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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

A Reunion (private for mummyalexi)


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Zara loved how Wendy reacted to her touch and kept rubbing the lotion into her focusing on her princess parts. She didn't answer straight away when Wendy asked if she could call her Mommy. After a few minutes Zara smiled down at Wendy. "Yes my beautiful little baby, id absolutely love to be your Mommy" she kisses her cheek. 

"Lets get you into a nice thick diaper , I'm not having my little girl in pull ups there for big girls." she says smiling as she lifts Wendy's legs up in the air and slides the thick diaper she brought for Wendy earlier under her bottom, she then lowered her bottom down onto the diaper. She then pulls the front up and does it up nice and snug. Zara loved the fact it would mean Wendy would be walking with a clear waddle as it forced her legs apart.

Zara then finishes getting Wendy dressed her trousers barely fitting over her diaper ,Zara couldnt help but smile at how cute Wendy looked

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Wendy was breathing heavily as Zara continued to rub lotion down there and wanted her to continue touching her. It just felt so good! She couldn't help worrying though over Zara's answer to her question and was hoping beyond hope that Zara would say yes. 

If she was in a better state of mind and wasn't so desperately lonely she would of probably not have asked Zara to be her Mommy like this but would of waited.

Hearing Zara say yes caused Wendy to genuinely smile. It was rare for her to smile.  A blush spread across her face at Zara's words and Wendy couldn't help but feel like everything that she had done in her life and built up was now gone almost as if everything was just some game of pretend, "I could be a big girl..." she protested weakly feeling the need to save her pride just a little bit. 

Wendy squeaked as she felt the fluffy padding underneath her bottom. It was so soft.  She could only watch as Zara pulled the front of it up between her legs. 

Wendy could feel her legs being forced apart. The way the padding touched her princess parts felt surprisingly good. It was hard to get up and Wendy squeaked slightly as Zara helped get her trousers on. 

The waistband was visible at the front and the back. Her trousers just about fit over the thick diaper. Wendy stood awkwardly and held tightly onto Zara's shirt uncertain of walking by herself. 

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Zara smiled as Wendy held onto her. "lets go have a look at the toys store, you've been such a good girl you can choose a plushie." she says taking her hand she leads her out the toilet. she felt incredibly lucky to finally have a little of her own to look after, she had been single for a while not helped by her stay in prison. As they walk out she looks around and then takes her towards a big toy store.

"I feel so lucky to have met you Wendy i never thought I would meet someone like you." she says happily as they walk slowly se loved how Wendy waddled with the thick diaper and decided she would have to buy more before they left the event.

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Wendy gasped, "Really?" she hadn't had a stuffed toy for years, "Your not joking, right?" she asked as she hugged Zara, "I can actually have one?" she remembered her first plushie and how her mom had thrown it away when she was ten and then when she was fourteen she had won a Pikachu plushie at the local fair which her sister had cruelly taken from her. 

Wendy held Zara's hand tightly having trouble walking. She looked like a little girl at best. 

Wendy did her best to ignore the stares that she got. They were still at the fetish convention and that helped lower her guard a lot but it was still nerve wracking.

Wendy looked up at Zara in surprised and blushed, "Really? Because I feel so lucky to have met you! I-I was so scared coming here and I don't think I would of gone to something like this again," she confessed, "I was so scared that I would run into someone that I knew," she continued, "I'm not really a nice person..."

She looked away feeling guilty, "It's only recently that I've started to calm down a lot because I got shot," she mumbled, "a lot of people that I know would probably do something horrible to me if they ever found out about this or probably use it against me in someway?" 

She held Zara's hand tightly and pointed at a Eevee plushie nearby, "That one mama?" she asked softly wondering what was going to happen next, "I don't know if I have enough room to fit anything on my bike?" she mumbled, "I don't even know if I can drive wearing this...."


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"Yes really baby girl, I wouldn't joke about something like that sweetie" she says as they look round the store. While they were looking round Zara picks up a few things herself. spotting a pack of really cute pacifiers, a bib and a few other baby things that would be useful later. 

"Awww baby I cant imagine you being a bad person your so cute and cuddly" she says smiling. Even though she knew first hand what Wendy was saying was true she found it very hard to think about Wendy like that she was nothing like how she used to act as a cop. 

