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Jessica's Lost and Found Baby Girl (Private for Nastya_diapee2.0)


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I moaned in protest when Jessica washed my breasts, especially when she started playing with them. Plus the medicine Jessica injected made my nipples very hard and aroused ...
And I could do nothing but move my eyes and suck pacifier's with moans.
My eyes widened as she started washing my pussy and having fun with her. Here I could not restrain myself and experienced a strong orgasm.

Soon the bathing ended. She wrapped me in a cocoon. In a fluffy towel. I put on a bathrobe myself and took it to the nursery.

There she brushed, blow-dried and braided my hair.
When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I was horrified to see in the reflection a little girl and not a student.

My eyes filled with tears as I shook my head and my new pigtails fluttered funny ...

The next thing was the dressing process and me carring to the changing table...

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I carefully helped my baby girl into the stirrups of the changing table and smiled. I had been looking forward to this and the view that stared back at me didn't disappoint. My baby girl didn't need to be tied down this time. the potent injection took care of ensuring she would behave herself while mommy got her ready for bed. I first pulled out a nice bottle of baby oil. Mommy needs to use all kinds of stuff to keep her baby girls skin feeling soft and smooth, and keep all the bad diaper rashes away. I decide to deal with her ass first and squirt a fat line of the sweet smelling clear oil across her cheeks, massaging it in with both hands and making sure to get between her cheeks thoroughly. Then I pull out the first of several surprises for my beautiful girl: a pretty pink plug to keep all the icky stinkies from waking my baby girl up and making her feel uncomfortable. I knew she could tell what it was from the way her eyes went wide as I coated it in baby oil before slowly pressing it inside her. I knew it wouldn't be going anywhere once her cute pucker closed over the wide end and was practically kissing against the flower-shaped base, which I gave a little twist. the plug itself was shaped almost like a large strawberry, coated in tiny bumps, and when I twisted it, the vibrations turned on full power, drawing a moan out from my baby girl. I then picked the bottle of baby oil back up and squirted some more onto her, this time across her smooth and sensitive lips, before slowly and teasingly rubbing it in with one hand, paying particular attention to her sensitive bead which was just begging to be played with. I didn't though, need to teach baby to want her mommy's touch. instead I pulled out another surprise, this time an equally pink vibrating dildo. Much like before, I lubricated the toy with baby oil before slipping it inside my girl and turning it on full power. I giggled at how cute my baby girl looked after that, she was practically going cross eyed moaning from the dual sensations. I realized Id better hurry or else mommy's baby girl might make wettums all over the changing table! I picked up the sweet smelling baby powder and sprinkled a bunch all over her diaper area before using a super soft powder puff to teasingly rub and pat it all in. finally, I pulled out her first diaper. It was tick, puffy, pink, and covered in cute cartoon characters of Disney princesses. I unfolded the thick infantile garment and carefully situated it underneath her before taping her up as snugly as possible. the vibrating toys made a funny noise from inside her diaper, and based on her moaning I knew she was going to need another in the morning long after the toys first batteries had died. Next I went to the closet and pulled out a fluffy pink footed PJ sleeper for my baby girl. the best part was the buttoned drop seat for easy diaper checks. I carefully helped her in and zipped her up. only once she was inside did she realize alongside the padding in the feet making walking impossible, her hands had been forced into thumbless mittens as well. with my baby all clean and fresh I picked her up and carried her towards the rocking chair. It was time for baby and mommy to get closer with her first feeding before bed, and mommy's breasts were aching to feed her angel for the first time...

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They put me on the changing table. I lay with outstretched limbs and, sucking on the pacifier, looked at Jessica with fear.

I see her taking a butt plug, but stylized as a strawberry. My tears flowed as I felt Jessica shoves it up my ass, then the vibrator takes over.

My eyes widen when I feel vibration.

Then I see Jessica holding the diaper ...

"Noooo." I groaned for paci's, but I couldn't stop Jessica.

