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First Time at the Ball Drop at Times Square 1-12

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Members have told me it was hard to read because it was all broken up I will add chapter 11 to this new post. Here it is as you requested 1-10. Please comment and let me know if you like it or not. I’m not a writer I write these stories for me and you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I wrote it.


Times Square at the Ball Drop

Chapter 1

Finally after so many years of not going I’m finally going to the ball drop at Times Square for New Years Eve with a group of my friends. We hang around a lot so we are going as a group.

My name is Jerry I’m 3’10” even with my shoes on and weigh about 110 pounds. I have grey hair I always keep it combed back its long so I put it into a pony tail when I go out. I’m thin and pretty much in good shape. I have a secret that no one knows about except my Sister Helen who is 3 years older than me. I wear disposable diapers and sleep with a stuff puppy and suck on a binkie (pacifier). 

I guess you can call me an AB. I’ve loved wearing diapers since I was 13 back then my older teen sister took a liking to me in diapers and treated me like a baby. I’ve enjoyed it ever since. I keep myself hairless because I sometimes use my disposable for what they are intended it’s supposed to be more sanitary and healthier.

I’m excited about going to the ball drop at Times Square. I’ve never been there and have always watched it on TV with Dick Clark but his gone now and I don’t care for Ryan Seacrest who took his place so I stopped watching a year after Clark past. But now I was going in person.

I shaved and took a bath then went back into my bedroom to get dressed. One of the things I heard about the ball drop was that the “port a potties” there are nasty. So I decided to wear one of my disposable diapers so I don’t have to use them which I heard was not uncommon.

After I got dressed in my street clothes and make sure I’m dressed warm I meet my friends at the subway. It’s @12 noon and it is cold already. As we are walking down some of the Avenues and streets in the city from the train we see sanitation trucks parked all over the place blocking some streets and check points.

At the first check point everyone makes it though except me. I’m stopped because I’m carrying a back pack. In the back pack I have what I need in case I wet my diaper and I need to change it.

The officer must think I’m a terrorist because he starts to give me a hard time. I told him I’m incontinent. My friends didn’t see the officer stop me except for Jodie so they kept on walking without us.

Jodie and I have been friends for a long time she is a large girl she is about 5’9” and weighs about 170 pounds with dark long brown hair and pretty brown eyes. I think she is in her late 40’s I’m about 5 or 6 years older than her. She’s a very nice girl and if she would lose some weight she would be very attractive.

The officer checks my back pack and tells me I can go but before I go he puts a big yellow sticker on the bag that saids “checked”. I walk over to Jodie and she asks “what’s in the bag Jerry you know you shouldn’t have brought it with you”.

“Um … it’s nothing really just a few medical things” I answer.

I put the back pack on and we start to catch up with our friends. Just as we were about to catch up with them there’s another check point. I figure once they see the big yellow sticker on the bag they wouldn’t bother us… me.

Jodie makes it pasted I take the back pack off and show the police women the yellow sticker but she stills stops me.

“Sorry sir but we can’t be to careful I’ll have to check it one more time you know for your safety and others”.

“What the hell officer I have a yellow checked sticker on the bag” I said.

Jodie gives me a smile and waits patiently but instead of going through the bag like the other officer did the women police officer starts to pull stuff out.

“WAIT” I yell.

When Jodie saw the disposable diaper the officer was holding she looked shocked and so did the officer.

“What is all this” the lady officer asks?

“I’m incontinent” I answer “that’s why the other officer let me through and put the yellow sticker on it” I said with an attitude.

She reaches into the bag again and pulls out the baby wipes and baby powder. I’m so embarrassed that my face is turning so red it’s about to go on fire. I look at Jodie and she has a smirk on her face.

“More items for your condition sir” she asks as she reaches back into my back pack again.

“YES” I said pissed. That’s when I remembered what else I have in the bag that I did not remove the last time I used it. I went to grab her hand before she could take out the two other things.

“SIR” she yelled and put her hand on her gun. I pull my hand away and step back.

“Jerry” Jodie said next to me.

She reaches in again “and what about these” the officer said smiling as she pulls out my blue binkie and a stuffed puppy.

OMG Street, please open up and swallow me already I say to myself.

I was so embarrassed. I look at Jodie standing next to me and she is all smiles and so is the women police officer.

“Well sir” the officer said putting my stuff back in my back pack. “I hope you and your girlfriend have an interesting evening” and she hands me back my back pack.

I have never been so embarrassed in my life I’m sure the police officers will get a kick out of when she tells her fellow officers what she found in an old guys back pack.

I try to make light of my situation by ignoring what happened but Jodie wasn’t having any of that.

“So what are all the medical supplies for” she asks?

“Nothing … we better hurry and find the rest of the guys” I say.

“We will never find them in this crowd I think we should go get something to eat and you can tell me all about what I just saw”.

I know I have no choice so I agree and we go into a Plant Hollywood restaurant.

I sit down on one side of the table thinking Jodie would sit down on the other but she sits right next to me. We read the menu then order our lunch.

We sit in silence for about 5 minutes and Jodie saids “SOOOOO”? “Care to explain what happened back there”?

“NO” I answer and looked out the window.

“Jerry I’m not going to tell anyone it will be our secret. I know there is more to this because of the pacifier and the stuffed animal that was in your bag”.

“I” … “There is really nothing to tell” I answer.

Jodie puts her arm around me and kisses my cheek “come on you can trust me” she whispers.

Her perfume is intoxicating and her voice is luring as she kisses my ear and neck.

“How close do you think we can get to where the ball drops” I ask trying to change the subject?

“You’re being a bad boy I have an idea what this is about but I want you to tell me”. “Please Jerry you can trust me I promise”. Again she starts to kiss me behind my ear. I laugh a little and she whispers “come on tell me baby”.

“Baby” I think to myself maybe she does know what’s going on.

“Ok” I whisper “but you have to promise not to say a word”.

“When I was 13 my sister older sister caught me putting a bath towel on as a diaper I was curious and ever since then I have been wearing them. They are so warm and comfortable and feel so good wrapper around me” I said blushing.

“Did your sister help you” Jodie asked?

“Yes she helped me by treating me like a baby with her being the Mommy. She really enjoyed it I was 13 she was 16 I was afraid she would tell our parents so I let her do what she wanted to do”.

“What did she do to you” Jodie asked?

“She treated me like her baby when my parents and brother weren’t around”.

“Ya but what exactly did she do” she asked?

I know she was teasing me but I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to tell her.

“We should really get back with the group” I said.

“No we will never find them now” she said. “Did she feed you, change your diaper, give you baths, hold you in her arms and rock you maybe even nursed you” she asked?

I turned bright red and looked down at the table.

“Oh my God that sounds so sweet” Jodie said. “Did she make you use the diapers”?

“Yes” I said “she insisted I was afraid she would tell our parents”.

“Does she still do it to you”?

“Sometimes when she and her family visit or I visit them” I answered.

“When was the last time your big sister changed your dipee”.

“This past December when I visit her” I said.

“Not to long ago then you both enjoy it how sweet”. “Are you incontinent” she asked?

“A little and not all the time” I answered.

“What does that mean a little not all the time”?

“If I drink to much or if I’m stressed I use pull ups during the day and diapers at night so I can keep my pants dry and my bed dry”.

“What was the best time you ever spent with your sister” Jodie asked?

 “Isn’t it about time we go watch the ball drop” I asked trying to change the subject again.

“No we have plenty of time” she said. “So what was the best time you ever spent with your big Mommy Sister”? Jodie kissed me on the cheek “tell me please” she asked?

The waitress came with our lunch and we stopped talking.




Chapter 2

From here I’m telling Jodie what happened in December the last time I visit my sister and telling her the biggest secret in my life. I changed the font to tell you when I was telling Jodie the story.


“When my sister Helen had my nephew he was about 3 months old when I last visited her to see how she was doing and to see my God Son little Tony”.

 “When I got there she was so happy to see me but she looked like she had been crying”.

“Oh Jerry it is so nice to see you come in” she said.

Noticing she was a little upset I asked what was wrong?

“It’s Tony ….

“What … what’s wrong can I help is he Ok” I asked in a panic.

“His not taking my breast milk as he use to and I’m in pain” she said.

“Aren’t you using the pump” I asked as we sat down on the couch?

“I need to get a new one this one works on and off and if he is not going to nurse from me anymore what’s the point in buying a new one” she said.

“I’ll go get you one right now” I said.

“No Jerry I need relief right NOW I hurt so bad” she said.

“Where is Frank why can’t he help” I asked?

“His out of town on business” she said.

“Ya monkey business” I said to myself.

“What can I do to help you” I asked then I realize what I just said.

“This is getting very interesting please continue” Jodie said and smiles at me and kisses me behind my ear.

“Helen looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a few tears running down her cheeks”.

“Well maybe … she started “maybe you could do what you did to me when we were younger” she asked?

“You mean … but you’re my sister”.

“It’s not like you never done it before but now you will have your mouth filled with real mother’s milk my milk, please Jerry I really need your help”.

“I don’t know sis this is really kind of personnel” I answered.

“You will be helping me and you’re God Son” she said.

“I … I guess it would be Ok” I said.

“Great get your jacket off and come sit by your big sister and help her” she said smiling. I started to walk over to her on the coach”.

“Wait” she said “I have a good idea wait here for a minute I think I may still have a few she whispered to herself and left the room”.

“I sat on the coach with my hands in my lap my feet didn’t even touch the floor. I sat for about 5 minutes then she came back holding something behind her back”.

“I found them I knew I still had these from December” she said.

“What” I asked?

“Helen stood in front of me she put what she had in her hand on the floor where I couldn’t see it. She started to undress me first my shoes and socks then my shirt”.

“Sis” I yelled.

“Shhhhh you’ll wake Tony” she said “and opened my belt unbuttoned my pants and pulled my zipper down and pulled my pants off”.

“Oh I forgot you already have your pull up on” she said with a giggle.

“She put two fingers into my pull up and smiled “your wet so I get to take them off and put you into what I found”.

She turned me side wards on the coach with my head by the arm of the couch on my back. She grabbed the waist band of the pull up and pulled them down to my ankles and took it off.

“You’re still the same little brother, small, cute and adorable” Helen said. “Just relax like you did when we were younger and in December you always enjoyed this” she said with a big smile. “Oh wait” she said and went into her pocket and pulled out one of Tony’s binkies.

“It’s small but on you it looks just right” she put it between my lips and I started sucking on it like old times”.

 I said as I continued my story to Jodie.

“She reached for the baby wipes that were on the floor. She took both my ankles in one hand and lifted them up she washed my ass and little balls then let them down and washed my diaper area with another wipe”.

“Some things never change Jerry you are just as sweet and cute as you were when I was your Mommy and you were my baby I missed those days” Helen said. “The only thing I’m sad about is that you never found someone to love and take care of you” she said. “You are a great man and the best little brother ever”.

“Si I m ok I oing” I said with Tony’s binkie in my mouth.

“Wait” Helen said and pulled the binkie out of my mouth.

“Sis I am doing Ok now that I’m retired I get to do the things I always wanted to do”.

“But aren’t you lonely” she asked?

“Yes sometimes but look at me what women would want me” I answered “but it’s Ok”.

I took the binkie out of her hand and put it back into my mouth. Binkies always make me relax.

“You’re still as adorable and cute as ever”. “She pulled my legs up by my ankles again and slid the diaper she found under me then lowers them and spreads my legs out as she continued to diaper me”.

“When she finished diapering me she took her blouse off and her bra she was so much bigger when she was a teen and last time I visit her in December”.

“Helen pulled me into her arms I knew where she wanted me to be so I shifted this way and that. When she was comfortable she took the binkie out of my mouth”.

“This will be better than before because now I can feed you my milk enjoy baby brother and thank you for helping Mommy I love you”. “She put her hand on the back of my gray hair and pony tail and pulled me to her nipple I opened my mouth she smiled down at me go ahead baby suckle from Mommy” she whispered as I started to suckle like a new born.

“Mmmm baby that’s a good baby boy” Helen said and she held the back of my head close to her”.

“She held me close and padded my diapered bottom. I remembered so many times doing this for her as her baby brother. I was in la la land as her warm milk filled my mouth I swallowed it down into my belly”.

“She rocked us back and forth while I was laying in her arms the arms of my older sister like she did so many times. I felt her shift I lost her nipple and started to complain until her other nipple touched my lips”.

“Just nipple changes don’t panic Mommy has more for her baby brother suckle and be happy baby” she said.

“My head in her arms her hand behind my head warm milk filled my belly and soon I was asleep in my big sisters arms”.

“This is getting good” Jodie said. “What happened next”?




Chapter 3

“When I woke up I didn’t know where I was I looked around it looked familiar but couldn’t place where I was until my sleepy eyes focused and saw I was in a crib it had to be Tony’s crib. I looked around but my God Son wasn’t in the crib with me”.

“Helen” I said out loud “that’s not who I am” she answered giggling though the speaker that was hanging on the crib.

“Come on sis get me out of Tony’s crib” I said.

“Who am I” she asked again giggling.

“She sounded like she was in a better mood so I said “Mommy come get me pleassse I hungry”.

I heard her coming up the stairs she walked into the nursery she smiled at me “there’s my baby my cute baby brother” she cooed.

“She put the gate down reached in and picked me up in her arms. The memory of being 13, 14 and 15 reminded me of how I loved having my older sister baby me”.

“Did you have a nice nap” she asked as she kissed my forehead.

“Yes I remember fallen asleep when you nursed me before too” I said.

“Yep even my girlfriends thought you were adorable they always wanted to baby you”.

“Are you wet” she asked but she didn’t wait for an answer she just put 2 fingers into my diaper and looked surprised when she said “baby Jerry is wet what a good boy” she cooed at me.

“Helen walked over to the changing table she laid me down on my back and put the strap around my belly”. “Yes Mommy is going to change your dipee but first here is your binkie” she said in baby talk. “She slipped it in between my lips and I started to suck on it”.

“She pulled the tapes on the diaper I owe you big time Jerry if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have been able to take care of Tony after he was born”. “As I was taking care of you I learned what to do with Tony I’m grateful for that” she said.

“Helen bent down and started to blow bubbles in my belly button and we started to giggle like we did when we were younger”.

“When she finished changing me she took a shirt from the closet “handes up” she said and I put my arms through the sleeves and she pulled it down over my small body”.

“I looked at it upside down it was the cookie monster staring up at me”.

“I took the binkie out of my mouth how the hell do you still have this” I asked noticing it was mine?

“Language baby” she said.

“I have all your baby clothes when we were younger in the garage I never got rid of them” she answered. “Frank wanted to through all your stuff away to make more room for a work shop I told him if he did I would cut his balls off when he was sleeping he never said that again”.

“How is the prick” I asked?

“That’s strike two” she said and finished changing me.

“What” I said?

“No cursing in front of Tony I don’t want him to grow up with a potty mouth like his useless father” Helen said.

“Is everything Ok with you and him” I asked?

“Sure if you consider that we are separated and filing for a divorce” she said.

“Oh sis I’m sorry I didn’t know” I said as I gave her a big hug.

“I have Tony and now … I have you” Helen said.

“Me” I asked?

“Sure now that Frank is gone you can come over whenever you want to be my baby” she said “and picked me up put me on her hip put the binkie back in my mouth and walked out of the nursery and into the kitchen”. “When we turned the corner into the kitchen I almost had a heart attack when I saw a women I didn’t know feeding Tony”.

“Sis” I yelled and tried to get out of her arms”.

“Shhhhh baby” Helen whispered “shhh” as she laid me in her arms and started to rock me back and forth and walked around the kitchen. She held me tight to her as I calmed down a little.

“This is my best friend Samantha Woods-Warren” she said “you don’t remember her” she asked?

“OMG Jerry you’re still as adorable as ever” Samantha said and tickled me under my chin.

“Here Sam put him in his highchair for me while I make him something to eat” Helen said.

“This is one amazing story baby keep going” Jodie said.

“Sam took me and put me on her hip and walked over to the extra highchair next to my God Son. Tony didn’t really know who I was yet or didn’t recognize me the way I was dressed he just smiled at me”.

“Sam put me in the chair she strapped me in and snapped the tray in place then took a bib off the counter and tied it around my head. Helen was at the stove making me breakfast Sam went back to feeding Tony”.

“So baby do you remember Samantha Samantha Woods” she asked as she walked over to me and sat down next to me. You and she were very close” she said with a giggle.

“Helen took the binkie out of my mouth and started to feed me. “Open up here comes the airplane” she said “I opened my mouth and she slipped the spoon in”. “Samantha Woods was my very best friend I think you had a big crush on her when we were younger”.

I heard Samantha giggle when Helen said that I had a crush on her.

“She was the only girlfriend I ever let take care of you” Helen said with another spoon full of Farina.

“I stayed a week with my sister and every day Samantha came over her and my sister would baby me and Tony”. “When Tony didn’t empty Helen she feed me her baby milk that was left over”

“Samantha gave me my first BJ and I gave her pussy a good eating out and we each lost our cherries together”.

“She was about the same height as you Jodie she had long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes”.

“After the week of being taken care of by my sister and Samantha I had to leave”. “We keep in touch and when I go visit my sister, Samantha is always there and we all played house each of them with a baby in their arms”.

“Jerry that has to be the best story I ever heard” Jodie said.

“I think it’s time to go find a good spot to see the ball drop” she said. I paid the bill and as we started to leave Planet Hollywood Jodie said “hold my hand or you will get lost”.

I took her hand and felt a little tingle. Then we went as close as we could to watch the New Year come in but it was so crowded she picked me up and put me on her hip.

I was on Jodie’s hip as the countdown started 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone yelled. Jodie hugged and kissed me on the lips. She held me and kissed me for the longest time tongue and all and I kissed her back.

