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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

A New Sissy Baby (provisional title) - Chapter 5 (26/06/2022)

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Hi, I've never written many stories in my life (and never about abdl before). So this is my first abdl story, hope you like it.

Chapter 2 is ready, I'm just checking the text. It will be posted soon.

Ps.: My main language is not English and I don't speak it very well, so I had to use an online translator and a grammar checker. The story in the original language is correctly written, but I had to make some changes to the translation, it shouldn't be perfect, I hope you understand.

Ps2.: If this story is similar to one you've read before, it's purely coincidental. I've read many stories, but none quite like this, even if I've read a similar scene.


Chapter 1 - Current Situation


Sometimes I wonder how I got to this point in my life, the only thing I know is that at this moment I find myself lying here in the dark, inside a pink crib with a locked lid, while my ass is sore from the punishment I received for breaking yet another one of ''mommy's rules’’.

To make matters worse, in addition to the pain in my "bumbum" (as Mom prefers to call it), I feel my dick throbbing inside the small, pink chastity cage I'm being forced to wear, and to complete the situation, a big, thick, pink and soaked diaper, covers it all while protecting ''my crib'' from accidents. The only light on is a small, dim pink lamp on top of a piece of furniture next to the changing table. From inside the crib, I can see few things in the room, but what I can see are all things from the “mommy’s sissy baby” (would that be me?). While I don't feel sleepy (because it's too early, since Mom put me to bed early as a form of punishment - it's 07 p.m.), I keep looking at the nursery I'm in, and I can see a changing table with a huge stock of diapers in the spaces below, all diapers are big and thick, some colored and some completely white, but all are quite large and look like night diapers for their size. Near the changing table, I see a closet where mommy keeps all of my new clothes she bought for me, most of them frilly pink dresses, onesies and other humiliating clothes. Also, I can see the armchair where mommy just spanked me as punishment for breaking the rule that “babies can’t ask for their diapers to be changed, only mommy decides when to change.”

I'm wearing a pink onesie as a sleepwear and on the front of the onesie it says ''mommy’s stinky sissy baby'', I'm also wearing thick cotton gloves that don't allow me to use my fingers, so I can't take my diaper off during the night, just like I have a big pink pacifier stuck in my mouth with tape. Mommy said she doesn't want to come in the morning and find me without my pacifier and have to punish me again.

Time passes and I hear mommy walking around the house and talking to someone on the phone, but I can't hear what she says. While I'm here I've wetted my diaper twice more and I'm starting to doubt I'll wake up with dry sheets tomorrow, plus, mommy said I better have a fully used diaper when she comes to check on me tomorrow morning or else I'll be punished again. I was very bored from just lying in my crib for so long and ended up falling asleep.

I wake up the next morning not knowing the time, but with a few rays of sunlight already coming in through the window and through the curtains, leaving the room a little bright. As soon as I remember my situation I feel my diaper more flaccid and cold with the large amount of pee in it and I remember what mommy said the night before about using the diaper completely. I was too scared that mommy would suddenly open the bedroom door and I still haven't used my diaper completely, so I close my eyes and try to focus on getting my diaper a mess. I start pushing and all I feel are farts coming out and making noise inside my diaper. Suddenly, I start to hear footsteps in the hallway and my fear grows. Mommy was already awake. I keep pushing but nothing but pee fills my diaper even more, so as I continue my effort mommy opens the bedroom door at the same time a loud muffled sound comes out of my already swollen diaper and when I open my eyes, mommy has a smile on her face watching me from the door and says:

- ‘’Own, is my sissy baby pooping in her little diaper for mommy? How cute! Let mommy check your diaper.

That was it, there was no more time, mommy would check my diaper and realize I didn't do #2 and punish me again.

Mom walked over to the crib, opened the top cover and lowered the side rail, then took off the sheet that covered me and I saw her look towards my crotch.

- ‘’Looks like my baby girl had an accident and her diaper leaked in her crib, but what a naughty little girl.’’

I felt my face flush instantly, she noticed and gave a smile, after that she opened my onesie and put her fingers in the crotch of my diaper and pulled back a little to check.

- ‘’Looks like my baby didn't completely use her diaper during the night, too bad, I'll have to punish you again baby, but not now.''

Mom helped me out of the crib and held my hand as she led me to the bathroom. Getting there, she took off my wet onesie and my gloves, but she still kept the pacifier in my mouth. When she opened my diaper it fell to the floor with a loud thud and she giggled, then she rolled my diaper up and placed it on top of the lid of the dirty diaper bucket. She put me in the shower and gave me a bath, scrubbing my now hairless body and giving a special attention to my bumbum and penis (which she called "little clitty"). After the shower we went back to my room and she helped me onto the changing table and told me to lie down and not move while she went to get something.

A few minutes later, she came back with a big bottle of milk in her hands and gave it to me, telling me to drink it all while she changed me. My face burned with embarrassment as she rubbed baby lotion on my bottom, still red from the spanking from the night before, and on my clitty, then she opened a fresh diaper and put it under my bottom and started sprinkling baby powder on me. As she ran her hands over me, she noticed my little cock trying to get hard inside the pink chastity cage and said how cute it was and how it felt like I was enjoying being her baby.

The milk in the bottle was sweet and tasted great and before mommy even finished changing the diaper I was done.

After the change she took the empty bottle and put it on the shelf below the changing table and helped me to a seat and told me to wait while she picked out an outfit for me to wear for the day, heading to the closet and bringing back a little pink dress with white lace all over and words embroidered on the front that said ''Messy Princess'', when I saw this, my face burned with embarrassment. So mommy dressed me and brought white socks with lace ankles and dressed me in them and also put on my feet a pair of pink Mary Jane shoes to match. Then mommy brought out a pink bonnet and put it on my freshly shaved head (mommy had all the hair off my body except my eyebrows and eyelashes). After I finished getting dressed, she took me to the room that had a playpen where she left me and told me that I should play with my new toys (wooden blocks, dolls and stuffed animals) while she got dressed for work.

When she finished saying that, she noticed my surprised expression, because she had been working from home since I arrived, so I thought she would always be home with me.

- ''Awn baby, don't be worried, mommy called a nanny to take care of you, she has a lot of experience with girls just like you, but we'll need to call her every day mommy goes to work until we find a special daycare for babies like you''.

After saying that, mommy left me in the playpen still in shock and went to get ready for work. I wondered which would be worse: having a babysitter seeing me like this or being sent to daycare with other people like me.

I've never seen mommy in underwear before, only in a bra a few times, but I've never seen her in panties or naked and it provoked my imagination many times, but soon I felt a pressure inside my chastity cage which made me push those thoughts away.

As I lay in my playpen trying to distract myself from all the thoughts running through my mind, I felt my bladder fill quickly and release a large amount of pee in the front of my diaper, warming it up. I wondered how I could pee so much when I had wet my diaper from the night before until it leaked into my crib. But I didn't have time to think about it too much, as the doorbell rang next.

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A great start and it is difficult to tell that English is not your first language. I have read stuff from native speakers/writers that is alot worse.

Keep it up and I look forwards to see where it goes.

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I am intrigued with your story and will be interested in seeing what happens next. For English not being your native language your writing is really well.

Times are usually written as just one number like 7 am or pm until ten to twelve (10, 11 12), many people don't understand 24 hour time here in the US, however some of us do.

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18 hours ago, diapernocturnus said:

A great start and it is difficult to tell that English is not your first language. I have read stuff from native speakers/writers that is alot worse.

Keep it up and I look forwards to see where it goes.

I'm glad you liked it, I'm writing chapter 3 right now. It will be posted soon.

12 hours ago, Jayme said:

I am intrigued with your story and will be interested in seeing what happens next. For English not being your native language your writing is really well.

Times are usually written as just one number like 7 am or pm until ten to twelve (10, 11 12), many people don't understand 24 hour time here in the US, however some of us do.

