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Undertale: New Beginnings

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When the barrier finally collapsed after Frisk completed the true pacifist run, a hidden spell was triggered and released, turning many monsters and humans back into babies (mentally, physically or both) while increasing their overall lifespans. The creator of this spell and their intentions with it were unknown, but it's possible that it was made as a kind of 'rebirth' and 'new beginning' for when monsters and humankind came back together. 

With this spell that has been made to 'reset' everyone's lives, what is going to happen? 

Our characters must work to find the cure but in the end, even with said cure, some people and monsters decide to remain ABDLs for life. 

Asriel has been reborn from a flower and his parents are back together. They are overjoyed to have him back but everyone has to adjust to the regression spell that got released. It starts with Asriel being reborn and he then feels odd because he’s been regressed and starts having accidents and acting and thinking more babyishly. He can’t control his babyish urges and emotions. 

Other characters also are hit with the spell and call or go to Toriel and Asgore (their king and queen) for help, or else Toriel or Asgore notice what’s happening and try to figure out what went wrong. 

The human world outside the Underground is like modern day Earth but the kingdom they live in is set in a modern day suburban town called Fairbreak. This is all new to the monsters. Toriel, Asgore and their children have been gifted a new home from the human government on the surface as an extension of goodwill and peace between both races.


The monsters live in a gated community similar to those of human aged care villages, but the community is entirely made of monsters. 

Outside, the world is full of humans and sprinkled with some of the monsters that have moved to the surface to dwell amongst humans. 

Monsters want to try human food and have to adjust to having the digestion process happen.

Humans enjoy monster food as well but there is not much of it outside the underground so they have to visit to try it and spend money to import it from Underground to their places. 

Also, because a lot of monsters aren’t used to human food’s effects, they wear diapers and a lot of them become ABDLs, especially after Mettaton does because he’s popular and looked up to. 

The regression spell is on the news and has affected the entire world. Monsters and humans are going to doctors and the hospital in confusion, trying to figure out what’s happening. 

Suddenly, everyone wants baby (or Adult Baby) items and furniture - diapers and such are in high demand and everyone is shopping for them. 

The other characters visit and help babysit the Littles or take them to play with. 

Mettaton makes a super popular children’s TV show and along with it comes toys and merchandise. 

Papyrus gets into car racing with his red sports car and gets crazy popular, he also plays basketball and has a cooking show with Mettaton. 


So, with that being said, let's begin.

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Toriel was seated on the sofa in the living room, folding some laundry in her big soft paws and putting it into piles while watching the new television the humans had gifted them along with the house. She was amazed by the modern world humans had created during the many years monsters were trapped underground. It was like the world that had been there before never existed. Now there was all this technology! Electricity. Moving pictures. It was fascinating. Right now, she was watching the news. Apparently, some strange side effects had been cropping up in humans and monsters alike recently. Alphys was being interviewed live, and was explaining how some hidden spells had been triggered and released when the barrier to the Underground fell, and that's what was affecting people randomly. 

The goat mom was interuppted from her thoughts when her son wandered into the room, pulling his green and yellow striped sweater down in the front as though trying to hide his shorts while wearing an unhappy expression. Toriel looked up and couldn't help a beaming smile spreading across her face. Their son had appeared just outside the mountain when the monsters were leaving and they had found him on the way down. Asgore and Tori were ecstatic to have their little prince back again.  "Asriel! What's the matter, dear?" she said "I thought you were playing outside in the yard with Daddy" 

Asriel shifted from foot to foot, squirming, "Mommy...I had an accident!" he complained, starting to tear up. "I didn't mean to!" 

That was when Toriel noticed the big wet patch on his shorts. She put aside the sweater she just folded and got to her paws with a soft tutting, "Oh dear, my child. It's all right, let's go and get you cleaned up, sweetie" she soothed, walking over to scoop him into her arms. With what she had just seen on the news, she felt a bit of worry but quickly pushed the thoughts aside. Asriel was still only ten. Maybe he just got too caught up in playing and forgot to listen to his body. 

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Now that the underground and above ground world have meshed together, many things have happened and had been for the best. There were plenty of new improvements of technology being planned out, peace treaties, and many monsters also finding their place in this world to be comfortable and enjoy the sunlight, the nature, and the bustling cities if they were brave enough to go and explore it. 

For 12 year old Frisk, she had done enough exploring now. After the entire adventure she found herself in the underground. Meeting the Skelebros, Mettaton, Undyne, Tem (who knew where she was now?) and other people like River guy, she found herself settled within the family who took her in after explaining the reason she fell down and had no reason to return to her human family. 

Frisk was used to some things like the television or cars, but had very little interest. She loved to explore and have her own imagination, even for a pre-teen. But that wouldn’t last for much longer. Although older than Asriel, she was shorter, and often mistaken for a nine year old instead. She had been sitting and enjoying the warm breeze; listening to Asriel and Asgore play before turning to watch him run off. “What happened to him Asgore?” She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. Frisk wasn’t used to calling him dad yet, and called Toriel mom every once in a while.  

“Oh, he had an accident, don’t worry about it child. How about we go inside anyway?” He suggested, offering his paw to the girl. Frisk took it, entering the house to join Toriel and Asriel. 
Once inside, Frisk sat on the empty couch to not ruin the laundry, looking at the news. “What’s happening on the news, mom?” Always curious about the world around her.

“How about I take our prince to get cleaned up hm?” Asgore told her, taking Asriel into his arms and rubbing his back in assurance. “You stay with Frisk, and we’ll be back in a jiffy.”

Off the king went with his son to his room, opening the door and closing it after, placing him down and beginning to go through his dressers for new pants and underwear. “Did you just have too much fun kiddo?” Came his question in his calm, deep voice. “Everybody has accidents.” He reminded him, “get your pants and undies off and I’ll throw them in the wash.” He smiled, placing the clothes on the bed. “I’ll be back with some wipes to make sure you’re cleaned up properly before you shower later today.”

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Toriel had been overjoyed to take in Frisk after all was said and done. It was thanks to her that the monsters were set free, after all. She knew that humans who 'fell down' usually didn't climb Mount Ebbott for happy reasons, so surmised that Frisk's old family, if she had one at all, were not good for her. She was happy to gain another child from all this. Even though it had been so hard to let Frisk leave those ruins in the first place, she was glad she had and even more glad that Frisk had returned to them afterwards. This was Frisk's new home and family now and she was delighted to have her. Chara, on the other hand, had gone to live with others, which was upsetting...but something wasn't right with that child. It was wonderful that Asriel was no longer a soulless flower too. 

Toriel paused mid-way through taking her son across the living room towards the North door when Frisk and Asgore entered the room. She watched Frisk sit down then glanced at the TV with a frown at her question "Well, it's nothing good, I'm afraid. It seems there was some kind of spell released when the barrier came down that's randomly affecting both monsters and humans. They're calling it 'The Regression Spell'" she explained with some concern, her brow furrowing with worry. "Apparently, it causes people to regress physically, mentally, or both....back into a baby state. And no one knows how to stop it" she said with a sigh. 

She looked at her husband and met his gaze, her eyes speaking what she could not. She was worried about their son. "It affects each person at different rates so...there's no real way to tell if someone's affected in some cases" she said, holding Asriel close. "Alphys was very good at explaining" She smiled softly but it was somewhat forced. What if this little accident was the beginning of something sinister for Asriel? Only time would tell. For now, she would do her best to stay calm and attempt to be positive, for Asriel. She looked reassuringly at Frisk and mustered a comforting smile. "But there's no reason to panic, my child. If anything happens to any of you, me and Asgore will be happy to take care of you" she said. "So make sure to tell us if anything new or strange happens, okay?"

Toriel turned her head back to Asgore, her fluffy goat ears swaying, "Oh. Certainly, my love. That would be most helpful" she smiled at him with genuine warmth and affection. She was so glad they were back together. She loved Asgore very much. 


Asriel clung to his mother tightly as he listened to what she said, looking at the TV with his mouth open, then to Frisk, then to Toriel and back again. Oh gods, that didn't sound good. And Asriel hadn't peed his pants since he was at least 6 years old. the wetness clinging to his shorts and undies brought back those memories. What if this accident today was...was the spell affecting him? It happened so suddenly. But he stayed quiet as the others talked, relaxing slightly at his mom's reassuring words. Yeah. It was okay. There was no need to panic. Stay calm...don't jump to conclusions. 

