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Without a Care - (Sequel Added)

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When a wolf has a little too much to drink one night, he ends up ruining all of his summer plans. But his mother has found a solution... a job at a local daycare...

This a slightly reformatted and edited version of the story I first posted to this Patreon when I launched it. With the next story directly following on from these events, I thought it would be good to properly get it into a post!

Without a Care

“But Mom why do I have to go?”

“Because when I put in the application I had to mention your little accident two weeks ago”

“I already explained why that happened! It was because I drank too much the night before and was completely hammered”

“You shouldn’t have been drinking in the first place!” His mother shouted back “Besides I still have to mention it. They asked specifically if there had been any recent incidents of bed-wetting. If I didn’t, and anyone asked about it, I could have been in serious trouble”

The 16-year-old wolf struggled to find an answer to this one. His mouth opened and closed without any form of communication.

“Right” said his mother, clearly annoyed that the conversation had needed to go this far, “That’s sorted then. I’m sorry no where else would take you, but they should be able to give you jobs that will help in the future, especially if you have kids”

“Yeah like I’m ever going to be taking care of kids” he replied, beginning to walk off.

“Jimmy, don’t forget to pack all the stuff you need tonight. I don’t want you arriving to find you

haven’t got enough underwear”

“Mum I’m sure I’ll be fine”

“Right now get to bed, if we’re not at the day-care by 9:00 tomorrow you’re not going to be giving a very good first impression”

Jimmy only snarled. He had wanted to apply for a camp over the summer, in particular one that would be fun but also give him work. His mum had offered to help, and had gone through the various websites and phone channels. Thanks to the “incident” two weeks ago, however, only the day-care down the road had offered him a place to stay and work, mentioning that they had the “resources to deal with such an incident should it happen again”. The very words were like poison. They implied that the 16-year-old wolf would wet the bed, something he hadn’t done since he was 5.

“Nothing I can do about it now” he said to himself, hauling his suitcase out of the cupboard under the stairs. Before long he had packed, his entire wardrobe was empty, and the chest of drawers next to his bed was void of underwear and pyjamas. The only thing left now was to go to bed and await the noise of his alarm the next morning.

When the alarm did sound, Jimmy was already up and showering. A frustrated nights sleep had meant that he had awoken several times. This was, after all, his first taste of work. It was a big step in the teenage wolfs life, albeit a step in an odd direction. Eventually he had given up at six am, when there was little point in trying to go back to the world of dreams. Wandering out of the bathroom wrapped in only a towel he went back to his room, pushing the alarm button on his clock. This was promptly followed by a voice at his bedroom door

“You’d better be out of bed mister, I’m not – Oh you’re awake!”

“Yeah mum, can I have some privacy while I change”

“Oh, sure” his mother sounded as though she was surprised to see her son awake, let alone half-naked. As she closed the door behind her, Jimmy threw his towel to floor and began to change into his last set of available clothes.

As the car went to park outside the “Little Joy Day-Care Centre” Jimmy felt an odd sense of anxiety. He had no idea how to take care of babies and toddlers, yet he was about to be responsible for some of them. However, the voice of his mother from the front seat of the car was enough to shake him out of his thoughts.

“Come on get that suitcase out of the back!”

Within moments the case was out and both mother and son were walking up to the front of the day-care.

As they walked in a combination of sensual stimuli hit both of them, a combination that could only mean “childhood”. White walls and blue floors greeted them, leading up to a pine desk with a fox sitting behind it. There were banners along the skirting boards covered in balloons and teddy bears and the noise of screaming and laughter that could only be coming from toddlers and babies was mixed with the sounds of cooing coming from a room the left of the entrance.

The smells of baby powder and disinfectant filled the air, creating a strange aroma that was very nostalgic to the wolf. He had been in a similar place to this a long time ago, he thought to himself, though he couldn’t remember any of it off hand.

“Hello there, can I help at all” the voice came from the fox behind the desk, clearly a receptionist.

“Yes my son is here to work with you for a few weeks” His mother said, before Jimmy could even get a word in for himself

“Ah yes Mr. Hall, if you take a right here you’ll be outside the headmistresses office. She’ll be able to give you more information” she immediately went back to her computer screen without a second look at the two of them.

Having followed this simple instruction the mother and son were now seated in front of an older fox. Large spectacles covered her eyes and her hair was tinged grey at the edges.

“Mr. Hall I’d like to welcome you to Little Joy Day-care. My name is Jennifer Dart, though I expect you to call me Miss Dart or Miss” she straightened herself up, as if to assert authority over her new worker “As the brief explained you’ll be helping out the staff in many of their day-to-day tasks. This includes, but is not limited to, cleaning out potties and diaper pails, cleaning the toilets and changing tables and replacing supplies from the stockroom.” She stared almost menacingly at Jimmy from across her desk.

“You will not be required to do much while the children are here, most go home at 4pm with their parents, at which point we begin the cleaning up process to prepare for the next day. I provide my staff with dinner and a bed during the week since many live a long way away. This has simply become the easiest way to run the business, and you will also be given breakfast, lunches and dinners during your stay here.” There was a pause as she looked down at her notes. Spotting something she raised her eyebrows and her eyes moved to look at him, her head staying still.

“We will also provide you with night-time protection, since we cannot risk having our beds ruined” Jimmy felt a pang of anger at these words. He wanted to complain, but he knew, by this stage, that there was no avoiding it. “Do you wear such protection at home Mr. Hall?”

Jimmy was taken aback by the question “No miss, it was a one time accident”.

Again her eyebrows rose to the top of her forehead “Oh… Well we’ll see how you go tonight in that case. If nothing is amiss we’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and you can sleep without the diapers”

“Diapers?” Jimmy exclaimed, unable to keep his voice from rising in shock

“Keep your tone in check young man!” his mother scolded.

“At the very least we will ask you to wear a diaper on your first night here.” Miss Dart continued,

“This is just a precaution as mattresses cost money and unless you want your mother paying for a new one I suggest you wear such protection. For now at any rate.” Jimmy couldn’t believe it. He was being told to wear diapers in case he wet the bed! He was 16! Not 3!

“Since you do not normally wear protection of this kind, may I also presume that you have never changed yourself into a diaper before?” Already speechless from the previous point Jimmy could only stutter out a “N-No”

“In that case I’ll have one of the staff change you before bed tonight. If this really is a one time thing you’ll have nothing to worry about.” She smiled at him “But that’s not for a little while yet, let me show you to your room”

Both mother and son followed the headmistress back to the main hall. By now the screaming and laughing was in full swing in the day-care centre. Rather than going through the nursery, however, the headmistress took them to a door behind the reception desk. It opened onto a staircase that led up to second floor.

“Up here is our staff room, toilet, kitchen and bedrooms” said Miss Dart “You’ll be sleeping in here” as she opened the door, Jimmy immediately noticed several odd things about the room.

Firstly it smelled like the rest of the nursery, a combination of baby powder and disinfectants. Secondly all the furniture looked like the rest of the nursery, all white, including the bedspread and pillow. Finally one piece of furniture in particular caught his eye.

“Is that a changing table?”

“Yes it is” Miss Dart replied, “In some cases some of the children have to stay the night, particularly if parents are on business trips. We provide the service as an extra means of income.”

It was at this point that he noticed something further about the bed. There was a large wooden fence folded down over the side. He immediately realised that this could be raised to create a cot.

“So I’m in a toddlers room?”

“I’m afraid this is all we can provide you with. All the other rooms are taken up by our staff members.”

