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Successful replacement for baby daughter (privat with rosie-bee)

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Anastasia, meanwhile, puts the dirty dishes into the dishwasher left over after lunch.

Then she prepares a cradle for her baby1336362122__32.thumb.jpeg.20a6180c5ee9ec3d18968236ea4596b0.jpeg. She fluffed up the pillow and put on new bedding.

Then Anastasia comes back for Evelyn and sees that she is holding an empty bottle in her hands.

"Send sweetheart. It's time for you to go to the cradle's." cooed Anastasia, pushing the pacifier into the babygirl's mouth and lifting her out of the playpen.

She carries the baby to the nursery and puts her in the cradle's and covers her with a soft blanket. "Here you will be day naptime." 

Anastasia sits on a chair next to her and starts rocking the cradle's, singing a lullaby.

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Evelyn was picked up and set the pacifier in her mouth, carried to the cradle and set in. The curtains were already pulled close to it was dark enough for her to nap in. “But I’m not sleepy.” Evelyn told her, tucked in and she looked over at Anastasia. 

Soon she felt the rocking of up and down, trying to fight the feeling of sleepiness. It was hard to fight it. In about half an hour Evelyn was asleep, her pacifier falling out of her mouth when she fell asleep, both her arms at her head. 

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Anastasia continued to rock the cradle until she was convinced that her baby was fast asleep. She saw that the paci fell out of Evelyn's mouth.

Anastasia, carefully, trying not to wake up, took the baby by the hand and unbending her thumb, put it into Evelyn's mouth, then checked her diaper and found it wet. "She has practically lost control of her bladder." - Anastasia thought with satisfaction.

Anastasia watches with a sweet smile as her little one girl sleeps and sucks her thumb.
After setting up the baby monitor, she sat down on the sofa in front of the TV and watched it without sound. With one hand, continuing to rock the cradle slightly.

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Evelyn didn't notice that she wet herself, she had done it while she was drinking the water. She was happy enough to have had water that she didn't notice it at all. As she slept, she also pooped in the diaper from her lunch. With the cradle still rocking and sucking on her thumb, Evelyn slept for at least an hour and a half. 

After some time she woke up, giving out a whine and taking out her thumb in confusion. "huh...?" she asked quietly, looking around and seeing Anastasia sitting on the couch and watching tv. She felt uncomfortable in her diaper, too. "Shit.." she whispered to herself. She wasn't going to have another accident! but she did, she couldn't control herself at all. 

"I want water.." Evelyn murmured sleepily, trying to wake up. 

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Anastasia was watching TV. From time to time listening to the measured sniffing of the cradle's.
An hour and a half passed and she noticed that movement began in the cradle.
"My babygirly slept so sweetly. Would you like to drink? Drink." Anastasia coos and holding the baby bottle with her hands gives Evelyn a drink of water.

And in the meantime, she throws away the blanket and checks the diaper.
"Oh, how wet you are. Come on, ask me to give you a bath and a fresh diaper. Say in your sweet baby voice and make it as thin, as possible: "Mommy I need bathy." - Anastasia lisped as she removed the bottle and listened to what Evelyn had to say.

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Evelyn began to chug the water down when the bottle was given to her, helping her with her thirst. Evelyn stretched her legs out when the blanket was removed from her, making soft squealing noises in delight that there was nothing restraining her from moving around. Her face soon went red though when Anastasia made a request to say something else. 

Evelyn thought for a moment, trying to keep the bottle in her mouth but it was soon taken away from the woman. Evelyn grumbled something under her breath before beginning to say what Anastasia wanted. She didn't want to be spanked in the bum anymore right now, her bum was still sore and it stung sometimes from the last several spankings. "Mommy...I need baths." Evelyn spoke in a cute voice. "Please?"

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Anastasia even shed tears when she heard the baby say the phrase she was waiting for. “Oh, you are my sweetheart. Of course Mommy will give you a bath.” And I have a surprise for you. An adult bath is too dangerous for you, so I bought a completely new and safe bath long ago, but I didn't have time to bathe you in it. You left me. But now I will fill this gap. Now I will take you to get acquainted with her." -Anastasia said with a mommy smile, thrusting a pacifier into Evelyn's mouth and taking her out of the cradle and odd to the changing table.

There Anastasia undresses her babygirly, including a dirty diaper and wiped the bottom and crotch of Evelyn with baby wipes.
Then Agastasia, takes naked girl in her arms, under the legs and back, like a bride, and carries her into the bathroom. There, a new pink baby bath was installed near the large bathtub22415111_s1200(1).thumb.jpeg.2e38daabcf87a09a56d2fdb58bb7b478.jpeg.
"Here. Your liked, sweetheart? Now sit here, now mommy will fill it." Anastasia said, as she sat Evelyn down on a small table in the bathroom and began to fill the tub with hot water, adding bath foam "Mr. Bubble" and a few toys. Mostly starfish and rubber ducks.

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Evelyn sighed and shook her head when she was shown the bath. She was given no choice though, she would be forced to take a bath in there. It made no sense to fight back right now. 

evelhn was undressed and brought to the bathtub. Evelyn sat down patiently and watched Anastasia fill up the bathtub. It felt awkward to be naked with a stranger still, who would diaper her and feed her. 


