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From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 8: Rest Stop (7/28/2023)

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Samantha and I have been together for a number of years now. We had met a few years back during my freshman year of college. She was a junior at the time, but we worked together at one of the service desks on campus, and had many late night shifts together and eventually struck it off. It's hard to remember that there was once a time where our relationship was more ‘normal’ or at least more geared towards the kinds of relationships you see in movies or on TV, but for the first few months, that was exactly us. Living out the typical college years and enjoying the copious amounts of normal, vanilla sex. It was about the time that I think we both realized that our relationship was a little more serious than just a college hook up that Samantha had mentioned her Mommy kink. 

Having been a freshman in college, I hadn’t really explored the world of kinks much and told her I was happy to indulge her, even if I wasn’t quite sure the extent of what she wanted at the time. I figured that I could make some of her fantasies come true, and along the way discover some of my own that she might help make reality as well. But it didn’t take long for me to realize that I was actually the perfect match for her, in more ways than one. I quickly fell in love with the role of being her baby boy. The pampering, coddling, caring motherly attraction quickly struck a special place in my heart that made me feel safe, secure, and accepted. I’ll admit that the diapers and baby stuff was definitely a shock and took some getting used to, but now I look forward to them. Hell, even the bottles and sippy cups became a huge bonus at home.

Long story short, I became Mommy’s little boy. When I was at home, she kept me diapered, and fed. We watched movies together, shared our hobbies and still had copious amounts of sex. But now the sex was a lot more interesting. I think the most interesting thing about our dynamic is that I am a completely different person to the outside world. Maybe it's the fact that I fell in love and wanted to do anything I could to help make Samantha happy. Or maybe this kind of relationship is the key to boosting one's confidence, since you only have to act strong and tough to the outside world.

So I finished college, got my engineering degree and got the big fancy tech job that supports us. At work, I’m the ambitious, loud, outgoing employee who gets the job done, whatever it takes. I know everyone at the company and work tirelessly to make sure everyone knows how hard I work. Not in a cocky way, though I guess some people might consider it that way. 

But when I leave work, I’m Mommy’s baby boy. She takes me to and from work. Cooks, cleans, coordinates our finances, makes plans with friends, takes care of all of our logistics, and finds plenty of time to indulge in our lifestyle. She's my wife, or I guess you could call her my stay at home wifey, but she's the love of my life and there's not much I would change about our relationship.

Which I guess brings us to now. Standing in the gender neutral bathroom, pants around my ankles as I quietly unfold one of my plush adult diapers and put it on. It was Friday after all, and we had plans with friends tonight.

Essentially, the rule was if I was going to be home for longer than a 12 hour period, sleep included, I was expected to be diapered during that time. Of course, that rule was really only for the weekdays, as weekends I was expected to be diapered at all times, and exceptions were almost never made. Even when friends were involved. While I don’t think either are confident that no one has noticed, I wouldn’t put it past them. But I was fine with the idea of others knowing. Not enough to openly tell them, but I figured if they found out they would probably just ask about it. I would answer a few questions and we would go on with our life.

I pulled my pants up over the diaper and slung my bag over my shoulder, unlocked the restroom door and headed out the side entrance to find Mommy already waiting in the minivan. I pulled the handle to the back door and let the motors take over, climbing inside the back seat as Mommy smiled back at me.

“Hi Mommy!” I said as the door slid shut.

“Hey sweetie!” She said, leaning back to give me a kiss. “Are you ready to go bowling, baby?” 

“You bet!” I said back with a big smile, leaning back to buckle in my seat belt.


Samantha tries to keep things interesting, and I think our group of friends really appreciate that. Each week was usually something different, and almost everyone relied on Samantha to coordinate what we would be doing. I felt a smile creep up on me as I looked out at our group of friends from the counter where I was eating my hot dog and enjoying a beer. I released my bladder and let a fresh, warm stream flood into my already soaked diaper. It wasn’t like me to fill it this fast, but I also didn’t usually think about it too much. Mommy usually keeps an eye on me and will pull me away to the bathroom if needed. Which, thinking about it now, probably makes our friends think we're sneaking away for a quick fling.

“Devin, you’re up!” Jacob called out.

I lifted my beer to signal that I was coming, taking one more sip before getting up from my seat.

I could definitely feel the weight of my diaper at this point, I just hoped that only Mommy would notice.

“Alright, strike in bound,” I called out, picking up my ball from the rack.

“We’ll believe it when we see it,” Chris said from the side lines.

I eyed the pins, staring down at the bumpers that Mommy liked to set as her little way of humiliating me, but I was actually pretty good at bowling and almost never hit them. I let the ball roll down the alley and smack the pins over, scoring the strike that I was looking for.

“Told ya!” I shouted, spinning around to see Mommy gesturing for me.

“I think it's the bumpers, definitely the bumpers,” Chris joked, getting up to grab his ball.

I walked back up the steps to my seat to finish off my beer as Mommy grabbed my crotch, obviously checking to see how soaked I was.

“Changing time,” She  whispered in my ear before walking off in the direction of the bathroom.

I chugged down the rest of my beer and followed after her, following her into the family restroom. If there was one thing I did appreciate about the publicness of this side of our relationship, it was that Samantha definitely did her best to be discreet. Like myself, she wasn’t openly trying to announce to the world that she liked her men in diapers, but that didn’t stop her from finding small ways to humiliate me like the bumpers.

She pulled out a changing pad from the bottom of her purse, followed by a fresh diaper and a small travel size bottle of powder. The pad was a must for public places, as neither of us really wanted to be on the floor otherwise. She laid out the pad and down I went, laying flat on my back and looking up at her. She smiled down at me, slowly unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down, revealing my very well used diaper.

“Such a good little boy, soaking your pampers,” She cooed, ensuring that I blushed.

She pulled out a pacifier from her purse and plopped it in her mouth, which was really only something she did in public. I think the thought behind it was to make it more embarrassing if someone walked in, which definitely worked since I spent most of the time staring at the lock on the door during these kinds of changes. She pulled the soggy diaper out from under me, before sliding the fresh new one back under before giving my privates a quick wipe. A fresh sprinkle of powder of my groin and she folded the diaper back up, ensuring that the tapes sat snuggly to avoid any leaks.

She leaned over and gave the front of my diaper a kiss. “Mommy’s seal of approval,” She said before pulling my pants back up over my diaper.

She pulled the pacifier back out of my mouth and helped me up off the mat before quickly rolling it back up and stowing the supplies back in the bottom of her purse.

“All fresh and clean,” She said, giving me a peck on the lips. “And I think you're good on alcohol , mister.”

“Yes, Mommy,” I said with a smile, buttoning my pants and adjusting my shirt to make sure my diaper tails weren’t visible.


The night carried on late into the evening. Cosmic bowling was ultimately the best part of bowling. I loved the light shows that went on and it really added to the whole experience. But like any good time, we eventually wrapped up and called it a night.

“Night guys!” I called out, watching everything head out as a crowd while Mommy and I stayed to clean up a little. 

“No luck?” Samantha said, seeing Jacob come back from trying to call for a ride.

“Yea…no answer,” He said, defeated.

“We can give you a ride home,” Samantha said.

It wasn’t out of the ordinary. Jacob and I had been good friends ever since freshman year of college. He was kind of weird and quirky, quiet. But we shared a lot of the same interests and had easily gotten along. He still lived at home, even after graduating mostly because of the lack of a job, but that often meant that his parents dropped him off and would be asleep long before it was time to pick him up.

“Sure, that would be great,” Jacob said, following Samantha and I back to the van.

We hopped in the back as we usually did as Mommy drove us home. The car ride was pretty quiet. Jacob and I had probably had a little too much to drink, and were just about out of energy so I didn’t think there was much use in forcing additional conversation.


We pulled into Jacob’s parents driveway as Jacob rummaged through his bag.

“Well, till next time…” I started to say before being cut off as I watched Jacob dive to the floor between the two seats as he unbuckled, almost as if he was trying to hide from something.

“I- I’m so sorry, I don’t know how…it must have fallen out of my bag…” He said in a quickened voice.

“Uh…” I started to say, unsure what Jacob was referring to. Though I quickly made the connection as I saw him slide his backpack closer and shuffle one of my diapers into his bag. I was pretty confident that it was mine at least, same print and everything and my work bag had spilled open from the looks of it.

“Oh- Thats uh,” I started, unsure if I should continue.

“I believe that's one of ours,” Samantha said from the front seat, now making eye contact with Jacob in the rear view mirror.

Jacob looked like he had seen a ghost. All of the color was gone from his face to the point he almost looked sick. He shifted his stare from Samantha to me as I tried to force a smile, though it was more of a cheeky grin than anything. I was humiliated, but I wasn’t quite sure how to handle the situation.

“You…uh-,” Jacob started.

“You can keep it…if you want?” I said in an attempt to help reduce Jacob’s obvious stress.

“Just uh…keep it,” Jacob said, leaving the diaper on the floor before quickly sprinting up the rest of the driveway to the front door.

Samantha hit the button to shut the door and turned around to look at me. 

“Looks like someone might have a new little friend,” She said with a giggle before turning back to drive the car.

“You’re not actually suggesting…” I started.

“Why not? It's worth a try at least, isn’t it?” 

“What if he is just a DL? Besides, that's such an awkward thing to bring up”

“Well, he’s already outed himself, which in turn outed you, so it's not like you both won’t know about the other?”

I stared out the window as I pondered the idea. It would be pretty cool to have another friend who was into this.


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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 1: I think that's mine… (1/27/2023)
  • 4 weeks later...

I logged onto Minecraft, joining the server that some of us played on to find Jacob was online.

“Hey,” I messaged on Discord, a usual routine for when one of us saw the other was online. But I didn’t get the usual response. Minutes went by and still nothing, so I went looking for him in the world. Maybe he was afk?

“Hey,” I messaged in the chat upon finding him, actively working on one of his projects.

“o/” He responded in chat, to indicate a person waving back.

It was at this point that I realized Mommy had been right. We both weren’t just going to forget what had happened last night. So I decided to try calling him on Discord, which to my surprise he actually answered.

“Hey man!” I said, trying to sound as energetic and as normal as I could.

“H- Hey,” He said sheepishly.

“Listen, about last night…” I started.

“I’m sorry,” Jacob said quietly.

“No no no, it's cool dude!” I said hastily, not wanting him to feel bad.

“I guess I kind of outed you?” He responded.

