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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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This is a dark story I've been working on about a group of girls kidnapped by one of their boyfriends and turned into his new family. There's no diapers or forced infantilism until chapter three, but there's plenty of petplay and bondage and torment until then, so stick around if you're into that stuff too.  Without further ado, chapter one of Family Ties.



Kelsey's Collar


When Kelsey got free, she was going to kill this man. She’d never been more certain of anything in her twenty-three years on this earth. Sean would die by her hand, and she was going to enjoy it.

Fantasizing about squeezing his throat until his eyes popped from their sockets fueled her. She envisioned it over and over each time she had to stop and take a breather from her attempts to free herself.

The son of a bitch knew to fear her too. It was no accident that she was hogtied in the trunk while the other two were up front. There would come a time when he wasn’t as careful around her, and he couldn’t threaten Brook or Sara to keep her from kicking his teeth in, and then she’d strike. Patience, she told herself, patience was her key to taking her captor down.

Patience had never been her strong suit, and as soon as she’d gotten her breathing under control in the stifling sack he’d pulled over her head before shutting her in the trunk of his SUV, she resumed her vigorous struggling. It didn’t help that the hogtie was starting to become pure agony. Her back, thighs and shoulders especially were aching from their strained position. Kelsey was naturally very flexible, but this was well passed her limits. 

It didn’t help that she had no idea how long she’d been tied up in the back of his car. How far away was he taking them? Her mind conjured up images of a filthy one-room log cabin where he planned to rape and eventually kill them. She struggled harder. If she could get free she’d kick his goddam teeth in as soon as he opened the door to get her.

The tape was getting looser. It wasn’t much, but the sticky stuff plastered around her wrists and ankles was stretching. She’d given up on being able to tear through it, as satisfying as that would have been, but if the trip went on long enough, she’d definitely create enough slack to pull one of her wrists free, and from there she was set.

At first she thought it was ridiculous when on movies and TV captives were able to figure out where they’d been taken based on how many turns they’d taken. Granted, that was still bullshit, she’d never be able to pinpoint where they were being taken, but she was starting to get a feel for the roads. For a long time they had been moving at speed without stopping. She couldn’t begin to I guess which one, but they were on a highway. And then the road started to wind, and she could feel the car climbing and descending hills. They slowed down and the road got rougher. When it felt like they were on a gravel road, every little bump sending agony through her sore limbs, Kelsey knew she was running out of time. She strained against her bonds, desperation spurring her on even though she was exhausted. Her mouth was dry from the gag stuffed and taped in her mouth and her throat hurt from sucking air through a sack. 

The SUV rolled to a stop. The radio turned off. 

“Welcome home.” Kelsey could hear the muffled complaints of her roommates up front.

“You first.” She didn’t know which of them he was talking about, but she could hear the doors opening up front, and she knew it wasn’t her. She still had time.

Her wrists were raw and bruised, but she kept on, straining her legs out as hard as she could. She kept going until her thighs screamed from the strain and it felt like her hands were going to be torn clean off from her wrists. 

It was working.

Summoning reserves of strength born of pure desperation, she tucked her legs back up as far as she could and kicked out with all of her might. The last stubborn edge of tape jerked over her thumb joint on her left hand, and from there the rest followed. She gave an elated scream of joy into her gag as she straightened her aching legs for the first time in hours. 

One of the doors up front opened.

Kelsey froze. She was still panting through her nose, but she tried her best to regulate her breathing.

“Your turn.”

“Mmmmph,” came the muffled response. Kelsey guesses it was Sara.

“You’ll just have to wait a little longer.” His voice was closer, right above her. She could picture him leaning over the back of the seat to check on her.

“Looks like I’ll have to take care of you first.”

Kelsey sprang into action as he got out of the car. Her fingers were numb as she grabbed at the hood, scrabbling uselessly for purchase on the soft fabric until she managed to hook her thumb under the edge and yank it up. She blinked at the sudden onslaught of daylight filtered through the tinted back windshield. As quick as her eyes adjusted, they weren’t prepared for the direct light when he opened the trunk and the sun beamed into her eyes, silhouetting her kidnapper. 

Kelsey rolled onto her back and kicked her bound legs out, trying to keep him at bay while her hands flailed around wildly in the back of the SUV, desperately searching for something, anything she could use as a weapon.

Sean grabbed her legs and wrapped one arm around her ankles. “You’re a feisty one!” 

Behind her, she could hear Sara’s muted, panicked screaming. Kelsey reached up and grabbed the seat, holding on while Sean started to pull her out. Her fingers were too weak to maintain her grip for more than a few seconds as the larger, stronger man yanked on her legs. She failed again, her fingers finding something solid and she grabbed it, using her momentum to swing it with all her might.

Sean merely laughed as she struck him with a roll of duct tape. “Thanks,” he told her with a chuckle as he caught it when she swung again and pried it from her fingers.

Pinning her legs in the crook of his arm, he started to peel off the edge of the tape. Kelsey wasn’t about to get taped up again. All her self-defense training disappeared from her mind and feral instinct took over. She lunged forward, going for his eyes with her nails. She clawed and scratched, screaming into her gag in a rage.

Sean’s eyes widened, his amusement at her escape attempt replaced with surprise as he actually had to take her seriously. Her nails dug along the side of his face, inches from his eye.

She bucked and thrashed her legs, trying to shake his grip, all the while clawing at his face and neck. He swatted her hands away but couldn’t grab them. 

Kelsey kicked again, and his grip loosened almost enough for her to snap her legs free. One more good one and she would be able to get out of his grip. She didn’t have a plan after that, but she’d figure something out.

The struggling girl never got the chance. He tightened his grip on her ankles and pulled, hard, yanking her out of the back of the SUV. Her arms flew back and pinwheeled wildly, trying to grab for purchase on anything, but her hands found nothing before she dropped to the ground.

The impact stunned her, and Sean was on her in a flash. “Good try.” He grabbed her wrists, holding them above her head while he straddled her torso. “You’re lucky I like feisty.”

She thumped her heels uselessly against the ground. “Mmmmmph!”

“Even still, I’m going to have to discipline you for that.”

Kelsey growled at him, squirming underneath his weight. Through his jeans she could feel his erection pressed against her helpless body.

He shifted his weight and flipped her onto her front before pinning her down again. Sean wrestled her arms behind her back and rebound them with fresh tape. Kelsey’s struggles got weaker and weaker. She hadn’t given up, but she recognized the futility. She had missed her moment, though there be another. No matter how well he restrained her, how much he “disciplined” her, she wouldn’t give up.

With upsetting ease, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and carried her around to the side of the car. “Looks like you’re going to have to wait a little longer.” 

Kelsey adjusted until she could see into the back seat. Sara was sitting in the seat, looking blindly in the direction of his voice, a black sleep mask over her eyes and mask over her gagged mouth. Her arms were trapped behind her and she was securely strapped in place with the seatbelt. Kelsey knew if she had been afforded such lenient restraints, she could have escaped easily. Perhaps if she could keep Sean busy long enough, Sara would get free.

Sean shut the door and started walking, gripping Kelsey’s butt through her jeans as she squirmed, trying to see around him to where he was taking her.

It was certainly not the dingy, ramshackle log cabin she’d been expecting. The gravel driveway led up to a small two-story house in the middle of a dense forest. Warm electric light shone from the open door, almost invitingly. A small porch sat out front, with a comfy looking rocking chair facing out into the woods.

He took her inside. The place was clean, organized, and still defying her expectations. She looked down to finished hardwood floors and nice rugs. The walls had art on them. The furniture looked to be in decent condition and good quality. 

Her captor carried her into a workroom of sorts. The floor was tiled, and shelves lined the walls, with all manner of tools. Kelsey clocked the large dog kennel in the corner of the room before she was roughly flipped off of his shoulder and deposited on the hard floor. Did he have a dog? Or was that meant for her?

She struggled to sit up to face him as he kneeled in front of her and took the mask off. The tape gag remained. 

“I’ll get you some more permanent things once I’ve measured you,” he told her, standing to gather some things from the shelves. “But we have enough here to start training you.”

“Mmggg amph hmmpphh!” she tried telling him to go to hell.

“Namely this guy,” he dangled something in front of her face. “This little guy is never coming off.”

Kelsey stared at the leather strap hanging from his fingers. It was a collar, clearly a leather dog collar. Her attention was drawn to the little black box affixed to the center, and the two metal prongs sticking out of it.

He knelt again, bringing it up to her neck. Kelsey hurled herself backward, but he grabbed her hair, pulling it sharply. “No!” he told her sternly. She wriggled, but his grip tightened until she was sure he’d rip her hair clean out. Her kidnapper wrapped it around her neck, centering the prongs right against the center of her throat. Kelsey heard a click, and he tugged on it, making sure it was tight.

“There we go. How do you like your new collar?”

Kelsey glared at him, staying silent. 

He ruffled her hair. “You’ll get used to it. I’ll get you a nice pretty tag to go on it. What do you think, should I just call you ‘Bitch’? Are you a Bitch? Hmmm? Who’s my Bitch?” He adopted the tone owners use when talking to their dogs.

Kelsey lunged, trying time head butt him. He nimbly stepped back out of the way.

“I’m going to enjoy breaking you.”

Kelsey threw herself forward again. She wasn’t even close, but she had to try. This fucking asshole, thinking he could break her. She growled nonsense into her gag and swung her head in his general direction.

Sean reached up to a shelf and pulled off a remote, and pressed a single button. Pain exploded through Kelsey’s body. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Incapacitating electricity coursed through her frame. She flopped on the floor like a fish. Her arms were trapped behind her back with tape, she couldn’t reach the origin of the pain at her neck, and her brain couldn’t process why.

Sean held the button for three seconds before letting off. His new pet lay on the floor before him, still spasming and panting through her nose. “That’s the lowest setting,” he informed her. 

The idea that it could hurt more filled Kelsey with dread. Even after it had stopped, her whole body was still seizing convulsively. 

“There’s an invisible fence in the yard, once you earn the privilege to go out on your own, it’ll keep you from wandering off.”

Kelsey focused her vision on him. She tried to glare, but it was all she could do to just look at him without seeing double.

“And as you’ve seen, I have a remote where I can activate it if you’re misbehaving.”

He pressed the button again to demonstrate, and Kelsey howled into her gag, twitching and writhing uncontrollably on the floor.

He let it go, watching as her spasming slowed. “And there’s even a setting to shock you if your barking gets too loud.”

Her eyes found him again. She was hearing his words, but in the aftermath of the extreme pain she was having trouble processing them. 

Another press of the button. He only held it for a fraction of a second but it was enough to set her world on fire once more. The helpless girl convulsed on the floor, oblivious to her captor’s actions as he grabbed her legs and cut the tape holding her ankles and ripped it off. “Bitches don’t wear clothes.”

Kelsey was helpless to resist as he pulled her socks off. She knew she should be trying to fight as he started unbuttoning her jeans, but she just couldn’t make her body do it. There was nothing she could do to stop him from grabbing her jeans and pulling them down her toned legs and off. Her black panties were already halfway down her butt, the tile floor cold, both startling and soothing at the same time, against her bare flesh. 

“Clothing is for people, and you’re not a person anymore.” He had scissors now, and they cut through her shirt like a hot knife through butter. One slice up one side from hem to neck, and two more to sever her sleeves, and she was in just her underwear.

Kelsey was fighting again, but it didn’t matter. He held her down with one hand while he cut through her bra straps with the other.

“Bitches don’t cover up in front of their masters.” He grabbed her naked breasts, squeezing them, kneading them in his strong hands.

Kelsey thrashed, his strong grip on the back of her collar, digging the prongs into her throat, stilled her. She clamped her legs together, but it wasn’t enough to stop him from ripping her panties off, leaving her naked and helpless on the floor, naked save for the collar she was now locked into. 

“That’s better.” Sean flipped her over, pressing her nude flesh against the smooth tiles. She put up a token struggle, but she knew it was futile. At least for the moment, there was nothing she could do to stop him. Instead she looked around, seeking something, any detail that could help her. Kelsey found herself looking right at the dog crate. It would easily hold a large breed of dog.

Or a person.

A sturdy lock hung open on the latch, the key still inside. Was it the same key to the lock on her collar?

Sean dropped something in front of her face. Thick black lumps of leather. Before she could even begin to guess their nefarious purpose, he picked one up, loosening the strap around one side, revealing an opening. 

“For your paws,” he explained, moving it out of sight behind her back and grabbing her right wrist. She shrieked and tried to pull it away, but bound as she was, there was no escape. She spread her fingers, trying to be as difficult as possible, but it barely prolonged the inevitable. He got the stiff leather mitt over her right hand and strapped it securely onto her wrist. Her fingers were stuck balled into a fist in its rigid confines. She might as well have had a dog’s paw for all the good her fingers were now.

“And that’s two,” he said, finishing securing the second mitt. He smacked her ass before grabbing her legs and working what seemed to be leather kneepads onto her. “We’ll get you something more permanent soon, I promise,” Sean told her. He rolled her onto her side and bent her leg back. Kelsey fought to straighten it, and she was winning. 

Agonizing pain erupted into her throat from the collar. “Bad dog.”

She panted and submitted to having her legs folded. He bound wide leather belts around them, tying her thighs to her ankles. 

Sean helped her up onto her hands and knees. Kelsey stood there awkwardly on all fours, torn between trying to stand, an act that was impossible in her current restraints, or just flopping down to the floor, a pitiful act of defiance, but an act of defiance nonetheless. 

“Good girl.” He ruffled her hair again while she glared daggers up at him. His hand curved down the side of her face. Kelsey shied away, but his firm grip on her collar again with his other hand held her in place for him. He found the edge of the tape plastered over her mouth and peeled it off. 

Kelsey coughed and spit out the sodden bandana.

“You sick, twisted fuggggggnnnn!” She was cut off mid threat as he buzzed her collar again, dropping her to the floor.

“Dogs don’t speak.”

She climbed back to her hands and knees, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her broken on the floor.

“Show me how a good dog communicates.”

He wanted her to bark. He wanted her to bark like a dog. He could strip her, he could collar and restrain her, he could shock her, but there was no way she would bark for him.

He held up the remote, a reminder of what he could do to her with the simple click of a button.

“Bark for me.”

“Go to-”

Kelsey fell to the floor again, writhing in pain, her leather bound hands pawing uselessly at the collar. 


He clicked the button again, sending searing sparks of electricity coursing through her body.

“I have all the time in the world.”

Kelsey struggled to get up again. Everything hurt. She thought of Sara and Brook. He might have all the time in the world, but the longer she kept him occupied, the more time her friends would have to try and escape.

“Suck my d-”

Sean smiled as he hit the button again, holding it down this time. The helpless girl spasmed on the floor at his feet.

Kelsey lost track of the number of times she made him shock her. 

“Bark!” The command came over and over, echoing in her frazzled brain. The idea that she was buying time for her friends was the first thing to get pushed out of her mind. Time lost all meaning; there was only the pain, and she was growing more and more desperate to do anything to end it.

She kept telling herself she wasn’t a dog. She wasn’t his bitch, and she wouldn’t bark.

“Bark for me.”

Kelsey shook her head. She’d stopped trying to get back up between zaps. She wasn’t even trying to speak anymore. And still the shocks came. Every time she defied him.

“Be a good bitch and bark for your master.”


She’d meant to tell him to go fuck himself, but when she opened her mouth, her instinct for self-preservation took over. It was a weak bark; her throat was raw from getting shocked repeatedly, but it was enough for him.

“Good girl!” he praised her. 

She’d given in. She hated herself, lying on the hard floor while he stroked her. She’d submitted to him, and she could never take that back.

Sean held something up before her, another mess of tangled leather and straps. “Such a good dog,” he kept complimenting her. As much as she hated it, it wasn’t the shock collar, and anything was better than the shock collar. 

He fit the thing over her head, adjusting and tightening then myriad of straps until it was secure. “That looks much better.”

She looked up at him, this man who had reduced her to a dog, to an animal, through the mask that made her look the part. She couldn’t see herself, but she could imagine. The big floppy dog ears, the long muzzle, all in hideous black leather designed to mask her humanity and help her captor see her as what he wanted her to be.

His bitch.

As a final piece, he hooked a red rubber ball on a strap into the muzzle of her mask. “Play with your ball,” he told her as he forced it into her mouth and secured it. She’d done what he wanted and now he wanted her quiet.

Kelsey tried to push the ball out of her mouth, but it wasn’t going anywhere. She pawed at the mask, but her trapped fingers might as well have been paw pads for all the good it did her. 

“One last piece.”

What new fresh torture did he have for her? What else could he restrain and demean her with? Kelsey looked up at him, studying what he was holding above her. 

It was a tail. 

A fake dog tail.

And unlike the mask, there were no straps to secure it on her. But she knew what the black thing on the end was, with its pointed tip and flared base. She knew where he intended to put it.

Kelsey should her head, drool running around her ball gag and dripping down her chin as she begged. “Ppmmph, nnnff!”

“Dogs need their tails.” He grabbed her, holding her still. She batted at him with her encased fists, her legs flailing as she tried to back away. Cold, slimy lube drizzled down between her cheeks. She clenched, but there was nothing she could do to prevent the intrusion. This was not Kelsey’s first butt plug, but compared to anything she tried this was a monster. He just kept pushing, forcing it in, deeper and deeper. She felt like it was going to tear her open. And then, as sudden as it had started, the plug slid in passed its widest point and her sphincter closed around the base. Sean let her go, and she just stood there on all fours, frozen in place just to adjust to the new fullness inside her.