Confetti was flying all over us balloons and beach balls were going left and right. Jodie still had me in her arms “Happy New Year baby” she said to me and she started to kiss me on the lips again tongue and all holding me close to her chest my legs wrapped around her waist in front of her. I could feel my peepee getting harder as we kissed.

When she broke the kiss she asked me if I wanted to come to her place her arms were holding me up around my ass and close to her.

“Ok” I said and we started to leave. The train was packed so she held me in her lap facing her.

 “That was a great story” she whispered “maybe you will let me baby you”? I looked up at her and smiled. “Ok” I said and started to kiss her I didn’t care what it looked like to other people a Mommy and Baby kissing like adults.




Chapter 4

When we got off the train I was on her hip again we caught a cab and we went to her house. The cabby pulled into her driveway. She paid him we got out and went inside. Jodie went into the livingroom and we sat down on the couch.

“Never thought I would start my New Year with a new baby” Jodie said smiling. “That’s if you’ll let me”.

It wasn’t shocked that she wanted to baby me she was so interested in the story about my sister and Samantha.

“Are you sure” I asked?

“Defiantly” she answered.

“Ok” I said.

“Then the first thing is to give you a bath would baby like that” she asked?

“That sounds great we could use that after tonight” I said.

With me on her hip again she walked to her bedroom she put me down. I put my back pack by the bed.

I climbed on the bed Jodie went into her bathroom and turned the water on in the tub. She came back and started to untie my sneakers. She pulled them off and took my socks off too.

I watched her as she laid me down on my back “I hope baby likes to take baths” she said. “I don’t have any bath toys so maybe he can make believe” she said.

She unbuckled my belt opened the button and pulled the zipper down then she pulled my pants down and off.

“OMG” she said “look at you you’re adorable” she said when my diaper came into view.

“Wait” she said and went into my back pack. She took my blue binkie out and my stuff puppy she slipped the binkie in between my lips she put the puppy in my arms. I took it and started to suck on it and hugged my puppy.

“You are the perfect baby no wonder your sister and Sam wanted to baby you” she said all excited. “Well then Mommy is going to give you a bathy and get her baby all cleaned up yes she is yes she is” she cooed.

“Mmmmm baby is wet too” she said. “Let’s get that dipee off and get him in the tub” but before she took the diaper off she raced into the bathroom to turn off the water.

“Oh boy baby that was close” she said.

“So baby likes being taken care of like a baby your sister and Sam must have had a lot of fun with you” she said smiling. “Back then when they took care of you did you do what they wanted you to do to be more of a baby” she asked?

I blushed and she saw me turning red “Oh what else did they make baby do”. “I know what I would do we would play dress up I would let your pony tail down put them into pigtails and dress you in baby girl’s cloths”. “You would look adorable as a baby girl” Jodie said laughing.

I just smiled at her rolling my eyes. She reached for the tapes on the diaper and pulled one side loose then did the other two. Jodie lowered the diaper between my legs. “There’s baby’s peepee it’s so cute” she giggled.

She went back to my back pack and took the baby wipes out and cleaned my diaper area. “You’re so smooth and soft” Jodie said.

She bent down and started to blow bubbles into my belly and I started to giggle and kicked my feet.

“You’re adorable” and she did it again.

Jodie grabbed my ankles with one hand and lifted my legs up and pulled the wet diaper from under me then let them down again. She put the dirty wipes in the wet diaper and rolled it up.

“Ok baby time for your bathy” she cooed.

She picked me up put me on her hip and walked into her bathroom with her hand on my hinny. She squeezed it and I giggled.

“Good baby” she said as she lowered me into the water.

She had to let some of the warm water out not that it was that filled but I guess just to be sure. She wet my hair and started to wash it. “Sorry about the shampoo Mommy didn’t know she was going to have a baby today”. “Jerry do you mind if you call me Mommy” she asked?

I just shook my head and said with my binkie in my mouth “o ommy”.

She smiled and kept washing my hair. She rinsed my hair off then took a wash cloth soaped it up and started to wash my face behind my ears under my chin and neck. Then she washed my back and arms and my belly. She rinsed me off and told me to stand up.

I hesitated a bit because I was getting hard. “Come on baby Mommy can see your peepee in the water baby is getting hard” she said and I stood up.

I stood up red in my face.

“Mmmm baby … baby is a grower not a shower she likes that” she said as she started to wash my legs then in between them. She washed my hinny and under my balls. She washed my hard peepee and cooed to me.

“Baby likes when Mommy touches his peepee doesn’t he yes he does” she cooed.  “Sit back down baby and I will rinse you off”.

I sat down and the water rinsed me off.

“Ok baby you stay right here Mommy has to get something ready” she said and she left the bathroom. She came back a few minutes later and helped me get out. She wrapped a big fluffy towel around me and dried me off. When Jodie wrapped the towel around me I almost disappeared in it it was so big.

She walked back to her bedroom with me in her arms and laid me on the bed with the towel still around me. I watched at what she did nexted.

Jodie was getting undressed. “Mommy and baby time I hope that is Ok baby Mommy is so excited from your story and taking care of you Mommy needs her big baby” she said.

I didn’t mine because I was smiling and Jodie saw the smile on my face.

When she took her bra off my eyes saw “lunch”.

She laid on the bed totally naked Jodie put a few pillows against the head board and laid down against them. She pulled me and the towel into her arms. She changed her mine and took the towel off and positioned me in her arms against her naked body.

“Mmmm baby I listened to your story about Helen and Samantha and thought maybe I can be lucky like them and have you nurse from me too I don’t have milk for you but maybe you will enjoy it like Mommy will and maybe baby will let Mommy Jodie baby him some more”.

Jodie took the binkie out of my mouth and put her hand on the back of my head and slowly pulled me closer to her. Her boobs were big I opened my mouth and when I felt her nipple touch my lips I latched on and started to suckle.

She moaned and whimpered as I suckled her as she held me closer “yes baby suckle Mommy like you did to your sister and her best friend Samantha”. “Oh good baby Jerry good boy” she cooed.

Jodie rocked us back and forth and hummed then said “good boy you’re making Mommy very happy”.

I suckled her big tits and used my tongue around her nipple. “Mmm Baby … baby is good at this I guess it was all the practice he had when he was growing up”.

Jodie’s hand went in between her legs she was playing with her pussy. She moaned and shook I knew I was doing a good job to make her cum. Mommy stopped and switch me to her other nipple and I continued to suckle her like a new born.

After a few more minutes I pulled off her nipple with a pop Jodie was surprised and I started to kiss down I moved her hand from her pussy and kissed down and down. She spread her legs I went in between them and started to lick and kiss her wet pussy.

My fingers and tongue went into her and she moaned again she put her hand on the back of my head and pushed me into her wet pussy she wanted my lips on her and my tongue in her.

I circled her clitty she climax in my mouth. She tasted wonderful and my tongue and fingers took care of my new Mommy.

I tried to pull her over but she was to heavy for me to move she got the hint and pinned me on my back she took my peepee into her mouth and started to suck me fast and hard.

Jodie slid up over my belly she took my hard peepee into her hand and slipped it into her. She sat down and moaned “OMG baby yes you feel so good in Mommy yes baby you are a grower not a shower” she moaned.

Jodie started to bounce up and down on my hard peepee I may not be that big but I am a grower and know how to please a Mommy or any women.

“Mommy’s going to come again baby cum for Mommy cum inside her yes baby yes oh what a good boy”.

My balls tightened and I started to cum inside Mommy Jodie.

“Yes baby cum in Mommy” and she came too.

We laid there for a few minutes Mommy rolled off me and laid next to me she kissed me and I kissed her back.

“You … you are a good baby boy” she said and kissed my cheek. “I would have never guessed that we could make love so wonderfully”. “Did you and Mommy Helen and Mommy Samantha make love too” she asked?

“No just Mommy Sam” I answered trying to breathe.

“That was wonderful baby thank you for this wonderful day” she said and started to get up. She walked to the bathroom I heard water running I guess she was cleaning herself up.

When she came out of the bathroom she was wearing a robe she was carrying a wash cloth in her hand. She knelt on the bed in between my legs and started to wash my diaper area. She took another diaper from my bag and the powder and put them on the bed. She shook the diaper out and opened it.

Jodie took my ankles in her hand and lifted them up and slid the diaper under me and let my legs down. “So easy you are so easy to change and carry I hope I get the chance to baby you some more” Jodie said but I was half way to baby land and fell asleep.




Chapter 5

          When I woke in the morning I was by myself I was wet and very uncomfortable I didn’t know where I was. I heard the front door in the hallway open then close.

          “Baby are you awake” I heard Jodie shout.

“Yes Jodie I’m awake” I answered.

          She came into the bedroom and laid down next to me.

          “How did baby sleep” she asked?

          “Ok Jodie thank you” I answered.

          “Jodie what happened to Mommy” she asked?

          “Sorry Mommy I didn’t know where you were I thought you left me here”.

          “I did baby for about 30 minutes to get a few things for my new baby boy” she said. “Would baby like some breakfast where is your binkie oh here it is” she said and picked it up and slipped it between my lips.

          “Ank u ommy” I answered with my binkie in my mouth.

          “Is baby wet” she asked but like all the other women that took care of me (my sister and Samantha) she slipped two fingers into my diaper. “Baby is wet but we can wait until after breakfast”. Jodie ran her fingers through my hair “can baby stay a little longer” she asked?

          “I ave oo eave aft reakfast” I said with my binkie in my mouth.

“Ok” she said with a sad face looking a little disappointed.

“Mommy will start breakfast you come down when you are ready” she said then kissed my nose and left.

I felt a little bad that I disappointed her. Jodie wants me to stay a little longer. I realize that I am lonely like my sister said but I don’t really know her that well.

I did have fun with her last night she is a nice girl and I did enjoy the time she treated me as a baby. I know she had a good time last night with baby Jerry.

I never asked her if she was on the pill or if I should have worn a condom but she did tell me to cum inside her.

I grabbed my puppy with my binkie in my mouth got out of bed and waddled down to the kitchen. When I got there the table was set two chairs sat next to each other one of the chairs had several phone book on it. There were place mats on the table and only one had silverware next to the place mat. Jodie’s back was to me she was cooking breakfast I saw what was on the place mats and saw Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck on them.

“Wow” I said out loud and Jodie heard me and turned around and she started to clap her hands. “You are so adorable standing there with a wet dipee your binkie in your mouth and your puppy in your hand.

“How do you like your place mat Baby is that someone you know” she asked?

“Es ommy ugs unny nd affy uck” I said clapping my hands.

“That’s right baby I knew I bought the right ones when I was at Wall Mart” she said. “Come sit down baby breakfast is all ready for my cute little pumpkin” she said.

Jodie picked me up and sat me down on the chair I noticed the phone books and knew they were for me to make me sit up higher like a height chair and over the top of the table.

“Mommy went shopping for baby while he was sleeping to make him happy” she said.

Jodie put a bib around my neck and tied it. I could see the big Wall Mart bags at the end of her counter.

“Breakfast is ready baby I hope he likes Oatmeal” she said and sat down next to me. Jodie took the binkie out of my mouth and placed it on the table while she blows into the bowl. She dipped the spoon in the bowl and blow on it “get ready baby here comes the choo choo” she said I opened my mouth and she slid the spoon in I closed my mouth as Jodie lifted the spoon and took what missed on my lips.

“Did you see who is also on your bowl baby I bought this one just for you no one else just you that’s my good baby” she cooed.

I looked at it there was Bugs, Daffy, Elma Fud and Sweetie Bird on the side of the bowl. I clapped my hands and bounced in my chair I saw a smile that could have lite up a room.

“Thank you Mommy” I said.

“Anything for my baby boy” she said with a big smile on her face.

I thought about all the new gifts and wondered if Jodie was trying to bribe me into staying a bit longer. She really looked nice this morning her makeup was perfect her hair was freshly washed and she was dress really spiffy.

I was feeling a little guilty about leaving after breakfast I think I will have to think about this more. Am I going to have 3 Mommy’s to care for me but Jodie was closer then my sister and Samantha?

“Choo choo” she said as she feed me the last of the Oatmeal.

She went back to the sink and put the bowl in the sink then went to the refrigerator and took out a baby bottle. It was filled with milk. Jodie sat down next to me again and held the bottle up as I drank from it but it was leaking all over my face.

“This is not going to work” she said she cleaned my chin and neck picked me up in her arms and walked into the living room. She laid on the couch and put me in her arms when the nipple touched my lips I smiled at her and started to suck on it.

“Much better right baby” she asked as she kissed my forehead and rocked us back and forth. “Oh yes this is much better yes it is yes it is” she cooed. I snuggled into her arms and felt safe and warm.

“What an amazing start of a New Year baby Mommy has a baby no different if he is a big baby will not that big he might be small but I enjoy taking care of you”.

I snuggled into her and drank from my baba and she smiled.

When the bottle was half full/empty she pulled the baba out of my mouth with a pop and pulled a blanket that was over the back of the couch and put it over her left shoulder then like I was a real baby she put me over her left shoulder and started to pat and rub my back.

To my amazement I burped so loud it scared me. Jodie giggled too and patted my bottom “good baby now you will be able to take a nap later” she said.

Jodie turned me around and put me back in her arms then slipped the nipple back in my mouth. I looked up at her and smiled.

“Are you enjoying your baba” she asked?

“Es ommy” I answered with the nipple in my mouth. She continues to feed me the baba until it was empty then did the same again and I gave her another big burp.

“So baby Jerry what do you think would you like to stay with Mommy Jodie” she asked while holding me tight in her arms while rocking us back and forth.

“I would like to stay with you a while longer” I said.

She pulled me to her chest pressing me into her breasts “Oh baby thank you we are going to have so much fun together baby yes we will yes we will” Mommy Jodie said.

Mommy opened her blouse she didn’t have a bra on then she pushed my face closer with her hand on the back of my head. When her nipple touched my lips I sucked it into my mouth and started to suckle. She moaned and held me tight against her “oh baby you have no idea how happy you just made me, we are going to have a wonderful time as Mommy and baby and Jerry and Jodie this is what I always wanted” she said.

“Suckle baby suckle baby”.

Just as my nursing was over she sat me in her lap that’s when there were two knocks on the front door and someone came in we both panicked. She dropped the blanket on the floor from her shoulder and tried to protect me from who ever came in but it was to late the girl who came in looked at us smiled then put her hand over her mouth.




Chapter 6

                    “Janet what the hell” Jodie said.

          “I’m … I’m so sorry” Janet said with her hand on her mouth.

          “What are you doing here we were to meet at 1 its 11:30” she said.

          “I thought we could go to breakfast before we went shopping” Janet said as she dropped her hand she was smiling from ear to ear.

          “Well as you can see I’m not ready go into the kitchen until I can get myself situated” Jodie said.

Janet looked at us she saw the blanket on the floor with me laying in Jodie’s arms in just a diaper and Mommy’s bobbies hanging out she giggled picked the blanket up and gave it to Jodie then went into the kitchen.

“I’m sorry baby let’s get you dressed and ready to go” she put my binkie back in my mouth.

“Go” I asked taking the binky out of my mouth. “Where are we going”?

“Well if you said no that you couldn’t stay I made arrangement with Janet to go shopping at 1” Jodie said “now that you are staying with Mommy for a little while longer you can come with us” she said.

“Did she know about me before she came in” I asked.

“Well it slipped out by mistake when I was telling her how my New Year went”. “I told her I had a baby then I realized what I said I couldn’t take it back the cat or in your case the baby was out of the bag”. “I’m so sorry Jerry” she said as I looked at her with tears in her eyes.

“I am not dressing for her as your baby boy” I said shaking my head.

“Ok sure that will be Ok let’s go to my room so I can change you and dress you” she said. She took the blanket and wrapped it around me picked me up and carried me to her bedroom.

“Please Jerry I’m sorry this happened” she said as she laid me down on her bed on a changing pad and tuck her breasts back in her dress.

“I was going to tell you I mean ask you if it was Ok if we all went shopping together before she came at 1”.

“How did you know I would have said yes to stay with you” I asked?

“I was hoping you would say yes I saw how much you enjoyed being babied and also knew you enjoyed when we made love last night” she said putting my binkie back in my mouth.

Jodie started to change me then in the corner of my eye.

You know how sometimes you see a shadow one second and when you look back there is no one there that’s how I felt when Jodie was pulling my diaper from under me with one hand lifting my legs up with her other hand pulling the wet diaper from under me.

Jodie started to clean my diaper area I saw tears in her eyes I’m a softy when it comes to women I hate to see them cry.

I pulled the binkie out of my mouth “Jodie please it was a surprise that’s all please don’t worry about it anymore” I said putting the binkie back into my mouth to relax me.

She blew bubbles into my belly button and we both started to laugh and giggle.

Again there was that shadow in the doorway and then it was gone.

Mommy took a clean diaper lifted my legs again and slid the diaper under me saying “my baby boy is so cute and adorable no wonder I love him so much yes she does” she cooed as she sprinkled baby powder over and under my diaper area.

“All done baby let’s get you dressed” she said.

Jodie helped me get dressed in my adult clothes then she went into her bathroom when she came out she took my hand pulled the binkie from my mouth and put it into her big bag.

We walked out towards the kitchen but Janet wasn’t in the kitchen she was in the livingroom. She let go of my hand as we made the turn into the livingroom.

“You are sworn to secrecy not a word to anyone and I mean no one understood Miss Gordon” Jodie yelled?

“Yes mam” Janet said saluting Jodie.

They both giggled and we left for the mall. I was sitting in the back seat with my seat belt on I could hear Janet giggling as she talked softly to Jodie.

“Stop” Jodie said.

“Jerry this is my cousin Janet Gordon, Janet this is my boyfriend Jerry Mills”.

“Nice to meet you Jerry” Janet said.