Soon, the teacher puts on a diaper and a baby suit on me.
In it I cannot unclench my hands and they are constantly gathered in fists and would not be able to stand on my feet.

They take me to the rocking chair and I watch in horror as Jessica unties the top of her dress.

"Not that." I think I understand what will happen now ... I will be breastfed.

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I smile warmly down at my baby as I bring her to my breast. I never had the largest nipples, more sensitive rises in the areolas than anything, but between the warmth in my heart for finally holding my own baby girl to love and care for, and the excitement Id been feeling since I brought her home, my nipples were almost painfully hard and heavy with milk for my baby. I carefully remove her pacifier, reaching down to return the nipple between my glistening lips before bringing her lips to my left breast, smiling and watching her blush at the first taste of mommy's milk. I reach down as she starts to suck like a good baby girl, hungry for her mommy's love, and press against the pjs against her diaper area, rubbing against the areas where the buzzing was the strongest, making her moan into mommy's breast. I gently bite my lower lip at the mixed sensations washing over me as my sweet baby girl feeds, fighting the urge to reach down and please myself while my baby has her fill. 

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I watched with a mixture of fear, humiliation and rage as Jessica's chest approached me.

I tried to turn my head away from her nipple, but Jessica held my head tightly and pinched my nose.
When I opened my mouth, she plunged her breasts into my mouth and I began to suck on her sweet and slightly fatty milk.

Never before have I felt such humiliation when I was breastfed like a newborn.

I'm tired of enduring all this and I bite Jessica's nipple with my teeth.
"I cannot be broken so easily." I think inside my head.

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I let out a shriek when I'm surprised by the feeling of my baby girls teeth as she bites my nipple rather hard. I grab her by her pigtails and yank back hard, practically arching her back as I do, before I flip her over across my lap. my hands are shaking as I unfasten the buttons over the flap of her pj covered ass, yanking down her diaper to reveal the quivering pale cheeks of her ass beneath, as well as the strawberry plug buried within her asshole. as I reach with one hand behind the chair for something, I use the other to turn the little flower on the back of the plug a bit further than I had earlier. The vibrations of the plug stopped, and instead the toy began emitting a continuous electric shock, strong enough to get her attention without being dangerous, just painful. as she arched her back with a scream, I reach down even further and turn the base of the vibrator in her pussy, making it do the same thing. At this point I bring the paddle out from behind the couch. The paddle is made of sturdy mahogany, with holes drilled through the thick wood to spell out the word BAD. There were also small dull metal studs sticking out, like the base of tacks.  I have tears in my eyes, more from the feeling of betrayal than the actual pain in my breast, and my voice is crackling with the torrent of emotions as I explain to her "Mommy hates having to punish her sweetheart, but baby girl has to understand its not nice to hurt mommy like that. This is going to hurt me a lot worse than it will you, and I hope you understand mommy doesnt hate her baby girl, after this we can try again in the morning if baby promises to be good." With that, I raise the paddle high, and bring it down for the first of many, many cracks across her quivering ass cheeks.

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At first I was glad that I caused the first damage... But then I felt fear of the consequences, because I saw Jessica's eyes..

Her eyes filled with rage and resentment.

She turned me over on my stomach and I was still under the influence of medication and could not escape anywhere.

I just felt a suit pocket open in the back and I felt cold air on my ass ...
"I will be spanked..." I thought, but then felt along with this electroshock blows in the ass.

And then the time began and I started crying and turned into a sobbing baby after just a few slaps with an oar, on my ass...

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I kept spanking my baby girl for what felt like an eternity. In all reality it was probably somewhere around 20 minutes. I had sweat beading on me from the effort of maintaining the steady stream of blows from the paddle and had only grown more aroused from the experience. It had been a long time since I had punished anyone and Id forgotten how it made me feel... when I set the paddle down, my baby girls ass cheeks were a dark purple-red with bright pink lettering spelling out the word BAD on each cheek, both of which were radiating heat and were physically hot to the touch. I switched off the electric shocks from the toys and lifted her up, holding her close and gently patting her bared ass and back as she cried it out and I kissed her forehead over and over telling her I was sorry and that mommy forgives her. I wiped her tears away and helped her blow her nose into a tissue from the small table beside the rocking chair. I looked her in the eyes after that and asked her plainly if she was ready to be a good girl for mommy.