“Outed me to who? I think it's more like you outed yourself?” I said light heartedly, trying to keep things low-key.

“Samantha knows?” Jacob said back, almost as if he was shocked.

I chuckled a little, deciding to take Mommy’s advice and just see where this would go.

“Samantha is my stay-at-home wife, who drives me around in the back seat of a minivan and makes me lunch. I’m honestly surprised it wasn’t more obvious,” I said in a joking manner.

There was silence for a bit.

“Wait, so like…are you…” Jacob said.

“I’m not gonna say it, but I’ll answer any of your questions honestly,” I responded.

“Is Samantha like… your Mommy?” Jacob said quietly, probably trying to ensure that his parents didn’t hear the question.

“Yea, practically full time,”

I could hear a long exhale, which I hoped was Jacob calming down a little.

“And you…like…use diapers?”

“Not 24/7, but close to it.” I said, a little nervous myself. I hadn’t openly said that to anyone but Samantha before this.

I could hear Jacob let out a nervous laugh in the background. “Sorry, this is just like an eye opening experience…”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I responded, not really sure.

“I guess I just never…I feel ashamed to…well you know. So hearing someone else say it…hell to know a couple who partakes in it is just…wow. You know?”

“Yea, I guess it's pretty normal for me now. I definitely didn’t think I’d run into someone else who liked it though,” I said.

“What's uh- if you don’t mind me asking. What's your little age?” Jacob said quietly.

I hesitated a bit. I felt as though I was revealing a lot of information without much in return. “Fluctuates a bit I guess, but probably like 3? What about you? Am I allowed to ask that?”

Jacob let out another nervous laugh. “If you're being so honest, I guess it's only fair,” Jacob said before pausing. I could sense a lot of hesitation but honestly, I was expecting that. He’d probably never told a single person before.

“It’s hard to say since I haven't really gotten to experience…but like…1?” He said, before quickly adding, “That's weird isn’t it….”

“No no, chill dude. You don’t have to feel weird about this stuff with me…” I said before being cut off by Mommy as she walked in the door.

She stood in the doorway for a second, looking over at me with a puzzled look. “Is that Jacob?” Samantha asked.

“Yes, Momm- hun,” I said, weirdly catching myself as I realized Jacob would hear it. I could hear him try to conceal a laugh, which definitely didn’t make me feel any better but I could see myself doing the same thing if positions were reversed.

Samantha smirked down at me before grabbing the headset off my head and putting it on hers.

“Jacob, you free today?” Samantha asked firmly.

I could hear a hesitation, probably from Jacob being as caught off guard as I was.

“Uh- ye- yes?” I could hear him awkwardly say, probably unsure of whether the two of us had talked.

“Right, I’m gonna come pick you up. You’re gonna spend the night at our place,” Samantha said before giving me back the headset. I looked up at her with a puzzled face, unsure of what had just happened.

“Relax. You just keep talking to him, and I’ll go pick him up. Tell him to pack up his things,” She said, putting air quotes up as she said things.

I quickly hit the mute button on my mic.

“Are you sure? Like are you okay with…”

Samantha cut me off. “I am more than happy to, as long as you are cool with it,”

I stared at her. For once, I had no idea what she was planning in her head. “Um…” I started.

“Great! I’ll go pick him up!” She said as she left the room.

I could hear her grabbing the keys and heading out the front door, locking it behind her as I went to unmute the mic.

“Well…” I said, unsure of what to say next.

“Did she mean like, now?” Jacob asked, suddenly sounding pretty nervous.

“Uh, yea. She just left,” I awkwardly responded, now knowing that it wouldn’t be too long before we’d be facing these questions a little more personally, and under Mommy’s supervision.

“Oh. Guess I am coming to your place then,” He said awkwardly, probably completely unsure of what to expect.

Samantha had always been cool with helping Jacob as needed with rides, or meals, but we had never really taken it farther than that. Nor had we discussed it. Though, I had spent most of last night thinking about this very scenario, so I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little excited to try something like this out?

“Yea, uh look. If you’re not comfortable with any of this just let me know and I can call her and tell her to turn around,”

“No, it's cool. I could use a night out of my parent's house anyways,”

“Um, well…” I started, hesitating to say anything.

“What,” Jacob asked.

“She wanted you to pack your, um…things?”

There was a moment of silence.

“What do you mean?” Jacob said nervously.

I’m sure he knew exactly what I meant, but wanted me to clarify and say it explicitly. “Whatever things you might have… that pertain to little space,”

“Oh…” Jacob said. “Are we uh-”

“Playdate…I think that would be the term…” I said awkwardly. Trying to keep him from saying anything else.

“Right…don’t have much in the way of that but guess I better get to it.”

“Yea, guess I’ll see you in a bit?” I said hesitantly.

“Yea…” Jacob said, before logging out of the server and off of Discord.


I sat on the couch, anxiously waiting for Samantha to return with Jacob. My diaper was pretty damp already as Samantha hadn’t gotten around to changing me yet. Usually I was completely fine with being around people in a soaked diaper. Though, usually nobody knew that thats what I was wearing underneath, and I’m sure it wouldn’t take Jacob long to put two and two together. I wasn’t quite sure what we were gonna do, but I was sure that Samantha was going to push things pretty quick as she always had. I heard the front door open and Samantha and Jacob walk in.

“Hey,” I called out as Jacob awkwardly shuffled his way inside.

“Hey-” Jacob said quickly, looking around as if he had never been inside their house before.

Nervously, Jacob made his way into the living room, placing his backpack on the ground and grabbing a seat on the couch as Samantha disappeared into the kitchen.

“Sooooo…” I started, feeling unsure of what to say.

“So,” Jacob responded, being just as awkward as I was being. To be fair, I was the host and we had just randomly invited him over so the weight was definitely on me to keep things entertaining.

“Did you get a chance to restock the shop this morning?” I asked, going with the first topic that came to mind which just so happened to be Minecraft since they had both just been on the server.

“Haha, no. Honestly I had just gotten on before you jumped online,” Jacob said.

I leaned over to whisper to Jacob. “Are you good at controlling your own boundaries?”

“What do you mean?” He responded.

“I mean I know Samantha, and she is beyond excited so I’m not really sure what is going to happen this weekend but I want to know if you need me to watch out for any boundaries she might cross or if you can manage yourself”

“I guess I’m not really sure what you mean?”

“What I mean is, she’s the one with a big Mommy Dommy fetish, and she loves to over indulge me so I am sure she will be pushing you way out of your comfort zone,”

“Oh yea…ok. She’s not going to like…” Jacob started before being cut off by Samantha.

“Lunch boys,” Samantha called out from the kitchen.

“Jacob, honey? Forgive me for being so abrupt but what's your little age?”

I gave Jacob a side eye and a smirk before getting up and making my way to the table catching a glance from Samantha as well.

“You, take your pants off so Mommy can keep a better eye on you,” She said as she set two plates down on the table. Both with little triangular PB&J’s without the crust, and a small serving of fruit.

With a wide-eyed look from Jacob, I dropped my pants down to reveal my moderately used diaper that I had been in since last night. I gave a little spin for Mommy, which I realize also inadvertently gave Jacob the same view. I could tell he was a little out of place, but not to the point where all of the color had escaped his face. If anything he was blushing from my secondhand embarrassment?

“Jacob, I’m sorry but I must have missed your answer,” Samantha said, sticking her head back out of the kitchen.

“Oh uh, I haven't ever really messed around with the…”

“1,” I said, cutting Jacob off. I gave him a quick smirk and gestured for him to come over to the table.

“Thanks,” Jacob mouthed, awkwardly making his way over to the table.

“Oh, we’ve got a little baby, huh?” Samantha teased from the kitchen as I watched her grab a bottle and fill it with milk as the biggest smile came over her.

I could tell this isn’t what Jacob was expecting when Samantha asked him to come over, but that he was somehow enjoying himself nonetheless. My theory was confirmed when Samantha placed a sippy cup full of juice in front of me, followed by a bottle of milk in front of him. He stared at it for a few seconds before looking up at me and then Samantha. I was pretty sure I saw a tear forming, but I wasn’t going to say anything.

“Th- Thank you…” Jacob said softly, looking back to his plate and picking up one of the sandwich halves.

“So after lunch we’ll get you a diaper to change into and maybe some of Devin’s clothes if you’d like,” Samantha said, sitting down next to me.

Jacob slowly nibbled on his sandwich, eying the bottle.

“So, do you boys want to get high? I know it really helped Devin get into the headspace when we were first starting,” Samantha said, looking at me for a brief minute before shifting her gaze to Jacob.

It was really interesting. I half expected myself to feel more uncomfortable then I did. Especially with my wife becoming so eager to get Jacob involved in our role play. But it honestly did sound fun. To have someone else involved, especially if it had Samantha this riled up.

“Uh…” Jacob started, looking at me for advice while I downed a good portion of my sippy cup. I smiled, trying to let him make his own choices. After all, he did say he was comfortable setting his own boundaries. “I’ve uh- never smoked before…”

“Oh nonsense. We don’t smoke either, we use edibles. Plus, I’ll be watching over you both so you don’t have anything to worry about,” Samantha said, getting up from her seat to go and grab the edibles as if Jacob had already answered.

“I uh- sure, why not?” Jacob said, quickly looking at me with a very nervous look.

“That's the spirit!” Samantha called out from the other room.

“Alright, here's one for Jacob. Should be enough since it's your first time. Devin, baby. You take three.”

“But I usually just do two?” I objected.

“Exactly, we’re gonna get you really out there to help your friend transition,”

I gave her a big smile. I loved her, and couldn’t believe how excited she was, but I was definitely a little nervous with where all of this was going.

“Right, you just chew that and drink at least half of your bottle, Jakey. Then we’ll get you in a nice thick diaper.”

He did as instructed, almost without hesitation which told me everything I needed to know about his mental state.

“Now, since it's your first time, do you want Mommy to do it or do you want to do it yourself?”

Jacob stared wide eyed back at her, switching his gaze to me after a short moment obviously looking for help. I giggled at the idea in my head before realizing he was probably asking for my permission more than anything. Like why would he turn that offer down?

“Mommy knows best,” I said with a smirk, which I think even caught Samantha off guard as she turned to look at me. I simply shrugged and began sucking down some of the remaining juice to wash the taste of the gummies out of my mouth.

Jacob nodded, more than likely being rattled with nerves and unable to speak.