Thanks a lot for the advice. Where I live we don't normally use a.m or pm., we use the 24h time.


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Chapter 2 – Emily's Arrival


While I was in my playpen with my freshly wet diaper and looking apprehensively towards the door, mommy appeared walking quickly across the room while putting an earring in her ear and running for the door. The door opened and a girl in her 20s was standing outside with a big pink bag over her shoulder, her name was Emily.

Emily introduced herself to Mom who invited her in and started explaining everything to her in the living room while the two of them were in front of me.

- ‘’Emily, this is my sissy baby, Laura (that's the name mommy gave me, even though I don't like being treated like a girl). She had a serious accident tonight and her diaper leaked and wet the sheets, but I'm very late and haven't had time to change the sheets, could you change them please? I can pay you an extra fee for that.”

- ‘’Alright Mrs. Katherine, no problem.”

- ‘’You can just call me Katherine. Remember you have my full permission to spank her if she is naughty and you have full control here, understand?”’

- ''Yes Katherine.''

Mommy then bent down in front of me and kissed me on the forehead and said:

- ‘’Be obedient to your nanny, you heard she can do whatever she wants, understand?’’

I nodded and agreed with mommy, who quickly got up and walked out the front door.

After mommy left, Emily bent down and lifted my dress without hesitation, I tried to hold my dress, but she patted my hand.

- ''No no baby, I need to check your diaper, so you had better leave it or I'll have to start the day by giving you a punishment.''

I didn't want to get spanked by this girl I didn't know who was younger than me, so I let her lift my dress that barely covered my diaper.

When she put her finger in the crotch of my diaper, I was nervous with embarrassment and felt a pressure inside my chastity. I got erections in some weird situations, like when I felt really embarrassed or nervous for some reason. She noticed my discomfort and said:

- ''Calm down baby, I'm just checking your diaper, I won't hurt you, but I see you're already wet, but not enough for a change. Play with your toys while I change your sheets, little girl.”

Emily left the room and left me with my toys while she made her way to the bedroom.

After several minutes, she comes out of there and comes to me and says that it's time to start making my lunch and that I must be hungry, but before that, she said she had a little surprise for me.

She took her big pink bag and took out a plastic rug and put it on the living room floor and asked me to lie on it. She helped me out of the playpen and I obeyed her, so as soon as I lay down, she quickly lifted my dress and I didn't have time to complain, I just opened my mouth, but soon she said:

- ''You can talk all you want while you're with your mommy, but as long as I'm in charge, you'll only answer with yes, no or 'gogo gaga', understand?''

- ‘’Yes miss Emily''

- ''Good girl''

She started to open my wet diaper and at the same time, went through her bag looking for something. She opened my diaper, saw my chastity and laughed.

- ''Awn, your clitty is so cute. Your mommy told me all about you, ''but I didn't think your clitty was that small hahaha.’’

As she said this, she put a glove on her right hand and took out a container that I didn't know what it was, but it looked like baby rash cream. She put it on her finger and started to rub it on my bumbum and told me it was a special cream and that I would really like the feeling. As soon as she was done, she wiped her finger and rubbed baby lotion on her gloved fingers, then stuck a finger in my hole moving in and out, then she took something from her bag, but I couldn't see what it was.

- ''Shh calm down baby, relax and everything will be fine.''

She said as she pushed something in my bumbum and I realized it was a plug, but this was bigger than the plugs mommy used on me a few times. It was wide, and she made sure to push it very slowly in and out, saying it was for me to get used to the feeling, and she constantly talked about how cute and small my clitty was inside the cage. Out of embarrassment, my cock had been trying to get hard within chastity from the moment Emily got home and she soon realized I was dripping pre-cum and mocked my situation even more.

- ‘’It must be pretty humiliating for you, right? To have a 20-year-old girl like me stick a plug in the ass of a 26-year-old man who wears diapers and a chastity cage, and also dresses like a little girl.”

Emily was a beautiful girl, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, big breasts and wide hips. The kind of girl I wouldn't stand a chance of even if I tried.

During her play, my bladder was full again and I couldn't hold it any longer. I started to pee on her hand, which remained in place holding the plug and her face surprised by what had happened.

- ‘’HAHAHAHA see? You can't even hold back while having your diaper changed, pathetic.''

She finished pushing the plug in my bumbum and closed my soggy diaper back up.

- ''You didn't think I would change you now, did you? I put this plug in your ass because I don't want to change diapers with #2 today hahaha.''

After this humiliating enough diaper change, she put me back in the playpen, went to clean up her hands, and then headed to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

I heard the sounds of furniture being dragged in the kitchen and was already imagining what would come next.

After lunch was ready, she came back into the living room and took me out of the playpen, taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen. I was starting to feel a burning sensation in my bumbum where she had rubbed the ‘rash cream’, but I ignored it thinking it was because of the wet diaper.

Arriving in the kitchen, there was the huge high chair made especially for me, waiting for me for the lunch. Emily helped me up and sat on it, then closed the lid and started bringing my food.

There were mashed peas, mashed potatoes, plums and mashed carrots. It didn't look the best, but I knew I should eat it all. As Emily prepared to feed me, my bumbum was on fire and I started squirming in my chair because of this and feeling the plug in my hole all the time, Emily noticed my discomfort but wanted to humiliate me more.

- ‘’Hahaha, is the baby happy because she's going to eat? Or is she feeling something in her ‘wittle’ bumbum? Ha ha ha.’’

She put a bib on me and started to feed me, but I couldn't stop squirming, so my face was getting messy with baby food, which made Emily laugh even harder.

- ‘’Baby, if you don't eat all the food, I'm going to have to spank you to teach you how to behave at lunchtime. And everything that stays in your bib ends up in your diaper.”

She kept feeding me until all the puree and plums were gone. Then she wiped my face and helped me out of the high chair. She told me to bend over the table and so I did.

I felt her lift the back of my dress and pull my diaper back, like she was checking for #2, but in fact she dumped all the food in my bib into my diaper, just like she said before. Soon she pulled me into the living room, sat on the couch and told me to lie on her legs and I already knew what would happen.

I lie on her legs and soon she started spanking me, even without pulling down my diaper. This spanking was primarily intended to humiliate me further and claim that she was in charge. She gave 30 slaps to my diapered bumbum and 10 more slaps to each of my thighs. All the food in my diaper was spread from the slaps. Aside from the slight pain from the spanking, my bumbum was still burning from the ‘rash cream’, but less intensely now.

After the spanking, she told me to lie on the couch and went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of milk in her hands. She sat up and put my head on her legs and told me to drink it all as it was a special formula for me to feel better. As I drank the milk, I wet my diaper once more.

Emily grabbed a pillow and sheet and laid them on the living room rug and said it was nap time for the baby and I must be really tired. I lay on the floor while she went out to clean up the mess in the kitchen and get something to eat. While she was there I started to feel pressure inside my chastity cage without even having thought about how beautiful Emily was. The pressure wouldn't let up and I started squirming trying to rub the front of my diaper.

Emily came to check on me and said that if I ever put my hand in my diaper again, she would spank me so hard I couldn't sit in even the thickest diaper I had without feeling pain.

I managed to fall asleep despite the discomfort in my diaper and woke up hours later to Emily calling me, saying that it was time to wake up and that mommy would be home soon. My diaper had been wet once more while I slept and was very soaking wet.

Emily had already cleaned the kitchen and then played on her cell phone while I slept. She said there was one last surprise for me before mommy came back.

She told me to stay on the floor, lifted my dress and quickly opened my diaper. She said that in the bottle she gave me after lunch there was a stimulant for my clitty to get hard, that's why I was excited within chastity. Emily then started rubbing baby lotion on my balls and playing with them. I started to moan softly and then she took something out of her pocket that looked like a remote control and pressed a button.