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I kicked my legs after every spank Jessica gave on my ass.

I felt pain and my ass was on fire.

Finally my punishment ends. My face is covered with tears and snot, which Jessica wipes from my face.

I realized that now I couldn't do anything and babbled with difficulty with paci... "I'll be good..." and, making my voice even quieter, added "...Mommy"

"I just want to get to my things and one call from the phone and I'll be free" I reflect, looking around the room.

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I give my baby girl a warm smile before picking her up and returning her to the changing table. "Mommy is happy to hear that sweetheart. Now how about Mommy makes that sore bottom feel better before we get you fed and tucked in for bed, and then in the morning we can start over fresh." With that I carefully remove the PJ bottoms and fit her feet into the stirrups again, exposing her entire diaper area. First I remove both the toys. Baby can have an orgasm when she earns one. I take some soothing lotion from the table and apply a large amount to her cheeks, and take my time rubbing and massaging it in. The lotion would act like Icy hot, cooling at first, but would lock in the heat from the spanking as a reminder for her. I also at this point decide to slip a couple suppositories inside her ass, in case its an upset tummy making her cranky, and I follow that with a hollow core butt plug. this plug was a bit wider than the one from earlier, but it also didn't have to be removed until her un-potty training was complete, unless she earned a break from it or a worse punishment. she winced as the new plug was worked inside her, but I did my best to comfort her. I also took out a numbing spray and spritzed that over her pussy. she wouldn't be able to orgasm, but she also wouldn't feel it when she needed to go potty. This will hopefully help make using her diapers easier for her, and when she did I would be able to reward her in the morning. 

I carefully powder her again before taping her diaper up and fastening her back into her pjs before picking her back up and carrying her over to the nursery mini fridge. Inside there are 2 kinds of baby bottles, pink ones and purple ones. I pick up one of the purple bottles and carry her back to the rocking chair. She seemed to object this bottle a lot less than being breastfed, so I made a note to stick with them for now. The bottle was filled with a mix of my breast milk, a liquid laxative, stool softener, muscle relaxant, diuretic, aphrodisiacs, a numbing drug to weaken her vocal chords, a potent and fast acting sleeping medication, some baby formula to help her build up some cute baby fat, sweetener, and some strawberry nesquick for flavoring. it tasted like fat free strawberry milk and I could tell from the look in her eyes she couldn't taste any of the rest of the potent mixture. I hummed a lullaby and before too long her eyes were drooping and she was struggling to keep her head up, so I knew the mixture must have been taking effect. I set the now nearly empty baby bottle aside as I lifted her up and carried her to the specially made crib at the foot of the bed. there was a lid with a padlock to it, and I kept the key on me at all times. I took the key and unlocked the top before laying my baby girl down inside, using the cuffs and straps at the 4 corners to fasten my baby girl in for her first night. I had hoped we would be able to cuddle to sleep together so I may wake up with my baby girls head resting against my chest for a morning feeding, but life isn't always like fantasy and clearly she needed a little more conditioning tonight before we could try again in the morning.

I then take some headphones through the bars and slip them over my baby girls ears. restrained and tired as she is, she wont be able to shake them off, and when I press play they hypnosis program began, dismantling her ability to walk, regressing her potty training, reducing her speech to simple baby talk, increasing her emotional and physical dependency on her mommy, and enforcing my status as her mommy all underneath a current of nursery rhymes and lullabies. These programs had cost a pretty penny to get made, but hopefully come morning, they would be well worth it. I'm about to close the lid when I remember she needs one last thing. Reaching down, I fetch the pacifier from my pussy, the nipple glistening from me excitement that evening, and I carefully slip the nipple between my now sleeping baby girls lips, tying the ribbon gently behind her head before quietly closing and locking the lid. I then reached under the pillow of the bed beside the crib-cage and fetched a rather large ribbed vibrator, flipping it on to full power. Mommy was going to need some relief before she could fall asleep tonight.