“Perfect, I’ll go grab a matching diaper. Can you lay down on the floor right here, sweetie?”

Jacob looked at me, completely red faced. “Is she actually going to…”

I nodded. “Yup, we're both gonna get to see your privates,” I said, holding back a laugh as Jacob turned an even brighter shade of red. I wasn’t quite sure where this sense of teasing was coming from, but it was kind of fun to embarrass Jacob and watch his face turn bright shades of red. I could definitely see why Mommy finds this to be so much fun.

“You’re not going to actually look…are you?” Jacob said nervously.

“If my wife is changing your diaper, I think that's the least you can do,”

“Are you still answering questions honestly?” He said, still sitting in his seat.

“Mommy doesn’t let me lie at home, so yes,”

“Are you- bisexual?” He said quietly just before Samantha came back into the room with a diaper and bottle of baby powder.

I nodded at Jacob as Samantha talked over me, leaving Jacob in yet another wide eyed trance as he remained in a locked trance with me.

“Jacky, come lay down on the floor,”

Slowly, he did as he was told and kneeled down to get on the floor in front of Samantha. It didn’t take long before he was laid out in front of her, with an obvious bulge beneath his pants. Samantha gave me a quick glance that told me all I needed to know before she started to unbutton his pants and pulled them down.

I made my way into the kitchen, quietly opening the freezer to grab an ice cube from the tray. I made it back into the living room, just as Samantha finished pulling off his underwear, leaving him exposed to the both of us at full mast.

“Hmmm,” I said, kneeling down beside him as I handed Mommy the ice cube.

Jacob was beyond embarrassed just from the whole experience, let alone me being there to the point that he had his arms thrown over his face. He let out a loud whimper as Mommy pressed the ice cube against his hard member.

“Shhhh baby, shhhh” Samantha cooed. “Mommy knows just how to take care of little babies like you.”


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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 2: A day of uncertainty (2/20/2023)
  • 1 month later...

I stood back up, suddenly feeling the effects of the edibles start to kick in. I was a little worried how the night would go, seeing as 3 was more than my usual, but also because Jacob would be experiencing a lot of firsts and his previous response didn’t do much to help reassure me that he could actually handle his own boundaries.

Samantha finished up the quick work of putting a fresh diaper on Jacob, and experience he had obviously been thrilled by even if it hadn’t gone exactly the way he might have wanted. She helped him off the floor, leaving his pants where they were and exposing his diaper just as mine was.

“So, usually there are a bunch of rules for you boys but we’ll just let Devin follow them for the both of you,” Samantha said with a smirk, obviously looking over at me.

“Mommy, can I have some more juice?” I said, flopping onto the couch as I could feel the effects become stronger. Don’t get me wrong, I loved the feeling. Something about it just made me feel so light, and small. Like nothing else in the world mattered. Mommy had been right when she said that it really helped me transition in the early days, and even know it did wonders on helping me get into the right headspace.

“Of course, baby,” Samantha said, grabbing the sippy cup to refill before coming back into the living room. She sat beside me on the couch, handing me my sippy cup and gesturing for Jacob to sit on the other side. He stood still for a second, almost as if he had been debating if that was appropriate or not, but quickly made up his mind and joined us.

“So Jacob, baby. Why don’t you tell us a little more about baby you while we wait for the candy to set in?”

“Oh uh- I don’t really know…I just know that I am attracted to the…idea?” Jacob said sheepishly as he slowly sat down next to Samantha.

“And what idea is that, baby?” Samantha said, reaching for the TV remote.

I placed the cup to my mouth and began to slowly suck, letting the candies take over.

“Uh-” I could hear Jacob start, unsure of if the embarrassment or candies were the cause of his lack of speech.

“You feeling okay?” I could hear Samantha ask Jacob.

“Yea- Uh…think I’m starting to feel a little something,”

“Alright, we’ll you just let me know whatever you need, okay baby? First times can be a wild ride. I’d love to hear more about your little side though,” Samantha said in a caring voice. “So that Auntie knows how to best take care of you,”

“Auntie?” Jacob asked, now looking up at Samantha.

“I figured it might be best if we gave you a name to call me, unless your little friend over here is okay with sharing his Mommy?” Samantha said, turning her head to me.

Part of me was already zoning out, but I had definitely heard what she had said. Though, I wasn’t too sure what all she meant by that. I forced a nod with my cup as I was still slowly sucking away at the contents, feeling unable to move. I could feel Mommy run her hand through my hair as she leaned down to kiss my forehead.

“Such a good little boy,” She whispered in my ear before sitting up straight again.

“So then, Jacky. Can you tell Mommy what you like, and maybe what you don’t like? Or Mommy can just take total control if that's what you would like,” Samantha said, almost in a sexy sounding voice.

“Um- can you- uh…can you take control?” Jacob whispered, sinking back into the couch.

“Of course, baby,”

I could feel a rock hard bulge in my own diaper, unable to act on it but I knew it was there. “Mama…” I muttered, feeling all funny as I forced myself to talk, “tooooooooons?” I forced out.

“Oh, why of course, dear. Mommy will get your cartoons on,” Samantha said, before quickly getting up.

I watched as she pulled the coffee table away from the couch, which immediately signaled to me what she was doing. With the coffee table aside, she laid out one of our big soft blankets on the floor before disappearing down the hallway for a bit.

I turned to look at Jacob, who like me was in nothing but a matching diaper with his shirt on. “How are you doing?” I said in a giggly voice.

“I uh, think I’m high?” Jacob said hesitantly.

I let out a laugh. “I think you’ll know,”

“I feel loopy…” He said, to which I just nodded in response.

Samantha reappeared carrying a hand full of stuffed animals which she dropped onto the blanket she laid out and pulled out two of my pacifiers from her pocket. I watched as she walked over to me and plopped one in my mouth before grabbing the attached clip and clipping it to my collar. I happily sucked away as I watched her do the same to Jacob whose face had turned a bright red yet again as he avoided eye contact with me.

“There we go. Now let's get you babies down here on the nice soft floor so Mommy doesn’t have to worry about you rolling off the couch!” Samantha said with a huge smile across her face.

Unable to move, I watched Jacob slowly lower himself onto the floor with his bottle and awkwardly sit there, unsure of what to do with himself.

“Devy, sweetie?” Samantha said as she made her way over to me. “Are you okay?”

I forced another nod, which must have been enough to let her know as the next thing I knew she was lifting me up off the couch and setting me down next to Jacob who was still sitting criss cross on the blanket.

“Devy dear, why don’t you introduce some of your stuffies to Jacky and Mommy will be right back,” Samantha said before heading into the kitchen.

It took me a minute, but I struggled my way to sitting up, trying to break the haze momentarily as I felt my throat start to tingle. I took the pacifier out of my mouth and watched as Jacob quickly did the same, before quickly taking another sip from my cup. I could tell he was still in a state of feeling awkward and a part of me wondered if he had taken enough of the edibles.

I giggled, “You don’t have to copy me,” I said looking at Jacob.

“Oh- I uh- wasn’t,” He said, looking around nervously.

“I think we’re past the point of feeling awkward,” I said, gesturing for him to look at the two of us and our surroundings.

To my suprise, Jacob actually smiled a little and slowly placed the pacifier back in his mouth, letting out a big grin in the process.

“Your goofy,” I giggled before pulling some of the stuffed animals over to us.

“This is Geoffery,” I said, starting with one of the bigger stuffed bears. Well, he was more of a giraffe, just in the typical teddy bear shape which was my preference as they were so much more comfortable to snuggle with that way.

“Hi ‘eoffery,” Jacob said through his pacifier.

I couldn’t help but laugh, which I immediately felt bad about as I could tell it made Jacob a little uneasy.

“No no, I thought it was really cute,” I said, quickly trying to correct my comment.

“Really?” He said through his pacifier again.

I grabbed mine and plopped it back in my mouth. “Really,” I said, letting out a big smile which seemed to do the trick.

Samantha entered the room again, this time with a fresh diaper and some wipes, dropping them on the floor next to me as she started to get down on her knees.

“Right, I think its about time we got you out of that nasty diaper you’ve spent all morning in!” She said, practically pushing me on to my back. “Plus, I think its only fair that your friend gets to see your exposed parts as well,” She said with a giggle, which caused Jacob to blush.

I hadn’t thought about it when he had asked earlier, but there was probably a good chance he was bi as well. Or maybe even just gay, as it didn’t really seem like he was planning to look away.

She ripped the tapes off my diaper, unfolding it to reveal my still slightly powdered member. I looked over at Jacob who was definitely taking his time to examine everything.

I felt the cool touch of a wipe as Mommy started to wipe around my privates, pulling them each way as she got underneath and made sure she got a thorough clean before putting the wipe to the side and grabbed a clean one.

I could tell by the way she started to stroke my cock with the fresh wipe that she was about to take this whole night to a new level. If there was one thing I had learned over the thousands of diaper changes I had experienced at this point, it was that there was definitely a difference between when Mommy was trying to get me clean, and when she was trying to get me hard. And this was definitely one of those times I could tell she wanted me hard. For a moment, I thought about maybe telling her to stop, to not do this in front of Jacob, but that moment was brief and was instantly pushed out of my head as she crawled her way on top of me once she had gotten me to full mast.

I stared up at her in disbelief, were we actually about to do this? I could feel myself try to say something, but the effects of the candy were to much to stop any of this even if I wanted to. Am I’m not saying that I necessarily wanted to.

I watched as she flipped her long hair back before she reached down and grabbed a hold of my solid member, pushing it up against her delicate, wet lips which almost instantly accepted my shaft. It had been a long time since she had been this wet, and I certainly wasn’t going to stand in the way of what she wanted.

I tried to shake the thought of Jacob, but I was so lost. Was I just imagining him being there? Had he fallen asleep, or was he turned the other way? I hadn’t really thought that Samantha would just straight up fuck me in front of him, especially not this soon.

I turned my head just as Mommy began to ride me, slowly thrusting forward as she let out a loud moan. To my suprise, Jacob was right there, pacifier in mouth watching everything that was happening. I felt Mommy’s hand on the side of my face as she pulled my head back to look at her. She said nothing as she smiled down at me and began to undo her bra as she tossed it to the side.

I was now fully under the impression that this is what she wanted, and she was very much trying to tease Jacob to the fullest, and I was along for the ride.

She pushed her boobs together and she started up again, grinding herself against my shaft as she playfully bounced. I could feel myself being completely overwhelmed. In fact, if it wasn’t for the gummies inebriating my senses, I’m pretty sure I would have busted by now.