The plug in my bumbum began to buzz and vibrate inside me with all its might, making me squirm on the floor. Emily laughed and continued teasing me.

- ‘’Look how pathetic you are, I didn't even take you out of your chastity cage and you're almost cuming in your wet diaper.’’

With all this stimulation and the constant humiliation on Emily's part, I was about to cum and I was about to say it, so Emily slapped my leg to remind me that I couldn't talk.

- ‘’If you're going to make cumcum in your diaper, then tell me sissy baby.’’

The only thing I could say was “Googoo Ga ga” and squirm. Emily realized I was about to cum, and quickly closed up my diaper, making me cum inside it.

- ‘’Awwwwn, look at the sissy baby, making cumcum in her diaper.’’

She then opened my diaper again and pulled the plug out, which gave me an immediate sense of relief. She cleaned it up and put it in her bag, took out my used diaper and rolled it up and put me in a fresh one right away, but I felt her rub ‘rash cream’ on me again, this time under my balls. I didn't even mind having my diaper changed by her, my body was too weak after orgasm.

A few minutes later mommy arrived and asked Emily if everything went well and the two went to the door and talked about what had happened that day, but as they were far away, I couldn't hear.

As the two of them talked, I felt the familiar burn of the cream under my balls and started rubbing the front of the diaper to try to get some relief, but that was when mommy came back into the room and saw the whole scene. She immediately grabbed my ear and dragged me to my room where she threw me on the changing table and told me to stay put.

She went to her room and brought a wooden shovel with her and placed it next to the armchair she'd spanked me up in last night. She opened my diaper checking everything and saying everything Emily had said.

- ‘’Emily told me that you were a very naughty baby and that you didn't eat all your food because you kept trying to get your hands on your princess parts. She told me she had to throw the rest of your lunch into your diaper. I'm very disappointed in you.’’

Clearly Emily manipulated mommy into believing her, but who would believe me? Mommy then took off my fresh diaper and took me to the armchair.

- ‘’Your punishment for yesterday and for today begins now.’’

Mommy took the wooden shovel and gave me 20 blows very hard on my bumbum which quickly turned red and almost brought me to tears. I tried to explain, but she hit me even harder.

- ‘’Those 20 blows were for the diaper you didn't wear completely last night. And the next 20 are for me catching you rubbing your diaper in the living room.’’

She hits me 20 more times. I had already started to cry from pain, humiliation and the feeling of injustice. Mommy told me to get up and took me to the bathroom. She put me under the shower with the cold water and washed me off.

After drying off, we went back to my room and I lay down on the changing table as she ordered. She went to the bathroom and came back with a red rubber bag full of water and a hose and I figured I was going to get an enema.

- ‘’This is part of your punishment for last night's diaper, as you weren't able to fully use it.’’

Mommy lubricated the enema nozzle and stuck it into my already sore bumbum. As I stood there waiting for the enema to finish, mommy went to the bathroom and came back with two diapers in her hand. One was my soggy diaper from last night and she tucked it under my hip.

- ‘’You won't get a fresh diaper until you use that diaper completely.’’

Before the enema was finished, she opened the other diaper that was also wet. It was the diaper I wore today while Emily was here.

- ‘’Looks like my sissy baby disobeyed me again and cum in her diaper without permission.’’

After saying that, mommy gave me 10 more slaps on each side of my bumbum and I cried again.

The enema was over and my belly was very full and sore. Mommy was getting ready to remove the nipple.

- ‘’I don't want you to let any drop of this enema drip, or you will be punished even more.’’

After that, mommy pulled the nipple and closed my soggy, cold, smelly diaper on me, but it wasn't over yet. Mommy took a pair of scissors and made several cuts in my diaper and told me to lift my legs, I obeyed her orders and she put under me the diaper I wore all day today, but when I thought it would be just those, she also made cuts in it and told me to lift my bumbum again. The third diaper was the diaper Emily had put on me before she left, but this time mommy didn't make any cuts, she went to the closet and brought out a pair of clear pink plastic pants and put them on over the 3 diapers. I couldn't close my legs at all with so many layers. So she brought a pair of pajamas with an opening in the back so she could check diapers more easily when I woke up.

She helped me up from the table and my stomach hurt even more with all the movement, but I still had to waddle over to the crib, where she tucked me back into my thick gloves and hooked my hands and feet to the ends of the railings. She closed the side rail and top lid with a latch, turned on the lamp and headed towards the door, she came back minutes later with a bottle and said it would help me wet my diapers more.

- ‘’Good night baby, I hope you have a lot of fun tonight.’’

She turned off the light and closed the door.

A few moments after Mom left the room, I finished my bottle and my belly started to hurt even more from the enema, but I didn't want to have to soil my already soaked diaper. But there was no other option, I pushed everything that was inside my belly at the bottom of my diapers. It was several minutes of farts muffled by layers of plastic and a large flow of pee. At this point the first diaper that was cold became hot and should already be leaking pee to the next layer.

When I finished emptying my belly, I felt the hot mess on my bumbum and it was disgusting, but I was too tired to worry about it, I ended up falling asleep from exhaustion.

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  • Luk.e changed the title to A New Sissy Baby (provisional title) - Chapter 2 (30/05/2022)
  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 3 – How it all started


My life was normal and monotonous, like that of any 26-year-old man. I went to work every day, but I didn't like my job because it paid me little and I could barely buy the things I wanted after paying the bills, so I didn't have many options for entertainment because of the money, I spent most of my free time at home. I lived alone, so my free time consisted of playing games on my computer and video games, as well as watching series and movies. I had few friends, but they were all very busy and we didn't have much time to hang out together. I was single and too introverted to go out with girls, so I spent a lot of time looking at pornography on the internet and masturbating frequently.

At first porn was not an addiction, I would watch it sometimes after a long and stressful day at work and it helped me relax and sleep better, but the more time passed and the worse the work became, the more porn I watched. It started with light pornography, some striptease videos or videos of hot girls having sex with guys, but after a few years, it became monotonous and it felt like all videos were the same, so I went looking for other different niches. I started watching bdsm videos and lesbians using strap-ons, it was very pleasurable, until I delved deeper into bdsm practice and found out about femdom. I watched several videos and discovered something previously unknown to me, chastity cages. The videos always had the theme of female domination and touches of humiliation for the submissive, and that's what turned me on, I knew I was submissive for most of my life and I imagined myself like that in my sex life (most of the time), which was non-existent. I was a 26 year old virgin guy who only knew how to watch porn and masturbate. The femdom and chastity videos motivated me to buy myself a chastity cage so I bought one online and when it arrived I rushed to try it on. She was a little big for me, my cock could grow a little inside her but not all the way, but the feeling was amazing and exciting, I ran to watch porn while using my new cage. Even using chastity, I managed to come just by moving and rocking her, it was an incredible orgasm.

I ended up liking it and using the cage more and more, until I decided to buy another and another and another. Each of them had different shapes, colors and sizes, but they were all amazing to use and I didn't even need a vibrator or anything like that to cum, just the stimulation and movements with the cage, along with the videos were enough for me.

After a while, a strange habit I had as a teenager started to come back to my mind, but I always pushed it out of my thoughts because I thought it was weird and that I must be a freak for liking it, and it was diapers.

I don't know why I started to like diapers, but I saw a lot of content about it in adolescence and early adulthood, but it was something that lasted a few months and I would walk away and the cycle would repeat itself. This time, my attraction for abdl had returned and joined with my newest fetish for chastity and femdom, which made it all the more exciting. However even that kind of content was giving me less pleasure over time, even though there was still a lot of pleasure, so I started to dig deeper into it and found out about sissies when I was about 21. That was another big breakthrough point in my fetishes. Just imagining a beautiful, dominant woman, forcing me to use chastity and humiliating me already made me leaking pre-cum, but I also had fantasies about dominating too, I was a switch (more predominantly submissive). I started imagining different ways to dominate and be dominated as I watched more pornography, until I was thinking of different ways to dominate, but still involving chastity in my (imaginary, of course) 'sex life'.

