumped into the passenger seat of her car. “Rough day at work?” She asked as the car pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. 


“You have no idea,” I replied. “It’s like no one believes that I can just, do my job competently. My car being stuck in the shop doesn't help either. Thanks for picking me up honey.”


“Well, you can’t blame them,” My wife said. “After all, you are still Mommy’s little diaper wearing sissy. A little sissy diaper baby. Who’s Mommy’s little sissy diaper boy?” She said, her voice dropping into the teasing, mocking tone of baby talk. 


“Who’s Mommy’s little sissy diaper boy?” She asked again, looking over at me when I didn’t respond to her initial question.


“I am,” I said, picking up at her words.


“Yes you are. Yes you are. So smart, so smart. Such a smart little sissy diaper boy,” She continued on. “Do you need your diapers? I bet you need your diapers tonight, don’t you?”


“Yes please, Mommy.” My wife smiled, and the rest of the drive continued on in an excited silence for the evening to come. 


Before we went home my Mommy/wife decided to stop at the grocery store. “I think I will make a nice yummy steak for myself tonight,” She said as we grabbed a cart and entered the store. “And we will make a nice, yummy smoothie for my little sissy. A steak is far too hard for a little sissy to eat. You need something soft and nutritious.”


I tried following my wife around the store as she shopped, but, worn out from work, I began lagging behind her. About halfway through shopping, Mommy turned and sternly said to me, “That’s it little sissy, hands on the cart. If you aren’t going to be a good boy and stay with Mommy I am going to make you keep your hands on the cart so you don’t wander off and get taken home by some mean domme looking for a new sissy to punish.” 


Embarrassment from her words and having to keep my hands on the cart like a child was the final shot I needed to shake off my exhaustion from the office and be ready for the night ahead. When we got home, Mommy ordered me to bring my high chair up from the basement, water the garden, and bring in the mail before joining her in the bedroom. “In that order, sissy.” She made sure to emphasize.


I understood the reason for the ordering when I entered our bedroom. My time outside had given her time to get ready for the evening, without me hearing her shuffle through the deep recesses of our closet for the items she had laid out on the bed. 


"Arms up baby," Mommy ordered as she came over to me. She had slipped into a retro 50's style dress while I was watering the vegetables and flowers. It was her go-to outfit whenever she was feeling dominant. It only took her a moment to unbutton my shirt and pull it off my body. Another minute and my socks and shoes were tossed out of the way. A third and I was stepping out of my slacks and underwear, pooled around my ankles. 


I was then gently laid on top of the old, pink blanket we had found at a garage sale that served as my changing mat. I watched as Mommy slid a latex glove over her hand and poured some lubricant on it. A gasp slipped past my lips as one of her fingers penetrated me. She slid it slowly in and out. In and out, gently preparing me for what was coming next. 


Just like she had with her finger, Mommy lubed the anal beads, then gently slid them into my asshole. Each bead felt more pleasurable than the last as it popped inside me, and I moaned as Mommy forced the last few beads in my rectum. The sensation as they entered, and the pressure against my prostate, felt wonderful. Then the sensual pleasure of the beads was replaced by a shiver as Mommy used a baby wipe to wipe off the excess lube and my sweat from the day. 


She grabbed the diaper set aside. The pattern had princesses wearing pink dresses and standing next to ponies. She unfolded the diaper, then roughly folded and mashed it, breaking up the tight packing of the absorbent material. This made the diaper thicker and more poofy. Satisfied with her work, she gave me a single word command, "Up." 


Dutifully, I raised my legs and grabbed my ankles, holding my feet aloft. Mommy then slid the diaper underneath me, and manhandled me around until I was positionedhow she wanted me. I let out another contented sigh and babyish coos as I smelled the scent of baby powder and felt it sprinkled across my skin. These soft coos quickly turned to lustful moans. Mommy always made sure the baby powder was thoroughly rubbed into my dick and balls. She finally decided she had done an adequate job of protecting my gentle sissy skin when my body was bucking in time with her ministrations. The front of the diaper was then folded up and the tapes were tightly pulled so the diaper was snug across my body, providing the sensuous comfort and cradling that every adult baby and diaper lover craves. 


Mommy then helped me to sit up on the edge of the bed. She slid a pair of white, frilly ankle socks onto my feet. She then pulled my pink, "Crybaby" onesie down over my head. After helping me stand up, l felt Mommy closing the crotch snaps. She then made me hold my hands out. Leather bondage mittens soon encased my hands. The snap of two heart shaped padlocks meant that I would wear all of my babyish attire until mommy decided it was time to take it off. One of my giant pink pacifiers was slipped between my lips and clipped the strap to the bib of the onesie. Lastly one of my frilly bonnets was set on top of my head and tied tightly underneath my chin.


Mommy then had me lead her back downstairs to the kitchen. She always enjoyed watching me toddle down the stairs in my thick diapers, and me leading meant she didn't have to miss a moment. Once we reached the kitchen, Mommy helped me step up into my highchair, locking the tray and by extension me in place. The living room is visible from the kitchen, and Bluey was soon playing on the tv. I was also given a doll to help occupy me while I waited for dinner. 


I did my best to be a good sissy and wait patiently for dinner. I had already watched the episodes of Bluey Mommy had set the TV to several times though, and there wasn't much I could think to do with just a single doll. So, it only took about five minutes for the soft cradling sensation of the diaper against my dick and balls combined with the anal beads rubbing on my prostate to make me a horny little sissy in my highchair. After a couple minutes of my highchair squeaking from me trying to somehow get off by humping in place, I attracted Mommy’s attention. Mercifully or cruelly, depending on your point of view, she gave me a magic wand. It felt good, but confined as I was, I couldn't get the vibrator into the right position to do more than edge myself. Trying to cum before Mommy decided it would be more fun for her to take the vibrator away, I wet my diaper hoping the thicker padding would let me apply more pressure. It didn't thanks to the tray and my own thick thighs. 


