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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Chapter 22


The group spent the next four days just being children again. For them normally this would be very embarrassing and strange but the collars and the feeling of not being forced into this situation was kinda fun for them all. They all had a lot of fun with daddy Or Leo. He keeps their diapers clean and keeps them fed except for Laphin who refused to eat anything besides Zoes breast milk. 


Zoe and Laphin liked to play dress-up and just be cute girls, mostly Laphin. They would also play with blocks or race cars, They were all over both boyish and girlish stuff. As for Rie and Zev, they seemed to play house more. Zev pretended to be the husband and Rie the wife. They had a kid that was a plushie they would push around in a stroller and put a diaper on. It was all going great till the end of the final day when Leo removed their collars. 


Their minds mostly all came back to them but they smiled at Leo. Zev speaks up first. 


"Oh… is playtime over daddy?" 


He just smiled and nodded and they all awww. He laughs. 


"Well, I'm glad you all had fun. I was worried you might not have really had fun." 


He said with a big smile. Zoe smiled back. 


"I never had a daddy so this was a lot of fun…The feeling of not having to worry about bathroom breaks and just have fun being the main thing was a blast." 


Zoe said. Laphin and Rie both nod. 




They both say. They look at Zev and he shrugs. 


"Well I had a dad but he wasn't in my life till I was a bit older, about 12 or so. So this was still fun. Forgot being a kid could be so relaxing. Reminds me to call up my brother sometime." 


Rie looked confused.


“You have a brother?”


Rie asked. Zev laughs.


“Ya but he’s a big nerd…but I kinda miss him.”


Zev says. Rie giggles and hugs Zev. 


"Well we will say hi sometime but I had fun too. You made a great hubby." 


She said with a wink. Zev blushed and laughed. Zoe giggles and ruffles Laphins head. 


"Well, I had fun with this little sissy boy too." 


Zoe says Laphin smiles at her. 


"I like being your sissy boy… I think I would do anything you asked me. No matter how odd or weird. I can't wait to go home and we can try diapers again… maybe if you want…" 


He said embarrassed. 


"maybe even dress me up to…" 


He giggles excited and awkwardly. Zoe hugs him, picking him up in a big hug. 


"I love you so much Laphin but maybe we will!" 


She says with a big kiss on his cheek. Leo clears his throat. 


"Well now that that's over does anyone need a change before you go?" 


With a sigh, Rie nods and Zoe gropes Laphin. 


"Ya Laphin dose. Rie no need to hide it we can see your diaper sagging from here shesh." 


Rie pouted a bit and Laphin was blushing as Zoe smirks at him. Leo came over and laid Rie down and changed her diaper. While this happened Zoe changed Laphin’s. He loved when Zoe cleaned him up. She put him in a new pink diaper and they all got ready to head out. 


"Ok, every one we got to find this diaper factory." 


Zoe says. Leo speaks up. 


"Oh, the diaper factory? That's not too far from town I'll show you on your map!" 


Leo points it out and they head to the factory. It wasn't far from town. They head to the main doors and try to open them but they are rusted shut. 


"Damn! Zev, give this a try." 


Zoe says. Zev heads over and opens the doors with a lot of tugging. He breathes heavily once it's open. They can hear a familiar voice. It was Jason's. But it was on a TV there were a bunch of people in diapers chained to a wall forced to listen and watch whatever this was. It was clearly messing with their heads. 


"Don't listen! It might mess with your mind!" 


Zev says covering his ears Laphin casts a spell at the TV and explodes it. 


"Hell ya, Laphin!" 


Zev said. But no one in the room reacted except two people who slowly got up off the ground not chained up. Both women. One was Desertkit she smirks when seeing Zev. Zev panics as he remembered this man or now a woman. The other girl is the anthro cowgirl Samantha. Laphin mouth drops and he begins to drool just seeing milk leak out of her breasts. He slowly began walking to her when Zoe grabs him. 


"Where the hell are you going?" 