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I am lying on the changing table and watch Jessica dress me for sleep, and I lay there like a doll and I did not have the strength to fight.

Finally I was dressed again in my humiliating infant costume.

 Jessica takes me to the rocking chair and is going to repeat the feeding, but this time I saw in front of me a baby bottle filled with some kind of white liquid.

It was useless to bite it and I had no choice and started sucking on the bottle.

When the bottle was half empty, my eyes suddenly became heavy.
I found it difficult to keep them open with every sip of liquid I drank and soon I was fast asleep.

Through a dream, I felt like they were putting me somewhere, something was being put in my mouth and I heard music.

Nice music plays and every 10 seconds the voice repeats in a loop: "You are a baby. You need mommy's care."

I suck on pacifier's and sleep in a baby's sleep without realizing that I just wet the diaper myself.

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Mommy played with her vibrator for a long time before she finally fell asleep herself. Many hours later, nearly 10am the next day, Mommy wakes up and after stretching, I go to the crib, unlocking the lid and opening it. I can see my baby girl is still asleep, and now has a very full diaper. I hope that she doesn't have a diaper rash atop the sore bottom from last night. before I pick her up, I decide to go ahead and give her another injection. Need to keep my baby girl nice and manageable until mommy knows the programming and medicine have worked and she can trust her baby girl to be her baby. I fetch the needle and give her a quick injection in her thigh through the drop seat in the pjs. she winces in her sleep but doesn't awaken just yet. I wait a few more minutes before shutting off and removing her headphones before finally unstrapping her from her crib and carefully picking up my baby girl and carrying her towards the changing table for her first diaper change.

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I sleep in my crib's. And I didn't even realize that I wet the diaper.

In the morning I didn't even hear Jessica come. Through my sleep, I felt only a sharp prick in my buttock.

I open my eyes and see Jessica carrying me to the changing table, but worst of all, I realized that my diaper was very full.

I was able to feel my arms and legs, but the sensations were as if 10 kg grips were attached to them.
I looked around and asked what I shine through paci: "What's going on? What have you done to me." and I froze when I heard my voice and did not recognize it.

He was very thin and squeaky, like a baby's.

"I'm not a baby. Listen, miss Jessica let me go and I won't tell anyone about what you did to me. Please let me go." I squeaked through my tears.

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I hush my baby's adorable new voice with a pacifier that Id fallen asleep with between my legs after enjoying myself last night. "What kind of Mommy would I be to just abandon my Baby Girl like that to the cruel world? And for the record, for someone who's supposedly not a baby, you sure fill a diaper with the best of them." I say with a smirk as I give her squishy butt a gentle swat before fastening her to the changing table. I untape the diaper, making a grimace at the smell as I take out some baby wipes and start to wipe baby Anastasia's diaper area clean again. "Mommy knows baby will feel better once she's got a clean fresh diaper on, and maybe some food in her tummy too. Mommy also has some special rewards for her baby if she behaves." I finish cleaning off her front and focus on between her cheeks, wrapping a baby wipe over a fingertip that I use to focus on cleaning her lil rosebud. once that's done, I toss the dirty diaper and wipes all bundled together in the diaper pail before setting a fresh clean one underneath her. this one had more generic alphabet print and wasn't as bulky as the one she wore last night. I then set out some rash ointment, baby lotion, and baby powder and set to work teasing and prepping her diaper area. I also slip a couple more suppositories in through the hole of the plug still firmly lodged in her rear. Once the diaper is taped on, I head to the closet to pick out her new outfit for the day. We would be staying home of course, but there was no reason for her not to look cute after all.