He reached out for Asgore when his dad went to take him and clung on to him loosely. "Daddy!" he peeped softly, relieved. He was grateful that someone was gonna help him get cleaned up. Asriel sniffled and scrubbed away his remaining tears on his sleeve, trying to regain his composure as he was carried to his room. He looked around his bedroom, the one to the right of the kids' bathroom, and watched Asgore go through his dresser for new clothes after being placed down. He shifted his paws on the soft carpet beneath them awkwardly, not sure how to answer his dad's question. "I...I don't know. We were playing hide and seek and then...I was hiding and I suddenly had to pee and...and my bladder hurted a bit and then it just...came pouring out" he said, face heating up as he explained his accident. "I didn' even have time to cross my legs. And I tried to stop it with my paws but..." he looked down, fur flushed as tears of embarrassment stung his eyes. "I haven't wet my pants since I was six years old, Daddy..." he mumbled. "I don't know what happened. It's weally embarrassing"

Asriel rubbed his eyes and looked up as he was told everyone has accidents "They do? Even big boys like me?" he asked. The family had only moved to the surface a week ago, and as yet, human food was totally new to them. Toriel had cooked the remainder of the monster food they brought from the Underground over the past few days and this morning was the first time Asriel had tried human food and drink. It was SO GOOD. But...he remembered that it also didn't get totally converted to energy like monster food. It had to pass all the way through. Digestion. He'd learned about that in school. "Do you think it's a'cause we ate human food for breakfast this morning?" he wondered, "I drank a lot of juice" 

"...okay" Asriel did as told, clumsily pulling his pants and underwear off and dropping them on the floor. He stood shyly and waited to be cleaned, not sure how to do it himself, fidgeting with his paws. Asriel nodded, shivering slightly. It was late spring now, and quite warm, but the breeze coming through his window made the damp fur a little cold. 

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Frisk’s home life wasn’t the best, which caused her to climb Mount Ebott and fall down accidentally. She refused to say anything what happened. Though, she wished sometimes she lived her life with this family and forget about her old one. Though, it all happened for a reason. She was glad to have Toriel, Asriel and Asgore. It had been a week since they moved up, and Frisk did adjust to the human food easily and well of course. Frisk looked down at her hands and listened to Toriel explain what’s happening on the news. There was a look of guilt on her face, allowing her hair to fall into her eyes. “Did...did I do that, mom?” Frisk asked. “Is it my fault that the barrier I helped break made a spell?” She clearly looked distressed, pointing her toes inwards. She looked up to watch the tv and focused on Alphys explaining it some more. 

Once Asgore and Asriel left, Frisk looked at Toriel and pulled her knees up on the couch, watching her mom fold the clothes. “I’ll help you guys with Asriel if he got affected by it mom. I’ll be a good big sister.” She offered, playing with the sleeves of her sweater. “Will you and Asgore be okay if you get hit? Will you get hit?”


“asriel!” Asgore roared back when Asriel called his name, giving his son a kiss on the forehead. It was soon they were in his bedroom and getting a fresh pair of clothes. “It’s okay my child.” Asgore sat on his knees and wiped any tears that were forming. “It’s good that you relieved yourself though, you were holding in quite a bit!” He gently punched his son’s cheek  

“everybody has accidents, son. You’re right. When you were in your mommy’s belly, sometimes you would push on her bladder and she’d pee her pants!” Asgore chuckled at the memory. “And one time your old man peed his pants because he was laughing too hard and drank too much water.” Asgore stood up. “Let me get the wipes.”

in less than a minute Asgore returned with baby wipes. They were useful for cleaning the face, since they were gentle on the skin. Asgore listened to his son’s question about the human food. “It could be that. Your body will get used to it, just like it took some time for Frisk to get used to our food.” He pointed out, making sure the door was closed and the blinds weren’t showing the partially-nude kid. 

“so what you’re gonna do kiddo, is have one wipe, okay?” Asgore began to explain, taking a wipe. “You’re gonna go in between your legs on the inside of your thighs.” The big man began to show him, gently wiping against his son’s inner thighs. “And over your bum and in the crack...” he continued. “And with a new wipe, you’re going to clean your wee-wee and over it, you do that part.” Asgore encouraged, giving his son the new wipe. He wanted to respect his son’s privacy, he was 10 after all! For now, anyway. 

“And you’re all fresh and clean! Good job.” Asgore beamed once Asriel was finished, clasping his hands together and grabbing the two wipes and the wet clothes. “You change now kiddo, okay? And we’ll get ready for supper.” He smiled, ruffling his kid’s hair before exiting the room and closing the door, leaving Asriel to change.  

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Toriel watched Asgore leave with Asriel, biting her lip softly. She then gave her head a little shake and went back to finish her laundry. She placed the last item of folded clothing onto the pile with Frisk's clothes before hearing her speak up and turning towards her, noticing her looking down at her hands. She sounded guilty and upset, her long brown hair hiding her eyes. She watched her curl into a small huddle, drawing her knees up. 

"Oh...no, no, no, dear one! Not at all. None of this is your fault!" Toriel assured her, padding over to the free sofa to sit beside her and place a comforting paw on her back, gently rubbing up and down. She tenderly swept some of Frisk's bangs out of her eyes, tucking them behind her ear then pulling her into a warm, soft hug. "No darling, you didn't do this. There was no way any of us could have known there was a hidden spell woven into the barrier's make-up, waiting to be set off. I don't know who made it, or why. Humans can be very strange sometimes... But even with that, I'm still happy that the barrier is at last, finally broken and everyone can be free" she said, stroking Frisk's hair in slow motions, her claws lightly tickling her scalp. "What you did was the best thing to ever happen to us, Frisky. This regression spell is just an unexpected anomaly. But it could always be something much, much worse. It's not really harming anyone. It's just...changing people" she said. "Please, there's no need to blame yourself for anything" she added, leaning down to kiss Frisk's forehead. "You're a very good girl and we love you very much"  

Toriel gave a loving smile full of warmth and affection to Frisk. "And thank you, my child. I know you'll help with Azzy. That's very kind of you. But - you are already a wonderful big sister" she told her, carding her fingers through her hair some more. She pondered on her next question a moment. What would happen if the spell targeted her or Asgore? Hmm. 

"As for that, I don't know if the spell will get us but....yes, we'll be alright, I'm sure" she said with comforting confidence "We have many loyal and loving monsters who would willingly care for their king and queen should both of us be hit by the magic together. So you don't need to worry about that either. Plus, Asgore and I would care for each other if one of us needs help. Me for him, or him for me. And we'll always make sure you two are taken care of!" she finished, playfully booping Frisk's nose. "Now, would you like to be a dear and take your folded clothes to put away in your room? Mommy has to put away the rest" she said, eying the other sofa that had piles of neatly folded and organised clothes on it. 

On the TV screen, Alphys continued to talk to an interviewer, a bit flustered from all the attention. "Th-the creator of this spell a-and their intentions with it were unknown, b-but...it's possible that it was made as a kind of 'rebirth' or...some sort of 'new beginning' for when monsters and humankind came back together. W-with this spell that has been made to 'reset' people's lives...we don't know what's going to happen. But it may just mean some adjusting and getting used to new things for those involved" she finished. "Me and my team will be working on researching a fix or cure for this. B-but until then, please stay c-calm and do your best to adapt" she said with a shaky smile, a few beads of sweat on her brow as she pointed her fingers together nervously. "Hang in there, everyone!" she said, flashing twin victory signs with her fingers in the V formation. 


Asriel couldn't help a short giggle and brief smile when his daddy had cheerfully said his name and gave him a kiss. He remembered when he'd killed him, as Flowey. He thought he'd lost him forever then. The goat boy loved his daddy so much and was happy to be back together. When Asgore wiped his tears away, it made him feel loved and cared for, calming him down some. Asriel blushed at his father's words, letting out an embarrassed giggle at the playful soft punch, "Y-yeah!" he agreed, "That was a lot of pee. I do feel way better now" he admitted, face fur tinged red as he grinned in abashment. "I won't drink that much juice again" he swore, probably not likely to keep that promise. Juice was yummy.

He looked at his daddy, listening to him tell about accidents with a curious expression "Oh, wow...so, even adults have accidents" he said, giggling at the idea of his mom peeing her pants in that scenario as Asgore chuckled. "Oops. Sorry, Mommy" he said somewhat guiltily, then giggled some more when Asgore relayed his own wetting story. "Ha ha, oh my gosh! I can't believe you did that! You made the same mistake as me!" he said, now feeling a lot better about his own accident. "Well if anyone can have an accident, then I guess I don't feel so bad" he said, looking much happier. He watched his dad get up to grab the wipes and nodded "Kay" 

Asriel waited for him to come back and was placated by his answer about the human food and such. "But our food completely turns into energy when you eat it. It doesn't go allllll the way through your body and come out somewhere else" he said, indicating this with his paws as he moved them from the top of his body and downwards. "But I gotta say, it tastes way better than monster food though. Like, stronger, richer flavours, different textures and a wider range and it's just - amazing! I want Mommy to make a butterscotch cinnamon human pie!" he enthused. 