Zara picks up the Eevee plushie Wendy was pointing at and hands it to her. "there you go princess make sure you keep her safe" she says smiling he then decides to check Wendys diaper and does it just like she would a real baby.

"Don't worry about how your getting home ill make sure you get home safe ok little one" she says 

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Wendy smiled brightly, "Okay mommy! I trust you!" she had a hard and terrible time trusting anyone and had been hurt in the past. Why was she being so open with Zara? So naive? Maybe she just wanted to be able to trust someone again? Even if that meant exposing herself like this, "My mom threw away my lion when I was ten," she said softly as she walked with Zara, "cause I couldn't get good grades," she snuggled close into Zara's side, "I could only get Ds or sometimes Cs." she added. 

Wendy blushed as she noticed Zara grabbing a pack of pacis and some other items.  This was really happening? It was hard to explain but there was a mix of dread and excitement going through her right now. This is what she wanted and yet there was something pulling on her to just run, run away from Zara despite the fact that she liked her, she felt safe with her.

Wendy looked away ashamed. There was a lot of guilt she was dealing with and she felt almost weak. Was it really fair to Zara if she didn't know how bad she used to be and probably still was? Was she just faking everything? Wendy held onto Zara a lot more tightly now, "I don't know if I deserve anything good," she mumbled, "I don't even know who I am." she whispered quietly. 

Wendy held the Eevee tightly like it was her only life line. Her face buried deep within its soft fur. 

Wendy whimpered softly as Zara checked her diaper but didn't say anything about it, "Okay," she replied, "could I show you my bike though its really cool?" she asked cutely her face still hidden against the stuffed toy.


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Zara leads Wendy over towards the check out. "Sweetie I know your just a baby who's had to pretend to be an big girl for far to long. Its obvious you need a Mummy to look after you and teach you how to be a good girl" she says as they reach the check out. 

She gets the check out girl to scan the pacifiers first and then takes one out the packaging and slides it gently into Wendy's mouth. "keep that in unless you want a spanked bottom" she says giving her bottom a firm smack.

"she's adorable , if you ever need a babysitter let me know" the check out girl says. 

"I might take you up on that offer give me your number" Zara says smiling as she finishes paying and they head to leave.

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Wendy felt as if Zara could just see right through her. It made her feel so vulnerable but it also felt nice? Nice that she didn't have to hide and pretend to be tough just so she wouldn't get pushed around. It was hard to pretend something that she wasn't and fake it till you make didn't really seem to work for her in the slightest.

Wendy's only protest was to whine softly against her new plushie at Zara's words. Her cheeks burning red from embarrassment and shame because she couldn't really defend herself, could she? Not with the knowledge with the things that she had done to others. 

Would Zara still want her if she knew the terrible things she had done to others? She wasn't the worse but that was a low bar considering. Wendy couldn't help think back on the worse aspect of her career.

Interrogation and learning to enjoy it because of the amount of power it gave her. It allowed her to have control over something, someone for once and how many times she just broke a person down to absolute tears without any remorse. The only thing that she remotely did to help the person at all was allow them to call a lawyer before she got started on them. 

The lawyers always came quickly about twenty to thirty minutes, thankfully, but it was enough time for her to cause damage mentally to a person. 

She had even been offered a full time position as an integrator after she had been shot and her refusal had shocked many. 

Wendy breathed in deeply and was surprised by the pacifier. There was a brief moment where she was about to take it out but stopped as Zara gave her bottom a firm smack.

Wendy cutely whimpered and started to suckle on the pacifier. It felt strange but comforting. She looked up and blushed as she heard the conversation between Zara and the check out girl. 

Wendy hid her face again. Seeing that they were about to leave Wendy slowed down becoming nervous, "I-I don't have to wear a diaper outside, right? Or have this in my mouth?" she asked with a cute lisp. What if she got back home and someone she knew saw her? 

Wendy could see her motorbike by the wall and pointed towards it, "I-I ride that," she stammered, "I can do a wheelie if I go really fast." she added softly. There was no helmet attached to the bike nor did she realise how dangerous she was being while riding it.


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"sweetie I'm keeping you in diapers dont worry you look super cute!" she said as she lead her out the store. Zara couldn't stop thinking about her past and how some of her friends would react if they knew she was babying the police officer responsible for putting her inside. Luckily Zara's friends took over running her business while she was inside and once she was out she was able to continue. She hoped Wendy wouldn't react to badly when she found out. But as Wendy had failed to recognize her so far she felt safe.