Jimmy could only sigh. He was going to be sleeping in a baby’s room for four weeks.

“I guess this is where I wish you good luck!” his mother said, kissing him on the cheek.

“I’ll be fine mom, how hard can it be”

“That’s the spirit! I’ll be keeping in touch with Miss Dart to see how you’re getting on” as she started to leave the room Miss Dart followed.

“We’ll give you time to unpack your things and then we’ll see you downstairs for lunch in an hours time”

“Bye Mom!” Jimmy shouted at the door.

“Bye! Have a nice time!”

After unpacking, Jimmy took a little bit of time to look at some his furniture. As he suspected the fence on the side of the bed rose up easily, creating a suitable barrier, and quite a tall one at that. He doubted even he could climb over it! The changing table was a pretty standard affair, though he noticed it was void of any of the typical trimmings. No diapers, wipes or powder. After making sure all his shirts were neatly folded and stored in the wardrobe he headed back down the stairs to the reception desk. By now it was nearly lunchtime, though he realised he had no idea where to go. Spotting the receptionist he hoped she knew where he needed to go

“Excuse me, where do I go for lunch?” he asked, a little nervous/

“Oh right, if you go through the nursery and turn right as soon as you reach the play area you’ll see our dining area. We have lunch with some of the kids, makes it easier to organise everything that way” she smiled at him, then went back to her computer/

“Thanks Miss… err…”

“Keri. Miss Keri”

“Ah ok, thanks”

As Jimmy entered the nursery he was suddenly flustered. All around the room there were kids of various ages and species playing with toys and being tended to by the nursing staff. Some looked no older than about 18 months, with many wearing nothing but a diaper. Some even wore training pants he noticed, as he wandered through the room. The kids didn’t pay their new visitor the slightest attention, most were caught up in whatever activity they happened to be doing.

The kitchen was far less intimidating to the 16 year old. There was a lion being fed in a highchair by a kindly looking tigress while the rest of the staff were eating their own meals. Noticing Miss Dart at the end of a table in the centre of the room he moved over to sit down.

“Ah Mr. Hall, please take a seat.” She smiled at him again. It was the same smile as before, the one that sent shivers down his spine.

“I trust you’ve unpacked everything?”

“Yes Miss Dart” Jimmy replied, his voice slightly shaky from nerves

Miss Dart seemed to notice his anxiety “Don’t worry, I imagine this is all a little new to you?”

Jimmy nodded in response “I’m sure you’ll do fine. For now though I’ve put up a recommended menu for you on the side there. Have you cooked before?”

“Only with pasta Miss”

“Well that’s two meals sorted at least. As long as one of the staff is here to help I’m sure you’ll have no problem”

Jimmy laughed nervously, unsure as to what to do next.

“Well then, I suggest you make a quick meal for yourself. Pasta should be fine, there’s plenty in that top cupboard there” Miss Dart motioned over to the worktops “Otherwise pots and pans are in the cupboard next to the fridge. I’ll see you in here in about 20 minutes for your first briefing on what to do next.”

“Ok, thank you Miss”

She smiled again and left the kitchen, leaving Jimmy to cook. Pretty soon he was full of pasta, and Miss Dart returned, carrying a folder and a notepad

“Right, Mr. Hall” Miss Dart started “As your first task, I need you to restock your own changing table”

“What?” Jimmy’s voice was once again unable to stop itself from rising in mild shock

“We need to ensure all the supplies are there for this evening. This will also give you the opportunity to see the stockroom and where we keep everything” She gave him a stern look “I’ll show you there now”

When he entered the stockroom, Jimmy could see only one thing. Diapers, stacked high on nearly every shelf. Packs of different sized diapers for all the different species, all neatly stacked in alphabetical order.

“Right Mr. Hall, I’m going to challenge you a little.” She gave him another of those smiles “I want to see how quickly you can find your size diaper and then find powder, wipes and a washcloth”

Jimmy turned to look at the room. Logically, the diapers should be easy to find, he thought, since everything is in alphabetical order by species. Wandering down to the end of a row of shelves he quickly found a shelf marked “Wolves” and looked up and down the section. He never knew there were this many brands of diaper. Pawpers were here but so were Snugglies, Tailsies and Puppy Eyes.

“How are any these supposed to be in my size?’ Jimmy thought to himself. Noticing that the sizes seemed to go up the further down you went he got on his knees and looked on the bottom shelf.

“What the?” he said out loud. On the bottom shelf was a pack of “Teen Pawpers: For Ages 13-18” He couldn’t believe it. All the pack had on the front was a plain image of the diaper and the text. The picture showed that the diaper was covered in cute designs.

“Have you found the diapers yet?” he heard Miss Darts voice across the other side of the room.

“I think so!” He shouted back, now out of the confused stupor. The rest of the supplies were much easier to find. There were only two sections that weren’t stacked to the heavens with diapers so soon he had powder, washcloth and wipes. The large pack of Pawpers he was carrying in his left hand still left him confused, however.

“I didn’t know Pawpers made diapers for teens”

Miss Dart just smiled "Well, you do now, and you'll be getting familiar with them pretty soon" Jimmy could only grimace in resposne.

“Right, that took you about 5 minutes” Miss Dart continued “Not too bad considering you’ve never been in the stockroom before” she grabbed a diaper pail from the entrance.

“I’ll carry this one up to your room for you, keep a hold of the rest”

This was all a bit surreal to the wolf; he was carrying his diapers and changing supplies up to his room after all.

The rest of day passed pretty uneventfully, dinner consisted of a roast that Miss Dart had cooked for her staff. Soon it was time for bed and, Jimmy realised, for his first diaper change in 14 years. He was just about to change out of his clothes when the door to his room opened.

“Alexis could you help Jimmy change for the night?”

“Yes ma’am” replied the tiger that Jimmy recognised as being the tigress that had fed the lion at lunchtime.

“Lets get you get up on the changing table then” The tigress didn’t even give Jimmy a moment to react. Before he knew what was happening Alexis had lifted him, which was no mean feat, up onto the changing table.

“W..Wait I’m not even out of my pants”

“Oh shush, I’ve undressed hundreds of kids” she quickly and roughly removed his jeans and boxers, leaving the wolf blushing bright red.

“I…. I” Jimmy stuttered as he moved his hands to cover his private areas.

“No need to be shy” Alexis merely moved his hands away and began wiping down the insides of his legs, the cold sensation making him shiver a little. She then followed up with a liberally dashing of powder along his front. The smell completely overwhelmed the wolf’s senses, putting him a daze. He felt his legs being lifted up and the diaper being placed underneath him before he looked up to see Alexis move the front over his belly button. His legs went back down and Alexis taped the diaper up on both sides. 

“There we are, all ready for bed” She lifted the wolf up off the table and set him down.

Jimmy was in a state of shock and confusion. The diaper was thick, so thick in fact that he couldn’t move his knees together. The designs on the front were similar to that of any baby diaper, albeit slightly more toned down.

“I’ll be in tomorrow morning at 8am. If you’re in need of a change, I’m responsible for that, otherwise make sure you’re ready to start working at 9 sharp” and with that she left Jimmy standing half naked in the middle of the room.

Jimmy couldn’t believe it. He had just been changed into a diaper for the first time since he was a toddler, all because he’d had a little too much to drink one night.