And if I wanted to dominate someone and still continue with my chastity to give myself pleasure, how would I do that? Would I fuck a submissive girl and wear a strap-on while still trapped in my chastity? My penis wasn't big, it was about 5 inches, but with the use of the cage it quickly dwindled to 4.6 inches, I was shrinking. I was already insecure about my body, now even more so, but I was still excited with so many different fetishes. Until the day I discovered a video where I could imagine myself, a trans girl, using a chastity cage while being dominated by her master. What if I were the 'master' of that girl as long as I wore a strapon and we were both in chastity? It was from there that I started looking for more material from sissies and trans girls in chastity. That's what turned me on back then, as well as sissy hypnosis videos.

Some time later, I started looking on reddit for women who had fetishes similar to mine about submission and domination, and I even talked to some, but one caught my attention. She lived in the neighboring state, but she had a lot in common with me which made me very interested in her. After about 2 months of talking and video calling, we decided to meet.

I had just taken a vacation from work and took the opportunity to go see her in the neighboring state for a few days. The day before the trip I packed my suitcase with clothes, money for eventual trips and most importantly, my favorite chastity cage. I wasn't the type of guy who used it 24/7, I only put my cage in a few moments to look at porn, but we arranged for me to take it for a different experience.

The next day I got in my car and started driving towards the city where she lived and my heart was racing all the time because I was looking forward to our date. It took about 4 hours of travel until I arrived at the address indicated by her, and parked my car in her garage (she had already left the garage door open for me). Her car was parked there, it was a very spacious and beautiful mini van, I thought she must need a lot of space in the car to carry several things. I rang the bell on the front door and waited a few moments, until the door started to open, but at that moment I was so nervous that the world seemed to move in slow motion and what took a few seconds for the door to open felt like years waiting.

There she was standing in front of me, Katherine, a wonderful woman, with long brown hair, eyes that seemed to be golden as the purest honey in the world, was about 5.25 ft (160 cm) and something close to 165 lb (75 kg), she was a bit chubby, with plenty of curves, wide hips, thick thighs and large breasts that snuggled into her bra. She was a little older than me, she was 35 years old and she was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life and she smelled great too, her perfume was sweet, but it didn't have a strong smell, everything about her was amazing. I was very nervous and I felt an erection start inside my pants, but I didn't really care. We hugged for a long time and she kissed me on the mouth and we stood there in the doorway as if this was all a dream.

After this long moment of affection, she invites me in and says I can leave my bags in the living room and go take a shower to relax and she would store my things in the guest room. I did as she said and went to shower, changed my clothes and went back to the living room where she was waiting for me. It was early evening and she ordered pizza so we could eat and watch movies together. The night with her company was wonderful and after we ate and watched movies, she said we could go to sleep and tomorrow would be a long day for us, but there was a catch, she said we wouldn't sleep in the same bed yet as she didn't want to rush and screw things up. I understood what she meant and agreed without hesitation. We went to sleep and before falling asleep, I was remembering every second since my arrival, until I fell asleep with a big smile on my face.

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  • Luk.e changed the title to A New Sissy Baby (provisional title) - Chapter 3 (10/06/2022)

Sorry for the delay in posting the next chapter of the story, but chapter 5 took a lot longer than expected, it got really big (about 12 pages in M.S Word). I will try to translate it and post it as soon as possible, hope you like chapter 4.




Chapter 4 – A new day


I woke up the next day still smiling from the night I had until I got up, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went to the living room and from there I smelled great, it was Katherine preparing breakfast for both of us. As soon as I entered the kitchen, I was greeted with 'good morning' and a kiss on the cheek, her affection made me embarrassed and she noticed it, and smiled.

- ''Today I want to take you to some new places, we're going to the mall, to the cinema, we can even go to a sex shop.''. Katherine said with a small laugh making me blush.

We had breakfast together and as I was heading towards the garage, Katherine told me to wait before we went. She asked me if I brought my chastity cage and I said yes, so she told me to go get it, I obeyed and went to the room I was staying in and came back with it in my hands, it was a blue cb6000, which I put it in her hands. She instructed me to lower my pants and my underwear. I blushed and obeyed, but as I was embarrassed, I got an erection and she said:

- ''You better calm down dear, or I won't be able to put it on you.''

It was hard to get rid of my erection, so Katherine went to the fridge and got some ice cubes and started rubbing it on my dick, which soon shrank. She carefully placed chastity in me.

- ''This one looks a little big to you dear, don't you think? We can buy you a new one when we go to the sex shop.” I blushed and was silent.

We went to her van to go to the mall. She introduced me to the city before we went to the mall to shop. Katherine and I went to various clothing stores where she bought some sexy clothes and provocative lingerie, and just imagining her wearing it, I started to get an erection inside the cage that still had a little free space for my cock to grow, but not enough for a full erection. Little by little I felt a familiar sensation in my cock and I already knew what it was, all that hard-on was making me leaking pre-cum down my underwear.

After visiting several stores, we went to the food court for some snacks and then went to the movies. Later we left the mall and walked to the parking lot and Katherine said she would take me somewhere special she knew.

Minutes passed as she drove, until we arrived at a small and discreet store, it was a sex shop. We entered and the store was empty, with only one attendant at the counter who immediately recognized Katherine.

- ''This is your new 'friend' that you told me so much Kat?'' Said the attendant with a smile. Her name was Megan.

Megan was a woman with medium hair (reaching her shoulders) and red, light green eyes and a well defined body, she seemed to do a lot of exercises, she was not much taller than Katherine, but the difference in height was noticeable.

Soon Katherine introduced us to each Other, and gave an affirmative answer to Megan's question.

Knowing that Megan knew Katherine and now she knew me, as well as knowing what we were going to buy there, only made me more embarrassed in the process, but Katherine seemed so relaxed about it all.

We walked through the product aisles while Katherine picked some and brought them to the counter. There were many different items, vibrators, dildos, plugs, a strap-on, lubricants with different smells, colors and sensations, condoms and lastly, a new chastity cage for me, but I couldn't see it because Katherine took it too fast, and she wanted it to be a surprise.

-''Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun.'' Megan said as she put the items in a bag. With that sentence she made my face redder than a pepper and the pressure inside my cage increased a lot.

- ''You can be sure Megan.'' Katherine said in response, as we headed towards the door.

We got back in the van and headed home. Arriving there, it was already night and we were tired, we sat on the couch and talked about our day and then Katherine started to slide her hands over my body, especially my cock. She told me to take off my pants and I obeyed, as soon as she noticed that my underwear had a big wet spot of pre-cum, she pulled my underwear down to take a look at my chastity.

- ''Looks like someone is a very excited boy.'' I blushed at her statement as she caresses my balls.

She said to go to the shower (separate) so we got up and went to shower. When I got back to the living room, Katherine was still in the shower, so I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, but moments later, I hear Katherine arriving and I look at her, and I have a beautiful vision. She was wearing short, sexy pajamas that showed off her body curves very well. She wasn't naked, but she was still very sexy. I was out of my cage and she came to check it out and said she wanted to try some new things. I pulled down my sweatpants (which already indicated I was aroused) and she then opened the bag with everything we had bought, took out a small box that she said was my new chastity and that I should wear it all the time while I was together with her. The new cage was pink and about half the size of my blue cage.

- ''Why is this cage pink and so small?'' I asked Katherine.

- ''Don't worry dear, it was the only color available in this size and I know it will be much more comfortable than your blue cage, trust me. Besides, pink is just a color, don't worry about it.''