Asriel quieted down when Asgore began to show him what to do to clean up, watching carefully. The small boy spread his legs a little as his thighs were wiped, subconsciously trying to help make it easier. "Okay..." he murmured softly, nodding. Asriel stood still and flinched the tiniest bit at how cool the wipe felt on the velvety, short fur of his bottom. "U-uh-huh" He then looked at his small penis and testicles, which were cutely covered with a fine white peach fuzz. Asriel took the wipe that was offered and focused on the task at hand, wanting to get it right, "Okay" he said, starting to scrub the wipe over his prince parts, making sure to clean all over like when he washed himself in the shower. "....there. I did it" he finally said, looking up with a small smile. He was still a bit blushy but he felt calm and safe with his father. He glowed at the praise for getting it right. "Yay! Thanks for helping me, daddy". He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Asgore's neck for a brief hug. "You're the best"  

Asriel nodded at his dad's instructions while the bigger of the two took the used wipes and wet clothes to clear up, going over to his chest of drawers and pulling open the top one. He fished out a pair of undies with Paw Patrol on them and slipped them on, then grabbed a new pair of comfy pink stretch fabric jeans, stepping into them, almost falling over as he hopped on one foot while putting his leg in one pant leg, then sitting on the floor to put his other leg in the next pant leg. "There. I did it. Now I can go back to playing" he said to himself. He couldn't believe how late in the day it was. Since Asgore was home and not working this weekend, he'd enjoyed playing out in the sunlight and fresh air for most of the day, relishing the flowers and plants his dad had planted in the yard and helping water and learn about them.  

Asriel pushed himself to his feet and went to find Frisk, trotting back into the living room. "Hey. Frisk. Do you wanna go play on the computer with me? You can show me how to do that Sims 4 game we played last time. It was so fun!" he said eagerly, "Or we can play a board game. Daddy said supper's gonna be done soon" 

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“It’s...not...?” Frisk asked her, looking up at Toriel as she sat down beside her and rubbed her back, wiping her nose with her sleeve and continuing to listen to Toriel, leaning against her and having shivers be sent down her back every time she ran her paw through her hair, the nails tickling at her scalp. Being pulled into a hug, Frisk wrapped her arms around Toriel as best as she could, laying her head on her mom’s shoulder and taking in a deep sigh, before taking in Toriel’s scent. She smelled of cinnamon and butterscotch. How soothing it was for her, she could never be like this with her old family. Frisk nuzzled her face into Toriel's neck and stayed there for several moments, embracing the warmth of her adopted mother. "I love you guys too, mom. You guys are the best thing to happen to me too, I dunno what I would be doing if I didn't go up the mountain to save you guys..." Frisk added, before pulling back from the hug to look at Toriel, getting comfortable once again on the couch and giving a soft giggle as Toriel booped her nose. It soothed her knowing that if something happened to her parents, she would still be taken care of with her brother. 

She looked back at the tv to watch Alphys finish speaking, following after the reptile and making a peace sign back to her. "You're doing great Alphys!" She grinned, clapping her hands only to turn her head when Asgore and Asriel came back, nodding and hopping off the couch. "I want to do the Sims 4 game!" She answered, taking Asriel's hand and taking him to the study where the computer was. Frisk pushed another chair beside it to let Asriel on, getting on her own and turning on the computer. "I don't know a lot about Sims 4, Azzy. You gotta remember that I didn't use the computer a lot either.." She stated. It was after some playing that Frisk passed Asriel the mouse. "I gotta use the potty, I'll be back." 

Leaving the study room, Frisk headed to the nearby washroom and opened the door and closing it after, turning on the light and doing what was needed. It took her some time though, since she had to pee and poop. She wasn't paying attention when all of a sudden she looked down and the toilet was much...higher than it was. Weird. She shook her head and slid off, looking up at the toilet and couldn't reach the tap to flush it. Not only that, but her sweater was suddenly longer! What was happening? The spell took effect on Frisk, though only physically at the moment. She was at the size of a small 1 year old, before running to try to see herself in the mirror. Not that either, she couldn't see! The door was also closed and locked. 

"Mom! Azzy! Asgore!" Frisk screamed, banging on the door. "I''m stuck! I'm stuck! Help!" She cried out, unable to reach the doorknob. 


"Of course Asriel. Papa will always help." Asgore smiled warmly and hugged his son back, giving him a kiss on the cheek and watching him go. Grabbing everything else, Asgore tossed the clothes in the hamper and threw away the wipes, entering the living room where only Toriel was, the kids were gone playing the sims. "What was Frisk talking about with you? I heard some things but couldn't make it out too well." He explained to her, giving Toriel a kiss on the cheek. 
After hearing what Toriel explained, Asgore sighed and shook his head sadly. "That child has no need to feel guilty. At least she has us now. I'm going to go cook supper. I'll just make something simple like spaghetti. I'm sure Asriel would enjoy it." He chuckled, leaving his wife and beginning to cook in the kitchen. 

Asgore hummed to himself and admired how nice the backyard was. He was going to get the kids to do some gardening of flowers the next weekend once he was back from work. He'd surely love that bonding time with them. The table was set for the four of them, before hearing some screaming from Frisk, the king went to find Toriel with a worried look on his face. "Where's Frisk? Azzy? Is Frisk with you?" Asgore called out to his son in worry, going to the study where he heard Asriel. "Where's Frisk buddy? You two didn't get into a little kerfuffle right?" 

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All of this was definitely not Frisk's fault. It was some crazy human wizard's fault who created such a spell in the first place. What a sneaky, dastardly person they were, weaving it into the makeup of the barrier and hiding it among other magic so no one would notice. Some people shouldn't be left alone with such powers. Or ANY powers for that matter. 

She noticed Frisk breathing her scent and smiled. Lately, Toriel had been using a new body wash that smelled of butterscotch and she had added some cinnamon to it on a whim. That must be what Frisk smelled. It made her fur and skin smell sweet and homely. She loved scents like that. Tori was good enough to eat, so Asgore had told her. She didn't mind her fur being huffed like a cat either sometimes, it made her giggle. Nice smells were comforting and calming and she wanted to be that kind of presence to her family. Plus it felt good to smell good; a little confidence booster. 

She was very touched by Frisk's words, her eyes softening with love as her heart melted. The girl was such a treasure. She was glad that Frisk knew how much they loved and appreciated her, how much she meant to all of them. She would never let her forget it. She watched the TV with Frisk and chuckled at her reaction to Alphys, relieved the girl was no longer blaming herself. It was excellent of the royal scientist to dedicate herself so much in order to try and find a fix for the problem and to provide some information to those in the dark. Toriel knew she must be working hard. She hoped she remembered to take proper care of herself as well. Hopefully Undyne would help her. "Indeed she is" she agreed with her daughter. "I'm sure she appreciates our support very much. Go, Alphys!" she cheered softly.

Asriel and Asgore returned, padding back into the living room. Toriel was glad to see Asriel looking much more carefree and happy again. "Welcome back, you two" she gave Asgore a grateful smile. He was so good with the kids. "Oh, computers" she waved a paw "You two will have to teach me and your dad about them some more. The only computers we had Underground were the ones in the laboratory" she chuckled "Alright, go on, have fun. I'll put your laundry away, Frisky, don't worry".

The Sims game had been a gift from someone to go with their new computer, among a bunch of other games. It was more suited for Frisk's age than Asriel's but seeing how much it entertained them both, Toriel didn't mind them playing it. She was still getting acquainted with what movie and game ratings meant. It was a game for teens about playing with pixellated humans and their lives. Honestly, it was quite a hilarious concept for most monsters. Not knowing humans well, though, meant they couldn't always tell what parts were made up for the game and what things were actually true about humans. Which made for funny misunderstandings. 


Asriel grinned at that, happy when Frisk took his paw. He trotted with her to the study, excited to play the game some more. It was so silly, funny and fascinating. He climbed onto the chair carefully and got comfortable, wriggling before settling down. He leaned towards the screen, watching Frisk put the CD in the tray that popped out of the computer tower. "That's okay" he replied nonchalantly, "I know as much as you. We can figure it out together. This game is so funny" he giggled. "The language the humans speak sounds so weird" he tried to imitate it and giggled some more. He was totally absorbed in playing with the cartoonish humans with her when, after a while, she handed over the mouse. Asriel took it happily, eager for a turn at controlling the odd humans on the screen "Okay" he said. 