I folded my arms “the same I’m sure” I answered.

When we got there I acted like a proper gentleman held the doors open for them and pulled out their chairs at the diner.

“I can get use to this” Janet said “you’re a very lucky M …. Janet started to say … Lady” Janet corrected herself.

As we ate breakfast/brunch Jodie didn’t try to cut my meal or feed me or wipe my mouth with her napkin I was treated like her boyfriend.

“So where to now” I asked as I paid the bill.

“We can start by window shopping when we find a place we would like to go into then we will go in and see what they have” Jodie said.

The ladies window shopped and I followed them they went into a few stores mostly girl’s shops. They both came out with shopping bags we continued to shop until they went into a baby/ toddlers store. Jodie handed me the bags I sat on the bench outside the store wondering what they were looking at and if they were going to buy anything.

When they came out Jodie had a bag with the stores name on it. All I know is she didn’t have it when they entered.

Jodie came over to me then whispered in my ear “are you wet baby”?

I blushed and whispered back “yes Mommy”.

“Would it be Ok if I change you in one of the adult handy cap bathrooms”? “Janet will stay outside to make sure no one comes in” she said with a smile.

I was feeling wet and cold the feeling around my diaper area was one of discomforted and I would really like to get out of it.

“As long as Janet stays outside yes please” I whispered.

          Jodie looked at the direction signs and found a bathroom close to us. We walked over to it Jodie. Jodie took her two bags with her. One was the baby/toddler bag and her big bag. She knocked on the door when no one answered she pushed the door open then locked it behind her.

“Ok let Mommy take off your pants before you get on the changing table” she said. Mommy knelt in front of me she unbuckled my belt, opened the pants button and pulled my zipper down. My pants started to fall to the floor she couldn’t get them off because of my sneakers and the fact I was standing.

          Jodie picked me up with my pants hanging around my ankles and sat me on the changing table. She took my sneakers off then pulled my pants off then had me lay back on the changing table.

          The padding on the changing table was warm and soft “Oh” I said.

“You like the changing table baby maybe we can get one for you” she said?

          “Yes Mommy it’s so warm and soft” I answered.

She put the safety strap around my belly she reached into her big bag and pulled out my blue binkie and slipped it into my mouth then started to pull the tapes from the diaper one by one.

“I wonder what Janet is thinking right about now” she said. “I bet she wishes she could come in here”.

I looked at her wide eyed and frowned and didn’t smile.

“She is not going to be like your sister and best friend” she said.

“No baby not now” she said with a giggle.

I sucked on the binkie in my mouth harder and faster. She smiled at me as all the taps were open. She lifted my legs pulled the wet diaper from under me then wiped my diaper area with the baby wipes from her big bag.

It felt great to be clean again. Jodie took a diaper out of her big bag shook it out and got it under my hinny. She powered me and started to pull the diaper up between my legs then there was a knock on the door.

“Jodie you about done there’s two ladies out here with babies that need to be changed” she said.

“5 minutes Janet” she answered.

Mommy started to speed up a little more then had me dressed and ready to leave. Jodie unlocked the door and look at me to see if I was ready that’s when she saw my binky in my mouth. Janet pushed the door open and giggled as Jodie started to take the binkie out of my mouth and put it back into her big bag.

“Rats” Mommy said as we started to leave I forgot to show you what I bought you” she said. “We can wait until we get back home Ok baby” she said.

I guess the size of me didn’t alert the ladies that were waiting because they just said Hi and both the Mommy’s walked in and locked the door.

“Good boy” Janet said tapping my diapered bottom.

“Janet” Mommy said looking at her.

“I’m sorry he is just so dame cute I couldn’t help it” she said and we walked back to the car in the parking lot.

Soon we were back home Jodie put her items away while Janet sat and stared at me.

“You know it’s not polite to stare at someone” I said.

“I’m not staring I’m just wondering how Jodie got so lucky” she said.

“Lucky” I asked?

“All her life she always wanted to get married and have a baby but God gave her a problem that’s why she isn’t married” Janet said.

“What are you talking about” I asked?

“Jodie has a woman’s problems if you know what I mean she can’t have babies” she said.

I blushed but didn’t know what to say.

“Is everyone in your family small” she asked?

“No only me I was premature at birth” I answered.

“And what about” … she started to say.

“Janet stop drilling my boyfriend” she said and sat down next to me. “You Ok” Jodie asked?

“Yes your girlfriend is very nosy” I said.

“Hey” Janet said.

“Well you are” I said then stuck my tongue out at her.

Both girls giggled then Janet got up and said good bye.

“So is that true you were born with a problem” I asked?

“Yes I can’t have a baby that’s why God got us together New Years Eve” she said tears in her eyes.

“I can believe that” I said and cuddled up closer to her.

“It’s about time for din din what would baby like tonight” she asked?

I looked up at her and wiggled my eye brows up and down looking at her breasts and gave her a smile.

“Really” she said smiling down at me. Jodie pushed me on my back and started to take off my adult cloths.

Jodie opened her blouse and undid the front of her bra pulled me into her arms then pulled my head into her I latched onto her nipple and started to suckle and play with her other breast. Jodie moaned and held me close “oh baby this is something I always wanted a baby nursing on me suckle baby suckle your new Mommy and be happy” she said.

My eyes closed my lips suckling I was in baby heaven.

“Oh yes baby your lips are so warm you are my baby yes yes you are” she whispered.

With my eyes closed I started to go to sleep then I felt her hand going into my pants then my diaper. I was already hard she put her hand around my peepee and slowly started to stroke it.

“Good baby Mommy will make you happy too” she said.

Mommy switched me to her other nipple and I contently nursed from her. Jodie stroked me a little faster. “You going to cum for mommy” she asked”. “I want you to cum for me baby cum for Mommy” she said as she kissed my forehead.

My little balls tighten I moaned on her nipple “ommy I umming” I said.

“Good baby cum for mommy in your dipee” she said.

I came in my diaper so hard I almost pasted out.

“Yes baby what a good boy” she sang “you came for Mommy I love you baby” she said.

My warm lips popped off her nipple and I laid there and enjoyed what we did.

“Shhh baby” she whispered and kissed my forehead “good baby”. We laid there for a few more minutes. Jodie put my head on a pillow as she slipped out from under me my eyes closed the next thing I knew she was waking me up to dinner.

“Come baby din din is ready” she said.

I stood up when I did she undressed me down to my undershirt and diaper.

We walked to the kitchen I was half asleep as I followed her like a baby into the kitchen. I sat down and Jodie went to get din din. She put it on the table and sat down next to me.

It was chicken nuggets and ketchup. Jodie dipped one into the ketchup and asked me to open for the choo choo.

I did and she feed me one by one. She took the sippy cup and gave it to me. When all the chicken nuggets were gone she wiped my face and hands and put the dish into the sink.

“I think it is time for baby’s bath” she said. “Baby doesn’t want to go to sleepy with #3 in his diaper no no he doesn’t” she cooed.

Mommy sat me on the floor and started to fill the tub. She reached under the sink and pulled out a bottle of Mr. Bubbles and poured it into the tub. Bubbles started to grow in the tub and I started to clap my hands and said with the binky in my mouth “ubbles ubbles”.

“Yes baby bubbles from Wal-Mart” she said and pinched my cheek.

She turned the water off tested it then turned around Mommy pushed me down on the bath rug took my tee shirt off then she untapped the diaper and picked me up and placed me into the warm water.

The water was warm and it felt so good around me. I slashed and tapped the water with my hand to show her how happy I was.

“Wait baby that’s not all I got my baby at Wal-Mart” she said and she opened the door under the sink and pulled out a clear bag full of boats.

Jodie tore off the top of the bag and dumped all the boats into the water I had to go searching for them under the bubbles.

“Play with your toys baby while Mommy washes you all up first your hair” she said even the shampoo was baby shampoo.

Mommy started to wash my hair while I played with my new bath toys.

She rinsed my hair off with the shower wand then started to wash me.

I noticed something yellow in her hands when she saw me trying to see what was in her hands her hands come out of the water and what was in her hand started to talk “are you Jodie’s baby” they asked me.

I was surprised to see two yellow baby wash clothes shaped as puppets.

“Yes” I said with my binkie in my mouth.

“Then we should help Mommy wash you allll up” they said and they started to wash behind my ears and under my chin. I started to giggle like a baby and Jodie started to talk. “A tickle here a tickle there will make my baby happy” she said and continued to wash my upper body.

It felt so good I didn’t want her to stop but then the puppets told me to stand up and I did.

They went up and down my legs inside and out. They washed my hinny and under my balls. They played with my balls then they started to wash my peepee it started to get hard when the puppet washed it.

Mommy was washing my hinny and the other puppet was washing my peepee. I held onto Mommy’s shoulders with my toys boats in my hand and moaned.

I was in a fog Mommy was washing my peepee with her bare hand and her other bare hand was washing my hinny her finger was in between my cheeks. One finger would go a little inside me while her other hand stroked my peepee.

All of a sudden she stopped rinsed me off with the shower wand picked me up and started to dry me off. I was lost but I let her do what she wanted. Again she picked me up we walked to her bedroom she lay me down on the bed naked like the day I was born then she started to get undressed.

She was beautiful as she came on the bed and laid on her back Jodie spread her legs I took my binkie out of my mouth and crawled up between them. I started to lick and kiss her pussy and she started to moan.

She put her hand in my hair and pulled me closer. I licked and kissed her as she pushed my face into her and I slipped my tongue in between her lips and started to fuck her with my tongue. While all this was happening my peepee was as hard as a rock. I slipped two fingers into her and started to suck on her clitty.

She moaned and put her legs around my head and started to shake. Jodie came in my mouth. She tasted sweet and I kept fucking her with my fingers and sucked and licked her clitty. Jodie came a second time I kept licked and sucked her clit in my mouth.

Mommy opened her legs pulled me up by my hair we started to kiss and her hand took my peepee and guided it into her while on her back.

“Fuck Mommy” she said. "I'm so hot for my boyfriend and baby" she said.

I slid in and out of her a few more times she shivered and came again. Mommy rolled me over my she started to fuck me with her on top. She bounced up and down on my dick.

“Yes Baby Jerry make love to your Mommy you feel so good inside me Baby yes what a good boy” she said as she bounced up and down.

Mommy bent down we started to kiss again and she went wild on my dick.

I felt my balls tighten it was like an electrical shock that rose up my dick I came inside her then she shivered again and we came together.

Mommy Jodie laid on top of me resting her head next to mine. A few minutes went by she whispered “my baby my boyfriend someone who for sure is not a shower but a grower”. I put my arms around her and we both fell asleep.

I woke to feel someone raising my legs I looked and it was Mommy she was putting me into a diaper.

“Shhh baby Mommy wanted to make sure you didn’t do peepee in Mommy’s bed shhh go back to sleep baby” she said “That’s my good boy would you like for Mommy to make you a nursery” I heard her say.

“Ok Mommy if that is what you want” I said before it was lights out.

“Ok baby Mommy will make a nursery for you so we can stay as Mommy and baby”.




Chapter 7

          Things have been going great since New Year’s Eve. Jodie and I spend almost all our time together. At first I was a little scared to commit myself as Jodie’s Baby boy but I found I enjoyed it with her and Jodie found what she wanted too and that was a baby to love and care for. Yes I was older then her and shorter a lot shorter then her but the way we acted together was just a sign from heaven that this was what we both wanted.

          “You Ok baby you look lost what are you thinking about” Jodie asked?

          “Nothing really Mommy” I said.

We were sitting on the couch watching something on TV my head in her lap me in my diaper tee shirt and her in her night gown.

          “Valentine’s Day is coming do you have any plans” I asked?

          “No why” she asked and started to giggle.

“I’d like to take you out as your boyfriend to dinner if you are free” I said.

“That would be very nice thank you I accept” she said as she lowered her head and kissed me on the lips it was longer then a 3 second kiss that’s for sure.

I was already aroused and my diaper had a small tent sticking up.

“What … what is this little baby is baby getting excited yes I think he is how cute” she said.

“Does my little baby want Mommy to touch his little peepee” she asked and she started to rub my peepee in my diaper.

“Oh Mommy that feels soooo goood” I moaned.

Mommy took her hand off my diaper and slid it into my diaper she took hold of my hard little peepee and started to stroke it she looked me in the eyes and smiled.

“Baby Jerry loves when Mommy touches his peepee yes yes he does’ she cooed as she stroked me.

“But Mommy likes what baby does every night before we go to bed when he stays over” she said.

Jodie took off her night gown and pull me up she cradled me in her arms as she got comfortable with my head right in front of her big breast.

I looked at her and smiled as she put her hand on the back of my head and guided my lips to her left nipple. I latched onto her nipple and started to suckle.

“Mmmmm Ommy” I moaned as I started to nurse from her.

Mommy moaned too as my warm wet lips touched her nipple.

“That’s it baby I know you enjoy this part of you being my big baby boy” she said.

Mommy held my head in one hand and continued to stroke my peepee with the other.

“Your warm lips on Mommy’s nipple feel so good baby is baby going to cum for Mommy” she asked?

I suckled harder and her hand stroked me faster.

“Cum for Mommy yes what a good baby I have suckle and cum for Mommy” she whispered.

“I omming or yo ommy” and came hard in my diaper.

“Good … good baby yes you are” she cooed. “Now it’s time to go to beddy by” she said.

We went to her bedroom she pulled the covers down and I got under them. Mommy went to the bathroom and washed her hands then came back and joined me. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight.

“Good night baby boy” she said and we both drifted off to sleep.




When I woke in the morning Mommy was still sleeping I looked at her and smile and thought how lucky I was to have a Mommy/girlfriend that could treat me like she wanted. She was more than happy that we got together and I appreciated it all.

Mommy’s titties were out because she slept without a bra I looked at them and slowly started to lick one nipple then the other. Mommy moaned and moved a little but didn’t wake up I kept doing what I love to do to her because I know she likes it too.

I moved closer to her and started to suckle her. She moaned then I felt her hand on the back of my head.

“Is baby hungry” she asked but I didn’t answer I kept suckling as my hand fondled her other titty.

“Oh baby what a nice way to wake up in the morning” she whispered. I slowly moved on top of her and she moaned I spread her legs with mine and continued to suckle.

Her nipple popped out of my mouth and I started to kiss down when I got to her belly button she put her hand on the back of my head and I kissed further down.

Mommy bent and spread her legs and I started to kiss her panties Mommy moaned and put both her hands in between her legs and on top of my head.

“Yes baby what a good boy for his Mommy”.

I put my fingers in her panties and started to pull them down and off. Then I got back in between her legs pulled her pussy lips apart and started to lick Mommy’s pussy. I pushed my tongue into her and my lips got wetter and I started to fuck Mommy with my tongue.

She squirmed under me and pushed my head deeper into her.

“Oh baby yes baby eat Mommy Jodie’s pussy baby you’re going to make Mommy cum again”. “Yes such a good little baby boy for Mommy yes … yes he is”.

I took Mommy clitty and started to suck on it while I slipped two fingers into her. For such a little man I was making Mommy happy and wild.

Mommy moaned my name as she started to climax I kissed and licked her juices I enjoyed making Mommy Jodie cum and happy.

Mommy pulled me up by my hair and we started to kiss. She planted little kisses all over my face then gave me a passionate kiss that made me dizzy. We rolled to our side she hugged and kissed my cheeks and held me tight in her arms.

“Baby Jerry knows how to please a woman even if he is small and short thank you baby that was the best wakeup call I ever had” she said.

We rested for a few minutes Mommy got up she took my diaper off she helped me up held my hand and we went into the bathroom. She turned the water on in the shower when it was just right we both got in.

She kissed the top of my head and took the baby shampoo and started to wash my hair and rinsed it off. She took her shampoo bent down in front of me. She poured her shampoo into my hands and told me to wash Mommy’s hair. I did she stood up and rinsed the shampoo out.

Mommy took her body wash and held me close to her my front against her. I looked up at her as she started to wash my back. She had to lean over me to wash my hinny and the back of my legs. I was leaning over next to her waist as she washed and squeezed my cheeks as she washed me.

She giggled then she said “such a cute little hinny Mommy wants to bite it”.

She straightened up and washed my back then had me turn around. Again she held me close to her as she washed the front of my legs. My head was just under her big breasts.

“Baby is hard Mommy knows he loves me” she said and slowly stroked me for a few minutes then Mommy turned me into the shower to rinse me off.

I took Mommy’s body wash and squirted it all over the front of her she had to lean down for me and I started to wash her breasts, shoulders and neck she stood up and I washed her pussy her legs and in between them. She turned around to the shower and washed the soap off then I started to wash her ass and in between her long legs.

Again she turned around to wash the soap off her. She picked me up in her arms and we stood under the shower we kissed as she held me tight against her.

“That was the best shower I ever took baby” she said and turned the water off she stepped out put me on the floor and she started to dry both of us off.

She was tall pretty she had a smile that made my heart melt.

“Let’s go out this morning and have breakfast” she said and put me into a diaper and we both got dressed.

As we were walking out the door Jodie had a big bag on her shoulder but she was holding her other bag in her hand.

“What is that bag Jodie” I asked?

“That’s your diaper bag baby don’t you remember when I went into the baby/toddler store with Janet a few weeks ago. I bought this for you” she said. “A baby has to have a dipee bag just in case”.

I looked at it closely it had duckies on it and it hung over Jodie’s shoulder just right. I turned red she looked down to see I was blushing. “Is there something wrong baby” she asked?

“The diaper bag has duckies on it”.

“Well yes it’s your baby diaper bag what else would be on a baby’s diaper bag” she answered.

“Don’t be embarrassed you need one just in case”. “Ok let me turn it around there is nothing on the other side” she said and she turned it around to the plan side.