“No baby,” Mommy said in a firm tone, reaching her hand over towards Jacob. “Babies don’t touch their diapers.”

I turned my head over to see what she was talking about and could see that Jacob was obviously very aroused and had started to rub his hand against the front of his diaper. I let out an audible chuckle as he looked back at me, completely red faced before Mommy forced me to face her again, this time leaning in and shoving one of her breasts into my mouth.

“Mmmm, drink up baby. Get all of Mommy’s milky,” She whispered.

I began to suck, wrapping my tongue around her soft breasts as I brushed against her nipple with each pass, just the way she liked. I let myself drift, imagining that I was actually pulling a warm pump of milk with each suck, which I instantly regretted as I felt myself immediately coming to a climax.

My head tilted back as I could feel my whole body pulse. Hot globs of cum shot inside Mommy as she continued to ride me, letting out a soft moan herself as I started to uncontrollably moan.

“Good boy,” Mommy said, still riding my cock as she watched me squirm beneath her. “Now be extra good for Mommy and help clean up this big old mess you made…”

I felt her lift herself off of me just as my orgasm started to die off, exposing my cum covered cock to the cold air before she placed herself back down on my face, placing her pussy lips directly in on my lips as she squeezed my head between her thighs.

Desperately, I started to lick. Sticking my tongue as deep into her pussy as I could, before quickly moving my attention to her clit. I could hear her moan as I felt my way around her, flicking desperately to try to make her cum.

I could hear her mutter something to Jacob but between her thighs over my ears, and the effects of the gummies I couldn’t make it out. It must have been another minute or two before she finally came, violently squeezing my head as she pushed her clit against my tongue.

Slowly, she climbed off of me and made her way back to my diaper to finish taping it up as if nothing had happened.

“I think it's time for Mommy to make some Dinner,” She said before standing up, leaving me on the floor.

I laid still for a second, reliving the experience in my head as I continued to taste Mommy and I in my mouth.

“So, how hard are you?” I said, rolling on to my side to face Jacob.

He blushed, letting the pacifier fall out. “I’m- not…”

“Right…” I said, looking at his obvious bulge. “Though I guess it would be weirder if you weren’t?”

Jacob laughed, sitting himself up, probably in an attempt to hide his bulge.

Hours went by as the three of us snacked and watched some cartoons. Jacob and I had almost completely vegged out, snuggled up on the floor with different stuffed animals. Though, eventually Mommy must have gotten board as she had started a conversation up, which didn’t take long before she was asking Jacob more questions, obviously wanting to get to know more about him on a more personal level.

“So, why are you still living with your parents?” She asked.

“Oh uh, you know. Its just hard to find a job I guess,” Jacob said.

“I know it can take awhile, but it doesn’t take that long in our market. I could see if my company is hiring?” I said.

Jacob was silent, staring up at the ceiling.

“Is it not the kind of job your looking for?” I asked.

“I- I never graduated…” Jacob said quietly.

I glanced over at Samantha for a quick second to exchange looks, realizing she was as caught off guard as I was.

“What do you mean? We were in all the same classes together,”

“I failed a couple of them,”

“What, like the final semester? We shared like every class ever. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I think its like 4, or 5. I just kept petitioning the professors to let me in each class so that I could keep up with the rest of you,”

I was shook. I didn’t really know what to say.

“So…are you like finishing those classes?”

“No, my financial aid stopped paying out after the 4 years and I guess…I guess I’ve just been too depressed to figure out how to make it work.”

I looked over at Samantha, almost as if searching for answers.

“We’ve got a spare room, sweety,” Samantha said.

I gave her a wide eyed look, but quickly looked back to Jacob. It hadn’t been the first idea in my head, but it wasn’t a bad one.

“No no, I have my room with my parents…I just need to,” He started before being cut off by Samantha.

“And we’ll pay for your schooling,”

I stared at her in disbelief, what was she doing? She blew me a kiss back and gave a quick smile.

“I uh- I couldn’t…” Jacob said, now staring down at himself.

“Well it wouldn’t be for free, honey,” Samantha said with a grin. “All the babies in this house hold keep jobs, and follow all of Mommy’s rules,”

I fell back onto the floor, a huge grin on my face. She really was trying to make this more of a permanent setting. And if earlier had been an indication of how much she wanted this, I wasn’t going to try and fight her.

“Uh-” Jacob started, turning around to look at Samantha.

“We’ll get you a job somewhere simple, like Target or something, and then you just give us your paycheck each month and we’ll cover everything else.”

I loved the confidence she had in her voice. As if it had already been decided. She wasn’t going to let him walk away from this. Maybe it was just the drugs talking, but it was pretty hot.

“We have the guest bedroom that we can give to you, plus, Mommy will be here to make sure all of your little needs are met,”

“I uh- don’t know what to say…Devin?” Jacob said, turning back to look at me, now laying on the floor drinking from my sippy cup daydreaming.

“Huh?” I said, being caught off guard in the middle of a fantasy.

“Is…is that, okay?” He said sheepishly.

“Mommy makes the rules in this house,” I said, trying to sound as if I didn’t care either way, but truthfully I would be really sad if he didn’t take the offer.

“What uh, what…rules are there?” Jacob asked, now sounding kind of nervous.

“Oh baby, we can talk all about that once you decide,” Samantha said, practically grinning from one cheek to another.

Jacob hesitated for a second.

“Uh- okay, yea. Why not?”

I let out a cheer from the floor, before rolling over and extending my arms for a hug from Jacob. He hesitated, but gave me an awkward hug as I continued to lay on the floor.

“Perfect! Since you like to be a little baby, I think we’ll have to modify some of the rules to help better fit you, Jacob,” Samantha said with a grin.

Rules for Jacob:

I am to be referred to as Mommy unless told otherwise.
You will wear diapers at all times. 24/7. No exceptions.
You will use your diapers for all intended purposes. No bathrooms allowed.
You will not touch/change/remove your diaper unless Mommy gives you permission.
You will not ask for diaper changes.
You will wear what ever clothes Mommy lays out for you. No exceptions.
You will eat/drink whatever Mommy gives you. No exceptions.
You will not drive yourself anywhere. Mommy will handle all transportation.
Bedtime is 10pm.
Only A’s will be tolerated while in school.
Breaking any rule will result in a harsh punishment.

“Wait, you don’t mean like…out in public too? Or at work?”

Samantha nodded slowly. “Oh yea, you are Mommy’s little baby after all, aren’t you?”


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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 3: A night of uncertainty (3/27/2023)
  • 2 weeks later...

“Morning,” I said, knocking on the door to what was now Jacob's room as I slowly opened the door. “Jeez dude, smells like shit in here,” I said instantly, smelling it upon entering.

I started laughing as I watched him pull the covers up to hide his face. “Did ya sleep well?” I asked.

“What's going on here?” Samantha said, pushing past me and through the door.

“Pee yew!” She said, “Definitely didn’t expect that so soon!”

He dropped the covers a little to reveal his brightly colored face. “Sorry…”

“Hey, there's nothing to be sorry about,” Samantha said, sitting on the side of the bed and pulling the covers off of him. “24/7 means 24/7. Babies are supposed to fill their diapers after all.”

I locked eyes with Jacob with a huge grin on my face. “Couldn’t even make it through the night, huh?”

Samantha gave me a stink eye which only made me grin harder.

“Alright, well let's get you boys some breakfast,” Samantha said, holding out her hand for Jacob to grab.

“Are you…uh- Are you gonna change me?” He asked sheepishly.

“Diaper changes are after breakfast each morning,” Samantha said, helping him out of bed before letting go of his hand and making her way to the kitchen.

“So, things are moving fast,” I said mockingly. “Couldn’t hold it in?”

Jacob blushed, “I usually have to go in the morning…I didn’t want to break any rules”

“So how long have you been sitting in it?” I asked, trying to make him feel more embarrassed than he already was.

Jacob hung his head. “A few hours,” He said quietly.

“Whew, glad I’m not you. I would have at least waited till Mommy woke up”, I mocked.

I watched as Jacob perked up as I referred to Samantha as ‘our’ Mommy. I figured I should probably talk to him one on one, just to make sure that everything was okay, but figured that was probably best during a time when Samantha was preoccupied.

“I didn’t- never mind,” He started.

“No, what?” I said, curious as to what was going through his head.

“I didn’t want to have to go in front of both of you…” He said quietly, obviously embarrassed.

“Right, because that would have been more humiliating then watching us have hot banging sex last night while you sucked on your pacifier?” I said lightheartedly.

Jacob smiled back, knowing I was only teasing.

We ate breakfast, all while smelling Jacob’s stinky butt which for some reason had Samantha in a better mood than usual. Maybe it was because Jacob was acclimating so well, but I’m pretty sure if I had woken her up with a stinky diaper, she wouldn’t be glowing the way she was now.

“Devin, honey. Can you show your brother where the changing supplies are and bring them out here?”

We both blushed a little at the thought of being brothers.

“Yes, Mommy,” I said, hopping out of the chair and grabbing Jacobs hand to lead him towards our room.

I opened my side of the closet, revealing the carefully packed bottom shelves full of diapers, and a top row of colorful shirts, onesies, rompers, and pjs.

“So yea, feel free to pick one out. Powder and wipes are in this drawer, as well as the changing mat which Mommy usually wants for stinky diapers,” I said before looking back at Jacob who was red faced again.

“Wow, this is all yours?” Jacob asked, slowly grabbing one of the diapers off the shelf as he looked at everything else on display.

“Yup. Though I think the correct term is ours,” I said with a smile which he returned.

Grabbing the supplies, we waddled back down the hallway into the living room where Samantha quickly joined us having cleaned up the table.

“Right, you two” She started, grabbing the changing mat and laying it out on the floor. “Get you both changed, and then into the shower,” She said, patting the mat for one of us to lay down, which I quickly did to jump in front of Jacob.

“Like…together?” Jacob asked hesitantly.

“Yup. The two of you will be sharing all of your showers together” She said with a smirk, quickly going through the motions of pulling my diaper off of me before giving me a quick wipe down and removing my shirt. I jumped up off the ground, now completely naked as I hurried over to the bathroom to get the water warmed up as I watched Jacob hesitantly get down on the mat in my place.

