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Zoe's Trans-Dimensional Adventure. (Private for LilGirlLya and BobbyDrago)


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Today was the day that Zoe had been waiting months for. She had to admit now that it was facing her down she was a little anxious. Growing up her parents had always kept a close eye on her, wanting to know where she was, who she was with, and when she’d be home and that hadn’t abated even though high school ended a month ago. This was going to be the longest and furthest she’d been away from her home and despite the mixed feelings and apprehension, Zoe was most of all excited.


Her bag had been packed a week ago but that didn’t stop her from checking it again when she woke up, almost certain there would be something she forgot when she got there. Her few outfits and accessories, the beginnings of a makeup collection, and the first stuffie she purchased just before coming out, a cute cockatiel plush.


“Can’t forget these,” Zoe thought as her eyes danced to her bedside table. Fluoxetine, sprionolactone, and estradiol were all emptied into her hand in the appropriate doses before being downed with the remaining contents of her bedtime glass of water. She’d been taking anti anxiety medication since she started high school but the other two were much more recent additions. She’d started taking her meds on winter break from high school after her doctor finally approved a scrip.


In the past six months, she’d been awed by the changes even if she was impatient at the pace. Her skin cleared and got softer, body hair grew finer, and most enjoyably of all her breast tissue was beginning to develop nicely. Her family was only grudgingly supportive and had asked her to refrain from a bra while she was still in school even as the changes became obvious to all of her classmates and fellow students. She wore a sports bra under her gown the day she gave her valedictorian speech. It was a compromise to get her to agree to a nice shirt and tie for her grand parents who still had no idea. She’d worn one every day since.


Zoe made a quick stop in the bathroom to brush out her hair before giving herself a quick little eyeliner job and putting on some jeans and a hoodie over her tee shirt. She was ready and waiting before her family ever woke up, she fidgeted and flipped through the booklet for the university as she waited. Her high school science had been from that dimension and if it weren’t for Ms. Drake’s recommendation she probably wouldn’t have considered studying abroad there. The psychology program was top notch though. Ms. Drake being an alumni her recommendation carried a lot of weight, and with that letter, her SATs, and a valedictorian’s transcript, in hindsight acceptance should have been a snap.


Of course that didn’t stop her from worrying every day until the letter came, it was a huge relief when it finally did but no sooner was she relieved than another worry crept into her mind. The diapers. It was really all most people knew about the place. There were horror stories, hell, about twenty years ago there was a whole genre of scary movies about people finding their way to the ‘diaper dimension’ and ending up forcibly infantalized. Zoe had raised the issue with Ms. Drake who assured her that may have been how things were in the past but nowadays the only ‘littles’ who ended up like that did so of their own consent. She was promised she wouldn’t have to worry about being snatched off the street and taken into a strangers house to turn into a drooling baby.


That assurance gave her enough confidence to accept and a few weeks back the university had let her know she’d be staying with a woman named Martha in the same town the college was in. She would have the option to move to dorms at the start of the semester but having a sponsor upon arrival would make for an easier transition to living in such a radically new place. Zoe hadn’t really spoken with Martha yet, other than some emails, but she trusted Ms. Drake and if Ms. Drake said it was OK, she would believe it.

Zoe was getting anxious waiting for her family to wake up, her fidgiting turned to pacing and finally to walking down the hallway to knock on the door and wake them up. Sure, it was only 7:30 and her arrival through the portal was scheduled for 12 but what if there was traffic? Or it took a long time to get through whatever dimensional TSA looked like? Her family got up, got dressed, and ate breakfast while Zoe paced nervously, trying to hurry everyone along through their morning tasks the best she could. What if she missed the portal and they decided she wasn’t mature enough to even come? It sounded silly but Ms. Drake told her it was most likely she’d come through as a ‘mid’ and maybe if she was late they wouldn’t think she was a mid?

Finally her mom grabbed the keys from the keyring and Zoe shot to her feet and bounded out the door. Zoe’s leg bounced the entire trip in the car to the portal center. She spent the trip finishing up her goodbyes, messaging friends on Discord telling them she’d see them next year.