“Better baby I’ll buy you a plan one next time I go back to that store” she said and I shook my head yes. She kissed me on my forehead and we went to her car. Jodie opened the back door and helped me in she buckled me in unzippered the diaper bag and reached into it and pulled out a yellow binkie and slipped it between my lips she put the diaper bag on the floor behind the passengers front seat and closed the door.

I wasn’t sure what was going on she never did this to me before but I started to suck on the binkie to try to relax. When she got behind the wheel I asked with the binkie in my mouth “why am I sitting in the back”.

“Well baby we don’t have a car seat for you so you have to sit in the back I think it will be safer for baby” she said.

I sucked on the binkie thinking she was right.

We pulled into the diner’s parking lot we go to all the time she parked and got out of the car I tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open.

Jodie opened the door and giggled “the child locks are on silly baby you’re not getting out until Mommy opens your door”. She unbuckled the belt and helped me out. She put the binkie in her bag then reached down to get the diaper bag.

“You’re not going to bring that thing with you into the diner are you” I asked?

“Well maybe not are you still dry baby”.

“Yes Jodie” I answered. She gave me a frown at what I called her but I didn’t correct myself and say Mommy.

She held my hand and locked the car and we walked all the way around the diner to the front door. As we went in Rose the waitress said “Hi Jodie Jerry how you guys doing”?

“Good Rose” Jodie said and we sat down. I sat across from her and took the menu and looked at it. I knew what I wanted and waited for Rose to take our order. When Rose showed up she gave me a cup of coffee and tea to Jodie.

“What will it be this morning” she asked pad in hand.

“I would like Sunnyside up bacon and wheat toast please”. Rose turned to me but Jodie said “Jerry will have the Silver dollar pancakes and some OJ”.

“Jodie” I said and Rose left giggling.

“I can order” I said.

“Oh sorry I got carried away sorry did you want something else we can call her back” she said.

“No that will not be necessary” I answered a little upset.

Rose came back a few minutes later with our order and placed them in front of us.

“Jerry I put your syrup in a dipping cup like you like” Rose said. Then she put my OJ cup down on the table I looked at it and saw it was in a soda cup with a lid on it and a straw.

I looked up at her then I started to say something but Rose walked away.

“What the hell is this” I asked Jodie who was smiling from ear to ear.

“Just eat baby so it doesn’t get cold and watch your langue please” she said.

I sat back and folded my arms just like a toddler I didn’t even realize I was doing it I was so pissed. Jodie looked at me and smiled “are you pouting” she asked?

“Stop pouting and eat before it gets cold” she said all motherly like.

I sat closer to the table folded my Silver dollar pancake and dipped it into the syrup and ate it.

“Good boy” Jodie said with a smirk on her face.

“So how is everything” Rose asked when she came back.

“Good very good” Jodie answered.

“Jerry how about you” she asked.

“Ya it’s Ok” I said with an angry voice.

“Let me know if you need anything else” she said and started to walk away.

“No need to be rude” Jodie said.

“I wasn’t rude how dare she bring my OJ like I was a baby like it was a sippy cup the bitch”.

“Hey watch that potty mouth” Jodie said again.

I saw Rose in the corner of my eye and knew she heard what I said.

I sat there while Jodie finished her tea. Rose came back and put the check on the table I took it and we stood up to leave.

Rose was at the register. I gave her the check and some money.

“That wasn’t very nice what you called me” she said.

“I’m sorry Rose I think he got up on the wrong side of the bed” Jodie said.

“Well sometimes little boys need to be spanked for their dirt mouths if you know what I mean Jodie” Rose said.

Jodie giggled she took my hand and we went out and started to walk to the car. I wanted to say something to Rose but Jodie was pulling me to the car preventing me from giving her a piece of my mind.

“Don’t do it baby you will be sorry” she said.

I was so mad my ears were burning red.

“Are you wet” she asked?

“Yes but I can wait until we get home” I said.

“And what makes you think we are going home already” she said.

“We aren’t” I asked?

“No we have a few places to go and I don’t think you should stay in a wet dipee for that long you might get a diaper rash and you would not like that that’s for sure” she said.

Jodie opened the back door of her car she reached into her hand bag and pulled out the yellow binkie and put it in my mouth I went to take it out and she gave me a look and said “you are already in trouble for being so rude to my friend Rose I would not do that if I were you”.

She reached for my belt and undid it I put my hands down to stop her but she slapped them away and again that look. I never saw that look so I let her do what she wanted.

She opened the button and pulled my zipper down and pulled my pants down to my ankles. “Be a good baby boy and do what Mommy wants I don’t want you to get a diaper rash they really hurt” she said” and she kissed me on the forehead while she picked me up and laid me down on the back seat.

“I always thought about this changing my baby in the back seat of my car” she said as she pulled the tapes from the diaper.

“I hope your done I don’t want your little fire hose sprinkling all over me and my car” she said with a big giggle.

I sucked on my binkie and relaxed knowing she liked what she was doing.

She pulled my pants off then Mommy lifted my legs with one hand by my ankles and slid the wet diaper from under me and rolled it up while she let my legs down. When my ass hit the cold seat I pulled up then lay back down.

“Cold baby” she giggled then reach for the diaper bag on the floor she opened it took out a diaper and shook it out then she lifted my legs again and slid the clean diaper under me and let my legs back down on the soft warm cloud.

She reached back into the diaper bag and took out the baby wipes and started to clean my diaper area then she sprinkled baby power all over my diaper area and rubbed it in.

“Such a cute little baby my baby” she said with a sparkle in her eyes she looked so happy.

I giggled like a baby and shook my hips and legs as she pulled the diaper up in between my legs and tape it tight around my waist.

Mommy bent down and started to blow bubbles into my belly button and I started to giggle she did too when a young couple was walking by they heard the cute giggling they stopped and walked in between the car.

“Oh Mommy and baby are having fun while she changes his diaper” the girl said.

“He loves when I do this watch” she said and she started to blow more bubbles again they both started to laugh they did not realize I was a grown man getting his diaper changed in the back seat of a car.

I’m not a “midget” or “little person” I’m a little taller than one I’m thin and have a healthy body I look like any other guy just shorter and right now I feel like a baby Jodie’s baby as the couple walked away.

Mommy picked me up she pulled my pants up and got me ready to sit back down in the back seat she buckled me in she kissed my lips and said “you were a bad baby in the diner and Mommy is going to spank her baby boy when we get home for being so rude to Rose” she said. She smiled at me then closed the car door.

The next place we went to was the supermarket. Mommy picked me up and put me into the cart. We walked up and down the allies she picked up a few things from her list. It wasn’t much and we were at the cashier when a woman tapped Jodie on the shoulder.

Jodie turned around and said “Stacy long time no see how you doing”?

“Good just got into town a few days ago Mike’s Dad past away going back home to California tomorrow” she said. “Coming back when the lawyer is ready to read the will” she said.

“Who is this little one” she asked as she looked at me.

“Oh sorry this is and she hesitated (I guess Jodie didn’t know how to introduce me) this is my baby Jerry” she said.

“Oh how cute I didn’t know you were married” Stacy said.

“Ya 5 years but I lost him in the war” Jodie said.

“How old is he” she asked?

“He’ll be 4 soon” she answered.

Stacy reached over and pinch my cheek his a little big for a 4 year old” she said.

“Well between me and his daddy we are both big” she said.

“We have to keep in touch maybe by E Mail or Facebook I’ll search for you and maybe when we come back to read Mike’s fathers will we can get together” she said as she kissed Jodie on her cheek and walked away.

“Ok lady you can move up your reunion is over” a man behind her said.

“Oh sorry sir” she said.

As we walked out of the supermarket Jodie took a deep breath. She opened the trunk and put what she bought in and took me out of the shopping cart and buckled me in then returned the cart. When she was behind the wheel of the car she closed the door and put her head in her hands.

“You Ok Jodie” I asked?

“Yes baby just a little shook up that’s all” she said and started the car.

“Are you worried she didn’t buy the story that I was your baby” I asked?

“I’m not sure” she said and pulled out of the spot and left the parking lot.

It looked like she was really shook up so I told her to pull over. She did and she parked.

I took my seat belt off and got up front with her. I put my arms around her sat in her lap facing her in between her and the steering wheel and hugged her tight. “It will be Ok the worst that could happen if she was that close to you is that you tell her the truth” I said and kissed her on the cheek.

“You wouldn’t mind if I told her the truth” she asked?

“Not if it got you out of a lie” I answered.

“Thank you baby you always know the right thing to say but that doesn’t excuse your rude behavior to my friend Rose” she said and spanked me on my bottom as I got up.

“Rats” I said to myself as I climbed over the front seat and buckled myself back in.

The next place we landed was a Baby’s R Us store a little outside her neighborhood.

I took my binkie from my mouth and asked “why are we here”?

Mommy said “I want to buy a few things”.

She picked me up and put me on her hip and we walked in she didn’t realize I still had the binkie in my mouth until Mommy went to put me in a cart she smile and started to pull it out but thought about it and left it in.

“So cute” she said as we started to walk around. She stopped here and there putting things into the cart I was frustrated I couldn’t see what she was picking up and putting into to the cart behind me.

Then she walked all the way in the back and there on the wall were all kinds of baby car seats.

“You’re going to buy one” I asked with my binkie in my mouth.

“Yes” she said “better safe than sorry” she answered.

Just then a young saleswoman showed up.

“May I help you” she asked?

“Yes I’m looking for a good baby car seat for my baby boy” she said.

She turned around and looked at me “how adorable” she said how much does he weigh” she asked?

“Around 107 pounds soak and wet” Mommy said.

Close but almost I said to myself.

As the ladies disgusted which one Mommy needed I had a pain in my belly that made me almost doubled over in the cart I farted once then again and I filled my diaper for the very first time ever. If I had to poop at home I did it in the bathroom or I waited until I got home if we were out.

The girls must have heard me fart and looked around and looked at me. Mommy came over and asked me if I was Ok.

They didn’t need an answer they smelled it. The young girl put her finger on her nose and Mommy smiled.

“The rest rooms are in the back” she said “I’ll be right back”.

Jodie walked to the restroom she took me out of the cart and took the diaper bag in with us. We entered she locked the door behind us. The rest room was very clean she opened the changing station and put me on top of it.

“What did you do did you give Mommy a present yes you did yes you did” she cooed. “Your first poopy diapee and Mommy will change you that’s her job” she said. She took my pants down and off. She pulled my shirt up over my belly and put the strap over my belly.

“Baby going to be a good boy for Mommy so she can change your first dirty diaper” she asked and started to pull the tapes off.

Jodie was very good at changing me I always felt protected and safe with her. My legs went up into the air and with the clean part of the diaper she cleaned my bottom. She was all business and knew what she needed to do.

“Did you eat something that you didn’t like” she asked?

“Well the coffee or the OJ that Rose gave me did taste a little funny” I said.

Jodie smiled and smirked “Mommy will get you all cleaned up yes she will” she cooed still looking like she knew something.

She put the dirty diaper on the floor then pulled out a tube of baby wipes and started to clean my bottom.

“Such a messy baby Mommy will get you all cleaned up and then we will go get something for lunch” she said as she used a few more baby wipes to clean my bottom. She put my legs back down and smiled I smiled back and she pulled a clean diaper out of the diaper bag shook it out lifted my legs back up and slid the diaper under me.

As she cooed to me she sprinkled baby powder all over me and rubbed it into my skin. When I was snug in the diaper she rolled up the dirty diaper and put it in the trash. Then she pulled the strap off pulled my shirt down and helped me off the changing table and put my pants back on.

“All done baby boy how do you feel” she asked.

“Ood ommy ice and lean hank yo ommy” I said with my binkie in my mouth.

“You’re welcome baby” she picked me up and gave me a big hug “my baby boy” she said and kissed me on the cheek. We walked out of the rest room. She put me back into the cart and a few minutes later the salesgirl came back.

“Was baby a good boy for Mommy while she changed your dirty diaper” Jennifer asked? Then she went back and started to talk to Jodie about what car seat she wanted.

“I’ll take this one” Jodie said. The salesgirl wrote the SKU number down and went to get it. When she returned a big guy was carrying it for her.

“Is there someone qualified to set it up in my car” she asked?

“Sure we have an installation charge for that is that Ok” she asked?

“Oh yes that’s perfect” Jodie said and she gave her keys to the man holding the seat and told him what kind of car she had and were it was parked.

Mommy wasn’t done so Jennifer followed Jodie around looking at some other things.

“I think he would look adorable in this one” I heard the salesgirl say.

“Oh yes you are right thank you Jennifer” Jodie said and put it into the cart. Again I could not see what she was putting in the cart.

By the time Jodie checked out the man had put the car seat in the back seat.

When we got back to the car Mommy put the things she bought in the trunk and walked over to the guy “that looks perfect are you sure it is the right way” she asked?

“Yes mama I learned how to put them in from the company” he said.

“Well thank you very much” Mommy said and gave him a tip he said “thank you but I’m not done I have to show you how to put baby in the car seat and buckle him in”.

“Ok” Mommy said the guy picked me up like I was a sack of potatoes. He put me into the car seat and showed Jodie how to secure the harness.

“There you go little buddy” he said “all safe and ready to go home” he said.

“Ok mama have a good day bye bye little buddy” he said took the cart and went back to the store.

Mommy got behind the wheel and we started to leave.

“Burger King” Mommy asked?

“Yes please Mommy” I answered. We pulled into the drive though and Jodie ordered. A kid’s meal and a salad for herself Mommy paid and she drives around to the pickup window.

“One kid’s meal and a salad” the girl said at the window and started to give it to Jodie. “Oh what a cutie” she said “Sherry look at this cute little baby boy” she said and three girls showed up and started to giggle and cooed to me.

My face turned bright red and I started to cover my face with my hands. One of them said “Miss if you need a babysitter I’m available” she said.

“Good can I have your number please” Jodie asked. She wrote her number on her receipt. Mommy thanked them and we went home.

The car seat was so comfortable I was half asleep when we pulled into the driveway. Mommy opened the door undid the harness picked me up in her arms. I laid my head on her shoulder with my binkie in my mouth. It felt so nice I didn’t want to wake up. I heard Jodie she almost sounded like she was purring she was enjoying this cuddle too.

We walked into the house she put Burger King on the table and sat me down on my chair with the stack of phone books on it.

We better get you feed then I can put you down for a nap” Jodie said. We finished our lunch Jodie went into the fridge she took out a baby bottle filled with milk.

We went into her bedroom where she put me on her bed and gave me the baba. She took my shirt and pants off and with two fingers she slipped them into my diaper feeling I was dry or maybe just damp. Jodie put two pillows against the head board she got on the bed and pulled me into her arms. She took the bottle and as I lay in her arms she put the nipple into my mouth and I started to suck from it.

She rocked us back and forth whispering to me.

“Shh little baby relax in Mommy’s arms your home now and Mommy will take good care of you. She put her hand in between my legs she held my diapered bottom as she rocked us as I drank the milk in my baba.

As she rocked us she asked if I had a good day I couldn’t answer with the nipple in my mouth so I smiled at her.

“Good baby … it was almost perfect” she whispered you were a good boy for Mommy except for your rude behavior with Rose but I forgive you but if you ever talk to one of my friends like that again you will be over Mommy’s lap with your dipee down I don’t care how old you are I will spank your hinny until its pink in color. “So you better be a good boy and listen to Mommy” she whispered and started to rock us back and forth while I drank my milk.

Mommy Jodie kissed my forehead and I started to close my eyes.




Chapter 8

          Mommy woke me up she sat on the bed and kissed my forehead.

          “Did you have a nice nap baby” she asked?

“Yes Mommy” I answered as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

“What time is it” I asked?

“It’s a little past noon” she said.

“Let me change you (maybe I should have explained to you that being premature I have a small bladder) I’m sure you must be wet after your nappy” she said. She went to the draw and took out the supplies and set them on the bed then she pulled the covers down she found my binkie and slipped it back into my mouth.

She pulled the tapes apart then lifted my legs by my ankles and removed the wet diaper. While she was changing me she looked like she wanted to say something so I asked “Mommy what’s wrong” I asked?

“I don’t want you getting upset” she said. “Promise me that you will stay calm when I tell you I don’t want to see that temper”.

I couldn’t think of what she was going to say was this it did she get tired of taking care of me, did she think that what we were doing was wrong to be playing this game. I didn’t know what I was going to do if she wasn’t interested in me anymore. Tears grew in my eyes and I was about to start crying but there was that shadow hiding just outside the door again.

It was nosy Janet Jodie’s cousin watching Mommy change my wet diaper.

“Is … it about … you don’t … I sounded like I was about to cry… your cousin Janet peaking in watching you change my dipee Mommy” I shouted and pointed to her.

“Mommy turned around she saw her shadow on the flood outside her door.

“What’s wrong with you Janet I didn’t tell him you were here yet” Mommy said very angry.

“Oh so all this was to warn me that she was here” I asked?

“Yes baby, but what did you think I was going to say” she asked?

“I thought … you … never mind” I said and gave her a big hug as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Oh baby I’m sorry if I scared you” she said and hugged me back.

“Janet go back down stairs and wait for us” Mommy said to her.

Mommy laid me back down and continued to change me she bent down and kissed me once on the lips then asked me if it would be Ok to dress me in what she bought me at Baby’s R Us” this morning.

“No not if Janet is still here” I answered really upset.

“But she will not tell anyone I promise” Jodie said. “She’s my cousin she knows what would happen if she told anyone please baby”. “I have enough on her that her parents would through her out and disown her” she said and kissed my nose.

“Well … I guess” and before I let all the words out she was half on top of me kissing me all over my face while I was naked underneath her.

“Thank you baby thank you baby that’s so sweet of you” she said and finished putting the diaper on me. Then she started to blow bubbles all over my belly. I giggled so hard I peed in my clean diaper.