“This is so weird” he thought to himself. He couldn’t walk straight with the padding between his legs. Instead he found himself waddling over to his bed and climbing in with a loud rustle from his new underwear. He quickly found it impossible to lie on his side and rolled over to his front. He was tired from the day’s events and soon found himself drifting off into a peaceful slumber.


“Up you get Jimmy it’s 8am!” Alexis’ voice broke through Jimmy’s dreams and he awoke with a start.

“Lets get you changed, you’ve got to be ready for work at 9” Jimmy wearily got out of bed and moved towards the wardrobe. He quickly realised something was amiss. He was waddling for a start. Then it all came flooding back. He looked down at his diaper and was shocked by what he saw.

It was drooping heavily, the front was stained a light yellow and the tapes were stretched. He had completely soaked his diaper. For the second time in three weeks he had heavily wet the bed.

“Come on, stop standing there like a lemon” Alexis quickly solved this problem by hoisting the teenager back up onto the changing table. Still drowsy, all Jimmy could do was stare at the process. Alexis pulled the diaper out from under him and started wiping, causing another shiver to go up his spine. This was enough to give him his voice back.


“Hmmm?” Alexis assumed she’d missed half of the question.

“Why did I wet the bed?” Jimmy was now on the verge of tears, it was all just too much.

“It happens sometimes kiddo, but that’s why everywhere asks. You had one accident, and sometimes new environments can cause others.”

Jimmy still felt confused and angry with himself. What was he supposed to say to his mother?

“Anyway, you’re all cleaned up so get dressed. We’ll see you downstairs to start work in half an hour ok?” Alexis said, cheerfully.

“Sure” Jimmy’s reply couldn’t have been more different.

“Awww don’t make that face, cheer up and enjoy the next two weeks!” Alexis’ enthusiasm seemed to know no bounds.

After the embarrassment of the morning, Jimmy didn’t feel like talking to anyone when he got downstairs. With Miss Dart waiting outside his room, however, this was going to prove impossible.

“So, do you remember your tasks for the day?”

“Uh-huh” Jimmy said, despondently.

“If you’re still upset about your accident this morning you’ll need to shake it off. I don’t want you daydreaming or mulling around” Miss Dart said sternly

“Yes ma’am” Jimmy replied, straightening himself up

“Good, I’ll see you in the kitchen at lunchtime”

The beginning of the day felt strange to the wolf. Cleaning the changing tables before the kids arrived wasn’t too bad, though the smells of baby powder and diapers reminded him of the morning events more than he would have liked.

After finishing up on the tables he felt his bladder twinge. It wasn’t a very strong twinge, and the wolf carried on, assuming that he would be able to hold it. It was therefore a surprise when a second twinge hit, twice as strong as the first, leaving an ache on his bladder.

“Gah… Where’s the bathroom on this floor?” Jimmy wandered back into nursery, looking left and right. The day was now in full swing, with cubs running around and the various carers doing their best to control them. Jimmy quickly ran to a carer.

“Where’s the bath….” He only managed the first part of his question when he felt a release, and warmth, in his crotch.

It didn’t take long for the wolf to realise what he was doing. In full view of cubs that were just learning to potty train, a 16 year old was wetting himself, right in front of a member of staff. It was too much; he just stood there, unable to say a word as his bladder emptied itself into his boxers. Since they were never meant to absorb anything, the slow trickle of urine down his legs quickened, until a small puddle had formed at his feet. When it was finally over, the wolf looked up at the caretaker, a look of pity on her face.

“Come with me, I think Miss Dart will want to see you” All Jimmy could do was follow her to the heads office. He felt like a cub, the very idea that he had just wet himself felt so wrong.

The caretaker knocked on the door, an action that was quickly followed by Miss Darts voice.

“Come in”

As he entered, he felt a draft of cool air against his pants, sending shivers around his body; he looked down at them again, only to immediately look back up when Miss Dart stood up, a look of shock on her face.

“What happened?” she said, her voice cracking from surprise.

“He had an accident ma’am, he was asking me where the toilets were when….”

“An accident? Mr. Hall you’re sure you have never had any problems with your continence before now?” her voiced was so stern it caused Jimmy to break down on the spot.

“I…. I’ve never had any problems…. Before” he said sobbing.

“You said the bedwetting was a one time incident, but we both know there's an underlying problem here.”

“Please Miss…. It just happened”

“That’s the same excuse toddlers use Mr. Hall, you are 16, not 2” the patronising tone took Jimmy aback.

“But I…”

“There is clearly something amiss here. I would like you to have a shower and then wait in your room. Alexis will be up there in 10 minutes to see to any other needs you might have”

All Jimmy could do was wander up the stairs, bewildered. Why had he wet himself? How had he managed to lose control so quickly? These questions plagued him throughout his shower and the drying process that followed. When he returned to his room, he found Alexis and Miss Dart waiting outside.

“I heard you had a little accident today little guy” Alexis said, seeming to find the whole situation amusing.

“Alexis, please, we need to have a serious discussion about Mr. Hall’s strange behaviour”

“Yes Ma’am” Alexis straightened up, and followed both Jimmy and Miss Dart into his room. It was at this point that Jimmy found his voice again.

“I’m sorry, I have no idea how it happened,” he said, his voice breaking under muffled sobs. Miss Darts eyes were focused on him, while Alexis was looking at her nails, seemingly uninterested.

“Mr. Hall, while you were showing I came to the conclusion that having you here was a mistake.”

The words were like a grenade exploding in his heart.

“You have embarrassed yourself and us by losing control in front of children who are supposed to look up to you as a role model. Instead they saw a 16 year old doing exactly what they do because they haven’t be trained yet,” her voice carried an anger that Jimmy hadn’t expected.

“Because of this, I have had to make a few changes to your stay here. From now on Alexis will take care of your needs. You will not be required to work. Instead we will allow you to be a…. test” she stretched the word out, letting it drift to Jimmy slowly.

“What do you mean?”

“Normally speaking we only take care of kids aged between 1 year and 4, as we only really have the resources to do so. We occasionally take care of older children but only on special request and when the money is good enough. What we want to do is see how well the kids react to someone older if they are put in the same environment” she gave Jimmy an intense look before continuing

“You are to act exactly the same as any other toddler here, Alexis will be your personal caretaker and cater to feeding, clothing, and bathing you. You do not have a choice in this matter. We will consider not charging you for the carpet clean up if you oblige, but otherwise I can assure you we will spare no quarter in getting something back from you” Jimmy could only stare back in shock. They expected him to be a toddler, to act like a two year old?

“That’s crazy! I’m sixteen!”

“And yet you’ve proven so far that you have the same self-control as a toddler. You are even talking back to you superiors like a brat” her voice carried malice with that final sentence.

“I’ll leave you and Alexis to discuss day to day routines. All toddlers have them after all. We won’t put you in the nursery for any length of time until tomorrow though.”

“Righto ma’am!” Alexis stood to attention, ready to carry out her new duties.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then, Mr. Hall. Do not worry about the next few days, you’ll have no worries in the world” she followed this up with another of those smiles before closing his bedroom door behind her, leaving Jimmy agape.

“So…. How about we get you in a new diaper?” Alexis leapt towards the still dumbstruck wolf, giving him no time to react. He had the now familiar feeling of being lifted on to the padded changing table.

“Better make sure you’re not gonna leak everywhere again!” said Alexis, grabbing a diaper and supplies from the table. Despite the clear enthusiasm in her voice, all it did was make Jimmy burst into tears again.

