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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

A Reunion (private for mummyalexi)


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Wendy stood at 5'2, her dark brown hair tied up in a loose pony tail, military styled sunglasses sit perch on the top of her head exposing her bright and curious sky like eyes. 

There were people around her going through the market talking with each other happily while she stood alone and by herself staring at and holding a diaper in her hands. It was pastal pink with bunnies chewing on stars. It looked so cute! Wendy smiled brightly even happily for once even going as far as to giggle.

Her pull up was exposed sticking out the back of her blue jeans, her shirt had accidentally been tucked into the back of her pull ups instead of her jeans.

This was her first ever fetish event! She had constantly been going back and forth on if she should go or not but since getting injured and being put on desk duty she had a lot more free time which allowed her to explore certain things more....

Wendy was just thankful that the event was in the big city and not the dumbass small city/large town she lived and worked in.  It meant that she shouldn't bump into anyone she knew, right? That was always her biggest worry and concern giving her job and how much of a hard ass she was and more so tried to be. She had built her image up as a tough bitch that could throw down with anyone but truthfully that was just a facade. So much for the big bad police officer.  

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Zara was celebrating her freedom after spending 4 years in prison she had been caught selling drugs. she had only been let out a few days ago so when she heard there was an event on she decided to attend to help her forget about her time inside.

Zara stood at 6'1, her dyed blue and in braids. she was wearing a stunning red leather jacket and trousers. As she walked round she loved looking at the stalls she noticed a stall selling abdl clothing and was about walk past when she notice a women holding a diaper. taking a second look she glanced down and thought it was adorable that her pull up was on display. as she scanned the women she couldn't believe her eyes she recognized the women instantly it was the cop that had her locked up.

she had to stop herself going straight over and confronting the women instead she takes a few pics clearing showing the pull up then walks over slowly. "that diapers adorable sweetie" she says happily pretending not to know who she is

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Wendy was so busy concentrating on the bunny printed diaper that she wasn't focusing on the crowd or people around her so when she heard someone talking to her she didn't bother to turn around, "Yeah! I really want it but I'm not sure! I've never really worn anything like this before," admitted Wendy still not looking up, "sorry I'm just really nervous!" she continued blushing and finally looking up.

Wendy stared at Zara. Her eyes going wide. Her heart beating fast. Why did this person look so familiar to her? Wendy grip tighten on the diaper, "H-hi?" she stammered. Wendy tilted her head and gulped, "Uh do I know you?" she asked trying to recall the woman before her but it was difficult. She had met so many people and unfortunately locked many away. It was just a big blur to her, "I-I really like your jacket." she stammered softly feeling awkward, "I probably should put this back." she mumbled quietly placing the diaper back where she got it from.

Why did she feel so unsure of herself? It was just a stranger, right? Wendy stared at Zara and took a deep breath puffing out her chest trying to make herself a bit bigger but it looked more like a child trying to look tough.


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Zara looked Wendy up and down as she spoke. "I think you'll find it much more comfortable then that pull up your wearing" she says in a warm friendly voice. "there's no need to be nervous reaching forward she gently strokes Wendy's hand reassuringly. 

She certainly wasn't going to tell Wendy who she was she smiles. "I've been to lots of these events you've probably seen me around" she says. "aww I'm glad you like it" she says as she smiles at her.

"let it be my treat to you" she says picking the diaper back up and purchasing it once its in a bag she hands it back to Wendy. "make sure you enjoy it" 

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Wendy lowered her gaze and instantly backed down as Zara looked her up and down. There was just something unusual about Zara? Yet she couldn't make out why and why she felt so on edge?

Wendy relaxed upon hearing the warm friendly tone and stared upwards at Zara with a very shy smile, "I-I only started to wear a few days ago," she said softly as she felt Zara's hand on her's, "I guess not? It's just I've never really been to an event before or even tried to explore any of this stuff," she continued, "It's really overwhelming and just really new," she explained, "it feels like I'm in over my head."

Wendy couldn't deny the slight attraction she felt towards Zara. Maybe that's why her heart was racing so fast? Wendy tilted her head, "Maybe I just saw you earlier? You're very beautiful." she replied only to blush and look away in embarrassment, "I'm sorry I sometimes say things out loud." she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.