I hoped in the shower, hoping to get mostly clean before Jacob came in, but was cut short by Samantha’s quick work as I heard the door open and shut. I pulled the shower curtain back to see Jacob standing there completely naked as well and much cleaner than I expected. He was obviously building up the strength to get into the shower with me, and I must have caught him off guard by opening the shower curtain unexpectedly as he flinched a little.

“Uh, I can finish up real quick if you want to shower on your own,” I said, trying not to push him too hard.

I watched as he took a quick breath in before climbing into the shower with me. “No, it's cool,” He said with a smile, quickly getting under the water and wetting his hair.

I stared, watching the water run down his body. I hadn’t really realized how lanky he was before, but it was definitely pretty obvious now. I hadn’t really been thinking about the fact that I was just visually taking in his body until he must have finished wetting his hair.

“Uh, everything okay?” He said awkwardly.

I quickly looked up, locking eyes with him. “Huh? Oh- yea…sorry,” I quickly said, trying to look anywhere else.

“So what's the play here?” He asked.

“What do you mean?” I responded, unsure of what he meant.

“Us. Showering together. Everyday? Is that her secret way of letting me know that you're into me?”

I blushed, quickly reaching around him to grab the scrubby and bar of soap. Though, on second thought I probably shouldn’t have done as he likely thought it was some kind of advancement.

“Haha, wouldn’t that be something…” I said, lathering up the scrubby as I started to wash my body.

He said nothing as he finished washing his hair, before trading spots with me so that I could wash off.

“Would uh- Would that be a bad thing?” I asked awkwardly, wanting to break the silence.

Jacob shrugged. “Honestly, I think I’ve discovered more about myself in the last two days than ever before,” He said with a smirk.

I heard the door open again, just as I was about to ask what exactly that meant, but figured it was a conversation for another time…

“Alright, let's get you guys dried off and dressed so we can head out,” Samantha said, grabbing an extra towel from under the sink as we turned the shower off.

“Out?” I said, grabbing my towel off the rack and beginning to dry off.

“Yea, we’ve got to go move Jacob out of his parents house. Bring his stuff over here so it can feel more like home,” She said with a smile, now handing the towel to Jacob who stood awkwardly beside me in the tub.

“Can- Can I not wear a diaper today? Just for my parents' house?”

Samantha looked at him with a glance of disappointment. “Honey, it's okay to wear diapers. No one will even know.”

“I know…it's just- One last time? I promise I won’t ask again,” Jacob said.

“Fine. But just until we get back, and no diaper change tonight. This is the second rule you’ve decided to break already,” She said with a smirk before heading out of the bathroom.


I could tell that Jacob was nervous for the whole car ride there. I wasn’t even sure if he had told his parents that he was moving out yet. We had stopped by a uhaul on the way and picked up a few boxes. Jacob had claimed that we didn’t need to because he didn’t have that much stuff, but Samantha didn’t care.

Eventually, we pulled into his parents driveway and all got out of the car.

“Samantha, could uh- no Mommy stuff while we're here?” Jacob said sheepishly as he closed the car door.

Samantha looked back at him with a smirk but said nothing as she made her way to the front door.

Jacob and I exchanged looks to which I just shrugged. I didn’t think she would try to make a scene or anything, but I also wasn’t really sure. A lot had happened in the last 24 hours and it was exciting to see her so amped up like this.

Jacob opened the door, and the three of us walked.

“Hey Mom-,” Jacob said, greeting his mother in the kitchen before awkwardly glancing back at Samantha and I.

“Ah, I was wondering when you’d be home. And your friends are here!” Jacob's mother said with a large smile on her face. “Come in, come in!”

“Hi, I’m Samantha,” Samantha said, leaning forward to greet Jacob’s mother. “Devin’s wife,”

“Oh yes, yes. Nice to meet you. Good to see you again too!” She said, now looking directly at me.

I nodded with a smile. “Yea! Likewise!”

“So, what are you all doing here?” Jacob’s mother asked.

“We’re-” Samantha started, before stopping to look at Jacob.

“Oh, uh- yea…I’m moving out,” Jacob said sheepishly.

“‘Bout time,” Jacob’s father called from the living room.

“Oh, that's so good to hear, dear! Are your friends gonna help you?”

“Yea…and I’ll be staying with them,” Jacob said.

Jacob’s mother’s expression perked up a little, but more in a look of disappointment than anything.

“I guess you’ve always gotta start with roommates…” She said, turning back to continue stirring her batter.

Jacob didn’t say anything, and just turned to head towards his room.

“Oh shoot, honey can you go grab the boxes?” Samantha said to me, before following Jacob down the hall.

I did as I was told and retrieved the boxes from the back of the van and carried them into Jacob's room. I hadn’t been here many times, but I remembered that it was pretty basic. A queen sized bed with a nightstand that was half falling apart, and a small Ikea desk holding up his computer setup, which had to be the most valuable thing he owned.

“Right, let's just pack everything up and we can sort it at home?” Samantha asked, looking at Jacob and I.

Jacob and I nodded.


There was a knock at the door and Jacob’s father walked in.

“So you’re finally moving out, eh boy?”

Jacob nodded, refusing to make eye contact as he continued to pack up his computer.

“Not much of a warning you gave your mother and I…” He said, still standing in the doorway.

Jacob didn’t say anything.

“Shit, always quiet this one, isn’t he?” His father said, in what sounded like a gesture to Samantha or I, but I remained quiet.

“No, he's pretty obnoxious when he’s hanging out with us,” Samantha said in a peppy voice, looking over at Jacob who continued to face away from his father.

“Ha, wouldn’t I love to see that. All he does is mope about all day here at the house. ‘Bout as useless as a garden hoe if you ask me,'' He said, turning his head back down the hall.

Samantha and I looked at each other and exchanged a glance as Jacob still stayed focused on taking apart his computer setup. We remained silent, not wanting to press anything while in the house as I think we both figured it would be best to just get him back home.

And to some degree, Jacob was right. We probably didn’t need the boxes as there wasn’t much to take aside from clothes and his computer. We carried the few boxes and bags out to the van all while receiving the silent stares of his parents.

I followed Jacob back into the house while Samantha organized the bags in the trunk.

“So I guess that's it then, huh?” His father said from the living room.

“Yea- um…Got all of my stuff. Won’t be needing the furniture since they’ve got some for me to use already…” Jacob said, looking at his mom rather than his dad.

“Pfft, typical of you. Leave all the heavy lifting to you father,” He said angrily from the living room.

“Well, um- bye mom,” He said, giving a small wave to his mother in the kitchen.

“We’ll still see you every so often, right?”

“Yea…I’ll uh- still come over for the holidays I guess,”

“I better be seeing your ass more than that! Just cause your moving out doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done around this house!” His father yelled, now getting up from the couch in what appeared to be a very drunken state.

I felt myself instinctually step forward a little, getting closer to Jacob’s side. I could see that his mother had gone back to stirring her batter, almost as if it was just a distraction method. Jacob had never talked about his family before, but I never thought about the fact that it might be rather dysfunctional.

“You're not just going to abandon this family!” His father yelled, pointing his finger directly at Jacob as he struggled with each step forward.

“Boys, in the car,” Samantha suddenly said, stepping in through the doorway behind us.

I grabbed Jacob’s arm, who very quickly turned and nearly jogged out the door to which I followed, giving Samantha a glance on my way past.

“Who the fuck do you-” The dad started.

“Pleasure meeting you both,” Samantha said before loudly slamming the door, cutting off Jacob’s father.


The car ride home was rather quiet as I tried to gauge how Jacob might be feeling, but I wasn’t able to see much of his face as he stared out the window, watching the different houses fly by. I couldn’t hear any signs of crying, from the look that Samantha and I had exchanged in the rear view, I got the sense that there was at least a tear or two being shed.

Finally, we pulled back into the driveway of our house, sitting quietly for a few seconds after the car turned off. We all got out of the van and grabbed what little boxes and bags there were and carried them inside, making a small pile in the corner of what was now Jacob’s room.

“So, I figured we can go through all of this, sort through what you have and more importantly what you don't have?” Samantha said, looking at the two of us.

“Great!” I said, eager to go through Jacob’s stuff since I really was not sure what, if anything he had.

Jacob sat down on the bed, spreading his hands out to feel the sheets as we watched his legs bounce off the side of the bed.

“Is uh- Is this really going to be my room?” He said sheepishly, looking up at me.

I nodded, unsure of what Jacob might be feeling or what I might need to do to help console him. Surprisingly though, it didn’t seem like I would have to as I watched a big smile come over his face as he laid back on the bed. “Thank god,” He said, letting out a sigh of relief.

Samantha looked over at me with a puzzled expression, to which I just shrugged. I could see where he was coming from.

“Can I decorate it?” Jacob asked, pushing himself up to look at me and Samantha again, obviously in a much better mood.

Samantha smiled, “Indeed you can, though I was thinking of giving it a rather fitting makeover that I think the both of you might like,”

Jacob’s face lit up as he smiled over at me. “I love it here already.”


It's been a while, but I've still been posting on my Patreon. Lots of new stories and additional chapters to come, but if you enjoyed the story, please consider supporting me on Patreon.

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 4: Moving Day (4/7/2023)
  • 4 weeks later...

“Right, lay back. I think you’re on the edge of breaking your third rule for the day,” Samantha said, now standing at the end of the bed looking over Jacob.

I watched as he blushed as he quickly did as he was told. Samantha quickly grabbed his ankles, pulling him closer to the end of the bed as she let out a smirk. A movement that I was sure elicited a very particular reaction from Jacob, as I know it definitely would have gotten a particular reaction from me. She quickly unbuttoned his pants as I turned to leave, heading into Samantha and I’s room to retrieve the changing supplies, knowing quite well what was happening.

I walked back in the room, diaper and powder in hand to see Jacob laying flat on his bed with a full erection as Samantha crumbled his clothes in a ball and threw them next to the closet. I couldn’t help but have a huge smile on my face as I handed Samantha the diaper. Something about seeing Jacob like this was actually kind of hot.

“Thank you, and can you grab your little black…” Samantha said, making a hand gesture that gave me all of the information I needed. “We have to wait for this little guy to deflate anyways,” Samantha said mockingly, looking back at Jacob who was trying his best to avoid eye contact.

“Sorry!” He said, pulling his arms up over his face in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.

“Mhmmm,” Samantha said softly. “I’m sure you are…”

I quickly returned with the chastity cage that I typically was forced to wear as a punishment, or if I was ever left on my own for extended periods of time, as well as a small bottle of lube that I knew would almost certainly be a requirement, especially for first time users like Jacob.