“I have the perfect outfit for you” she said and got up and went to her closet.

I heard her inside her closet “this is going to be so much fun now I can dress you we are really going to have a wonderful time together as Mommy and Baby” she said to me or to herself in the closet.

When she came out she was beaming her smile was like the sun in the early morning warm and bright.

“First we have what they call an Omnie they have snaps in between the legs that makes diaper changes Oh so easy” she said.

“Handies up baby” I put my hands over my head she put my arms through the sleeves then she started to pull it down. It was soft and warm she pulled it all the way down then she pushed me back down on my back.

She lifted my legs and pulled the tail under me then pulled the front down too and snapped it in between my legs. My diaper pulled in closer to me it fit perfect but how did she buy something like this for me for my body size I wondered.

“You’re not really a men’s small nor are you a baby’s large it would fit you but they got this new supply for … um … handi cap toddlers boys and girls clothes”. “I’m sorry baby” she said and looked down at me.

I couldn’t say anything I just looked at her tears rolled down my cheeks.

She bent down again and gave me the most passionate kiss of my life.

“Thank you baby you are my very special big baby” she said. “Now you are not only my baby boy but you will look like one too” she said.

I looked down at the front of the Omnie it was yellow and had a big Giraffe on the front it was really cute and very babyish I thought.

Mommy took a pair of yellow shorts she pulled my legs through the legs openings I lifted my bottom so she could pull them up over my Omnie and diaper.

“Such a good baby for helping Mommy yes yes you are” she cooed.

Then she pulled a white pair of socks over my feet they were short they had ruffles on the top but looked really cute. “And last but not least” she put a blue pair of sneakers on and pulled the Velcro tabs closed.

“When you walk baby the sneakers light up” she said.

“One more thing baby” she said she picked me up we went into the bathroom she sat me on the counter and wet her brush then she started parting my hair on the right side but I shook my head no.

“What baby” she asked?

“When I was younger I parted it on the left” I said with my yellow binkie still in my mouth.

She kissed my nose then parted my hair on the left.

“Oh yes you look absolutely adorable yes yes you do Baby boy of mine” she cooed.

She picked me up and hugged me so hard I had to tell her “Mommy I a Baby”.

She eased up and kissed me on the lips then she put me in her arms cradling me like a real baby and rocked me and cooed to me “you’re Mommy’s very special baby boy yes yes you are”.

She started to walk to the door I pulled the binkie out of my mouth “please Jodie please don’t embarrass me” I said.

“I would never do that to you Jerry you are my baby boy and my boyfriend I would never do anything to hurt you” she said.

“Then tell me about what Rose put in my OJ or coffee that made me poop in my diaper this morning” I asked?

“How did you know about that” she asked?

“Your face gave you away and I knew something was up between the two of you”. “I never poop late in the morning it is always early it looks like Mommy and Rose are the ones who need the spanking not baby Jerry” I said and put the binkie back in my mouth and smirked at her.

She continued to rock me in her arms as she entered the livingroom Janet was sitting there drinking tea.

Janet looked at me then Jodie then back at me then back at Jodie “OMG cuz he is as adorable as you said he would be I really didn’t believe you but seeing is believing” she said.

I froze as Jodie held me tight I buried my face into Mommy breast as Janet tickled me and made me giggle.

“Sit down” Mommy told Janet. Mommy sat down and held me in her arms. Janet ran her hands all over me touching my face my nose my binkie and the bottom of my diaper.

“Want to hold him” Mommy asked Janet then looked at me. Janet put her arms out she got ready because she is not as strong as Jodie. Jodie handed me over to Janet and she held me in her lap.

“So cute” she said touching my binkie while I sucked on it. I saw a little twinkle in her eyes like Jodie has from time to time. I wonder what she was thinking at that point.

“I have to feed the baby can you keep an eye on him for a few minutes” she asked Janet?

Janet was in another world as she watched me sucking on my binkie and smiling.

“Jannnn… et” Mommy sang Janet broke her thoughts from me and said “what”?

“Can you keep an eye on him for a few minutes until I get him his lunch” she asked again.

“Oh sure sure anytime I can babysit anytime you need me” she said.

Mommy giggled and left the room.

Janet rocked me in her lap smiling at me. “Auntie Janet is right here Mommy and I will take good care of you” she said.

I didn’t like the sound of that so I started to fuss on her lap she got nerves and sat me on the floor in front of the TV she took the remote and put on the cartoon channel. I turned around and looked at her she might have thought I was mad but I smiled at her and looked back to the TV. Tom and Jerry were on my favorite cartoons.

“Ok baby lunch is ready” Mommy said and picked me up. “Janet I have a sandwich for you too if you would like to eat with me and Baby Jerry” she said.

Mommy walked into her kitchen Janet followed and sat down Mommy sat me on the chair with the phone books on it.

“That’s a good idea but he needs a highchair” Janet said “that’s a good idea maybe I should look into that at the place I bought his car seat” Mommy said.

Mommy sat down next to me and started to feed me. It was good rice and a little broccoli. Janet ate her sandwich and starred at me.

I opened my mouth as Mommy feed me when I swallowed what was in my mouth I said “you’re starring at me again”.

“Oh sorry” Janet said but you look and act just like a baby” she said.

“Well that’s because he is a baby my baby” Mommy said. “What we are doing is what we both want there is nothing wrong with it if we like it and are not hurting anyone he is so small that I can treat him as my baby it’s our business noone else’s that’s why I’m trusting you to keep this a secret” Jodie said.

“If it’s not hurting anyone then why are you keeping it a secret” Janet asked?

“Because people will think it strange or gross taking care of an older man I don’t think it is and it sounds like you may have a problem with this do you Janet” Jodie asked?

“No … no not at all Jodie not at all I’m so happy I am included in your secret thank you” she said.

Mommy continued to feed me until the bowl was empty. She wiped my mouth and hands with a wet dish towel and got me a drink. She handed me a sippy cup it reminded me of this morning when Rose gave me my OJ in a soda cup a lid and a straw. I still had to find out why they did that to me. I took a sip and it was filled with grape juice.

Mommy smile at me “ok” she asked?

I drank and shook my head yes.

A few minutes later “can you please bring him back into the livingroom while I clean up and let him watch TV or let him play with some of the toys I bought for him this morning the toy box is behind the sofa” Mommy said.

When Janet put me down I crawled into the livingroom and looked behind the sofa I saw the box and what was in it. There were all kinds of baby toys, big baby Lego’s, fisher price trucks and cars, baby keys, stuffed animals. One looked like Miss Piggy then I saw Herman the Frog.

I giggled and pick them both up. I noticed that Janet was watching me on the other side of the sofa bending over the top watching me play.

“You like Miss Peggy and Herman” she asked?

“Their cute I wonder how she found them in diapers” I said with my binkie in my mouth.

I started to dance them around lying on my belly. Then I spotted the Lego’s they were the big ones ones for toddlers. I pulled them out and started to put them together. From the corner of my eye I saw Janet still watching me she looked like she wanted to join me so I took a few blocks and put them so she could see them.

“Me” she asked “you want Auntie Janet to play with you” she asked and got off the sofa and joined me on the floor and we started to put them together.

“OMG what do I have here two toddlers do you need a diaper too” Mommy asked as she walked in.

“No but I know someone who does” she said. I looked up at Janet and blushed.

Stay right there I’ll be right back” Mommy said. When she returned she gave Janet all the supplies for a diaper change. I turned beet red. Janet turned me around on my back she pulled my body to her and started to take my shorts off I looked at Jodie and wondered when she was going to stop her but she didn’t.

Janet took my shorts off then unsnapped the Omnie and rolled it up over my belly. She took a clean diaper and shook it open and laid it next to me she pulled the tapes lifted my legs by my ankles and pulled the wet diaper out and slid the clean one under me and let my legs down while Mommy watched her.

Baby wipes in hand she started to wipe my diaper area clean not saying a word about my little peepee. A sprinkle here and there and she pulled the diaper up between my legs and taped it nice and tight around my waist.

“Oh these diapers are so cute this is what they look like before they get wet” Janet asked?

“Yes I bought them the other day for him to make him look more like my baby” Jodie said.

Janet pulled the Omnie down and snapped them closed then put my shorts back on and had me stand up.

“Give Aunt Janet a hug baby for changing your dipee so fast” Mommy said.

I was standing Janet was kneeling I stepped close and put my arms around her and hugged her. I don’t know what it was but it felt nice to give her a hug for helping me.




Chapter 9

          The three of us watched TV for about an hour Janet got up kissed Jodie then kissed me and patted my diapered bottom then she left.

          “Are you upset at Mommy for letting Janet be evolved” Mommy asked?

          “No Mommy she is a nice lady” I answered.

          “You were Ok with her changing your dipee too” Mommy asked?

          “I was surprised that you let her do it so I thought if it was Ok with you then it was Ok with me”.

          “Would you let Aunt Janet babysit you if I had to go somewhere and not take you with me” Mommy asked?

          I figured I had her if she wanted this so I said.

          “Only if you tell me why Rose spiked my coffee or OJ” I asked?

          “You know how excited I get thinking about you Rose is a High School buddy we hung around all the time”. “Sometimes she did things that I didn’t approve of and we got into trouble with the Principle”.

“I missed spoke one night when we were gabbing and giggling here in Mommy’s house having tea and let out about you and what we were doing”. “She was fascinated and wanted to know more”.

“Does he use the diapers” was one of her questions so I told her only for #1 not #2”.

“You never changed a dirty diaper for him” she asked?

“No he goes when he stays over first thing in the morning” I answered.

“Mmmm” Rose said with an evil look in her eyes.

“Rose what are you thinking about” I asked?

“Do you really want to change his dirty diapers”?

“Well of course isn’t that part of being a Mommy” Jodie said.

“I can help you with that but you have to tell me everything” she said.

“The day at the diner as she was coming to the table with or order she winked at me to let me know she did something but not what”? “I had no idea what she was planning so I tried to act normal”.

“When I heard you fart the first time then again in Babies R Us I knew my baby boy just gave Mommy a big surprise in his dipee and I knew what Rose had done”.

“Did you tell her where and when it happened” I asked?

“Yes I called her and gave her all the details”. “I even told her about Jennifer putting her finger on her nose because it was a wet and stinking” Jodie said smiling.

“Well I hope that was the last time you and her will be doing it again” I said.

It was getting late so I told her I was going home I had a few things to do before Valentine’s Day which was in a few days.

“May I ask if you have reservations yet” she asked hugging me tight?

“Yes Mommy I have them already a friend of mine owns an Italian restaurant you do like Italian food right I hope” I asked?

“Sure I love Italian food I thought maybe I could cook something special for you instead” she said.

“No I’m taking my special girl out” I said. I was wondering why she would mention this when she knew I already asked her out. I wonder if she was worried about our height difference being out in public with me.

We kissed good night I got dressed and I went home.

The doorman at my apartment was surprised to see me. “Hey Mr. W how are you doing long time no see” he said.

“Good evening Manny” I said.

“If I may ask where have you been I was worried about you” he asked.

“I … I have a girlfriend” I answered with my chest out.

“That is wonderful news congratulation does she live close” he asked?

“Yes maybe 15 minutes away”.

“Ok you have a wonderful evening Mr. B” he said as I entered the lobby.

“Thank you Manny you too” I answered.

My apartment is Handicap assessable and it was a new apartment building Federally funded so maybe when Jodie told me the cloths she bought me were for handicap little boys it didn’t hurt to bad but it did.

I striped took my wet diaper off and put it in the diaper genie. I turned the water on in the tub and waited for it to fill but before it filled I added a cap of Mr. Bubbles and the bubbles started to grow. I was getting use to being a baby/toddler I thought I wouldn’t like being Jodie’s baby but in fact I was enjoying it too much.

The water was not filled to the top but I managed to lie down and have the water and bubbles cover me. I relaxed with my binkie in my mouth and closed my eyes. I thought about the last time Jodie and I made love. I pleased her and she pleased me she was always in control I did what ever made her happy.

I sat up and started to play with my bath toys then I washed and got out of the tub and dried off.

I went into the bedroom and lay down on my bed the room was warm so I didn’t have to cover myself. I thought about Mommy Jodie breast feeding me and started to get hard.

My peepee was getting bigger so I stroked it up and down with my eyes closed. I liked when Mommy stroked my peepee. As I stroked my peepee I was talking to myself in a whisper “Mommy that feels so good” I said”.

“Does baby like when Mommy strokes his peepee” but the voice I heard in my head was not Mommy’s it was Janet’s Aunt Janet’s. “Shh” she whispered “Mommy is not here and Aunt Janet wants to play with the baby”.

I sucked on my binkie and stroked my peepee. “Shhh” Aunt Janet said in my head “cum for Auntie Baby Jerry cum in Aunties hand think of your binkie as one of my nipples” she whispered.

I started to stroke faster and sucked harder on my binkie thinking I was with Aunt Janet sucking on her nipple and her stroking my peepee. My balls started to tingle I lifted my butt off the bed and started to cum on my belly thinking I was with Aunt Janet not Mommy Jodie and just as I started to calm down my cell phone rang.

I jumped and picked it up with my left hand my right hand was covered with my cum.

“Hel … hello” I said.

“Just wanted to call and tell you that I love you baby” I heard Jodie’s voice say.

“I …I love you too Mommy” I answered.

“Are you Ok baby you sound out of breath” she asked?

“Yes Mommy I was half asleep I’m Ok”.

“Good baby” she said. “I forgot to tell you I have to go into work tomorrow so we may not see each other. (Jodie usually works from home sometimes she has to go in person).

“Ok Mommy I’ll see you Valentine’s Day I will pick you up at 6 go to a late dinner” will that be Ok Mommy” I asked?

“Sure baby but I’m sure we will talk tomorrow” she said.

“Good night baby have a good sleepy talk to you tomorrow when I get a chance” she said.

“Good night Mommy I love you” I said and we hung up.

I looked at my belly there was cum on it and I wondered why I was thinking about Janet. I took a few tissues from my night stand and cleaned myself up. I pulled the sheet up and turned the light out and went to sleep.

I woke it was the day before Valentine’s Day. I had a few things to do so I got up shaved, took a shower brushed my teeth and went into the kitchen to have breakfast.

When done I took my bathrobe off went into my dresser and took my baby supplies and put them on the bed. I laid a diaper down and laid on it. I sprinkled baby powder over my diaper area. I wiped my hands on the bed pulled the diaper up between my legs I tapped the left side then did the same to the other three.

I never get it as tight as Mommy makes it but it would have to do. I got dressed and called the front door. Manny answered “yes Mr. W. what can I do for you” he asked?

Good morning Manny can you please get me a cab” I asked?

“When Mr. W.” he asked?

“10 minutes” I answered and he hung up.

When I got downstairs there was a cab waiting for me. I thanked Manny and slipped him a fin.

I told the cabby where I was going and he took me to the mall.

When I enter most of the people were staring at me none of them were rude or pointed like I said I’m a regular guy just short. I made my way to Kay Jewelers. I sat on the stool and a lady said “good morning” her name was Heather.

“Hi you called to let me know that my purchase was in may I see it please and gave her the receipt. Heather went into the vault and came out with Jodie’s Valentine’s present.

I opened the long box and looked at both pieces. “Very nice” I said.

“Would you like me to wrap it” Heather asked?

“Yes please” I answered.

“Someone is a very special guy and he got a very special present for his Valentine” she said smiling.

I paid the balance “Thank you have a wonderful day” I said and I left.

I went to the card store I picked up candy and a small white stuffed bear. I already ordered flowers they were to be delivered today before noon.

I finished my shopping it was almost 11 so I went to get a latte. As I sat and drank my latte my cell rang.

I opened it and heard “OMG baby I never seen a prettier flower arrangement as pretty as this one yes … yes I will be your valentine” Jodie said. (I guess she read the card).

“Pretty flowers for a pretty lady” I said.

“Thank you so much” she said in a shaky voice. “Where are you baby” she asked?

“I’m at the mall” I said.

“I can’t wait until tomorrow night” she said.

“Me either we are going to have a wonderful time remember I’m your boyfriend” I said waiting for an answer.

“Yes honey I remembered” she said.

“I love you”.

“I love you too Jerry” and we hung up.

“I was smiling from ear to ear” then I heard a voice from behind me “hey shrimp isn’t that cell and little to big for you” he said.

I didn’t turn around I ignored him like I do with everyone.

“Didn’t you hear my friend” another voice said.

I heard chairs being pushed back and the two goons stood next to me.

“What do you want” I asked?

Some of the people in the place were looking at us but no one said anything.

I took my cell picked it up and went to put in my pocket when the tall one took it from me.

“Wow nice cell but it is to big for a short guy like you” he said and went to put in his pocket. I started to get up but I saw a big hand go on his shoulder. The guy who took my cell bent down in pain as the hand squeezed his shoulder.

“Give it back” a voice said from behind him.

“Ow what the fuck man” he said and started to turn around there stood a big 6’ 5” guy about 25 years old with muscles to spear.

“Give it back to him NOW” he said.

“I was only kidding” he said. He gave it back to me then he and his friend left.

“You Ok” the stranger asked?

“Yes I’m fine but I could have handled him” I said.

“I bet you could” he answered.

“May I buy you a coffee” I asked to thank him for his help?

“Sure thank you” he said. He sat down put out his hand and said “Steve”.

I shook his big hand and said “Jerry thank you for your help”.

“No problem” he said.

“You come here often” Steve said “I don’t remember seeing you here before”. “I work at the sports store on the third floor” he said as I ordered his coffee.

“Not often just picked up my girls Valentine’s gift” I said.

“That’s great” Steve said just then his coffee came. He fixed it with milk and sugar and took a sip. “Mmmmm good this place makes the best coffee”.

