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A baby lost in the woods (Open for anybody)


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(Please respond with the same kind of effort. Magic is allowed but do not be op!)
Message me if you would like to roleplay, doesn’t have to be this plot!)

Celestia didn't know what happened. One day she was in the forest, having a quiet picnic by herself. Life had been stressful, and she wished to be back in those gold old days when she was younger, a child, happy to have little stress and worry about having fun. A 23 year old woman who was alone, no boyfriend/girlfriend, and her family was on the other side of the sea. She had moved for a new job opportunity that got her more money, and now it wasn't a problem. She was a pretty young woman. Brown hair, fair skin, a freckles that were splattered all over her face. She had a nice apartment in the city, but didn't have many friends from moving just a mere month ago. 

Celestia decided to explore the nearby forest of her new city, and have a picnic. Now having eaten and with her stomach full, she began to wander the forest. Everybody knew this forest was enchanted. Everybody had magical powers, but this forest, even the most magical couldn't understand its power. Celeste didn't know any better, she thought it was a normal forest. Upon finding a cave, Celeste entered it and found a beautiful waterfall with a pond. She decided to take a quick swim in it, because it was hot, and she would love this to be a new place. Though, something happened. After climbing out of it, she realized everything was...bigger. Celeste had turned younger! She was in a 1 olds body, but still with her adult thoughts. Who would find her and take her in? Will they help her turn back into an adult or keep her like this, and raise her as their own? 

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(This will be interesting rp's)

Anastasia looks 35 years old, with green eyes and fiery red hair, but in fact she is 150 years old. She is a hereditary witch who revealed the secret of immortality and rejuvenation.

She lived all her life in the forest and she also owned it. Sometimes I was very bored from being alone.

One day while walking she saw babygirls on the banks of the waterfall of youth. He allowed anyone to look 20 years younger, and also healed all diseases. She regularly bathed in it to rejuvenate.

"Hi. Who are you? Where did you come from, babygirly?" she asked, picking up the baby in her arms and looking around trying to understand where she came from. and whose it is.

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Celestia rubbed her eyes and looked at the woman who picked her up and looked around the cave to see if there were any parents nearby. "Celestia!" The young girl explained, shaking her head. "I-I go to.." Celestia tried to explain, but her vocabulary was cut down significantly when she was turned into a one year old. "There..." Celestia pointed to the pond. "Me one!" Celestia shook her head, getting frustrated with trying to speak proper words. "Ugh!" Celestia groaned, trying to wiggle out of Anastasia's hold. 

Celestia wouldn't recognize how old Anastasia looked, since she looked to be 35. It was amazing how well this pond worked with proper usage, but Celestia didn't know at all. Celestia looked young with two pigtails, freckles, and wide eyes. She had those cute baby rolls and anybody would think she was a true one year old instead of an adult. Her bag was nearby, and it showed more of her, and that she was an adult. Though, whoever wanted to have the chance to raise a kid had the chance to do so, or find the cure to turn her back into an adult. 

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Anastasia sees adult clothes on the shore and a handbag.

She checks the bag and finds ID. The baby's face is very similar to the photograph.
"Everything is clear. You stupid bathed in the fountain of youth. Very good for me and unfortunate for you. I am so bored and glad that you came to me. And forget about your old life." said Anastasia.

She snapped her fingers all of the girl's things burst into flames and burned.

Then Anastasia clapped her hands and the branches and the leaves turned into a cute coyat in which the witch put the girl and took her to her house, where she lived. "You will be a very nice baby. I will take good care of you."

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“Mine! Mine mine!” Celestia shouted out when Anastasia began to search through her things. Celestia scrunched her nose when Anastasia explained to forget her old life. Her old life? What did that mean? Celestia let out a scream when her things bursted into flames. 

Celestia screamed and flailed her arms around, before being placed in a stroller. “No! No no! Big girl!” Celestia cried out, trying to undo the buckle. “No! Big girl!” Celestia tried to tell Anastasia. It seemed she wouldn’t be able to tell anybody, as the witch lived in the forest. 

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"The word" big girl "sounds ridiculous and flies out of the mouth of a baby like you." Anastasia laughed and drove the girl in a stroller. Soon they were at her house. It was the Big Gingerbread House, almost like in fairy tales.

"Well, here we are. Mommy will take care of you soon." said Anastasia and snapping her fingers the baby was picked up by invisible hands and carried through the air into the house.

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Celestia shook her head as the stroller went on in the forest, looking around. Celestia’s eyes widened when she saw the gingerbread house. What the hell? Was this witch going to eat her?! Celestia continued to wiggle and scream, in hopes that somebody would hear her. But nobody came. 

“no mommy!” Celestia screamed, trying to unbuckle herself from the stroller to get away. Celestia’s screams became louder as she was picked up invisibly and carried into the house. “No mommy no mommy!”

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"Don't be afraid. I won't eat you. I feed on animals that fall into my traps, but I don't eat people. You will be my baby. Look, I have a beautiful paci for you." said the witch and in her hand appeared green pacifiers with a taste of mint and with a chamomile flower on shield and Anastasia put it in girls mouth. While the naked babygirl is brought into the house.

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Celestia took a shaky nod as Anastasia explained he won’t eat her. Though, she panicked when the woman said she would be her baby. No! No no! Celestia had just moved to this country and was getting her entire life set up...she wished she hadn’t gotten herself into this mess. Celestia had the pacifier put in her mouth as she was brought through the house. Celestia refused to suck on the pacifier, covering herself up as best as she could as she floated through the house naked. She had really gotten herself into deep trouble!