“Thank you, sweetie,” Samantha said, grabbing the items from me as Jacob continued to look away. It was weird how trusting he was of us. I would have almost certainly looked at what had been fetched in addition to the diaper, but it was pretty clear he was blissfully unaware of what would soon become his new reality.

“Alright, Jacob baby. This is gonna feel a little cold,” Samantha said, before squirting a big glob of lube onto the base of his flaccid penis.

I watched as she quickly worked it around the circumference before quickly lubing up the ring and sliding his privates through, just in time all of the motion had quickly made Jacob aroused again, which finally made him look.

“What is- oh…oh!” He said, which I took as him fully understanding what was happening.

“Samantha, I don’t uh-” Jacob started.

“Shhh baby, let Mommy take care of her baby boy,” Samantha cooed back.

Jacob laid back on the bed facing the ceiling. “Do I- do I have to wear that?” He said sheepishly.

His cock throbbed, only further pointing out the fact that he loved the idea. Samantha looked at me with a smirk.

“Yes, baby. All little boys need to wear one to keep them acting like good little babies. You want to be a good little baby for Mommy, don’t you?”

He nodded profusely as his cock throbbed. I could feel my own cock begin to harden just from watching. I could only imagine he was hoping for something a little special before having to wear the cage for the first time, as I know that I would be hoping she finished me off at least once beforehand.

“Alright baby, your gonna have to show Mommy what a good boy you are by making your little boy parts soft again,”

“But- but- maybe you could just-” Jacob started, feeling desperate for her touch.

“I’ll give you 30 seconds and then I’ll have to give you a naughty sticker. I don’t think you want to get any naughty stickers, do you baby?”

Jacob shook his head. “No, Mommy…”

I could see him hesitate, but he flexed his arms which as any guy knows is one of the fastest ways to get rid of boner, even if your body is telling you that you really want to have a boner, which was obviously the case for him currently.

“Good boy,” Samantha said, lubing up the cage and sliding his now limp cock inside before securing it and pocketing the key. She quickly slid the diaper underneath and powdered him up, closing the diaper up and helping him up off the bed.

“Good job, sweetie,” She said scuffing up his hair. “Now, your safe word is Jock Strap. Use it if your ever uncomfortable, or if the cage is causing a lot of pain. You should know that it's pretty normal to have a lot of discomfort for the first few days, but if it really hurts let me know. Though, if I can tell that you were just lying to get it off…”

Jacob nodded, as his face turned red.

“Perfect. Why don’t you boys get all of Jacob’s things unpacked, maybe just lay them out on the bed so I can quickly see what I am working with here and I’ll go wipe up some lunch for you boys,”

“Thanks Mommy,” I said, giving her a smile. Samantha smiled, stopping on her way out of the room to give me a very passionate kiss, something I figured was to tease Jacob more than anything. Which I could only imagine would be a running theme for a bit. “Oh, can I have some juice please?”

“Of course, dear,” She said, making her way out of the room.

“Um- me too?” Jacob said.

“Me too…” Samantha said, turning around in the hall.

“Please, Mommy?” Jacob said, now blushing.

“So…” I said, grabbing one of the bags off the ground and setting it on the bed.

“So, what?” Jacob said, following suit.

“How’s it going?”

Jacob let out a little laugh. “Better than I could have ever hoped for,” He said with a huge smile.

“Wow, really? Not what I would have expected from someone who just got put in a cage,”

Jacob shrugged. “Small price to pay?” He said with a smirk, obviously enjoying himself.

We emptied the contents of all of the bags onto the bed, spreading things out into piles. It really was just clothes and a few essentials.

“Boys…” Samantha said, entering the room again with two bottles of juice, setting them both on the dresser. “Good job!”

I circled around the bed, grabbing both the bottles and handing one to Jacob as Samantha peered over the contents on the bed.

“Mhmmm… What's in the boxes?” Samantha asked.

“Oh, just my computer stuff,” Jacob responded with some slight hesitation.

“Can you show me?”

Jacob did as instructed and opened up each of the boxes, revealing a rather simple setup with just his desktop and a monitor, as well as a few peripherals.

“And what's that down there?” She said, reaching down into the box and pulling out a brown stuffed rabbit.

“Oh…yea,” Jacob said as he blushed a little, obviously not having wanted her to see that.

“Does it have a name?” Samantha said, turning him around to get a good look at him.

“Not really…he’s just nice to have around…” Jacob said sheepishly.

“Are these cum stains?” Samantha said, rubbing her finger along the underside of the rabbit where there was some crusty fur.

Jacob’s face became a bright red as he couldn’t help but hide a smile.

“It's okay, baby. Nothing to be ashamed of,” Samantha cooed, ruffling Jacob’s hair as she handed him the stuffed rabbit. “Can you explain to Mommy why there are icky boy stains on your little stuffed rabbit?”

“I…hump…” Jacob whispered quietly.

“Yea? Does it feel good to rub against it?”

Jacob nodded.

“Wouldn’t your diapy catch all of your icky cum?”

“I…I’ve only ever bought diapers in this last year…” Jacob said. “I usually just stick him in my pants…”

I had to hide my giggle. It definitely wasn’t something I had thought of before, but I could imagine that the soft fur would actually probably feel really good.

Samantha smiled at Jacob. “Well, Mommy knows just how to reward you when you’ve been a good boy now,” She said, with a smirk.

She got up, making her way towards the door while Jacob remained where he was, awkwardly standing still. “You boys going to be okay here by yourself? Thinking I’m gonna make a Target run for some essentials, as well as a few things for Jacob’s room,”

Jacob, who was still red in the face nodded.

“Yup! We’ll try to get everything unpacked. What about lunch?” I said, taking a sip of my juice.

“I’ll pick something up on the way back. Should only be a few,” She said, grabbing her purse before heading out the front door.

I turned around to look at Jacob who was still holding his rabbit with a smile.

“I used to hump things all the time in my diapers, never thought about putting it in my pants though” I said, trying to sound sincere and break up the awkwardness.

“Yea, it's actually really nice. Better than when I tried it with a diaper on actually,”

“Dam, I’ll have to try that,” I said, which Jacob just responded to with a laugh. “So, everything is good than?” I asked.

“Yea, things are great. Honestly just want to get settled in”

“Of course. So I would assume humpy here goes in the bed?” I said teasingly, gently taking the rabbit as I tossed it into the bed.

Jacob couldn’t help but smile.

We made quick work of putting the rest of his things away, setting up his computer on the floor temporarily until we were able to get him a proper desk. I thought about offering some space on mine, but it wouldn’t have really made sense seeing as it way already just barely big enough for my own stuff.

“Right, so what should we do for the next couple of hours?” I asked.

“Couple of hours?” Jacob asked.

“Oh, yea. She makes it sound like its a quick run to Target, but there won’t be anything quick about it. Especially if she has a reason to buy new things,” I said with a laugh. “We can go play on my Switch?”

“Sure,” He said, following me out into the living room.

The next two hours flew by as we raced it out in Mario Kart, happily sucking down our juice as if nothing was different from when we usually gamed together. Even though clearly a lot had changed. Jacob sat on the couch in nothing but the diaper Samantha had put him in, practically leaning on me for support as he altered between his pacifier and bottle as we bantered back and forth about the game. Definitely a moment that gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling.


“Jacob, sweetie,” Samantha called out, having walked back in the front door with a few different bags of groceries. “Look what I got,” She said, setting down the bags in the kitchen before handing him a sheet of paper.

“What's this?” He said, jumping up from the couch and shuffling over to her, revealing his slightly yellowed diaper as he grabbed it from her before.

“Target’s hiring. Why don’t you fill that out and we can drop it off tomorrow,” Samantha said, starting to unpack some of the bags in the kitchen.

“Oh, right,” He said, looking back down at it.

“Man, do I not miss retail,” I said jokingly as I gave Jacob a nudge from behind before heading into the kitchen to help unpack.

“Oh stop. It will be fun. Plus it's an excuse for me to go more often,” Samantha said with a laugh. “Oh, and there's two kids meals in the car, along with some other bags if you wouldn’t mind,” She said, already pulling out fresh packs of baby wipes and powder from one of the bags she was unloading.

“You might want to at least put a shirt on,” I said teasingly, looking back at Jacob who was still holding the job application. “Wouldn’t want anyone to know that you forgot how to use the toilet,”


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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 5: Settling In (5/4/2023)
  • 2 weeks later...

“Morning,” I said, jumping into the bed next to Jacob who was still asleep at the time.

“Huh- what?” Jacob said, suddenly stirring awake by my side, arms clenched around his cute little stuffed rabbit.

“I said, good morning,” I said with a chuckle, pulling the covers up over me as I turned on my side to face him, snuggling up next to him in the bed.

“Oh…good morning,” He said, rubbing his eyes. “Is- Mommy here?”

My stomach field with butterflies as I held back a chuckle. It was just so cute so quickly he’d jumped into this who Mommy thing.

“No, she's on a lunch date with her friends,” I said. “Just us for the morning,”

“Oh…okay,” He said quietly, snuggling up a little as I settled beside him.

“Sooo….” I started, feeling rather bored. “Whatcha want to do?”

I could see him shrug slightly as he opened his eyes to look at me again. “I guess I’m still just kind of sleepy,” He said.

“Oh, okay. I guess that's fair,” I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket. “You don’t mind if I watch videos here then, do you?”

Jacob gave a little shake of his head as I opened up Youtube. My video started to play aloud as I turned down the volume, shifting a little in the bed to get comfortable. It felt nice to relax, and there was something oddly cozy about sharing a bed with Jacob like this.

A few minutes passed before Jacob turned over in the bed, rolling under the covers to face the other direction. I wasn’t quite sure what came over me, but it almost felt like a muscle reflex that caused me to roll over on my side again, nestling Jacob in front of me as the little spoon, as I shifted my arms to hold my video just above him, ultimately forcing him into a cuddle.

Although, forcing might be too strong of a word, as Jacob definitely didn’t fight back. If anything he embraced it, shifting slightly to get comfortable in this new position.

“So…what does this make us?” Jacob asked sheepishly after a few more minutes, obviously feeling a little anxious.

“Whatcha mean?” I responded, pausing my video.

“You know…like- uh- if Samantha is like my Mommy and is…well you know,” He said before pausing. “Does that make her my girlfriend?”