I eventually settle on a Disney princess dress fashioned after snow white. after dressing her appropriately, I lift her up and carefully situate her on my hip as I carry her to the high chair. I could tell from the look on her face, she noticed what was different about this one. The high chair, along with most of the nursery furniture, was a custom job. This one, alongside several extra straps to help hold the baby in place for feedings, also had what looked to be a Sybian Vibrating Saddle built into the seat, as well as shock panels built into the neck strap. Of course, seeing this didn't mean she could stop it, and soon I had her strapped in for breakfast as I went to the kitchenette and began preparing food for both of us.

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"Please let me go." I squeaked and blushed as Jessica removed my personal parts and even a crack in my ass.

Then I felt like she shoved something up my ass and it again caused a shower of tears.

Then they put on a baby dress for me. A beautiful, but very short and light movement showed my diapered bootom to everyone around me.

Then Jessica took me in her arms and carries me to the kitchen where I see a slightly modernized highchair.

I was tied to him with straps. I tried to escape and rocked the chair, but it stood firmly and I was terrified of what they would feed me.

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I smiled and whistled a recognizable classic Disney tune as I worked on making our breakfast. My baby girl watched as I reached into the fridge and pulled out one of the pink baby bottles, unscrewing the lid and pouring some of the milk and drug cocktail into a bowl with some oatmeal before warming it up and adding some melted butter and honey, as well as a bit of cinnamon and apple sauce for flavor. I also had some mashed up banana for my baby as well. My breakfast was a simpler affair, a bagel with cream cheese and some scrambled eggs, and a glass of mixed citrus juice. I could tell baby was hungry and could even hear her tummy along with my own. I knew the food smelled good and she knew it too. I carried the tray with our food over and sat down in front of her to feed her for the first time in her high chair. I had a children's hello kitty spoon to use to feed her, and after I untied her pacifier and started to spoon up her first bite saying here comes the airplane, she blushed but relented to the food, hunger winning out.

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I watch Jessica cook something for me in a children's bowl, mix something.

Finally, she puts a bowl of baby oatmeal on a tray in front of me and, making silly faces and lisping, began to feed me.

I twitched weakly with my bound hands and could not stop her in any way.

Finally she managed to put a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth.

"Would you like a baby? I'll show you a baby." I thought, and after chewing a little oatmeal, I spat it in Jessica's face.

"I don't want this shit. Give me coffee and a tomato omelet and a sandwich. I don't like porridge." I squeaked mine in a new, thin voice.

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I carefully and calmly wipe the oatmeal from my face before reaching down and pressing a button, activating the shock collar that binds baby by the neck to the back of the chair. I wasn't entirely sure how high I had the electricity set for the shock it delivered but it had to be at least medium. it might have been higher though. "Now that wasn't a nice thing to do to your mommy baby girl. Keep it up and you may not have a voice by the end of this. Mommy forgives you though." I turn off the continuous shock after about 30 continuous seconds of the current teaching her to behave before I attempt to spoon up another bite for her and try again.

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I see Miss Jessica viciously wiping my spit off her face and pressing a button and I feel an electric shock that shakes my body.

When she finished, my head was resting on my chest with my mouth open, which Jessica begins to crush the oatmeal.

All I could do was swallow so as not to choke on it. It's good that even though it was quite tasty, it was humiliating to sit in a highchair and eat baby food.