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Anastasia followed the baby into the house and closes the door.

Invisible hands carry the girl into an empty room.
Anastasia whispers a spell and dust flew into the air and thickened began to turn into different furniture suitable for a baby.

The girl is laid on the changing table and Anastasia approaches.
"See. I am a powerful sorceress. I can do anything. Soon this room will be your nursery, but for now you need to dress you, otherwise you look funny with your bare ass." Anastasia said and snapped her fingers and wet wipes, baby powder and a thick diaper flew towards her and hung in the air waiting for commands..

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Celestia stared at the furniture that was suddenly appearing, then soon placed on a changing table. Celestia wiggled and wormed around on it, trying to even roll off even if it was from a tall height. Celestia looked at the diaper and the other items, her eyes widening. “No! No that!” Celestia fought with Anastasia, screaming and kicking her legs. Celestia was not going to wear a diaper! Even if she did, Celestia would try to find a way to use the washroom...this was crazy. She needed to find a potion to change her back. 

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"What a bad, restless little babygirl you are. I'll have to give you a spanking." said the witch.

She turned the girl over on her stomach and holding her with one hand, with the other she began to spank the girl's little ass, which after a few spanks turned pink. Anastasia stopped after spanking the baby about 20 times.
"Will you lie normally now?" Anastasia asked.

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Celestia was turned onto her stomach and soon spanked over and over again. Celestia let out cries in pain and screams, trying to get away from it. Her ass felt like pins and needles and sore after the 20 times. Turned onto her stomach again, Celestia had tears running down her tears. 

Celestia nodded when Anastasia asked her question, hiccuping and wiping the tears away. “Uhhuh.” She choked out, her face all red from crying. 

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"Great. Don't cry. Suck pacifier and calm down, babygirl." cooed Amastasia.
Anastasia takes the baby by the ankle and lifts her ass. Baby powder will fly up and he starts to shake over the girl by itself, covering her ass and crotch with white powder.

After this, the diaper flies by itself, unfolding on the fly and it is put on the baby and fixed on the girl's ass.
Anastasia strokes the baby on the diapered bottom, checking the quality. The diaper is dressed very professionally without a single fold...

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Celestia felt awkward being out in a diaper. She hadn’t been in one since she was three years old! Celestia wanted to prove to Anastasia that she was still an adult and would try to not go to the washroom as all unless she was put on a toilet. 


Celestia watched Anastasia stroke the perfect diapered bottom, as she covered her face and shook her head in disbelief. How stupid she was to go into something she was unsure of. Celestia peeked between her fingers to look at Anastasia, her bright green eyes staring at her. 

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Anastasia smiled looking at the baby girl in the diaper.

"You need to put something on you, or you will freeze." Anastasia cooed. She snaps her fingers and rompers 1021360328.thumb.jpg.2de28d74a59f56571c7b653a268bdea4.jpgand a cute baby pink T-shirt with a teddy bear in a diaper fly to her.

Anastasia catches clothes and first puts romper on the girl's legs, and then a pink T-shirt.
"What a sweetheart you are. Just sweet pie." the witch lisped and tickled the girl's chin.

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Celestia wiggled around as the warm romper was put on her, and then the t-shirt. At least it was better than being naked. Celestia pushed Anastasia’s hand away as her chin was being tickled. 


“No! Big girl!” Celestia tried to tell her again, kicking her feet. She looked too cute to be taken seriously though, sitting up in on the changing table. 

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Celestia sat up and looked around at the playpen set around her. "No mama!" Celestia cried out, as she slowly moved to stand up, her legs wobbly. When she stood up, she ended up wobbling forward and grabbing the bars to keep her steady. "Noooo! No no!" Celestia whined, her legs trembling as she tried to keep herself up. Though, since her legs weren't strong, Celestia ended up flopping on the floor, pressing her face on the bars, watching Anastasia prepare supper. 

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"Don't be bored, baby. If you don't want to play with toys, then they will play with you." said the witch and snapped her fingers again and the toys in the playpen's came to life.
Several dolls came to life and grabbing the infant girl by the legs dragged her away from the bars playpen's.
The dolls put a pacifier in her mouth and began to tickle her and coo with mechanical voices.

"Now I can cook my food normally." said the witch. Anastasia cooked meat and vegetables. And she ran it all through the blender several times. The vegetables now resembled pasta, and the meat was minced very finely.

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Celestia turned her head letting out a small scream in fear when the toys came to life and dragged her away. The pacifier put in her mouth, she was beginning to get tickled. Celestia screamed and laughed, kicking her arms and legs trying to get away from them. She was very ticklish. Celestia was left out of breath and panting on the floor when the toys stopped tickling her. 

Celestia smelled the delicious food Anastasia made, rolling onto her stomach and crawling towards the bars, before shakily standing up to see what she made. “Food!” Celestia cried out. “Food food!”

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Anastasia conjures baby's highchair's for the baby and again invisible hands pick her up and sit her on the highchair and the tray presses her hands to the highchair so that she cannot use them.

Anastasia puts food for the baby into a baby's plate and, taking a rubber spoon, sits down in front of the baby.

"And now be a good girl and open your mouth," Anastasia cooed, scooping up a green mass of sheep and a tiny piece of meat with a spoon and bringing the spoon to the girl's mouth.

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