I let out a big smile, feeling butterflies in my own stomach as I picked up on what he might be asking. “Yea, I suppose that does,”

“So, does that mean we’re like…”

“Brothers?” I said, interjecting.

Jacob let out a smile as he blushed, rolling over to better look at me. “But like, does that mean we're… boyfriends?”

I could feel myself blushing at this point. I knew what he was saying was true, but I hadn’t really been thinking like that. We were best friends afterall, but once the whole diapers and sexual tension thing had been introduced, did that make us more than friends? Boyfriends? Friends with benefits? Whatever it was, the thought of it made me feel warm. It gave me that tingle that I had first experienced with Samantha, and I liked it.

I smiled as I leaned in. Slowly closing my eyes as I felt his warmth get closer, until I finally felt his soft, delicate lips with my own as I gave him a good kiss. He barely moved, probably unsure of what to do and it felt nice. The warm, tingly feeling in my stomach only increased as I pulled back to see his blush red face as his eyes twinkled at me.

“How was that? Did that answer your question?” I said, feeling like I had just stolen a line straight out of a movie.

“I uh- yea…” He said, still standing still as he stared at me. “That was- that was my first kiss,” He said.

The smile on my face grew huge, as I felt myself feel a little giddy. “Yea?”

Jacob nodded as he quietly hid his own excitement.

“And, if we were to continue?” I asked, shuffling under the covers as I moved to get closer to him, wrapping one of my arms around him as I leaned in again, this time with a big smile on my face as I pulled him closer, locking our lips together.

The small kiss quickly grew into a short lived make out session as I felt Jacob began to try to experiment, likely trying to copy what I was doing but ultimately failing to do a good job of it, but I guess that's kind of what the first time is for everyone.

I pulled my head back, smiling at him as his eyes continued to twinkle with delight. The smile on his face was soft as he stared into my eyes.

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered, staring back at him, causing his smile to grow a little bigger.

“So, what's next?” Jacob responded.

“What do you mean?” I said, leaning in to rub my nose against him as I enjoyed the moment.

His cheeks turned a little red. “You know…” He started. “Do we like…”

I grinned as I put the pieces together. “Oh I see,” I said with a smirk. “Someones experiencing the symptoms of the cage,”

Jacob blushed. “Are…are you not horny?”

“Haha, I mean yes, I am, but unless you’re looking to get railed, there isn’t much I’m going to be able to do for you,” I said teasingly, looking down at his crotch which I could only imagine was feeling the full effects of its prison.

“You could get the key?” Jacob said desperately.

“I don’t have the key,” I said, which wasn’t far from the truth.

“What?” Jacob asked worryingly. “What if…” He started before I cut him off.

“I mean I know where the key is, but that's just for emergencies,” I said with a chuckle, starting to run my hand up his chest to further drive him wild.

It was fun actually, teasing him. I could see why Samantha got such a kick out of it. Jacob let out a sigh, having obviously gotten a little worried about his impending doom.

“Relax,” I said, leaning in for another kiss which he graciously accepted, though his kissing skills weren’t much.

“What if…we like- just snuck the key?”

I stared at him for a minute, watching him in the heat of the moment desperately trying to search for some kind of escape. It was pathetically cute, and I loved it.

“Lets just say it's stored in such a way that if it's used, it will be very clear to Mommy and we’d both probably get our butts beat,” I said, watching as I couldn’t get over how desperate he looked. “Come on, lets go play a game or something, unless you want to lie here and watch me masturbate,” I said jokingly, jumping up out of bed as I waited for him to do the same.

Jacob hesitated for a second before slowly scooting to the edge of the bed.

“What uh-,” He started, sounding a little nervous.

“I’ll let you pick the game,” I said, making my way to the door before realizing he was still sitting on the bed.

“...are you dry?” He asked.

I smirked, quickly putting together what he was after though I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about it.

“Yes…” I said, trying to sound like I wasn’t certain of what he was going to ask.

“Maybe I-,” Jacob started. “Maybe I could- like- try sucking your dick?”

I could feel my penis already inflating, but I couldn’t help but feel weird about the whole thing. We were friends after all and I didn’t want sex to ruin that. Was it worth the risk? Was it worth the potential risk?

“Tell you what…” I started. “You hold onto that feeling, and if its still the case the next time we’re alone, I’ll happily let you slobber all over me,” I said with a smirk, eliciting a smile from Jacob.

Jacob stared at me for a moment, almost as if a part of him was happy I had said no? Though to be fair, if he had tried to insist I wasn’t sure I’d be able to restrain myself any further. I might not be locked up in a cage like him, but I was definitely horny just thinking about what that experience might be like with him. But I wanted it to be perfect.

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 6: Devin and Jacob (5/17/2023)
  • 1 month later...

Jacob woke up for a second time to the sound of the front door closing. The first had been when Samantha had left with Devin to go to work, so now he could only imagine it was Samantha returning for the day.

He was kind of excited, yet nervous at the same time as he’d never just been home with Samantha up until now, and in the grand scheme of things their relationship was still pretty new. Sure, things had moved fast up until this point, but he wasn’t really quite sure how to act, or even talk to Samantha when Devin wasn’t around.

He shifted slightly in bed, feeling the comfort on the far superior mattress to what he was afforded at his parents home. He took a moment to take in the serenity of the moment. The shades were still pulled close, leaving the room pretty dark with the exception of the light that managed to sneak its way around the shades as he stayed tucked tightly under the covers in nothing but his diaper which was admittedly slightly damp.

To Jacob’s surprise, Samantha hadn’t entered the room right away like she had in the previous days, only making Jacob more nervous as he didn’t know what to expect from her. Instead, he heard some slight commotion from outside his room that he could only assume was Samantha going about her usual routine for when Devin went to work.

Had she forgotten about him? Should he just get up and exit his room on his own accord? He pondered, still laying under the soft confines of his bed for quite a while, ultimately enjoying the ability to sleep in late, even if he wasn’t actually sleeping.

Eventually, there was a knock on the door before it began to slowly open. Jacob rolled over in his bed to greet her, but was quickly caught off guard.

Samantha slowly closed the door behind her, cutting off the additional light from the hallway before making her way across the room towards Jacob. His mouth gaped open as he stared at her.

With a bottle in one hand, Samantha had fully stripped down and wore some sleek, black lingerie that only accentuated her features further as she strut across his room towards him.

“`Morning, sweetie,” She said in a soft voice, placing the bottle on his night stand before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “How’d you sleep?”

Jacob could feel his cock pressing against its plastic prison already as he quickly jumped around from one idea to the next about the possibilities of what might happen next.

“Go- good,” He stumbled, still not believing his eyes.

“Is something wrong?” She said, turning slightly to stroke the side of his face with her hand, smiling down at him as he twitched at her touch.

“No, Mo- mommy,” He stuttered, his dick now having filled the full confines of his cage as it continued to try and push out in every direction creating some discomfort.

“Well, you’re big brother is at work today, so I figured we could have some Mommy time, just the two of us. Does that sound good, baby?” She said softly, continuing to stroke his hair as she turned more to face him.

Jacob nodded as he let his face turn bright red. His mind ran wild with thoughts and fantasies, all with one goal. To get out of his cage.

“Yes, M-” Jacob started, before Samantha placed her finger on his lips.

“Shhh, baby. Why don’t we let Mommy do the talking, yea?”

Jacob nodded, readjusting slightly as he tried to relieve some pressure in his groin.

“Aww, have I already got you all riled up?” Samantha said, pulling back the covers and rubbing her hand into his groin, over further agitating his confined penis. “Oh, you poor thing,” She said, now moving to climb on top of him, fully mounting him as she sat on top of his diaper.

“You know, you are just the cutest little thing ever,” She said, pinching his nose as she gave it a little wiggle. “Mommy just thinks your perfect,”

Jacobs' face blushed further as he let out a soft moan as she repositioned herself on top of him.

Samantha grinned as she started to grind against him, feeling the bulge from his cage align with her clit as she got into a slow, rocking pace as she watched his face tense up.

“Such a cute, little diaper boy,” She whispered. “Do you like it when Mommy rubs up on you?”

Jacob nodded almost instinctively, even though he very much wished she had removed the cage first.

“Yea, I bet he does. My little baby is a humper,” She said softly.

Jacobs' face turned bright red at the comment as he bit his lip.

“You know why Mommy loves you?” Samantha whispered. “Because you’ll do anything. Mommy gets to embarrass you, torture you, edge you, play with you. She gets to do whatever she wants, all because you want Mommy to make you feel good,”

“Sure, Devy lets me do some of that, but he’s a big boy, with big boy needs. He needs a soft, warm place to empty his cock on a regular basis. I can’t just keep him locked up without complaint. You on the other hand,” She grinned, quickening her pace as she really started to push her groin into his diaper.

“You’ll let me do anything, all because you want to feel loved,” She whispered in his ear as she gave it a little nibble. “And trust me, I want to spoil you like there's no tomorrow, so all you’ve got to worry about is doing what Mommy says, okay?”

Jacob nodded as he let out a little grunt, desperately wanting release from his plastic prison.

“Oh, is there something you want, baby?” Samantha cooed, pushing her groin against his diaper even harder.

“Yes…yes, Mommy,” Jacob said desperately, practically on edge already.

“Yea? What does my baby want?”

“Can I please cum?” He said quietly.

“Ohhh, does my little baby want to make stickies?” Samantha cooed, lightly up on her thrusts.

“Please, Mommy?” He said desperately.

“Hmm, you have been a pretty good boy,” She said, teasingly grabbing one of his tapes and pulling it off.

Jacob thrusted upwards in an attempt to signify that he wanted her to continue.

“Yea? Does that make you excited?” She cooed, pulling off another tape before removing the final two.

She crawled off to the side of him, making room to spread his diaper out, exposing both its yellow padding and his very cramped cage with a trail of precum already leaking out.

“Oh, what a little baby,” She said with a grin, pointing to his soiled diaper. “Did somebody have a little accident in the night?” She said teasingly.

Jacob said nothing as he blushed.

“You know, there is a second option for making you cum,” She said, slowly running one of her fingers along the underside of his cage, making her way to his very tight hole.

Jacob shook his head as he gave another little thrust.

“No? But there's this cage here, sweetie. What do you want me to do with that?” She asked teasingly.

“Please, Mommy?”

“Please what, sweetie?”

“Please let me out of my cage,”

“Ohhh, I see. You want Mommy to let your big boy parts out so you can cum?”