“Awww come on little guy. Here’s something to cheer you up” she handed him a little tiger plushie “Now you don’t ever need to worry, I’m always here, at least in plushie form”

“I’m 16…. I don’t cuddle plushies anymore” Jimmy sobbed.

“And you don’t wear diapers either I assume?” she asked, patronisingly.

Rather than have an argument he couldn’t possibly win, Jimmy grabbed the plushie and pulled it tightly to him. Strangely it did feel better.

“I’m just overwhelmed from today, I don’t really feel better with a plushie” he thought to himself. Before long he felt the tapes on his diaper being tightened and his tail being threaded through the hole in the back.

“Rightio, all changed” Alexis then hoisted him off the table and onto the bed.

“Now you stay right here mister I’m going to go get your dinner” she then tussled his hair, gave him a wink and left.

All Jimmy did in Alexis’ absence was sit his bed, shattered from today’s events. He couldn’t think straight; all he could do was keep his new plushie close to his bare chest. Eventually Alexis barged into his room carrying a sippy cup and a jar of what could only be described as “mush”.

“Here we are, mashed up chicken and rice for my new charge!” she said.

“What? I can’t eat that!”

“Really? Are you allergic?”

“No but….”

“Then open wide, the choo-choo train to Jimmy-wimmys tummy-wummy is on time. And no one wants it to be late!” Jimmy was so taken aback by this display of mothering that his mouth stayed open just long enough for Alexis to sneak in a spoonful of the slushy mixture.

At first, Jimmy felt like gagging from surprise. Then he got his first taste, then the feeling of mashed chicken on his tongue. The taste wasn’t too bad, but the texture was so alien that he swallowed just to get it down.

“Chooga-chooga” Alexis was seemingly unable to help herself, years of playing with toddlers enabling her to just leave any sense of restraint behind her. Jimmy on the other hand was moving further back on to his bed.

“I don’t want another….mphh” Alexis was able to move fast enough to pop another spoonful of the mixture into his mouth before he could finish, resulting in the wolf moving forward into his new caretaker, reading to vomit the vile mixture over her shoulder.

“If you don’t swallow it, you’ll go to bed without any more dinner” Alexis’s tone changed from one of amusement to seriousness. Jimmy looked up at her, considered his situation and stopped fidgeting.

“Fine, may as well get it over with”

For the next 10 minutes all that could from Jimmy’s room were the sounds of airplanes flying with badly mangled jet engines and trains that seemed to be built on rollercoaster’s.

“All finished! What a good little tyke you are!” still bubbly as ever Alexis began cleaning his mouth with the washcloth he’d brought up yesterday.

“Mmph, I would have gotten so messy if you’d just let me feed myself!” Jimmy complained

“I seem to remember someone saying that they’d be able to keep their bed dry too!” That shut him up quick.

“And now I think it’s time we sorted out what you’re going to be doing tomorrow!” Alexis pulled Jimmy over to her, putting her arm around his mid-rift and hugging him close to her chest.

“Ok, all toddlers have playtime between nine and eleven o’clock, which gives parents time to bring them and let them relax. Then we try and teach counting or something at twelve before lunchtime at one” Jimmy grimaced, guessing that “lunchtime” meant eating more of the mixture he’d just eaten.

“After that it’s nap-time, then at three it’s story-time and then everyone goes home. Of course in your case it’s a bit different. You’ll be given dinner, then changed for the night and put to bed with another story, read by yours truly” she positively beamed at Jimmy, who could only manage a weak smile back.

“Of course, in between all of this you’ll have diaper changes. It won’t always be me doing that. The caretakers check everyone’s every half hour. Wouldn’t want you getting a diaper rash now would we?” She pinched him the cheek, which made Jimmy recoil and send out a weak growl.

“Sounds like someone’s a little cranky, I think it’s time for bed little man!” Alexis put on her stern voice again and got up from the bed. Jimmy climbed into his bed, only to find Alexis’ hands moving the duvet over him. He had just been tucked into bed!

“And now to make sure my little guy is safe and sound!” Alexis’ pulled the fence up from the side

of bed, effectively turning it into a large crib. Jimmy doubted he could get out at night even if he wanted to now. He yawned and hugged his new plushie close to him, hoping he would fall asleep quickly.

“Sweet dreams little guy!” Alexis chimed before closing the door behind her.


When Jimmy awoke he found himself in a very odd position. There was enough light coming through the babyish curtains in his room to see the state he was in. He’d thrown his covers off in the night, leaving his diaper on full display.

A diaper that was soaked for the second night on the trot, he noticed.

“Dammit!” he shouted, punching the bars in anger.

“That’s no way to treat our property Jimmy!” Alexis had been at the door the whole time.

“What’s the time?” asked Jimmy

“8:00, I got in just as you woke up” Alexis replied. She pulled down the bars and grabbed her charge underneath his arms, carrying him over to the now overly familiar padded table.

“Wow you really soaked this again, I hope the girls downstairs are ready for a challenge” Jimmy could only sigh and wait for it all to be over. He smelled the powder and felt his tail threaded through the hole of his new diaper. This was the first diaper he was going to use during the day for nearly 13 years.

“All set and ready for the new day! Now just to find a t-shirt for you….” She grabbed a light green one out of the wardrobe. It was an old one that had seen better days.

“Perfect” she said pulling it over Jimmy’s head. The wolf just groaned, hoping this would all turn out to be a very weird dream.

By the time they were downstairs, Miss Dart had already sorted breakfast for him: Porridge with a sippy cup of orange juice. Jimmy had no qualms with being fed the porridge but the sippy cup felt a bit degrading. Then again he was hardly improving himself in his current situation.

“Playtime little one!” Alexis pulled him up and lifted him over her shoulder. Despite the last two

days, he was still surprised at her strength. She laid him down on the padded surface of the nursery play area. There were a couple of kids already here, including the lion he’d noticed from the day before.

“I’ll be back to check on you at naptime. Be good!” and with that she went back into the kitchen.

Jimmy suddenly felt very alone. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted his plushie! He waddled back towards the kitchen, hoping to shout the problem to Alexis.

“Stay in the play area dear, we wouldn’t want you getting hurt” Jimmy looked round to see a middle aged husky bearing down on him.

“But I want my plushie!” He shouted at her, covering his mouth immediately after saying it. He hadn’t just said that, had he?

“Awww it’s ok sweetie, I’ll go find Alexis and ask her to find him for you. What’s his name?”

“Umm…. Alexis” Jimmy replied, again without really thinking about babyish it sounded.

“Awww that’s sweet, I’ll be right back dear, just put your bottom back on that mat there”

As she left Jimmy went back to the play mat. It was at this point he felt something that sent fear through every part of his being. He needed to poop.

He knew full well that there was absolutely no way he was going to get out of it. He still had no idea where the toilets were on this floor, and even if he did, if he was found he would likely face the wrath of Miss Dart. The husky still hadn’t got back when he felt a second cramp, much stronger than the first. He clenched his butt cheeks hoping to keep it in as long as possible. He moved himself into a kneeling position, his butt raised high to keep himself from having the most embarrassing accident of his teenage life.

“Found it!” the voice of the husky called across from the other side of the room. This did two things. First it distracted Jimmy from his current predicament, causing him to get up off his knees and waddle towards his cuddly friend.

The second thing was as a result of the first. Half-way there he felt his tail flag up, his body hunched itself and before he knew what was happening he was pushing mess out into his waiting diaper. The feeling was unlike anything the wolf could remember, the mass in his padding squashed up against his backside and tail before it seemed to drop away. In the same instant he felt a warmth radiate outwards from his crotch. He was wetting himself as well, flooding his new underwear without any hint of control. 