She placed the cage and locked it in place. The next item she took out of her bag was a big purple magic wand that she plugged into an outlet near the couch and started rubbing my cage. As she rubbed her wand at me, she took one of my hands and guided it to her breasts and started to run my hand across her breasts while moaning softly. It was making me a lot more turned on until I was leaking pre-cum again. She noticed and increased the intensity of the vibration causing me to moan a little and squirm. She continued with these teasing until I was about to come and when she realized I was close to coming, she turned the vibration up to the max and forced the head of her wand against my cage, causing a jet of cum to fly out of my chastity and fall on their breasts. She then turned off her wand and reached into the bag again, reaching for the strap-on she'd bought.

- ''There, honey, now that you've had fun, it's time for mommy to have fun too.''

''Mommy?'' I asked myself that question mentally, but I thought it was just her way of showing command over me.

She took the strap-on, rubbed it on her tits to clean the cum that was there and put it on, then poured some more lube on the end of the dildo that already had my cum all over it and said.

- ''Turn around, dear, mommy wants to play too.''

I did as she said and curved up on the couch with my ass facing her and my cage dangling between my legs and rocking as I got into position. Soon I felt her hands on my waist and the tip of the dildo touching my hole (it wasn't a big dildo, Katherine knew I'd never done anal before). I felt a little pressure until he entered my ass and I felt awkward as Katherine started pushing and pulling very slowly for me to get used to the feeling. After a few minutes, Katherine picked up the pace and grabbed the magic wand and turned it on again, but this time using it on herself as she fucked me with the strap-on. She sets the vibration to maximum and some of that vibration traveled through the dildo and into my ass, making me feel more sensations than I had never felt before, but which were good.

I'd come a few minutes ago, but I was already feeling another orgasm coming just from having a small strap-on on my ass and a little vibration, but knowing that Katherine was dominating me, made me feel more horny. She started slapping my ass and calling me 'little fuck doll', this made me more horny, until she took her vibrator and touched my balls while fucking me fast and calling me different names.

I was about to come again, so she gave me 3 more hard slaps and yelled:

-''Cum now my little sex doll, cum and be my slave doll for me to fuck whenever I want.''

With that, I couldn't take it anymore and I cum again. She noticed when my body shuddered with lust along with hers and then we relaxed. She told me to help her clean up all the mess on the couch while she went to clean her tits from my first orgasm. While she went to the bathroom, I cleaned the couch and waited for her, who came back, gave me a kiss on the forehead and said that in the next few days, we would do this all over again. I was anxious as I only had a few more days at Katherine's house.

After all our fun, we went to sleep.

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  • Luk.e changed the title to A New Sissy Baby (provisional title) - Chapter 4 (19/06/2022)

Hello there (General Kenobi), here's chapter 5, hope you like it. As for the next chapters, they haven't been written yet (it may take a while before I post the continuation of the story), but I already have a lot of ideas on how the story will go.
Any advice or tips on the story or grammar would be appreciated, thank you all.




Chapter 5 – Back to the present


The next day I woke up again with the first rays of sunlight coming through the curtains, as it was very early. Everything was silent, maybe mommy hadn't woken up yet. As soon as I woke up fully, I smelled the horrible smell coming from my diaper and felt the cold, disgusting padding from the three diapers I was wearing. I didn't want to make any noise because if I woke mommy up too early, she might get angry and punish me again. Even with the very uncomfortable diaper I was wearing, I tried to stay calm and tried to distract my mind while I waited for mommy to come change me, but it was hard not to squirm with all the discomfort I felt, so I started wiggling my butt trying to find a more comfortable position, but it didn't help, I was just crushing even more the dirt into my diaper.

Time passed and I started to hear sounds around the house, mommy had woken up. I kept waiting for the moment when she would come through the door to change my disgusting diapers, but it was taking a while and I heard her talking on the phone again. After a few minutes, mommy opens the door to my room still in her pajamas and says:

- Good morning baby, how did you sleep last night? From the smell it looks like my smelly baby managed to use her diaper completely, very good girl.” She said while waving her hands in front of her nose, making me ashamed of what I had done.

- ''Today, mommy called her work and got a day off to sort out some 'personal matters', but we're going to take you to your new daycare, where you’ll spend your day while mommy works, but don't think we won't call Cindy anymore, she'll still be able to take care of you when mommy has a date, I know you loved being with Cindy, didn't you?''

I nodded to avoid displeasing mommy and watched her as she opened the crib lid and side rail. When she let go of me, she told me to turn onto my side and opened the back of my pajamas and I felt her hand patting my diapers, further kneading the dirt against my already itchy butt.

- 'Oh my God, my little baby girl is so dirty and smelly, you must be wanting mommy to change your diaper so bad, don't you? Tell mommy how much you want a fresh diaper dear.”

Actually, I didn't want to wear diapers, but I had no choice but to play her little game and I answered her using the softest voice I could.

- ''Mommy, please change my diaper.''. I said getting embarrassed.

- ''And why do you want a fresh diaper baby?''. She answered.

It took me a few seconds to speak and I answered.

-''Because I peepee and poopoo in my diaper, mommy.''

- ''Awn, how cute, now tell mommy why you soiled your diapers like a baby.''

- ''Because I'm mommy's sissy baby and I can't keep my diapers clean.'' I said with the last of my strength that kept me from crying with shame.

- ''What a cute and smelly baby. Come on, mommy has a surprise for you.”

Mommy helped me out of the crib and took off my pajamas, leaving me with nothing but my full diapers and my pink plastic pants. I looked down and saw that the last diaper had pee marks all over the front, I must have wet myself a lot during the night, not to mention the weight I felt inside the diapers.

Mommy took my hand and led me to the armchair in my room and sat on it. She told me to sit on her lap, I hesitated at first as I thought I would be punished again, but mommy noticed and said it was ok, she would give me my surprise and it was a good thing.

I sat on her lap, even with the feeling of all the mess in my diapers. Soon she started making me bounce up and down on her knee, crumpling everything inside my diapers. I was sitting with my back to her so mommy pulled me closer to her and she reached over something to the side of the chair and brought it to the front of my diaper, it was a pink magic wand-shaped vibrator and it was plugged in, it was a big vibrator and seemed to be very strong.

- ''Shhh baby, calm down, mommy is going to play with your clitty a little because you were such a good baby and filled your little diapers.''

She turned the vibrator on full power and touched it to the front of my diaper, but since my diapers were so thick, I couldn't feel much. Mommy then started playing with my nipples with her other hand and I felt them prickling as she stroked. Soon she forced the vibrator harder against my diaper, squeezing the front of the diaper even more, which was soaking wet, but this time I was feeling the wand vibration more, all while mommy made me squirm in her lap and played with my nipples, all this was turning me on, even though I had such a dirty diaper.

- ‘’Are you enjoying this sissy baby? Are you enjoying mommy’s surprise?''. All I could do was moan behind my pink pacifier with 'sissy baby' written on it.

- ‘’Mom will tell you how your day is going to be today. Today we are going to enroll you in a very special daycare, full of other babies just like you. Mommy has already researched the place and already filled out your application, with everything you will do and learn while you are there, I won't tell you everything because I want it to be a surprise for you, but one thing you will learn is how to love your diapers so much so that you'll beg to wear them whenever you run out of them.''. Mommy said with a small laugh.

At this point I was already very excited and felt pre-cum running down my diaper and if mommy kept this up I would finally cum in my dirty diaper. I started to squirm even more and was about to cum when mommy turned off the vibrator and said.

- ''That's enough baby, it's time for you to take a shower and change your disgusting diaper, let's go.''

She took me to the bathroom, still frustrated and excited, waddling in my diapers. Arriving in the bathroom, she took off my plastic pants and told me to spread my legs while she releasing my diaper tapes. The first diaper landed with a thud on the floor and was quite wet.

- ''It looks like my baby peed a lot during the night, I'm glad I put these plastic pants on you.''