Jacob nodded his head quickly, burning up with anticipation.

“Hmm, you have been a very good boy,” She said, now running her finger back up towards his cage, scooping up some of his precum with her finger off the exterior of the cage.

“And you would do anything to cum, is that it?” She said, climbing on top of him again as she placed her finger in his mouth which he desperately sucked clean.

He nodded profusely as she pulled her finger out.

“Anything?” She said again with a grin.

“Yes! Anything, Mommy!”

Her grin grew bigger as she pulled a small string with a key attached out of her bra, slowly moving to unlock his cage as she pulled his swollen cock out of its confinement, almost instantly growing in size.

“You be a good boy now. No cumming until Mommy says so, or we can keep this cage on for much longer next time. Mkay?”

“Yes, Mommy”

“Mmmm, what should Mommy do with you?” She said, holding his now erect cock in her hands as she closely examined it. “I bet it won’t even take much, will it?” She said, lightly starting to pump her hands around his shaft.

Jacob let out a whimper, obviously already close enough to have to fight back the urge to cum.

“You remember the rules, right sweetie?” She asked teasingly, still pumping his cock in an attempt to get him to cum.

“I- I can’t hold on very long,” He let out.

“Yea, is my baby boy already going to cum?”

He nodded his head as he bit his lip.

“Okay, sweetie. Cum for Mommy,” She said, continuing to pump his meager shaft as he began to twitch, letting out a few little spouts of cum as he moaned uncontrollably.

“Ahhh, so cute,” She said, watching him twitch about for a brief moment before calming down.

“Why don’t you go wash off in the shower? Make sure to give it a good scrub down there too, then we’ll get you locked back up and in a diaper,” She said.

She gave his naked a butt a light slap as he jumped out of bed. “Enjoy your freedom,”

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 7: Jacob and Samantha (6/23/2023)
  • 1 month later...

“I’m gonna stretch my legs,” I said, unbuckling from my seat as I opened the door.

“Okay,” Jacob responded back, his eyes still locked on my switch in his hands as it had been for the last few hours.

I jumped out of the car, instantly feeling the sag from my diaper as I felt the warmth of the sun. I stretched my arms up, really arching my back as I took a breath of fresh air. It was odd how such a simple landscape could be so beautiful, especially after a few hours in the car.

The warm sun was complemented by the cool, brisk air as the light scent of the juniper berry trees made for a unique experience among the mostly barren, shrub and rock filled land. The  rest stop was pretty average, consisting of the main building for the restrooms and a few vending machines, with a scattered variety of picnic benches scattered throughout the park.

“Hey you,” Samantha said, seeing me as she came back from the bathroom.

“Long time, no see,” I said jokingly, causing her to smile.

“How's my little man holding up?” She asked, getting closer before giving my crotch a good squeeze. “Just as I thought,” She said, releasing me as she circled around to the back of the van.

“Come on, let's get you changed out of that,” She said, opening the hatch as she cleared a spot in the back of the car.

“Here?” I asked, knowing very well that it was what she meant.

“Of course, don’t be silly,” She said, patting the back of the car.

I slowly walked towards her, giving a final look around to make sure no one was here, which was quite obvious given the empty parking lot with the exception of a single semi truck who was likely fast asleep anyways.

“Take your pants off,” She said just before I started to climb up.

Cars flew by on the highway just a few hundred feet over without much of a barrier between it and the back of the car.

“Can I get in first?” I asked.

“No, it will be more difficult that way,” She said, reaching down to pull the waistband of my sweatpants down.

I felt exposed as my soiled diaper was advertised to the world, quickly pulling my shoes through the leg holes to fully remove my sweat pants. I quickly turned to jump up in the car, feeling the embarrassment set in as she stopped me again, forcing me to stand at the end of the car in my exposed diaper for longer.

“Do you need to make any pushies?” She asked teasingly.

“What? No- no,” I said, knowing that wasn’t entirely true.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to be changing any of your stinky diapers later tonight,” She said, still keeping me from laying down in the back of the car.

“Um- like at all tonight?” I asked hesitantly, trying to decide if I could make it, as I very much didn’t want to do it right here.

“You’re not holding it in, are you Mr?”

“No- no…I’m good,” I said, mentally biting my lip as I could only imagine this would come back to make things worse.

“Ok…” She said hesitantly, scooting aside so that I could quickly jump into the car and be mostly out of sight from the rest of the world. “You better not have to make any pushies later, or you're going to be in big trouble, Mr,” She said with a smirk, almost as if she knew that I was lying.

I laid back as she was sorting through one of the diaper bags in the back, pulling out the necessary supplies before quickly pulling me up to remove my shirt, further exposing me to the cool breeze that was filling the car.

“Mommy’s gonna get you all changed and into a fresh pair of jammies,” She said, starting to untape the front of my diaper as I felt the cool wind on my privates. “Do you want some juice while Mommy changes you?” She said, riffling through her bag for the wipes.

“No, thank you,” I said, blushing a little in the process.

“Okay, sweetie,” She said, dropping a wipe over my privates as she started to wipe around my groin. Eventually, the normal wiping routine came to an end as she pulled out the old soiled diaper, and slid under a fresh one as I felt the wipe return, slowly finding its way between my cheeks as I felt her begin to circle my butt.

I clenched a little. “Mommy…” I said, looking up at her as she let a warm glob of saliva fall from her mouth onto the tip of my penis.

“I know, sweetie,” She said, slowly beginning to push her finger inside as she used her other hand to begin to massage my cock.

My heart started to race. I could hear the cars flying by not too far from here as I tried hard not to think about what would happen if one of them decided to pull into the rest stop with us. My cock grew in her hands as she continued to massage it, as I tried to unclench.

“These long car rides can be a real bummer, can’t they?” She joked, looking down at me. “You boys are probably all pent up with energy,”

I let out a moan, letting my head finally rest as I tried not to think about the passing cars.

“That's it, sweetie,” She cooed. “Let Mommy take care of you,”

I arched my back slightly, raising my hips towards her, desperate for release as I let my mind drift. Her delicate strokes became more firm as she tightly gripped my cock, her finger delicately rubbing against my insides.

“Who’s Mommy’s little boy?” She cooed, picking up the pace as her finger reached its furthest depths.

“I am,” I said quietly.

“Yea you are,” She said, leaning in a little just before a car could be heard pulling in.

My eyes shot open in panic as I reached for something to put in my mouth, quickly grabbing a loose pacifier and shoving it in my mouth.

“Shhh,” She said. “You’re doing so good! Can you cum for Mommy?”

I let out a whimper, terrified that someone might come over.

“Shhhh,” She let out again, letting a trail of saliva fall from her lips onto the tip of my penis, lubricating her hands some more as she leaned in to wrap her lips around my cock, pulling her finger out of my ass as she began to focus on my cock.

I pushed my hips upward, now more desperate than ever to cum as her hands and lips worked in sync, pumping precum up through my erect cock and into her mouth.

I let out another moan through my pacifier, biting down hard as her tongue wrapped around my shaft as her fast strokes turned to firm, smooth motions. My head went back as I bucked my hips, blowing my load into her warm, wet mouth as she continued to extract every last drop.

My teeth clenched to the pacifier as I tried to make as little noise as possible, a nearly impossible task for me.

“Mommy-” I whimpered through my pacifier, feeling a sensational overload as she attempted to drain every last drop. “Mommy-” I cried out, barely able to contain myself.

She finally stopped, slowly pulling her lips off, making sure to trace her tongue along the underside of my inflated cock before grabbing a wet wipe to wipe her hands with.

She said nothing as she smiled down at me, wiping her hands clean before reaching towards one of the bags to pull something out.

“And since you won’t be needing to make any pushies,” She said with a smirk as I watched her take out one of my butt plugs from the diaper bag as she began to lube it up. “We’ll just slide one of these big boys up there just to make sure,” She said.

I grimaced a little as I felt the cold lube press up against my little hole, before forcing its way up inside me, something I had wished she had started with.

“Alright, big choice,” She started. “Just the diaper, or footed PJ’s,” She said, pulling my pair of dinosaur PJ’s out of one of the bags.

It wasn’t really much of a choice, but I’m sure she knew that. Between the semi frequent stops for gas, or food, I would have to be really seeking that extra level of embarrassment from this trip that only wearing an exposed diaper would provide. But I certainly wasn’t.

“Pj’s, please,” I said in my cute voice.

“Good choice,” She said, folding up my diaper as she taped it shut. “Can you hop out for me”

My heart sank a little, now knowing that the car had parked just a few spaces over. “Mommy…” I said, feeling like we were cutting it a little too close to the sun.

“Come on,” She said, egging him on.

I took a deep breath before quickly getting up, scooting my diapered butt out the back of the van as I stepped on the cold pavement. I quickly slid my feet into the legs of the pjs that she was holding out before pulling the rest of the Pj’s on, quickly sliding my arms through the sleeves and sneaking back to my door, making sure that the recent car wouldn’t be able to see me.

I opened my door, climbing up into the back seat and into my car seat while Jacob looked at me with a huge grin. Samantha put a few things away in the back before opening up Jacob's door.

“What about you, do you need to make any pushies?” She said, reaching up under his seat belt to give his diaper a squeeze.

Jacob nodded quickly as he put the switch down before reaching for the buckle.

“No no, you stay right there,” She said with a smile, heading back around to the back of the car.

Jacobs' face turned red as he filled with excitement. It wasn’t often that Samantha encouraged making messes, but it was definitely something that Jacob just loved.

A few awkward minutes passed as Jacob filled his diaper, while Samantha retrieved refills of snacks of juices for Jacob and I.

“Good job!” Samantha cooed, returning to Jacobs door as she leaned in to give him a kiss. “Looks like we can get back on the road now,” She said with a smirk, shutting his door before heading to the back to close the hatch.

“Waa- bu` I jus` poo`ed,” He said, suddenly flustered about the thought of being stuck in his mess.

“I know, and you did a great job!” She cooed, climbing back into the driver's seat as she started the car. “Mommy is so proud! We’ll get you changed at the next gas station,”

“Bu`,” He started, before spitting out his pacifier. “Mommy, please?” He begged.

While I wasn’t exactly happy about being stuck in the back with his stinky butt, I couldn’t help but turn to face out the window and put an earbud in as I suddenly let it not be my problem. Afterall, I think we all knew he loved it.

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  • DLBoy781 changed the title to From Friends to Brothers - Chapter 8: Rest Stop (7/28/2023)

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