BatteredOnionRings Posted December 19, 2020 Posted December 19, 2020 I don’t know if this will be the multi-chapter story I actually follow through on, but it’s my favorite thing I’ve written in a while so I hope you guys like it—if I get a little positive feedback I will try to continue it. “Oh god, don’t stop, don’t…” He could feel it, god he could actually feel it. “Oh fuck,” he panted, and collapsed on Ezra’s chest. “Good boy.” He felt Ezra’s hand in his hair as the sweaty chest he lay on began to feel clammy. “Okay,” he said. “Okay?” “Okay, I’m getting up.” “Just like that?” Tom was already getting wobbly to his feet. “Mmmm... yeah,” he said. He shivered slightly and grabbed the towel that hung on the closet door, wrapping it around himself and padding into the hall. “Mornin’”. He turned to see Steve coming up the stairs. “‘Morning,” Tom answered, blushing slightly as he hurried across the hall to the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and slid the latch, still feeling a little hot in the face. He wasn’t sure what he was embarrassed about. Ezra was a brother in the fraternity. Tom was his boyfriend and had as much right to stay the night and shower in the morning as any of the girls Steve hooked up with who did the same. When he got back to the bedroom, Ezra was sitting naked at his computer. As soon as Tom came in—wet and no longer smelling like sex and piss—he got up and wrapped himself in the other towel. “Clothes are on the bed. Wanna go get some bagels and coffee and bring ‘em back here? I got an email from Professor Lambeck that’s gonna take some time to answer.” “Sure,” Tom answered. “Thanks, kiddo. Don’t forget to take my keys. And throw that away.” Ezra pointed at the wet diaper he’d ripped off of Tom in their morning frenzy. “Yessir,” Tom agreed, still glowing under the petname, and Ezra blew him a kiss before shutting the bedroom door. Tom hung up his towel and began to get dressed. Laying his clothes out was a bit pro forma—since Tom didn’t keep any clothes at the house and all Ezra had to do was fold up his pants and take the clean shirt out of his backpack—but it was a nice gesture, and the Goodnite sitting on top had come from a case that now lived in the bottom of Ezra’s closet. When Tom had seen it was a case and not a bag, he’d felt a bit more sure Ezra wasn’t already getting bored of him, and that he really didn’t mind his… quirks. He’d had to come clean about his bed-wetting early on in their relationship, when Ezra had spent the night in his dorm room after their first date. The next morning Tom had decided to share the real secret: that he only wet the bed because he’d started faking it when he was 11 so that his parents would buy him diapers, and after 7 years he couldn’t easily stop even if he wanted to—which he did not. He would never confess the origin of his bedwetting to his parents, but keeping it from Ezra had quickly started to feel like lying. When he got to the bagel place he realized Ezra hadn’t been terribly specific, but as he looked at his phone he saw a text. <Can you get extra for the rest of the guys? I’ll venmo you.> Before he could answer, Ezra had sent him $50 from a shared fraternity account. <Okey doke.> he replied, and began dividing $50 by bagels and toppings. It turned out to divide pretty well, and Tom arrived back at the house laden with plenty of bagels, cream cheese, and lox for the six guys that lived there and himself, as well as a box of hot coffee. Ezra and Steve were both on their laptops at the kitchen table. “Thanks, babe,” Ezra said, getting up and favoring Tom with a kiss on the lips. Tom blushed again, feeling like Steve was watching them. It wasn’t like him to be a prude or to get embarrassed about his sexuality. Something about staying in this house, though, with his boyfriend and five straight frat bros, made him feel… vulnerable, if not exactly unsafe. “You forgot to do something before you left—do you remember what it was?” Tom felt a little more heat in his cheeks. His wet diaper was still on the floor upstairs. “Oh, uh, I think so,” he said, trying to sound casual. “Want me to go do that now, or…” “No, I took care of it, I just wanted to see if you remembered.” He gave Tom’s butt a pat and went back to his computer. Tom felt a little unsettled. Ezra had talked down to him, almost like to a child, in front of Steve. It wasn’t enough to make anyone think “ageplay”, but that was the problem: it didn’t quite feel like play at all. He was quiet as he ate his bagel, but after drinking some coffee and waiting for Ezra to finish up his email he started to feel better. Ezra didn’t seem mad or anything, and he was new to ageplay—he just needed to calibrate his tone a little. “Oookay,” he said finally, closing his laptop with a satisfying clunk. “Come back upstairs, kiddo.” They’d agreed that they enjoyed the petname too much to save it for private, but it did make Tom squirm a little after being talked down to a few minutes earlier. He almost felt like he was about to be punished. That impression intensified when they were back in Ezra’s room. He turned to face Tom and looked serious, almost grave. He sat down on the bed and patted it for Tom to sit beside him. He obeyed. “I’m not mad,” Ezra began. Ezra had said he wanted kids some day. It sounded like he was practicing for their adolescence. “But I do think there should be consequences.” “Uh huh,” Tom said. “Like… a time out?” He was not into the kinds of “consequences” that many ageplayers were, and Ezra knew that. “No, I think we should start with more serious consequences than that.” He stood up and went to his closet. “For my first two years in Delta, I had an ‘older brother’ who was in charge of disciplining me. Not everyone takes that seriously, but he did. And like every pledge, I had to make him one of these to use on me.” Ezra reached into the closet and produced a painted wooden school paddle. “No,” Tom said, and he stood up. “Nope, sorry, not my thing.” Ezra put it down on the bed, far from Tom’s seat, and returned to his own. “You told me that you admired my discipline, my work ethic, right? I don’t know if either is that amazing, but I know you wouldn’t say that if you saw me at your age.” Tom rolled his eyes. Easy enough to see where this speech was going. “So you and your paddle are gonna teach me to be a straight-A student?” That’s what Ezra was, so he could cut the false modesty. “No,” Ezra answered patiently. “We’re just going to help you correct behaviors that you and I mutually agree you could benefit from correcting.” “Like?” “Like forgetting to do something five minutes after you say you’re going to do it.” Yeah, well, whatever. “And oversleeping, and forgetting assignments, and not flossing even though you’re terrified of your teeth falling out when you’re 40...” Tom was starting to feel just a little bit attacked. “Hey, I’m not some basketcase, okay? And I’m not… I don’t need fixing.” The last four words hung in the air for a moment. Ezra looked physically pained. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he said quietly. “And you know I would never ever try to stop you wetting the bed, right?” “No?” Tom said. His voice sounded weird. “No,” Ezra said. “You made that a part of yourself by force of will and I can’t ever imagine wanting to take it away from you.” It seemed easier to both of them to let the tears out at that point. They were only Tom’s tears, but they ended up mostly on Ezra’s shirt, along with a good deal of snot. “Where are we gonna go so your housemates don’t hear?” It was just the occasional sniffle now. “Don’t hear what?” “The paddle.” “I… you sure?” “No, but I want to give it a try, if you think it will help me.” “Okay.” Ezra rubbed Tom’s back. He sounded sleepy after his cry. “Well, they are going to hear. It’s okay, it’s no different than if you were a pledge. Everyone hearing is part of it.” “Oh.” “That okay?” “Y-yeah, I guess so.” “It is kinda hot, isn’t it?” “Y-yeah.” “Good boy.”
junyour Posted December 19, 2020 Posted December 19, 2020 While I don' normally care for gay stories, I see promise in this tale. It is my hope that you will continue
BatteredOnionRings Posted December 19, 2020 Author Posted December 19, 2020 I knew I’d forgotten a tag! Yeah, it’s gonna be super gay. Glad you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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