“Love you Ale-Zoe.” Her mom corrected most of the way through her dead name. Zoe pretended not to hear and gave her mom a hug. Her dad exchanged a firm handshake but didn’t say much. With her bags in hand Zoe made it promptly through processing. They made her brush her hair out of her face for the picture and Zoe filled out some forms that she assumed to be typical; name, emergency contacts, medications. She smiled when she got to mark ‘F’ besides gender.


Due to Zoe’s pestering they’d arrived far ahead of schedule, she busied herself on the phone until the time came. A few minutes before noon an attendant called for everyone to assemble in the portal room. Zoe joined a room full of about 20 or so people. Some she imagined were like her but she also saw a few adults dressed fairly child like and holding hands with other travelers. They were given a count down, Zoe closed her eyes. There was a bright flash and then she found herself in a very similar room with a new attendant. This time though, most of the people were taller than her. Some, including the attendant, towered over her in fact.


“Through the hall and to the left for the main lobby for returns. New arrival Amazons and betweeners to the right for processing. Littles remain behind for assistance.” Zoe was confused, she walked uncertainly toward the exit when the attendant stopped her, “Woah there missy, littles need to stay put for now. We’ll find your sponsor in a minute.”

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Martha when volunteering her home as a 'transitional home' or even a student home, was understandably a little nervous. The culture here was very different than it the 'little world' that they would be leaving. But after meeting Zoe through a video call and after several subsequent meetings she calmed on the subject. Even starting to look forward to having someone else to share her home with.

As Zoe was going to come through a mid she would only need some lessons on etiquette and the dos and don'ts. Then a home through which to stay during college. If she was coming through as a Amazon just some culture lessons and off she would go to college. To be honest Martha preferred it this way a long term resident would help her with the adjustment for when she got a little.

Martha had been focusing on her career for a long time and now, with the cushy executive position she had in the company she had ages to dedicate to her little girl. Martha would have a little girl a mother always knows after all.

Martha was waiting in the independent arrivals area when, a portal attendant rushed over and informed her that apparently Zoe was going to be her little girl after all Zoe was a little. Martha wasn't fully prepared but after a deep breath she and the attendant left to get her little girl.

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Zoe was a little taken a back to be addressed so dismissively. Still, she couldn't help herself but blush at the 'little missy' comment. As she walked she could feel her shoes and clothes felt looser. It was then she realized that she didn't only come through smaller, she may have gotten shorter as well. One thing was certain though, her teacher had been wrong. Zoe had absolutely not come through a betweener like she'd been told she would. Was her teacher just mistaken? It seemed more likely than not, she couldn't fathom that the teacher she'd trusted all through high school might have been lying to her.

Zoe waited as patiently as she could with the three other remaining littles in the room. To a one, all of the littles stayed spaced out, close to the wall and displaying various levels of unease and apprehension. It all fed into making Zoe increasingly uneasy.

"OK you all, follow me. Single file" The attendent led each of the littles down the winding corridors of the portal area. Finally, they emerged into a waiting room furnished with chairs for peoples of all sizes but everything else, from the door to the reception desk to the toys in the corn was massive. Soft music was playing as they entered and Zoe felt herself let out a deep breath as tension released from her shoulders. The littles were all directed to take a seat but on the way Zoe heard a knock at the door and in strode Martha with one of the attendants.

"Oh, Martha!" Zoe threw her hand up trying to get her sponsors attention.

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"Hello Zoe it seems you fell under one of the variance cases, hive me a bit to talk with these fine people and we shall see what this changes." Martha smoothly greeted and calmed Zoe as she went into an adjoining room following the attendant.

After Martha left the door opened again almost immediately with three other adult amazoms two of which were women. One of the women and the man went to their respective Littles and started to have a quiet discussion, while the third little broke down and started to cry. The second woman picked up the little and started to hug and whisper into the boys ear soothingly as she sat in a plush seat.

Martha began the protocol rundown that the other three had undergone while waiting for the portal to open, as well as fill out the requisite paperwork.

