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Cucking and a Pro Domme Babysitter... I never thought I would be typing this out...

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So I'm not even sure where to start this...

My wife and I recently separated and I have started seeing someone else. (Kink was a huge issue and there was a lot of shame) New GF is genuinely interested in my kink and we have already played together. (For the first time in my life!!!) I always thought I would never have a willing participant! They are also into cucking which I have had some fantasies about as well. We are just beginning to discuss a scene where she would go out on a date and I would have a pro domme babysitter for a few hours while she goes out to play. (Everybody wins!) We would then get back together and enjoy a hot and steamy night together afterwards. (She has a very high sex drive which matches my own) So I am sitting here thinking about some things to do and any boundaries that should be set. (Diapered of course)

I would like to hear from any members with ideas and/or experience in setting limits in this area as we are both a little unsure of what may arise as issues if any. Any feedback or ideas would be appreciated. This is very much virgin ground for me! I also have some concerns about sub drop as this may be very intense.

Thank you in advance for the feedback!



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Hey, my long-term partner and I opened up our relationship a year and a half ago or so. Recently, when she has been going out to see her other lovers, she's been diapering me before leaving, and sometimes even putting me in locking diaper pants before going out. We've also talked about cucking situations, with me straitjacketed, and forced to watch from a corner, but we are taking it slow, and I have yet to receive the Covid vaccine, so we're waiting.

Generally though, communication is the key. Over-communicate at first, and listen very carefully to your partner. Feelings ranging from shame, to anger, to jealousy can be quite common, and they can often be effective pointers to things you may want to work on yourself, or in your relationship. Every thing you feel is valid, and it's important to pay attention to that.

I've also gone and seen a pro domme, and the session involved sissification and diapers. It was a very intense experience for me, and I felt like I was completely out of my body! I am looking forward to going back, but my intention is to try and be a lot more present and in my body, and try and savor every moment of it.

As far as advice, I'd say negotiate the scene (both with your partner and the domme) and stick to the plan. The middle of such an activity is not the time to add to, or change things... Save it for the next time, and take it slow. That being said, there have been times where I've said to my partner "I know we negotiated this, but you don't need to do X now..." Usually X is something to do with me being diapered, and I'm feeling shame in the moment, but she knows better, and will do it anyway, unless I were to use our safe word.

Sub drop is a very real thing, and good aftercare is very important. This needs to be a part of your negotiation. Figure out what you may need (a blanket? Chocolate? A fresh diaper, some tunes, cbd gummies? and have that all planned out and ready to go).

Anyway, this is just my $.02 on this. Do whatever works best for you, but be sure to address your feelings no matter what!

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