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Aiming for promotion [for me and kaylaindiapers]


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Ben got to work early on Monday morning like usual and made himself a coffee he got chatting to one of his colleagues about work and the rumors of who was going for the vacant CEO job. He was disappointed to hear Kayla mentioned as a possibility Ben had always thought Kayla was beautiful but her attitude and the way she seemed to enjoy bullying members of staff, especially when she targeted Ben made him feel she would be bad choice.

having worked at the company for a long time he would try us his influence to make sure he liked the person who got the job. After chatting he headed to his office and started up his computer before focusing on todays task. IT was his specialist area and outside of work he had done a lot of work on psychology even working on a special project just hadn’t had a chance to use it yet.

his day had been going really well. It was lunchtime when he sat down in the canteen that he saw Kayla walking towards him

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Kayla was so excited she was going to be one of the youngest CEO’s ever!  She got by with her looks always flirting with guys.. One particular guy that worked at the office he was cute and wasn’t sure of his age but something about him maybe it was the way he acted too confident and she enjoyed toying with him!  She was pretty sure he liked her too.

”Hey Ben how’s it going?” She said smiling her perfect smile and leaning over giving him a good view of her cleavage..

If he only knew that once I get the promotion I’m firing your arrogant ass or I might keep you around but demote you! She thought to herself. 

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Ben took a bit from his lunch as Kayla speaks to him he couldn’t believe she was talking to him as she usually wouldn’t. Seeing her cleavage he had to stop himself spending to long admiring it.

”im good you.? What you after Kayla.” He said looking up into her eyes. He knew it had something to do with the up coming fight to be CEO.  

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“Oh nothing really I just need some help with my computer it’s acting up can you be a doll and come by after lunch to fix it?” She said smiling and adjusting her bra strap.. She walked away making sure he got a good look at her ass..

Boys too easy she thought to herself..

He’ll probably beat off to me later. She thought to herself as she got on the elevator.. 

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“I’ll see if I can spare a minute to take a look , you sure you haven’t forgotten to switch it on?” He says then watches her walk away he couldn’t believe how confidently she acted like everyone was below her.

he finishes his lunch then takes a walk back to his office deciding to keep Kayla waiting a little bit. After about 30 minutes he heads to her office. 

deciding to just walk straight in. “So let’s have a look” he says walking over to the desk

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Kayla didn’t hear the last part cause had she heard that she would’ve made him feel two feet tall..

Damn him where is he!  Kayla was used to people jumping when she told them too even dropping everything they were doing to please her..

”Hey what the hell you ever heard of knocking!” She said angrily 

She got up from her desk 

“Look at the screen see how it flickers!” 

She said as it kept flickering and she couldn’t even turn it off..

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“Well I didn’t see the need as you asked me to come and save the day” he says as he looks at the screen. Deciding he can use this to his advantage he turns looking at her. “I think it’s just cause it’s an older computer. Give me 15 minutes I’ll bring you a new one” he then walks out and back down to his office. Once there he checks the new computer has everything including a few apps which would help him teach Kayla a lesson.

He lets Kayla wait a little longer then he had said before taking the new computer and carrying it to her office. “Let’s get this set up it should solve all your problems it even has some new apps which I think you will love.” He says as he sets up the new computer and removes the old one.

“You should try the app focus it will help you relax and be more focused on work” he says. Really it would hypnotise her, he decided to take it slow with only a few suggestions to start with  

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Kayla waits impatiently at her desk she decides to play on her phone not much work she can do without her computer..

Ben finally comes barging through the door she’s thrown off how happy he is with a big smile.. She don’t like it cause it seems fake like he’s fake like he knows something she don’t know! 

“Look I asked you once now I’m telling you to know before you enter my office!” She said sighing deeply.. She decided to have some fun with the boy and a chance to weld her power something she always enjoyed doing..

”Say yes Ms Davis cause I’m too young to be a mam in fact you’re probably older then me how does it feel to be bossed around by a younger girl.” She smiles condescending at him..

Once he does as he’s told she decides to rub it in..

”Good boy.” 

“I think I’ll be fine you can go now.” She says dismissing him..

She turns on the computer and decides to look at the app..

”I could definitely learn to relax..

After a few minutes of looking at it she gets out of the app..

She feels weird relaxed is a understatement..

Kayla absentmindedly begins playing with her pen and twirling her hair as she really can focus on work now.. 


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“Ok ms Davi’s you can have your fun.” He says as he leaves giving her one last look. Stopping for a coffee on the way back to his office he couldn’t help feeling good.

once back in his office he logged back onto his computer and was happy to see Kayla had already been on the App. Deciding to start slowly he uploaded a video onto kaylas app called promotion tips part 1.

it was a 30 minute video of swirling patterns with gentle lullaby like music over the top it had a 2 hidden suggestions hidden in the video the first smart girls suck their thumbs when they think and the second was that Kayla would want Bens praise 

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Kayla sat there for a few minutes not knowing what to do she just had this urge to suck her thumb. She looked at her French manicured red colored nail and decided it looked good.. She began sucking and it felt good and relaxed but something was missing…

After several minutes she called Ben down to her office..