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When my baby girl starts to behave and eat all of her oatmeal, I smile warmly. The pink bottles I used hold the same concoction as the purple bottles minus the sleeping aides, and were a bit thicker from the extra formula as well as my own breast milk, and a small hint of some od the additives used to make fast food and cigarettes addictive. relatively harmless, though it will help bring baby closer to mommy if she craves the taste of her breast milk. Once mommy has finished feeding baby her oatmeal, I feed her the mashed banana as well. The bananas didn't have anything added though, it was just for flavor and nutritional value. Finally I help her drink from a sippy cup filled with apple juice. Also some more of the same drugs from last night in terms of stool softener, liquid laxative, muscle relaxant, addictive additives, and a potent liquid aphrodisiac, all conveniently covered up by the apple juice flavor, as well as some liquid sweetener and a bit of dissolved instant apple cider mix. As my girl finishes up, I wipe up her face and remove the bib but I don't bring her down from the high chair just yet. "I think its time for a reward for my daughters good behavior" I say before taking the remote once more and turning on the Sybian vibrating saddle built into the highchair seat. Bound and plugged as she was, there was no escaping the powerful vibrations, akin to a motorcycle and a wonky clothes drier combined and revved up to a thousand. I sat down to enjoy my own breakfast, listening to my baby girls pleasured squeals and moans as her body shook again and again, practically looking as though she were experiencing more of an exorcism than an orgasm. This would go on until Id finished breakfast, along with a second glass of citrus juice while I watched her, amazed and gently touching her pacifier placed once again between my lower lips. I think it will be playtime for baby and mommy before too long. 

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I eat the oatmeal that Jessica gave me. But she somehow strangely acted on me. I constantly wanted more of this porridge and a familiar heat kindled in my lower abdomen.

I don't know on purpose or not, but Jessica smeared oatmeal all over my face. Dirty nose, cheeks and chin. Now my face was like a dirty baby.

When the food was finished, I felt that my highchair began to vibrate and this vibration began to stimulate my hungry pussy and I began to beat in ecstasy.

And Jessica stood nearby and smiled at my torment.

I end up with a groan into my pacifier.

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Once I've finished eating, I shut off the High Chair and pick her up from it. by this point, she was in a post orgasmic haze and smiling weakly like a happy baby. I decided it was time to show her around to some of the other toys in her nursery for her enjoyment.  I carry her over to the play area. The only real challenge was deciding how best to play with my baby girl next. She was a bit too tuckered out for her rocking horse, and had endured more than enough vibrations so that ruled out her princess wand. I carry the princess over and decide the best thing for now would be for her to have some TV time in the baby rocker. I carefully strap my baby girl into the crib like structure attached to a large mechanized arm. in her current outfit and with the straps situated as they were she couldn't have struggled out if she wanted to. the final straps secured her head in place across the forehead and under the chin. with a flick of the switch, the mechanical arm began to gently rock her back and forth in front of a large wall of TVs, curved so that she would have a screen filling every inch of her vision. With a grin I pulled out the nursery remote again and pressed a green button. Every screen came alive at once, though they weren't all showing the same thing. Some depicted cartoons in which the subjects were being diapered and babied, either with their blessing or against their will. Some showed regular children's shows, like barney or sesame street. still others showed lesbian porn, ranging from dom-sub stuff to cunnilingus to even raunchier material. here and there, briefly showing up for milliseconds before disappearing again, would be swirls of pink, black, and white all spiraling towards the center of the screen. there were also phrases and writing, fast enough for her not to be able to consciously pick it up but there for her subliminal reprogramming. Phrases like Baby Loves her Mommy, babies don't fight their mommies, babies do what mommy says, mommy is always right, Baby Loves her Diapers, Baby girls are good girls, Baby girls Obey their Mommies, etc. all the while under the jumbled audio, the same track of subliminal messaging that was played for her at bedtime was playing. it all combined for a rather heavy dose of reprogramming entertainment. When baby girl tried to shut her eyes, mommy had to use some small attachments. they essentially acted like contact lenses, keeping her eyes moisturized but preventing her from closing them or looking away. When baby girl eventually wet her diaper, about 2 hours in, I realized there was still about half an hour or so left on the various screens, and I decided to make it enjoyable for her and to test how far along the reprogramming was going by taking her special princess wand, a powerful double headed vibrating wand, and situating it pressed firmly against the front of her diaper in the rocking seat and strapping it in before cranking it up to full power for her remaining 30 minutes. I even removed her paci gag, and didn't hear any big grown up words, just soft whimpers and loud moans. I then replaced her pacifier with a slightly bigger one, fresh from between my lower lips, and heard my baby girl coo in appreciation. 