Wendy's eyes went wide, "You didn't have to buy me this!" she was in shock, "I-I don't even know what to do with it? I mean? Um? Ugh..." Wendy took a deep breath, "We don't even know each other? At least let me buy you a coffee as a thank you?" she offered, "Unless you're in a rush then maybe we could have coffee later?" she stammered.

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"Sounds to me like you need to relax and learn to enjoy yourself these events are meant to be fun especially for little ones like yourself" she says as she takes her hand. " I'd love to have a coffee and get to know you a lot better. my names Z by the way" she says gently guiding her through the crowds towards a lovely looking cafe.

"I'm glad you think im beautiful your a very gorgeous looking girl yourself. I can teach you what to do with it if you like" she says smilinmg at her lovingly. Zara was thinking what to do next she did want to get revenge but she also really liked her it would be fun making wendy her little one and taking over her life.

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Wendy smiled feeling bashful, "I've always been terrible at relaxing in general," she admitted, "I find it difficult to calm down but you're right," she continued, "I need to at least try and relax and enjoy this even if I do feel like throwing up half the time." she was surprised when Zara took her hand and accepted her invitation for coffee, "T-that's great!" she followed Zara through the crowds and stumbled slightly which caused her to hold onto Zara's hand more tightly.

"I-I'm Wendy," she said with a smile as she took a few moments to catch her breath, "sorry I've got a weak chest," she admitted, "you think I'm gorgeous?" she was surprised by that, surprised anyone would think or see her in that sort of way, "I would enjoy that a lot," she replied, "I don't think I'm brave enough to do it myself even just putting on this pull up nearly killed me," she half joked, "or at least my ego."

Wendy ordered a coffee with cream, "I'm not very social so I'm not good at this particular type of thing but I want you to know that I do like you even though we've just met," she frowned, "I'm sorry if I'm being weird about this though that isn't my intent."

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Zara listened to Wendy as she spoke smiling at keeping a firm but also gentle grip of Wendys hand. "its lovely to meet you Wendy that's a beautiful name and you really are beautiful" she moves closer and gently strokes Wendy's cheek as she speaks. "i think you should let me guide you round and teach you how to have fun little one" she says as she pats her bottom loving the crinkling noise her pull up makes.

"your a very brave girl to follow your heart and let your little side out , i promise ill look after you." she says smiling at her. she then turns to the cashier and orders herself a coffee and a slice of cake then once its all on the trey she carry's the trey and guides Wendy over to the booth. "now before you take a seat show me your hands little one" she says playfully

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Wendy blushed slightly unable to believe how lucky she was. She never expected to bump into a blue haired angel with braids who seemed to be actually interested in her! 

Wendy gasped softly as Zara gently stroked her cheek. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, "Your making me blush so much that my face hurts," she replied her feelings growing for Zara, "t-that would be great to have a guide," stammering she leaned into Zara's touch, "thank you." she said softly unable to talk anymore. 

Wendy could feel her bottom being patted, she could hear the soft crinkling of her pull up. A shiver climbed up her back. She was glad that she had chosen to go. 

What Zara said next made her heart flutter. There had to be a catch? This was just perfect and nothing was ever perfect for her, "This seems almost too good to be true," said Wendy, "but you promise, right? That you'll look after me?" she asked double checking and allowing herself to let her guard down around this woman.  She just hoped that this wouldn't backfire in anyway.

Wendy followed Zara like a lost puppy to the booth and tilted her head, "Okay?" she said confused as she showed Zara the palms of her hand. There was a small cut on the pinky finger on the left hand besides that there wasn't much else except some dirt stuck under her nails.

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Looking at Wendy , Zara thought she looked super adorable as she blushed. "then its a deal ill guide you and look after you, all you have to do is promise you'll be a good a little girl for me. if your naughty I will have to punish you" she says in a kind caring voice. 

"do you promise to be a good girl for me" she says looking into her gorgeous eyes. 

As Wendy shows Zara her hands Zara opens her bag and pulls out a few wet wipes and gently wipes Wendy's hands making them nice and clean. "there we go little one, now let me kiss your booboo" she says kissing her little pinky were the cut was.

"take a seat sweetie" once Wendy has sat down Zara takes a napkin and tucks it into Wendys top so it acts like a bib.