Zoe says unamused. Laphin keeps trying to go and whines. 


"Zoe, I'm hungry… her milk looks so tasty…" 


Laphin says Zoe sighs. Zev prepares to fight along with Rie. Zoe reads her weapon with one hand knowing Laphin won't be much help here. Desertkit and Samantha get ready to fight Sam whispers into her ear. 


"You take your man, I'll deal with the other 3."


Desertkit charges at Zev who blocks with his shield. Zoe tries to shoot an arrow but can't holding Laphin back. Rie is unsure what to do when Sam walks forward and just squirts milk at Rie, Zoe, and Laphin. Her breast milk just touches their lips and the three drop what they are doing and walk to Samantha. Zev panics. 




But it wasn’t any use as all three of them latch on to the cowgirl and begin breastfeeding. They were all rubbing their diapered crotches getting hornier and hornier from the milk. While Zev was distracted, a necklace was put around Zev's head. 


"Yes! My revenge will soon be here." 


Desertkit says as her boobs slowly become flat and a dick grows hard in his diaper. He was becoming a man again but Zev began to scream as his body shaped into a girl. His flat chest grew boobs. His hair was much longer, his hips wider, and worst of all he could tell his dick was gone. His voice is now also girly. 


"What the fuck did you do to me?! Fix me!" 


Zev begged as he was pushed to the ground easily, all his strength as a man gone from his new womanly body. 


"This is a game over, your friends will be horny baby's wanting mommy's delicious milk forever and you will be mine. I own you now bitch. My revenge is accomplished and you will have my children." 


Zev tears up freaking out at Desertkit pulling down his diaper showing his cock was back. He pets Zev's head and smiles. 


"Be happy. Remember when you fucked me? Well, I'm about to fuck you. "


He begins to press his dick against female Zevs face. She blushed and tried to pull away but couldn't. But these female feelings start to kick in. The smell turned her on and she couldn't help but give his cock a little lick as Zev began to suck on it. He hated himself but for some reason, he was enjoying it. Or she was. Was this really how Rie was feeling? He began to feel bad for Rie knowing it wasn't her fault as the dick was pulled out and pushed on her back. 


"N-no, please… Rie's got, my child… I can't get pregnant, I'm begging you!" 


Zev said as it was too late his diaper was removed and the new sensation of a dick in her pussy was incredible. She moaned with incredible pleasure. 


"Oh fuck ya!" 


Zev said. Desertkit smirks. 


"Good girl now, just enjoy as I make you the best girl ever." 


He leans down and begins to kiss Zev. He's known he loved Zev from the beginning but this hit hard as he had fallen for him. To him now Zev was his new wife. He came deep inside her. It was the best pleasure she ever wanted Zev was now broken she was now nothing but Desertkits girl. Zev hugged him. 


"Screw Rie, I love you I want to be a girl for you! Fill me more!" 


As for Zoe Laphin and Rie, they all had a big group makeout session and got each other off. Their minds broke completely it really was 'game over' as they all become the next adult baby slaves of Jason. Years later Rie has given birth to the child of Jason's and is now married to him and deeply in love with him she would let him use him any way he wanted. Zev was now married to Desertkit she was happy but also felt like she was missing something. 


Zev had his kid and was forever his bitch. As for Zoe and Laphin, they soon grew apart just being toys for anyone to use and loving every moment. They were no longer themselves. One day Zev is rocking their baby to sleep when suddenly it grabs the necklace on Zev as she rips it right off her. She screams and suddenly time freezes. 


"... Sweetie? Hunny? What's going on?" 


No response from anyone suddenly she watches as time begins to rewind itself she watches all her time the past few years with her husband vanish and back to that fateful day when he was made a girl. Her eyes got big as she was suddenly thrust back into her original body. He grabs the hand of Desertkit who was about to put a necklace on him and pushes him back destroying the necklace in this timeline. 


"No! I can't, I have to save my friends." 