"Wow baby your bike looks amazing, wheres your helmet baby?" she asks as they walk over towards her bike Zara looked down at Wendy she didn't like the idea of her riding the bike in her current state.

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Wendy blushed at being called cute and shyly hid her face again into the fluffy toy. Her paci still in her mouth despite being outside. There was a look of hesitation and uncertainty in her eyes, "W-what do you mean keeping me in diapers? I'll still be able to use the potty normally, right?" she asked yet she had a terrible sinking feeling in her stomach that she wouldn't be using the toilet at all in the near future and her only toilet would be her diapers or if she was lucky pull ups/a plastic potty.

Wendy was oblivious to Zara's true identity right now. All she saw was someone that wanted to take care of her, "I don't have a helmet? I've never worn one? I only fell off it a few times and nothing bad happened? I did need stitches though in my arm...." she admitted, "but that was only cause it was late and I was kind of uh," she suckled her paci and looked away, "drunk...." she added quickly realising that wasn't a good thing at all, "I know that sounds bad but it isn't! I've had worse!" she whined hoping that would make the stuff she said before better. 

There was a bit of drool running down the side of mouth and as she talked she sounded less like a adult and more like a little kid.

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Zara smiled at her shaking her head. "Sweetie you wont be using the big girl toilet till i decide to potty train you I dont want you worrying about keeping dry thats for big girls baby." she says happily. 

"Well ill be changing that no little girl of mine is riding a bike with out a helmet its irresponsible in fact I think you need to be taught a lesson." she says taking a tissue from her pocket she wipes the drool away loving how Wendy was already starting to speak with a cute lisp.

"would you like to come to mine for din dins?" she asks hopefully she was already planning on making her spare room into a full on nursery and loved the idea of having Wendy laying in a crib safely behind bars.

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Wendy frowned and pouted looking like a puppy that had just been told no, "But I am a big girl? I don't need to be potty trained?" she argued back surprised that Zara was actually going to keep her in diapers. That's what she wanted wasn't it? Yet there was some doubt in her mind. 

Wendy became quiet at the mention of being taught a lesson and felt nervous. What did Zara mean by that? Wendy squeaked softly and cutely as Zara wiped her drool away. 

She looked at Zara with a surprised look, "Y-yeah? If you want me that is?" she was shocked that Zara was inviting her over, "A-and I guess you're right it would be stupid to ride my bike without a helmet but I don't have any other way to get back to my place?" she glanced at her bike before looking at Zara, "I don't think I could balance myself well while wearing a diaper either." she blushed. 

Wendy wasn't sure how she felt. It was almost as if she was horrendously stuck feeling like a kid or a teen. There were only a few rare moments when she ever felt like an adult. She nuzzled her head against Zara's arm.



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Zara cuddled her closely as Wendy nuzzled her head against her arm. "its ok baby you don't need to pretend to be big girl anymore just relax and enjoy yourself" she says smiling at her and strokes her cheek.

"Then its a date your coming home with me baby. We can sort your bike out later once you've got a helmet. I wouldn't want you getting hurt or stopped by the cops" she says patting her bottom before starting to lead her out the of the event and towards her car. on the way out she stops at a stall and picks up an extra pack of diapers like the one Wendy is currently wearing.

Its only a short walk to were Zara had parked her mini van its black with tinted windows. she opens the back and puts the items in the back before walking Wendy round to the passenger door and helping her in. Once shes seated in the car she straps her in making sure she's safe. Then she walks round to drivers side and gets in looking across at Wendy. 

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"I guess your right, mommy," she mumbled, "I really don't want to be a big girl anymore but I'm scared." she answered truthfully. It wasn't something she could give up easily but it helped having someone who wanted to take care of her. Maybe it won't be that hard? She just wished that she wasn't so scared. 

Feeling Zara cuddling her close, stroking her cheek and smiling down at her made Wendy feel lighter and better. There was just something so reassuring about Zara? Or was she just that desperate for someone?

Wendy froze at the mention of the cops and looked away blushing knowing that there were more than a few who would love to take her down big time. She had no friends inside the workforce at all nor outside. 