That was last straw. The teenage Jimmy completely broke down inside. Nothing could stop the flow of tears or the loud wails that came from his maw. The husky could immediately tell what the problem was. Grabbing a pacifier from a drawer she popped it in his screaming mouth. This calmed him down a little but he continued to sob. Grabbing the plushie from her arms he moved backwards, only to overbalance and find himself falling onto the contents of his diaper with a dull “plop”. Before he could start crying again, a tigress, not dissimilar to his plushie, pulled him up and began to change him.

“Don’t worry little guy, I’m here for you” Alexis said, hugging Jimmy tightly in her arms. He

hugged back.

“I nweed twaingin” he said behind the pacifer.

Alexis laughed “Come on you little stinker, I think we’re both gonna take a while to get used to


  • Daddy Wuffster changed the title to Without a Care - (Sequel Added)

A few weeks after her newest, and oldest. charge became enrolled, Miss Dart is preparing for the new term at Little Joy Daycare. But first, she has a meeting with his mother...

This was a follow up I wrote TEN YEARS after I finished Without a Care and was uploaded to my Patreon last August. Hopefully you'll enjoy this change in perspective!

Opportunity Knocks

Jennifer Dart wasn’t used to early mornings. The cool air flowing through her bedroom was less of a refreshing way to start the day and more of a reminder of the reason for her lack of sleep.

Today was the first day at Little Joy Daycare after the summer break. Her Little Joy Daycare. The first day of a new term, new kids and new plans. Thankfully none of her staff had to focus on anything else this summer or had moved on this year, it was good to have that consistency. She’d had a well earned break over the last few days, but now it was back to the grind.

She moved herself out of bed, putting on her half-moon glasses that sat on her bedside table and started to dress herself for the day. Her neat hair stayed silky smooth at night, a small mercy considering how frazzled she could feel. Her suit, a black and great set that exuded authority and poise, slipped on over her lanky frame with the same comfortable fit she’d had for the last three years in it. Her staff wouldn’t want to wear any of it, not least for the possibility of spit ups, but owning the place let her stay in the back office. 

And if anyone walked in there and saw her in this attire they would know it was her office.

A breakfast bar of granola and a quick glass of iced tea was all she needed to get the rest of her body to wake up. The walk to the car and the steady drive towards her place of work gave her time to think about the plans ahead. Orientation was going to be as interesting as ever. Some of the kids wouldn’t want to leave their parents, some would be desperate to get to play with the toys again. The whole place had been cleaned up and given a bit of a make-over, after all she had a new programme to start this year.

Her summer had definitely been interesting. Turning into the parking lot and finding her space, she pulled out a small make-up mirror and checked her face. Spotless, the fur a little greyed here and there from age but nothing that would distract from her otherwise well trimmed fur. Grabbing her handbag from the passenger foot-well, she directed her heels down into the tarmac, gracefully entering the front door.

“Morning Jenny!” the voice of a vixen came from behind the receptionist desk.

“Good Morning Keri” she responded, smiling a little “All ready for the day ahead I hope”

“Yes Ma'am!” she grinned back “Do you need me to give you the rundown of your morning?”

“Meeting with Jimmy’s mother at eight, orientation at nine-thirty, registrations from eleven until noon right?”

The vixen's face fell a little “Awww, I had it all memorised as well!” she went back to her computer, closing down her calendar app “But yeah! Jimmy's mother will be here in about thirty minutes. Do you want Alexis to get him from upstairs?”

She thought for a minute “Alexis should be changing him right now. Give it a couple of minutes and then ask for him to come down”

“Will do ma'am!” Keri looked back towards her keyboard as Dart moved towards her office. The place was spotless, the corridors perfectly prepared for the influx of parents and students due in the next couple of hours. Opening the door to her office, she took a moment to breathe in. Even after a few days away this place felt like it always needed something to make it hers again. The little bits of dust that had gathered on the corners, the box of files by her cabinet that needed re-organising… all of it was hers and yet had yet to be stamped at such. She walked over to her chair, an ergonomic black affair whose headrest came to just above her head. Comfortable, stylish and imposing. Sitting down and shuffling it up to her desk, she grabbed a file from the drawer and opened it up

“Jimmy Hall - Age 18”  

The next words were “Employee Record” but a red line had been placed through it, and instead underneath, the label read “Childcare and Support Record”. The kid had been a mixed blessing, Jennifer thought. The whole purpose of bringing him in had been to test whether she could trust teenagers with some of the simpler tasks of the day care during its busiest periods. Caretakers were needed elsewhere, some cleaning got missed and some supplies would run out. She’d hoped that finding the one teenager who had to do the job might help.

Instead the opposite had been the case. She’d trusted his mother, but Jimmy had worried her from the start. He’d been rude about the precautions they’d had to take, which were then promptly proven necessary, and went one step further the next day by completely losing control of his functions, right in front of toddlers who should’ve been seeing him as another adult. Nina had brought him into her office in such a state that Jennifer had barely had time to compose herself. Whatever she’d said then she knew it was as much from shock as it was concern. Teenagers, even the worst ones, do not wet themselves without good reason.

She turned the first page over, looking over the official documentation she’d written up to cover the actions that followed. She’d made the decision to essentially enrol the boy, but that had required ticking off several boxes that she’d rather have left open to discussion. At the time, the day-care operated taking care of older children on a very strict and very well managed structure, both for their sake and the sake of the day-care. She’d had to make the decision to do this within a very short space of time. Jimmy was there for four weeks, she’d agreed that much with his mother and nothing had covered the possibility of him being a liability to the progression of her charges.

She looked down the check-boxes she’d ticked when she’d begun to formalise his enrolment, “Needed Potty Training” was the first notable one, but she’d considered the entire list of potential needs he might have. Alexis had informed her pretty soon after the kid had used the diaper he’d been put in as a precaution, so “Overnight Protection” had also been ticked. At some point she’d clearly just come to the conclusion that he’d need some kind of punishment. She hadn’t entirely thought straight at the time, the frustration of having the teenager completely wreck her plans had probably influenced her harshness. A lot more boxes were ticked, “Requires Social Development”, “Requires Behavioural Adjustments”, “No Solid Foods”... These weren’t ones she’d ticked out of genuine concern for his welfare.

But equally, this was her day care. This wasn’t a place she wanted messed up by an immature teenager with a potty problem. Perhaps that in itself justified the treatment, a clear message to his mother if nothing else. She’d been out of contact, by her own request, unless Jimmy was involved in an emergency. She’d clearly wanted a break from him, and while him completely ruining his underwear on the first day could be construed as an emergency, at a day-care, it was par for the course. They’d been equipped to handle it, and now it was time to give him back. She felt just a little tinge of sadness as she folded over the back of the file with the evidence of his various accidents and difficulties. He’d basically given up on trying to assert himself the moment he was put back into the nursery. Jennifer normally didn’t get attached to the kids anymore, her first cohort had hit pretty hard when they left but now, she’d gotten used to it. But Jimmy? Well, he’d shown this place could do more than just keep some tiny tots safe and educated. It had shown it could help some teenagers learn a thing or two as well...

The loud ringing of her office phone punched a hole in the strangely solemn atmosphere.

“Miss Darts Office”

“Ma'am, Jimmy’s mother is here waiting at reception” Keri’s voice came through, her bright demeanour feeding through the phone line.

“Very well Keri, is Alexis on her way down?”