He says looking at Zoe and Laphin. Then looks at Rie. 


"… my family. I don't want to have your child. I don't want to be your fuck girl! If I lose here, so does everyone else!" 


He yells as he swings his sword at the girl fox. She screams and passes out tears falling from her eyes. Zev wipes some tears from his eyes.


"I'm sorry Sasha… I can't be your mommy. I hope you find a new mommy one day." 


Sam looked unable to fight from being held down by the baby's breastfeeding off her; she was slashed across the back with a scream; she passed out and all three of them came back to it. They all blush except Laphin. 


"Her milk was good…" 


Laphin said. Zoe slaps him blushing hard. 


"You're not allowed to drink any other girl’s milk but mine understand me!" 


Zoe says. Laphin tears up, holding his cheek, and nods and hugs Zoe crying into her she sighs and hugs back comforting the sissy boy. Rie blushes and looks down. 


"Sorry, Zev…i-" 


Suddenly she was interrupted by a kiss and Zev smiles and rubs Rie's belly. 


"I'm… so sorry… this is my fault I'm such an idiot!" 


Zev says hugging Rie tight and starting to cry. Rie looked confused but hugs back. 


"What's wrong Zev?" 


Rie asks. Zev smiles and kisses her again. 


"Everything… I want to be the daddy of this kid… I had, I guess a dream. I was a mommy to a different baby. I loved her very much but… it wasn't you. I love you Rie no one else. Even if I had to give up my baby to be with you I will." 


Rie looked at him like he was crazy and patted his back. 


"Ohhh, k buddy. Maybe sit down and relax for a bit." 


Rie says he does and the two become character sheets along with all the people in the room. Laphin and Zoe go around and collect them as Rie and Zev catch up and he explains what happened to him and his friends and Rie. 


"I was Married to Jason's?! Gag… I mean he's hot but fuck that. Even if I was a man again I think you’re the only guy I want." 


Zev laughs and blushes. 


"And if you were a man again I think you are the only guy I would want too…" 


Zev says as they kiss again. 


"Ok gay boys we got all this picked up and ready to head out." 


Zoe says. They both blush and Zoe laughs. 


"I'm joking, relax. You can't be gay with one of You as a girl." 


Zoe says. Rie sighs and so does Zev. 


"Now we need to find the next sage." 


Laphin says. Suddenly someone comes walking in from behind. Turning around they saw Leo. They looked surprised he was out of breath and held up a hand. 


"I just remembered a lot of stuff! I'm the king!!" 


Leo says. They all looked surprised. 


"Uhh… ya how?" 


Rie asked. Leo took a deep breath in and out. 


"My name is King Lee. My wife queen swan and we were kicked from our castle by our son and given fake names and memories to keep us out of the way. But it turns out we are both these… sages." 


All their eyes get big. Laphin looks worried and pulls on Zoe's shirt. 


"Swan? Like Swana?! Wait no, it's not miss Swana right?! I don't want to kill her! Or you!" 


Laphin says. Lee looks down. 


"I'm sorry but if you wish to continue you must. Please save everyone on the island that has suffered because of my son. I hope you will be able to forgive him one day." 


Zoe tears up because this man was like a dad to her, same with Laphin and Rie. They were all upset. Zev was too but was probably the only one who could physically do it. 


"I-I'll do it, daddy…" 


Lee smiles at Zev. 


"Stay strong my boy. You were all great children and I love you all like my own. But please don't be sad for me. I am ready." 


Zev goes to Zoe and takes the special knife he goes over and hugs Lee as everyone looks away and Zev suddenly stabs him. He just smiles and disappears in a poof. Zev falls to his knees dropping the knife and starts to cry. Everyone else had a good cry before an earthquake happened. 


"O-only 2 sages are keeping this island together. We must find swan… she reminds me so much of my mom I can't do it." 


Laphin says, wiping his face of tears. Rie sighs. 