“Can I bathe myself?” Evelyn asked her quietly, hugging herself to hide her body. 

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"No. You won't bathe yourself. You can only play with toys on yourself, while mommy bathes you. And don't cover up. I've already seen everything when I changed diapers." - Anastasia said with a soft smile.

In a few minutes the bath was full warm water, with a big head of foam, among which were swimming rubber ducks, large and small. Anastasia runs her hand over the water, checking the temperature and nods in satisfaction.

Then she takes naked Evelyn in her arms and puts the baby's bath in it.

"Hold on and don't cover up if you don't want Mommy to tie you up." said Anastasia, already without a smile, with one hand stretching out a rubber duck to the babygirl's, and with the other hand pouring liquid soap for babies onto a soft sponge.

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Evelyn let out a huff when Anastasia was denying Evelyn of privacy to bathe herself. She even frowned when the woman told her she mustn't cover up because she had seen everything anyway. Evelyn still was going to cover herself up, she felt awkward showing off her body to this person, regardless if she had changed her diaper and seen her princess parts. Evelyn looked at the full bathtub and the toys, and soon she was lifted and set into the pink bathtub. 

Evelyn gave out a sigh of relief when she felt the warm water surround her body. It was relaxing. With the bubbles and the toys, it was a little strange, but she loved the smell of the bubbles, it was calming. Evelyn took the rubber duck and placed it on her stomach, still covering herself. "Why can't I wash myself and you watch? I will be safe that way." Evelyn pointed out to Anastasia, tilting her head to the side. 

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"You talk too much. Where is your pacifer? She's here. Suck the pacifir and don't spit it out. Remember the super glue." Anastasia said sweetly, pulling the pacifier's from her pocket and stuffing it into Evelyn's mouth.

Then she starts washing her baby without ceremony. Anastasia washes with soap on Eveleni's back and then. Unceremoniously washes her breasts and stomach and playfully teases her nipples with a sponge.
"My girl will love bathing. Play with your duck. Watch how she does." Anastasia cooed and squeezed the rubber duck that Evelyn was holding and she let out a long squeak.
"Let's do it yourself, for mommy."

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Evelyn shushed immediately when the pacifier was pushed into her mouth. It made her upset that she wasn’t allowed to talk, but the college girl didn’t want to get in trouble. 

Evelyn squealed when her nipples were played with slightly, and allowed the woman easy access in order to clean her up. It felt nice to be clean at least, it was soothing. Evelyn let out a soft laugh when the duck was squeaked, taking the duck and swishing it. “Quack quack.” She murmured. 

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"How good is my girl playing with the duck. You seem to be quacking. Now mommy will wash your girl, so relax your legs." Anastasia cooed, starting to wash her pussy and lightly patted the inner part of the baby's thigh under water. To make her relax and very delicately washed every fold of pussy babygirl's. Right after the pussy, Anastasia washed Evelyn's sweet buttocks and the crack between them.

"And finally, there are your piglets." said Anastasia, grabbing the baby by the ankles and raising them, above the water level and starting to wash Evelyn's legs and feet.

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"Quack quack." Evelyn chucked towards Anastasia, trying to relax as Anastasia washed her pussy and cleaned her more private areas. It was much more awkward for her that somebody was cleaning those areas specifically, She wasn't used to it. After she was finished cleaning her lower bottom area, Evelyn let out a sigh of relief. 

Evelyn giggled and tried to bring her feet in. She was ticklish. "n-no..! I'm ticklish there!" Evelyn spoke between laughs, shaking her head. "I-I'm okay on my feet now mommy!"

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Anastasia finishes bathing her girl.

"Now my baby is the cleanest and mommy will take you to get dressed. My sweet babygirly." cooed Anastasia, wrapping the baby in a soft, fluffy towel and carrying Evelyn naked to the nursery, where she puts her on the changing table and carefully wipes every part of her body.

"Don't go anywhere. Okay?" said Anastasia, tying Evelyn to the changing table with a strap and putting a pacifier in her mouth. Anastasia went to the closet and began choosing clothes for Evelyn for that evening, among the hangers.

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Evelyn was quite easy to pick up, for a college student she was about 95 pounds. Feeling the strap around her waist and the pacifier stuck in her mouth she let out a gruntled noise, taking out the pacifier. Evelyn looked around the nursery, trying to figure out an escape still. She didn’t want to live like this for her entire life. 

Evelyn couldn’t do much though since Anastasia was in the room. Evelyn moved her hands down to try to feel the strap and figure out how to get it off, but didn’t do anything to unstrap herself. Evelyn stretched out her legs and put her arms above her head to stretch some more. “Can I watch tv after this?” Evelyn asked her.

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Anastasia takes out a cute pink pijamas573111d34ca21bd4fa775417745a8484.jpg.f2ee2adc127328f84803444f8159e8e4.jpg and few more baby things and carries it all to the changing table.