“You look so cute with your little tail. Yes you do.”

She managed to glare at him again. He smiled and rubbed her behind her ears.

“Get used to it. That’s staying in unless we’re on walks for you to go potty.”

It hit her then. This wasn’t a one-time thing. This wasn’t just his fetish and after he had her degraded and humiliated he’d rape and kill her. To him, this was permanent, and he’d keep her as his dog forever.

At least until she killed him.

She didn’t respond to his mocking or treating her like a dog. She wanted to lash out, to scream into her gag at him that she was going to ram that stupid butt plug down his throat until he choked. But now was not the time. Instead, she turned and looked at the cage. Her cage.

“Do you wanna go in your crate?”

She nodded.

“I’ll bet you do. It’s been a long day for you, pup.”

He opened the door for her. It was awkward trying to walk on her hands and knees, the plug shifting around inside her with every step, but she crawled across the threshold. He was right; she was tired, and if she wanted to get her strength back, resigning herself to the cage was the only way to do it.

There was barely enough room for her to turn around. Her new tail hooked on the bars as she maneuvered to face the door again, forcing an involuntary yelp of pain from her. She managed to face the door just in time to watch it close in her face. Sean snapped the heavy lock on it and she watched the key disappear into his pocket.

“Get some rest, Bitch.” The playful pet voice was gone; in its place the same menacing voice he’d used when he told her he was going to enjoy breaking her. He wasn’t done yet, but neither was she. 

She sat gingerly on her haunches and stared at him until he left the room, shutting off the light and closing the door behind him. The second the door shut she crumpled to the thinly padded cushion at the bottom of the crate. As meager a barrier between her and the plastic tray at the bottom of the crate it was, the material was soft, and any comfort was welcome. She was dying to stretch her legs out, but that was impossible. After a little shifting, she found a tolerable position on her side. Finally, pure exhaustion let her sleep.

  • Like 5

Brook's Mistake


Brook tried the door to the bathroom again. It was locked, just as it had been since Sean locked her in there.

“Please!” she called through the door. “Let us go!”


She backed away from the door, once more exploring the confines of the bathroom she was trapped in. A bathtub, toilet, and a double sink. The medicine cabinet was sparse, containing an extra tube of toothpaste and toothbrush, mouthwash, floss. Extra cleaning supplies were under the sink, and the bathroom itself was immaculately clean. She checked the drawers, finding a hair dryer, brush, women’s razors, makeup supplies. Had these belonged to his wife? 


He’d told Brook about her on their first date.

“I have to confess something.” It wasn’t the worst date Brook had been on, but despite being just as handsome as his profile pic and her feeing like they’d connected pretty well when chatting in the dating app, in person he was a little awkward.

“What is it?” She was apprehensive. He’d taken her to quite a nice restaurant and she was hoping to get dessert before things went south.

“I feel guilty being out with you.”

That could mean a lot of things, but her mind jumped to only one.

“You’re married.” She put her fork down, but she didn’t get up yet. Some part of her still hoped he’d prove her wrong.

There was visible distress on his face. “Well, technically no.”

Brook had gotten up then. “Well have fun cheating on her.”

“No, it’s not like that.”

“What is it like, then?” She had resisted the urge to storm out then and there.

“She’s... She died.”

Brook put her hand to her mouth. People around them were already staring, intrigued and nosy. “I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks. You’re the first person I’ve been on a date with since she passed.” 

Brook sat back down, suddenly very conscious of all the eavesdroppers. 

“You seem nice, but I don’t want to waste your time. I’m not sure I’m ready to be seeing anyone again.”

“I’m already here, I’m not gonna leave you alone mid meal.” She picked up her fork and took a bite of her salad. 

He smiled at her. 

And so the date had continued, with the agreement to take it slow.  They chatted a lot and went on a few more dates before she went home with him. That was the first time he made the offer to come stay at his house in the country. Presumably the same one she was now locked in a bathroom in.

He was renting a little studio apartment in the city to be closer to work, and he said the house reminded him too much of his family. For as slow as they were taking things, suddenly he wanted to escalate their relationship quite a lot, and Brook started considering ending things. She was between jobs, and he assured her that it would just be until things got back to normal, but the idea of living with him in the house he had with his family, sleeping in the bed he shared with his wife... Sean might have felt like he was ready, but Brook certainly did not.

What was his plan then? Force her to replace his dead wife? Keep her locked up until Stockholm syndrome set in? And what about her friends? What was he going to do with them?

“Sean!” she called again, banging on the bathroom door until her hand hurt. 

He’d carried her in from the car, still blindfolded, gagged, bound and struggling. When he’d taken off the opaque sunglasses they were already in the bathroom and he’d set her down on the sink.

“I’m sorry I had to do it this way,” he’d told her. 


He peeled the tape off of her mouth and pulled the sodden cloth he’d stuffed in there to gag her when he’d first told her that he was going to take her with him to his cabin whether she wanted to or not.

“Please, Sean, just let us go.”

“Now why would I do that?” She froze as he pulled a knife out of his back pocket. “Relax, I’m not going to cut you.”

She was keenly aware that he deliberately said “cut” and not “hurt”. She kept still and he reached around her and cut the tape around her wrists.

She rubbed the deep indentations in her skin, tacky from tape residue. “What would your wife think? Would Melody want you to do this?”

She studied his face, looking for any kind of reaction that her words had gotten through to him. 

“She wanted me to be happy. I hope one day you will too.”

Brook shivered. He held no remorse.

“What are you going to do with us?”

“I’m going to take care of you. Speaking of, I need to get the others ready. You have time to get cleaned up. There’s fresh clothes for you.” He pointed out a set of neatly folded clothes on the other side of the counter.

“Sean, please.” She was up off the counter but he was already out the door and closing it behind him. “You can’t do this!” The door slammed shut. With a heavy click he locked it, trapping her inside. “You can’t keep us here!”

There was no clock, and her phone was back in their house, but he’d been able to keep her there for what she was sure was at least an hour. She’d listened intently with her ear pressed up against the door, she’d called for him, for Sara and Kelsey, but she’d gotten nothing.

What was he doing with them? Had he taken them just so as to not leave witnesses? He barely knew her roommates.

“Hey!” she screamed again, her voice growing hoarse. 

He’d told her to get cleaned up. She’d used the toilet out of necessity but there was no way she was going to strip down and shower for him. And the clothes he’d laid out for her, while not atrocious, she would never be able to shake the feeling that they belonged to his dead wife.

And he’d said she would have wanted him to be happy. He was a kidnapper!

Rage was starting to build in Brook, not just at Sean, but at herself. How had she dated this man for a month? Surely there had been warning signs. She should have noticed something was off about her boyfriend.

Ex-boyfriend, she supposed. She hadn’t gotten the chance to make that official before he’d gagged and abducted her, but given the circumstances, it was safe to say that their old relationship was over.

Brook scanned the room again. Breaking the mirror briefly occurred to her, but she went for the towel rack. She pulled on it, wrenching with all her might until she managed to pry it out of the drywall. It was lighter than she had hoped, but it was pretty sturdy and it still had the base with two-inch screws sticking out of the ends.

She gave it a few experimental swings. On the third one, one of the screws flew out on the backswing, clattering into the tub. 

Despite screaming and pounding on the door earlier, the idea that he had heard and would be ready for her attack gnawed at her. She turned on the shower, letting it run, and then moved into position by the door. 

Slowly, steam started to fill the bathroom. Fog descended down the mirror, obscuring the reflection of the tall redhead holding a broken towel rack over her shoulder like a club. 

The minutes ticked by. How long was he going to leave her there? How long was it going to take him to do whatever he had planned with Sara and Kelsey? At the thought of her friends, Brook tightened her grip around the chrome rod. 

She heard footsteps coming from outside the door. Brook held her breath. Jangling and metal scraping on metal came from right on the other side of the door. A key in the lock. Brook’s heart was racing in her chest.

The handle slowly turned. She wiped sweat and condensation from her brow.

The door creaked open. The steam whooshed out the opening. 


She didn’t answer. Her knuckles were white from gripping the bar so tightly.

“What are planning Brook?”

Her heart raced faster, pounding in her ears.

“Are you going to try to hit me with that towel rack?”

Before she could even begin to try and process how he knew, he was on her. He threw the door open and rushed around it, grabbing the bar from her hands.

“No!” she screamed, trying to hold onto it, but he wrestled it from her grasp.

“I’m very disappointed in you, Brook.” He grabbed her arms, holding them above her head as he pressed in close, pinning her against the wall.

“Let me go!”

“I’m not going to let you go. You need to learn that I’m in charge now.” He switched grip, holding both her wrists above her head in one hand while his other hand grabbed her dress. “When I tell you to get cleaned up, you need to listen.”

She fought, but he was bigger and stronger. He yanked her dress up over her head, leaving her in her purple bra and panties. Even though she’d been planning on breaking up with him, she still had chosen one of her nicer dresses and worn her sexy Victoria’s Secret matching underwear. She told herself it was just nice to have an excuse to actually get dressed and put on something nice, but even this morning, she still wasn’t 100% set on ending things with him. What a difference a few hours made.

“When I set out clothes for you, you are to wear them.” He grabbed her bra. The straps stretched as she tried to cling to her modesty. One of them snapped under the strain, and with a startled cry she let go and the garment was ripped clean off.

He’d seen her naked before, but that had been a different person to her. A guy she quite liked, a guy who seemed a bit shy and was still mourning his family. She didn’t know this new guy, and she shielded her bare breasts from him.

Those weren’t his target though, and she was too late to try and stop him from grabbing her panties. They stretched as he pulled them forward, the thin fabric straining and finally tearing at her hips. She squeezed her thighs together, but the flimsy undergarments slid through them, undeterred.


“Hush.” He forced the torn panties into her pleading mouth. 

She retched, trying to stop them, but he kept forcing, cramming them all the way in, shutting her up. She managed to slip one of her wrists free and she tried to push him back, but he just pulled a set of handcuffs out of his back pocket and latched them around both of her wrists. 

“Now, let’s get you cleaned up.” He spun her around and pushed her towards the shower. She balked at the edge of the tub as he pulled the curtain back, releasing a fresh gust of stream and a hot spray of water across her naked body. A slap on her bare ass got her moving. The terrified redhead tripped over the edge of the tub, and she would have fallen had he not grabbed her from behind.

Brook glanced back. Sean had already taken off his own shirt. This time she wasn’t admiring his broad chest or taut abs. She whined into her panties as he grabbed her cuffed wrists and brought them up over the showerhead, trapping her in place. He undid his belt and whipped it around, drawing it between her teeth to hold her gag in place. 

She pulled against the showerhead, but it was sturdy, holding her weight until the pain of the cuffs digging into her wrists was too much.

Behind her, Sean had shed his pants and climbed over the tub wall into the shower behind her, fully nude. His fully erect penis rubbed against her backside.

“Mmmmmph!” She was braced for it, every fiber of her being braced for the moment she dreaded.

The moment when he would rape her.

He wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her breasts.

“Did you not take a shower because you wanted to wait for me?” he whispered in her ear.

“Nnnnph!” she whimpered, shaking her head.

“I suppose I can forgive you if that’s what you did.” He poured shampoo over her head and started to massage her scalp.

It would almost have been relaxing despite the circumstances, the hot water, his surprisingly gentle fingers rubbing her scalp, were it not for the gag. She screwed her eyes shut to keep out the soap, but the thick leather belt kept her jaws open, and soapy water gushed into her mouth, soaking her torn panties.

“Pmmmph!” she pleaded.

“You tried to attack me.” He started scrubbing her body with a soapy loofah. “You didn’t listen to me, you damaged our house, and then you tried to hit me. I know there’s going to be a transition period, but you need to understand that some things are unacceptable.” His scrubbing got more and more vigorous as his tone got more aggressive.

Brook hung her head, whimpering. How could she have let his man into her life? She felt him start scrubbing between her legs. She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to thwart him, but a wet slap on her ass got her to behave.

“We have to make sure every inch of you in clean.” 


She kept waiting for the violation to go further. She could feel his dick behind her, even when it wasn’t touching her directly she was keenly aware of its looming presence. Nothing further happened though, and when he seemed satisfied that she was clean and had rinsed her off, he turned the water off. Brook glanced back at him as he threw the shower curtain open and reached for the now missing towel rack. 

“I’ll have to fix that. Stay there.”

With no choice but to obey, she stood in the tub, dripping wet, while he got out and gathered up the towels off the floor. He wrapped around himself before lifting her cuffs off the showerhead and bundling her in the other towel before lifting her out of the tub. She gasped in surprise, choking and spluttering as she sucked soapy water out of her gag.

“Did you learn your lesson?” He paused toweling her dry to spin her around and look down into her eyes.

“Nnnhnn.” She nodded, cowed.

He spun her around again and undid the belt strapped between her teeth. She retched out her ruined panties.

“What do you say?”

“I’m sorry...” she spoke tentatively.


Her heart was racing again. Suddenly allowed to speak, the pressure to say the right thing was crushing. 

“For trying to attack you?”

He smiled and resumed drying her hair. “I know you are. But not as sorry as you’ll be if you try anything like that again.”

She gulped audibly and nodded, her handcuffs jingling slightly as she shifted nervously.

“The world is a dangerous place.” He spun her around again and took her chin in his hand, lifting her face to his. “I’m going to take care of you, but you have to obey me. All of you.”

Kelsey and Sara. She’d been so caught up in her own plight she had momentarily forgotten about her friends, her fellow captives of this madman she had brought into their lives.

“What did you do with them?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

Sean chuckled. “You’ll see.” He kissed her. It was soft, tender.

It was a thousand times worse than the aggressive assault she was bracing for when his lips met hers.

  • Like 4

Sara's Story


Sara should have moved. She didn’t care that her roommates still would have been kidnapped; she couldn’t see them, she had no clue what fate had befallen them. She knew only where she found herself, and she wished that she had signed that lease and moved out last week.

But she kept on hoping that Brook would break up with him.


Their kidnapper.

The man who had come into their home, been invited in, and had tied them up at gunpoint and taken them away to only god knew where. 

Sara hadn’t liked Brook’s new boyfriend from the beginning, but not for any particular reason other than that he was dating Brook. Not like Kelsey, who had taken a strong stance against him simply because she didn’t like his vibe. How right her other roommate had been.

In the end it hadn’t mattered. Sara had endured watching her crush date someone else, Kelsey’s very vocal opinion had gone unheeded, and Brook had never broken up with him. 

And all three of them had been kidnapped.

She gave another burst of struggling, screaming in frustration into her gag. Sean had taken her out of the car, but still blindfolded, Sara had even less of a clue where she was now, only that her abductor had left her alone once more to tend to her roommates. Sara rubbed her face against the soft carpeting she found herself on, but the tape wrapped over her eyes and mouth refused to budge. Wiggling around on her side, she felt around behind her with her bound hands, and kicked out with her bare feet. Her toes finally connected with something hard, and squirmed closer, moving her bound feet in tandem as she blindly explored with her toes. It was the wooden leg of some piece of furniture. A bed, maybe. Rolling onto her back, she brought her legs higher, feeling along the object, her toes encountering a row of wooden bars. 

Her heartbeat picked up as she realized she was feeling a cage.

Further attempts to figure out her new surroundings were halted before they could resume again when she heard the creak of the door hinges. Holding her breath, Sara could hear footsteps coming closer.

“I wasn’t sure what to do with you at first.”

Sara swung her bound legs in the direction of her kidnapper’s voice. She couldn’t see him. Before he’d blindfolded her he’d seen how Kelsey had fared trying to fight him. Whether it was courage or willful ignorance or just blind panic that gave her the strength to lash out, it didn’t matter. Sean caught her by the ankles, and the petite girl found herself being dragged bodily across the floor.


“None of that.” His voice was calm, matter of fact, the act of deflecting her clumsy attack and moving her whole body seeming effortless. Her legs wound up over his shoulder, lifting her bottom half off the ground, and she screamed louder when she felt his hands on the hem of her jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping her fly.

“Nnnmmpphh! Stmmmpphhh!” Sara wiggled like a fish on a hook, thrashing wildly, but she couldn’t prevent him from pulling her pants down. 

“At first I thought you might make a nice dog.” He yanked her pants down to her ankles, the denim bunched up around the tape binding her legs. “But you’re not a bitch, not like the other one.”

Even in her terror, Sara was cognizant enough to know by his tone exactly who he meant. Sara probably hated him more, but Kelsey had not been shy about expressing her distaste for their roommate’s boyfriend. And that had been before he kidnapped them…

“You could have made a nice little puppy. A yappy little lap dog, perhaps, but that didn’t seem right.”

Sara had no clue what he was talking about. She could only focus on his hands on her bare legs, touching her in a way no man had ever touched the proud lesbian before.

“You’d have made a cute little kitty, too. With soft ears…” His hands were touching her face, running through her blond hair. “Squishy, sensitive paw pads…” he grabbed her feet, squeezing her soft soles. “A soft, silky tail…” She screamed as he ran his hands up the backs of her bare legs, groping her butt through her panties. “But we don’t need another pet.”