"I'll do the next one… Laphin I think you should take Natalie. She was the one who originally tricked you into making us all play this game. It only seems right for us all to have blood on our hands." 


Rie says in a shaky voice. Laphin shakes but nods. 




After composing themselves and heading out they head back to town to get ready for their last quest on this island just before going home. So many bad things and so many good things have happened here. Without this experience, they would all never be so close. Let alone Zoe and Laphin together and Zev and Rie together. 


It was a game of love. It was a game of bringing friends super close together. I definitely made the right choice picking this group and I definitely made the right choice talking to Laphin first. He reminds me of our child jack. You know the one we lost because of Jason’s horrible magic. The reason you never want to be an adult is so you don't have to remember him. 


But I do Jack and hopefully when this is all over me and you both can see him in the afterlife. I love you both I'll be waiting for you Jack once the island finally starts a new life and the old life quickly dies off. 


Chapter 23 END


After the group’s crazy week with Leo or Lee and then having to put him down, they head back to Revlavile. They all head straight to the bar and sit down around it. Dran passed them all some alcohol. 


"You four look terrible. That's not even talking about how you all smell." 


Joking about how someone messed their diaper. Rie glared at Dran and threw her glass at him. 


"Shut the hell up! Can't you see we have more problems than my i-i mean a messy diaper?!" 


They all Grabbed a drink and downed it, except Laphin. Zoe put her arm around him. 


"Something wrong buddy?" 


Zoe asks. He shakes his head. 


"No… it's just I'm not allowed to drink. You are all originally over 21. You all appear to be my age now about 18 but you were allowed to drink. My mom would kill me if she saw me drinking." 


Zoe grabs his glass and gets in her bag. She pulls out a baby bottle she puts her breast milk into it for him. She fills it with the alcohol and smiles.


"Here Laphin, I got you some 'milk' drink it all, or I'll be very upset." 


He whines and grabs it looking at everyone. If anyone needed a drink it was Laphin, He needed a way to relax. He sighs and begins drinking his bottle. Blushing big as everyone smiles at him. He couldn't lie though, this stuff tastes horrible but he was beginning to feel funny. Nice even.


"Hell ya! Let's party. This might be our last day here. Let's finish this with a drink!" 


Zev says as he throws money down on the counter. Rie Zev Zoe and Laphin all drink till they couldn't even stand they had fun for at least one night. Both Rie and Laphin even let two complete strangers change their diapers as they were both a stinky mess. Zev and Zoe thought they were only wet. But they didn't care as they ran around in their drunk state. Putting their diapers in people’s faces.


That was till someone familiar walked in through the door. Laphin and Zoe's mouths drop seeing Swana or queen swan. Why was she here? She also did not look happy. Not angry at them just more like when you are upset with your kids. 


"It appears my little girls are drinking way too much, along with the other two. Alrighty, you four head to your rooms now!" 


She said in a motherly voice. Both Zoe and Laphin hurry to the bedroom the best they could; they kinda had to crawl to get there falling over drunk. They knew what she could do. 


"Rie, Zev you both as well." 


Swan said. Zev walks up to her and smirks, drunk as could be. 


"Or what lady?" 


He said with a drunken slur. She sighs and pulls him over to a chair and lays him over her leg and pulls his soggy diaper down. Her hand smacked against his ass over and over he screams and begins to cry in his drunken state. Rie shakes covering her butt watching, he stands back up and she pulls his diaper back up. 


"To your rooms now." 


He sniffs and nods. 


"Yes, mommy!" 


He said and Rie quickly followed him. They make it to the room and cuddle quickly passing out. Swan walks to Laphin and Zoe's room and smiles. 


"Well hello, again you two. Aren't you all a little young to be drinking?" 


Zoe looks down and so does Laphin. Swan sighs. 


"Don't worry I understand… all my memories have just come back to me. I know what you must do." 


Suddenly they both start crying and run over and hug her. She hugs them both and pats their back. 