”Hi Ben this is Ms Davis can you please come to my office.” She sat back in her desk still sucking her thumb as it seemed like the most natural thing to do and it was a urge that she couldn’t shake.. 

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When Ben received the call he was surprised it had happened so quickly but now wanting to give anything away he took his time walking along to her office stopping to chat to a few colleagues as he did. Not breaking a habit of a lifetime he walked straight into her office he loved what he saw but playing it cool he was going to make her earn his praise.

”what can I help you with me now?” He says 

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Kayla never realized how easily she was open to suggestive thinking..

She continued sucking her thumb until she saw him the guy she wanted to make happy she couldn’t understand the urge but she felt like she had too..

Kayla ignored his question eager to show him and get his praise 

”Wook ware woo wappy!” She said smiling as she continued sucking her thumb making her words sound babyish.

She was asking if he was happy. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ben looked Kayla up and down she really was a beautiful girl and watching her sucking her thumb made him happy but he wasn’t going to show it just yet.

”Not really I’ve got so much work to do, I keep asking for an assistant. How’s your day going?” He asks. 
“have you tried the app yet” 

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Kayla quit sucking her thumb she was disappointed as she had this urge to make him happy she really wanted him to be proud of her..

”Fine yeah I like it!” She said excitedly still under the spell she had no idea if it wore off or if there were words that would snap her out of it..

Right now she wasn’t herself it was like she was in a dream but what she was dreaming was really happening. 

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“Would you be willing to help me with a project I need a smart girl like you” he says smiling down at her.

he walks round. “Be a good girl and stand up and twirl for me” he says he wanted to see how she re acted 

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Smiling as she twirled around he thought she looked absolutely gorgeous.

”that’s perfect you clever girl” he says his voice full of praise. He was trying to decide what to do next not wanting to rush things. 

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She clapped so happy he was proud of her for the time being that’s what she lived that app influenced her that much.. She had no idea if there was a safe word or password or even a time limit when she would return back to her normal self… 

For now she was at mindless living doll for this IT guy.. 

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He knew she needed more exposure to the hypnosis. “Kayla I’m going to help you now I need you come and sit on the floor by my feet. Why don’t you crawl” he says looking at her as he sits down at her desk in her chair 

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Kayla smiled and dutifully did as she was told… She got down on the floor and did something she probably had never done since she was two and she crawled over to James! 

Once she sat there she began to come back to her normal self as she felt like she was just waking up..

”Wh- what’s going on?” She said quickly standing up..

She looked around like she was trying to figure out where she was she was very confused.. 

“What are doing in my chair oh are you still working on my computer?” She asked remembering he had been working on some programs for her. 



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As he sat in the chair watching Kayla crawl towards him he had resist the urge to record it , he loved watching the women who had always acted so selfishly and bullied him now doing as he says.

once she reached him he gently pats her head. “That’s a good girl.” He’s disappointed when it seems to start wearing off soon but he was prepared for this reaching into his pocket he pulls out some headphones.

”you were just relaxing while I finish updating and improving your computer. Listen to this it will help you towards your goal” he says as he gently guides the ear pieces into her ears. As soon as they are in all Kayla can hear is a gently lullaby music.

there where several messages hidden in the music. The first Kayla would only notice she needed to go potty when she was absolutely desperate, the second she would start having accidents at night, the third she would ask Ben for advice.

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Kayla was still half way into the hypnosis as she couldn’t clear her mind. So she easily let him put the headphones on her. Right away she heard music that reminded her of a simpler time she felt relaxed safe and secure like all her responsibilities were lifted from here. 

As she was relaxing she began hearing the words and they kept sinking in more and more she was overwhelmed with the words. 

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Ben let her sit there for a while listening to music loving how peaceful she looked he wanted to make sure the messages sunk in. while this was going on Ben went online and ordered some clothes he was plan was to gradually start making Kayla dress younger and younger.

he would have the items delivered to her address. After 30 minutes Ben stopped the music and gently removed the ear pieces he knew it would take a while for her to her wake up 

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Kayla was listening intently as each word sounded more and more like they were talking to her.. She felt like she was at a work meeting and someone nerd guy was carrying on with his presentation but she didn’t interrupt him…

What seemed like a hour she smiled as the headphones were lifted off her..

She once again was confused but this wasn’t boss Kayla this was a different Kayla and she didn’t mind being on the floor or having her heels off..

Kayla looked at Ben and the hypnosis was big adding up..

Suck my thumb make Ben proud of me..

Kayla began doing just that..

”Look ben you like me sucking my thumb!” She said excitedly as once again it was her job to make him happy..

After a couple minutes it hit her..

”Oh No I need to go to the bathroom now!” She cried desperately starting to do the potty dance.. 

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“Yes I love you sucking your thumb” he says as he looks down at a big smile on his face watching Kayla acting so innocently she seemed so young.

he got up of the chair and held out his hands so Kayla could grab them. “Let’s get you to bathroom Kayla.” He said in a very fatherly tone 

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