Tears welled up under the tape blindfold. She kept trying to squirm away, to no avail.

“Imagine my surprise when I took a look on your computer.”

Sara froze. She always made a point to leave the house when Brook had Sean over; it was too hard. She knew he worked in tech. Had he hacked her computer on one of his visits? She thought stuff in her room had been moved once, but Brook had assured her that Sean would have had no reason to go in her room.

Brook had been wrong about a lot of things.

“I read some of your stories.”

Sara’s heart stopped. She wasn’t a writer, by any means, but she had always used it as a form of escapism, retelling her reality in a more fantastical and positive light.

“One in particular.”

She knew exactly the one. She never shared any of her stories, but this one was especially private.

“It was quite childish, but that’s part of what made it endearing.”

Suddenly his hands were under her, scooping her up like she weighed nothing.

“I enjoyed the unconventional protagonist, the shy, unassuming Sorceress who ends up saving the Princess from the secretly sinister Prince Charming? I wonder, if that was supposed to be me?” She could feel him walking, not far, before he put her back down on a raised surface.

It was a stupid story, a cliché fantasy, and pure wish fulfillment, a few thousand words never meant to be seen by any eyes but hers.

“There’s no mistaking that ‘Princess River’ is Brook. You were far more descriptive with ‘the buxom, auburn-locked vision of beauty’ than anything else. But naming her after another body of water? It’s a little on the nose, don’t you think?” He booped her nose. Sara’s cheeks burned under the tight tape.

“You never finished, but it was quite clear where you were going with it. Our lovely Princess River falls and in love with the Sorceress? Together they defeat the sinister Prince? Or does the Sorceress do that all by herself, rescuing the beautiful damsel in distress? Am I right?” Strong hands ripped the tape holding her ankles together, and shortly after, her pants came all the way off.

Somehow, having her secret work cruelly critiqued was almost as bad as his hands upon her flesh. It brought back teenage anxieties from school, reminding her why she no longer shared her writing. Even the cool air on her bare legs was not enough to prevent the nervous sweat she was breaking out in.

“Is that how you see yourself? Brook’s true knight in shining armor? Do you feel vindicated? Do you think she’ll fall in love with you now? That you’ll rescue her from me?”

“Nnnnmppphh!” Sara wailed, struggling. His strong hands held her down. She could feel the cold metal against her belly as fabric shears began cutting through her shirt.

“Let me tell you how your story actually ends.” 

Snip snip snip. The scissors tore through her collar, baring her bra. Sara felt the cold steel against her stomach again, and within seconds her bra was shorn in two.

“You’re not a knight in shining armor.” Two more snips and the shoulder straps were rendered useless. Seconds later her ruined bra was torn from her body.

“You don’t save the damsel in distress.” Sara squirmed as she felt the scissors on her hips, her panties pulled out at the sides. Snip. Snip.

“Princess River lives happily ever after with her Prince Charming.” One strong yank and her shredded underwear was yanked out from under her, and suddenly she was very, very naked and vulnerable.

“And the Sorceress, who foolishly and immaturely thought to try and ruin things for the beautiful Princess,” Sean grabbed her wildly flailing legs and lifted them up into the air. “She got what was coming to her. She wasn’t the knight in shining armor. No, she served a much different purpose.”

Sara was lowered back down, her naked butt resting on something soft. Her captor spread her legs despite her attempts to keep them closed, and something was pulled between her spread thighs.

“But don’t you worry.” Her head was jerked forward as he painfully started ripping the tape blindfold off of her. “You’ll still get to be with your precious Princess.”

“The clever Prince wanted to give his Princess a very special gift. This is something I wanted to give my first wife, but we weren’t ready. Consider yourself, a trial run.”

Sara winced and screamed in pain into her gag as the last layer of tape was ripped off of her eyes. She blinked rapidly, adjusting to the low light she found herself in. Her tears had loosened the adhesive hold, but it still hurt, pulling fresh droplets from her tear ducts.

“Obviously, we’re not ready for a little one of our own yet.” He grabbed her by the back of her head, lifting her gaze to stare down her naked body.

Her mostly naked body.

Her eyes blinked rapidly as she processed the new, unfamiliar addition starting at her waist.

“Brook wants to have babies one day. I don’t think we’re ready to have our own yet, but in the meantime, you’ll do.”

A thick, white diaper was wrapped around her loins. 

A diaper.

He’d put her in a diaper.

“And just think, you’ll get to suck on Brook’s tits when she feeds you. I’ll bet that was one of your fantasies. And trust me, your new mommy has fantastic tits.”


Sara was able to peel her eyes away from the diaper she was wearing and for the first time see the room. It wasn’t the dark, awful dungeon she had imagined. The walls and floor were all shades of pink. The bars she assumed must be a cage were the rails of a crib. A crib large enough to contain her. A wooden rocking horse was in the corner, its glossy black eyes staring back at her across what she realized was a nursery.

Her nursery.

“And she’s even going to rub that tight little lesbian pussy of yours,” he said, grabbing her thickly padded crotch. “Every time she changes your diapers.”


Sara screamed. When he ripped the tape off her mouth she kept screaming, an ear-shattering wail that ejected the sodden cloth stuffed in her mouth. 

“Shhhh shhhh shhhhh,” he chided, quickly plugging her lips once more, this time with a huge pink pacifier he swiftly and securely strapped around her head. “You’ll see your mommy soon enough, baby girl. But you’ve had a busy day, and now you need to be put down for a nap.”

Sara fought. She struggled for all she was worth as her captor untaped her wrists, but compared to him she might as well have been an actual infant. Her desperate attempts to punch and scratch him were easily thwarted as he forced her hands into thickly padded mittens. Her wildly flailing limbs were securely wrangled in when he picked her up off what she discovered was a changing table, the shelves stocked with more diapers meant for her, and he deposited her in the waiting crib.

“I know, my baby girl is grumpy,” he teased, getting the crib’s built in restraints over her limbs and stomach, strapping her down. “You’ve had a very big day. You just need to sleep.”

Sara strained against straps, shaking her head furiously from side to side while she screamed impotently into the giant rubber silencer stuffed in her mouth. This couldn’t be happening to her. It just couldn’t.

“Daddy knows what his little girl needs. I almost forgot,” he said after pulling the blanket up over her squirming body and tucking her in. He went over to the door and returned, carrying something.


“Here’s your bear,” he tucked the tattered stuffed bear under the blanket next to her. Last time she’d seen her childhood toy had been in her closet, in a box with a bunch of her old stuff. Sean must have taken her too.

“Sleep tight, baby girl.” Her captor leaned into the crib, holding her head still while he kissed her on the forehead. “Don’t let the bed bugs bite.”

Sara had a lot bigger things to worry about than bed bugs.

  • Like 5

Kelsey's Dinner


Kelsey’s throat still hurt. Sleep had not provided her any comfort. Every joint in her bound body was stiff when the rattling of her cage woke her.

“Time to get up.”

The sound of his voice brought everything back, and Kelsey was up on her hands and knees with a start, slamming her head against the roof of the cage. She reached up to feel her head when she felt the stiff leather mitts trapping her hands still.


Kelsey looked up. That wasn’t his voice. That was Brook.

“What’d you do to her?”

Brook was standing behind Sean in the door, her hands clasped over her mouth. She was wearing a yellow dress that seemed very un-Brook, and had her long red hair curled in beachy waves. She looked very much like a stereotypical 1920’s housewife, with the exception being the bright red ball gag Kelsey noted dangling from her neck like gaudy jewelry.

“You said she could be such a bitch. She’s going to be our dog,” Sean said, reaching down and smiling at the caged girl while he unlocked the door.

Kelsey could be a bitch, and Brook had called her one to her face on multiple occasions when she’d really deserved it, but it still stung that Brook had referred to her as a bitch to Sean. Turns out she had been absolutely right to hate him, if only she’d convinced Brook of that sooner they all might have avoided this.

“Come on,” Sean said, patting his thigh.

“Kelsey, I’m so sorry!”

Kelsey spared Brook a tired look. She could give fuck all about her friend’s apology right now. She glared back up at Sean, remembering the pain of the shock collar. 

“Come here. It’s dinner time.” He patted his leg more insistently. 

Kelsey considered ignoring him. She could make him use the shock collar again. That would really make Brook sorry. But she didn’t want to punish Brook. Her friend might not be in a cage and tied up, collared, and muzzled like a dog, but Brook was still a captive just like her.

Lowering her head, Kelsey crawled out of the cage, ignoring her captor’s praises for being a “Good girl.” It grated on her nerves. 

She looked up to see him grabbing her collar, too late to dodge out of the way as he grabbed her, the shock producing metal prongs digging into her throat. Behind him Brook gave a little startled cry, her hands freshly clasped over her mouth. 

All she could do while her friend was grabbed and almost choked by their kidnapper was cower behind her hands, like some bimbo in a horror movie. If it were Kelsey, she would have jumped on him while his back was turned, grabbed literally anything and kept hitting him in the head until she was just hitting a puddle of brains. But Brook just stood there, looking worried, while Sean clipped a black leather leash to Kelsey’s collar. When he turned to her and offered her the leash’s handle, she took it, her hands trembling, holding it away from her with the tips of her fingers as though it might give her cancer.

“She has to get used to obeying you as well. You are her mistress now.”

There was a flicker of a moment where Kelsey considered the possibility that Brook was in on this. That she had helped orchestrate the kidnapping of her roommates with her boyfriend. But that was crazy. A bad judge of character, obviously. Terrible taste in men, clearly. But cruelty was not in Brook’s nature. Kelsey had known Brook for years even before they’d moved in together, and the Brook she knew was not capable of this.

“I’m so sorry,” Brook repeated, looking down at Kelsey, her big doe eyes filled with pity.

“Ah ah ah,” Sean chided. “We don’t apologize to animals. We don’t want her thinking we’ve made some sort of mistake.” He looked at Kelsey the entire time, that cruel smile on his smug face, challenging her to step out of line and refute his words.

“Please, Sean!” Brook pleaded.

“Do you need your gag back in?” he asked, his fingers stroking the ball gag hanging around her neck. Brook shook her head quickly, keeping her mouth shut. “Good.” His fingers hooked around the strap, using it to pull her in closer for a kiss.

Kelsey wanted to vomit.

Sean leaned down and unstrapped Kelsey’s own muzzle, pulling the drool soaked ball out of her aching mouth. Kelsey worked her jaw, glaring up at him through the leather dog mask.

“What do you say?”

It was a test. He’d made her bark for him once already, after god only knew how many volts of electricity he’d shocked her with from the hateful collar still wrapped around her throat. He wanted to see if the point he’d made had sunk in.

Now was not the time to fight back. Brook didn’t look to be in too bad of shape, but she herself was largely helpless in her bonds, and she still had no clue what he’d done with Sara. There was no benefit in defying him now.

“I’m going to enjoy killing you.”

She’d meant to bark, but when she opened her mouth, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it, the cocky words spilling from her mouth, her voice still hoarse from the last time he’d tortured her.

“Pity. Here I was hoping you’d learned something. I guess some dogs are easier to train than others,” he said, his hand dipping into his pocket.

Kelsey braced herself. “Go to hurrrghhh—“

It hurt more than she remembered. Fiery pain surged through her neck, and she dropped to her side, curling into a ball and pressing her mitt covered hands against her collar in a futile attempt to rip the torturous device off.

“Stop it! You’re hurting her!!!”

Kelsey was only vaguely aware that Brook was screaming. Any hope she had that he might have wanted to shield Brook from his cruelty was dashed. It was crazy that she could have thought that. It felt like an eternity while he left the collar on, not like before where he would just shock her repeatedly. Her agony was infinite.

And then it stopped. As suddenly as it had started, it was over, leaving her with the distinct taste of metal in her mouth and what felt like battery acid in her joints. Kelsey managed to lift her head, looking up at her captor. At some point during her electrocution, Sean had gagged Brook, the bright red ball wedged behind her pearly white teeth, her tears leaving streaks on the thick black strap.

“Would you like to try that again?”


There was no hesitation this time, no considering her options. She did what she had to in order to keep from getting shocked again.

“Good girl. Now let’s go get the little one and we’ll eat dinner together.” He picked up the dropped leash and put it back in one of Brook’s trembling hands, closing her fingers around the handle. He took her other hand, and led her out of the room.

Brook followed, looking back at Kelsey. The two girls watched the slack run out of the leash between them, Brook extending her arm out behind her, prolonging the moment before it snapped taut. 

“Plmmphh,” she garbled, drool dribbling down her chin.

Kelsey climbed to her hands and knees and forced herself to follow, led along by her friend on a leash. Like a dog. Like he wanted her. And Brook just let it happen.

Crawling hurt. Her bare knees striking the hardwood floors with each step. She was keenly away of the plug buried deep inside her shifting with the weight of the tail swishing back and forth behind her. The collar threatened to choke her as she struggled to keep up with the pace Sean set for them, and the temptation to speak, if only to ask them to slow down just a little, was almost too great to ignore. Any attempts to pay attention to the layout of the house as she had when he’d first brought her in were forgotten, and it wasn’t until that they came to a stop that she looked around. Sean was unlocking a lone door at the end of a hallway. Brook stood behind him, her hand still clenched tightly around Kelsey’s leash. Kelsey shuffled closer. How easy it would be for Brook to wrap the thick leather around his throat while his back was turned. 

But that wasn’t Brook. She waited timidly, holding Kelsey’s leash for him while he opened the door to reveal what he’d done to Sara.

It had to be Sara. Even if there were other girls, and it wouldn’t have surprised Kelsey if there were others, when Sean had said “the little one” Kelsey had known immediately it was Sara he was talking about. Kelsey’s stomach dropped thinking about her other roommate in Sean’s clutches. There was no way Sara would be able to endure the kind of abuse Kelsey had been subjected to. Anger that hadn’t arisen when witnessing Brook in his clutches bubbled to the surface when she thought about her other friend in Sean’s hands. Brook had dated this monster, and in a small way she’d brought this on herself, but Sara, Sara hadn’t done anything to deserve this. The weaker, more timid, more sensitive member of their friend group didn’t have the fight in her that Kelsey had, and imagining her as another of his pets, filled her with rage.

The unmistakable sounds of deep, heavy breaths could be heard from inside. Kelsey started crawling again, brushing past Brook and stepping onto the blissfully soft carpeting, following Sean into the dark room. The leash rubbed against her shoulder until it was taut once more, this time with her pulling Brook, the two electric prods digging uncomfortably into her neck.

The light came on, illuminating a startlingly pink room. The thick, plush carpeting, the walls, even the light itself gave off a pink hue. Kelsey found herself staring at a large wooden cage mounted on legs about a foot and a half off the ground, the bottom right about at her eye level. It was larger than her own metal crate, with thick wooden rails imprisoning her friend. As her eyes followed the rails up, she realized there was no top on the cage. Sean walked right up to and slid the whole side down to the floor. There was no top because it wasn’t a cage. It was a crib.

“Did you have a good nap, baby girl?”

“Pmmmmph!!! Llmmphh mmmeeephh grmmpphh!” A voice, heavily grabbed but unmistakably Sara’s, came from inside.

Kelsey pulled on her leash, trying to get Brook to follow her so she could see what was going on. She hated being stuck on her hands and knees, so low to the ground. A glance back over her shoulder showed her that Brook was again standing frozen with her hands over her gagged mouth, a look of shock in her eyes as she looked on.


Kelsey rocked back up onto her knees, the tail plug shifting uncomfortably inside her but she didn’t dare make a sound. She nearly fell immediately as she saw Sara, strapped down to the mattress of the crib, squirming as much as her bonds would let her as she tried to avoid Sean’s touch. She wasn’t his pet like Kelsey, nor was she some bizarre kept woman like Brook. Her friend was naked save for a thick, white diaper, a pink pacifier strapped in her mouth, and pink mittens over her hands. Sara was the baby in his fucked up family.

“Are you wet? Is that why you’re so grumpy?” Sean cooed, reaching for her diaper.

“NNMMPH!” Sara shrieked, thrashing against her bonds, but there was no escape from this man grabbing her crotch, the diaper crinkling as he squeezed. Kelsey wanted to leap at him. Even if Brook had done nothing to help her, surely she would act after seeing Sara like this. The petite girl looked so helpless and vulnerable like that, crying into her pacifier and squirming. But Brook remained motionless, standing behind her, holding her leash.

“Still dry,” Sean reported, patting Sara’s crotch. “You must just be hungry then. It’s a good thing it’s time for dinner.”

Kelsey couldn’t balance on her knees anymore, and she dropped back down onto all fours. She immediately began looking around, scouring the room for something, anything they could use. There had to be something that had fallen on the floor and rolled under the crib or what she saw was a changing table across the room, something he’d missed and Kelsey, stuck on all fours, would see. A screwdriver, a nail, anything. One of them had to be doing something to try to free themselves. Sara seemed to be struggling at least as he got her untied from the crib, but the small, diapered girl was no match for him, and he easily got her mittens locked together behind her back before he scooped her up into his arms and cradled her like she was an actual child.