"Shhh it's ok, mommy will always love you both. Though I got to thank you both for being my babies all that time ago. Though can I have one more night with you both before?" 


They nod and Zoe and Laphin drunkenly be Swan’s little ones one more night. But as Laphin got ready to lay down to sleep, Laphin stayed up to talk to Swan. Zoe was already asleep sucking her thumb.


"Laphin I hope you go home and get to see your mommy again. Be a good girl for me ok heh." 


He smiles trying to hide the tears. Swan pulls out the dagger from Laphins bag and puts it In his hands. 


"I'm here with you baby, don't be scared just put everything you have into it. If you chicken out at the last moment it could hurt a lot worse than just going through ok? I want you to do this…please Laphin." 


She said Laphin shook but nodded as snot came out his nose crying as she helped guide him straight to her heart with one quick stab. Swan smiles. 


"I love you…" 


Before she disappeared Laphin cried for a while before Zoe pulled him into a hug she was also crying and hugs him super tight. 


"It's ok we are almost done… we can go home soon." 


Zoe said. Laphin and Zoe cry till they both pass out. It was a rough and long night but Finally, it passed and they all woke up hungover. Laphin holds his head. 




He says Zoe slowly sits up groaning. 


"My damn head… Maybe that wasn't such a smart idea… What did we even do yesterday?" 


She asks Laphin shrugs. 


"I don't know… yuck… Can you change my diaper?" 


Zoe sits up. 


"Looks like I need to change my own… I can't hold my bladder at night anymore…" 


Laphin smiles a bit. 


"Makes me feel more comfortable." 


She rolls her eyes and smiles back. 


"I bet it does." 


In Rie and Zev’s room, they were both naked Zev and Rie clearly had sex just before bed. But don't look like they diapered themselves back up they both wake up covered in piss they both jump up. 


"AHHH gross!" 


Zev says. Rie gags a bit. 


"Holy shit my fur is covered! I need a bath!" 


They both cover up enough and head to the bath and clean up and talk in the bathroom drying up. 


"So… are you coming to move in with me or am I you? How are we doing this…?" 


Rie asked shyly. Zev smirks. 


"Whoa, were you just embarrassed? Cute. But hmm who has more room? I only have a one-room house." 


Zev said Rie nodded. 


"Same and my house is a mess." 


Zev thinks. 


"I think we need to buy a new house together… I don't know how we will do it… wait! We get that big cash stack we could totally buy a new house!" 


Rie smiles big and hugs him giving him a big kiss. 


"Zev, you are a genius! Won't hear that much." 


She said with a laugh he pouted a bit. 


"Owch… anyways lay down you need a diaper." 


She smirks with her oversized belly. 


"Or what is daddy going to spank me." 


Zev smirks. 


"Maybe I will, then I'll put a vibrator up your but to make you keep cumming." 


Zev said laughing. Rie blushed. 


'"... That sounds kinda hot… but not now maybe uhh when we get back? I would be ok trying diapers again heh." 


Rie said. Zev smiles. 


"Sure. Honestly, I couldn't imagine sex without diapers anymore… damn fetish bull shit." 


Zev says Rie nods. 


"Ya… anyways let's finish this stupid uhh last quest." 


They both got in their diapers and then went back to the room and got dressed then about an hour or so later they all met up after the hangover was mostly over. 


"So… what happened with swa-" 


Zev said but was smacked in the back of the head by Rie. He turns and glares at Rie then sees Laphin looking down. 


"Oh… right, my bad…sorry." 


Zev says going over and putting a hand on his shoulder. But Laphin looks up and smiles at Zev. 


"She wouldn't want us feeling bad so let's get this over with and live for her. If we just feel sad forever, so will she. So let's be happy as long as we can!" 


He said running out of the tavern. Zoe smiles 


"Man… for a little dork he's a brave little dork." 


She says laughing and following after him. Rie hugs Zev from behind. 


"Come on Zev, let's go finish this!" 