Wendy blushed as she felt Zara patting her padded bottom, "I kinda wish I dressed a bit better if I knew I was going on a date." she tried to joke as she looked around nervously as they walked to Zara's car. 

No one was paying attention, thankfully but that didn't stop Wendy from holding Zara's hand tightly.

The mini van with tinted windows caught Wendy off guard slightly due to her training as a cop. It was the type of vehicle that they'd likely try and track instead of pulling over just on the off chance they'd score something big but that normally took a lot of effort to do which they didn't really bother with anymore, "You should put a ladder on the top," she mumbled, "makes it look more like a work van than something shady less likely to get pulled over randomly...."

Wendy pouted. She needed Zara to lift her up into the seat to get in properly. Wendy blushed as Zara sorted out her seat belt and simply held Eevee close to her.

Wendy looked at Zara shyly before hiding her face against Eevee her paci still in her mouth. Soft suckling noises could be heard along with the crinkling of plastic, "I'm not tall enough to see out of the window properly." she mumbled. It was another reason she liked her bike or cars that were low to the ground rather than regular vehicles especially big ones like vans. 



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Smiling as she started the mini van and pulled out the parking lot. She was glad Wendy couldn't see out the van properly she wanted her to have no idea where she was so she would feel more vulnerable and become more dependent on Zara to look after her. "That's a great idea about ladder your such a clever baby girl" she says happily. "I don't get much attention from the cops though luckily." she adds it was true she had most of the local cops willing to turn a blind eye for an easy life.

"what would you like for din dins baby? what's your favourite food?" she says as they get onto the main road Zara had a large house out in suburbs it was nice and had its own pool. As she drove she was thinking how she would keep her business away from Wendy she didn't want to let her find out till she had Wendy firmly under her control.




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Wendy tried her best to look out of the window but it was difficult unless she took off her seat belt and while she was tempted to do so she didn't want to upset Zara.

Wendy whined softly as wriggled a little in an attempt to see more that was around her but she couldn't. Each wriggle caused her diaper to crinkle in response. 

Wendy looked at Zara with a smile and puffed out her chest feeling somewhat proud that Zara said she was clever! Everyone normally just said she was an idiot. It wasn't that she was stupid far from it but due to a high level of pressure from her family who expected her to be perfect and being undiagnosed for dyslexia Wendy was left to fend for herself.

Wendy was relieved to hear that Zara didn't get much attention from cops. It meant that she had nothing to worry about, "Anything with cheese I really like! I like Italian food a lot! My favourite is lasagne!" she grinned, "I'm good with eating anything I mostly just have takeout." 

Wendy tried to look out the window again. Her curiosity normally leading her into trouble. She could feel the van slowing down and saw a pool, "Mommy can you swim?" she asked shyly blushing, "I wasn't allowed to learn or try unless I got As so I don't know how."

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'Wendy ill teach you to swim it will be fun" she says smiling as she pulls up in front of the large house. "Welcome to my home I hope you like it here." she says as she gets out the van and goes round to open the passenger side door. Then slowly undoes Wendy's seatbelt. "Take my hand baby" she says as she helps her out. 

"I hope you will love being her with me baby" she says smiling and slowly leads her into the house. its a grand entrance with a large staircase leading upstairs. "would you like to see your new room baby"

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Wendy smiled brightly, "Really? Thank you! I really owe you one! Actually I owe you a lot," she grinned, "I wouldn't of been brave enough to wear diapers or go on that swing or do anything else really! I can hardly believe that I even went to the convention in the first place." she felt so giddy and stared in amazement, "Woah! It's huge! You could probably fit my apartment inside your garage." she joked playfully.

Wendy watched her cheeks turning slightly red as Z undoes her seat belt, "Thank you mommy." she takes Z's hand and nearly falls over if it weren't for her new Mommy holding her hand.

Embarrassed Wendy blushes more, "I can live with you?" she asked surprised only to smile, "I'm already loving being with you, you make me so happy! My new room? How long have you been wanting a baby?" she asked curiously, "You could probably have anyone you want? Your beautiful, successful, smart and I guess I'm just in shock still that you want someone like me? I'm not clever, rich or anything?" she said, "I know that it sounds like I'm putting myself down but I'm not? There's nothing redeemable about me." she shrugged her shoulders, "I don't have any friends, I doubt anyone would care if I just disappeared," she continued, "It's just weird that you seem to actually want me?" 