“After you, my dear,” Sean said, gesturing to the door. Sara had stopped struggling, and was staring fixedly at Brook, breathing heavily. Brook offered her an apologetic moan and then turned, tugging on the leash. Kelsey was yanked to the side, just as something caught her eye, something shiny under the back of a rocking horse. The childish toy had sinister hooks screwed into the back legs and handles, clearly meant to hold an unwilling girl on the toy. Sean had to have made all of this psycho shit himself, maybe it was a screw that he’d lost in the thick carpeting that she saw. She just had to find a way to get to it before he noticed it himself.

“Come on, Bitch,” Sean said, his voice low and menacing. 

Kelsey scampered to get moving, not looking back, and allowed Brook to lead her again down the hall. This time they turned into a dining room. Kelsey’s eyes immediately went to the pair of shiny metal bowls on a plastic matt against the counter. She knew those were meant for her.

“You can clip her leash to that hook there above her bowl, at least until she’s better trained,” Sean told Brook as he started forcing Sara into an oversized wooden highchair by the table.

Brook gave Kelsey an apologetic look before hanging the handle of the leash over the hook. Kelsey realized quickly that she had a very limited radius of freedom, with everything but the two dog dishes set far out of her reach. One was already filled with water, the other ominously empty. She could only imagine what he planned to put in it for her “dinner.”

“Dinner smells lovely.” Their captor finished cuffing Sara’s arms and legs to the sides of her highchair and fastening the tray in place over her lap, and then he turned to Brook, hooking his finger under the strap of her gag and pulling her close. “Are you going to backtalk me again?”

“Nnn mnnff,” Brook shook her head.

“Good.” He pulled the drool-covered orb from between her lips, letting it dangle once more around her neck, a reminder he could shut her up again at any time. “Have a seat. I’ll be right there.” He kissed her tenderly on the lips, and then went into the adjacent kitchen.

Brook looked back and forth between the kitchen, Kelsey and Sara. Kelsey couldn’t see Sean in the kitchen behind the counter, but she could hear him moving around, the clank and rattle of dishes and utensils, the sound of an oven fan, the opening of a refrigerator.

“I’m sorry,” Brook mouthed.

Kelsey opened her mouth, ready to mouth a reply. She wanted to tell her that she should be. That this was all her fault, and an apology didn’t begin to make up for inviting this psycho into their lives. But then she caught the glint of tears on Sara’s cheeks in the light. “We’ll get through this,” she mouthed back.

Brook took a seat next to Sara, grabbing and squeezing her hand through the pink mitten. She made eye contact with Kelsey and gave her friend a very forced nod. Kelsey noted how tightly Brook crossed her legs, her free hand clutching the fabric of her dress over her lap. If Sean hadn’t raped her already, Brook knew it was coming. Suddenly the tail plug in her ass and the shock collar didn’t seem so bad. This might have been Brook’s fault, but her friend was by no means getting off easy.

“Delicious meatloaf and mashed potatoes for us, peas and carrots for the baby, and beef and brown rice for the dog,” Sean announced, coming back to the table with a tray. Kelsey eyed the bottom of it warily. She could smell the meatloaf, and watched as he put two plates on the table. He then held up two jars of baby food, and set them on the high chair tray. He turned around to Kelsey, holding a can. His fingers covered most of the label, but she saw the dog on the side.

“Enjoy.” His lips twisted upwards in a cruel smile as he pulled the tab and slowly peeled back the lid, letting her catch a whiff of the dog food. It smelled awful. “I got you the good stuff, I expect your bowl licked clean,” he whispered in her ear as he shook the viscous sludge into her bowl. It took every once of self control she had not to launch herself at him right then and there, but with the dog mask still on, she wouldn’t have been able to sink her teeth into his throat, right under that smug smile of his. He seemed to know it, too, standing at the edge of her range when he finally removed the leather mask so she could eat.

“Woof,” she said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. She half expected that small act of defiance to earn her another zap, but he let it slide, returning to the table. 

She stared at the food, a congealed mass still in the shape of the can sitting unappetizingly in front of her. She could see the chunks of rice in it, and it wasn’t a stretch to connect the smell to beef, but there were a lot more unappetizing scents in the mix that made her stomach turn. Kelsey thought she remembered from somewhere that dog food was perfectly edible for humans, but looking at it before her, she wasn’t so sure. Logically, Sean was smart enough to not feed her poison; if he wanted her dead, she had no doubt he would think of more creative ways to do it. She was certainly thinking of creative ways to end his life. There was still the matter of actually eating it. Not that having a fork and knife would make it more appealing, but the idea of having to just sink her face into that cold, wet mess was triggering her gag reflex just thinking about. Glancing up at the table, it had to be better than Sara’s situation. Sean had switched her pacifier gag for a ring gag. Brook was trying to spoon feed her baby food through the opening, and green, pureed mush was dripping down her chin and onto the bib she was now sporting that didn’t even cover her nipples.

“You have to swallow, Sara,” Brook was saying as she gave panicked looks back at Sean. Their captor was watching them as he slowly chewed his own, delicious smelling food, meant for adult humans. Sara coughed and choked, and Kelsey couldn’t tell if her friend was genuinely trying to swallow what she could only imagine was disgusting food with her mouth jacked open by an uncomfortable ring set behind her teeth, or if the girl was trying to spit out what Brook kept shoveling into her mouth at their kidnapper’s behest.

“Does she need the gag?” Brook dared to ask.

Sean finished chewing his bite and swallowed. He carefully wiped his mouth with a napkin and then got to his feet. The three girls froze. Sean grabbed Brook in a flash, spinning her around and yanking her over his lap as he sat back down. He pulled her dress up, revealing she wasn’t wearing any underwear, and began spanking her. The sudden shift from calmly eating to savage spanking was so quick, his hand coming down like lightning in quick strokes, the sound of flesh on flesh echoing through the house.

“I’m sor— I’m sorry!!! Please!! Ow!!” Brook cried, her hands flying about, trying to shield her bare ass from the spanking but he grabbed her wrists and pinned them at the small of her back without even slowing down his relentless assault. Sara was shrieking, her highchair rocking as she struggled. Kelsey took a couple steps only to be at the edge of her short leash, the prongs on her collar digging into her throat, a reminder of her own punishments. She found herself flinching with each strike.

As suddenly as it started, it was over. Brook went limp on his lap, her ass bright red. Sean rubbed his hand, looking down at her. “Did I not make myself perfectly clear? I am to be obeyed in this house. You’re going to finish feeding the baby, we’re going to enjoy a nice meal together, and if you don’t start eating your fucking food, I’m going to shove that shock collar up your cunt and turn it up to ten.”

“Yes sir!” Brook stammered as she got to her feet, not bothering to try to adjust her dress. With trembling hands, she guided another spoonful of food towards Sara’s open mouth. “Halfway there,” she lied, looking at the mostly full jar of baby food. Sara gurgled nonsense around the mouthful and leaned her head back, trying to choke it down.

Sean locked eyes with Kelsey, daring her to try something. Kelsey lowered her face towards the dog food. Shutting her eyes, she opened her mouth and took a big bite. It wasn’t great, but it was better than she expected. It was a lot better than pissing him off.

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Kidnapping someone whom you have been dating is a really dumb idea.  Once the police become involved, Sean will become a "person of interest" in very short order.  And once law enforcement discovers that he has the proverbial cabin in the woods, he's doomed.  In 96 hours tops, a SWAT team complemented by FBI from the nearest field office will be at his door.  He had better make these hours count.

On 10/19/2022 at 9:18 AM, thedman said:

Wow, this is so dark, and enthralling, can't wait to read more

Thank you, there's plenty more coming.

23 hours ago, Babypants said:

Kidnapping someone whom you have been dating is a really dumb idea.  Once the police become involved, Sean will become a "person of interest" in very short order.  And once law enforcement discovers that he has the proverbial cabin in the woods, he's doomed.  In 96 hours tops, a SWAT team complemented by FBI from the nearest field office will be at his door.  He had better make these hours count.

I'd say kidnapping is a bad idea, but then again, this is all fiction and fantasy. Also, I personally find the a deus ex machina style cops swooping in to the rescue to be a rather boring conclusion, so that outcome is unlikely.





Brook's Role


The relief for Brook as the buckle for the ball gag strapped around her neck was finally removed was indescribable. Her jaw ached from the infernal rubber orb being wedged in her mouth repeatedly, but that was nothing compared to the constant threat of being silenced on a whim. Asking for even a modicum of leniency, checking if her friends were okay, even wincing too loudly, had all been reason enough for Sean to muzzle her. Brook was even afraid that thanking her kidnapper for finally taking the horrid thing off would prompt him to change his mind, or worse, reveal that he had something worse in store for her mouth.

“Thank you,” she said softly, risking it.

“You’re welcome,” he said, rubbing her shoulders. Damn, it felt good, his skilled fingers squeezing all that built up tension behind her shoulder blades. “I just want to take care of you.”

She didn’t believe that, even as his hands made her melt. She didn’t even believe that SEAN believed he just wanted to take care of her, not after what she’d seen him do to Sara and Kelsey. Especially Kelsey. Brook gulped, thinking about that awful shock collar on her friend.

“The dog has been walked,” he whispered, as if reading her mind. “The baby has been put down in her crib. Let’s go upstairs.”

Still massaging her shoulders, he gave her a subtle but forceful push in the direction of the stairs. As hard as it had been, walking Kelsey on that leash with him, while he pushed Sara in an oversized stroller, as much as it killed her to see her friends like that, at least she hadn’t been alone with him. Listening to Sara’s soft sobbing while she tried not to choke on the massive pacifier strapped in her mouth was preferable to his breath in her ear. She’d gladly take cleaning piss off Kelsey’s legs after her friend had finally submitted and squatted outside in the grass like a dog to relieve herself, over using the railing to keep herself steady while he guided her up the stairs at the back of his house. She’d not been upstairs yet, but she’d seen pretty much the entire first floor already. Sara’s nursery was downstairs. The room he kept Kelsey’s crate in was downstairs. But there was no bedroom downstairs. No room meant for Sean, and notably no place for her. As she neared the top of the stairs, she suspected that those were one in the same.

Brook would have preferred a crib or a crate.

“I’m so glad you’re finally home.”


How long had he been planning this? Since they started dating? Since even before then?

“Sean.” She stopped at the top of the stairs, the unmistakable flickering light of candles coming from the ajar door just ahead.

He spun her around, pulling her in close, his lips meeting hers. His hands that had been so focused while they massaged her back and steered her inexorably up the stairs to the waiting bedroom got frantic, grabbing her ass, making her keenly aware of both her lack of underwear and the brutal spanking he had administered to her during dinner.

“Sean!” she tried to say again when his mouth briefly wasn’t intertwined with hers. She didn’t know what she’d say if she got his attention, what she even could say, but she’d try anything to keep from going through that door.

“What is it, my dear?” he asked, his voice husky and breathy.

“What am I?”

The question actually seemed to take him aback. Her kidnapper let go of her ass, his hands running along her arms as he slowly too a step back and held her by the shoulders. His features were marred with what looked to be actual concern. “What are you?” he repeated.

She nodded, her mouth suddenly very dry. Kelsey was very obviously his new dog, and Sara his baby. Their roles were clearly defined and obvious. That left her. “What, do you want me to be?”

His brow furrowed. “Brook, I want you to be happy.”

His words from earlier, when she’d asked what his late wife, what Melody, if she ever even existed, would have thought about what he was doing, echoed in her mind. He’d said she’d have wanted him to be happy. A chill ran down her spine.

“I—” she fumbled for words, the right combination of syllables that would convey to this man that she would never be happy like this. “I can’t…”

“I can make you happy. We can be together. All of us,” he gestured back down the stairs.

Brook fought back tears. He was insane. She’d unknowingly dated a madman, and now he’d kidnapped her and her friends.

Suddenly he was kneeling, down on one knee before her. “I had a whole thing planned, but not everything works out quite the way you planned.” He was reaching for something in his pocket. “But I don’t want you to ever doubt who you are to me. Even for a second. Brook Elizabeth Carrigan, I love you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I have loved you.” He held out the small black box in both hands, slowly opening it. The diamond caught the twinkling candlelight immediately, sparkling atop the silver ring. He took the engagement ring out of the box, holding it out to her. “Brook. Will you marry me?”

It was so incongruous to everything else that had happened that day; Brook couldn’t focus on the question being asked of her. All she could think about was when and where he’d gotten the ring. It was very nice, for sure, but she couldn’t imagine him going into a jewelry store, telling the staff that he was going to propose to a girl he’d kidnapped, and trying to find the perfect ring for such an unconventional proposal. How big does the diamond have to be for her to forget the abduction? Is a princess cut or another cut better for helping her overlook that he took her friends too? How many carats did he need to make her say yes to marrying a psychopath?


She hadn’t realized she’d spaced out, just staring at the ring. He was still looking up, waiting for her response.

“Do I have a choice?” she asked, her mouth still bone dry.

“Of course you have a choice.” He took her hands in his, making her hold the ring. “Obviously, I can’t let you go, but you don’t have to say yes, yet.”

There it was. Yet. 

“When you say yes, I want you to want to marry me. I figured since you’d moved in, you’d want that commitment, but I can wait.”

So she had a choice, but it was only a choice on whether or not to delay the inevitable. Say yes now, when she knew better, or wait until he’d broken her will.

Brook stared at the ring. It was such a small thing, innocent enough, certainly not as cruel as the collar and mask and restraints he’d forced on Kelsey, or as humiliating as the diapers and pacifier Sara now wore, but it was the same. A symbol of his ownership and control over her. There was no way he could arrange a legally binding marriage to her, and even if he could, what judge wouldn’t grant a divorce if she could ever make her way to a courthouse. But still she’d have to wear it. His ring. Her promise to be his bride.

“I’ll say yes.” Brook pushed the ring back into his hands. “Under one condition.” 

Sean closed his fingers around the ring but remained on one knee, his head slightly cocked, curious about her bold counter proposal. “What is that?”

“I’ll marry you, if…” She took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. “You let Sara and Kelsey go.”

Slowly, Sean got to his feet. “Hmmm.” He flipped open the box and put the ring back inside, sliding it back into his pocket. “That’s not how this works.”

Brook took a couple of steps backwards until she bumped into the door. It swung open, the flickering candlelight causing the shadows to dance across Sean’s face as that new, unfamiliar smile spread across his face.

“They don’t get a choice,” he said, closing the distance between them. Brook kept backing away, into the bedroom, his bedroom.

Their bedroom.

Hundreds of tea light candles lined the furniture, carefully placed on the dresser, the nightstands on either side of the king sized bed, the windowsills. The room was entirely cast in flickering firelight, illuminating the pristine, white sheets and the blood red rose petals leading to the bed and covering it.

“But it’s good to know how much you want to take care of them.” He grabbed her, pushing her backwards onto the bed, sending up a flutter of flower petals. “That’s good.” He was on top of her, grabbing her arms and dragging them above her head. “You take care of them.” He forced first one wrist and then the other into the waiting cuffs attached to the corners of the bed frame. “And I take care of you!”

“No!” Brook screamed, struggling against him, but it was too late.

“If you don’t want to get married yet, that’s okay.” Two more cuffs waited for her ankles at the foot of the bed. Kick and flail as she might, it was a losing battle. “If you want to live in sin…” Click. The leather cuff encircled her right leg. “Then let’s sin!” Click. Her left leg followed. She was trapped, helpless, bound spread-eagle on his bed.

Their bed.

“Please!!!” Brook wailed.

He covered her mouth with his palm, silencing her.

“I’m very good at sin,” he whispered.


He let go of her to grab one of the pillows knocked aside in her struggles. He yanked the silk pillowcase off, stretching it out and swiftly tying a fat knot in the center.

“Please!!! Don’t!!!” she cried.

“Shut up.” Sean jammed the silken knot into her open mouth, whipping the ends around her head and tying it off. You had your chance to say yes.”

Silenced again. Muzzled, muffled and muted, his voiceless plaything. Brook struggled against her bonds, sobbing into her knee gag as she watched him disrobe above her. He was already hard, his dick standing at attention, looming aggressively over her. 

She’d been so excited the first time she’d seen him naked. He was attractive, she was a little tipsy and more than a little horny. She’d liked how strong he was, and he’d been just the right amount of rough the first time they’d made love.

That felt like a lifetime ago. He didn’t even seem like the same person, this predator climbing on top of her helpless body, candlelight flickering in his hungry eyes as he stared at her naked, bound body, spread out before him. As hard as she tried to clench her thighs together, her act of resistance slowed him down only a few seconds. He forcefully spread her legs, opening her up to the inevitable penetration, his cock driving into her pussy.


“What’s the matter?” he asked, pulling back out, only to thrust into her again, deeper and harder. “Did you think you could call the shots? That I’d just let them go because you’d asked and we’d live happily ever after? No. You knew exactly how ridiculous your little demand was. You knew precisely what you were doing.”

Brook shook her head, crying into her gag. It had been a long shot, but she’d really hoped he might set her friends free. She’d really believed that there was some level of humanity in this man, something of the kind, mourning husband she’d been attracted to when he courted her. She knew now that that version of him was entirely a fabrication, a lie meant to lure her in, and the man raping her was a total stranger, someone she had no idea how to deal with.

“You wanted this!” he hissed, spit flying through his clenched teeth as he thrust faster. “I’ll play your game, Brook, but you… Oh, you, you’ll play mine!”