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Wendy was unable to take her eyes off Zara. She was absolutely memorised by her. Why was she so infatuated by this woman she hardly knew? It didn't make sense yet she didn't care about that. 

Wendy stared right back into Zara's beautiful eyes, "I promise to be a good girl for you." she said softly and obediently. This is what she wanted wasn't it? Someone to take control of her? Someone that could dominate her? She wasn't in uniform or around people she knew so she didn't have to pretend to be tough she could just be herself properly.

Wendy giggled a little, "That tickles!" she squeaked with a smile only to watch wide eyed as Zara kissed her booboo. No one had ever kissed her booboos before!

Wendy stumbled slightly when she sat down and blushed again. She gently touched the napkin and knew instantly that it was meant to be a bib of sorts. Wendy couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. What if someone saw her? She glanced a little at the cafe they were in but didn't recognise anyone. Her pride remained mostly intact for now.

"S-so Z," said Wendy, "d-do you work? You don't have to answer that though! I just wanted to know more about you."

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Zara to fight the urge to take a picture of Wendy as she thought she looked absolutely adorable sitting there wearing a bib. Keeping eye contact with Wendy she smiles as Wendy asked what she did work wise this proved once and for all that Wendy didn't recognize her at all. she didn't want to tell her the truth but wasn't going to lie either.

She uses a fork to scoop up a bit of cake. "open up sweetie here comes yumminess" she says sweetly. "I run my own business selling my home made product what about you sweetie?" she asks as she continues to feed Wendy. 

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Wendy was unable to sit still and fidgeted about slightly. It was something she did often and normally she would do her best to not move about when sat down because it wasn't considered 'correct' by her family but being with Z made her feel a certain way.

Wendy couldn't take her eyes off Z. There was just something about her that she couldn't put her finger on though? 

Wendy blushed and opened her mouth accepting the cake and the babyish game that they were planning. There was some crumbs on her makeshift bib. Wendy looked at Zara with a curious look, "That's really cool that you run your own business!" she opened her mouth again as Zara continued to feed her, her cheeks puffing out slightly as she ate. 

She rarely ate anything sweet. The amount of disapproval and disgust from her parents had forced Wendy to be rather cautious over certain things. 

Wendy looked away breaking eye contact from Z. How should she answer Z's question? She didn't want to be dishonest, "Uh I was a cop," she said softly, "I just do desk work and research now though," she shrugged her shoulders, "part time that is and even then that's at home and just so i have something to do," she continued, "they've given me compensation for what happened so I don't really have to do anything but it keeps me occupied." 

Would being truthful work or backfire? She didn't want to lie to Zara. Just the thought of lying to her made Wendy feel guilty.   Being alone for so long and having parents who disapproved of you with siblings who were all top rated professionals in noteworthy fields left Wendy feeling like the odd one out, big time. 

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She was enjoying feeding her it had been a long time since she had met someone that allowed her to do this and she hoped it was only the start. Acting surprised as Wendy said she was a cop. "That's amazing my dad was a cop he always wanted me to join up but it wasn't for me I wasn't brave enough like you" she says smiling. "I bet you've got some awesome Cop stories about arrests you've made."

"I don't like to talk about it much but my parents disowned me and kicked me out when I choose not to be cop." She says as continues to feed Wendy. she left out the fact it was because she was selling drugs.


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Wendy frowned, "That's nonsense! I hate it when parents try to force you into things," she found herself getting angry, "I don't feel particularly brave choosing the path that I did," she admitted, "I pretty much chose to be one to spite my parents because they had certain expectations for me," she paused, "go to college and earn a respectable degree like everyone else in the family and maybe I won't get treated like dirt for once." she scowled. Her hands clenching into fists.

Wendy ate the next piece of cake with a sad look on her face, "I'm sorry I must seem like such a brat," she replied, "parents shouldn't really kick their kids out," she sighed, "even if it's over something dumb like drugs it's their responsibility to deal with it," she rubbed the back of her head, "I ran away from my parents when I was sixteen because I just couldn't take it there and it's only these last two years that we've gotten back in touch same with my siblings but it doesn't seem as if anything has changed," she shook her head only to grin childishly, "they'd probably have a heart attack if they ever met you though!" she said with a twinkle in her eye and a playful look, "I would love to take you with me to see them." she added.