The second diaper was ripped open and fell on top of the first, it was flabby, soggy, and a little dirty with poop that went through the holes mommy made with the scissors.

- ''Omg baby, you're very messy, what a stink.''. I blushed at mommy’s statement.

The last diaper was about to be opened but before that I looked at my diaper and it was very saggy and almost falling off my waist, it was very stained with pee and had a huge brown stain that stretched all over the back, until reach the front of the diaper.

- ''How is that last diaper, baby? Hahaha, I bet it's a real disaster, just smelling that horrible smell.''.

When mommy opened the diaper, it fell harder to the floor than the previous ones, and my butt and my crotch were very messy, at the same time that the diaper fell to the floor, a trickle of pre-cum dripped from my chastity and extended to the soiled diaper on the floor.

- ''Awn hahaha, looks like my stinky baby liked being in her messy diaper. Hahaha''

With that last comment, I blushed with embarrassment and felt more turned on, causing more pre-cum to drip from my chastity, just as a stream of pee came out and landed on the diapers on the floor, causing mommy to humiliate me even more for my situation.

Mommy took me to the shower and started to wash me very carefully, removing every last bit of poop from my butt and crotch, she even opened my cage to clean my clitty carefully, but she gave me a warning that I didn't have her permission to play with my clitty.

After she finished cleaning up me, mommy dried me off and took me back to the bedroom and laid me on the changing table. Soon I had a little hard-on forming, but mommy said that was something ugly for a sissy baby like me, so she started tapping my clitty with her fingers until it went soft and shrank again, then put it back on my freshly cleansed pink chastity.

Mommy told me to lift my bumbum and spread my legs to check my skin and noticed that I had a diaper rash forming on my bumbum.

- ''Well baby, it looks like you have a diaper rash on your bumbum, I think today mommy will put a different diaper on you.''

She went to the closet and opened a drawer where she took out a very thick cloth diaper and a stuffer to put inside the diaper and came to me who still had my legs and butt in the air and put the diaper under me. She grabbed a tube of diaper rash cream from under the changing table and started rubbing it all over my bumbum and crotch saying it would help. Then, mommy puts on a glove and oiled her fingers and I felt her stick two fingers into my bumbum, moving in and out repeatedly.

- ''Mommy is now going to put a special little thing on you baby.''. She said as she took a thick pink plug and pressed it to my freshly lubricated hole.

I felt the tip of the plug start to force its way in and mommy told me to relax and everything would be fine, until she started to push the plug and it went all the way in, making me let out a little moan. Mommy then took a bottle of baby powder and sprinkled it on my bumbum and clitty and started rubbing it with her hands, getting me a little excited in my cage. When she was done, she closed my diaper and took two safety pins and closed my diaper with a cloth stuffer inside, which made it really thick and soft. Then mommy took a pair of plastic pants from the closet, they were transparent pink and had light pink ruffles at the waist and crotch. Mommy dressed me in the plastic pants and then went back to the closet and brought out a well-padded diaper cover and placed it over all of this, making the padding between my legs even bigger. The diaper cover was white with lots of pink ruffles on the back, crotch and waist and there were still the words ''stinky sissy'' on the back, surrounded by ruffles that formed the design of a big heart, and on the front had ''tiny sissy clitty'' written on it, with a drawing of a tiny chastity cage next to the phrase.

After getting my diaper ready, mommy helped me sit on the changing table (which was a bit difficult as I was sitting on top of a very thick diaper and diaper cover that wouldn't let me put my legs together) and got me white socks with ruffles to put on my feet, as well as pink Mary Jane shoes with a small white bow on each of them. The sensation inside the shoe was strange, like there were little balls under my feet, but I thought it was just my imagination.

After putting my shoes on, mommy helped me to my feet on the floor and when I put my feet on the floor, I felt the strong discomfort inside my shoes that made me squirm trying to keep my balance.

- ''Awn baby, these shoes are special to help you walk like the baby you are, we don't want you walking around like an adult, do we?''

I could no longer walk normally because of the thickness of my cloth diaper, but the shoes made my waddle even worse and more humiliating. Mommy then brought out a white dress with pink ruffles on the sleeves and bottom, with a pink collar and the words 'sissy baby' embroidered on the chest, as well as two small pink bows on either side of the embroidered words. I lifted my arms as mommy told and she slipped the dress over me, but the dress only covered half of my diaper, making it clear to everyone what was under my dress (not that they needed to see, with all my waddle).

- ''Calm down baby, there's only one more thing left for you to get ready.''. Mommy said as she pulled out of the closet a blonde wig with big curls and two braids, positioned on either side of my head and reaching down to my shoulders. Mommy puts it on my head and finishes dressing me.

- ''Aren't you the cutest baby in the world?''. She said with a big smile.

Mommy takes my hand and starts pulling me toward the living room, but halfway through I feel the discomfort in my feet increase and I fall to my knees.

- ''What's wrong baby? Don't want to walk like a big girl? Prefer to crawl like a baby? How cute. Now come on, we don’t want to be late for our big day today.”

I followed mommy into the living room as I crawled on the floor and she helped me into my playpen and told me to wait there while she made me a bottle of milk.

A few minutes later, mommy comes back with a big bottle full of milk (larger than the ones she normally gives me) and hands it to me and tells me to drink it all while she gets ready for our day.

- ''You must be hungry, mommy prepared a big bottle for you and used a special formula for you to enjoy your diaper better, I hope you like it. While you have your milk, mommy will get ready for us to leave, I'll be back soon baby.’’

Mommy said and headed towards the bedroom to get ready while I lie down in my playpen and started drinking milk from the bottle. I didn't know what mommy meant by special formula, I didn't feel any different taste in the milk, but it was really good and I was really hungry and thirsty, so I drank all the milk quickly.

A few moments later, mommy appears in the living room wearing a very tight black dress, which highlighted the curves of her body and her breasts, and also wearing a very beautiful black high heels, she was beautiful, as always.

- ‘’I see that my baby was hungry, she drank all the milk from the bottle, very well dear. Now come on, we can't be late.''

Mommy helped me up and waddled with difficulty to the garage, where she opened the minivan's door and had a child seat designed to be my size waiting for me. I sat on the seat and mommy buckled the belt around my body.

We pulled out of the garage and mommy was driving towards the special daycare she had told me about and all the way there she was making comments about how happy she was to have found this place and how I would enjoy spending my days there while she was at work. As mommy was saying all these things, I felt a rapidly building pressure in my bladder and I couldn't hold it for long, causing me to release a large stream of pee into my diaper, causing me to feel great relief and even closing my eyes with the sensation. As I had my eyes closed from feeling this relief, mommy watched me in the mirror with a big smile on her face, knowing that the diuretics she had put in my milk were starting to kick in.

After about 20 minutes of driving, we arrived in front of a large building. It was a building with the walls painted blue in pastel tones and it was away from the rest of the city, there was a big sign at the entrance that said ‘’Daycare for big and special babies: Here your baby will never want to get out of diapers."

We parked the van and mommy opened the back door and started unbuckling my belt for me to get out. When I left, I remembered my 'special shoes' the moment I put my feet on the ground. Mommy took my hand and led me toward the door of the building, doing my best to walk there, waddling with all the discomfort in my feet.

Mommy rang the bell and the door was electronically unlocked, we entered and were greeted by two beautiful women who seemed to be in charge of the place, both were thin and looked like models, with long legs and long hair. The first introduced herself as Anna and was about 6 ft (182 cm), long straight blond hair that reached her waist, had brown eyes and wore a white, tight-fitting dress. The second woman introduced herself as Christine and had long, voluminous curly hair, fairly tanned skin, green eyes, large breasts and was slightly shorter than Anna, she was about 5.8 ft (176cm), she wore a blazer white and matching black pants that marked her hips, she was a beautiful woman who drew attention with her beauty. Anna started talking to mommy.