Rie says with a smile, Zev smiles and takes her hand leaving the tavern. They all head to the guild. Oddly, the town was very empty; almost very few people left around here. It was creepy but the guild was full of people who all began to cheer for the group. 


"You guys can do it! Send us all home!" 


They yell. They have a party for a few hours before they all suddenly all become character sheets, a bunch of adult babies and real babies alike, they collect the character sheets and sigh. 


"We got to take out Jason. For everyone." 


Laphin says they find a paper with the location of the last group of people to save and Jason. It was right in the middle of the island. A castle they had been at a while back now. They all get ready and head out after upgrading their weapons and armor. 


Laphin found a onesie that had a skirt on it and was enchanted to make spells stronger. Obviously, it was bright pink. Zoe found a strong bow with light armor the armor was shortalls with anthro tigers in diapers on it. Rie found a battle dress that had some medium armor to it and an odd rattle that she found as a wand. Embarrassing but strong. 


Zev found a full plate body armor; the only part fully exposed was his diaper; he also had a strong-looking sword. His armor had a babyish print all over it. They head out and to Jason's castle. Heading inside they had some enemies to take care of but they easily took them all out till they found the hypnosis room. But they also found Jason's last two elite guards. 


It was Kyron who was all dressed up in an Eevee-like outfit and an Eevee diaper. He was giggling and playing with Blizzard the husky who was all sissied up still. 


"Having fun kiddos?"


Zoe says cockily. They both nod then look up before jumping up preparing to fight. Suddenly Blizzard’s attire changes, his sissy clothing becomes some strange black armor, His eyes go white and he pulls out an evil-looking black sword. Kyron shakes. 




He says as he’s smacked away from him and into the wall. Laphin screams. 


"What the heck?! Wasn't he your friend?!" 


Laphin says. There was laughter and a familiar voice. 


"Friend? Not likely just a servant, all of them are!" 


Zev gets in front holding out his arms and weapon. 


"Jason? Why not come meet us in person?" 


Rie looked surprised, Jason really did use the huskies body to fight in. 


"Unfortunately I'm in no condition to fight. You four have been killing my sages. The only thing keeping me young. Right now I'm probably about 80. I can't even move. I'm probably going to die. But if I do, I'm going to make sure you four live as babies forever!"


He says holding out his sword and pointing it at Laphin suddenly the 18-year-old tiger changes. Younger and younger till he's about 1 year old he giggles and chews on his foot completely unaware of what just happened. 




Zoe screams. He wasn't stuck like this right?! They were supposed to get together. In a fit of anger, she fires her bow at him for it only to bounce off the armor. Jason laughed while in the husky’s body. 


"You can't hurt me! You have lost!" 


He fires another beam at Zoe who also begins to shrink becoming 1 year old. She just cries for some reason not because she knows but just because she feels scared. Rie shakes and Zev also backs off. 


"What can we do? Rie you got a spell or something?!" 


Zev asked Rie she shook her head as the next beam hit Zev he screams regression down to a year old and looks up at Rie with confusion at who she is. Rie tears up looking at her three friends now babies. She drops her weapon. 


"So this is it…" 


She says looking down as the next beam was fired at her suddenly she hears crinkling then some screaming as Rie looks up to see Kryon, He is holding a mirror-like shield up at the beam and it's shooting back at Blizzard or Jason. They both scream as Rie watches all the black armor fall off blizzard as he regresses into a 1-year-old baby but he seems happier. Kyron smiles at Rie then winks. 


"Sorry about your friends but you can still escape. I don’t feel so well…" 


He says sticking his tongue out as he poofs away his character sheet falling to the ground same with Blizzard. Rie wipes the tears in her eyes as she grabs the sheets and goes over to the baby Zev. He squeals and hugs Rie. She began crying and hugged him tightly. 


"I'll take care of you all if I have to!" 


Rie said I walked into the room and giggled. 