Brook closed her eyes, clenching her fists. She dug her fingers into her palms, focusing all of her desire to fight and struggle in those ten points, where her nails dug into her own flesh. She focused on that pain, pushing out what was happening to her, to the rest of her body. There was no reasoning with him. There was no fighting him. There was no resisting him. Not like this. The next time he offered her his ring, she’d take it. He was right. It was a game to him. She’d have to lose a few rounds just to keep playing if she and her friends hoped to survive. 

She just hoped she could handle it.

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The trick when writing a story that avoids the predictable outcome in real life is to offer the reader a plot line that is plausible despite his/her contrary expectations.  Stories that involve crime are being seriously challenged in this regard by the ubiquity of surveillance technology.  How many traffic cameras did Sean trigger as he drove off?  What about the tracking device in his cell phone?  The onboard sensors constantly passing information from his vehicle to the manufacturer?  Virtually all violent crimes that are successfully solved by the police involve a perpetrator and victim who are acquainted.  It is the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time crimes that go unsolved.  In The Collector, John Fowles avoided the problem of police involvement by the simple device of having his kidnapper twice take victims whom he was stalking but with whom he had no prior contact. 


While the author says the kidnappers name, it’s probably not his real name. All of his electrics might even be under different names and his cabin in the woods probably can’t be traced back to him. They might be able to get his face, but depending on how bad the picture is, depends on how many hits on the DMV. In some places the DMV isn’t on the grid so if it’s in another state they still might not be able to find him. 

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Sara's Bedtime


Sleep was impossible for Sara. She was a side sleeper by nature, but even if she could roll over onto her side, there was just no way she’d be able to find rest. Being trapped on her back, her arms and legs strapped securely to the four corners of her crib provided endless frustration for the helpless girl as she tried over and over to move from her trapped position. The short lengths of chain rattled constantly as she tried repeatedly to move. Realistically, rolling over would only exasperate the discomfort of the wet diaper between her thighs. She’d lost that battle hours ago, and her discomfort only grew as the swollen diaper pressed up against her crotch grew colder.

Sara had wet the bed until she was seven. She had blocked out the memory of waking up with a wet pull-up between her legs for over a decade, but it all came rushing back to her every time she shifted, feeling the soggy padded pressing against her body. The embarrassment and shame of her inability to control her basic bodily functions came flooding back, even though she knew logically it wasn’t her fault she’d wet herself. If she could get up, she could make it to the bathroom and relieve herself in the toilet. That wasn’t a failing on her part, not in the slightest. But she couldn’t shake that feeling every time she felt her wet diaper between her legs.

The wet diaper, she reminded herself. It was not hers. She did not need diapers, nor had she asked for this, or even done anything to deserve her treatment.

The door to the nursery opened. Sara chewed nervously on the pacifier bulb in her mouth as she watched her captor through the bars of the crib. He was nearly naked, only a pair of black silk briefs that left little to the imagination adorning his frame. Tucked in the crook of his arm was a large baby bottle, filled to the brim with milky, white liquid. His other hand was holding hands with Brook. Sara’s heart quickened when she saw her. She wore a translucent, white negligee, the kind of thing Sara had only dreamed of seeing her crush in. Brook’s typical choice for pajamas was an oversized t-shirt and shorts. That the first time Sara got to see her like this, with a knotted cleave gag between her full lips, and her beautiful eyes red and puffy from crying, broke her heart. Further inspection revealed Brook wasn’t wearing any panties under the fluttering garment.

“Looks like someone is still awake,” Sean cooed.

Sara took her eyes off of Brook to glare up at him as her captor sidled up to the side of the crib and lowered the rails to the floor. 

“Do you need your bottle before bed?” he asked, shaking the bottle over her, white liquid splashing from the nipple onto her naked chest.

Sara tensed up, breathing heavily through her nose. Inside her mittens her small fists clenched tightly, her teeth clamped down on the pacifier in her mouth. Her eyes flicked to Brook. Her friend’s red-rimmed eyes were filled with pity. Despite everything she had assuredly gone through, she still pitied Sara. That stung. 

Sean unclipped her mittens from the carabiners holding her wrists to the corners of her prison. Instinctually, Sara pulled her arms across her chest to preserve what little modesty she had left. He chuckled, amused, and tickled her bare stomach. The sensitive girl tried to swat his hand away, revealing herself once more.

“Let’s get you your snack,” he said, grabbing her wrists and pulling her up.

“Nnnmmpphhh!” Sara squirmed, trying to pull away, but she was no match for his strength.

“Have a seat there behind her, dear,” he directed Brook. She awkwardly obeyed, sitting at the head of the mattress, trying in vain to pull the skimpy negligee down over her lap. Sean pushed Sara back down, her head resting on Brook’s thighs. 

Sara froze. She was keenly aware that Brook wasn’t wearing any panties, and there was curly hair tickling her ear that was not her own. Looking up, Brook’s boobs hovered over her face, the see through cups leaving nothing to her imagination. She could fully make out her nipples.

“Now you can take her pacifier out and feed her her bottle.”

Sara gulped, lifting her head. She felt Brook’s hands feeling around for the clasp on her pacifier gag. She’d have a limited window to talk as the pacifier was taken out before the nipple of the bottle was jammed in her mouth, but what would she say? What could she say?

Brook pulled the pacifier out of Sara’s mouth. She held the thing up, unsure what to do with it. 

“Brook, I…” Sara started, realizing she was about to apologize. It was an old habit her dad always got on her for, for saying she was sorry all the time for things that were in no way her fault. “I’m sormppph!”

Sean jammed the nipple of the bottle into her open mouth, silencing her before she could finish the habitual apology. The liquid started flowing immediately, far too rich and creamy to be normal milk. Given that he’d made her eat actual baby food earlier, she guessed it was baby formula. Considering what else she could be blindly choking down, she hoped it was only formula.

The hole in the nipple was wide enough for the liquid to flow freely, and very quickly Sara realized she had to start swallowing or she’d start choking.

“There’s a good baby.” Sean stroked her hair before passing the bottle off to Brook.

“Aammm phhaurrmeee,” Brook moaned her own apology.

The bottle was so large. Sara found the hole in the nipple with her tongue, stemming the flow. After a none too subtle warning from Sean to “Drink up,” Sara realized she couldn’t stop drinking forever, and started strategically starting and stopping the flow to drink at a more reasonable pace.

“Pretty soon your mommy is going to be able to feed you herself,” Sean said.

Sara choked, coughing up milk all over herself and Brook. She stared up at her fellow captive’s breasts, boobs under different circumstances she’d have loved the idea of having in her mouth.

“What a messy baby,” Sean cooed, wiping away the mess with a washcloth. “You’ll need your bib.”

Brook kindly tilted the bottle to the side, giving Sara a reprieve while she caught her breath. She seemed to notice Sara staring at her tits and blushed, probably realizing herself the implications of Sean’s comment. Sara wondered if that was even possible.

As if reading her mind, Sean tilted the bottle back, forcing Sara to start drinking as he leaned in close. “Oh yes, your mommy is gonna start lactating so you can drink all that yummy milk straight from the source.” He reached over, grabbing the flimsy cups of Brook’s negligee. A swift tug and her left boob spilled out, hanging over Sara’s wide-eyed face. “I bet our baby girl, would like that, wouldn’t she?”

Sara’s cheeks felt like they were on fire. In spite of everything else going on, the idea that Brook might somehow realize she had a crush on her was at the forefront of her mind, and if there wasn’t already a nipple in her mouth she would have blurted anything to change the subject, to distract from the fact that she was very much thinking about Brook’s perfect, pink nipple between her lips.

“You just can’t wait to get the real thing,” he teased, grabbing the other cup and pulling it down. Both of Brook’s boobs hung free. She was blushing as well, and Sara could feel her thighs shift as she squirmed under her head.

“There’s no better way for a mommy and baby to bond.”

Sara’s eyes found Brook’s. Her blush deepened; her face must’ve been beet red, but she couldn’t look away. If she did she was afraid she’d be caught staring at Brook’s boobs. 

The infantilized girl coughed as she sucked in air. She hadn’t even realized she’d drained her bottle. Sean pulled it from her mouth, and she gasped, literally drool running down her chin as she stared up at a pair of tits. Sara had known she was a lesbian since she was eight and fell in love with Keira Knightly in Pride and Prejudice, but she’d never in her life been more attracted to a set of boobs. Even with her mouth free, she couldn’t speak, and she offered no resistance as the pacifier was once again pressed between her lips. 

“Mmmphh!” she squealed when Sean lifted her head to strap the gag back in place, pressing her face up into the underside of Brook’s tits.

Sean chuckled. “You just suck on your pacifier and think about what you’d rather have in your mouth, while we get your diaper changed.”

Sara had almost forgotten about the diaper, so transfixed in her crush’s bosom she’d been. Now she was hyper aware of its presence, cold, clammy and wet against her flustered and hot loins. Sean took Brook by the hands, pulling her to her feet, and Sara’s head once more flopped down into the pillow.

“I’ll help you with her first diaper change,” Sean said, wrapping his arms around Brook from behind, copping a feel of her loose breasts while he pulled her close. “Everything you need is right here.” He guided her to the changing table, showing her where the wipes, powder, lotion and extra diapers were. Sara pulled against her restraints, hoping that by some miracle when she needed it most she’d be able to get free. But the straps held, keeping her helpless until Brook and Sean returned. She couldn’t keep from staring now, watching Brook’s pussy under the swishing fabric of her negligee. Why not look; Brook was about to see hers.

“You just peel back the tapes, like this.” Sean was leaning over Brook’s shoulder, his arms guiding hers. Sara knew Brook had done some babysitting before, and surely she knew how to change a diaper. Not that Brook changing her wet diaper would be pleasant, but having their kidnapper mansplain such a humiliating task, savoring in their shame, it made the whole situation so much worse.

“She’s just wet,” Sean said as they opened her diaper. “No poopie diapers to clean up, this time. We have to keep an eye on her; if she doesn’t poop soon we’ll have to give her an enema or suppository to ensure she’s not blocked up.”

Sara thought she might die of humiliation. She was breathing heavily through her nose, staring fixedly at the ceiling, trying to pretend she wasn’t there, that this wasn’t happening to her.

“And we just take a wipe, and clean up her little princess parts, just like this.”

“Hnnnnn!” Sara keened as she felt the cold wipe across her skin.

“Just like this. It’s important to be very thorough. You gotta get every nook and cranny.” Sean manipulated Brook’s hand, dragging the wipe through Sara’s slit, up and down, gently grazing her clit.

“Mmmph!” Brook whined into her gag, watching her friend squirm under her touch. Sean kept his grip on the backs of her wrists, getting both of her hands involved. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “She’s being such a good baby. It’s okay to give her a little treat when she’s a good girl for her diaper changes.”

“Nnnn mmmnnph!” Sara shook her head, her eyes screwed shut. They couldn’t! He wouldn’t!

But he would. Sean knew about her crush on Brook, and he knew exactly how to weaponize it against her. 

“See how much she likes it? Hear how she coos when her mommy touches her?”

“Mmmmppphhhhh!” Sara squealed as Brook’s fingers slid inside her. Inside her padded mittens she clenched her fists and bucked her hips up to meet her new mommy’s touch. She didn’t care that it was Sean manipulating Brook’s hands, that he was watching. It didn’t matter that she was strapped down in a crib, getting her diaper changed. In and out, Brook’s slender fingers stimulating her, getting her all worked up. If she kept up, it was only a matter of time before…

“Ah ah ah,” Sean said, pulling Brook’s hands back. “Baby’s don’t get to cum. That’s much too adult.”

It was a relief as much as it was torture.

Sara kept her eyes screwed shut; she couldn’t look at Brook. She couldn’t bear to watch as her friend powdered her dripping pussy. She couldn’t pretend she was anywhere else either, as she was lifted up and a fresh diaper slid under her. She was assaulted by the smell of baby powder, the sound of her crinkling diaper, the feel of soft padding pressed up against her most sensitive flesh.

“See? Easy peasy.”

Sara opened her eyes. They were staring down at her, Sean with that smug smile on his face while he patted her freshly diapered crotch, and Brook, her eyes still filled with pity, but now with a tint of shame in her big, doe eyes.

“Goodnight, baby girl.” Sean leaned over and kissed Sara on the forehead. After a nudge from their captor, Brook leaned into the crib as well. Sara could feel her lips, wrapped around the wet knot of her cleave gag, against her hot, flushed forehead.

“Sleep tight.” He lifted the side of the crib back into place, caging the helpless girl once more.

Brook looked over her shoulder as Sean lead her out of the nursery, mewling apologetically into her gag at her friend. They turned out the light and shut the door. Sara was again left helpless, bound, gagged, and diapered. Only now she was also very, very frustrated and horny. 

It was going to be a long night.

  • Like 5

That was amazing. I hope they don’t keep her frustrated. Maybe he has brook get her worked up while still in her wet diaper and have Brook tell her that if she’s a good girl and makes a big poopy in her diaper for mommy she’ll get to cum. ? of course it’ll be while she’s wearing a dirty diaper. Maybe even train her to get super horny every time she makes a poopy ?

  • Thanks 1
On 10/26/2022 at 7:15 PM, Guilend said:

That was amazing. I hope they don’t keep her frustrated. Maybe he has brook get her worked up while still in her wet diaper and have Brook tell her that if she’s a good girl and makes a big poopy in her diaper for mommy she’ll get to cum. ? of course it’ll be while she’s wearing a dirty diaper. Maybe even train her to get super horny every time she makes a poopy ?

Thank you, we'll see what else Sean has in store for them. I took a short break to do a Halloween story, but this will continue soon.


Kelsey's Routine


After five long days as Sean’s “dog”, Kelsey was fairly confidant rescue wasn’t coming. She lay patiently at the bottom of her cage, watching the light creep along the far wall, waiting to be let out for her morning walk while eyeing the camera in the ceiling out of the corner of her eye.

It was one of the obvious ones, the ones placed because Sean wanted them to know he was watching. The prisoner also knew they were there to lure them into a false sense of security. The big, black lens staring down at them from the corners of most of the rooms of the house had made it much harder to notice the many, many more innocuous, hidden cameras positioned about their captor’s home that much harder to find. The suspicious glint in a wall outlet, the obvious nanny came in the nursery, the picture frame facing away from the others that seemed out of place until you realized it was covering a blind spot. Kelsey doubted there actually were any blind spots in the house, but she was determined to find them if there were.

“Good morning, pup.” It wasn’t always a perfect system, but what he called her first thing in the morning was usually a good indicator of her captor’s mood. Today she was “pup,” and that was a lot better than “bitch.”

Kelsey stiffly got to her hands and knees and greeted him with a garbled bark around her ballgag. She was still getting accustomed to the awful squeaking noise her new PVC suit made whenever she moved, but she hid her instinct to cringe at the sound.

“Do you wanna go outside?” he asked, setting his coffee down on the top of her cage while he unlocked the door for her.

Kelsey nodded, hating the way her new, floppy ears flapped against her face. “Waauhhff.”

“Good girl.” He reached inside and petted her head, scratching the back of her neck. Kelsey forced herself to lean in to his loathsome touch. Sean stood up and out of her way, sipping his coffee while he watched her crawl out of her cage. It was the third day in a row he hadn’t leashed her; he was confident that she would come when he called now.

The one good thing about her new suit was the padding on her knees, and Kelsey hated that she was grateful to him for such a small blessing. It made walking across the hardwood and cold tile flooring across the kitchen, where Brook already had Sara in her high chair, to the back door that much easier. She assumed her position by the door, nose on the floor, ass in the air, waiting for him to pull the infernal tail plug out of her and open the door so she could go outside. Kelsey was keenly aware of the view she was giving her friends, but they’d all seen far more of each other recently than any of them cared for, and she was well passed being ashamed of it. She closed her eyes as she felt the plug shift within her, as Sean twisted and pulled on her tail, pulling the plug out of her ass. It landed in the bucket by the door, and Brook would have it cleaned and lubed up again for her when she was came back inside after finishing her business.

Kelsey scampered outside when he opened the door for her, feeling the crisp morning air on her bare tits and bits, the parts of her not kept constantly covered by the skintight suit she was trapped in. She chose to focus on the knee pads, that made bounding off the porch and into the backyard tolerable, putting distance between her and Sean as he sat down on a wooden rocking chair to sip his morning coffee and watch his pet.

He could watch her all he wanted. Kelsey trotted to the tree line, affording herself the closest thing she could get to privacy as she squatted and did her business. There was no warning beep, no little flags to mark the edge of the invisible fence, just the memory of many, many shocks to remind her that crossing behind the trees would deliver a painful zap from her hateful collar. Still, she turned to face him, making unbroken eye contact as she voided her bladder and bowels at the foot of the tree, reminding him that she knew the edge of her leash, that she was playing within the bounds of his sick game, that she was a good dog. He casually sipped from his mug, staring back at her.

Finished her morning routine, Kelsey trotted along the length of the yard. She knew through painful trial and error precisely the entire length of the underground fence. She’d walked the perimeter repeatedly, testing the invisible barrier every few feet, just in case there was a weak spot. So far, she’d found none, and despite her efforts, an untold number of shocks from her collar did not seem to bestow her any sort of tolerance or resilience to the pain. Each fresh zap hurt as much as the first, but the pain wasn’t enough to keep her from trying. It wasn’t getting worse, and that was something.