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As the other littles were gathered one by one, Zoe nervously waited for the Martha to finish conversing with one of the portal agents. She was unsure of what to do, should she go back home? Was there an embassy or something like that to call? Without much information she didn't have any options. She found a seat her sized and plopped herself down into it.

"This happens occasionally Ms. We have littles coming through without expecting the change. If this complicates plans or you are unable to care for her then we can contact little services and see about placing her in a facility for new arrivals. You are her sponsor for her time in the dimension though so if you're OK with taking a little, we can process her out into your care. It's not as binding as an adoption but you'd have a lot of the same rights and responsibilities for her care."

Zoe waited as patiently as she could. Thankfully the music was soothing. It was a fairly simple melody and she found herself humming along at times. There wasn't anything she could do other than wait. The amazons would all figure something out, she just needed to be patient for them. The toys caught her eye but she dismissed the idea. Maybe for the *actual* littles but there must have been some mistake. She was an adult after all, nothing like some of the stories Ms. Drake had told her about littles in this dimension. Zoe hummed and started to swing her feet in time with the music.

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"Yes its true we both were expecting her to come through as a betweener, but I was planning to adopt after this sponsorship had concluded and she had returned home but I guess I can get started early." Martha smiled at the agent. "I really don't mind this change granted this probably spells poorly for her being able to finish her college plans but if that is the case I am more than willing to adopt early."

The paperwork although being routine is still tedious and long. Only after an hour of conversation and papers being filled out signed and then signed again does Martha emerge.

Martha still smiling walks over to Zoe and stoops down to her level. "I'm sorry that took so long there is a lot of extra paperwork when these errors occur."

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The triggers in the soothing music went to work on Zoe, gradually working to erode the anxiety and paranoia she might have otherwise felt and replace it with a sense of passivity. In between bouts of humming along and swinging her feat in the oversized chair she would sometimes get up and pace circles around the room. It was less a nervous pacing and more a bored pacing. The amazons were taking for-ever! It was on one of her laps around that the need to go to the bathroom hit her. It came on faster than it normally would which startled her. She returned her seat and sat, crossing her legs rather than swinging them and trying to focus on the music. She thought of asking someone where a toilet was but the only people to ask were the busy amazons in the next room.

"Oh hey Martha, no worries. Neither us expected me to come out like this after all! Are we good to go? Do you think we might be able to find a bathroom on the way?"

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"For the most part we are good to go qnd as far as I know there is a Littles bathroom right in there." Martha says pointing to a side door in the room. "When you come our there are some things we need to talk about before leaving." Martha says before you walk through the door.

In the bathroom you find a cute Littles toilet painted to look like a duck while the sink is painted to look like a sneaky snake. There is a changing table along one wall and what I'd labeled an 'auto changer' on the other wall.

While waiting for you Martha settles herself in a plush armchair next to one of the chairs sized for Littles. 

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Zoe nodded and made a beeline for the bathroom. She was surprised to find it looking so, well, infantile. It looked like a slightly sized up version of something you'd find in a preschool. Zoe brushed the unpleasant connotations aside as she sat on the small toilet. Even for her size it was a bit shorter than normal and after a few minutes, discomfort started to build in her legs. She wondered if it was just the angle of the seat? After all, it must be hard to construct infrastructure for a population of littles that could vary pretty widely in size. Still, eventually she was able to go a little even if it resulted in some achy legs. Zoe hurried back to Martha after giving her hands a wash in a too tall sink.

"Thanks for that Martha, gotta say I'm not a huge fan of the bathrooms here. What do we need to talk about? Me coming through little?"

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"Yes as previously talked about times have changed, but adoptions are still a thing. The good news is that it is easy to make adoptions a non issue for the independent little." Martha states matter of factly. "The good news is thanks to the portal variances being so common we can pick up just about everything we need from New Arrivals square."

Martha pats the seat across from her "Before we go and entertain the money vultures outside let's go over a few of the legal changes and changes in paperwork."

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"Oh great, yeah, I have to admit. We hear a lot of horror stories back home. It sounds like this is common enough that there are plans for it so what sorts of paper work do we need to look at?"