Asriel started to play, fascinated by the game and having a great time. He made his Sim try to cook a meal and panicked when the oven came alight, then relaxed when an NPC fireman turned up to put out the blaze. "Geez, that was a close one. Huh...my Sim only has one cooking skill. Ohhh, that must be why they almost burned the house down. That's as bad as Undyne" he murmured, "Whoa, the human is stinky now. Human...go take a shower" he clicked the shower and sent the Sim man to bathe, then tutted when the shower broke as the human got out and water began spraying everywhere. "What? How did you break the shower? What did you do in there?" Asriel talked to the screen, shaking his head. "Human, fix the sh...oh!" he watched the Sim do a potty dance before wetting themselves in the game. Asriel stared at it. He blushed, remembering his own accident, then started giggling. "Uh oh! Let's get you cleaned up AGAIN. You can't pee on the floor, human!" 

Asriel was so enthralled by the Sims that he had completely forgotten about Frisk. 


Toriel looked at her husband with warm affection, standing to pick up Frisk's pile of folded clothes. She smiled at the kiss he gave her, updating him on their conversation and the news. When he said he was going to cook dinner, she nodded "Alright darling. Thank you. I'll cook tomorrow night" she promised. "Spaghetti sounds tasty. I know a fair few monsters who are fond of that particular dish. A certain skeleton comes to mind" she said with a wink, thinking of Papyrus. "Could you add grated cheese to the top, if you don't mind? Cheddar or mozzarella" she asked. That would make it even tastier. Learning about all the human foods was exciting and fun. There were even different TYPES of cheese! 

Asgore had really done a marvellous job with transforming the back yard (well, it was to the left of the house but it counted as one). He'd planted shrubs and all kinds of coloured flowers, even some miniature fruit trees and a vegetable patch. His love of gardening was expanded greatly by the surface world - there we so many more plants and flowers up here compared to the buttercups in the Underground. Toriel had suggested putting some playground equipment in for the kids. But it was a little costly and had to be put together with tools. 

The goat mama busied herself putting everyone's clean laundry away in drawers and wardrobes while her husband cooked for the family, returning to the living room when she was done. A human soap opera was on the TV. She got suckered in by the over the top drama and back stabbing of the characters in it and didn't hear Frisk in the bathroom. An ad break came on as Asgore poked his head in the room. "Frisk? She's playing that Sims game with Asriel" she told him. 


Asriel jolted with fright at his dad's voice came out of nowhere "GAH! Daaad!" Asriel complained, sinking back into the chair "You nearly gave me a heart attack" he gasped out, one paw over his chest as he tried to regain his breath. If he'd needed to pee then, he would have wet himself. He shook his head at the question "No, she had to go potty and- Wait - oh my god, that was ages ago!" he squealed, realising, "I forgot about her!" he felt really bad, clapping his paws to his face "I'm a terrible brother. I got so absorbed in the Sims!" he moaned, shaking his head and grimacing. 


Now that Toriel was alerted Frisk was missing, she went to go look for her, wandering out of the door to the west of the living room. She immediately heard the banging and screaming and hurried to the bathroom, trying to open the door, placing her paw on it "Frisk! What's wrong? Open the door, sweetheart! Are you hurt?" she called out, scared that something bad was happening to her daughter. Frisk's voice sounded strange. Was it...higher pitched than normal? "You're stuck?" Toriel asked in confusion. When it became apparent that Frisk couldn't open it, Toriel sprang into action. 

"Hold on, Mommy's going to get it open. I'll be right back" Toriel assured her. She ran to the kitchen and grabbed a butter knife then ran back to the door and jimmied the lock open. She gasped when she saw Frisk right inside the door and pulled her into her arms. "Oh my gosh, you're the size of a baby!" she stammered, aghast. "Asgore, come here quickly!" she called over her shoulder, hurrying out of the bathroom to look for him with the girl in her now overly big sweater. "Frisk has been shrunk!" 

She realised she was probably making Frisk panic and took a breath to calm down, gently bouncing the girl in her arms while stroking her hair back "Oh, you really did shrink, honey! But don't worry, dear. It'll be alright. I think you've been affected by that reset spell. But it will be okay" she promised, "How's your mind? Can you talk? Can you understand Mommy?" she asked desperately, hoping it didn't turn Frisk's mind as young as her body was now. 

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"Thanks mom!" Frisk grinned when she didn't have to put her clothes away and off she went with Asriel. Her room beside her brother's, it was pretty plain other than the tutu that she found underground and wore it. There were toys and such, but it was more for a younger child than somebody at Frisk's age. They would become useful to Frisk though in the near future, thankfully. 

As the two siblings played together, Frisk clicked different buttons and controlled her sim. "Yeah, their language is weird. Beep boop bop!" She giggled, trying to imitate their language. It was quite funny! Her sim went to work, hung out with friends, and decorated her house! It was about half an hour until she went to the washroom, and was gone for more than 10 minutes. Frisk was obviously freaking out, waddling back and forth in the washroom, hitting the door, screaming. Why hadn't Asriel realized she was gone?! That darn game! Frisk couldn't blame him though, it was a fun game! If she could she would be playing it all day, but Asgore had set some limitations on them for only two hours a day. They didn't need to be on the electronics all day. Now that they had a large backyard, a pool, new books and toys, they didn't need some simulation game! Frisk as more than relieved to hear Toriel's voice, stepping back and letting the goat to unlock the door and open it. 

Frisk held her arms out when the door opened, pulled into Toriel's hold and taking in her scent again and trying to calm down. It was quite the scary experience! Frisk's eyes widened when Toriel told her how small she was, freaking out some more. "Wh-what?!" Frisk squealed out, shaking her head. "I'm not a little-" Frisk was able to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror before Toriel scurried out, seeing her little. Although her body was at the age of a year old child, she was small enough to fit in ten month clothing. Her sweater was warped around her and would probably drown her if she went underneath it. How did a spell affect her so quickly? She thought she was going to be avoided! 

Bounced and her hair stroked, Frisk nodded to Toriel's assurance. "I-I'm okay mama. I undersand." There was a lisp and some struggle to speak, having some teeth but not all. It was only the beginning though, and there would be changes to her bodily functions and some behaviours, but she would always be able to communicate with those around her. 


"I'll make sure to add one of those cheeses, hun. If we have lots of leftovers I'll give them to the brothers." Asgore chuckled. He saved some plain noodles instead of mixing it with the tomato sauce. Frisk liked it plain sometimes, even if it was strange and didn't have much of a taste. She explained how she liked how it felt, though. Asgore was almost done making supper when he heard Frisk's calls, turning the stove off and putting it off the hot burner in search for their daughter, explaining to Toriel about his worry. "In the study playing the game, got it. I think the kiddos just got into a small fight honestly. Kids will be kids!" He chuckled warmly, before heading there. His eyes widened with some panic when she wasn't there and it was just Asriel. 

"Oh no no buddy.. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry..." Asgore apologized, walking over to rub his son's back. "You're not a bad brother at all my child. You just got excited over the game and I understand that. You are a great brother, okay? Let's go find your sister." Asgore smiled, turning off the computer (it probably didn't save, but he was sure the kids wouldn't care anyway, they didn't know how to do much anyway.) and wandering the house calling for Frisk's name. "If you need to go potty just tell me darling. Let's see which potty she went-" 

That was when Toriel was calling for them, rushing over and expecting the worse. Except, it wasn't the worst. The two bumped into each other in the family room, his jaw dropping when he saw tiny Frisk in her arms. "Oh my...you really did turn small!" Asgore covered his mouth with a paw, still holding Asriel in his other arm. "Guess we'll need to get new clothes and such for Frisk then.." He chuckled, shaking his head. "After supper though.." He was trying to stay calm to not freak out the two children. "Because who is hungry for some spaghetti and meatballs?" He asked, giving Asriel a kiss on the cheek. "That will make everybody feel better before we go ahead and do some errands. Or maybe we do some errands tomorrow, it is getting late too." 

Asgore led the family into the dining room, placing Asriel down in his seat and going towards the kitchen. It was nice that the two rooms were connected and open concept. He still decided to give portions to the two children, especially Asriel so he wouldn't get an upset stomach from the human food. "Do you want cheese on yours. Azzy?" Asgore asked him, getting him a small bowl. "And do you want juice or milk?" 

After hearing his son's requests, Asgore got him all that he needed and placed the bowl and cup in front of him, setting down a fork and spoon. "Tori, I think you should serve Frisk. I'm not sure how much she can eat now, dad's are always forgetting portions." He chuckled. "But I'll serve you my dear wife."


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Toriel had chuckled at Frisk’s enthusiasm. Normally, she’d make sure the two did a few chores every day so they’d be doing their bit as part of the family and learning life skills at the same time. But she didn’t mind letting it go now and then for the kids to spend time playing instead. Play was extremely important for developing children. 