She followed the perimeter of her prison, a rough rhombus surrounding his house in the middle of the woods, out of Sean’s sight, but she knew she was still on camera, even if she wasn’t one hundred percent certain where they all were outside yet. They had to be there; Sean wouldn’t let her wander freely if he didn’t have a backup plan to the invisible fence. No, he was much too devious a captor to allow that. She suspected the birdhouse that seemed out of place held one camera, and there were probably more along the outside of the house. She had time to find them, time to let her captor grow complacent.

A sharp whistle came from the back of the house. He was done his coffee, and ready to go inside. Kelsey wasn’t ready to test yet if he’d trust her to be outside by herself, so she turned around and began to run back around the house. She’d gotten very comfortable on all fours, and while part of her hated how quickly he’d been able to transform her into an animal, she knew being comfortable in her impaired state could only benefit her, so she relished the chance to run, to bound on all fours like an actual dog. She was still nowhere near as fast as she was on two legs, but she knew if she needed to, she could summon a burst of speed she wasn’t about to reveal to her captor that she was capable of. 

Kelsey skidded to a stop inside the door and resumed her position again, nose to the floor, ass in the air. She shuddered as she felt the cold wipe against her, making sure she was clean. It could be worse, she reminded herself as Brook cleaned her up and forced the tail plug back inside her. She could be in Sara’s shoes. Or booties, she supposed. She’d seen the inside of them, their soles lines with pointed metal spikes. Not that Kelsey could stand up either, but she knew full well that if she could straighten her knees she’d be trying to stand, spikes or no spikes on the bottoms of her feet. So Sara sat, in her playpen, having already been fed, her diaper swollen and yellow, watching Kelsey eat on the floor a few feet from her. Kelsey did her best not to make eye contact with her roommate as she lifted her head up, waiting for Brook to remove her gag.

“Here you go,” Brook said, giving her a conditioned pat on the head. Kelsey gave her an obligatory bark and trotted over to her dish. The food hadn’t improved in taste, but it was tolerable, and she plunged her face into the cold, congealed cylinder of dog food. It worried her that she hadn’t seen Sean or Brook put the food in her bowl today, but on cursory inspection it didn’t appear to be tampered with. It was ridiculous, worrying that her dog food she was forced to eat had been altered, but she suspected from Sara’s reactions to filling her diapers the other girl’s food was laced with diuretics and laxatives at the bare minimum. Sara seemed to have little to no control at this point, and if Sean was willing to drug Sara, then he was willing to drug all of them. Not that there was anything she could do if he was drugging her food, but Kelsey had no desire to be force-fed. So she ate, gobbling up her unpleasant but palatable meal with gusto, so she could be on with her day. 

Her face cleaned and gagged once more, Kelsey made her way to the living room, lying down on the provided dog bed between the couch and playpen. She was the only one not provided entertainment while Sean “worked” in his locked office. Kelsey could watch the TV he put on for Sara, or she could even climb up onto the couch to try and read with Brook, but she little interest in either the inane cartoons insulting Sara’s intelligence or the bodice ripper romance novels Brook was provided. She put her head on her paws and let her eyes wander. From her position on the ground, she knew the camera in the ceiling corner couldn’t see most of her, the couch blocking her from its line of sight. Out of the corner of her eye she measured up the outlet on the far wall. It was one of the newer ones, different from the style in most of the house, with the USB charging ports. If it also held a camera, and she was almost positive it did, it had good coverage of the room, but not all of it. There was a spot next to the couch neither camera could see. It wasn’t a lot of space, but it was something.

Kelsey rolled over, stretching towards the edge of the couch. Through lidded eyes she scanned the rest of the room. If there was a camera that could see this spot, she couldn’t see it. Adding it to her mental map of the house, Kelsey rolled back over to see Brook staring down at her from the couch, her paperback book with a busty damsel in the arms of a swoll Fabio-looking man held loosely at her side. Brook patted the couch cushion next to her. Of the three of them, Brook was the only one who wasn’t usually gagged, but seemingly out of solidarity she rarely spoke when in just their company. Or maybe she was just paying attention to just how closely they were being monitored as Kelsey was.

Kelsey climbed to her hands and knees and scrambled up onto the couch. When Sean came back in they would be chastised for letting the dog up onto the furniture, but it was a token punishment, meant more for the facade he was trying to uphold than an actual infraction that would incur his wrath, and if Brook was willing to risk a light spanking for inviting the dog up onto the couch, Kelsey was game for sitting on the furniture. 

Brook pulled her hands back; she did far too much intimate touching of her friends, letting Kelsey find her place on the couch and get comfortable next to her. “Do you want to read with me?” Brook offered.

Kelsey really didn’t, but she nodded anyways. It was something to pass the time. She could feel Sara staring at them through the translucent mesh of her baby cage.

“I’m sorry, this book is too grown up for you. I’ll read you one of your stories later.” Brook looked down at Kelsey. “Dogs don’t understand books,” she said. 

It was all performative, but it was hard not to internalize it, especially coming from Brook. She was sure it was even harder for Sara, who sulkily sucked on her pacifier knowing that she actually had nursery rhymes in store for her later. Kelsey laid her head on Brook’s thigh, absentmindedly scanning the pages as Brook slowly turned through them. She was scarcely paying attention until she noticed one of Brook’s long, painted fingernails purposefully scratching under a word. Kelsey looked up at her, but Brook kept her eyes on the page, slowly shifting right to left. Kelsey looked back at the page, where Brook was repeatedly underlining with her finger a single word.


It was dialogue, and Kelsey frantically tried to read the rest of the sentence, but Brook was already turning the page. She resisted the urge to try and reach up with her paw and try and get Brook to turn back. She waited, and sure enough, Brook’s finger found another word, subtly pointing it out. 


This was not new information to Kelsey, but it didn’t matter. Brook was paying attention, and more importantly, she had found a way to communicate.

Kelsey subtly raised and lowered her paw up and down, hoping Brook knew sign language for yes. Brook reached out and petted her head. It was all the confirmation she needed, and for the first time Kelsey was grateful to be petted.

Brook kept reading, her finger occasionally finding buzzwords on the pages, while Kelsey wracked her brain for a way to communicate back. Gagged whenever she was not eating and with her hands perpetually encased in the PVC mittens, there wasn’t much she could do, at least not yet. But she could listen, and when the time came, she knew Brook could use the information she’d gathered.

Slowly, Brook revealed to her more clues one word at a time.




And after many pages of Brook not finding on the page the word she was looking for, Sara’s crying finally interrupted them.

“Oh, I’m so sorry baby girl,” Brook said, slamming the book closed and getting up.

Her finger had looked like it was moving when they’d been interrupted. Rationally, she knew it wasn’t Sara’s fault, but she couldn’t help but feel furious. The other girl wasn’t used to sitting in messy diapers enough by now to just be patient a moment longer?

Kelsey glared daggers at the infantilized girl while Brook laid her down to change her diapers. For the last five days what overflowing rage she couldn’t direct at Sean had gone to Brook for getting them into this, but now that Brook seemed to be proving useful in trying to escape, that excess anger rerouted to Sara. If anything, Sara seemed to enjoy when Brook paid intimate attention to her. Kelsey had long suspected that their lesbian roommate had a bit of a crush on Brook, and the way she squirmed and blushed while Brook wiped her pussy was fucking shameful. It wasn’t until the ache in her jaw set in from clenching so hard on her ballgag that Kelsey even realized what she was doing, and she took a deep breath. It wasn’t Sara’s fault, and just because the girl was in even less of a position to try and help escape than the other two, it didn’t mean she didn’t want out of this hell just as much as Kelsey or Brook.

“Would you like to take the trash out with me?” Brook asked, standing up from a freshly diapered Sara.

“Auufff,” Kelsey garbled around her gag and jumped down from the couch.

Sara sat up and leaned against the mesh barrier of her playpen, watching longingly as her fellow captives were able to freely leave.

“We’ll be right back,” Brook told her, and lead the way for Kelsey. Brook stopped her at the door, grabbing her leash. Sean might be able to take her outside without her leash, but Brook seemingly wasn’t permitted to take her outside unsupervised yet. That, or Brook wanted the excuse to keep her close. Now Kelsey couldn’t be sure of her friend’s motives, but she willingly leaned her head back for Brook to clip her leash to her collar, and trotted close behind her mistress out to the trash bins behind the garage. “Do you need to go potty while we’re outside?” Brook asked, looking purposefully away from the camera mounted at the top of the garage. 

Kelsey nodded. She didn’t need to immediately, but any excuse for them to walk away from the house was a good one.

Brook let Kelsey lead, walking behind her as Kelsey found her way to the perimeter of the fence.

“Your collar shocks you if you go too far, doesn’t it?” Brook asked quietly under her breath.

Kelsey nodded, bringing out one paw and drawing a line in the ground where her fence was.

“I’m sorry,” Brook whispered.

Kelsey shrugged her shoulders, staring off into the woods. Brook wasn’t wearing a collar. She could let go of Kelsey’s leash and take off running. Brook wasn’t a great runner, but she’d have enough of a head start before Sean could get outside and give chase.

But Brook wouldn’t leave them. That was her shock collar. She stayed for them. If their positions were switched, Kelsey wasn’t sure if she’d do the same.

“We’re gonna get through this,” Brook whispered.

“Going for a walk?”

They both jumped a little, startled to see Sean standing in the back door. He was holding Sara in his arms in front of him.

“Yes,” Brook called back quickly. “I just took out the trash and she needed to potty!” Brook tugged on Kelsey’s leash and started walking back.

“You’re fine!” he called back, bouncing Sara on his hip. “Don’t let me interrupt.”

Kelsey’s heart was racing, and she was sure Brook’s was too. As they were both all too aware, he was watching. He was always watching.

While he watched from the back door, Kelsey squatted by a tree and relieved herself, and Brook returned to her performative praising, telling her she was a good girl and petting her on the head before leading her back to the house. Under his watchful gaze, Kelsey resumed her new routine.

  • Like 4

Brook's Decision


Sean had yet to ask her his big question again, not since the first night he’d kidnapped them, but the proposal still loomed heavy between them, especially when they were alone together. Really, what would being married to Sean change for her? She was his prisoner regardless, and his unwilling co-conspirator in keeping her friends captive as well. Either way, she shared his bed every night, bound and gagged while he had his way with her. Maybe being his bride would grant her more freedom, but she doubted it. Even if her physical restraints were loosened, they were largely for his enjoyment at this point. There was no escape. She could feel the question coming again though, a ticking time bomb looming ever on the horizon. He wanted her to say yes, but only when she wanted to be his wife. Part of her feared his wrath when he realized she would never want that. Another part of her dreaded that he might be right, that he could break her to a point where she did in fact desire the life he offered her.

Sara’s coughing, spluttering gasp as she sucked in air brought Brook back into the present. The helpless girl in her lap had drained her bottle, and was looking desperately up at her caretaker for help.

“I’m sorry, baby girl,” Brook said, pulling the bottle out of her mouth and swiftly replaced it with Sara’s pacifier gag before the girl could attempt to speak. Brook was doing her a favor, knowing full well Sean would punish Sara again if she tried to use adult words. Maybe Sara had learned from the last time she’d spent an hour in the punishment corner with a bar of soap clenched between her teeth, with the promise that if she dropped it Sean would spank her again, this time without her diaper to protect her bruised bottom from his belt. If Brook still saw her as an adult, she might have trusted Sara to keep herself out of trouble, but a week of seeing her a helpless baby that couldn’t help but fill her diapers made Brook start to see her as a little girl that needed to be looked after and taken care of.

Sara’s lips tightened around the oversized pacifier, staring up at Brook’s tits. Brook had at first believed that Sean’s threats that Sara would soon be drinking her mommy’s milk instead of her formula had been a joke, a sick twisted one, but not something that he had every intention of making happen. Now, with the noticeable growth of her boobs, the uncomfortable fullness, the extra sensitivity of her nipples, it seemed crazy that there had been a time when she didn’t think Sean would play with her hormones and alter her very physiology. The only question now was when she’d start lactating, and she’d be feeding Sara from her tits instead of a bottle every day.

“It’s bed time,” Brook said. She reached down, checking Sara’s diaper. A quick crotch squeeze revealed Sara was wet. Brook had changed her recently, and she considered just putting her to bed and sparing her yet another intimate diaper change. “Let’s go.” Brook got up and started pulling Sara up so she could pick up the smaller girl and get her into her crib.

“Mmmmph!” Sara moaned, pressing her mittened hands against the swollen crotch of her diaper.

She was an adult, Brook reminded herself. She could ask her if she wanted a diaper change or not. It wasn’t much, but it was a small token of freedom she could give her fellow captive. “Do you want me to change you?” she asked.

“Mmmhhmmmm,” Sara moaned, her cheeks blushing to closely match the pink of the strap holding her pacifier firmly in her mouth.

“Of course.” She took for granted the small privilege of being allowed to use the bathroom. It had to be awful, squatting outside in the grass outside like Kelsey, or worse, having to just sit in a wet or messy diaper like Sara. At least Sean relegated the responsibility of changing her to Brook. She could only imagine how much worse it would be for her lesbian friend, if their male captor had to touch her, to wipe her, to clean her. 

Brook and Sara avoided eye contact as Brook changed her diaper, making sure she was very thorough. The last thing either of them needed was Sean to give her another lesson on how to change Sara’s diaper. The memory of him over her shoulder, holding her wrists, making her rub and rub and rub her friend’s clit, until finally Sara had cum on her hands, still haunted her. “Don’t stop,” he repeated in her ear while she cried. “She’s our baby girl, and we have to take good care of her.”

Sara squirmed and moaned under her touch, and Brook quickly stopped, satisfied she’d been at it long enough if he was watching her on the cameras. All business, she shook powder over Sara’s smooth pussy and pulled the fresh diaper up between her legs and taped it in place.

“Better?” she asked, meeting Sara’s eyes again.

Sara nodded, holding her arms up. Brook pulled her up, the smaller girl wrapping her mittened hands around her neck and holding on while Brook picked her up. Brook could’ve sworn Sara was getting heavier. It wasn’t all that surprising; a large part of her diet was fatty formula laced with only god and Sean knew what, and Sara wasn’t afforded even close to the level of exercise Brook and Kelsey got. She wasn’t fat, by any means, yet, but her once flat stomach had started to hang over her diapers just a little bit. Brook wasn’t the only one their captor was physically altering.

“There you go.” Brook laid Sara down in her crib. The girl offered up her limbs freely to be strapped into the corners of her babyish prison for the night. As depressing as it was to see her so submissive to her nightly routine, it was a lot better than the nights Brook had had to fight her to get her restrained for bed. “Good girl,” she said, adopting Sean’s condescending praise for his slaves. She heard it the second the words were out of her mouth, but there was no taking them back. She gave Sara a pitying smile and pulled her blanket up over her, and put her teddy bear next to her. “Goodnight, Sara,” she whispered, kissing her on the forehead.

“Aaahhh uuvvvvv ooooh,” Sara garbled behind her pacifier. Brook hoped she hadn’t been trying to say what it sounded like. Sean told her he loved her, but he hadn’t required her to say it to him back, or either of her charges.

“Sleep tight,” she said, walking away from Sara. Back to him. She left the nursery, padding slowly down the hall to their bedroom. She took her time, but there was only so much delaying the inevitable she could get away with.

“Hello, dear.” He was already in bed, sitting up against the headboard, a book in his lap, the iPad he was probably watching in on them sitting next to him on the nightstand.

“Hello Sean. May I get ready for bed?”

He eyed her up and down. She was already dressed for bed in her semi translucent black negligee, though she likely wouldn’t get to keep her tight black panties for long. “What’s the rush?”

“I’m a little tired,” she said, her mind already racing for an acceptable excuse for why she might be tired. “And you look comfortable,” she added.

Sean threw back the sheets. He was just wearing his black silk briefs. “I am, but not too comfortable to have a little fun with you, my… dear.”

“Alright.” She stepped towards the bed. There was no use arguing.

He patted the bed next to him. “You know, I wish I could call you something else.”

Her eyes flicked to the dresser, where she knew the small black box holding the engagement ring he wanted to give her was waiting. The one he wanted her to want. “You can call me anything you want.”

His eyes lit up. “Is that so?”

His slave. His prisoner. His slut. Any of those sounded preferable in her head to what he wanted. “I’m yours,” she said, climbing onto the bed, crawling towards his dick. Maybe she could doge the question.

He grabbed her by the chin, lifting her face to look up at him. “Don’t play coy with me.” His tone was playful, but she knew all too well that could change in a heartbeat.

Her breathing quickened. Again her eyes betrayed her, flicking to the dresser drawer. “Are you asking?”

“Are you ready?”

It was a trick question. Answer honestly, risk his wrath. Lie to him, and it might be worse.


Silence was not an option either. “Why me?”

He seemed taken aback by the question, letting go of her chin and leaning back against the headboard.

She wondered it a lot. Why her? What had she done to deserve this? Was it the simple act of being nice to a guy she met online, largely out of pity because she thought his wife had died? Had he been targeting her long before that, and matching up with him on a dating app had been carefully orchestrated by a stalker? “Why do you want to marry me?”

“Oh Brook. You don’t even see how special you are,” he said, cupping her cheek in his hands again, tenderly stroking down the side of her face with his thumb.

“I’m not special,” she choked, fighting back tears. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Do you honestly believe that?”