"Let's look at your behavior. So far, your actions deserve a whipping more. Suck the pacifier and don't take it out until I allow it." Anastachia said sternly, taking the paci out of Evelyn's hands and returning it to the baby's mouth.9380-02.jpg.48d474f9b3386e9a351c28e9333facb1.jpg
"That's where the binky belongs. Don't take it out. This is the last warning, next time I'll stick it. I'm not kidding." said Anastasia and once again showed a small tube of superglue lying in the pocket of her robe.

"Now it's time to get dressed. Let's start with this." Anastasia said as she took the baby powder baby-powder-lawsuit1.thumb.jpg.36957dbac92f70e948e60adff98bfb81.jpgshe began to generously sprinkle on Eveleni's ass and crotch, making her smell like a clean and sweet babygirl.

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Evelyn frowned when she was told her behaviour was not good. “But I’ve been a good girl!” She whined when the pacifier was put in her mouth. She kept the pacifier in her mouth in fear of it being glued to her lips. 

Evelyn went quiet once Anastasia began to get her ready, feeling the baby powder being spread over her ass and pussy. Evelyn let her get herself ready, sucking on her binky and looking at Anastasia’s expressions. She didn’t want to be like this anymore!

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Anastasia pays no attention to the angry looks. She watched as Evelyn finally began to suck on paci and smiled: "Now you're a good babygirl. See what happens next." said Anastasia, tenderly touched the shield pacifier's.

After the then baby powder was added, the next step was a fresh diaper. It was thicker than the previous ones and could absorb a lot of waste.
Anastasia lifted Evelyn's ankle and straightened it under the babygirl's ass. And then she fixed it on the girl's thighs.

"Okay, okay. Now you can do pee-pee and poopy again." cooed Anastasia, stroking Evelyn on the diapered bottom and then, blew lips raspberries, on her naked tummy.

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Evelyn scrunched her nose up when she felt the thicker diaper be placed on her and put on properly. Why was she wearing a thicker one now? It felt strange but oddly comforting. 

Evelyn giggled as raspberries were blown on her stomach, shaking her head and curling her toes. “No no I’m ticklish there!” She laughed, wiggling around. She felt a lot more secure with this kind of diaper now. 

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"Babies love to have their tummies tickled and Mommy likes it too." Anastasia said, tickling Evelin's chin maternally.
"A thick diaper will protect you from night leaks. Now I can dress you up." Anastasia said, putting on Evelyn's familiar cotton-filled mittens.71e4NuGwxRL._SL1500_.thumb.jpg.da7dee9cdad6f64f5e9bb97ed07bd08f.jpg

After Aeastasia tucks Evelyn's arms and legs into the openings of her pajamas and zips up to her chin, where she closes the lock with a special lock.

At Evelyn's mittens, it will be impossible to get out of this baby's pajamas without help.

"You look like a little girly-teddy bear." Anastasia lisped, putting a hood with ears on the baby's head, which was attached to her pajamas573111d34ca21bd4fa775417745a8484.jpg.f2ee2adc127328f84803444f8159e8e4.jpg.

Taking her babygirly in her arms, Anastasia brings it to a large mirror.

"What a cute little girl on Mommy's arms." Anastasia cooed and kissed Evelyn tenderly on the cheek.

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Evelyn huffed when the mittens were put on her and then the pyjamas. She felt warm but too childish. She was an adult! Not a child! Evelyn whined as the lock was put on, keeping the pacifier in her mouth to avoid getting punishment. 

Evelyn looked at herself when brought to the mirror, hiding her face in Anastasia’s shoulder. She felt embarrassed. She was a grown woman being carried around by this crazy lady thinking she was her dead daughter. Evelyn rubbed her eyes, feeling the soft yarn on her face. 

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"Now let's learn to crawl." Anastasia cooed, lowering Evelyn to the floor and putting her on all fours.

"Come on. Go ahead. Crawl into the living room, my sweet ruffy bear cub. Toys are waiting for you." Anastasia spoke tenderly, stroking the baby along the bottom.

The diaper responded with a pleasant crunch.

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Evelyn cringed as her diaper was touched and she was placed on the floor. Maybe if she was an actual tiny child this wouldn't be so bothersome, but she was the size of an average adult. If anybody saw her like this, she would be so embarrassed! Evelyn moved to slowly crawl towards the living room, getting the hang of it. 

She was too afraid to walk because of the medicine, and if she would fall forward with her weak legs. Once she reached the living room, Evelyn sat up, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "Can I watch tv now?" Evelyn asked. "I don't want to play. I'm a big girl."

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Anastasia follows her babygirl's, who crawls and wipes away tears of joy. Finally they arrived in the living room
"Okay. You crawled great, my sweety, and deserved a little bonus." cooed Anastasia and grabbing Evelyn by the armpits, puts her in a baby chair 1707887210__57.thumb.jpeg.3d02937ec2df87c491dafb30dbade9ee.jpegwith attached toys on it.

Anastasia walks over to the TV and turns on the channel for babies. The show "Barney's Adventure."

"Here sit and watch, baby. Mommy is there if anything." Anastasia says and sits down on the sofa and reads a magazine for young mothers.

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