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"I think they do it with good intentions thinking they are helping and don't realize the negative points till its to late. You should be very proud of yourself life is about doing what makes you happy." she says smiling at her.

"you don't seem like a brat at all Wendy, if you start acting like a brat I will punish you." she says as she feeds Wendy the last piece of cake and then takes the bib and wipes Wendy's mouth. "I would love to meet your parents sounds like it would be fun. now I don't want you getting bored so lets go explore the massive play area." she says smiling at her holding out her hand

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Wendy nodded her head and smiled, "I know that I'm happy right now with you and I enjoy being with you." she confessed.

Wendy smirked, "What sort of punishment?" she knew that she wouldn't act out because that wasn't in her nature and she wanted to be a good girl for Z yet there was a small part of her that was curious.

Wendy smiled and held Z's hand tightly. Walking towards the play area made Wendy feel more nervous, "I've never interacted with people before?" she slowed down slightly and had moved closer to Z almost hugging her and hiding behind her as she saw a couple of adults in a ball pit. 

To make matters worse she could feel a slight twinge in her bladder which meant she needed to go.

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Zara couldn't help herself but blush as Wendy said she was making her happy. "Being here with you , looking after you is making me happy too." she says smiling at her. 

"I'm sure you will find out later but I may decide to spank you, time outs, take away some of your big girl privileges." she says teasingly. 

She turns Wendy so she's facing her and strokes her cheek gently. "sweetie this is a safe place and I'm here to look after you , you can make lots of friends." she says as she leads Wendy over to were there's a large baby swing. "lets get you in it baby" she says happily

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Wendy felt her heart stop for a moment. She was actually making someone happy? Z liked being here with her? Everything seemed like a dream come true! How could things be this perfect there had to be a catch.

Wendy blushed slightly at the teasing, "Maybe I want you to take away my big girl privileges? Turn me into your cute helpless baby, your pretty little doll." she responded with a grin and yet her stomach was in knots. That was her fantasy to have someone take control of her but did she really want that? Was she playing with fire right now? 

Wendy gulped as Zara turned her around and started to stroke her cheek. She could feel herself swooning inside and her knees going weak, "I'm not sure if I'm ready to make friends?" she whispered softly.

Seeing the baby swing caused Wendy to blush even more but she nodded shyly. When was the last time she had been on a swing? As they approached the baby swing designed for adults Wendy could feel her bladder twitch again but this time more intensely but she didn't say anything as she was put into the swing. Her legs were dangling, her feet weren't touching the ground. It felt weird but okay until her bladder twitched again, "I-I need to go potty." she confessed trying to get up but the straps made it so that she couldn't. She was restrained.


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Zara starts pushing Wendy gently on the swing happily. "sweetie little girls like you don't worry about going potty, just enjoy yourself baby" she says as she continues pushing the swing loving how cute Wendy looked her legs dangling appearing as helpless as a real baby. Zara had never met anyone she felt so naturally maternal over it was weird to think she had wanted revenge.

she pushed her for a bit longer she wanted Wendy to lose control, as she planned on putting her in a proper diaper much more suitable for a girl like her.

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Wendy blushed brightly at what Zara had just said, "I didn't bring anything else to change into?" she whined softly as she was pushed on the swing, "I don't want to have an accident." she protested weakly as her heart trembled.

She had been so nervous and scared that she hadn't packed any spare underwear because she didn't even think that she'd end up having an accident.

Soon enough Wendy's eyes shined brightly with tears and she started to cry softly, "M-mommy!" her voice broke sounding squeaky and light.  

The pull up was something she had gotten at the store. It wasn't even an adult pull up but something for teens possibly pre teens she hadn't looked to much. 

The pull up had absorbed her accident but it was now heavy, soggy and wouldn't last without leaking. Wendy's legs were pushed apart slightly more because of the now used pull up.

Wendy reached for Zara. She wanted out, she felt completely vulnerable and scared. 

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Zara had to stop herself from scooping Wendy straight out the swing she wanted her to give up control and wet that pull up. "Its ok baby mommy knows you cant help having accidents" she says in a very loving voice. Once Wendy had soaked her pull up Zara lifted Wendy out the swing.

