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Need Partners for Undertale ABDL RP

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Hiii, Yunicorn Sparkles here! 

I'm posting this on Diapered Anime as well as on here. I am desperate to find someone. 

I’m looking for partners to do an Undertale ABDL role play with! Been craving it for a long time but can’t find anyone to play with. 

* WARNING - I do big posts. I have trouble doing small posts. I love to be descriptive. 

* Must be semi-lit or literate. It doesn’t have to be perfect but I like people to use proper punctuation at least, such as speech marks when characters are speaking, and writing in third person. No using text talk or all lower case. You don’t have to write as much as me but at least show you’re putting in effort or that you’re having fun. I can tell when people lose interest or are lazy. 

* Use your imagination and be creative. You can Google images to use in the rp as links if you want. For example, baby toys, outfits, play equipment etc. This is something I do and it makes it a lot more fun.

* Slow to medium role play rate - I usually will post once a week (or once every 2 weeks) or a couple of times a week-2 weeks, around work and other commitments. I prefer leisurely paced rps as it gives me ample time to come up with good posts and not feel rushed or pressured. 

* If you want to post straight after I do, feel free. Just know that I don’t always reply straight away. I can’t keep up with faster paces too well since I need time to craft good posts. My health issues mean I tire easily, so please try to understand if I can’t reply straight away or do rp sessions. I do try to be reliable and will never just drop out, and I don’t like others dropping out with no warning because let’s be honest, that sucks. If you do that to me, I won't rp with you again. 

* I like to chat with my rp partners in private messages or an OOC thread about the RP - ideas, questions, suggestions, brainstorming, etc. 

* Ideally, I’m looking for one or two rp partners who have the ability to play multiple characters. I’ll play Toriel and the majority of caretakers/Bigs but I’d really appreciate it if someone would play a caretaker as well as playing their preferred Littles. So one of my characters can be babied. Cause it’s not fair always having to play caregivers and never getting to be the baby. 

ALSO: I prefer RP forums and threads but can rp on Discord or here on Diapered Anime if you want. I love the Daily Diapers forum the most since it's clean looking and easy to share images and links. 

Examples of Current RPs I am in that are still running:

The Bat Family’s Baby Bird (Nightwing RP): Nightwing RP

Usagi’s College Reform (Sailor Moon RP): 

Elsa’s Baby Sister (Frozen RP): 

Shopping For A New Family (OC RP): 

And I’m in some on Discord and Gaiaonline as well. 

Here’s my Undertale plot ideas below, so far: These are just ideas and nothing is set in stone!

A new disease or spell affects people (monsters and humans) after the true pacifist run, turning Chara, Frisk, Asriel and some others back into babies. When the barrier fell, it also released some spells or caused some spell to trigger which made humans suddenly age at the same rate as monsters (or made everyone stay babies for longer and made them regress). Our characters work to find the cure but in the end, even with it, some decide to remain ABDLs. 

Maybe Toriel opens a daycare for all the regressed little ones, thus getting to be a daycare teacher. Asriel has been reborn from a flower and his parents are back together (maybe). They are overjoyed to have him back but everyone has to adjust to the regression spell that got released. It starts with Asriel being reborn and he then feels odd because he’s been regressed and starts having accidents and acting and thinking more babyishly like Rugrats. He can’t control his babyish urges and emotions. Frisk and Chara also are hit with the spell and call or go to Toriel and Asgore for help, or else Toriel or Asgore notice what’s happening and try to figure out what went wrong.

The human world outside the Underground is like modern day Earth but the kingdom they live in is set in a modern day suburban town called Fairbreak. 

Set after the true pacifist run where all the monsters are freed

The surface world is open and so is the underground

Humans are coming to visit the underground to tour it and explore it and meet monsters, while monsters are exploring the surface for the same reasons. The hotel resort is doing great business. Humans and monsters love MTT’s shows and merchandise

Humans are having to get used to monsters again while monsters have to adjust to how much the human world has changed while they have been trapped

Some humans are distrustful of the monsters and some monsters don’t trust humans either

Then there are those who are curious about each other and want to make friends

Some monsters set up their own communities in the human world, as in private gated communities like aged care places do

Others integrate with the humans, living next to them or among them

Human and monster friendships and relationships are being formed

The royal scientists are working on ways to help monster-human couples to have offspring

Monsters want to try human food and have to adjust to having the digestion process happen. Humans enjoy monster food as well but there is not much of it outside the underground so they have to visit to try it and spend money to import it from Underground to their places

Toriel and Sans are in a relationship and have a house gifted by the human government so as to get things off on the right foot as an extension of goodwill and acceptance between monsters and humans, also showing respect to the king and queen

Asgore is living separately in another house gifted to him

Asriel is reborn and lives with Toriel one week and Asgore the next, along with Frisk and Chara

Another idea: maybe monsters are given gated communities or lands to live on since the humans don’t trust them and aren’t used to them yet. 

Humans back in the day can use magic but most modern day humans have forgotten it and it’s mainly in stories or known by a gifted few. 

OR Toriel and Asgore are back together and sharing a gifted house together. They have a lot of work to do helping the monsters get jobs and homes, health care (and more) and keeping peace between humans

OR: Toriel and Asgore and other monsters have to work together to shape and farm the land they are given and build their own homes, like Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley

So now, humans go to daycare with the kid monsters and ages under kid. Kids who were potty trained and in school regress.

Monsters and children grow slowly because they live much longer, so they stay in their baby and toddler phases for longer

Also, because a lot of monsters aren’t used to human food’s effects, they wear diapers and a lot of them become ABDLs, especially after Mettaton does because he’s popular and looked up to

Young humans and monsters are taught magic and other special skills in daycare and school

The regression spell is on the news and has affected the entire world. Monsters and humans are going to doctors and the hospital in confusion, trying to figure out what’s happening.

Suddenly, everyone wants baby items and furniture that is big enough for their children, child sized diapers and such are in high demand and everyone is shopping for them

Write how the characters handle the changes and adjust to their new life and how the world changes to accommodate this

Idea: Children stay babies until they are 12 years old when they become toddlers until age 20, then age up to children until 35 years and teens until 55 and adults till then onwards into their hundreds

The other characters visit and help babysit the kids or take them to play with. Mettaton makes a super popular children’s TV show and along with it comes toys and merchandise

Papyrus gets into car racing with his red sportscar and gets crazy popular, he also plays basketball and has a cooking show with Mettaton

Make monsters to be friends at daycare and for playdates, and show how the humans are reacting to suddenly being regressed and how their parents and siblings, other relations are reacting

Do a crossover – bring in characters from other universes or fandoms

Maybe at the same time the barrier broke, new worlds and realities were also discovered (different fandoms or else Undertale AUs)

What fandoms to mix with Undertale: My Little Pony, Animal Crossing, Chobits, Pokemon, Homestuck

What new villains appear? How does magic work in the world and affect it?

What jobs are available for adults and teens? Teens could babysit the younger ones

Do Woshua monsters start car washes and cleaning businesses?

Child Asriel is classed as a baby or toddler since monsters age slower than humans
Child Chara and Frisk who also end up in diapers 

Other child characters which are monsters in diapers or humanised versions of monsters in the game


That's it! If you want to talk to me about setting up an Undertale RP, I'd be very happy!!!!

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