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I sat in my highchair, weakened from orgasm.

I could only watch Jessica take off the straps and pull me out of the high-hair and take me like a baby, under my back and legs, carry me into the living room.

Where he puts me in a baby seat 1707887210__57.thumb.jpeg.3d02937ec2df87c491dafb30dbade9ee.jpegand ties me to it.

I could not move in any way in it and the teacher turns on various shows for me, besides, I feel how my chair is swinging.

It has a strange effect on my brain. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.
When the whole show ends, I just sat in my baby seat and it got worse. I understood everything, but when I tried to speak, only baby's babbling came out of my mouth. Frightened, I wet my diapers.

And then I saw Jessica approaching me with a strange wand. I understood that I didn’t have to expect anything good from her, but I couldn’t run away either. I was tied too tightly. And the pacifier made it impossible for me to speak.

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When the tapes had finished running and My baby girl had had another Orgasm from the wand, I finally shut the TVs off as well as the wand and rocking baby seat. When I unstrap my Baby Girl, there is no resistance. and I can tell from the look in her eyes the programming is coming along nicely. When I look at the clock, I can see its a bit early for lunch still. My baby girl is having such a busy morning! Maybe some fresh air will do her some good. I pick her up and carry her first over to the changing table for a fresh diaper. I remove her outfit and diaper, being careful and gentle with the cold wet wipe to make sure I get everywhere. Her skin was turning baby soft from the regimen of baby products and I delighted in her shiver when I glided the wipe over her sensitive spots. I couldn't resist leaning down and planting a little kiss there once the wiping was done before picking up the bottle of baby lotion and squirting out a fair amount to very slowly rub in. The look in her eyes and the glisten of her lowr lips thrilled me more than I can stand as I work on preventing my baby girl from getting a diaper rash, but also teasing her like crazy. I slip a remote controlled vibrating egg inside her pussy before carefully powdering her entire diaper area with a powder puff and taping the diaper up snug. This was followed by some form fitting thick rubber rhumba panties with adorable ruffles on the ass. Next, a change of outfit into a playful yellow sundress, just short enough to keep her diapers on display, as well as some silky socks and some special Mary Jane shoes. these shoes had asymmetrical bottoms with sharp angles to make walking in them normally impossible, as well as locks that fastened to keep them on. Only the key I kept with me would allow them to be removed. I also made sure to slip on another pair of mittens, these ones slightly more durable than the others and resistant to stains while keeping her thumbs nearly useless. This was likely all unnecessary by this point given the thorough reprogramming regimen she was under, but as a mommy I can never be too careful about my little angel.  I then carry her downstairs to where I have a stroller waiting. The estate I live on is large enough for privacy with my baby girl and no prying eyes all the way out here outside of town. Besides I wanted to show my baby girl what mommy had set up for her in the backyard. I carefully strap her into the stroller, slip on some flip flops, and start to walk her out the back door along a smooth dirt path across the grounds. about 30 minutes down the path, There was a large private playground set up just for my baby girl to enjoy with her mommy. 

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I close my eyes and try not to swear at Jessica and feel the vibrating stick touching my pussy through the diaper.

I start to moan because the drugs in my drink have made my pussy very hungry. Soon I experienced another orgasm.

I now had a very wet diaper.

I felt Jessica pick me up again and carry me to the changing table, where I was waiting for another humiliating diaper change procedure. I blushed and whimpered as Jessica touched and wiped my personal body parts.

Then Jessica dressed me up and I glanced at myself in the mirror. In these children's clothes I looked like a doll.

I tried to kick weakly as Jessica carried me to the wheelchair and she took me outside. But the house was surrounded by a high stone fence and I could not call anyone for help.

Soon I saw a children's playground, with a sandpit, slides and swings.

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