"Aww that's sweet but I can fix your friends when you leave but first you must finish me off. Quickly before Jason gets back enough power!" 


Rie nods and finds Laphins bag and grabs the dagger. 


"I'm sorry… I hope you and Jack can find peace together in the afterlife!" 


She says charging me with the knife. I didn't feel any pain as my life slipped. Finally, I could live in peace. But first, an earthquake begins, everything goes white for everyone, and then nothing for a long time before Rie, Zoe, Laphin, and Zev all sit up in a hectic screaming fit. They Were all sitting in a room with a large table, there laid their character sheets. They watched as they burnt up and disappeared. They check themselves out. Rie had a hoodie over their head and could barely see any part of them. 


They were all in the same clothes as before this game started. They all seemed to be back to normal. Except maybe Rie?


"That… wasn't a dream right?" 


Zev asked. Zoe shook her head. 


"I mean… if we all had the same dream I highly doubt it." 


Laphin shakes his head. 


"It's not possible that it was a dream… but It definitely didn't feel real." 


Suddenly their eyes get big as they look at Rie. She pulled back her hood and revealed her pigtails. Rie was 100% a girl. 


"It wasn't a dream…" 


Rie said as she lifted her hoodie to reveal her pregnant belly. She smiled and rubbed her belly. 


"Definitely not a dream." 


Zev smiles big and goes over and hugs Rie tight. 


"I'm going to be a daddy!" 


He says excitedly. They all laugh before remembering all the character sheets they brought back. They searched their pockets and found them all. They sat them down and suddenly hundreds of people appeared. Unfortunately, all of them are toddlers. 


"W-what happened to all of them??" 


Laphin said. Rie sighs. 


"She did say they would never be the same… guess she was right. I can only imagine I was almost one of them." 


They found everyone they fought in this group. Kyron is still dressed as an Eevee sleeping and sucking his thumb. Blizzard was hugging him and sleeping as well. They seemed close friends now. Samantha the anthro cowgirl was sticking her tongue out at a girl fox baby. It was clearly Desertkit she was crying but they didn't know why. 


Gabriel the boy bard was laughing and smiling up at the group. A cute baby bunny was smacking her diaper butt and crawling away from Kwongo who was giggling and chasing after her. It was crazy everyone was back. They might have to grow back up but one day they will be able to live normal lives again. 


"So… what do we do with all these uhh… kids?" 


Laphin asked. Zev picks up the fox girl. 


"I owe this one… so Rie, do you mind having an adopted kid too…?" 


Zev asks as she smiles and shakes her head. 


"Don’t mind at all, But we can't watch them all." 


Desertkit smiles at Zev and hugs him. Clearly still loves him at least now in a different way as his daddy. Laphin and Zoe looked at each other. 


"We… aren't ready for kids. Right Laphin?" 


Zoe says laphin nods but oddly he did have a strange chubby belly. Maybe too much milk has gotten to him. Zoe teased him by poking the belly sticking out from under his shirt. They both giggle him from being ticklish. 


"I guess we see if we can get them into a home." 


So they spent the rest of the day sending all the babies to an adoption center. There they could live new lives. They all got on a plane to head home, Zev and Rie heading back to Zev's hometown to live and Laphin taking Zoe home with her. Surprisingly once they all made it back home there they found their prize money. Zev and Rie were just sitting in their house as well as Zoe’s and Laphin’s but it’s with Laphin’s mom. As soon as Laphin touches the door his mom opens it and hugs him tight. 




He yelps. Zoe stands there uncomfortably. They were all still 18 years old. They had a chance to live a longer life again at least. 


"Howdy mom… how long was I gone?" 


She lets go and kisses his cheek. 


"Over a year… I missed you so much I even called the police. They said it seemed as if you all disappeared along with hundreds of others." 


Zoe and Laphin couldn't believe it’s been over a year. Laphin's mom looks at Zoe. 


"Who's this?" 


Laphin blushes and so does she. 


"Oh my goodness! Laphin do you have a girlfriend?!"