“The latte is good too” I said.

“Do you get bullied like that all the time” he asked?

“Yes in school I got bulled but in high school I had a body guard” I laughed “he looked just like you” I said.

“Like me” he asked?

“Ya tall, big and plenty of muscles” I couldn’t believe I said that and blushed.

“Well it looks like you did Ok you are here right now so I guess he did protect you”.

“Yes he did I still talk to him from time to time his name is Tony he owns a restaurant that’s where I’m taking my girl on Valentines day” I said.

“Well I have to get to work hope you have a good day look me up the next time you’re here maybe we can have another coffee and latte” he said.

“I would like that thank you” we shook hands and he left.

I left the mall and hoped the goons weren’t waiting for me outside. I took a cab and went back home. In all the commotion I wet my diaper and needed a change.

Manny was there to open the cab door I thanked him and went up to my apartment.

There I put my things down and went into my bedroom got undressed and went and got the wipes, powder and a diaper. I laid the diaper out on the bed.

I untapped the diaper I was wearing and as I stood and it hit the floor I stepped over it and laid down on the diaper I put out. I took the wipes and started to wipe my diaper area they were cold and I shivered a bit as I washed my ass and started to wipe my diaper area.

I took the powder and sprinkled it all over the front and my bottom. I pulled the diaper in between my legs and saw Jodie’s face in my thoughts.

“Mmmm Mommy” I whispered and taped the diaper tight around my waist like Mommy does.

It was a little after 2 so I thought I would take a nap. I put my binkie into my mouth and thought about what would have happened if Steve wasn’t there to protect me.

I pulled the sheet up smiled and went to sleep.




This is the new Chapter 10.

Chapter 10

          I must have been tired because I woke up at four there were a few missed calls on my cell. I sat up and listened to the first voice mail.

“Hi baby this is Mommy just wanted to say hi and to see how your day went”. “Please call me back when you get this message love you”.

The second voice mail was Mommy too she was wondering if I was Ok and that I should call her back”.

The third voice mail Mommy was besides herself “I’m worried about you why have you not called me back”. “I can’t come over to see if you are Ok because I don’t know where you live please call Mommy back right away” she said in a panic.

I immediately called her back. “Baby are you Ok” she asked “the first thing we will talk about is where you live why didn’t you call me back” she asked “I was worried sick”.

“Sorry Mommy I fell asleep I just woke up I’m sorry I had a bad and good day”.

“Are you Ok” she asked?

“Yes Mommy I’m fine”.

“What happened that you had a bad day” she asked?

“After I did my shopping at the mall for Valentine’s Day two slugs tried to steal my cell phone as I was drinking my latte but this big guy stepped in and told the guy to give it back”. “When he saw how big the stranger was he and his friend gave it back and left”.

“Oh my goodness baby I’m so happy the stranger helped you” she said. “But what was the good part” she asked?

“I invited the stranger to have a cup of coffee for helping me and he accepted he told me he works in the sports store on the 3rd floor” of the mall.

“That’s wonderful baby I was so worried about you” Mommy said.

“I’m sorry I worried you but I’m Ok now” I said.

“Mommy loves you baby I have one more day in the office so I will not be able to see you tomorrow” she said.

“Ok Mommy I’m sure I can keep myself busy”.

“Ok baby I’ll call you tonight night sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite your cute little hinny” she said and hung up.

I was still a little dazed and sleepy I got off the bed and found I was wet then I remembered part of the dream I had when I was asleep. I was leaving the mall and the goons were waiting for me. They picked me up when I was walking to the cab station outside the mall.

The big one picked me up and throws me into the back seat of a car I saw his friend in the driver’s seat. When my shoulder hit the door on the other side I opened it and ran that’s when I woke up.

I went back to my bedroom and changed and sat in my livingroom to watch TV.

I calmed down and went to make dinner French toast, bacon and coffee.

After watching the news I went to bed hoping that dream did not come back and thankfully it did not.




I woke in the morning feeling better it was Valentine’s Day a day for lovers. I made breakfast changed my wet diaper and got dressed.

Manny was not there when I went outside Frank was on duty. He hailed a cab for me and I went to the market. I bought a few things then went back home. About 4 I started to get ready for my date with Jodie.

One of the important things I found about being incontinent was that it is a lot healthier if you shave your private area. I use hair remover to do the job its feels so smooth and soft I think that’s what Jodie likes too so that’s what I did first. Then I shaved my face, brushed my teeth and took a shower.

I dried off and went into my bedroom. This was a date so I didn’t want to put a diaper on so I put on these special pull ups they look like men’s underwear but are I think very sexy I’m sure Jodie will like them.

Clean blue pressed shirt black pants and a dark blue tie. This was the first time I ever got dressed for Jodie so I wanted to look my best for her. My dress shoes were special I bought them a few years ago. They have a 2 ½” heel on them making me a little taller. I wear them on special occasions like weddings and retirement parties.

As you can guess I have to be careful walking in them I don’t wear them a lot. My friends would tease me and ask me “hey Jerry how’s the weather up there” to make me feel better.

I put my sports jacket on, my cell, wallet and keys were in my pocket. I have Jodie’s Valentine present in a little bag and headed out.

“Well well don’t we look nice” Manny said and haled me a cab.

“You and your girl have a very special night” he said and started to open the cab door for me. “Wait” Manny said “something’s different” he said as I thanked him I gave him a tip and got into the cab.

I was so nerves my hands were shaking this was the first time I have ever took her out as Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

I paid the cabby got out and almost fell. “Small steps” I said to myself. I looked at my watch it was 5:50. I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened and Jodie smiled at me then hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

“Come in Jerry” she said. She was staring at me as I walked past her. I went into the livingroom and waited for her. She closed the front door and came in.

“What … what did you do” she asked?

“Nothing you look very pretty” I said.

“Thank you you look taller” she said. “Jerry you didn’t have to get shoes with a little height on them I would go anywhere with you just the way you are” she said.

I got tears in my as she hugged me and kissed my cheek.

“Thank you” I said blushing and hugged her back.

“You are so cute” she said.

“Um we should get going we don’t want to be late for our reservation” I said. Jodie went to get something to put on. I took it and helped her. We walked out just as a cab rolled by.

“CABBY” (I can’t whistle) I yelled with her present in my hand and he stopped. Jodie locked her door I took her hand opened the cab door she got in first I thanked the cab driver for stopping and told him where to go.

10 minutes later I paid the cabby and helped Jodie out took her hand and we walked into the restaurant. I gave the Matrodee my name. He took two menus and walked us to a table. I pulled out Jodie’s chair and she looked up “such a gentlemen” she said and thanked me.

Someone came and took our cocktail order. Jodie ordered a white wine I ordered a 7 and 7. I was waiting for the boom to drop but he didn’t ask me for proof of age.

“This is a beautiful place” Jodie said. “You said your friend owns it”?

“Yes we have known each other since grade school he was the one who always helped me when I was bullied” and just as I said it Tony came to our table. I stood up and we hugged and kissed each other’s cheek. He whispered in my ear “they didn’t ask you for proof” he asked “I didn’t want you to be embarrassed in front of your girl” he said.

“No they didn’t thanks” I said.

Tony looked down at my shoes “not necessary” he said “a lady will like you as you are and not what you think you should be”.

We heard a throat clearing behind us.

“Oh I’m sorry honey this is my friend Tony we are very close friends”. “This is Jodie my girl” I said.

Tony took her hand and kissed it “so nice to meet you Miss Jodie” he said. “I hope he is a good boy for you” he said.

Jodie giggled and said “he better be”.

“Please … please enjoy your meal if you need anything let me know” Tony said and left us.

“So I take it he didn’t like your surprise either” she said.

Our cocktails showed up I held mine in the air “Happy Valentines to the best and prettiest girl and the best” I looked around then said “Mommy”.

Jodie blushed and we clicked glasses and took a sip.

The waitress came I asked for a few more minutes and as we looked at the menu I told Jodie how pretty she looked and that I was so happy she was here with me”.

“I love you Jerry with or without the shoes” she said then I blushed.

“Are you ready my love” I asked? Jodie shook her head yes and I got the waitresses attention.

We ordered then we started to talk. She was very upset about what happened to me at the mall and very happy that the stranger helped me.

“Tony was the one who watched over me when we were younger” I told her.

“Our families were very close”.

Bread was put on our table. “The bread is warm dip it into the oil it tastes really good” I said I pulled a piece apart and gave it to her. She tasted it and smiled.

Jodie explained why she had to go into work for two day I told her what I did without her.

Our meals were the best. A bus man came and cleared the table then the waitress came and asked us if we wanted desert Jodie said no thank you I asked for two more drinks.

When she came back she put the drinks down and took the empty ones away.

I reached down and picked up the bag “my Valentine I’m so happy you said yes I bought something special for a very special person in my life and I handed her the bag.

She accepted it “Jerry you didn’t have to do this I would have been fine just with this special dinner and date our first date” she said.

She pushed the tissue paper aside and took out the long wrapped box. Her eyes were sparkling and the smile on her face made me so happy.

She unwrapped it and opened the box. “Oh my God Jerry these are beautiful” she said.

“Sounds like you like them” I said.

“I do I do” she said.

“Can you put one on me right now” she asked?

“Sure” I answered and she handed me the box I took the one out that I knew I could put on her here in the restantant. I took the bracelet out and put it on her wrist.

“Jerry it’s beautiful” she said.

“Look it has a baby carriage, high chair, a crib, this one looks like a diaper and hearts and diamonds” she said.

“Jodie got up and kissed me on the lips not a peck a kiss while I was sitting. I heard awes around us as she sat back down thank you hunny” she said.

“You’re welcome my love” I said.

“Is this another a bracelet” she asked?

“No I’m old fashion it’s called an ankle bracelet it’s to show others that we are going steady I’ll put it on when we get home” I said.

She looked at it it had hearts and diamonds on it.

“This is beautiful I’ll wear it just for you because I love you so much” she said.

She grabbed her bag and took out a box and she gave it to me.

“For me” I said joking.

“No it’s for Tony” she said giggling.

I opened it it was a ring with an Eagle on it. I took it out and put it on my finger but it didn’t fit. “No” she said it goes on your wedding ring finger” she said. I slipped it on my left hand ring finger.

“Perfect” she said “now you are mine” she said.

I got up and kissed her on the lips as I held her head in my hands again another aww from the people.

I sat back down and blushed. “I love you too and I want to be with you” I said.

The waitress came back she put an ice bucket down next to the table. She put two champagne glasses down on the table I was about to say we didn’t order that when she said “from Tony on the house”.

She pooped the cork and served it I thanked her and we clicked glasses.

Tony came back “you like” he asked “how was your dinner”?

“Great Tony thank you so much” I said.

“The dinner was perfect thank you” Jodie said.

We finished about half the bottle I asked for the check and paid it with my card. I ordered a cab and 10 minutes later it showed up I told her where to go. As the lady cabby drove us home she asked “it’s so sweet your son is your Valentine did he take you out to dinner” she asked?

I was about to say something but Jodie took the opportunity to pull me on her lap and kissed my cheek. “Yes he is the best Valentine I ever had” she said.

As we got closer to our destination I got off Jodie’s lap. When we pulled up Jodie asked “where are we going”?

I paid the cabby and Frank opened the door and helped Jodie out I followed.

“Mr. W nice to see you this evening” he said.

“Thank you Frank good to see you too” I said.

As we walked away I looked back at Frank with Jodie’s hand in mine he gave me thumbs up.

“So” Jodie said. “I guess this is where you live”?

“You mentioned that you didn’t know where I lived so now you do”. “It’s a new building and it is Handi cap accessible” I said.

We went up to my apartment I opened the door with my card and let her in first. I closed and locked the door behind me and took her jacket.

We entered the livingroom and the first thing she said “it’s very nice but you need a women’s touch” she said giggling. “Everything is so …so … so white”.

“This is the way I got it I haven’t got a chance to paint” I said.

“May I get you something to drink I have wine” I asked?

“A glass of wine is Ok while you’re making our drinks may I see the rest of your place” she asked?

“Sure make yourself at home”.

Jodie turned around and started walking and I made us a drink. I could hear her talking as she went through my two bedroom apartment.

I put our drinks on coasters on the coffee table and put the candy and the soft white stuffed bear I bought on the table too.

“Very nice Jerry the rooms are big and very up to date” she said as she walked into my livingroom.

“And what is this on the table more Valentine’s present” she said.

“Just something extra to show you I love you” I said.

“Thank you you’re so sweet Ba …. she started to say and then she said “Honey bunny”.

We sipped our drinks then I took the remote closed the drapes with it then turned on the stereo and dimmed the light.

“Wow fancy fancy” she said.

“Would you like to dance” I asked?

“Sure that sounds really nice” she answered.

She got up I took her hand and we started to dance to Johnny Mathis.

“I love his songs who else do you listen too” she asked as we held each other close my head was resting under her soft breasts. “Sammy Davis Jr, Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin to name a few” I answered.

We listened to a few more songs not saying a word. Then we sat back down on the coach took a sip of our drinks.

“Your place is very nice I’m happy you showed it to me” she said.

Jodie leaned down hugged me and kissed me on the lips I kissed her back and melted in her arms. We kissed like teens and we both started to get excited.

Jodie got up she went to pick me up but took my hand and we went into my bedroom. I stood in front of the bed and watched her start to get undressed I loved her body so warm and inviting.

She looked down at me and started to unbutton my shirt and take it off. Jodie bent down in front of me and unbuckled my belt unbuttons my pants and pulled my zipper down they fell to the floor and I stepped out of them.

Jodie started to take my shoes off “this is silly you will never need these again I’m not ashamed to be with you I love you” she said.

She was down to her bra and panties and I was down to underwear she laid us down on the bed and we started to kiss again.

She put her hand on my underwear and started to rub my dick it was as hard as a nail. We laid down side by side she broke our kiss and while she rubbed my dick above my underwear.

“I had a wonderful Valentine’s day thank you Jerry” she said as she slipped her hand into my underwear and stroked me looking into my eyes.

“Our first date on Valentine’s day is so special I just wanted you to know it was the best date I ever had” she said.

I kissed her on the lips and started to tell her how much I loved her I reached around her unhooked her bra she took it off and buried her nipple into my face I took it into my mouth and started to suckle on one then the other.

“Oh Jerry your lips are so warm suckle honey make Jodie feel good” she said.

I continued to suckle as she closed her eyes and I licked, kissed and suckle her nipples.

She pooped her nipple out of my mouth and started to kiss down my chest. She kissed my nipple her hands all over my body. Jodie lifted my bottom and started to pull my underwear down. I don’t know if she was surprised that I wasn’t wearing a diaper but I’m happy she did not say anything.

Jodie slid my underwear down and took them off.

She spread my legs and started to kiss up my thighs up one side then the other when she got to my balls she kissed them took both into her mouth I was holding back I wanted to cum so bad.

“Oh God Jodie that feels so good” I said as she washed my balls in her mouth.

“I love how clean you keep yourself down here Jerry it’s so soft and smooth”. She went back to what she was doing then started to lick my balls then kissed up to my dick she held it in her hand kissed it tasting my pre cum.

I had to grab the sheets not to cum right there and then.

My dick slipped into her mouth she knew I was close I didn’t know if she wanted me to cum it felt like she did the way she sucked on my dick her head going up and down on me.

My legs were open wide as she bobbed her head. My dick pooped out of her mouth “cum in my mouth it’s ok there are other ways of making a women climax” she whispered I knew what she meant.

Jodie held my balls in her hand foundling them while she bobbed her head up and down faster.

The hand that was fondling my balls slid down her finger touching my hole. She circled it with her wet finger then slipped it inside me.

“Oh God Jodie I’m going to cum” I yelled as she sucked my dick faster and harder.

“Mmmmm” Jodie said with my dick in her mouth I filled her mouth with my seed I never came that hard or that much. She swallowed every drop then she cleaned me off.

She slide up in between my legs and kissed me I hugged her to me and kissed her back. I could taste my seed on the inside of her mouth as we French kissed. She felt so good in between my legs and her weight on top of me.

Jodie broke our kiss she looked me in the eyes “that’s for being the best Valentine I ever had” she said with a big smile.

I was out of breathe “that was great baby” I said “but” she put her finger on my lips. “You know what I meant so all you have to do now is please your date with your mouth. We can make love before the night is over you know how I like making love with you” she said.

I kissed her and pushed she knew what I wanted and turned over. We continued to kiss while she laid on her back her legs open. I kissed her behind the ear kissed her neck I sucked on her neck I gave her a hicky.

As I kissed down my hands were all over her I knew what was expected and kissed her nipples. I suckled from one to the other had her moaning my name.

“Yes Jerry Oh yes Jerry”. She put her hand on the back of my head and guided me down. I kissed her belly button and she pushed down again. I pulled the waist band of her panties down got them down past her knees and took them off.

I kissed and lick her pussy she was so wet for me I wanted to fuck her put I did what she wanted. I buried my face in between her pussy lips kissed and sucked her pussy with my hands on her inner thighs.

“Yes Jerry yes that is what I want right now make me cum” she said as she held my head in between her legs and pushed my head deeper.

Jodie moaned as I ate her pussy I slid my tongue inside her and she moaned louder. She held the back of my head with both hands and pushed my face into her. I did everything I knew to make a women climax and that is what I did. My face got wetter I buried my tongue and two fingers into her.

“Yes Jerry right there ohhhh God yes Jerry” she moaned.

I found her wet clit played with it with my wet tongue she went wild above me. I’m so proud that I made her climax 2 times already and here was her third time.

“I’m small but I’m a tiger when it comes time to please a lady” I said to myself.

“Yes baby you make me feel so good” she said. “Jerry honey I’ll be your Valentine or your girlfriend always and anytime” she said she pulled me up in between her legs and kissed me holding me tight with her arms around me.