“Sorry, I don’t know. Jimmy might have been difficult this morning” Great. She’d hoped this would be a smooth meeting but a cranky eighteen year old wasn’t something she needed.

“Send her through to my office, and when they come down, send Alexis and Jimmy through, no need to call me”

“Yes Ma'am” the phone line crackled out and Jennifer sighed, rubbing her forehead as she lay the handset back down on its stand. She’d been both dreading and looking forward to this conversation.

A small knock at her door followed a few seconds later

“Come in”

The shape of the middle-aged wolf entering the room reminded Jennifer of the first day she’d arrived. She looked a little more refreshed though, perhaps having time away from Jimmy really had been needed…

“Ah, Miss Dart, pleasure to meet you again!”

“Likewise Miss Hall, please take a seat, we need to talk about Jimmy”

Her face dropped “Oh no, was he alright? I hope he wasn’t too much trouble?”

Jennifer scoffed “Well, I think we need to start on his first day.” she flicked open the file “Can I ask a few questions about him, just so I know…”

“Yes of course! Oh gosh, I’m sorry if he…”

“It’s quite alright Miss Hall” Jennifer resisted the urge to raise her voice at the interruption “Did Jimmy have any problems with his potty training?”

The wolf's eyes widened “I… what do you mean? He potty trained years ago”

Jennifer sighed “Well, I’m afraid that he…” she paused, trying to make sure to try to break this gently “... had an accident on his first day”

“You mean… during the day? But he’s never… Why?”

“I’m afraid we couldn’t work that out. He came up to one of the caretakers to ask for the location of the bathroom and was barely three words in before it was too late”

Miss Hall was visibly stunned. Jennifer could see her hands balling up into fists and releasing as if her thoughts were unsure whether to be angry or concerned. At least she could have sympathy there…

“Well… what did you do? Was he allowed to keep working?”

Miss Dart flipped over to the second page and turned it to face the wolf “We made the decision that, given he’d been unable to control himself in front charges that need to be potty trained, to enrol him here” she let that sink in for a second. The wolf was darting up and down the list of things Jimmy was now required to do, her hand going to her face.

“Are you alright Miss Hall?”

“I just… I don’t know what to say! I’m so sorry for all of this! I never expected him to wet himself! Oh goodness..”

Jennifer leant back in her chair, letting the mother have a second to read through the rest of the file. Eventually, she pushed it back across the desk, giving a sigh of her own.

“Is… is he ok?” Resignation. This was going better than expected.

“I think so, he’ll be on his…”

A loud knock came on the door, causing Miss Hall to jump in her chair. Poor woman was clearly on edge.

“Ah, that’ll be him and Alexis now. Come on in you two”

The door opened, the form of the tigress coming into view. Alexis was grinning from ear to ear, her hand holding onto the charge she’d brought downstairs.

And what a sight that charge was.

Jimmy was dressed in nothing but a onesie and a pair of socks, a large yellow duck adorning the front of a blue background. His thumb was lodged in his muzzle, a short suckling motion happening every second or so as he kept his head low, trying not to make eye contact with Miss Dart. The only sound he was making was the crinkling coming from under the onesie, the evidence of his new underwear selection.

“Sorry we’re late, Jimmy got half his oatmeal down his front. Little guy was such a mess!” Alexis looked over to see Miss Hall “Jimmy look, Mommy’s here to pick you up!”

The wolf's eyes visibly lit up, his thumb dropping from his maw as he looked up to see the face of his mother.

“MOMMY!” his voice broke as he leapt towards her, giving her a hug. Jennifer could see the woman's face, one of complete and total disbelief. This wasn’t even the start of the process they’d have to go through but maybe this shock was needed to even begin it.

“Come on kiddo, give your mommy some space. Can you be a good boy and sit in the chair there for me?” Alexis coaxed the teenager of his mother's lap, hoisting him onto the plastic chair. His diaper audibly crinkled as he was put down, shifting in place to get comfortable as his thumb returned to his mouth.

Jennifer cleared her throat “So, Miss Hall, as you can see…”

“What… what did you do?”

Jennifer once again held her breath for a second “Miss Hall, as you saw from the file we introduced a few measures to ensure Jimmys time here was more representative of his… development”

Miss Hall turned to face her, her eyes glazed “He… he’s just a toddler.”

“Yes Miss Hall, we thought that treating him this way would, at least initially, act as a suitable punishment and correction for the accident he’d had. It’s not dissimilar to how we’d treat any other charge here” she paused for a second. The mother was still taking in the sight in front of her.

“He responded…” Jennifer paused “He responded very well to this. At first I was concerned he might find the adjustment difficult, but his second day here was a vast improvement”

“You… mean he was well behaved? Like, as a toddler?” Jimmy visibly moved his head up to look at Miss Dart. He was seeking her approval...

“Yes Miss Hall. Jimmy has been very well behaved over the last four weeks” He beamed, his legs kicking back and forth and his tail wagging from side to side.

“I… Is he… is he wearing a diaper?”

“Yes Miss Hall, that was already part of the precautions we were taking for him at night. It wasn’t too much of a problem to extend it into the day.”

“Has… has he been using them?”

Jennifer grimaced “Yes Miss Hall, exclusively. I don’t think he’s used the potty since he got here, has he Alexis?”

The tigress stood to attention at her name being called “No Ma'am, I’ve been checking him as regularly as any of the others. He’s never expressed the need to me since we made the adjustments”

Jennifer looked back at the mother. She was leaning back in the chair, still clearly trying to fit her thoughts around the situation.

“Miss Hall, I feel like I need to be blunt. I think we need to discuss future plans for your son” she knew this was the point where things could start to get difficult. Hopefully the wolf wouldn’t…

“Mommy can I stay?”

Jennifer turned to face the teenager, his thumb now removed from his maw as he looked his mother in the eye. He was serious.

“Stay… stay at the daycare?” his mother muttered to herself “I… don’t know”

“I wanna stay, I like Alexis” the wolf smiled at his caretaker, who responded by grinning widely, pulling her hands together as if cooing at the boy.

“Awww, thank you Jimmy! But you can’t stay here all the time, Mommy has to take you home with the others”

The wolf looked back towards his mother “Can… Can I come back?”

She looked back at Miss Dart. Her face was barely readable, but there was a noticeable improvement. Jimmy might have done her job for her…

“I think… I think that’s a good idea” she turned on her chair to face Mrs Dart directly, sniffling a little as if to catch the emotions before they spilled out onto the desk.

“I agree,” Jennifer added, pulling out a folder from her desk “This is our registration folder. We’ve already enrolled Jimmy to ensure we were covered from a planning and legal standpoint, so we can skip a lot of this, but we do want to make you aware of what…”

“Alexis…” Jimmy got up off the chair, moving back towards his caretaker “Can… Can I have Alexis please?”

The tigress ruffled his head fur. Miss Dart sighed, the boy naming that plush after her own members of staff had caused no end of confusion “Sorry kiddo she’s in the playpen, do you need her for…”

As if someone had punched him in the gut, Jimmy grasped at his stomach. His thumb went to his mouth, the reassuring suckling continuing as a small grunt came from his muzzle.

“Uh-oh, I think we’re gonna have a little stinker on our hands” Alexis drew Jimmy into a hug “It’s ok kiddo just…”

“Alexis, can you please take Jimmy to be changed, I need to talk things through with his mother.”