"Lets get you cleaned up baby" she says taking her hand and guiding her over towards the toilets and straight into a large room with a changing table. Zara kisses Wendy's cheek. "I'm proud of you my baby" she says as she starts undressing Wendy removing all her adult clothing until she is standing there in just the soaked pull up. 

"climb up on the changing table for me baby girl" she says lovingly

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Hearing Zara's loving voice somehow made things easier for Wendy and yet her face still burned bright red, her eyes were red and puffy from her crying and rubbing them repeatedly in an attempt to stop her tears. 

She never felt this vulnerable nor helpless before. Wendy knew that if Zara hadn't taking her hand she would of falling flat on her face. 

She could see people looking at them.

Wendy huddled in closer to Zara for protection. She felt scared and was relieved when they finally made it to the toilets. 

Wendy was still wiping away her tears and sniffling but she wasn't crying as much as she had just now, "Why didn't you let me out?" she squeaked blushing suddenly at the kiss and Zara's words, "P-proud? But I just pissed myself?" she questioned confused and conflicted as she stood still in shock as Zara undressed her. 

Wendy whimpered softly and shyly covered herself. She had a toned body similar to that of a swimmer/runner but she didn't have much muscle. 

She looked at Zara briefly before reluctantly getting up on the changing table. Wendy kept herself covered with her hands and was looking away trying not to focus on what was happening.

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Once Wendy was laying on the changing table Zara moves closer and gently starts rubbing the front of Wendy's soaked pull up she loved how it felt under her hand and wanted Wendy to love the feeling of wetting herself. "You wet yourself for me like a good baby of course I'm proud of you sweetie" she says as she leans forward and kisses Wendy on the cheek.

"Now lets get you cleaned up baby" she says as she lifts Wendy's legs up and slides the pull up off just like she would a real baby. Then she bends down and takes out her bag some baby wipes and starts cleaning Wendy's bottom and princess parts making sure to make Wendy enjoy the touch. Happy that Wendy is all nice and clean she starts rubbing some baby lotion and then sprinkles some baby powder.

"Hope this feels good princess." she asks as she is rubbing the lotion in.

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Wendy couldn't believe this was happening and yet her feelings were complicated. Did she really want this? She didn't know Zara that well either? She liked the idea of being under someone else's control but would that really work? She had felt so helpless in that swing and now laying on a changing table Wendy couldn't help but feel her stomach twist and turn. 

A jolt of pleasure rushed through her and Wendy instinctively pushed herself forward into Zara's hand desperately.  The padding was still warm and felt nice, nice against her and slowly Wendy moved her hands away from her face.

She looked up into Zara's eyes, staring, her own bright and sparkling. Wendy moaned softly unable to stop herself and felt a weird sense of pride at Zara's words. She was a good baby for wetting herself? Zara was proud of her? 

Throughout her life Wendy had little to no positive reinforcement. It was always about being better than others no matter what. If her sister got an A then she'd have to get a A+. Everything had to be perfect and anything less meant that she wasn't good enough. It fucked her up, badly. 

The kiss on her cheek made Wendy smile. She was touch starved.

Wendy was surprised and squeaked as Zara lifted her legs up to get the pull off her.  It took her off guard. Wendy's heart was beating fast. She was actually turned on by this! When the wipes made contact to her bottom and most sensitive area Wendy found it difficult to control herself. It just felt so good! She wanted Zara to touch her more. 

The lotion and baby powder smelled sweet. Wendy was shocked and even a bit horrified by how hot and bothered she now was.  The lotion being rubbed in felt so soothing and relaxing. Her hips continued to buck forward. Her body twitching with pleasure.

Wendy smiled slightly. The corner of her lip curled upwards. There was so much going through her head and she wasn't sure where to begin or even what to say but she knew at least one thing. She wanted Zara.

Very softly Wendy spoke her mouth feeling dry, "A-am I overstepping if I call you Mommy?" she knew that she was probably jumping into something fast and that she shouldn't but she was inexperienced, anxious and just wanted to latch onto someone, anyone. She knew that she was being dumb to an extent even naive because she should know that she could be taken advantage of and yet she was so desperate for someone that she was willing to ignore anything that could be a problem.



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