Those tiny arms being held out to her made Toriel want to pick Frisk up even more and indeed, in less than half a second, the girl was swooped into her mom’s soft embrace as the goat mom fussed over her. Toriel tried to calm Frisk down when she squealed, noticing her scared and stunned expression  “I know, I know. It’s quite a shock, my child. You are much smaller than you were this morning. Practically tiny” she told her gently, rubbing her back as she snuggled her and continued to lightly jiggle the child, “I would not believe it myself if my eyes didn’t see it before me” she said, stroking a lock of Frisk’s hair back and tucking it behind her ear. 

“Praise the heavens, you can still understand me. That’s good!” she said, smiling with relief when Frisk spoke back to her. She tugged at the blue and pink stripy garment, trying to help arrange it more comfortably on the tiny figure. Toriel tutted in slight amusement  “Your sweater is practically a circus tent on you now, love” Toriel informed her with a soft chuckle. “My goodness...my goodness” she fussed softly, “Whatever are we going to do with you?” she sighed, gently swaying on her paws to rock the child, “I suppose figuring out what age your body has physically regressed to would be helpful” She couldn’t be older than a year at this size. At least her mind was still intact. For now. 

There was no telling what else this spell might do. 


Asriel’s eyes had started to water as he cringed over his carelessness towards his sister and clawed at his face, tugging his ears. He was appalled at himself. How long had he been ignoring her for? How long had she been left alone while he was having fun? What if something bad had happened to her and they would have been in time to stop it if he wasn’t totally absorbed in his own entertainment. Asriel, though he never liked to talk about it, still struggled with the memories of who he was and what he’d done as Flowey and after absorbing the human souls. It often gave him nightmares that made him wake crying, shaking and in a sweat. 

What if that evil was still in him somewhere, just lying dormant and he became like that again? He didn’t want to be like that. He didn’t want to be a bad person to the people around him ever again. If he ever started to...he’d put a stop to it, he swore to himself. 

A paw rubbed his back and the goat boy took a breath and looked up at his father, broken out of the rapid fire succession of thoughts. He sniffled and wiped his eyes clumsily with the back of a paw. “I’m not?....okay” he said in a small voice. Yeah, finding Frisk sounded good. He was all for that. Asriel silently nodded, reassured by what Asgore told him. “Sure. I hope she’s okay” he peeped. 

He was too focused on finding Frisk or making sure she was alright, especially when he heard Toriel call out, to notice Asgore turn off the PC. He wasn’t paying attention to his body’s needs right now, ignoring the advice about going potty. That could wait - Frisk was more important! 

He was taken back into the family room and gasped when he saw his sister. Asriel’s jaw fell open. “Frisk!” he said loudly. “Oh my gosh!” He couldn’t believe it. Frisk was...she was shorter than him before but now she was positively miniscule! “Th-did...what?” Asriel couldn’t get a word out, confused about what had happened. “The spell?!” he managed to ask. 


Toriel was still wandering the house looking for Asgore when they bumped into each other in the living room again. She almost laughed, seeing Asriel’s jaw drop just like his father’s. Their reactions were identical. Toriel nodded at Asgore’s suggestion “Yes, yes, we’ll need to go shopping straight away!” she voiced her opinion. “Nothing in this house is big enough to fit her as she is now and I don’t want her to get cold. But yes, I think it can probably wait till after dinner” she nodded. 

Toriel smiled at the announcement of dinner “I aaam!” she chimed in playfully, even though his question wasn’t directed at her. “As for errands, I’m not sure it can wait till tomorrow, Dear. Frisk might need some new apparel for tonight. Her body may not have as much control in this form so she needs to be dressed appropriately” Toriel stated, trying to politely step around the fact that the baby sized girl might have lost her continence as her body had regressed and would need diapers. 

She followed him through to the dining room, sitting down and setting Frisk on her lap, facing sideways. Toriel supported the girl’s back with one arm, getting ready to feed her with the other. 


Asriel sat in the booster chair on top of the dining seat. He took a deep sniff of the food and licked his lips as he eyed it hungrily. All that playing outside in the fresh air worked up an appetite “Mmm, looks tasty, Daddy! I love a’sketti bolognaise” he nodded eagerly at the offer “Lots of cheese, please!” he giggled. “Ah...juice!” He then looked at Frisk “Hey, how’s Frisk going to eat? She can’t even reach the table” he asked with concern. 


“I shall help her eat, sweetie” Toriel spoke up, “It’s no problem, really. I used to do this with you all the time before you could reach the table” she looked down at Frisk with a calming smile. “Is that alright with you, Frisk? Sorry, I know you’d prefer to feed yourself, but it is going to be extremely difficult with your smaller size” she said, noting they’d need a highchair for her, most likely. “It’ll be faster if I just help you eat for now, and then we can go buy some better clothing for you sooner” she said, hoping the girl wouldn’t put up a fight. Frisk wasn’t known for being aggressive or fighting much, she was more the pacifist kind. 

Toriel looked up at Asgore and nodded “Oh, of course. I’d be happy to” she smiled, reaching for the serving bowl and putting a small amount in Frisk’s dish. She took up the fork and eyed it “Hmm, this fork might be too big for her mouth now. But we’ll have to make do. Let’s try” she twisted some spaghetti and a piece of meatball onto the fork - a tiny amount for a much smaller mouth, and gently brought it to Frisk’s mouth “Say, ahh. Here comes the airplane” Toriel teased her gently with a playful smile. She hoped the girl wouldn’t stubbornly turn her head away. 

“Thank you, love” she thanked Asgore as he served her a good portion. “Looks wonderful! Simple yet homely and hearty” Toriel planned to eat her own in between feeding Frisk bites of food.

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Frisk shook her head still in disbelief in what was happening. She really couldn't believe she was turned into a small baby! Why couldn't she at least been turned into maybe a five or six year old, where she still had control over her body and more strength at least...but it seemed impossible for at least people to do that. Her mind was still  intact, and able to speak and comprehend what was going on. Though, she wasn't sure if her body would listen to her exactly like bladder and bowel movements, as well with needing naps in the day for using so much energy. Frisk stared at herself in the mirror. Her sweater could be a blanket practically! 


"Yes, my child. You're not a bad brother, and it's okay to get distracted by things that excite us. It's normal, but we have to learn when it's okay to get distracted by them and when it is not okay to do so. It all depends on it, really. But let's go find your sister." Asgore picked up his son and began to look around, When they arrived to the family room and Frisk was small, Asgore's jaw dropped. He remembered how small Asriel was too when he was first born and grew into the big boy he is, but how he wished that time never passed by too quickly like it did. "The spell did do this, you're right, Asriel." Asgore rubbed his back, "But let's go eat anyway."


Once the family was settled at the dinner table and Asgore had served them all (except for Frisk, because he forgot what portions would fit her stomach) he sat down at the table and began to eat. Asgore nodded to Toriel's comment about getting the necessities. "We're gonna need to also buy a portable crib and a car seat for Frisk. She's too little to be in her booster seat now, and she'll need to be rear-facing." He pointed out. Even for such a short time up above, it didn't take long for the adult monsters to adjust to cars and understand what is needed when they have children on board with it. "I'm not sure what else we would need other than clothes and other stuff." Asgore tried not to mention diapers. Now that Frisk was a 'big' girl, it would be embarrassing and certainly make her upset to know that her bladder control was suddenly gone and much harder to keep herself potty trained. Asgore began to eat his food, after getting Asriel plenty of cheese on his spaghetti and giving him juice. Normally, to save on the juice, Asgore mixed it with water. It was also a lot less sugar for the kiddos. Though...now that he thought about it...maybe just water would be good and several hours before bedtime to avoid having an accident at night. 

"I think we'll need to get some other things too."Asgore looked at Toriel before gently motioning his head towards Asriel to make it hard to understand. "Some P-U-L-LU-P-S for night time." He added, giving himself a fork full of spaghetti and gobbling it down. 


Frisk opened her mouth greedily as the spaghetti came into her view, taking in the small forkful and only the tip. It was hard to take in the entire fork, she would need smaller cutlery to control herself. Frisk didn't fight Toriel at all about being fed, chewing on the spaghetti and taking in more and more after each bite. She tried not to make a mess, but her coordination was a little off now as well, getting some sauce around her mouth and dripping on her sweater. Frisk ate about half of her portion as she shook her head and pushed the fork away once it was offered to her. "I'm done mom." Frisk nodded, looking at her other family as they finished up. "Can we go please?" 


Asgore finished up his own supper, standing up and placing his plate in the sink. "Toriel, how about I go with Asriel to the store first to get the car seat. They told me that we can get fined if a child is not in the right seat." Asgore warned her, looking as Asriel. "Hm, Azzy? How about you and your old man go to the store together quickly and help him get things ready for Frisk before we go shopping?"