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"I've been wanting to find my own little for ages but due to circumstances it wasn't possible till recently." she says smiling. "Awww i think your a very brave clever girl." she says as she leads her up the stairs and opens the door right next to her master bedroom. 

As they walk in the first thing you see is a crib its huge, to the left is a changing table and stacks of thick diapers underneath and lots of other supplies. theres two large wardrobes and all over the room are lots of toys.

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Wendy looked at Zara, "What sort of circumstances?" she asked curiously and blushed somewhat at Zara's comment, "I'm glad that you think I'm brave and clever mommy." she replied shyly.

Wendy stared at the nursery in amazement and shock, "Woah this is incredible! You put so much work into this!" she went over and picked up a soft white bunny plushie, "It's so fluffy!"

She hugged it as she walked over to Zara, "So this room is mine?" she asked hopefully, "We're not moving to fast are we?" she looked at Zara, "I don't want to ruin anything? This is kind of my first relationship...." she admitted feeling very shy.

Her phone suddenly going off in her back pocket.

Wendy saw that it was work. 

Answering the phone she listened and sighed, "I'm pretty much finished with being a cop, you know that and anyway I'm injured," she said softly only to scowl her eyes becoming cold, "fuck off with that bullshit I'll tear you limb from fucking limb if you even remotely think about trying any of that shit on me you cunt," she snarled, "just because I'm on leave doesn't mean I can't kick your arse," she continued, "If you even think that you can blackmail me go ahead! See if anyone cares." she turned her phone off and threw it at the wall causing it to break into pieces.

Wendy looked at Zara with a cold harsh look that she normally had on. The one she had worn when sending Zara to prison. She looked cold and harsh. 

Suddenly Wendy started to tremble. Her harshness fading away and she started to cry. She turned away from Zara and hid her face in her arm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Zara decided there was no way she was ever going to let Wendy go now and watching her smash her own phone was almost a pleasure to watch. She wraps her arms around Wendy and cuddle. "Its ok little one your safe here with me" she says 

"Mommy was busy due to work but now i have all the time in the world to look after you" she says. "Lets get you out of these big girl clothes you dont need them anymore" she says                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 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Wendy was breathing heavily and calmed down instantly as Zara hugged her, "You're not mad?" she asked softly and snuggled close to her, "I just swore and threw my phone," she mumbled, "It's probably broken."

A pleasant shiver went up Wendy's back as she heard Zara say that she had time to look after her and at the idea that she'd be out of her big girl clothes soon, "W-will I still get to wear big girl clothes, mommy?" she asked softly feeling completely seduced by Zara.

Wendy enjoyed this, enjoyed being with Zara and the fact her mommy hadn't looked at her with disgust at all especially with the way she acted on the phone made Wendy feel even more secure.

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"No I'm not mad little one." she says happily. "Ill clean up the mess, you can play with your toys" she says as she leads her over towards the toy box. 

"Ill choose what you wear baby big girl clothes don't suit you baby" she says looking at her smiling. She starts looking through the clothes and picks out a pink onesie with Mommy's baby written on the front.

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Wendy smiled brightly feeling rather happy that her mommy wasn't mad at her. It was a relief, "Really?" she asked surprised that she didn't have to clean up the mess that she had just caused. Wendy followed Zara obidently over towards the toy box and was shocked by how much was inside it, "Woah! This is crazy! You've really gone all out!" she looked through the box trying to see all the different toys that were inside and eventually picked up a cuddly dinosaur, "Mommy! It goes rawr!" she pressed the button a soft roar came from the toy causing Wendy to giggle cutely.

Wendy bit her lip a little at the thought of not wearing adult clothes, "I'll still get to wear them outside, right?" she asked nervously, "I don't want anyone seeing this or thinking that I'm into this kind of stuff." she found it hard not to be anxious about all this but it felt nice, it felt good and if it became to much she could always just ghost Zara. It wasn't as if her mommy actually knew her or knew where she lived so she was okay.

Wendy looked up and blushed as she eyed the pink onesie and gulped nervously, "I-I'll be wearing that?" she asked softly.  Why did her legs feel so weak? She carried the dinosaur she was playing with back over to Zara so she could get dressed, "I have to get my bike, remember." she added.

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