A single tear spilled from her eyelid, and he wiped it away with his thumb. “I do.”

“Alright.” He let go of her face, and got up from the bed, leaving her on all fours on the mattress by herself. She stayed, frozen in place, unsure what would come next. “Maybe I was wrong.”

Brook gulped. Her heart was jackhammering in her chest. Sean was not the type to admit he was wrong.

“I suppose it could have been anyone,” he mused, pacing around the perimeter of the bed. “I could have chosen anyone to be my wife, any girl at random.”

As much as Brook wouldn’t wish her fate on anyone, she felt herself nodding along, the idea that some stranger could be in her place was so appealing.

“Is that what you think, Brook?”

“Ye— yes!” she blurted.

“Fine. So be it.” Sean grabbed her by the hair. Brook screamed as she was bodily pulled off the bed, scrambling to get her legs under her as he started dragging her out of the bedroom.

“Wait! Stop! I’m sorry!!!”

“No. You’re not,” he said coldly, pulling her down the hall, towards the nursery. “But that doesn’t matter. If I was wrong about wanting you for my wife, I’ll just try someone else.” He burst into the nursery, dragging her with him.

Sara was awake, looking up at them from between the bars of her crib, moaning into her pacifier gag.

“No! You can’t!”

“If you don’t want to be my wife, that’s fine. You can be the baby, and maybe Sara here will want to be my wife.”

“MMMMPPHH!!!” Sara screamed, her crib rattling as she struggled.

“No!! Wait! I’ll marry you!!! Please!!!”

“Too late.” He threw her up on the changing table. He didn’t even bother strapping her down, holding her down easily while he tore off her flimsy negligee.

“Please!! I’m sorry!!! You were rigmmmph!!!” she kept pleading until he stuffed her panties in her mouth.

“You’re gonna love your new life, baby girl. You can just sit in your crib, pissing your diapers, while your mommy and I live our happily wedded life. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

Brook threw her head side to side as she was manhandled into one of Sara’s diapers. She couldn’t differentiate between her own muted screams and Sara’s terrified wailing as the smaller girl watched her assume Sara’s fate of the last week, knowing something much, much worse was in store for her. Brook’s hands tried with no success to push him away as the humiliating garment was pulled up between her legs and taped on tightly, only earning herself a pair of mittens just like Sara’s locked over her fists.

“You’re going to be such a good, helpless baby for mommy and daddy, aren’t you?” he flipped her over on her stomach, delivering three hard smacks to her diapered bottom before grabbing her arms and yanking them behind her back. A handy roll of duct tape made short work of binding her wrists behind her back. He grabbed her hair again, yanking her head back. “If this doesn’t work out, I guess you can all switch again. You’d make a cute dog too. After all, it’s not like it matters, right?” he asked, pulling the tape between her stuffed lips, wrapping the sticky stuff tightly around her head. “You’re not special, and I had no reason to possibly want to marry you out of all the others, so it doesn’t fucking matter, does it?”

“Mmmmph!!!” Brook cried into her strict gag. He yanked her back to her feet and marched her over to the crib. Sean dropped the side and threw her in on top of Sara, the two diapered girls finding themselves suddenly pressed together face to face. They shared a brief look of panic and mutual pity while Brook’s legs were pulled back, her heels pressed into her thick diaper as she was brutally hogtied, Sean wrapping the tape from her mouth to her ankles, keeping her head wrenched back, before she was shoved to the side, and Sean unstrapped Sara. Brook could only watch, helplessly hogtied, diapered and panty gagged, while her friend was dragged out of the crib, and the rails slid back up into place. The petite lesbian wailed into her pacifier as her diaper was ripped off, their captor hurling it to the side. 

“You won’t be needing that anymore,” he told the struggling girl. “Don’t worry, until the muscle relaxers and laxatives wear off, I’ve got a nice big butt plug for you.” He slapped her ass, making her scream.

The crib that Brook had thought was the girl’s prison was actually a fence, the humiliating diapers she wore had been a barrier between her and the monster that held them captive. Brook couldn’t appreciate her new position, safe behind the bars, her pussy protected from his penis by a thick layer of padding. She could only think of Sara, and what was about to happen to her, all because of Brook’s choices.

“Sleep tight, baby girl,” Sean said to Brook. “Let’s go, dear.” He threw Sara over his shoulder and carried her off, off to the bedroom. To his bed.

He left the nursery door open, most definitely on purpose, so she could hear them. All night, while she struggled to no avail, she listened to them, to the things he was doing to her. Brook knew all too well what happened in his bedroom. She remembered being tied to his bed, spread and helpless while he had his way with her. But it was Sara now. The sting of her failure was magnified by the maternal feeling Sean had hammered into her for Sara. She was her baby girl, and she was supposed to protect her. Brook screamed into her gag, thrashing against the tape hogtying her, but she was the helpless baby now. For hours she fought, all the while listening to what he was doing to Sara.

Brook didn’t sleep a wink, and judging from the racket coming from the bedroom, neither did Sean and Sara. When it finally went quiet, Brook slumped against her bonds, exhausted. Her diaper was soaked, her joints aching from the stringent hogtie, her jaw sore from the brutal gag. Heavy footsteps came from the hall. Sara entered the nursery ass first, her limp form slung under Sean’s arm. He dropped her on the plush carpet of the nursery, the girl crumpling into a limp puddle at his feet. Brook couldn’t even look at her, her eyes riveted on Sean. 

“Did you have a good night?”

“Nnnn nnnn,” Brook moaned, shaking her head as best as she could.

He dropped the rails of the crib. “I’m going to give you one more chance,” he said, unwinding her cruel gag. 

Brook groaned as she was allowed to bend her neck forward. He plucked the sodden panties from her mouth. “Yes,” she moaned.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I want to marry you.”

“I know,” he said, matter-of-factly as he untaped her wrists and pulled the mittens off of her hands.

“You were right.”

“I know.”

“I am special.”

“Yes, you are. Now get the baby back in her diapers and put her down for a nap, and then take the dog out. I’m going to take a shower.”

“Yes, sir.”

Satisfied, Sean turned and walked out. Brook climbed out of the crib on shaky legs and stood over Sara. Her friend turned her head to look up at her; her eyes were bleary and she had a ring gag strapped between her teeth, and there was telltale white fluid dripping down her chin.

“I’m so sorry. That’s never going to happen again.” Brook tried to pick her up, but she was too weak, and unlike normal, Sara made no effort to help. Brook slid down onto the floor next to her and settled for just pulling her close. “I won’t let anything like that ever happen to you again, I promise.”

Sara nodded, even though they both knew full well that wasn’t a promise Brook had any power to keep. At that moment, Sara just needed comforting, and Brook pulled her head close to her aching breasts. Maybe it was spending all night struggling in her hogtie with her boobs squashed beneath her, but they were especially tender. Perhaps her milk was starting to come in. Either way, it was a good time to find out, she decided as she unclasped her baby girl’s ring gag and guided her mouth to her nipple.

“I’m going to take care of you. Mommy’s got you.”

  • Like 4

I wonder if she’ll be forced to make full use of her diaper before she’s allowed out of it. I wonder if he’ll even let her take it off herself. Maybe while she’s taking the dog out to potty she’ll make a big mess in her diaper. I’m enjoying this story. At least some aspects of it. 

  • Thanks 1

I’m also curious if she’ll ever get her panties back or will she have to earn them back? I imagine she’ll be making her friend cum during a diaper change again before long. Probably while her friend begs her in baby talk. I’m curious about her other friend and if she’ll get any sexual relief and if so how will she be getting it?

  • Thanks 1

This is an amazing story and i cant wait to see what happens next. I hope we get some more humiliation for Sara, maybe he'll start dressing her up or she'll have her gag removed and have to do baby talk? Kelsey is so observant and smart I wonder what kind of plan she'll come up with and how she'll manage to communicate it to brook. 

  • Thanks 1
On 11/14/2022 at 1:22 AM, Guilend said:

I’m also curious if she’ll ever get her panties back or will she have to earn them back? I imagine she’ll be making her friend cum during a diaper change again before long. Probably while her friend begs her in baby talk. I’m curious about her other friend and if she’ll get any sexual relief and if so how will she be getting it?

Brook's time in diapers is probably over, sorry to say, though what happens to Kelsey is still up in the air.


On 11/16/2022 at 10:34 PM, Little Writer said:

This is an amazing story and i cant wait to see what happens next. I hope we get some more humiliation for Sara, maybe he'll start dressing her up or she'll have her gag removed and have to do baby talk? Kelsey is so observant and smart I wonder what kind of plan she'll come up with and how she'll manage to communicate it to brook. 

Thank you! Sara's chapter is next, and I imagine you'll enjoy.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sara's Solace


It was when Sara needed Brook’s attention the most that Sean wouldn’t let her have her mommy.

“Mommy and daddy have to get ready for their big day,” Sean told her as he fastened her into the bouncer. 

She hated the bouncer. Sara was small, but even still, just scaling up a baby bouncer meant for toddlers did not translate to a comfortable device for an adult of her size. Sara’s uncontrollable sobbing ratcheted up into full blown hysterics as she found herself trapped in the hated contraption, stuck in a perpetual limbo between balancing her weight on her tippy toes and resting her weight on her diapered crotch.

“If you keep throwing a tantrum, you won’t get to be our flower girl at the wedding,” Sean threatened. 

Sara kicked her feet, bouncing faster, banging her mittened fists against her thighs. She was throwing a tantrum, and she didn’t fucking care. He wanted to treat her like a baby, so she deserved to act like one. She wailed into her pacifier and shook her head, her pigtails slapping against her face. She didn’t want to be their flower girl.

“If that isn’t enough incentive,” Sean grabbed the elastic cords suspending Sara off the ground, holding her still as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I’ll make her your wet nurse. She’d make a good cow just as easily as a dog.” He guided Sara’s gaze to Kelsey, who had stiffened in her dog bed. “And then no more time with mommy for you.”

In her distress, she’d forgotten the cardinal rule of their new life. He could always make it worse. Above all, he had proven that he could make their lives so much worse.

Sara got her crying tamped down to a sniffle as she settled back on her toes, suckling her pacifier for comfort.

“Good girl,” he said, pinching her cheek. “Now you two play nice while we get ready.”

Sara gripped the straps of her bouncer as best as she could with her mittened hands for balance as she watched him leave the two of them alone. Her eyes flicked to Kelsey, who got up and crawled along the base of the couch. Kelsey leaned her head down, pawing at her face, and when she looked back up, her bone gag was dangling around her neck.

“Sara,” Kelsey whispered.

Sara wasn’t sure when Kelsey had figured out how to take her gag out, but she’d seen her do it a few times, having frantic, hushed conversations with Brook before she popped her gag back in.

“Sara!” Kelsey hissed.

“Mmmph?” she moaned through her pacifier, her eyes glued to the door, expecting Sean to come back at any moment.

“We have a few minutes,” Kelsey whispered, “Just spit out your damn pacifier.”

Sara shook her head, sucking harder on her silencer. A few days ago, as a reward for being a good girl, Sean had taken the strap off of her pacifier, on the condition that she not spit it out once an adult had put it in her mouth. It was nice, not having the uncomfortable strap digging into her neck and cheeks, not having the hard plastic shield crushing her lips. There had been no threat of a punishment if she didn’t obey, only the promise of a treat if she was a good girl.

“I need to talk to you!” Kelsey hissed.

Sara looked from her friend to the door and back, pacifier still firmly in her mouth.

Kelsey watched the door for a second as well, head cocked to the side, listening. The house was quiet. “I need to know if you can get your mittens off.”

Sara stared at her mittens. A simple loop of fabric pulled through a pair of D rings kept them snug around her wrists. Brook or Sean would take them off of her for bath time, and they were relatively easy to remove, provided you had use of your fingers.

“He watches Brook too closely, and mine,” Kelsey held up one of her own hands, shaking it, jangling the padlock locking the heavy-duty PVC paws encasing her fists. “Aren’t coming off without a key.”

Sara adjusted her grip on the straps of her bouncer, staring at her mittens. It wouldn’t be that hard, potentially, to pick at the straps with her teeth. But that would require spitting out her pacifier.

“Waugh?” she tried to ask.

Kelsey’s eyes narrowed. “So we can escape,” she growled. 

“Waugghht nnowww?”

“No, not right now. I just need to know when the time comes you can be useful.”

“Auuumm yooffulll!” she garbled, bouncing a little in frustration.

“Prove it!”

Sara stared at her mittens, eyeing the door out of the corner of her eye. She could hold the pacifier with one hand, and then work on the strap of the other mitten with her teeth. While balancing in the bouncer. Before he came back. And just pray that he wasn’t watching the cameras.

She balanced on her toes in precarious indecision for a long time, far longer than she intended to, and when she looked back down, she realized that Kelsey had worked her own gag back between her teeth and had retreated to her dog bed, where she was staring off into space, not paying any attention to Sara at all, probably plotting a new escape plan that didn’t require her aid.

She didn’t want to be useless. Sara had no desire to be a helpless, diapered baby. But for all the torture he put Kelsey through, Kelsey hadn’t experienced what Sara had. It was better being the baby. Better than having him rape her. Better than what Brook had to deal with on a daily basis.

He’d given her the opportunity to save her love, to be the heroine of her stories and protect the beautiful damsel in distress. She could have done the noble thing and taken Brook’s place, but she preferred to be a helpless baby than spare her friend that torture. Sara knew that about herself now, and she could never unknow it. Every time she sat in Brook’s lap, nursing from her breasts as she stared up at the woman she loved, she had to acknowledge the truth about herself that Sean had revealed.

She was helpless.

And she preferred it that way.

Sara bit down harder into the rubber nipple occupying her mouth, as if trying to chew through her soother. It wasn’t very soothing right now. She gripped the straps suspending her from the ceiling tighter as she bounced in a silent tantrum. Even as she expressed her fury at her situation, she could feel a little bit of pee escape her weakened bladder into her already wet diaper. He had made her so pathetic, reduced her so low in such a short amount of time. The angry girl shook her head violently back and forth, her pigtails swishing through the air and smacking into her cheeks.

She was going to do it. Whatever Kelsey needed; she was prepared to do it. Slowly her jaw unclenched as she steeled herself for what she had to do. All she had to do was catch the pacifier as she spit it out and she could tuck it into the harness of the bouncer while she chewed at the straps of her mittens. She didn’t have a plan for after that, but she needed to know she could do it, not just that she was physically capable of the action, but that she could still resist her captor.

Sara’s lips opened, her tongue pushing at the big rubber bulb. Kelsey wasn’t even watching, but she didn’t care. This was for her.

“Alright baby girl, let’s get you ready.”

Sara squeaked, sucking her pacifier back into her mouth and slamming both mittened fists to her mouth just in case. She looked over her shoulder, her guilt all over her face. 

Sean walked up to her and pulled her hands down from her face. “Good girl,” he said, tapping the front of her pacifier.

Sara’s eyes flicked to the camera mounted in the corner, and then back to his face, studying his expression. Did he know? Had he been watching the whole time, just waiting to see if she’d work up the courage to try something? Or was it just dumb luck?

“Up you go.” He grabbed her under her arms and lifted her off her feet. Reflexively, Sara wrapped her arms around her neck as she was picked up out of the hated bouncer. He hoisted her up easily in his strong arms and squeezed her diapered bottom. “Let’s get you changed.”

Sara blushed, peering over his shoulder. Of course, Kelsey was watching now, at the height of her humiliation, sucking her pacifier, her arms and legs wrapped around their captor while he carried her off to change her diaper. 

“We’ve got such a cute dress for you,” he teased as he took her into her nursery and laid her down on the changing table. “You’re going to make such an adorable flower girl for mommy and daddy’s wedding.”

The straps were no longer necessary; they hadn’t been for some time. She didn’t resist while he untaped her diaper. Her little squirms while he wiped her were more cute than effectual. Sara was just grateful for the thin barrier of the baby wipe between his flesh and hers, even more so when he pulled a fresh diaper up between her legs. She gasped into her pacifier as she felt him press something up against her hairless pussy, but before she could look and see what it was, he was already taping the humiliating garment snugly across her hips.

“Mommy and daddy might be a little preoccupied to change you tonight,” he said, taking out another diaper. “Best to make sure you have extra protection.”

Sara couldn’t help but imagine what her captor and her crush might be preoccupied doing as he put another diaper over top of her first. Their wedding and marriage might not be real, but she had no doubt Sean had very real plans to consummate it with his captive bride. And all Sara had to look forward to was a night locked up in her crib with whatever he’d put in her very thick diapers.

“It might be a late morning too,” he said with a devious smile as he triple diapered her, savoring her pitiful moans. “And now the very pretty dress for our adorable little flower girl!”

It was a cute dress, or at least it would have been on a toddler. Sara felt ridiculous, adorned in silk ribbons and ruffles, the puffy, frilly lace skirt not even coming close to covering her thick diapers. She stood shakily on her feet in front of the mirror, her legs spread wide by the bulky padding between her thighs. Apart from when she was in her bouncer, Sean always put her in booties with spikes lining the soles that forced her to crawl, and she hadn’t walked or even stood on her own in… 

She didn’t know how many days she’d been a prisoner. She’d been keeping track for a while, but at some point, she’d stopped counting. She’d lost track of how long it had been since she was free, since she was treated like an adult, since she didn’t have a pacifier in her mouth and a diaper between her legs.