- ‘’You must be Katherine, right? We've been waiting for you, and this must be the baby Laura we've heard so much about, right? She is so cute.''. I blushed at the compliment coming from Anna.

- ''That's right, it's us, we're not too late, are we?''. Said mommy.

- ‘‘Oh, no, you arrived at the right time. We will take you on a tour of our daycare center to see the facilities and our procedures.” Christine said.

They began to guide us to the innermost parts of the building, where everything was painted with pastel colors such as blue, pink, yellow, green, many varieties of colors and children's drawings on the walls, such as pacifiers, bottles, diapers, wooden blocks and many other things.

We arrived in front of a room that had a large window that gave a view of the interior to those who were outside. There were other babies there like me playing with different toys, there was even a dispute between one of the toys between two girls and one of the caregivers who was in the room came to intercede and seemed to be talking to the girls, but we were not able to hear much from the sound inside, the room seemed to have isolation, but not 100%, only some low sounds could be heard.

- ''As you can see, this class is time to play. We have a schedule that we follow perfectly with our babies so that they have a complete experience here. This class is made up of babies enrolled at the approximate age of your baby Laura here.''. Christine said pointing towards the window.

- ''It's our class with the most babies, we have about 10 babies in it. Why don't you play here with the other babies while we take your mommy around to see the rest of the facility?'' Anna asked addressing me, which immediately blushed and was nervous about this statement and I already felt a small stream of pee wet my diaper again.

- 'It's a great idea dear. Mommy won't be long and soon she'll be back to pick you up, today will be our visiting day here and from tomorrow you'll be able to enjoy your days here while mommy works.''. Mommy said as she came to give me a hug and a kiss on the forehead while I noticed her moving something in her bag, it was small and she took it in her hand, it looked like a small control. When mommy pressed a button, I felt the thick plug in my bumbum begin to vibrate and I let out a slight moan.

- ''Awn, baby Laura is so cute, I see she's excited to join the others, isn't she?''. Anna said as she took my hand and led me into the room waddling after her as mommy and Christine waved me goodbye.

Inside the room I noticed that the window we were looking at was mirrored from the inside and didn't allow us to see who was outside watching. Inside, Anna took me to the caregiver who was in the room and explained that I was visiting and would be enrolled in daycare as a new student starting tomorrow and I would stay there with the other babies while mommy was taken in to meet the rest of the facilities. The caretaker gave me a big smile and told me her name was Lea. Lea was a young woman in her 20s, a little chubby and wearing glasses, she had big breasts, thick thighs, a big ass and was approximately 5.57 ft (170cm), she had medium length red hair and it seemed to be strong enough to pick up any of the babies there and carry it with ease.

I nodded at her, feeling my face burn with embarrassment, my feet aching from the shoes and my legs shaking from the vibration in my bumbum. Lea noticed how I was and said not to be nervous and she would introduce me to the other babies in the class. She took my hand and told me to sit on the floor, meanwhile Anna left the room and went to meet mommy and Christine outside.

Outside the room, mommy and the two women kept walking until they reached the front of another room, with several cribs and a few sleeping babies. The women explained that some babies have personalized schedules, according to requests from their mommies and daddies. The next room had several changing tables and some caregivers were changing some babies there, it was two baby girls and a baby boy, they seemed happy to have their diapers changed.

Then they arrived in front of a room similar to the first one, but this class was not of babies as young as me. The women explained that in this class, students used pull ups and already had some level of potty training, but that it was still common for accidents to occur sometimes, but it was something infrequent. Some even wore training pants and not pull ups. The students there played with paint and toys for children older than those in the first class. There were about six students there. It was explained to mommy that some mommies and daddies prefer to have their babies at that age.

As mommy was walking around with the two women, Lea was introducing me to all the babies in the class, who would wave at me and call me to play, but I was just too embarrassed and feeling too excited because of the plug vibration and the shame that I felt. I was feeling a lot of pre-cum leaking inside my diaper which was already starting to get cold.

The next room mommy was taken to was empty, but it felt like a classroom, where babies learned about their diapers and how to behave. They learned that in case of disobedience, there would be various punishments. Mommy then asked about the system of punishments and behavior teaching at the daycare.

- ''Here in our daycare, disobedient babies can suffer different types of punishment, the most common are spankings, time in the corner, time in the crib, not having their diaper changed or even changed in front of the whole class, enemas and other types of punishment, and can even have punishments customized according to the request of those responsible.'' Christine said.

- ‘’Oh, that's great. What about the rewards and what about the training to make them like their diapers?”. Asked mommy curiously.

- ''All babies who behave well and use their diapers correctly, receive some type of stimulation during their diaper change, which can be just a provocation or even orgasms, but this depends on the behavior and the request of those responsible.''. Anna replied.

- ''We also have a program to suit babies who were big boys/girls before they became new babies, like your baby Laura. Here, we can work with rewards, but also with humiliations, the choice is yours on how we should proceed.”’. Christine completed.

- ''That's wonderful, I'll definitely want this for Laura.''. Mommy said excitedly.

Missing a few rooms where there would be visitors, mommy arrived in the room where disobedient babies were punished (when they weren't punished in front of the class, to serve as an example). On the walls were many paddle, whips and other spanking instruments, as well as various restraints, plugs of different sizes and dildos everywhere. It has been said that few babies are taken there, but sometimes it is necessary.

There were still some parts to be seen, but mommy thought it was enough and the three of them headed to an office to take care of my daycare application. Mommy signed many documents and filled out several forms with all the treatment options she would like me to have, as well as the level of freedom she would give to the caregivers at the daycare. After all the papers were signed, mommy was given a list of some supplies she could buy for me if she wanted them to be personalized, she liked the idea and took the list.

The three women left the office and were heading towards the room where I was. After a few minutes they arrived in front of the big window and looked inside. I was on the floor, lying on my back with all the other babies around me and mommy wondered what was going on.

Inside the room, caretaker Lea was telling the other babies that they should welcome me as a new student to the daycare and that they would welcome me well, that's when she turned to the others and said:

- ''You already know what to make babies.''

That's when everyone started tickling me at the same time, making me squirm on the floor and laugh nonstop, still with my pacifier in my mouth. Mommy watched this from the sidelines and decided to 'improve' the prank I was the target by pushing a button on the plug control and turning the plug vibration to maximum while I received a lot of tickles.

I was already quite excited by the time the plug was vibrating in my bumbum, but now it was strong and even then, no one would hear the hum with all the laughter in the room, but I knew what was happening, that's when seconds later, I started to pee a lot in my diaper and soon after came the spasms of the great orgasm I had. Lea then asked the babies to stop tickling and mommy realizing this, turned off the vibration of the plug.

- ''Did you like that Laura?''. Lea asked smiling.

I was on the floor unable to move properly after all these sensations and breathing heavily when the door opened and Anna came to get me. I got up with difficulty and didn't even care about the pain in my feet anymore because I was too anesthetized for that. I waved to the other babies as I was told and left the room. I found mommy and Christine outside waiting for me.

- ''So baby, did you like how the daycare is?''. Mommy asked, knowing what had happened in my diaper, which was already soaked and starting to go down, even with my plastic pants and my diaper cover.

I nodded weakly and we were led to the door by Anna and Christine who said goodbye to us saying:

- ''See you soon Laura, we'll be waiting for you tomorrow.''

Mommy and I went to the van and she helped me into my seat and strapped me into it again and walked over to the driver's seat.

- ''I know you must be exhausted for today, but we still need to buy some important things for your first day at daycare baby. It shouldn't take too long.''

We left with the van and were heading back downtown, where mommy had parked the van in front of the little sex shop we'd been to in the past. Megan was there and we hadn't seen her in a long time, so it was a huge surprise for her to see my current state.