Asgore looked at Toriel as he grabbed the car keys. "It should be much faster, and I need your help not only choosing a safe seat, but also a pretty seat for your sister."

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Toriel nodded at her husband's words as he listed some of the things they needed to buy, munching happily as they chatted "Yes, yes, that makes sense. Those are good ideas, Asgore. I trust you to make good decisions when buying whatever we need. The portable crib will come in handy, especially if we travel or Frisk needs somewhere to sleep at a playdate. And yes, the car seat is very important. Good thinking, Darling" she said sincerely, smiling at how forward thinking he was.

Toriel was still learning how to drive but she was getting the hang of it. A few more lessons and she'd be able to pass her driving test. Other than that, the public transport here was also very good. There were trains, buses, Uber and taxis as well as bike lanes all around Fairbreak town. Toriel thought about what else they might need "I'll text you a list to check over once you're at the mall. I might think of a few things that you haven't" she offered with a small wink as he spelled out 'Pull-Ups' , trying to be helpful. "It's a good thing we have a lot of gold saved up. Seems to be at a higher price than the regular paper and coin money that humans use in this town, so we're rather well off for buying all this stuff at a moment's notice, thankfully" 

Well, they were the king and queen of the remains of the monster kingdom, it made sense they would have quite a large shared treasury. They weren't millionaires but they were still rather well off thanks to that. She looked down at Frisk as she continued feeding her small bites, gladdened to see she had a good appetite "Don't worry sweetheart, I know the things we're talking about buying might seem a little 'young' for you but it's just to help you live your best life in the smaller body in the meantime. We want you to have the best quality of life, after all. These items should help make daily living much easier on everyone, including you". She chuckled, seeing how much Frisk was enjoying her meal "Is it good, Frisky? Mmm, so yummy!" she cooed, gently wiping her daughter's face with the corner of a napkin. "Daddy did a good job" 

Once Frisk signalled she was full, Toriel put the fork back on the plate and wiped her face and sweater up, scrubbing lightly for the more stubborn stains, dabbing the napkin in her glass of water to dampen it so the sauce came off more easily. "Nicely done, you ate very well for such a small stomach" she praised her, playfully prodding Frisk's belly. "Thank you for being so cooperative, Dear"

She was about to reply that they could indeed go to the shops together now when Asgore spoke up again. Her eyes widened and she put a paw to her mouth as she realised her mistake "Oh! Oh, yes, of course. You're completely right, Honey. We can't put a child this small in a car without a proper car seat" she stated, understanding immediately. "I wouldn't want to put Frisk in danger" 


Asriel's fears were confirmed when his father acknowledged that what happened to Frisk was indeed the regression spell's work. He was greatly relieved to see Frisk wasn't hurt though, even if her new appearance would take some getting used to. Asriel gulped, hoping he didn't end up that tiny. The world would seem so huge and there would suddenly be lots of things he couldn't do, or needed more help to do.

"I'll help Frisk with everything she needs. I'll be an even better big brother than before" he vowed, struggling to pick up any spaghetti on his fork. He tried twisting the tines in it like his parents, but it kept slipping off before he could bring it to his mouth. Odd, he had thought he was starting to get the knack of it last time. Asriel kept trying to pick up the spaghetti in different ways, scooping it, stabbing it, even pushing it onto the fork with his fingers, but kept missing bites. His hands were shaky and felt oddly weak. Getting frustrated, he began to hold the spaghetti on the fork to pin it down and shove it into his mouth awkwardly. Eventually giving up and dropping the fork after another meatball rolled off his plate and under the table, he started to eat with his paws. Sauce and melty cheese stained them and around his mouth. He hoped his family wouldn't notice. It was another effect of the magic working on his body, though the small goat monster didn't know it. Mommy and Daddy were deep in conversation. They weren't paying attention - it was fine! 

Luckily, he was too busy eating and making a mess of himself and his clothes to hear what his dad had spelled out. Pull-Ups would likely be a good idea for tonight and daytime wear, though he'd probably need thicker protection as his condition advanced. 

Asriel was finishing off his glass of juice with both paws and steady gulps when his dad got his attention once more. He finished emptying the glass and placed it back down with a satisfied sigh and a clunk. "Okay! That sounds fun" he agreed, bouncing a little in his seat "I love the mall!" Human shops were fascinating. They had so many cool toys, technology and decorations and THINGS! Many he'd never seen before. Asriel looked at his paws and started licking the palms and fingers, trying to clean the sauce off. "Mm, slurp..." he had sauce smeared all around the once white fur of his muzzle. His paws looked red with sauce too and he even had some on his ears. The kid slid off the chair and eagerly trotted to his dad's side, raring to go "Okay, cool. I'll pick out a really good seat for her!" he claimed. 


Toriel stood with Frisk in her arms. "Well, I suppose there's not much we can do till you two get the car seat and come back. Don't be too long" she said, concerned Frisk might have an accident at any time. "Frisk, why don't we go and watch TV while we wait?" She planned to put an old towel on her lap while they cuddled on the sofa until the boys returned. 

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"I will make sure the decisions are all well thought of, Toriel. I'm sure there will be some on sale too. it is nice to know that humans have some of the same things like we do. Our gold will certainly translate to something much higher and more expensive. Asgore was glad for Frisk and Asriel to still have an appetite, finishing up his spaghetti and not noticing his son having more trouble with using the fork and his coordination to his mouth until Asgore noticed the large mess Asriel made on his paws and around his mouth, letting out a hearty chuckle. "My goodness Asriel, look at you! You have such a messy face and paws. We'll have to clean you up first before we head off to the store. They'll think you had too much candy or something!" Asgore picked up the little goat and brought him to the kitchen sink, washing his hands and face and any leftover sauce on his sweater as well. Asgore was gentle and careful, making sure Asriel didn't loose his balance as well on the kitchen counter. Once that was done, Asgore cleaned up his own face and helped Asriel down from the counter. 

"We shouldn't take too long, darling." Asgore told her. "Maybe thirty minutes tops. The drive to the baby store doesn't take too long, and picking out one with a worker there won't take too long." Asgore explained, grabbing his wallet and keys. Several days ago, Asgore had changed his money from coins to dollars, making it much easier for them to use instead of awkwardly trying to pay for it all in gold. In his wallet, Asgore had roughly a thousand dollars in there! They would have to go to the bank soon and need to use a debit card...it caused less risk for them to have their money stolen, even for such a cute, sweet town. "We'll be back!" Asgore called out from the entrance after the two put on their shoes, getting Asriel into the car and himself in the drivers seat, and off they went. 


"It is really delicious, mom! Thank you, Asgore." Frisk smiled and looked up at Toriel, listening to her parent's conversation. She wasn't too behind to know what they were spelling out, but didn't say much to stress Asriel out. Frisk would sometimes feed herself, until she was finished and her stomach was telling her enough was enough. Frisk rubbed her eyes and squirmed around as her face, hands and sweater was wiped down. The little one hated the thought though that she would have to use a baby seat in the car when they would have to go out! Frisk had to use it when they went shopping today, which made it worse...she would have to face some familiar faces she already knew like the Skelebros, Napstablook...maybe even Mettaton! It was embarrassing enough as it was. As the boys left, Toriel gave Frisk a suggestion to do as they waited for them to come back. it was understandable, and Frisk wasn't much in the mood for waiting. 

"Yeah, let's watch tv! I want to watch Mettaton!" Frisk told her, clapping her hands together. "I wanna see what she's up to above ground. Even if she did try to take my soul while in the underground, I loved participating in the shows sometimes when they weren't dangerous!" came her giggle. It did not take very long until the two of them were sitting at the couch with a towel under Frisk, watching Toriel click through the channels and the child now waiting for a show to be chosen. 


As the two men of the family began to drive, Asgore looked at the rearview mirror with a smile on his face. "Ready to pick out the seat kiddo? We're gonna have to ask an assistant to make sure we choose the right choice." He reminded Asriel, but it also helped with Asgore remembering. The drive was about five minutes long, the kind og the underground parking steadily and turning off the car engine. It was still daylight, and as the weather was turning more into a summery weather, by the time all of them finally went shopping, the sun would still be out. Asgore opened Asriel's side of the car, helping him hop out and taking his hand to avoid any accidents. "Alright, let's get going!" Asgore cheered, trying to make this as positive as he could. Once they entered, Asgore crouched down to Asriel, whispering to him. "Would you be okay with helping your old man find a worker to help us out?" Asgore asked him, winking. "If you do a great job, maybe I can convince your mom that we should have ice cream before bedtime." He whispered, bringing up his pinkie. "I promise I will try. If not, tomorrow we'll have ice cream for sure my son."

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  • 3 weeks later...