He smiles and blushed more nodding 


"Thank goodness! I was curious if he was gay or not." 


Zoe giggles and Laphin blushes. 




His mom looked curious, Laphin sighed. 


"ok… I'm bi… but ya mom this is Zoe… I love her a lot…" 


He said he was very embarrassed. Zoe smiles also embarrassed. 


"I love him a lot too." 


She looked at Zoe. 


"Hmm, so you're a furry? Not too common for humans to fall for anthros." 


Zoe shrugs. 


"I-I don't know I just love to feel his fur on my body." 


Zoe says. She grones.


"Ok whoa, I don't need to know… Jesus you two have already got that close? Here I expected Laphin to be without sex most of his life… I wanted him to be able to study and not get distracted by bad things like that." 


She said Zoe smirked. 


"Well too bad. This little sissy boy is mine." 


Laphin’s eyes got big and she covered her mouth. 


"Don't refer to my little boy as a sissy!" 


They both looked relieved she didn’t catch on. Zoe nods.  




She said and they all talked and grew as a family. That was till months later on one day Laphin was in a pink diaper and dress in his room taking pictures of himself to send to Zoe who was working when his mom came in. Let's just say his moms never going to let him ever use the toilet again let alone be called a man. Not that Zoe planned on it anyways. But Laphin, as embarrassing as it was, he loved every minute of his new life. 


About half a year passes and Laphin’s belly only grows bigger. Ya, he's been drinking Zoes breast milk still. She even keeps some in the fridge for his mom to feed Laphin if she's gone. But his belly was not fat. It was strange they went to the doctors and found out somehow Laphin was pregnant. Somehow a man was pregnant, both Zoe and Laphin were freaking out. 


But they both realized what it had been, It had to be when Zoe fucked him as a girl. They soon accepted this and eventually, Laphin had Zoe’s child and loved it all the same even if they didn’t want kids. Using the money they won to buy a new house and take care of their new child. A human-tiger boy named Jack in memory of them. 


With Rie and Zev, they bought a new house and raised The female fox Desertkit as their own but they needed a new name for her; she was no longer the same person. They decided Lily was a perfect name. Later on, after Going through birth Rie gave birth to a boy they named Jason. Neither of them knew why they wanted to name him that but they knew it was a perfect name. Even after what happened to them from a man named Jason.


Many many years later Jason is sitting in a room with his sister lily. He's writing in a book titled "Revenge" lily came over and looked at him.


"Why are you always writing in that silly book little brother?" 


She asked him. He just smiled. 


"Because my dear little 'sister' one day when I get big and strong I'm going to make all the adults wear diapers like little babies! All because mom and dad won’t let me wear underwear!" 


She giggles and smiles. 


"That's silly! Why would adults wear diapers? They can hold their pee-pee! We can't." 


She said her diaper was sagging. She was clearly 4 but still diapered. Jason leans up, throwing the cover off him; he was a little younger, about 3. His diaper was also yellowed. He sighed. 


"Yes… quite." 


He said, pushing her down to the ground and laughing running off. She screams and chases after him. 


"Get back here you! I'm going to kick your butt so hard!" 


Rie and Zev were cuddling on the couch as they ran past. Rie sighs seeing their saggy diapers. 


"Looks like I better change the kiddos." 


Zev smiles and kisses her and that ends off our little story. About a group of four that saved my world. I turn and look at Jack, we both have angel wings and a halo. We hug and hold hands looking down at a small child who looks a lot like laphin but human. He's got a great big smile and is standing in front of us both. Thank you so much, Rie, Zev, Zoe, and Laphin.



Thanks so much for reading this! If you enjoyed this maybe you will enjoy my other stuff on my patreon not yet posted!

If you don't have $1 to support me then just a like will do ^^ If you have any thing you disliked about this please let me know as it helps me improve!



  • Thanks 1
  • Little Rie changed the title to Diapers and Dungeons Complete

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