- ‘’Oh my God, Kat, it's been a long time! Is that who I'm thinking it is?'' She said with a surprised look and eyes shining.

- ‘’Yes, this is my sissy baby Laura. I'm sorry we didn't come back here again, we had a lot of work to do with the baby.''. Mommy said, happy to see her friend again.

-''I completely understand, she's so cute, I could hug her all day. So cute.''. Megan said as she came over to me and pinched my cheeks.

I was very ashamed and even though I had an orgasm a short time ago, I already felt a pressure on my chastity and more pre-cum leaking, as well as I felt a little more pee wetting my diaper.

- ‘’So Kat, what brings you here? We have many new items at great prices. Did you come looking for something specific?''.

-''We're looking for a few items from this list for my little girl's first day at daycare here. These items will be useful in her learning.”

Megan took the list from mommy's hand and began to read it item by item in her head and checked the system to see if they were still in stock at the store.

- ''I'm glad your baby goes to a daycare with other babies just like her, she must have a lot of fun. And you are in luck, we have all the items on the list, some are unpublished in the store, but that we have already ordered to follow the trend of some fetishes that have become better known.''. Said Megan.

We waited for Megan to get all the items from the back of the store and she started packing everything. It took a while and I was already very hungry and had already sat on the floor because of the pain in my feet, but luckily Megan was finished and handed the bags to mommy. They said goodbye to each other and mommy invited Megan to visit us sometime.

We left the store, went to the van, and a few minutes later, we were home. I was exhausted and it was already starting to get dark. Mommy told me to sit on the rug in the living room while she went to put away everything she bought today. I did as she said and sat down to wait for her, then she came back into the living room and said I could play with my toys in the playpen while she made dinner.

I sat in the playpen and felt pee wetting my diaper again, but I had gotten used to that extremely wet diaper and continued playing on the floor. Mommy finished preparing my dinner and came to the living room, she approached me and said.

- ''Let's take off these shoes baby, I know you must be tired of wearing them.''. She said as she took my shoes off and helped me up and headed towards the kitchen. I felt enormous relief as I walked without these shoes.

We got to the kitchen and mommy helped me into the high chair as usual, put a bib around my neck and started feeding me more puree as usual, but this time it was a bigger amount as she said my day had been full and I must have been very hungry (and it was true), after eating everything, my stomach was very full and mommy gave me a bottle of juice, which I drank quickly, as I was very thirsty.

-''Now let's get you ready for bed, it's late (it was 8 pm) and you have a wonderful new day tomorrow.''

Mommy took me to the bedroom, and helped me sit on the changing table, started taking off my dress and then made me lie down so she could take off my diaper cover. When the diaper cover was removed, mommy said in a surprised tone.

- ‘’Oh my God, baby, you wet your diaper so much that it formed a puddle of pee inside your plastic pants, but don't worry, mommy will take care of everything for you.''

I stood there while mommy carefully removed my plastic pants and threw them into a bucket of diapers next to the changing table, just as she started to unzip my extremely soggy diaper. The diaper was very wet and there was a big sticky stain on the front of my chastity cage.

- ''Looks like someone had a lot of fun today, doesn't it?''

She then pulled the thick pink plug from my bumbum giving me huge relief and helped me up, took off my wig and guided me to the bathroom where she gave me a nice bubble bath and cleaned my entire body thoroughly.

When we got back to the room, mommy told me to lie down on the changing table and wait for her as she had a surprise for me. I did as she told, lie there and waited for several minutes.

Mommy came back with super sexy lingerie and wet hair, she had showered and prepared for my surprise. She smelled wonderful. Mommy came to me and started to get what she needed to get me ready for bed: diapers, onesie, baby powder, diaper rash cream, baby lotion and brought in her hands a small object that looked like a pacifier, but she put it out of my field of vision before I could identify.

- ''As you were a very obedient baby today and will have your first day at daycare tomorrow, I have a very special surprise for you.''

Mommy lifted my legs and put a pink diaper under me, spread baby lotion on her hands and started rubbing my clitty and bumbum, making me feel like clouds, but soon she stopped and grabbed a small vibrator to assist, making me moan lightly.

- ''Are you enjoying this sissy?''

I nodded and let out another moan. Then, mommy came to the side of the changing table where she stood in front of my face. I had never seen mommy in lingerie or even naked, this would be the first time.

Mommy started rubbing my nipples with her left hand and with her right hand she started pulling her panties down. My heart was racing and my clitty was putting a lot of pressure inside the chastity and it was already starting to leaking more pre-cum.

- ''Mommy wants you to close your eyes for a moment, open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out, sissy.''. I quickly did as she said and waited for what would happen, until I felt something touch my tongue and mommy's hand behind my head.

I opened my eyes and got a huge surprise, mommy had a penis! It was a medium sized penis and it was completely erect and going into my mouth, but I was so surprised that I had no other reaction than to follow mommy's game and started sucking on her. Soon I could feel the pace increase and mommy was looking at me with a face that showed she was horny, until she stopped briefly.

- ''Now, sissy, let's try it in a different place.''. Mommy said as she came around the changing table and positioned herself in front of my legs.

- ''Lift your legs and spread them wide baby, you don't want to spoil your surprise and mommy's fun, do you?''

I obeyed and soon I could feel one of her hands holding my right leg, while with the other hand, mommy guided her penis to my bumbum. I felt her cock pushing against my hole and then I felt his pressure enter. Mommy started to fuck me slowly in smooth motions.

- ''Ah sissy baby, you can't imagine how much mommy wanted this.''

Mommy then increased the pace and was fucking me faster and at the same time she started massaging my 'princess parts' and moaning more and more. Sometimes mommy would stop the massage and slap my bottom while continuing at a fast, steady pace, looking like she would never get tired, until she picked up the pace even more and I felt a warm load inside me and mommy slowing down until she took off her penis from inside my bumbum. With that, I felt my orgasm explode through my chastity cage, shooting cumcum around the chastity and a small stream of pee came out shortly after.

- ‘’Awn, you really liked that, didn’t you sissy? Mommy loved it and now that you know my little secret, we can do this more often.”

Mommy then continued to get me ready for bed. She rubbed some cream on my bumbum and crotch and sprinkled baby powder too, she soon saw her semen starting to drip from my bumbum and smiled, closing my diaper right away. She then made me sit down and she grabbed a onesie with drawings of pacifiers, bottles and diapers all over it and dressed me in it, and to top it off, she took the item I hadn't been able to see before, it was a pacifier, but instead of a normal nipple, it was a little thick rubber penis that was there. Mommy put it in my mouth and strapped it behind my head and then put gloves on my hands and helped me to the crib.

I could still feel mommy's warm load running down my bumbum and into the bottom of my diaper, until I lay down in my crib and mommy started to tie my feet to the crib and then my hands. The hand restrictions allowed me to bend my arms a little, but I wouldn't be able to get my hands in my diaper overnight. Mommy then went to the kitchen and brought a big bag of milk and a tube that came out of it and hung it over the top of the crib, she then connected that tube to the back of my new pacifier and released the milk flow, so she kissed me good night and walked towards the door as I saw her in her sexy lingerie and big ass walking away from me as she said:

- ''This will help you get used to sucking mommy's cock like a good sissy baby. Good night baby.''

Before I could even finish drinking my milk, I was already feeling something in my stomach. “Did mommy put laxatives in my dinner?”. I thought as I drank my milk.

The discomfort intensified and at this point I had already drinked half the milk from the bag, but I couldn't hold it any longer and started filling my diaper with a big load of poop, which never seemed to end. I was already tired from the exhausting day and now I had to make more effort to fill my diaper and drink my milk from this penis pacifier. Time passes and I finish my milk and messing and wetting my diaper, until I quickly fall into a deep sleep due to exhaustion.

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  • Luk.e changed the title to A New Sissy Baby (provisional title) - Chapter 5 (26/06/2022)

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