((Is Mettaton female in this AU? That’s interesting))

Toriel nodded amicably at Asgore’s promise, “I know you will, love. I trust in your decision making” she replied with honesty. That had certainly changed since he was king of the underground. “Oh yes, finding things on sale is a good idea. I have no doubt we’re going to need to spend a dollop of coin, so it’s good to save where we can” 

When he spoke to Asriel, Tori finally noticed their son’s state. She blinked in surprise “What happened? How did he get like that?” she asked, confused. Asriel was normally a neat eater. He’d eaten spaghetti enough times before without making such a mess. Was he losing coordination and motor control? She pushed her worry aside. No point in fretting over it if something was happening to him as well. She didn’t want to worry anyone. “Oh well, it’s okay. So long as you enjoyed your meal” she chuckled, waving off her questions while Asgore sat the boy on the kitchen counter and started cleaning him off. 

Toriel watched him lift a much cleaner goat boy off the counter after a minute and raised a paw to wave them off. “All right, Gorey. See you soon” 


Asriel looked at his paws and licked futilely around his mouth, giggling at his father’s exclamation. “Sorry!” he said, not sounding very sorry at all. He couldn’t be bothered fighting with his fork, this was the easiest way, so who cares? At least his tummy was full of yummy spaghetti. He giggled some more at the mention of candy. “Ooh, can we get some candy too? Please?” he begged, holding his paws out obediently as he let himself be washed off. Going to the shops was the perfect opportunity to beg for toys, candy or other fun stuff.  

Once his paws touched the floor again, he hurried towards the front lobby to wriggle into his shoes. He didn’t really need socks since his paw feet were already furry. Asriel turned his head to call over his shoulder to the girls “Bye!” 

The ten year old clambered into the back seat of the car, glad to have his dad buckle him in and eager to get going. He was happy they lived inside a gated community full of fellow monsters. There wasn’t much traffic around until they got out through the gates and onto the main roads. Asriel watched out his window in fascination. Humans were EVERYWHERE outside. 

The boy perked up eagerly at his dad’s question “Yeah! I wanna pick a really good one for her” he said, kicking his legs back and forth slightly. He wanted to get one that was safe but looked nice as well, one that Frisk would be comfortable in and would like the designs on. He nodded at the mention of finding an assistant to help them “Okay. I guess the people who work there would know a lot more about the products than we do”.

It wasn’t long before they were there and Asriel stared around the parking lot, seeing all the different cars. Boy, humans sure had a lot of these things. Asgore had learned to drive one so quickly. Asriel guessed driving must be pretty fun since riding in it was fun as well. Too bad he couldn’t learn till he was older. Asriel noticed his door being opened and quickly unbuckled, scrambling out of his seat. “Thanks, Dad” 

He let his dad take his hand and didn’t fuss, knowing he had to be good and that it was for safety. He was getting a little old to still have to hold hands but he didn’t protest. His dad’s paw felt reassuring. It made him feel comforted and safe in such a huge and strange new environment. Mom and Dad had been here a few times already so they knew the way around better than Asriel did. 

He looked up at Asgore with his bright green eyes and smiled “Yeah!” he agreed, eager to get a car seat so they could come back and buy stuff all together. He followed his dad to the baby store, looking around at all the people, shops and other things as they walked. Different snatches of sounds, smells and music reached his nose and ears. He almost didn’t realise they’d arrived at the shop till they stopped walking and Asgore crouched to talk to him. Asriel listened. “A worker? Sure. I can do that. No problem” Asriel said with confidence. He grinned and hooked his pinkie around his dad’s finger. “Oh, great. We have a deal. I love ice cream. Can we get the Nice Cream brand?” he asked. That blue rabbit who sold Nicecream had opened his own business on the surface and the ice creams with kind messages on them were popular. 

Off on a mission, Asriel began to search around the store, watching the assistants interact with customers. He found a woman in a nicely presented store uniform who seemed to be really interested in helping her customers and was friendly and polite. Asriel trotted up to her once the current customers picked a product and left, bringing it towards the checkout counter. He waved to get her attention “Excuse me, miss?” Asriel stated as he approached her slowly, blushing a little and trying not to be shy. He shifted his paws in his colourful sneakers. “Umm...I know I’m a monster...but...would you be able to help me and my dad pick a car seat for my baby sister? She’s a human. And she’s been affected by the regression spell that’s affecting lots of people. She got turned to the size of a baby” he explained. 


The woman looked at him in surprise, but then regathered herself and smiled “Well, aren’t you just adorable! No, no, that’s fine. I don’t mind helping you at all, dear. Sorry to hear about your sister. Business for us has been booming lately, thanks to that spell. Of course I’d be happy to help you. Hmm, I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before. Wait! Aren’t you...prince Asriel? Son of the monster king?” she asked with a gasp, “Goodness, I never expected I’d meet royalty working here!” she laughed softly. “But it’s no problem. No problem at all. I’d be happy to help you choose the best car seat for your sister” She looked around and saw Asgore, not far from Asriel. He must have been following his son as he looked for an assistant. “Oh! Your majesty! Hello there” she said, “Your son was asking to look at some baby car seats. I’d be happy to show you the ones we have in stock. I think I know some that would be just perfect for your daughter” she said, starting to guide the pair towards the display of car seats. “Now, what size is your daughter currently, if I may ask? Depending on that, we can choose the best seat for her. We have some really cute ones for girls! Minnie Mouse, Frozen, pastel colours...and of course, the convertible ones that can adjust to any age” 


Toriel only chuckled lightly as Frisk squirmed a bit while being cleaned up. She supposed most children had that in common; not liking a damp cloth sweeping them over. She was very pleased with how much Frisk managed to eat, considering her now much tinier stomach. If Frisk hated the thought of using a baby car seat, she was really going to dislike a lot of the other situations coming her way. But there wasn’t much anyone could do about it. Needless to say, it was going to take a lot of adjusting to get used to her new lifestyle. 

Speaking of who they might bump into at the mall, you never knew. It seemed a lot of monsters enjoyed going there to revel in the novelty of everything in the modern age. Not that monsters didn’t have technology. It just wasn’t as widely available as it was on the surface and humans also came up with lots of amazing things. There was a larger variety. Unbeknownst to the royal family, the Skelebros were having their own conundrum at this very moment.

Toriel rose with Frisk in her arms, deciding to leave clearing the table for later in favour of being a stable and comforting presence for her daughter (and watching her to make sure she didn’t have an accident somewhere). 

She gave a soft laugh at the enthusiasm for Mettaton. “All right, Mettaton it is, then!” Toriel agreed. She carried Frisk into the living room and got them both situated on the sofa then began searching through the channels to try to find the one Frisk wanted. “I’m sure she’s busy with a lot of things, like always. Mettaton’s very energetic, it seems. It’s good she didn’t manage to take your soul. Though, I’m sure she had valid reasons for why she tried to. Ah yes, those shows! Well, she knows how to make things entertaining but I am glad you didn’t get hurt”. Toriel thought for a minute. 

“If you enjoyed participating in them so much then perhaps we can sign you up for dance classes or drama lessons. I do believe Mettaton would tutor you privately if she has time. She does adore you, child” Toriel replied to Frisk in slight amusement as she petted her hair, finally landing on the right channel.

“Oh, here it is; the MTT channel! Now, which one did you want? The cooking show, the dancing show, the soap opera, this funny game show - oh, there’s a new children’s show too. My my, she has been busy! Look at that!” 

The childrens’ show had monsters in costumes and/or make up, with some kids in magical superhero outfits who went on adventures to get a treasure or save a kingdom and fought bad guys along the way. It was a bit like Power Rangers or Dragon Rider or other live action shows, but with real monsters. Mettaton was featured prominently, interacting with the child stars in fun scenarios, helping them, fighting alongside them or protecting them, teaching them, taking care of them and educating them about the world of monsters and important things like friendship and life lessons. Souls, soul colours and traits, plus magic and other fantasy elements were included too. There were also puppets and fun CGI special effects and of course, lots of rainbows and glitter. 

It had been well made, the kind of show that people of all ages could love and get into, despite it being aimed at children. Toriel didn’t mind watching it at all. “Wow, this is very good” she said in surprise, as she watched the show. The characters were currently learning about the differences and similarities between humans and monsters and how friendship was universal and war was very bad.

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  • 3 months later...

((I always thought Mettaton was female! They were always screaming pure Girl Boss whenever I would play the game!))