“Yes Ma'am” she put her arms under the teenager, lifting him up and supporting his weight by wrapping his legs around her waist “Come on Wuffster, you silly little stinker” she opened the door and let herself out, leaving the two middle-aged women left in the room.

“So… he’s just a baby now?”

“For all intents and purposes” Miss Dart replied “He’s very well behaved though. Certainly nothing like how rude he was when he arrived”

Miss Hall breathed deeply. Whether something was clicking into place in her brain, or she’d finally got a complete handle on the situation, she was starting to visibly control herself.

“What do I need to do?”

Jennifer smiled. Looks like she’d get to keep her favourite charge around a little longer...

  • 2 weeks later...
After “Opportunity Knocks” it looks like Jimmy is going to be a full time charge at Little Joy Day-care. But while that seemed easy, the night before was anything but, and Alexis had to deal with something she was never trained for…
Without a Care: The Night Before
As the light shone through the window of the upper floor of Little Joy Day-care, Alexis Cresswell tightened up her shirt and apron. She’d been on night duty for the last three days, her hair and whiskers showing a few of the signs of late nights dealing with her charges. She smiled as she freshened herself up in the mirror, carefully combing through her matted fur and straightening out her whiskers, her youthful features and energy breaking through the natural tiredness and stress on her face. She looked back at the alarm clock, six-fifteen am blinking back and forth. She grabbed her phone and sat down on the bed, tapping away at her social media profiles and getting in a couple of selfies for good measure. She couldn’t do this at any other time, once she was on the floor it was all about the kids, but right now she could enjoy some time to herself.
Her gaze was drawn to a couple of posts from the locals talking about the start of the school year. She knew a few parents with kids who were heading off to college who had once had younger siblings at the day-care. Most were now at least at middle school, but they’d been happy to meet up with her even a decade later. She couldn’t believe it had been that long at times, being fresh out of her vocational childcare course and straight into working for Jennifer had been testing at times but now, she couldn’t imagine life without it. A mother of one of her older charges had posted a lovely picture of herself with her college bound son. She knew the son couldn’t wait to be out of the house, but for her, it was a big moment.
“Lovely picture Millie! Hope he doesn’t get into too much trouble!” she posted, adding a laughing emoticon for good measure as she left through the door of her temporary accommodation on the upper floor. It kept out the occasional whines from those who stayed overnight, but most were quiet. Especially the charge she was going to see now. The next term hadn’t started yet, the last two weeks were time for everyone to recuperate a little and rearrange the day-care, manage its inventory and let everyone get their bearings before the next year of adorable little tykes came through the door. But there was still one here that needed some attention.
As she reached the end of the corridor and looked at the brightly coloured door, the baby block name tag she’d added made her smile. She wasn’t much of a graphic designer, but it had really made the kid happy to know it was now his own room. Sure, he wouldn’t be able to stay here after today, but he’d seem to wake up so much less cranky once she’d done it. Little things make a big difference, and all the little things she’d done for him seemed to have really made him feel at home. She smiled and opened the door, wondering whether he’d be sound asleep or wide awake.
As the corridor light illuminated the centre of the room, she noticed the dim nightlight in his crib turn off automatically. The little stars it projected onto the ceiling vanished, not that the sleeping wolf in the crib would’ve noticed. He was curled up, facing towards the wall and away from Alexis, his thumb clearly lodged in his maw with the rest of his body covered in a childish duvet. A slight whiff of ammonia hit Alexis’ nose as she walked towards the crib, a little sigh coming from her muzzle as she reached her arm over to give him a nudge.
“Come on Jimmy, time to wake up” The wolf groaned a little, continuing to suckle on his thumb as his eyes slowly opened, his body turning to face the caretaker. A little smile came to his face as his eyes started to shut again.
“Ah ah, come on kiddo, I know you’re a heavy sleeper but you’ve got a big day today. Your mommy is coming to take you home!” Jimmy’s eyes shot open, a long grin emerging on his muzzle as he pulled his legs up and grabbed his feet before pulling himself up. Alexis smiled back, memories of the night before coming back to her as she ruffled his head fur.
Jennifer had left Alexis with the unenviable task of breaking to the poor kid that his time at the day-care was coming to an end. He’d seemed to guess something was up as she’d changed him for bedtime last night, hugging her as she’d finished. It must have been obvious it bothered her. Jimmy had been a strange case to take care of but the boy was a hoot, and great with the others. Sure, changing him was sometimes a real challenge but she’d grown to love the routine of his day.
When he’d asked her, in his adorable lisp and pacifier in his maw, whether she was ok she’d lifted him to the crib and sat down next to him. He was about the same height as her there, she felt like she was talking to the sixteen year old, the one who must still be in there somewhere despite all this. She’d told him that the next day was going to be a big deal, that his mother was going to take him back home. He’d initially seemed excited, after all he’d seen mothers take their kids home and bring them back every day for a month. It wasn’t like he’d never come back…
When she’d told him exactly that his expression immediately fell. She could’ve sworn something deep inside him physically dropped, a weight from his mind straight down into his chest. For the first time in weeks she’d seen the anxious teenager who she’d changed into a night diaper on the first day, just in case. His eyes initially looked down, his padding clearly the focus of his attention. Alexis hadn’t known what to say, but Jimmy hadn’t given her long to focus on what she’d need to do.
“I’m… I’m not a baby”
Alexis had known that wasn’t really directed at her. That had been the voice of a teenager who had just realised something was very, very wrong with wearing a night-time Pawpers that crinkled with every movement. That this wasn’t why he was supposed to be here.
“No Jimmy, you’re not a baby. But it’s ok, I really enjoyed…”
“No, no it’s not ok” he’d taken the pacifier out of his mouth, laying it to one side of him “I’m.. I’m sorry Alexis” The tigress had stopped. Something had felt distinctly wrong, this was far too big a switch in mentality. “Jimmy, you don’t have to be sorry, I just…” “I’ve been in there” his voice had been full of clarity, a focus she’d not seen from the wolf the entire time she’d known him “Every day when I woke up, I felt it all. The squish of.. This” his paw pressed against the front of his diaper “the feeling of being trapped. Of being scared. I hated it, I hated it so much. And then you’d come in.”
Alexis had felt something inside her melt when he’d looked at her then. His eyes were glazed over, tears clearly forming inside them “And when that happened… I just… I just…” his muzzle had started to contort, sobs right on the border “I… I wanted you to take me away. And… and in a way… you did…” he sniffled, rubbing his nose. Alexis had sat there, listening to every word, trying to stay calm as the boy opened his heart to her “I… don’t think this is me anymore…” he’d shaken his head a little “I don’t know what’ll happen if I go home. If I wake up and… and…”
Her instincts had kicked in then. She’d never hugged a charge so hard in her life. Every muscle of her body focussed on keeping him close to her, his head over her shoulder as finally, the tears came. Slowly at first, the repressed emotions of a teenager not allowing a complete breakdown immediately. But eventually the bawling she’d heard every time he’d woken up in the middle of the night came bellowing out. Her mind in that moment connected all the dots it had needed to, that all the while this had been an escape, a pressure relieved on the mind of a boy so desperate for safety that he’d allowed his mind to do so, every single morning.