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"Well the paperwork was mainly just stuff that had to be refiled with you as a little rather than a betweener, and me as a sponsor and guardian rather than sponsor and host." Martha says looking at some papers in her hands. "A couple of extras stating that I am fully capable of hosting and caring for a little from another dimension, a Littles work visa for education. As well as a couple exemtion forms that are written in such dense legalese that I can barely tell what they are for."

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"Oh, yeah let me take a look at those." Zoe skimmed them but really couldn't make heads or tails of it. In her dimension, legalistic writing borrowed mostly from latin and even if you weren't familiar with the language, you picked things up just by living in a society based around that. Here though, it seemed like there had to have been another base, it was similar but just off enough to be indecipherable. There really wasn't anything she could do. Zoe realized she only had two options since she couldn't understand a lot of the jargon. She could either bail and head home and blow off a free ride scholarship or she could trust her former teacher and the sponsor the university picked out for her. She took a deep breath and signed where she was told to.

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Martha smiled and held in a chuckle when Zoe started to sign. It was cute to think that her signatures were even necessary most aspects of her own consent went our the window when she came through as a little.

After Zoe gets through the entire stack Martha sighs and says "Now that that's out of the way are you ready to go shopping through the satellite stores that are in the square outside? Oh one more thing don't agree to buy anything that they don't currently have in stock. The stores out in the square are price capped do they can't gouge you too hard, but that only applies to things that are in those stores. Try to buy something that's in the main store there and you will pay nearly 500% or more of what the price in the main store actually is."

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"Oh, OK sure. I'll only get exactly what's in stock then. Thank you again, I mean, I know this wasn't in your plans and I really do appreciate you going out of your way to help me get all set up. Do I owe you anything or is the scholarship covering it?"

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"You owe me nothing Zoe." Martha says with a smile "if you want something not in stock just tell me and we can go around the city to some of the main stores you might need that for clothing anyway."

Martha stands up and motions you to stay seated for a moment as she moves out to the door she was ushered into and hands someone the legal papers. "Alright I thought I might have to do more paperwork. Ready to go?"

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"Come on." Martha smiles and walks over to the exit door holding it open for you to walk through. After traveling through a rats nest of hallways the both of you exit into a large square bordered by both stores and stalls complete with hawkers.

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Zoe exists the door and starts down the hallway, keeping pace with Martha as the proceed down the labyrinthine corridors, letting Martha take the lead when they entered the bustling square. Zoe made certain to stick close to Martha, each new sight truly drove home how tiny she was here. The square was loud and grounded with giant figures who all towered over Zoe, moving briskly and casually at a pace that probably would have been a run on her comparatively shorter legs. She could hardly even see any of the stores above the fray. "Where to first?" she called up to Martha.

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"We should head into this suppy store to get you some protection." Martha says pointing to a little supply store. She then looks around before offering her hand to you. "I think you should hold my hand as this square is quite busy."

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Zoe nodded up to Martha and took her outstretched hand. The way Martha's hand enveloped hers it would almost be a misstatement to call it 'holding hands'. That implied a something of a mutual grasp, at least it had ever since Zoe had matured and started dating. This was Martha holding her hand. Zoe blushed knowing what this probably looked like but kept her head and tried to project a confident, unphased appearance to very confidently put out the impression she was actually a free little.

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There are amazons and betweeners all over the square making quarters tight, you can't see any Littles walking around but you can see plenty being carried around. There are some who look confident a few more that seem nervous or embarrassed  and even more that are calm and cuddling the Amazon carring them.

Martha appears to be attempting to make the way to the edge of the square but it's taking time.

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Zoe sees the other littles being carried and wonders if it may be easier to go with the flow instead of trying to slowly make her way through the crush of people. She looks up at Martha and gives the idea some thought before casting it aside. She was an independent adult and besides, Martha hadn't wanted her to come through as a little so she probably wasn't interested in caring for her like these littles were.

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Martha manages to lead you to the side of the square and up to a storefront that advertises to be catering to Littles. Its clear upon entry that they cater too both independent and adopted Littles with the store being split in half.

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