It was the most passionate kiss I ever got in my life. I felt so warm and loved as we lay there together just catching our breath.

I laid in her arms her hand going up and down my back my head on her shoulder I kissed her neck closed my eyes and we were both asleep.




Chapter 11 … coming soon if you are interested.


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Hope you are enjoying it. Thanks for reading it. ?


First Time at the Ball Drop in Times Square

Chapter 11

          I glanced at the clock as I woke up it was only 11 pm. I looked at Jodie her eyes were open looking at me.

“Hi” she said sexy like “I was waiting for you to wake up I promised you we would make love before the night was over”.

Her hand started playing with my soft dick.

“Are you awake enough to make love to me” she asked as my dick started to get hard in her soft hand.

“I’m always ready to make love to you Jodie you are my one and only” I answered and I started to kiss her. She kissed me back and I grow harder.

My hand went in between her legs I played with her clitty she moaned in my mouth as we started to French kiss.

We kissed and fondled each other. My hand went up to her breasts then my lip went to her nipple. I took one in my mouth and started to suckle while my wet fingers circled around her clitty. Jodie moaned and put her hand on the back of my head.

“Yes Jerry you know what makes me happy” she said.

I suckled one then the other and as I did I got in between her legs. I kissed, suckled her nipples till they were hard. I kissed down she was so soft when I got to her belly button. I blow bubbles into it and continued down. She giggled and opened her legs.

“Oh yes Jerry make me happy make love to me sweetheart” she whispered.

I kissed and licked her then kissed her pussy. She shivered below me and put her hands on the back of my head. I gently pushed her pussy lips apart and put my tongue inside her.

Jodie pushed her hips up and she came with a moan. I licked her pussy tasting her love Juices. I buried my face in between her legs. My tongue hit her hard little wet clitty and I sucked and licked it like it was a little dick.

Jodie moaned above me “Oh God Jerry yes”. Her legs came around my head she squeezed my head in between her legs and lifted her hips a little.

With two fingers I gentle slid them into her she was going crazy above me calling my name and pushing my face into her pussy.

I guess she couldn’t take any more she pulled me up on top of her by my hair and we kissed passionately. She put her arms around me and held me tight.

“You are the best thing that ever happened to me” she whispered out of breath. “My time with guys was very limited because of my weight”. “I love you so much Jerry you are a wonderful man”.

She turned me onto my back and started to kiss down my body. She went to my dick and took it into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down up and down sucking on it like it was a straw of a soda pop.

“Oh baby easy” I said. Jodie licked my balls she cleaned them with her tongue and popped them into her mouth. My hands were on the back of her head my legs around her shoulders.

“Oh Jodie I’m going to cum” I warned her.

“No not yet I have more for you” she said.

She pushed my legs up and started to kiss and lick my hole. I moaned and tried to get away but she held me down. Her tongue went into my hole and I almost lost it but got control and held strong not to cum.

My legs were up as she fucked my hole with her tongue kissing licking it. I was on another planet. I wanted to cum so bad but didn’t want to disobey her.

Jodie pushed my legs up a little more I felt her put her finger inside me. “No” I yelled and tried to get away” but she held my legs with one hand. She licked and kissed around her finger fucking me.

She let my legs down and got on top of me my hard dick slipped inside her and she started to fuck me.

“Oh Jerry you are such a good boyfriend” she said as she bounced up and down on my dick. She moved her hips on my dick her moaning made me feel so good.

“I’m going to cum Jodie” I said and she started to go faster. “Cum Jerry cum inside me show me how much you love me” she said and I emptied my balls inside her. I saw stars as I unloaded my baby seed inside her and again we came at the same time.

Jodie laid on top of me both of us out of breath. We stayed holding each other for a few minutes then she got up and ran to the bathroom. I thought she was going to get washed up but a few minutes later I heard her crying in the bathroom.

“Jodie are you Ok” I asked and got up.

“Jodie answer me please” I said as I tried the door but it was locked.

I heard her crying harder and she did not answer me. I knew she was not going to come out soon “I’m here when you come out when you are ready” I said.

Sitting on the bed not knowing what to do was killing me but I gave her her space. 10 minutes later I heard the bathroom door unlocked and she came out.

“I’m … I’m so sorry Jerry … I should have never done that to you I’ll leave if you are angry” she said.

“Angry about what we just made the best love since we have been together as boyfriend and girlfriend why are you sorry did you do something wrong” I asked as she sat on the end of the bed away from me.

“I … I don’t know what came over me” she said.

“Honey you’re going to have to be more specific then that I’m not angry I love you let’s talk about this” I said. I moved and sat down next to her and put my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

She put her arms around me sniffing. I wiped her tears off with my finger and kissed her cheek again.

We sat hugging then I whispered “want to talk about it”?

“I got carried away … I didn’t mean to do what I did to you can you please forgive me” she said.

I said “Ok” then thought about what she did to me this time then before and the only thing I could think of was when she started to kiss my hole and fucked me with her finger and her tongue. I did try to get away from her when she did that to me but as always I just let her do what makes her happy and if I’m honest it felt Ok.

“Oh that” I said.

“I’m so sorry” she said and held onto me and started to cry again on my shoulder.

I held her tight “I got carried away and in the moment I’m so sorry” she said.

“Ok … Ok I was just surprised that’s all I’m not angry” I said and kissed her on the lips. “You’re my girl we can try things as we go but that was a little over the top I just didn’t expect it”.

“Oh you’re so sweet and understanding” she said and we started to kiss.

“You know Jodie make up sex is always good too” I said smiling at her.

Jodie pushed me on my back and got on top of me and started to kiss me.

“Oh ya” I yelled and we made love until we fell asleep.


The next morning we woke up I noticed I had a diaper on I must have been so relaxed from our love making I didn’t wake up when she put the diaper on me.

“Good morning” I said touching her face.

“Good morning baby how did you sleep” she asked?

“It must have been a deep sleeper because I don’t remember you putting me in a diaper” I said.

“Mommy wanted to make sure you didn’t wet your bed while you slept” she said.

“Thank you Mommy how do you feel this morning” I asked?

“A little better I’m really sorry for what happened last night”.

“That was great make up sex” I said and she started to blow bubbles into my belly.

“You’re such a bad little boy” she said and kept blowing bubbles into my belly button.

“Can Mommy take you out to breakfast” she asked?

“Ok where” I said.

“To where Rose works I think you owe her and apology” Jodie said.

“Ok but it will not be with my heart” I said.

“How about with your cute little hinny over my knee” she said.

“No you’re not going to spank me you love me to much” I said.

Jodie got up “I’ll change you after I take my shower” Jodie said and went into the bathroom.

I laid there with my hands behind my head I wondered what it would feel like if she gave me a spanking or worst if Rose gave me a spanking. I got a tingle in my little balls and shook it off.

When Jodie came out of the bathroom with a towel around her body and one around her hair she walked over to my dresser she took the baby wipes, powder and a diaper and set it on the bed.

“So are you going to be a good little baby for me and behave yourself when we have breakfast” she asked and she put my binkie in between my lips and I started to suck on it. She picked my legs up and slid the wet diaper from under me. She took baby wipe and started to wipe my bottom then my diaper area.

“Well” she asked as she put the clean diaper under me and lowered my hinny onto it.

“Yes Mommy I be a good baby for you” I said with the binkie in my mouth.

Jodie finished my diaper change and went back to my dresser she pulled out a blue Omnie that she bought me a few weeks ago with nothing on the front.

“What” she said “it’s not babyish”.

“Just relax and let Mommy dress you I told you I would never embarrass you” then she stopped and looked at me I gave her a mean look and she told me “handies up” she pulled the Omnie down and snapped it in between my legs then told me to get dress.

I heard a horn outside my apartment building and looked. Manny was standing there and waved at me. “Did you call a cab Jodie” I asked?

“Yes I called the lobby and told your friend to call one for you I hope that was Ok I have to stop at my house to change and get a few things” she said.

“Yes thank you” I said.

We took the elevator down and we got into the cab Jodie told the driver where to go.

When we got to her house she paid the cabby and we went inside.

“Jodie” I said “sorry but I have to go potty”. I had no idea where that word came from but I had to take my morning poop.

We were standing in the living room Jodie started to undress me. She took my diaper off and spanks my bottom as I went into the bathroom. I did my business and went back to the living room.

She had another diaper laid out on the rug. “Lie down” she said and put the diaper on me she dressed me and we walked to the front door I opened it for her but before she walked out she picked up the diaper bag and put it on her shoulder. Jodie took my hand and we went over to her car. She opened the back door picked me up and sat me down in the baby car seat and buckled me in.

Then she put the diaper bag on the floor behind the passenger seat. I looked up at her and she said “what I told you all baby’s need a diaper bag”. She slipped my binkie in my mouth I think to keep me quit.

When we arrived at the diner she opened the back door unbuckled me and picked me up and set me down on the ground. Jodie closed the door and locked it and started to walk away.

I took my binkie out of my mouth and said “Mommy”. She turned around and giggled and put it into her bag. I grabbed her hand and we walked to the front of the diner and went in.

Rose came over with coffee and tea for us. I took it and smelled it before I fixed it with milk.

“You told him” she asked?

“Yes I had to” Jodie said “and by the way I think Jerry has something to say to you”.

I stood up I looked up at Rose then at Jodie then back at Rose.

“I’m sorry I was rude to you the last time we were here” I said.

“Well wasn’t that sweet thank you Jerry” she kissed me on my cheek “I accept your apology”. “What can I get you this morning” she asked?

I sat down and we ordered this time I ordered. When we finished we had another cup of coffee and tea and Rose came over. She handed a pamphlet to Jodie and told her she was having a special kind of a party at her house tomorrow Sunday then whispered in her ear.

“Oh that sound existing” Jodie said. “I’m sure I can make it”.

Rose put the check on the table and Jodie picked it up “my treat remember” she said. As we were walking to the car I asked “what was in the pamphlet”?

“Rose is having a party for ladies” she said.

“For ladies what is that” I asked?

“It’s a Lingerie party night gowns, panties, bras you know”.

“Oh” I said.

Jodie opened the door picked me up and put me in the car seat and put my binkie in my mouth.

“So we have a few places to go to this morning I hope you don’t mind” she said and closed the door. She got behind the wheel and drove out of the parking lot. I had to admit the car seat was very comfortable I was almost asleep when we got to her first stop.

“Wake up honey we are here’ I heard her say.

“Where are we Mommy” I asked?

“We are at the mall baby we have to pick up a few things” she answered.

Jodie took me out of the car seat she took the binkie out of my mouth then reached for the diaper bag. She held my hand until we entered the mall. Jodie walked and I followed right next to her. I was looking for those bullies.

Jodie would it be Ok if I went to say hi to Steve” I asked?

“Yes baby that’s a good idea but please baby be careful” she answered.

I went up the escalator to the third floor. I saw the sports store and walked in. I walked around for a few minutes then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I got scared but when I turned around it was Steve.

“Hey little buddy good to see you again” he said.

I looked up and saw Steve smiling with a sports jacket on with the name of the store and his name on it. “Steve Morgan ... Manager”.

I put my hand out and said “hi Mr. Morgan” he laughed and shook my hand with his big hand. “You’re my friend you can call me Steve” he said.

“What brings you here today” he asked?

“My girlfriend is shopping downstairs”. “I didn’t know you were the manager of the store”.

“Well a funny thing happened that day” “Somehow management found out what happened the last time you were here and what I did for you and they bumped me up to Manager”.

“Holy cow that’s great” I said.

“Let’s go to my office” Steve said.

“You know I have to tell you I had a dream about that day” I said as we walked to his office.

His office was full of security cameras and had people monitoring them. Steve sat down at his desk and I sat down next to him.

“What was the dream about” he asked. “Would you like a cup of coffee sorry I don’t have a latte machine”.

“Sure thank you” I said and told him about my dream while he made the coffee.

“That must have been a very scary dream” he said and put the coffee on his desk.

“Yes it was I woke up with a ... I was going to say wet diaper but I corrected myself and said “shaking”.

“I was just happy I was there when it happened to help you”.

“Ha I was happier”.

“So are you interested in sports” Steve asked?

“Well no with my height I was never good at anything” I answered.

“Let’s go take a walk maybe you can see something you like” he said.

“Ok” I said and we finished our coffee and we went down stairs.

Steve and I walked around his store he was pointing out a few jerseys of sports teams but I wasn’t interested.

“Are you a Giant fan” he asked?

“Yes” I said with excitement.

We walked over to the Giant section and he pulled from the rack a small Giant jersey. “Let’s see if this will fit you” he said.

I went to take it from him to put it on but he said “hands up” and he pulled it over my head with my arms through the sleeves and it slid straight down my small body.

“I guess this will never do” he said “it looks like a night gown on you and it’s touching the floor”. He pulled it back over my head and pulled it off and put it on the top of the rack.

“Come with me” he said and surprisingly he took my hand. We walked to another section he pulled out a few Giant jerseys and held them up to me. I looked around to see if anyone could see my Daddy picking out jerseys for me that’s what it felt like that’s when I noticed the sign “boys department”.

I don’t go to the boys department to buy clothes because I shop on line most of the time.

“Hands up” Steve said again. He pulled the jersey over my head and pulled it down.

“Usually jerseys are bigger because sometimes you have to wear a sweater or a sweet shirt under them if it gets cold” he said.

“Ok” I said and he turned me around. He puts his hand on my shoulders to see how it fit and under my arms then down around my waist. Then he did something I didn’t except his hands went over my butt and my diaper underneath.

He looked surprised and looked at me. I turn beet red I was so embarrassed.

“I’m sorry” Steve said. “I … I didn’t know”.

“It’s Ok Steve noone knows only Jodie” I said.

“Why do you have a diaper on” he asked?

Then I noticed he still had his hands on my butt and he was squeezing them.

“I was born premature at birth and have a small bladder” I said.

“Sorry” he said “at least you can function like an adult”.

“Ya but it has been hard for me”.

“Well I think you look cute it’s a little to long but better than the other one” he said going over the jersey with his hands to make sure it fit Ok.

“Do you like it” Steve asked?

“Yes it’s great Steve thank you very much. Again he took my hand and we went behind the cashier.

“Marie this is my friend Jerry please make out a receipt for this jersey and I will sign for it”.

“Ok Mr. Morgan” she said as she turned around.

“OMG …Well hellooo Jerry aren’t you cute with your Giant jersey on” she said.

“No Marie please just make out the receipt thank you I’ll explain later” he said.

“Sorry” Jerry Steve said in a whisper. “Hope you can come back again and I hope I can meet your girlfriend the next time I can’t leave just yet”.

“That’s Ok Steve I understand and thank you for the jersey” I said. I started to walk away but Steve grabbed my arm he leaned over the top of me and pulled up the jersey his hand on the front of my pants and pulled the price tag off.

“You would have set off the machine” he said.

I looked at Marie she was waving bye bye to me.

I walked out of the store and went to find Jodie. I found her sitting on a bench near the down escalator on the first floor.

“OMG Jerry you look adorable in that jersey did Steve give that to you” she asked.

“Mommy can you change me please” I whispered in her ear.

“Yes baby of course” she said.

We went to the handi cap bathroom she locked the door behind her. She reached into her bag took out my binkie and put it into my mouth and laid me on the changing table. Then she pushed my jerseys up over my belly.

“Oh baby your diaper leaked you pants are soaked” she said. I looked down and sure enough there was a big wet spot between my legs I didn’t know how that happened well I knew. I was hoping Steve didn’t notice it.

“It’s Ok baby not the end of the world” she said and started to take my sneakers off then my pants.

As Mommy changed me she said “Baby unfortunately we don’t have a spare pair of pants in your diaper bag”.

“What we do” ommy” I asked with the binkie in my mouth.

“Well Mommy has an idea you may not like it but we may have to do it” she said finishing up the diaper change.

Mommy stood me up on the changing table and pulled the Giant jersey down. “Perfect” she said. “You look adorable”.

“No … no Jodie no way am I not going out in public dressed like this not going to happen sorry” I said.

“Ok baby then you can go out in just your dipee because you cannot wear your pants this is the next best thing to do”. “Give me another idea and let me tell you this, you are being a very bad boy not listening to your Mommy”. “Mommy is trying to help you” she said.

I looked at her then the Giant jersey that looked like a big shirt it barely covered my diapered bottom then back at her all red in the face and said “No way sorry no”.

Mommy’s face turned redder she picked me up she walked over to a couch that was by the wall she sat down pulled me over her lap pulled the jersey up and over my back that’s when I realized what she was about to do. My binkie fell out of my mouth I squirmed and trying to get up “no Jodie no pleases” I said.

“You want to be a bad baby boy when all I’m trying to do is to help you and you not listen to Mommy this is what happens to bad babies” she said as she pulled my diaper down under my cheeks.

I swear I heard her giggling as my diaper was pulled down.

“No … no Jodie please don’t do this to me” I yelled and squirmed on her lap.

Her hand come down on my bottom “who am I” she asked?

“Mommy … Mommy please don’t do this to me” I said.

“You have been asking for this since you were rude to Rose and this is just the icing on the cake” she said as she was rubbing my ass.

“Please Jo … Mommy please don’t spank me I’m sorry” I said.

Her hand came down on my bottom it was a love tap but I did hear her giggling.

“I always want to do this and say this “this is going to hurt you more than it is going to hurt me” then she giggled again her hand come down on my bottom with a little force.

She would spank me then rub my bottom and spank me again. It was bad it stung and it was uncomfortable but she seemed to be enjoying it.

“No Mommy no I be a good boy no more pleeease Mommy “. Jodie spanked me about six or 7 times then she picked me up and put me on her lap and started to hug me. She rubbed my bottom as she spoke. “You were a bad baby and Mommy was only trying to help you I love you and would never hurt you but this is the only way we are going to go home” she said as she pulled my diaper up.