“Jimmy, it’s ok. It’s gonna be ok” she’d grabbed his pacifier in that moment, pressing into his muzzle to try to get the noise level down a little. He’d responded well enough, suckling and calming as any toddler would, but Alexis’ mind had been racing. She had never trained for this, there was no manual. So she’d flown blind.
“Do… do you want to be a baby?”
The wolf had sniffed, wiped his eyes, looked at her for a few seconds… And then nodded.
“Jennifer, are you there?”
“Alexis” the voice of the fox came through the phone “Is everything alright? You don’t normally call at… Alexis are you crying?”
She’d regretted calling Jennifer immediately after that. But she was in over her head, this wasn’t something she’d prepared for and she’d had no other support.
“Jennifer… it’s Jimmy he… he doesn’t want to go home”
Silence followed for a few seconds “Alexis, what happened? Plenty of kids don’t want to go home when they’ve…”
“No I… look it’s weird I just…” she remembered her brain searching for the right words, painfully scraping at whatever she could find “Jimmy. The Jimmy we hired. He doesn’t want to go home”
Again, silence had followed, only broken by her sniffing.
“Alexis, what did you say to him?” She’d almost felt like breaking down again. Jennifer wasn’t unempathetic, she’d learned over the years that, while blunt, she listened. But in that moment she’d needed more than that.
“I… I told him he.. he was my… my baby boy” She’d heard the sound of movement from the other end of the phone immediately. Whatever Jennifer had been doing she was now no longer focussed on at all.
“I’m coming in.”
“Please… it…”
“No, it isn’t ok Alexis” she had felt her heart sink at that. Jennifer had never said those words to her before. They’d stung like a thousand nettles in her bloodstream. The wait for her to arrive had been one of the longest she’d ever experienced. For fifteen minutes she’d felt like she’d made the biggest mistake of her life.
But when Jennifer had arrived, she’d seen the expression on her face. No frustration, no anger. And when Jennifer had run up to her and hugged her, for a moment she’d thought she must have fallen asleep upstairs again. It had felt so unreal, so wrong. But she’d hugged back, softly and carefully, sniffling again.
“Alexis, can you take me up to see Jimmy please”
She couldn’t remember the next few minutes. Until they’d arrived back in Jimmy’s room, the wolf still seated on his crib, pacifier slowly bobbing in his mouth as he hugged his tiger plush, she’d been composing herself.
“Jimmy, Miss Dart is here to see you” He nodded, hugging his plush tighter as his eyes tried to avoid the foxes gaze. She’d sat down next to him, looking down at him as he shuffled to give her room.
“Jimmy. Alexis told me about your chat tonight” He nodded, still not looking up at her.
“You know you have to go home tomorrow. That you can’t stay here” He nodded again, his pacifier bobbing a little faster.
It was then that Alexis had seen a side of Jennifer she’d never really seen before. She’d taken Jimmy’s hand and given it a squeeze, smiling lightly as his eyes opened wide and looked at her, straight in the eyes. It was like the room had once been a storm, and now they were in the eye of it. The pacifier had dropped out of Jimmy's maw again, bouncing on the crib mattress as he tried to talk.
“Shhh” the vixen's smile had seemed to disarm the boy entirely, his mouth closing “Jimmy, are you a baby?”
The wolf shook his head slowly “N.. no. I…”
“But Jimmy” Miss Dart continued “What are you wearing?” Alexis had watched as the wolf had stared down at his attire, as if taking it in for the first time.
“A… sleeper…”
“A… a diaper”
Miss Dart had ruffled his head fur a little “Jimmy, only babies wear sleepers and diapers”
The tigress had never seen Jennifer like this. She’d always been aloof, detached, her interactions with the day-cares charges restricted to egregious rule breaking events that had required a firm intervention. But at that moment, she was like a light in a darkened room, and Jimmy was fixated on her like a moth to the flame.
“I.. I’m not…”
“Jimmy, do you remember the last few weeks. Do you remember your first day? I certainly do” she took off her glasses laying them next to the pillow at the end of the crib “You woke up wet, Alexis was a lovely caretaker and cleaned you up. Then, you came downstairs and you soaked your jeans in front of the toddlers in the playroom, didn’t you?”
Jimmy nodded. Alexis had wanted to say something to reassure the boy, but something had told her not to interfere.
“And then, we agreed to treat you like any other charge here, didn’t we? After all, other babies who wet themselves get put back in diapers.” Again, the wolf had nodded, turning his entire body up onto the crib, pulling his legs up into a crossed legged position. Alexis had seen Jimmy do this before when she’d told him bedtime stories.
“And then, the next day, you came downstairs to start your new day and you had a big accident in your new diapers didn’t you?”
The wolf nodded enthusiastically.
“And when you had that accident, did you feel better?”
Alexis watched as the wolf started to move his legs behind him on the crib, moving to a kneeling position, his tail swishing back and forth.
“See, I think I know why. Deep down, some kids just never really grow up. Not your fault, not anyone's really. Just a few missed directions here and there on the old roadmap.” At this point Alexis had felt the need to get closer. She’d steadily walked to the side of the crib, listening to Jennifer as intently as Jimmy. “And sometimes, all it takes is a little reminder of where they missed the first turning.” she pushed the pacifier back into his maw, the wolf suckling slowly as a smile started to form on his muzzle. Alexis arrived in time to watch his tail hike up.
“So Jimmy, when your mother comes tomorrow, is she going to go back home with a confused teenager who can’t even keep his pants dry?” she stared in close, kissing him on the nose “Or is she going back with an adorable little tyke who just wants to make her happy?”
Alexis had felt almost compelled to start rubbing the boys back. His smile went from small to wide as his eyes closed and his muzzle clenched a little, grunts matching the slow and steady expansion of the rear of his sleeper, taught against the padding underneath it.
Miss Dart smiled “I thought so”
Alexis sighed a little as she finished the job of changing Jimmy out of his night-time padding, soaked as always. Going through two of them in one night wasn’t something she’d anticipated, but then Jennifer's intervention had required the extra work. After she’d spoken with him she’d changed Jimmy herself, taking minutes over the process as if carefully taking apart and putting together a puzzle. All the while he’d smiled at Alexis, tears coming down her face, as he sucked his pacifier. She couldn’t deny he’d had a strong impact on her now, and maybe this was what the teenager had really always needed. The firm reassurance of her mentor had redirected him down a clearer path.
She took the oatmeal she’d brought up from downstairs last night out of the small cooler next to the changing table and sat Jimmy down in his high chair, wrapping a cute ducky bib round his neck while cooing to him softly. He wasn’t quite awake yet, his smile coming back as she made airplane noises in front of his maw.
“Alexis… Thank you”
The tigress dropped the spoon. It clattered against the tray, sending oatmeal down Jimmy's front. He giggled and clapped, shouting “PLANE CRASH!”
Alexis shook her head to clear it. She felt like something there had come and gone, a whisper or a trace. The giggling form of the wolf in front of her, his attire now splattered with his breakfast, made her feel a warmth inside she couldn’t have found the words to describe.
“Come on kiddo, let’s survey the damage. Your mommy isn’t going to be very happy if you come down a mess is she?!”
“Mommy! Can I see her soon Alexis?! I wanna tell her I’ve been a really good boy!”
“When you finish your oatmeal Jimmy, come on, there's still a few more flights to come in.”
Her mind drifted back to the final moments of yesterday. She still remembered Jennifer's final words to her that night as she helped her tidy up Jimmys room and get her own back in order.
“Tomorrow, I’ll talk to his mother, you’re not the only one who’s taken a liking to him you know. We’ll see if she’s interested in keeping him here, after all it’s not like a school will take him.”
As she’d waved goodbye, the final words she’d spoken had made her the happiest she’d ever felt.
“He’s our baby boy Alexis. They’re all our babies.“

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