"Of course we can get some Nice Cream, Asriel." Asgore grinned, looking down at his son with a loving look on his face. Asgore watched Asriel approach the lovely human employee, and the three of them met up together in the middle. "Yes, please, all the help is greatly appreciated. It was so sudden, we couldn't bring her out or else we'd be breaking the law!" He chortled out in his deep voice, placing a paw on his chest. "She's about the size of a year old child, but she's pretty thin, she could probably fit in still those car seat carriers that click in and out, but she'd hate that, so we'll just go for a regular car seat. My girl would appreciate simple colours for the car seat." Asgore explained to the employee, looking at the display of car seats. "We'd need one that would be both the backward facing and frontward facing. I do not think she is heavy enough or big enough even to be able to be facing forward." Asgore would remember poking his eyes in cars that he would be stopped beside, and seeing the infants rear-facing. They were all still the size of what Frisk was, or even a tad bigger. Frisk was always a smaller one, she was normally behind physically from all her human peers. Though, her smarts would fill in that gap. That girl could spit out anything without a second thought! She held too much information in that head of her's, that not even Asgore understood where she was figuring all of this stuff out. 

"What about this one? What does this do?" Asgore questioned, placing his paws on one. It was a simple black and soft yellow, but the cool part was that with a click of a button, it would turn 90 degrees and face outwards. "My, this looks complicated but simple...is this just to help with installation to the child?" Asgore questioned, tilting his head to the side. "No...seems too complicated...we just need a simple one." Asgore shook his head, moving on to the next carseat and looking at all the ones that would catch his attention. He then turned over to Asriel, looking down at his precious son. "What do you think, Asriel? Your mom and I, heck, even you, would need an easy one to buckle her in. One that Frisk wouldn't mind the colours either." 

Letting his son help choose the seat was important. Frisk might start needing more time and attention, so Asgore knew now was the time to continue making sure Asriel knew he was loved and wanted. Asriel was going to have his own regression challenges, but, each child would need something from both him and Toriel. 


"I would like dance class mom," Frisk expressed, her eyes on the screen without a second thought as Toriel would speak to Frisk. During the underground, Frisk had actually found herself wearing a ballerina tutu and some dancers shoes. They were a little bit on her, but she loved the feeling of her agility when she was facing other monsters. Peacefully, of course. 

Frisk's attention went to the children's show with Mettaton, leaning back against Toriel with her eyes wide and her entire body pretty much going limp. Her mind was off of the fact that she was now small, and now going to have less control over bodily functions, or the thought that she would be needing more of a routine including to sleep and eat. She wasn't a big girl that could choose to hold it in or hold off a meal until she was truly hungry. Her body was going to start to expect a firm schedule...and it was going to be a pain to deal with to even begin with. 

"How long do you think the other two will take?" Frisk questioned Toriel as the show went onto a commercial break, looking up at her mom. "They're not going to take long, right?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

((Nope, he’s a guy, he’s just extremely flamboyant! Part of the reason I love him so much~! But he can be female in this rp, just to change things up a bit))

Asriel’s face lit up when told they could get Nice Cream ice cream. He did a small fistpump as he uttered a small ‘Yes!’. His dad was so cool. Although he may just be so lenient with Asriel because he was glad as heck to have his child back. Still, he had always treated his son well before the catastrophe unfolded. And then Asriel had killed him in return. At the reminder of that, Asriel swallowed a lump of guilt. Just memories, they were just memories. They couldn’t do anything, he reminded himself.

The woman nodded in understanding, “I know how it is. Some of these cases are so sudden. It’s like a switch was hit. Like that!” she clicked her fingers. “Good on you for keeping your cool and remembering to get her a car seat before putting her in a vehicle” she replied, joining in with  his infectious chuckle. “One year old. Hmm” she thought for a moment, leading him over to all the models on display and walking him around them. “Simple colours we can do. And a regular model, all right” Listening as he told her what he required, she showed him various models, explaining their features. 

“Well you’ll need something with a five point harness considering her size” she added, “Regardless of her current mental age” She began to show him some with more simple colours, some with a light pattern over them, or with several pastel shades. They were dual facing seats and could easily switch between back facing and front facing depending on which way around the user wanted to install them in the car. 

The woman stopped by the yellow and black model he was asking about and began to lean closer to explain the features and how it worked, giving him a small demonstration. She nodded yes to the model being made with convenience of both parent and child in mind. “Perhaps a little more complex than you’d like. Feel free to continue browsing however, we have tons of models, since everything’s in such high demand right now” She hid a smile as the king’s ears swayed with him tilting his head to one side. That was rather cute. “We have some more of your basic car seats over here” she said, showing him towards the tried and true classics. 

The woman pointed out those she thought would suit a little girl. They had five point harnesses, could be rear or forward faced depending on how they were installed, and had basic colour schemes, some with patterns. Everything Asgore asked for. 


When Asriel was asked for his opinion, he looked between the carseats carefully, thinking over which would be the best looking, comfiest and safest for his sis. “Hmmm” he hummed, taking his time. He walked around the carseats like a little inspector, touching them and examining them before finally walking over to the one that he was most drawn to. 

“I think this would be the best one” he said. “It’s pretty, it’ll keep Frisk safe, you can face it backwards or forwards and it looks super comfy. Plus, if she ever starts to grow back up, or even grows smaller, it can adjust to her size. It says it’s from newborn to five years” he said, patting the carseat “I really like it! And I think Frisk would too. But it does say it’s not like a baby capsule that can be taken in and out of the car. That’s something different. So it’d have to stay in the car” he said, reading the tag. 

The carseat in question was black and a luscious pastel purple, with lighter purple Xs and Os as the pattern (kisses and hugs). It had cushioned pieces beside where the head of the baby would be to protect against bumps, padded covers on the part where the seatbelt went over the shoulders and chest, a smaller, cushioned insert inside the bigger seat that would hold an infant secure and could be removed when they grew bigger. It also had drink holders for sippy cups or bottles, places to put toys such as strung over the top or clipped to the sides, a sturdy plastic chest piece that comprised the first buckle, the second buckle would sit over top of the child’s diaper, and it was well padded inside with more purple ‘kisses n hugs’ padding and a little ‘pillow’ for behind the head, as well as seating the child at the correct angle so they would be slightly sitting up but also lying down somewhat. This way, the child could see out the back window and possibly side windows. It was easy to clean too. Other features that the sales assistant pointed out were that it had a 5 point harness (two shoulder straps, two waist straps and one strap between the legs that meets in the middle), and an easy to install system with easily adjustable seatbelts. 

Asriel patted it as he jumped up and down. “Yeah. This one! This one, this one, this one!” he chanted excitedly.

The woman chuckled at the boy’s enthusiasm, “That’s a good pick, actually. Although it has all the necessary features and basics, it’s also a bit more top of the line with some extras, but the price is fairly reasonable. $549.99” she said. “This brand is a good one. I’ve had parents tell me theirs lasted for years and between different kids, so it’s well worth the cost. We also have a 5 year warranty for repairs and maintenance. Oh, and it comes in different colours besides purple: green, yellow, pink and blue” 

Asriel looked pleadingly at his father “Welp, can we buy it, Daddy? Can we, can we? Then we can go and get Frisk and come back and do more shopping!” he said excitedly, rubbing his paws together while grinning at the thought.


Toriel smiled at that and made herself a note, writing it into her new smartphone. “All right, well I’ll contact Mettaton about ballet lessons for you tomorrow. I know you love wearing that costume you found in the Underground” she told her, “We’ll have to get you some new ballet outfits to fit, but shopping for them should be fun” she told Frisk. “You might not be able to start lessons straight away though, not till your body settles down and we’re sure it’s done with changes” 

The goat monster continued to watch the childrens’ show, enjoying it. She found herself laughing at funny parts or jokes, and being interested in learning new things the show taught. However, while Frisk’s mind was off her current condition, Toriel was thinking over all the things her daughter might need now. She expected Frisk would need all kinds of baby furniture, diapers, changing supplies, pacifiers, clothing, and more. She’d also have to baby proof the house with Asgore. She was also thinking of making a daily routine for the kids where they had set times for meals and naps, and planning what to do if Asriel was affected by the regression spell as well, which was highly likely considering what happened at dinner. 

Toriel was making notes on her phone and typing up a shopping list for when Asgore and Asriel returned so they could refer to it when they went back to the mall as a family. She would glance at the kids’ show in between doing this. When Frisk spoke up, she looked down at her, meeting her gaze. “Oh, not long at all, poppet. They should be there and back in short time. It’s only five minutes to the town mall from here” she checked her phone, seeing a text from Asgore “Gorey’s just said they’ve picked out a car seat for you. Asriel chose it. And they’re on the way back” she informed her. “Don’t worry, they’ll be here soon and we can all go shopping together. You’re going to need more clothes, for a start” she smiled, reaching over to adjust the fabric of the sweater around the girl. “This pink and blue stripe sweater was getting a bit worn anyway” she said, noting the fading, thinning of the fabric and frayed threads.

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