“Ok Mommy I sorry I do what you want” I said as I started to hiccuped.

She giggled and rocked us back and forth as she hugged me rubbing my hinny. “I love you its all better now” she said as she kissed my cheek.

Jodie stood up and laid me back on the changing table. I felt a tear run down my cheek I think it was more from being embarrassed then the spanking.

She saw it wiped it off and got on top of me I hopped the changing table would not collapse and started to kiss me passionately with her tongue in my mouth. I moaned and put my arms around her.

When she stopped kissing me she put my sneakers back on put my pants in the diaper bag and the supplies picked me up and walked to the door. “I love you” she said and unlocked the door and started to walk out.

“Was there a bad little baby in there that got his bottom spanked” and lady with a girl baby in her arms’ asked?

“Yes there was a little boy that needed his bottom spanked for not listening to his Mommy” Jodie answered. She put me down and held my hand and as we walked hand and hand I heard people giggling and some said “how adorable” I even heard a few guys yell “Ya lets go Giants” in all it wasn’t that bad.

I feel asleep in the car Mommy laid me on the couch I woke up to see her taking her blouse and bra off. “Lunch” I was thinking but didn’t say it I didn’t want another spanking although I knew she loved it it made her feel just like a real Mommy.

She picked me up laid down on the couch with me in her arms she put her hand on the back of my head and pushed me closer to her left nipple I latched on and suckle like a new born.

Mommy moaned and held me closer. “I’m sorry if I hurt my little pumpkin” she said and rubbed my diapered bottom while she rocked us back and forth.

“I wish I had milkie for you baby that would really make you my baby and me your Mommy” she said.

Mommy put her hand in between her legs she was pleasing herself with her fingers. She switched me to her right nipple and I suckled faster.

“Yes baby Jerry suckle from Mommy Jodie make her feel good baby”.

After a few more minutes Mommy moaned and came. She was exhausted and she was breathing fast and hard. I think she enjoyed spanking me and having me suckle I guess it turned her on.

“I’m sorry baby I got so horny after giving you that spanking it felt really good baby sorry next time I’ll let baby do it” she said and we feel asleep together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi chapter 12 has been done for two weeks. I started chapter 13 but seeing only likes after 317 views and no comments like other stories like this I'm not sure if you want me to continue. I'm enjoying this fancy I enjoy writing even if I am not a good writer like others. 

Take Care hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July God bless America. 

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I like your story. I like that it a sexual story without extreme punishment and so on. Its the type of stories that there's not many of on this site. So please do continue the story. I like to read it, and if you like to write it, then it's all good ??☺️

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9 hours ago, mordand said:

I like your story. I like that it a sexual story without extreme punishment and so on. Its the type of stories that there's not many of on this site. So please do continue the story. I like to read it, and if you like to write it, then it's all good ??☺️

Thank you for your post but you are the only one who posts anything. 

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Chapter 12

          We both woke up still on the couch I was laying on top of her her arms wrapped around me.

“Are you awake baby” she asked?

I opened my eyes and looked up at her “yes Mommy I a wake” I said with my binkie in my mouth.

“I think it is time for lunch” she said and she sneaked two fingers into my diaper.

“You’re just damped” she said. She sat me on her lap while she put her blouse back on then picked me up in her arms. We walked to the kitchen and Mommy put me in her make shift high chair and started to make lunch.

We sat down together she feed me and herself at the same time. After she gave me my sippy cup she picked up the phone in the kitchen and dialed a number. “Hi Janet how you doing” she asked?

“Good listen I know its short notice but can you baby sit tomorrow” Mommy asked?

“You can Oh that’s wonderful can you be here at 1”?

“Ok that’s great see you tomorrow then thank you” Mommy said and hung up.

Mommy sat down next to me and pushed my hair out of my eyes.

I put the sippy cup on the table “Mommy” … I started to say but she put her finger to my lips “baby you said it would be Ok if Aunt Janet babysat you do you remember baby” she asked?

I lowered my head and said “yes Mommy”.

“Good boy” she said. “Why don’t you go into the livingroom while Mommy cleans up the kitchen turn on cartoons and play with your toys”.

“Ok Mommy” I said and she helped me to the floor.

I was watching Tom and Jerry and playing with my Lego’s when she came in.

“Good boy Mommy said. “Come sit on Mommy’s lap”.

I crawled over to Mommy she picked me up and sat me on her lap facing her.

“Now baby I want to explain about tomorrow Rose invited me to a party and Mommy wants to go and Aunt Janet is going to babysit as I said”. “She will be in charge you will do whatever she tells you to do don’t be a bad baby be a good boy for Mommy or Mommy might have to give you a spanking” she said with a smile.

“Ok Mommy” I said sadly.

“Come on baby don’t look so sad” she said. “How about we go to the park this morning I will put you in a swing and push you back and forth”. “Then you can use the see saw and the baby slid and maybe we can have a snack while we are there” she said.

“Ok” Mommy “that sounds like fun” I answered and brightened me up a little.

Mommy picked me up put me on her hip and we walked into her bedroom.

“My good little baby will have fun with Auntie Janet do you remember when she was playing with you before” she asked?

“Yes Mommy I e ember” I said with my binkie in my mouth.

She started to change my wet diaper after she cleaned me off with the baby wipes and pulled the wet diaper out from under me she started to blow bubbles into my belly button. I started to giggle and kicked my legs and she giggled too. She kept blowing bubbles as she went lower as I felt her fingers playing with my baby balls.

She took my peepee into her soft hand and started to play with it. She kissed it and stroked it. My peepee started to grow Mommy giggled and put her lips on the tip of my peepee and kiss it.

“Does that feel good baby I’m sure it does yes it does” she said and started to suck my peepee slowly.

“Oh Mommy yes that feels good” I answered.

“Mmmmm good baby” she said as she stroked my peepee and sucked on it. Mommy started to lick my balls. She took them into her mouth and washed them both with her tongue. I looked down watching Mommy. Her tongue licked and sucked my balls and stroked me.

“Baby going to cum for his Mommy” she asked as she stroked me faster.

“Es ommy es” I moaned.

“Come for Mommy baby Cum in Mommy’s mouth cum for Mommy baby let Mommy make you happy”.

Mommy put her mouth on my peepee as she played with my balls.

“Ommy … ommy I umming ommy” I moaned.

She stroked my peepee and bobbed her head up and down. Mommy moaned and sealed her lips around my peepee and I came in her mouth she did not miss a drop.

“Mmmm baby tastes so good yes …yes he does” she said licking her lips.

Mommy picked my legs up and slid a diaper under me and taped it tight around me. I sat up and pulled Mommy to me for a kiss I tasted my seed inside her mouth as I French kissed her. I pulled her down on top of me as we kissed more. I put my arms around her and kissed her with passion and love.

Mommy broke our kiss and stood up I saw tears in her eyes “that … that was so sweet baby and I love you too” she said.

She walked over to my dresser she took out an Omnie and walked back to me “upy upy” she said and helped me up.

“Handies up please” she said and pulled the Omnie over my head arms through the sleeve and pulled it down. She pushed me back down and pulled the tail of the Omnie under me pulled the front down and snapped it together.

I sat up and looked at the front of it. “Mommies big baby boy” it said. Not exactly what I would say was suddule but it was cute.

“Now go get dress baby Mommy is going to get a few snacks together to bring with us” she said.

I got dressed while she was in the kitchen. I looked at the Omnie again in the mirror and shook my head I was feeling a little embarrassed what if there were people in the playground I wondered and got what it really meant.

Mommy came out of the kitchen with a small snack bag she handed it to me. She picked up the diaper bag and her bag. I opened the door she locked it behind us.

Mommy bent down and picked me up she walked to her car and opened the back door. She put the diaper bag in its place and put me in the car seat.

“There we go little pumpkin all safe and sound” she said closing the door and got in the driver’s seat. We drove out of her neighborhood to the next town. When we parked she opened the door took me out of the car seat held me on her hip picked up the diaper bag and swung it over shoulder. She handed me the snack bag and we walked into the playground.

There were only a few people there two had babies and one Mommy had a toddler. Mommy walked over to a table she sat me down on it then put the diaper bag under it.

“Ok sweetie what would you like to try first” Mommy asked?

I ran over to the slide and started to go up the latter. Mommy went to the end of the slid and waited for me to come down. When I got to the top and sat down I saw Mommy with her hand on her mouth giggling I wondered what was so funny.

I pushed off and started to slide down and said “weeeee” that’s when I knew what she was giggling about. I still had my binkie in my mouth from this morning’s diaper change. It feels so natural when I have it in my mouth and I guess Mommy likes to see me when I have it in sucking on it.

Mommy met me at the end picked me up and looked at my face I was so red and embarrassed.

She hugged me tight and rocked us back and forth “shhh it’s Ok baby no one saw you” she said and looked around. “Besides you’re my baby and all baby’s suck on a binkie and they suckle from their Mommy’s” she said hugging me tight.

I went to take it out but she stopped me “no baby you look so adorable” she said.

I left it in and ran to the ladder I went down again and again then on my third time when I sat down to slide down she said “Baby wait” she went into her bag and took out her cell she started to take pictures as I played on the baby slide.

“Ok baby come down please” she took pictures as I slide to the bottom.

“OMG so cute” she said looking at the pictures she just took. After 5 or 6 minutes I got bored and went over to the see saw. I got on one side still with my binkie in my mouth and she gently got on the other side and sat down every time I was on top she took another picture of me.

“I have to remember to make a baby album for my little baby boy” she said.

As we were see sawing up and down the toddler I saw when we first came in stood and watched us go up and down.

He was a little shorter than me had red hair he looked about my age I mean my baby age and was smiling.

Mommy stopped “would you like to see saw with my Jerry” she asked him? He smiled and looked back at his Mommy who was changing a baby on the table.

She said “Ok” to my Mommy. She stopped and let me down and picked the little boy up and we started to go up and down as we both giggled. Mommy was by the little red head pushing us up and down to make sure he didn’t fall off. She was going up and down very slowly and not all the way up.

The little red heads Mommy came over with her baby in her arms. “Hi looks like they found playmates” she said to Mommy.

“Hi Jodie and that’s Jerry” Mommy said.

“Hi Sandy and this is Randy nice to meet you and this is my little girl Grace she’s 9 month’s” she said.

“Ya looks like they are enjoying them self’s” Mommy said and they started to talk. “Are you boys ready to switch” Mommy asked us?

“Es ommy” I said with my binkie in my mouth. Randy and I ran over to the swings but both Mummies’ said at the same time “no the baby swings”.

I stomped my foot and we walked over to the baby swings and waited for our Mommy’s.

My Mommy put Randy in a swing because Sandy was holding Grace. My Mommy picked me up put my legs through the holes and strapped me in. I looked at Mommy she whispered “I love you you are making me so happy”.

I got butter flies in my belly I was happy I was giving her what she may have never felt in her life I was very proud of myself and smiled back at her.

My Mommy swung me first then Randy as she talked to Sandy.

When swing time was over Mommy took us both out and put us on the ground.

“Ok who wants a snack” my Mommy asked?

Mommy went over to our table and picked up our things and walked over to Sandy’s table. Randy and I sat together. I figured he had to be 3 or 4 years old. He was a cute little red head. Thin like me he had green eyes and two little dimples.

Mommy took out Oreo's and a couple of juice boxes. Randy and I enjoyed all of them. From the corner of my eye sitting next to Mommy I saw Sandy breast feeding Grace. I was staring and listened to her sucking noise just like I do with Mommy Jodie.

“Baby it’s not nice to stare” Mommy whispered and giggled.

“Sorry” I whispered back.

“But I don’t blame you baby it’s so sweet and natural” Mommy said.

“Randy hunny are you wet” Sandy asked?

Randy looked down at the table and said “yes Mommy I’m sorry”.

“We have been trying to potty train him”. “That’s Ok sweetheart you were having fun but don’t forget next time Ok” Sandy said.

“Jodie would you mine holding Grace” Sandy asked?

“No … no not at all” Mommy said beaming.

I watched as Mommy held the little girl in her arms and rocked her as she fell asleep after nursing from her Mommy.

Sandy put a binkie in his mouth and started to change him right next to me on the bench. When she pulled his wet diaper off I couldn’t help but look at his peepee mine was just a tiny bit bigger.

When Sandy was done “you want me to take care of your little one” Sandy asked Mommy?

I think Mommy was in happy land holding a baby girl. She nodded her head and Sandy laid me down on the bench next to Randy. “You like your binkie when Mommy changes you” Sandy asked? She picked it up from the table and slipped it in between my lips like she did to Randy before his diaper change.

She took my pants off then unsnapped the Omnie she stopped to read what was on the front of my Omnie then slid it up over my belly and under me. She looked me over then smiled and untapped my diaper took my ankles lifted them up pulled the wet diaper from under me and slid the clean one in place.

Sandy washed my diaper area and powdered me she looked at Jodie and smiled she was holding Grace rocking her back and forth.

Sandy started to rub the powder in she played with my peepee a little and I started to get hard.

She smiled at me and winked then pulled the diaper up between my legs and tapped it tight to me. She pulled the Omnie down and snapped it together then put my pants back on.

“Jodie are you having fun” Sandy asked?

“Yes Sandy it’s great but a baby girl there is just something special about a baby girl”. “You can dress them up in pretty cloths put their hair in pig tails to make them cute as a button” Jodie said without looking at me or Sandy.

“Oh so true my I ask you a personnel question it may sound a little strange but I could really use your help”.

“Sure what can I do for you” Mommy asked”?

“Randy didn’t breast feed from me when he was a baby and sometimes Grace don’t empty me all the way like just now”. “Did you nurse Jerry when he was younger” Grace said.

Jodie looked up shocked then looked at me.

“Yes I nursed him when he was … younger” Mommy said.

“Would you mind if I let him finish what was left” she asked blushing.

Mommy smiled from ear to ear.

“I have no problem helping you out if you want him to” Mommy explained.

Sandy pulled me into her arms on her lap she got me in the baby position she opened her blouse and opened the little flaps on her bra. She took my head and guided my lips to her nipple poking out of the flap. I licked the milk off her nipple then latched on and started to suckle.

Sandy moaned as I watched Jodie’s smile grow bigger.

“Is that good baby boy it’s Ok to nurse from me your Mommy said it was Ok” Sandy said as she held the back of my head closer to her and rocked us back and forth.

I suckled and relaxed I’m pretty sure Sandy knows what was written on my Omnie meant and was taking advantage of it. She put her hand on the front of my diaper and my peepee started to grow.

Warm milk slid down into my belly making me feel so good. Her milk was sweet and warm it tasted so good. I suckled gently and when that one went empty she switched to her other it was as good as the first.

I must have fallen asleep because I don’t remember a thing until Mommy was picking me up out of the car seat.

“What … what happened where are Randy, Sandy and Grace” I asked as I was rubbing my eyes. “I … I didn’t say good bye” I said with my binkie in my mouth holding onto Mommy’s neck as we walked into the house.

“Shhhhh baby it’s Ok Sandy and I talked … after you fell asleep in her arms I made a play date you will see them again”.

I relaxed as Mommy patted my diapered bottom and we walked into her room.

She laid me down on her bed and went to get the changing supplies. When she came back she started to take my pants and sneakers off.

“Did you have a good time at the playground” she asked?

I blushed and said “yes Mommy” with my binkie in my mouth.

“How did you like your first taste of Mommy’s milk” she asked?

“It was warm and sweet I never tasted that before and it was good” I answered.

Mommy unsnapped my Omnie and pulled it off.

I took my binkie out of my mouth “Mommy I think Sandy knew what I was” I said blushing.

Mommy giggled “yes she did baby but she was Ok with it she understood after I told her our story”. “It was really nice holding a baby girl in my arms but that’s Ok I have my baby boy and I love him” and she started to blow bubbles into my naked belly button.

Mommy finished changing me she picked me up and we went into the livingroom. She sat me on the floor turned on the TV and told me to be good and watch TV while she fixed dinner.

“Baby din din is ready” she called from the kitchen.

I crawled to the kitchen when I got there there was a high chair in the place where my make shift chair was. I looked at Mommy she smiled “surprise” she said and clapped her hands.

“How did that get there” I asked with my binkie in my mouth?

“I bought it on line from Babies R U” she said. “I asked Auntie Janet to come over when it came to let UPS drive in” Mommy said.

Mommy picked me up she sat me down buckled the belt around me and slid the tray in and it snapped in place.

“Do you like it” Mommy asked all excited?

I took my binkie out of my mouth and put it on my tray “yes Mommy I like it thank you” I said. Mommy went to the counter she took a bib and Velcro it around my neck. She sat down put my din din on the tray and starts to feed me.

“Mommy has plans to get you a changing table too won’t that be nice baby” she said. Mommy feed me until there was no more. She was smiling and talking to me in baby talk.

“Open wide for the choo choo” or “for the air a plane” she was having a great time feeding her baby boy talking to me cooing to me she was so happy. Mommy washed my face and hands with a wet towel. Then she unsnapped the tray and pulled it out. She unbuckled me and picked me up took the bottle which she called a baba and walked into the living room.

Mommy laid on the couch with me in her arms she held me close and put the nipple into my mouth and I started to suck it. Mommy’s arm was holding me close to her while her hand was patting my diapered bottom.

“You were such a good baby today did you like playing with your new friend Randy” she asked?

I shook my head yes and continued to drink my milk from my baba.

“I know you enjoyed your first taste of Mothers milk you were smiling around Sandy’s nipple as you drank her warm sweet milk”. “Maybe Mommy will talk to her doctor and see if she can prescribe a pill to make me produce Babies milk for her good Baby Boy” she said and cuddled me close to her.

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  • 2 months later...

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