Mommy giggled at me as she brought dinner over. Her steak smelled delicious and was making me salivate. I'd also only succeeded in making myself even hornier with the vibrator.  Needless to say, I was frustrated at this point and didn't appreciate her laughter as she took the magic wand away from me. I glared at her, but with my pacifier and bonnet my glare only made her laugh at me more. 


"Oh, I see someone is a fussy baby diaper boy," Mommy said, setting her steak down on the table. It looked as delicious as it smelled, and a small amount of drool slipped past my pacifier and down my face as I looked at it. Mommy left and returned with my dinner and a bright white bib. Mommy tied the bib tightly around my neck and adjusted the tray so my arms could not get out from underneath it, while I examined my dinner. 


Mommy's baby food dinners for me were best summarized as eccentric. The peaches and cream had been palatable. The baby food jars of yams and green peas mixed together made me retch. I wasn't quite sure where this fit on that scale. My meal was three semi mushy purple balls in one of my baby bowls, with a baby bottle filled with water to wash whatever it was down.


Mommy pulled her chair out and sat down. She took a few bites of her steak, and commented on how tender and juicy it was. She then pulled the dummy out of my mouth, scooped a large helping of the concoction up, and stuffed it into my mouth. I swallowed the spoonful and opened my mouth for more. My dinner, as it turned out, was vanilla ice cream blended with several different berries, and it was delicious. Mommy gave me a second spoonful before putting the nipple of the baby bottle to my mouth to suckle at for a bit. We kept this pattern until both of our dinners were finished, her taking a few bites of her steak and a couple sips of wine, before feeding me a couple bites and letting me suckle from my bottle. 


When we were both finished she wiped my face off with the bib before untying it from my neck and sticking my soother back into my mouth. I was left to sit, suck, and wonder what was next while she tidied up the remains of dinner. When Mommy returned she reached down under the tray and poked at my diaper, feeling it fuller than before she said, "Awe, such a good baby sissy diaper boy, using your diapers just like you should. Now, our you ready for a nap?" 


I glowered around my pacifier and underneath my bonnet at that. I didn't want to be put to bed so early in the evening, and without cumming. My expression made mommy say though, "oh, that definitely proves that someone needs a nap. Now come on." She undid the tray, and helped me down from the highchair. She led me upstairs to our bedroom and laid me down on top of the bedspread. Mommy then took one of the lengths of ribbon we kept in the nightstand and tied my mittened hands to the headboard with it. She told me to be a good baby and stay put while she was gone for a second. I looked after her confused about what we were doing. 


I understood what she meant by nap though as she returned to the bedroom, magic wand in hand. Mommy unzipped her dress and pulled it off, revealing the lingerie she had been wearing underneath. She then plugged the magic wand into the outlet and climbed on top of me. She rested her crotch above mine, pressing her lacy panties against the padding of my diaper. She then stuck the magic wand between us, and switched it on. She ground her hips into the magic wand and my diaper, humping and thrusting as she pleasured us. Well, more accurately, she pleasured herself on top of me. The vibrations of the magic wand weer still intense enough to stimulate my dick though, and each time she humped the vibrator on top of me she drove the anal beads against my prostate. Soon we were both on the verge of orgasm. I came as soon as I felt Mommy’s legs squeezing me. She always tightened her legs as she was coming, and that drove the vibrator straight against my cock, the vibrations and pressure sending me over the edge as I released inside of my diaper. She came soon after, shutting the vibrator off and crumbling into a ball next to me. We laid like that for a while, basking in our post-orgasmic glow. 


Mommy recovered before me. She got up, gave me a kiss and headed into our bathroom. I heard water running, but I was still too out of it from my orgasm to register what exactly she was doing. Five minutes later though she returned, and freed me from both the headboard and the bondage mittens. She gently undressed me, untying my bonnet, peeling the ankle socks off of my feet, unsnapping the crotch snaps and pulling my onesie off over my head. Last she undid the tapes of my diaper and unceremoniously tossed it in the trash.


Mommy then took me to the bathroom, where she had prepared a bubble bath for me. I eased into the tub. The bubbles and warmth of the water were absolutely wonderful. Mommy left me to push the mounds of bubbles around for a few minutes by myself. She returned with a baby bottle of cool water. For a while we sat and enjoyed the presence of each other, me sucking on my bottle and playing with the bubbles while she sat on the toilet reading a book on her phone. When I finished my bottle she put her phone down and began bathing me. 


I relaxed even further and began to feel sleepy under her ministrations. She tenderly massaged my scalp as she shampooed my hair, and rubbed away aches and pains as she lathered my body with a soapy washcloth. I was fighting off yawns while she rinsed me off, and it took all of the willpower I could still muster to keep my eyes open as she wrapped a warm fluffy towel around me to dry me off.


When finished, Mommy led me back to our bed where a fresh diaper awaited me. I was powdered again and this diaper was taped tight against me. This time a pair of plastic panties were slid over the diaper. Mommy decided to put me in a new outfit for bed, a frilly purple diaper cover and pink ballerina shirt. The oversized binky was returned to my lips, and Mommy slipped a pair of headphones into my ears playing an audiobook for me while I fell asleep. She then kissed me on the top of my head and headed back to the bathroom to take a shower herself. I was already softly snoring before She reached the bathroom door, reliving this wonderful evening in my dreams.


The End.

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