Sara started to cry. Sean reached around from behind, wiping the tears from her cheeks. “Don’t cry, baby girl. You want to be beautiful today. It’s a very special day.”

She suckled on her pacifier, trying to stem the flow of tears as she rubbed her mittens across her eyes, but she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop crying, she couldn’t keep her diapers dry, she couldn’t count or keep track of time. He’d turned her into a baby. It had been so easy for him to reduce her to a helpless infant.

Sara expected Sean to punish her for her failure to get her emotions under control, but if anything, he seemed pleased. He wanted her to be a baby, and this is what came with it. Her daddy let her sob softly while he picked her up and carried her outside. He’d mowed an aisle into the lawn leading to an archway at the edge of the yard. It would be a romantic place to have a wedding under any other circumstance. Sara sat in the grass where he put her, waiting for the wedding of her former roommate and crush who she was thinking of more and more subconsciously as her mommy, and their kidnapper. She didn’t have a shock collar like Kelsey, but she wasn’t going anywhere; a helpless little girl like her wouldn’t last long in the woods all by herself. By the time Sean returned, she’d run out of tears to cry. Through red rimmed eyes, she watched as Sean returned, leading Kelsey on her leash. Fresh purple bows had been tied in her friend’s hair above her ears and at the base of her tail. A small black box had been tied to the back of her collar with the same purple ribbon. It made sense; if Sara was to be the flower girl at this sham wedding, then Kelsey would be the ring bearer. Kelsey gave her a pitying look and then sat on her haunches, staring straight ahead while Sean unclipped her leash.

“You two know what to do,” he said, handing Sara a basket of flower petals. Music was playing softly from the house, beautiful and orchestral. Both girls nodded, watching their captor walk down the aisle to wait for them. Sara looked at Kelsey, but Kelsey was refusing to acknowledge anything. She glanced back over her shoulder at the house. The back door was open, but there was no sign of Brook yet. Sara hoped that maybe Brook had taken the opportunity to run. She herself wasn’t so lucky. The thing inside her diapers came to life, vibrating persistently against her pussy. That was her cue.

Sara climbed unsteadily to her feet, taking the first toddling, shaky steps forwards. Even if she weren’t triple diapered, she would have struggled to walk on her weakened legs the twenty yards to the makeshift altar. Her difficulties were only magnified when she tried to scatter her flower petals, only realizing how impossible of a task was that when she dipped her mittened hand into the basket and realized she couldn’t accurately grab anything. The helpless flower girl sloppily scattered a few petals before she stumbled and fell, and under Sean’s satisfied smile she resorted to crawling the rest of the way.

“Good girl,” he praised her quietly when she reached him, patting her on the head and rewarding her by turning up the intensity of her vibrator with his phone.

Sara sat splay-legged at his feet, trying not to think about how good the toy inside her diapers felt while she watched Kelsey trot down the aisle. Despite her equally ludicrous outfit, Kelsey somehow managed to look almost dignified as she briskly made her way to them on all fours like a dog. Kelsey accepted her praise stoically when Sean took the rings from her collar and turned to face the house next to Sara. 

“Here Comes the Bride” started playing. Sara found herself holding her breath. Part of her still hoped that maybe Brook wouldn’t come through that door, that she wouldn’t walk down the aisle to be with their kidnapper. But as Sara’s mittened hands found their way between her legs, trying to manipulate the teasing toy through the layers of thick padding, she realized she was dying to see how beautiful Brook looked. 

The bride was even more stunning than Sara could have imagined. Her mommy walked out of the house in the most beautiful wedding dress Sara had ever seen. It was perfect on her, a mix of elegant and sexy. It was almost distracting enough to draw attention from the forced smile on her face. Even under the veil and immaculate makeup, Sara knew the smile was fake. She could read the misery in her eyes. Brook was not enjoying herself, even as Sean forced Sara to enjoy watching it, the vibrator buzzing faster against her wet pussy. She moaned into her pacifier, pressing her hands harder against her diapers, half trying to make the vibrations stop, half trying to push the device deeper.

“You look beautiful,” Sean said as Brook reached him, walking right past Sara and Kelsey. 

“Thank you. You look handsome,” Brook replied, taking his hands.

Sara bit harder into her pacifier, trying to stifle an involuntary moan as the vibrator picked up speed. It would not be good to interrupt the ceremony. She rubbed her mittens slowly up and down over her thickly padded crotch, trying to ignore the distinct crinkling noises.

“From the moment I laid eyes on you, I’ve wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Brook was just nodding. There were advantages to always being gagged, Sara thought, sucking harder on her pacifier while she rubbed faster. She didn’t have to worry about pretending to love this man who had kidnapped them, stolen their lives from them and molded them into the roles he wanted them to play. All she had to do was play her role, and maybe, if she was quiet, she could rub out an orgasm before she ended up strapped down and completely helpless in her crib for the rest of the night.

“Brook, I promise to take care of you, to keep you safe, as my wife,” Sean was saying. He had the rings out. The toy in Sara’s diaper felt so good. A small voice in her head was horrified at her actions, screaming at her that her best friend, her crush, was standing two feet from her, about to be wed to a psychopath. She should be doing something. She was doing something. Cumming was a very rare treat, and she was going to take advantage of the opportunity, no matter the circumstances. It’s not like she could do anything else.

“Sean, I promise to be your loyal, obedient wife. I vow to serve you and make you happy,” Brook was saying, her voice wavering.

Sara shut her eyes. The rustle of her diaper got louder as she worked her mittened hands faster. She focused on that sound, and her own heavy breathing, trying to drown out the words, but knowing that as long as they were still speaking, Sean would be too focused on his wedding to turn the vibrator off and take this from her. If she opened her eyes, she’d be able to see them, kissing above her, and Kelsey’s hateful, judgment-filled stares. Sara imagined she was somewhere else. She tried to picture herself on a beach, the warm sun beating down on her body. But even as she looked down in her fantasy, she was still wearing a diaper, the persistent crinkle bringing the humiliating padding she’d become accustomed to into her most private thoughts. Her brow furrowed and she dug her teeth into her pacifier, trying to imagine something better, something normal. What were her fantasies even like before Sean had taken them? She could scarcely remember. But then there was Brook. She was smiling in her fantasy, a real smile, full of love and tenderness while she rubbed the front of Sara’s diaper for her.

“I want to be with you, forever,” Brook said, her words seeping into Sara’s fantasy. “I love you.”

Sara’s pacifier couldn’t stifle her scream as she came in her diaper.

“I love you too,” Sean said. 

Sara opened her eyes. Sean was putting the ring on Brook’s finger, and he paused, looking down at Sara. He smiled her. “We’re going to be one, big, happy family.”

  • Like 6
  • 1 month later...

Melody's Fate


Sean guided the shopping cart down the aisle, perusing the shelves. He spared a glance over his shoulder at his wife, following him obediently a few steps behind him. It was the first time he’d taken her out, and she was being remarkably well behaved so far. The mask over the lower half of her face didn’t look at all out of place in the world anymore, and it hid her tape gag perfectly. Not that the gag was necessary; Sean knew she wouldn’t dare try anything, but he liked her gagged, how easily a simple strip of tape and some cloth between her lips could rob her of her voice.

Brook met his gaze when he looked back at her, and quickened her pace to get right back on his heels. 

“What do you think? Should we get the thick spaghetti, or angel hair?” He moved his fingers from the boxes of pasta to run his hands through her hair. She didn’t even shy away like she used to when he touched her.

Brook pointed at the angel hair, and Sean smiled, and tossed a couple boxes in their cart. “Grab some sauce, dear,” he said, getting the cart moving again. He hadn’t minded doing things like grocery shopping by himself; he liked taking care of his family. He was the man, the provider, and he would’ve happily kept doing the menial tasks like grocery shopping solo forever, but he thought the outing would be good for her. Sean stopped at the end of the aisle, listening. He could hear her footsteps, the click clack of the nice heels he’d bought for her as a gift amid the easy listening Muzak playing over the grocery store speakers. 

He didn’t have to look at her to know what she was thinking. Without turning around, he spoke slowly, in a whisper so only she could hear. “You could do it.” Her footsteps stopped. He could hear her breathing coming in quick puffs through her nostrils. “You could attack me. You might even kill me. Or you could pull your mask down and rip that tape off your mouth and scream for help. I might even be arrested, and you could go free.” Sean turned slowly. Brook was clutching a heavy glass jar of pasta sauce in both hands, tomato garlic and basil, her knuckles white.

“But they’d never find Sara and Kelsey.” He used their names. Not the dog and the baby, but their human names, and right then, it had the desired effect.

Brook made a strangled sob behind her gag, tears coming to her eyes.

“Don’t cry, my love. Be strong. For them. They need you. But don’t forget that they need me too.”

Brook had no idea where his cabin was, he made sure of that, blinding her with opaque sunglasses for their little outing into town over an hour away. Even if the police got him, he’d never talk, and she knew that. They’d be trapped, alone, slowly starving to death locked in their cages, waiting for her to come back and take care of them.

He gently grabbed her face and kissed her neck. “They need us,” Sean told her. 

Brook managed a barely perceptible nod. Her hands trembling, she dropped the jar in the basket. He was right. He didn’t need any restraints for her on this outing. The gag under her mask was just because he could without arousing suspicion. She wouldn’t act out, she would remain obedient, and once his errands were done, he’d take her back to his cabin, and she would be able to take care of her friends. They needed her. Kelsey needed to be taken for a walk and fed. Sara would need to be changed and breast fed. That was her job, and the responsibility came with extra freedoms, but that same responsibility was just as much a shackle as any of the restraints that kept her roommates perpetually helpless.

“Good girl.” He patted her on the head. “Now, let’s see, we still need milk.”

She nodded and followed him to the dairy aisle. No more thoughts of bashing his head in crossed her mind as she followed him around and loaded up the cart. She kept her gaze on the floor as they went through the register, not wanting to draw attention to herself. No one spoke to her, and no one had any reason to question why she didn’t speak. She helped him load the groceries into his car.

“Take the cart back for me.” 

It was a test. She looked at the cart, then all the way back to the entrance of the store, and then back to him. 

“Hurry up,” he said.

She nodded, and started pushing the shopping cart across the parking lot. Outside the front door, a teenage employee was corralling the carts strewn about the entrance. Sean watched her patiently from the cart. Brook nodded politely to the employee when he offered to take her cart, and she dutifully turned and walked briskly back across the lot to him, back to her husband.

Like a gentleman, he opened her door for her, helping her into the passenger seat. The employee was too busy pushing carts to notice Sean slip Brook’s wrists and ankles into the cuffs he’d attached under the seat. Anyone watching wouldn’t know the sunglasses he put her on her completely blocked out her vision, and that the mask she still wore hid a gag. 

“Let’s go back home, shall we?” Sean gave her a kiss on the cheek before shutting her in and going around to the driver’s side. He’d planned on taking her gag off for the drive home, but he decided she still needed some quiet time to think. Sean needed some quiet contemplation himself, and he left the radio off, driving back home in silence.

He’d made great strides with her. Brook really was special, and in many ways, she’d surpassed Melody as a wife. Of course, she’d always hold a special place in his heart, she was his first after all, but in such a short time, Brook had really come into her own as a partner. She still had a long way to go, the trip to the grocery store had proved that. Maybe she wouldn’t have tried to crack his skull open with that jar of pasta sauce, but even if she’d never gotten the courage to try it, the spark of the idea was there. Sean couldn’t have that. 

By the time they made it back to the cabin, he’d made up his mind. “Unload the groceries while I take the dog out, and then I want to show you something,” he told her as he released her from the seat.

Brook nodded, removing her mask and rubbing the backs of her ears where the strap had dug into them, but she didn’t touch her gag. That was his job, and gently he peeled the tape from her lips and pulled the sodden stuffing out. “I love you,” he said, kissing her. Her tongue didn’t fight his, accepting his kiss, and while it wasn’t her most passionate effort, she returned his kiss. 

“I love you too,” she said softly when their lips parted.

Sean smiled. Hearing that always made him smile. His smile faded when he opened the door and Kelsey’s hate-filled eyes glared up at him from her kennel. This one was a problem. The dogs always were. The baby had been sufficiently molded into her role, it had been almost too easy, but he’d had no such luck with the feisty bitch before him.

It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy the struggle the girl put up. He relished punishing the haughty pet, and in a fantasy world, he could keep breaking her for the rest of eternity. But Sean knew all too well how dangerous that indomitable spirit could be. If not properly quashed, it would spread like a cancer through his house.

“Let’s go, bitch.” Sean held up her leash.

Drool dripped from the corners of her stretched lips as she got up on all fours, waiting for him to unlock her crate. Every muscle was tensed, ready, poised to strike. As she had been every time he came to let her out. She dropped her head and crawled out when he opened the door, letting him clip the leash to her collar. She was patient, calculated, he could feel it in her stares, her very movements as he took her for a walk. While he’d hoped that eventually playing at being an obedient dog would turn into habit and then, eventually, her reality, the stubborn creature was determined to prove him wrong. As long as she had that spark, it would spread like a wildfire, and he’d always be watching his back for one of them to try something.

“Back to your crate.” Sean unclipped her leash once they were back inside, and Kelsey went immediately for her cage, climbing in and turning around to watch him while he locked her back in. He wanted so much to shock her, to just drive his thumb into the button in his pocket and hold it down, just to wipe that look off of her face. Those eyes that said “you can’t break me.” He’d show her alright, but not like that.

“Good girl.”

Even the dehumanizing praise didn’t have the same effect it used to on her. Masking his anger, Sean turned and left, back to Brook, his loving and obedient wife. It was time to show her something.

“Let’s go for a walk.”

Brook stiffened, looking at the door he had just come from. Walks were usually reserved for the dog. “I was just gonna go check on the baby.”

“She’ll be alright,” Sean assured her. He held out his hand, and Brook took it, his comforting squeeze seeming to calm her.

“Where are we going?” Brook asked as they crossed the line where the invisible fence kept Kelsey penned in.

“For a little stroll, it’s such a nice evening.”

The leaves crunched under foot as they headed deeper into the woods. He helped her as she struggled with the uneven ground on her heels, putting his arm around her shoulders. “I’ve got you.”

“Thank you.”

Sean smiled. There was honest gratitude in her voice. Despite a few hiccups, she was really getting it. He really just wanted to take care of them. This was the kind of outing he wanted with his wife.

But they were getting close, and there was still the issue at hand. “The dog is still being willful.”

“She’s been good!” Brook blurted. Always quick to come to their defense.

“I want her to be happy. I want you all to be happy.” 

“I think, just maybe, she might just be, uncomfortable. I think her suit might just be a little too tight.”

“It’s not that.” His grip tightened reflexively. If anything, the dog’s restraints were too loose, the ungrateful bitch, but he wasn’t going to get distracted. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to relax. “I don’t want things to be like before.”

“Before what?” 

Sean stopped as they came to a clearing in the woods. He could feel Brook’s heartbeat quicken as she surveyed the clearing, seeing the three mounds of dirt, the piled stones at their heads, the decaying flowers at their feet, and she put the pieces together.

“My last dog managed to get her collar hooked on something and choked,” he said. He’d had a whole speech planned, to explain how hard he’d tried with his last family, how much he’d loved Melody, and how he’d gotten her a dog to try and make her happy, and how he’d gotten her a baby when at first it seemed like the addition of a dog had brought some joy into her life. But in the moment, he could feel himself getting choked up, and he jumped straight to the end, muscling against the sudden, unexpected onslaught of unwanted emotions. “After that, my Melody, my wife, just lost the will to keep going. I thought she’d keep trying for the baby, but by then, she didn’t care, she became despondent. I had to put her on a feeding tube, I gave her antidepressants, but eventually, we just, we couldn’t make it work.” He looked away, willing himself to keep it together, but the tears were already starting to run down his cheeks. Brook shouldn’t have to see her husband like this.

“Things—” he started, his voice cracking. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “Things will be different this time,” he said, forcing himself to look back at the graves. “This only works if we’re all in this together.” That had been his mistake the first time. Melody didn’t care about their dog and their baby, not the way Brook cared about Kelsey and Sara. Not the way he cared about her.

A stifled sob from behind him brought him back to reality. He furiously wiped his eyes before turning to Brook. She was crying, the tears he wouldn’t let himself shed running openly down her face. Sean hugged her, holding her tight. “It’s okay, Brook. I love you. I’m sorry to upset you, I just, I believe in us! I want us to work, and as wonderful as it would be if we could pretend our lives only began when we met, we have to acknowledge our pasts, and learn from them.”

She melted into his arms, sobbing. 

“It’s gonna be okay, Brook. I’m always going to take care of you. You’re my wife, and I love you.” He kept repeating it over and over, that he loved her, until the words melted into just meaningless noise. 

“I don’t want to start all over again.”

  • Like 5
  • 1 year later...

Are we going to get a continuation of this family. There’s still so much for this story to continue on.

i can Imagine Brook panty hooding Sara, as a way of calming her down.

  • 2 months later...
10 hours ago, thedman said:

I miss this story, would love to see it get rekindled.

There are two more chapters available on his DeviantArt and one final one planned. He just came back to writing earlier in June (welcome back @Delaniac!), so it seems possible.

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